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Flames of War

Land of Drune


a part of Flames of War, by Oblivian.


Oblivian holds sovereignty over Land of Drune, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Land of Drune is a part of Flames of War.

10 Characters Here

Thrull Dragonbane [0] A mighty warrior from the north
Jane Everett [0] a tomboy girl who would do anything to stop the war.
Aino Veren [0] A skilled dragon hunting mage seeking the one that killed her mother.
Willard J. McClorunus III [0] A very wealthy and resourceful dragon hunter that sells the body parts of dragons for money
Mirage [0] Infamously known as the White Witch boy. This elven youth is as cold as calculating as his name and heritage imply.
Scintillation [0] Like the sea; beautiful and sparkling yet temperamental and destructive. Scintillation is a young, brave Dragon. He is ready for war and the defence of his kind.
Shade [0] A Black Dragon who befriends a Hunter
Solange Juniper [0] A shape-shifter looking to end the war.
Snow [0] A White Dragon who befriended Solange
Aiden Kazer [0] A Dragon Hunter that learns that what he's been hunting isn't as evil as he thought.

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A squad of horse riding soilders rode down a a dirt rode by the woods, leaving a trail of dust as they went off in a hurry, almost like they were chasing after someone. As they ride off, a young man peeks from within some bushes, watching as the soilders are now far into the distance. As he sees them now out of sight, he let's out a sigh of relief. "Man..that was a close one." Just then, a strong snort of air was felt behind him, blowing at his hair as he looks behind him to see a black dragon's head also looking in the direction the soilders rode off in. He gives the dragon an angry look as he steps out of the bushes and glares the dragon down. "Didn't I tell you you couldn't go around eating from every country home? Now thanks to your little "snack" we got more soilders on our trail." The black dragon growls back at him, letting out a bark like roar.

"So what if your hungry? You still got to keep a low profile, remember? THEY want to kill your kind." The dragon let's out an annoyed snort as it looks away. "Now we got to find some real food" He let's out a sigh, "..and I was so hoping for for a decent meal for a change. Starting to head off, he heads down in the opposite direction that the soilders went. The dragon coming out of the wilderness as it follows behind him.


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Glittering in the sun, Scintillation earned his name as he walked down the dusty path towards the wood. The tree tops were a mere blue hazy at this distance. With each heavy paw step a cloud of dust arose from the barren ground. Behind him a dust cloud rose, a signal rising high into the sky. Proud, the young serpent did not bother to hide his presence. Upon his back was a lithe figure. The elf was standing, calmly balancing on his friend's shoulders. Even as the wyrm's powerful legs rolled his shoulders with each step Mirage kept his balance with a coolness the extruded from him.

In the distance Scintillation's keen eyes spotted another tower of dust approaching. Moving faster then any wagon or normal travellers would muster. Twisting his muscled neck he brought one eye to look at his companion. "We are not the only ones upon this path." He observed, voice deep and strong. They steady pace continued without pause. Mirage nodded silently, the movement slight. He could spot the billowing cloud himself yet said nothing. The possibilities of the source were large, no course of action could be generated. Minutes past and the juggernaut drew closer to the approaching band of soldiers. The sunlight glinted off their chain and plates as their horses galloped down the well used path. The riders were near as they drew up their mounts. Horses whinnied and slowly to a trot and then to a stop as the soldiers looked to one another.

As a single agreement the warriors directed their steeds towards the great beast and kicked them forwards. The warhorses, sensing battle cried in fury and adrenaline as they carried their riders forward. Swords were draw and men yelled as the gap was closed. Mirage said single word, voice calm as usual and indifferent to the approaching foes. "Scintillation" he addressed his friend. A reptilian grined as only one of his kind could and lowered his form to the ground. Jaws opened wide, revealing rows of vicious incisors. Out of the open maw light blossomed, whiteness shone from his throat and dominated the immediate world. Mirage watched, face passive as the charging horsemen were engulfed in the blinding flash. War shouts were cut to cries of horror and pain. Horses screamed along with their masters and a swarm of noises emerged from the whiteness. Then Scintillation closer his mouth and the light cut out, revealing the results of the flash.

The unfortunates at the front were charred by the sheer light, both horses and men lay twitching in their blinding death. Riders further back were a sprawl of chaos. Horses had bucked or tumbled, throwing and crushing riders. Survivors screamed in agony from the scars upon their irises. Scintillation snarled at the destruction he caused, enjoying it. Mirage, the opposite of his enthusiastic dragon, watching with little emotion on his face. The only twitch to pass his smooth visage was one of pity for the men dead, dying and blind. No time pasted that allowed him to resolve the situation as he crouched down the dragon's shoulders. Scintillation shoved his weight forward, charging through the remainder of the troop. Men and horses were thrown aside and crushed beneath before he threw himself into the sky.

Wings unfurled as the beast propelled his body further in the expanse of the sky. Mirage holding to the sides of the dragon's thick neck and crouching low from the action of the beautiful and graceful wings. Below them the forest extended as the path wound around its circumference and fencing the tree line from the open grass plains. Down below two black specks were visible. Curiosity sparked in the part as one speck followed the serpentine shape of a dragon and was a size incomparable to other creatures of the land. Folding his wings Scintillation dropped towards the shapes, like a falling gem from the gods.


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Thrull's axe came down. He hadn't even broken a sweat.
Thrull looked around and the carnage he had caused, around 20 bandits lay dead around him, each one had been cleaved into pieces by his axe.
"Can bandits these days realy not tell the difference between a warrior and a helpless target?" he asked himself. He put his foot on the corpse at his feet, still warm, his axe had embeded itself firmly in the deadmans chest and it took some force to get it loose. Finally with a triumphant squelching sound his axe was pulled from the bandits bloody corpse. Thrull inspected his axe with pride, few weapons could wreak as much havoc as his beloved tool of death, no other weapon Thrull had ever owned compared to his axe, Thrull sometimes thought of his axe as his best friend but he would quickly dissmiss this ridiculous idea. He had no need for friends.


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#, as written by Veren
Aino kept walking at a brisk pace, her clothes flapping in the wind. She was close to a dragon, she could smell it in the air, its foul stench. She turned a bend in the path, and was shocked at what she saw. A tangled mass of horses and men, both dead and dying. She ended the suffering of the few dying and continued on, this time at a run. Whatever did this was not far off, and she had to find it. She rushed around corners, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious, She was getting closer.


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Jane yelped and ducked as her partner, Natsu breathed fire from his mouth. "NATSU! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?!! STOP DOING THAT!" the young girl yelled. The dragon snorted and roared as if laughing at her. Jane rolled her eyes at the dragon before sitting down under the tree. "Please... try staying calm. There's people out there who's trying to kill you. Breathing out fire will catch their attention." she said before reaching out her hands.

The dragon lowered his head so she can touch the end of his mouth. He letted out a powerful force of air from his nose, blowing the hood off Jane. The girl smiled and patted him. "Good boy." she said as Natsu's tail swung over to her side. The dragon layed down besides her, resting his head on the ground. He looked like a... overly sized dog when he was like that. Jane couldnt help but adore him.


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Thrull walked away from the carnage he had caused, the blood had stained stained his armour and axe, and he was looking for a lake or a river to clean of the blood of the dead.
The bandits he had killed weren't worth looting so he had gained nothing from the fight he had won. Thrull eventually found a small stream in the forest he walked through, the water was clean and so he cupped it in his hands and drunk it, after he had taken his fill he cleaned his face and his blood-soaked axe, drying it thoroughly.


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As Aiden and Shade continue their travels down the path, Shade suddenly lifted his head up, smelling something close by. Is was several things, blood and death, but also he smelled what seemed to be that of another dragon. Turning to face the direction the smell of a dragon came from he darted off into the woods. Aiden, noticing him taking off ran after him. "Shade wait! Where do you think your going?!" Darting after him, he tried hard to keep up with the fast dragon. Shade being a dragon made for speed, it was abit hard to do so.

Coming out to a slight clearing, Shade stops infront of what seems to be a dragon, with another human no less. Only this one seemed female. Not much for trusting another human other then Aiden, Shade quickly went to a defencive pose, growling at the girl that was with the dragon.

Not to long after, Aiden manages to catch up, slowly going over to Shade's side and leaning agaisnt it to catch his breath. " idiot....why did off like...that?" He asks as he looks down at the ground. Once he catches his breath to notice the growling coming from Shade, he looks up to see the girl with the dragon. "What the..? Who are you?" He says, gripping one of the hitls of one of his blades as he glares them down. He didn't think another human would befriend a dragon like he has, so instantly, he thought one of them had the other captured.


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Scintillation was in mid-dive when the dragon veered of the path and dove into the forest. The smaller figure, a human, was slow to pursue. The sudden change in the direction of Scintillation's and Mirage's quality caused the white dragon to whip his wings out. The leathery flesh rippled and billowed as the air caught and slammed the dragon. Dive halted the serpent drifted into a shallow glide. Mirage, grasping on to his friend's neck said nothing. He was a curious as the dragon as to why human and beast travelled alongside each other.

Shade, being a dragon, barraged a clear path through the trees. Leaves swayed and tree tops shock with his passage. The black beast was quick on its feet, yet in the sky is where the dragon shows its greatest aptitude. It was easy for the airborne Scintillation to keep up with the darting black. Both Mirage and Scintillation were surprised when the black dragon barrelled into a clearing occupied by yet another dragon, this one as red as fire, and a human. The human was female with red hair to match the scales of the dragon. From their initial positions it was clear they dragon and girl were as close as Mirage and Scintillation. Shade dropped into a aggressive stance and snarled at the pair. Shortly after the black dragon's companion caught up there it was clear the new arrivals didn't trust the seemingly peaceful couple they had happened upon.

Scintillation flapped his wings once from a soundless descent to halt his slow glide. The sound of leathery membrane was sharp against the silence of the forest. No birds or animals remained in the presences of a dragon and any braver creatures were scattered by Shade's arrival. The white Wyrm halted his flight over the same clearing the other pairs were gathered in. The sudden lack of upforce brought the large dragon down to the ground. The thud as he landed shook the ground and rustled the trees behind him. Mirage elegantly leaped from Scintillation's back and stood next to his friend watching the encounter before them. Scintillation was easily larger then the other two dragons and was an impressive figure. The two stood back and looked on, Scintillation with open curiosity and some suspicion while Mirage was impassive and his white face showed no emotion. They waited for the other to make the first move and would judge their reaction upon that, in some ways boy and dragon were identical


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Jane looked up as something came crashing towards them. Natsu was up in seconds and growled right back at the dragon who had approached them. Jane stood up and placed on a hand on her friend, "Calm down Natsu, it's ok..." she said in a soothing voice. The red dragon snorted before he stopped the growling. Jane smiled, and looked over as a boy ran up to them. It seemed like he was the black dragon's partner.

"What the..? Who are you?"

At that question Jane crossed her arms. "So much for a greeting.." she mumbled. "And I think that's supposed to be my line. Your dragon friend here was the one that ran up to us..." the girl sighed before leaning against Natsu, "But... anyways my name's Jane. This is Natsu." she said pointing over at the red dragon besides her. Natsu swung his tail and lowered his head, as if trying to get a better look at the human boy.

"You are?" Jane asked.


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Aiden was abit suprised by what he just saw, as the girl comfirmed that she was friends with the red dragon, another with a larger white dragon came along and landed by them. Shade and Aiden looked at the two pairs with an almost similar surprised look as they then looked at each other. "Ok?....this is a strange turn of events." Aiden says as he let's go of the handle of his blades, "Didn't know they're were others that weren't obsessed in killing the dragons." Aiden began to calm down abit, standing back up straight, but Shade kept his ground. Being a rouge, loner dragon all his life, he wasn't to comfortable in being outnumbered in even his own kind.

Seeing this, Aiden reaches over and pets Shade on his head, "Come on...if they wanted to kill us they would have done so by now." Still alittle unsure, AIden decideds to try to see if these people are indeed allies. Reaching a hand out to them, "My names Aiden, this is Shade." As he attempted to offer his hand to the girl that was closer then the other guy, Aiden's stomach suddenly growled loudly. Having not had a decent meal cause of Shade's trouble in town, he hadn't eaten anything yet. Nervously, AIden scratches the back of his head, "Um..hehe..sorry. We haven't had a bite to eat cause of this guy here causing trouble." Shade replies with a loud bark-like roar at Aiden as Aiden glared at him. "What? It's true! You blew our cover so I couldn't get some decent food!" The two of them now glaring each other down, their hard headedness conflicting between them.


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Jane took his hand with a smile. "Nice to meet you Aiden.., Shade." she said looking at the black dragon. She giggled at the sound of stomach growling, "It's ok. I can get you some food. I actually live here at the town." she said before looking over at the other boy with the white dragon. He didnt seem like a bad person. Rubbing the side of her neck she took a small step back. "So.. uh Natsu stay here while I go get some food." she said turning to leave.

The dragon gently grabbed her by her shirt, holding her in place. "Ugh Natsu!!" she hissed. The dragon tilted his head as if telling her not to leave him here alone with some random strangers. Jane sighed, "Well it is true we just met them..." she mumbled to herself. "But they need food." Natsu snorted and let her go with a small growl. The girl laughed, "Aw dont be like that. I'll be back in a few. Be nice." she warned before running off.

Being a shapeshifter, she shifted into her wolf form. That way, it was much easier to get there, and faster. When she got to the town, she went back to her normal self and ran straight towards her house. "Hi grandma. Got some food?" she asked looking into the kitchen. Her grandma pointed to a table with bread and milk. Jane tapped her foot and grabbed some bread along with the milk before running out the house once more.

Panting, she got back to where the others were and silently sighed in relief everything was fine. She set the basket down in front of Aiden. "Here you go." she said before sitting under the tree for a rest.


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On a road that was carved on a mountain cliff Willards caravan advanced through the mountain side. Willard was looking at his map very spectically and was searching for the location of a rare black dragon known as Shade. From outside sources that Willard had paid for, he gained information on a former dragon hunter that has tamed this powerful and unique dragon. Willard commanded the rider of the large wooden wagon and said "Driver prepare for camp I am growing quite tired on this trip. We shall continue the day after." The rider commanded the few guards Willard hired to protect the Caravan to cease the caravan from continueing.

All of Willards servants set up a large bond fire and a began cooking a large hog roast. The guards delivered the plate personally to Willards private tent. Willard had his reading glasses on was looking over the map to where possibly he could find Shade. The guard slowly approached and stated "Sir I have your plate for you." Willard turned his head toward the guard and somewhat smiled and replied "Ah very good. Set it on nightstand in the corner over there." Willard pointed to the specific table and the guard bowed and placed his plate. Before the guard left and Willard cleared his throat stating the guard forgot something. Willard declared "In my time of capturing and killing these demonic beasts. I have never quite realised the true meaning of trust. What makes a full fledged dragon hunter into a rebellious pile of filth known as Dragon tamers." The guard had a simple answer "To challenge power, freedom and safety." Willard chuckled a bit through his nose and then stated "Those who dare tempt the ability of power have obtained their courage within. I will never quite understand how this is quite possible. More than usual they have a foolish understanding of what power truly is. They see hatred, chaos and destruction. I see unity, freedom of will and divinity. Somehow all of us have the exact same oppinion as well. What makes human unite with dragon. I wish to know." The guard listened to Willard and nodded his head in respect. Willard then stated "You can leave now. Rest well for tomorrow. I wish for us to venture at dawn." The guard pounded a fist on his chest and said "Yes sir." Willard laid the map on a table and stabbed it towards the table to pin it down. The knife was stabbed on the next location the caravan would venture to next.


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The Jaguar inched forward across the tree branch as quietly as possible, her belly flat against the bark. Snow had suddenly taken off and just from following her nose, she was certain that her dragon friend would be near here. There were three dragons already that she could see, and oddly enough each had someone with them. None of the dragons were hers though. With no sign of her yet, she would wait and perhaps learn something of use from these people. She had only ever heard rumors of someone befriended a dragon like her, and stories from her childhood. Now there were three of them in front of her.

A small sharp tug on her tail, sent her rolling off the branch with a painful yowl. Muscles contorted and popped as she shifted midair, managing to catch herself on her feet, still nearly toppling over as she did so. Solange gave the dragon a very irritated glare, as Snow stepped out from between the trees, before slowly turning to face the others. "Um, Hi." Was all she said, forcing a smile.


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Willards Caravan began to move out venturing across the hard rocky plain. Willard thought to himself, Why would they be so dull and live out in such a wasteland?. The land started having some lush green grass to it but it was quite a mountainous area. Willard calmly sat in his Caravan Wagon in luxury with his reading glasses on reading a book. The Caravan and many guards on horses advanced through the mountainous terrain. Finally they reached a plateau of some sort and saw an epicly wide valley with some large boulders scattered across and covered in lush green grass with a few trees spotted everywhere. Willard glanced out the windom of his luxurious wagon and commanded the driver "Cease!" The driver slowed the horses pulling the wagon down. A few servants grabbed a step ladder for Willard to carefully walk down on. Willard stepped on the step ladder and observed the surroundings. Willard smiled and asked his captain of the guards "Captain gather your men there is a little experiment I want to conduct." The captain nodded his head and gathered as many guards on horses and asked Willard "What will you have us do sir?"

Willard looked around the land and walked to the back of his caravan and opened a back trunk in the wagon filled with bundles of Steel Rods. Willard assembled the guards and commanded "I wish you guards to scout these lands. While you do this I want you to take some of these steel rods and place them into the ground vertically. Is that understood?" All the guards responded "Yes sir." Willard replied "Very good. You may begin make haste." Willard turned to his servants and demanded "We will make base here. Prepare my tent." The servants bowed their heads and hastily began to set up camp while the guards on horseback rode through the valley posting Steel Rods into the ground for whatever "experiment" they did not know. They know Willard was making plans as he went on and would obey every order it was what they were getting paid for. Willard sat patiently in his luxurious wagon reading his book waiting for camp to be set up and for the horse back guards to return.


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Thrull was tired. He had travelled for days now and he new he needed to find somewhere to sleep soon. Thrull's muscles ached at the strain of heaving his own armour so long and for so far "I need a horse." Thrull grumbled to himself, "Or maybe something bigger." lost in thought Thrull half-tripped over a tree-root but managed to steady himself in time to see a young man carrying a long metal pole walking in the opposite direction.
"HEY YOU!" Thrull shouted as the man was almost half a field away, and the man jumped to hear such volume out of nowhere.
the man shouted back at Thrull but he couldnt make out what he was saying. Thrull beconed the man closer and shortly the distance between them had been closed.
"What are you doing out here?" Thrull said in a deep booming voice "This land isn't safe you must have others with you."
"I can protect myself." Said the guard, weary that this tall stranger could indeed be a bandit "I should ask you the same question."
"I am Thrull Dragonbane," stated thrull proudly "I have travelled for many days in search of my prey! Tell me do you have a camp where I can set up safely for the night."
"I work for a dragon hunter." The guard said "Our camp is just west of here, he might have some use for a warrior such as yourself."
"Thanks." Said Thrull, "I will go see this dragon hunter. If you return safely you might see me there."

Thrull set off, faster than before as he now knew where he was heading, he raised his hand above his eyes to protect them from the sun and sure enough in the distance he could make out men setting up a camp, and he hurried towards them.


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The servants of the camp were playing some music as many other servants were setting up many tents and a large bond fire. Willard had his leg crossed on his knee with his reading glasses on reading a book. A servant notified Willard "Sir it appears one of your guards had found someone." Willard glanced from far away and noticed some sort of bandit or barbarian wearing Outlandish gear. The guard slowly galloped on his horse behind Thrull. Willard put his book away and scratched his bearded chin as the very tall and muscular man in some sort of warrior gear approached. Willard instantly analyzed the man and declared "Your a Norse Man are you not. Your abrupt clothing and rugged appearance seems to state that." Willard stood up from his chair and asked the guard "Have you finished your deed?" The guard replied "I was placing my last steel pole a few miles from here and I found this man. He says he is a dragon hunter named Thrull Dragonbane he wishes to serve you." Willard nodded and grew a smile and introduced himself "Ah another fellow dragon hunter. I suggest you are here for the same reasons as myself. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Willard J. McClorunus III I am the youngest son of the McClorunus royal bloodline. I search for a rare black dragon named Shade. Any information you have on this black dragon would be quite useful. However a strong and outlandish warrior as yourself would prove quite useful as well. Meer spears will not be able to take a dragon down. Please make yourself comfortable you will share a tent with my guards tonight. We feast very soon." Willard always is a polite man to the right people even though Thrull seemed a rugged rough bandit from the north Willard was more than willing to offer his hospitality to the norseman.

The guards returned later that night stating that the steel poles have been placed across the whole entire valley ready for Willards experiment. However now was the time to party. The bond fire was burning wildly and all the servants and guards drank rum and ate plenty of over-the-open fire chicken and pork. Some servants played music for all of the people of the camp and were singing. Willard smoked his pipe laughing along with everyone else and enjoying himself. Now was the time to loosen up and rest before the real work began and Willard now had a strong warrior at his side.


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Both Mirage and Scintillation were slightly surprised by the arrival of yet another dragon and rider. The slight look of interest that flashed on the elf's face was the only sign of emotion during the whole encounter. His companion however crouched low and snarled slightly at the sudden appearance of Snow and the shape shifter. He quickly relaxed and Mirage placed a reassuring hand on the dragon's leg. The white skinned boy stepped forward, his gaze seemed to assess her. His opinion was approving, she had managed to shape shift during free fall and still retain co-ordination. He did note that her friendliness was not genuine and could hide any number of feelings, embarrassment or anxiety being the greatest possibilities. Mirage decided to greet her in order to ease her, "Greetings," he addressed both her and Snow "I should ask you to make yourself comfortable, but we have only just meet." He indicated the four others behind him. "And so none of us are well placed in each others company. My name is Mirage, may I ask you both what you wish to be addressed as?" He was polite and monotone as he inquired.

While Mirage dealt with the new arrivals verbally, Scintillation sized them up independent of his fellow. First his gaze drew over Snow, the drake was white like him, although her scales had a clearly different sheen to his. She was muscled in body but also possessed a litheness that suggested great ability on her part. His judgement placed her well as he turned to look at Solange with his shining white eyes. She was as like to Snow as Mirage was to Scintillation. There were clear similarities and differences, at least as far as the wyrm could judge from the outside. His approval placed her alongside her dragon in terms of acceptance, she shared the white serpents mixture of litheness and body strength, as was clear in her alternated form. Her hair was a sharp black contrast to Snow's white reptilian flesh and her clear irritation at the dragon both indicated that there were differences between dragon and human. Shifting from his slightly suspicious and analytical gaze he stepped forwards politely and dipped his large head and heavy neck in the dragon equal to a bow towards Snow.


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Her eyes shifted from a warm hazel to a dark forest green as he turned to look at her. She caught the slightest hint of interest in his expression but then it was gone. Her gaze moved over him, taking in as much detail as she could about him from head to toe, seeing as how she had only met an elf once before. He was pale, as she expected of most elves but there was a lack of emotion in how voice and expression. When he stepped forward, it took much control for her not to step back. Trust was something that she lacked, as Snow often reminded her, particularly so in men. Still he did seem...genuine enough. "Solange." She answered softly, doing her best to mask the small hint of fear in her tone. One that she was all to aware of. "My friend here is named Snow."

Snow had been watching the large white dragon carefully. She had seen dragons of her color but he was different, most definitely out of her element. He was taller then she by at least a foot and muscular in every sense of the word. She was certain there was quite a bit of strength to him. She moved closer to Solange as she caught the quiver of fear in her voice, knowing how her young Jaguar took comfort in her company. When Scintillation stepped forward and dipped his head, she did so in return, her respect for him growing quite a bit already.


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Thrull talked little when first introduced to Willard, merely grunting in agreement to the old mans statements, slightly annoyed at this rich polite gentleman, he didn't act like how a nobleman or a king would in Thrull's land, but certainly had enough men. Later however after eating and drinking probably more than his fair share of pork and rum Thrull slammed his empty cup onto the table and with a merry grin; as the rum dribbled from his mouth and mixed with the pork grease in his beard, he turned to Willard and in a deep contempt voice stated "Now. To buissiness."

Thrull stroked his beared meaningfully as he spoke "I know little of this paticular dragon you speak off McClorunus, but i have heard many rumors about dragons in these parts, infact after gathering all the rumors together i have come to the conclusion that there is more than one dragon around these parts. There is no way one dragon has been doing all this, especialy since all the witnesses claim to have seen a different coloured dragon to the next. I will offer my services to you for a price, as i don't like risking my chances agianst multiple dragons without any support or future reward."


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Mirage picked up the shift in Solange's eye colour, his own eyes were an icy blue and could pick out every miniscule muscle in the girl's irises. His gaze did not linger and he allowed a small smile onto his face for a moment. It was a smile for courtesy's sake and there was no sense of friendliness. He could detect Solange's discomfort in her body language and voice. The comforting prescene of Snow he was also aware of, not doubting the pair's connection he turned his attention to the dragon. She certainly did not seemed cowered by company, even one such as Scintillation. Giving her space, Mirage backed from Solange and stood next to his large friend.

Scintillation turned his sight to Solange and dipped his head to her in the same way as previously. "You may call me Scintillation, Shapeshifter." he announced, his deep voice dipping to a level of delicacy unexpected from his scale. A smile broke on his rugged, scaled face. It was fearsome, giving a glimpse of the giant’s diamond hard incisors. Yet it was full of sincerity and warmth that Mirage lacked. Comfortable now in the presence of the other dragons, he lowered his considerable mass to the ground lay there comfortable. It was the elf boy’s turn to talk again and he addressed the white form of Snow. His voice remained still, no emotion flowed from it “Greetings Snow, like the rest of your kind you are a marvellous sight. Does your name reflect your nature?” His question was sincere and carried a hint of interest. Truly he was curious if the dragon wielded a simple power to his own.


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(sorry for the delay on my post guys. things have been distracting me. ^^; )

Aiden looked at the basket of food with hungry eyes as he began to chow down. His first actual meal after a long time as he just stuffed his face. Shade looked at the basket aswell as Aiden spotted him eyeing the food too. Giving a sigh, he grabs a large loaf of bread, tossing it to Shade as he catches in his jaws. As he stuffed his mouth up, he looked up to see yet another person with a dragon appear before them. Wanting to say something, he takes the milk that came witht he bread and chugs it to help swallow the bread in his mouth. Once done, he finally spoke up, "If I had known that there were this many people agaisnt the war I wouldn't have been hiding from everyone I met." Shade on the other hand was feeling abit uncomfortable with yet another human and dragon entering the "group". He was never used to being in groups to begin with, so this large of a group was abit uncomfortable.

SPotting this, Aiden pats the side of Shade's neck, "Come on it's alright, it doubt they have any reason to go against us at all." Grabbing yet another piece of bread, he takes a bite out of it as he sits down beside SHade once the black dragon lays down himself. "So...what exactly are you all doing? Just hiding out with your dragon or actually doing something about it?" Aiden's tone changing to alittle bit serious as he changed the topic of the conversation out of the blue.


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Snow nodded in reply to Mirage's question. "Indeed, my name does reflect my nature." Her voice was softer, by far then Scintillation's. As Aiden joined the conversation and brought it to a more serious note, she turned her head to glance at him. "Solange wishes to do something about it but first she will have to learn to let go of her trust issues." There was a slight reprimand in her voice and the shapeshifter winced slightly. With a soft sigh, she pushed her black hair over her shoulders. "True enough." Solange muttered softly before looking up at the large white dragon. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Scintillation." Letting her gaze drop to Mirage, she smiled. "And you as well."


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Mirage was curious when Snow reprimanded her rider. Obviously the dragon had no qualms about revealing delicate subjects to strangers. It was clear that Solange did not share personality with her dragon as well as looks. The dragon certainly had Mirage's interest after revealing their similarities. The conversation was interrupted by Aiden, inquiring after a subject that Mirage had been considering. He turned his attention to the black dragon and its rider, Scintillation still watched Snow and Solange, they had not shown traits to earn the trust of the elf and wyrm.
"My greetings to you." Mirage began, introducing himself to Aiden with his clinical voice "We were merely travelling this area when we were set upon by some unfortunate soldiers. We no little of the troubles in this land and we shall set our task accordingly."