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"Suzu get back here!"

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a character in “Flickering Souls: Soul Eater”, originally authored by misssweetness821, as played by RolePlayGateway



Character Name: Haruka

Weapon, Chain scythe


Hakura stands at 6'3, He has dark shaggy hair and piercing eyes. His shoulders are broad, but he is lean and strong, with ninja movement.


Haruka is strong, and stoic. The only person he cares deeply for is his sister Suzu who is his weapon. He is very protective of her, and they work very well together. HE doesn't talk much, mostly just listens.
When he is in battle he is completely calm, almost beastly as he hunts. He controls his breathe and soul wavelength perfectly when he fights with Suzu.

~scaring his sisters boyfriends off

~The Beach
~Anyone getting handsy with Suzu
~Anyone who gets in his way

Out of the two of them he is the level-headed one. He devotes so much of his time to Suzu that some either think he has a creepy sister fetish, or that they are together. This bothers him...A LOT!

[i]Sparring, he is trained in the Fukushima shinobi-style, and often times randomly gets into sparring matches with Suzu.

[i]His goal has always been, and always will be to make his sister the best she can be.

His sister Suzu.

Haruka and Suzu are both weapons, but they can fight wielding each other.

his room

So begins...

Haruka's Story


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Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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"Look at this brother!" an energetic girl jumps and runs along a rail with ease, her bladed braids flit behind her as she leaps from the post and onto the top of a fountain. She stands with her hands on her hips and cries out, "Suzu is here!" She throws her hands in the air and blows kisses to a giant imaginary crowd.

"Suzu!," Haruka calls after his sister. He tossed his coat over his shoulder and plants his face in his palm. What am I going to do with you? He crouches and dashes off after her, without so much as breathing heavy. He hops from the ground, to the stool, and up to the top of the fountain with Suzu grabbing her around the waist, "Get down from here!," Suzu turns and climbs up onto Harika's shoulders like a little kid, waving tothe world and makign a fool of herself. "Suzu get off of me," he says as he hops off the fountain and onto the ground, pulling her off of him with a swift tug. She flew over his shoulder with the force, but landed on her feet with a skid.
"You are no fun big bro!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Death the Kid Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka Character Portrait: Takai Shukujo
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#, as written by Lirrin
Dr. Franken Stein sat backwards in his rolling desk chair, smoking a cigarette and watching new and regular students approach the school. He was outside, though in the shade of one of the academy's many pillars. He had chosen this spot for the purpose of scaring any students that came around the pillar without paying attention and so far he'd surprised three. He expected a good year to come, with many experiments to be had and students to torment.

Franken noted that his cigarette had almost met the filter so he reached into a pocket of his stitched-up lab coat to retrieve another which he lit with the first. No, he wasn't a chain smoker, okay, so maybe he was. He looked up to see two antic students atop the fountain and groaned inwardly, they could be as hyper and inattentive as Black*Star. He also saw Death the Kid's dramatic approach, the kid was about as ADD as he was obsessive compulsive. Wait, were there two DTKs? No, that one was female, he'd been told about her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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"Brother I'm bored, this place is too boring for a girl like me," she runs off to the middle of the court and turns to face her brother, "Let's make it a little more exciting Haruka!" As she takes a fighting stance. Her small body is limber and graceful as she crouches into a ninja pose.

"If you must try...," he said looking off in the distance, paying his sister no mind. He knew this would drive her absolutely crazy.

Suzu glares as Haruka, just standing there looking around with his coat tossed over his shoulder when she just challenged him tp spar! She rocks back on her toes and lurches at him, twisting in the air and bringing her left leg straight across his face. But when she looks it feels wrong, its not his face!

Haruka waits for her to throw the first punch, and toys with her emotions by paying her no mind. When she does throw, its a leg across his face. If he wasn't trained in various martial arts it would have been a problem, but he quickly throws his forearm up to defend himself. He looks back at Suzu, still holding his jacket, a devious grin curls across his face.

How Dare He! she snarls in her head. No one makes a fool of me, no one! With fire in her eyes she starts raining down on him with punches and kicks, moving fast as lightening. Without even dropping his jacket, he dodges her attacks. Simply moving his body around her attacks, and avoiding at the last second. Her fury builds like a raging inferno in her soul, she puts every effort she has into taking out her brother.

Suzu was coming at him with everything she had on her own, and her style and form were great, But I'm better, he steps to the side of her attacks with ease, and to add a little extra fuel to the fire he keeps a firm grasp on his jacket. He continues hopping to the side of yet another attack, and catches a glimpse of the rage building in side of his sister. You need to learn to calm down... He thinks just as she whips around, he avoids the leg but forgets about her hair as a razer sharp blade grazes past his face. She catches her braids to display his blood on one of the blades tied in.

Got Him...

Oh no you are so not getting away with that! He drops the jacket and it makes an ominous sound as the fabric slumps to the ground. He glares back up at her and crouches, gesturing "Come and Get Me" with his hands. The two spar,Haruka tossing his sister around like a rag doll, though she always landed on her feet, using the force to propel herself forward and send her little fist rocketing into his ribs or chest. He sweeps her legs out from under her, she just jumps. They continue to fight, both equaling each other in speed and skill in hand-to-hand combat, it will continue until one or both of them tire.

Suzu burst forward, throwing everything she has at Haruka and watches as he swats away her attacks with ease, avoiding them at the last second. When she puts her guard down for too lone she finds herself being thrown through the air. She comes down one handed handstand style, and pushed her weight back up, flipping herself over.
She revels in her fights with Haruka, it is a good way to train or pass time. He loves it too, she grins as she throws another jab to no avail. I will win! No one is better than me!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Franken Stein Character Portrait: Tanja Broom Character Portrait: Haruka
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Tanja looked at the pair that were fighting as shook her head, this is not the right way to start off the day, she though to herself. She slowly lowered her Soul Protect, believing that only a few perceptive individuals would take notice in the moments she had it down. She whispered as she gestured out with her hands towards the two misbehaving siblings, "Kittie Kittie Glimmer-Glamour." The pair would find that the buttons, ties, and zippers on their clothing were starting to undo themselves, something that could be stopped, but only if they stopped fighting with each other. A harmless enough prank in Tanja's opinion. She restored her Soul Protect, to keep herself from being found by any witches.

As she walked up the stairs to the school she looked to professor Stein and bowed her head down, "Good morning, sir. I hope today goes well." She smiled politely to him. He reminded her of a doll.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Haruka dodged yet another of Suzu's attacks and noticed that his pants felt loose, glancing down to see them coming undone he face plams his sister as she lunges at him, and grabs a hold of his trousers. He glances at his sister to see her clothes falling off of her as well, "Suzu! your clothes!" he calls out to her as the straps holding her pants up seem to magically untie.

Suzu recieves a palm to the face, mushing her back onto the ground. She watches Haruka struggle with his pants.
"Suzu! your clothes!" she hears him call out, but instead takes advantage of the moment and scissor kicks him in the face. She readjusts her own clothes as she laughs triumphantly.
"You were never going to win!" she plants her hands on her hips and cackles over brother as he clutches his face on the ground.

Hakura took Suzu's kick to the face,and fell on the ground...gripping his nose. He stood quickly and began furiously yelling at her. She was ignoring him, giving her victory speech.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Death the Kid Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka Character Portrait: Takai Shukujo
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#, as written by Kaida
"Yep, though it is going to take twice as many souls to do so," he rubbed the back of his neck "I see well I wish you luck" she too noticed the boy and girl fighting and just stood and watched it unravel.

"I think the girl may be a bit like my cousin, easily bored and hard to amuse, always getting into fights"

"Fighting on the first day? What could they be fighting about?"

she laughed thinking about her cousin Henji and all the trouble and fights he picked.

"And to answer your question about watching, sure." she gave another smiled before fixing her skirt.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Death the Kid Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Suzu runs over to the group, jumping in the air and landing next to Kid. "Hello, I'm Suzu," she waves fanatically.

Haruka catches up to his sister and immediately apologizes to the group, "I'm sorry for anything she has said or done to you," as he takes her by the arm.
"He looks to the others and says, "Hello, I'm Haruka, and this is my little sister Suzu. This is our first year at this academy, but we have been training together for a long time." He rubs the back of his neck, "we are both weapons, but since were so close we can resonate as weapon and meister."

Suzu waves to everyone, and begins examining Patty as Patty examines her. They mirror each other as they become more frustrated.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka Character Portrait: Takai Shukujo Character Portrait: soul "eater" evans
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Suzu turns her attention to Soul, "Hi!" she waved to him, back and forth fanatically. She said, "I'm Suzu,and you are?" Her braids swung around her, the blades catching the sun. Her goggles cast the same glisten as she bowed her head to him.

Haruka turns to Takai, Man she's cute... and begins talking to her.
"Hey, I am Haruka, and what might your name be?" He holds his hand out to shake.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Death the Kid Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka Character Portrait: Takai Shukujo Character Portrait: soul "eater" evans
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#, as written by Kaida
Soul scratched the back of his head, He shakes his head and clears his throat, "well basically..." he started.

"he is quiet possible the biggest knuckle head on the face of the earth, the worst assassin seeing as how he announces his presence to the enemy, he thinks so highly of himself hes constantly bothering kid to rematches, he thinks of himself as the greatest miester in history, and he thinks he was born too early in the time period." he explained,

"but all in all... hes pretty cool as an ally... hes the best in hand to hand combat and he despite the fact that hes a complete knucklehead... hes a very dependable friend..." as he finished his attention was drawn back to the combating siblings.

Takai smiled at all the people she had met today "I'm Takai Shukujo its a pleasure to meet you Haruka, Suzu" she watched patty and Suzu mirror each other and become irritated.

"So you're both weapons?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka Character Portrait: soul "eater" evans
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The siblings linked arms and replied, "Yep. What about you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Death the Kid Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka Character Portrait: soul "eater" evans
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He smirks, "Names' Soul and im a death scythe." he states, acting cool, "i mean i just became one, my partners is currently MIA and i have been looking for her pretty much all morning..." he smiles, his jagged teeth showing to them, "have you guys partnered up yet?" he asked the siblings. alot of new people today... dang if maka sees me with this many women around me she might just flip... luckily Kid's here so i think im cool...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Suzu sways a bit and says, "Well If I have to I'll pair up with Haruka...we make a great team, but he is soo annoying."
Haruka drops his fist onto her head, thunking her lightly on the head. "You're no walk in the park either."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Death the Kid Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka Character Portrait: Takai Shukujo Character Portrait: soul "eater" evans
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#, as written by Kaida
Takai laughed at the siblings "I'm A Meister" she hard something go off inside the building "Um If I'm not mistaken that was a bell to head inside"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Death the Kid Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka Character Portrait: soul "eater" evans
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"Cool" Soul said, "guess were all in the same class then." He starts walking towards his class, "i guess maka might be in class so i guess i will meet her there." he walks with them into class, hands in his pocket and walking causally, he yawns half way there out of boredom. then he watchs Kid walk with Takai.I think kid has a crush... He smiles widely to himself, watching them walk. then again who can blame him, the girl is another shinigami and a cute one at that...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Death the Kid Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Kid waves at Professor Stein as he passes, they had a mutual respect for each other.Kid always enjoyed his classes, just not looking at the lopsy professorThe stiches...always send shivers down my spine...why couldn't they be straight!!!
He walks with his hands in his pockst next to Takai, Patty and Liz walking close behind, Patty asking her a rainfall of questions about her life.
"Where di you go before the Acedemy? Whats your mother like? Who is your dad? Does Death know him? Where do you live now?Where dod you live before?Whats your favorite subject-" before Liz slapped a palm across her sisters mouth, "Let's try one at at time," she says adding just to Patty, "We don't want to scare her away!"

Suzu walks up to the strange man sitting on the stool and stands right in front of him. Maybe too close, as she looked up at him, "Whoa! Whats with all the stitches, and look at that SCREW in your head!" she hops up and down and points, covering her mouth with her other hand. She feels her brother come up behind her and grab her, so she wiggles and proceeds to try and bite him.

Haruka runs up behind Suzu, with one swift motion he lowers her outstretched arm, stands her body up straight respectfully, and clamp his hand over the one in front of her mouth, cutting off anything she was planning on saying. He sighed and said, "I'm sorry, she isn't trying to be rude. She is just a little ditzy at times...I'll try to keep a better hold of her," he says as she wiggles his way out of his grip, and bites him firmly in the hand running away from him. "I am Suzu!," she shouts as she hops onto the roof of the lowest building, running along the building and hopping out od sight.
Haruka sighs, and holds his hand out the the Professor, "My name is Haruka, and that was my little sister Suzu. She is a fiery one, My parents were hoping that sending her to a school would help her focus better. They sent me as her guardian. Though she has gotten very slippery recently..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Death the Kid Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Kid glared Patty down, steam rising from his ears as he whispered to her, "How dare you make Takai cry!"
Patty glared back at him, and using her special voice she snarls back at him, "I didn't mean to, back-off!"
Liz stood between them, not sure what to do she starts to whine, "Ah You Guys Stooop!"
Kid and Patty continue to glare as they shake hands, almost crushing each others fingers, "Truce?" They agree to back down, but tension still shot between them, Liz popped down to Kid's level and teased, "Wow you really like this girl don't you?" blushed and dodged away, "Don't say things like that Liz, you'll embarrass her!"
He brushed his coat down and turned back to the group, soon the arrived at class.

Haruka walks into the classroom and takes a seat with Suzu. He rests his head on the table, Man Suzu can be a handful least in class she won't go anywhere... he hoped.

Suzu bounded into the classroom and sat on her desk lotus style, looking around the classroom. She threw her hands in the air and said, "Yay, my first class at a the academy!" She continued to rock side to side and wait for class to start.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Death the Kid Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Franken Stein Character Portrait: Haruka Character Portrait: Takai Shukujo Character Portrait: soul "eater" evans
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#, as written by Kaida
"Yoohoo! Kid and Takai, over here!"

Kid held Takai's hand as they walked down the aisles to their seats, Behind them sat Patty and Liz, and in front of them, were the two fighting siblings Haruka and Suzu.

kid looked at the clock, and leaned back in the chair. Takai looked up from her desk to see Liz doin'g her nails, and Patty coloring with crayons on what looked like an assignment.

Kid sighed and turned to Takai, "So, what are you doing for lunch? I would love to show you around, and the food here is actually pretty decent."

Takai smiled at him "Well I figured I'd just hang out in the courtyard, but being shown around sounds great then I won't get lost trying to find my way around all the time"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Suzu stands on the table, thumb to her chest, "I am Suzu, and I am the greatest weapon in the world! This is my brother," she plants her foot on his head, "We are both weapons, but he weilds me most of the time."

Haruka feels a swift kick on his head."Oww Suzu," he hears that she is introducing herself...and standing on the he stands and pulls her back down to her chair, "Hello I am Haruka, I'm a weapon and a Meister. I can see souls, and I have to control this one the best I can." Suzu swings at him while in his arms, but he just mushes her in the face and sits her in her chair. He waves to everyone, "I hope we can be friends1" and takes his seat again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Crona lands right on top of Suzu, and they fall to the floor. Suzu blushes and giggles, teasing "Oh Crona we just met," poking him on the nose while he lay on top of her.[/b] "I DIDN'T MEAN TO....UH I JUST....JUST UH DON'T KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH PEOPLE THATS ALL.'' [/b]
Suzu hugs Crona and giggles, "Oh Crona," she teases as a dark shadow assends upon the two.

Haruka wakes from his nap, awoken by the cry of Suzu-Oh no! I let my guard down! and she got hu- His eyes fall on some pink haired kid...laying on top of his sister. He flips over the desk, springing off his left hand, and lands crouched on the floor. As he rises his eyes are filled with fire, as his teeth are bared. He walks over to them laying on the floor.
"Oh Crona,"he hears Suzu say, "Crona huh, Im Suzu's older brother Haruka." His shadow falls over the two.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Crona gets up off of Susu trembling in His eyes narrowed " NO NO.....I DIDN'T MEAN IT.'' he begins to freak out. He could almost hear the faint voice of Medusa in his head saying '' You've been a bad child Crona.'' but it was just his imagination. Crona looks back at Suzu Erotically laying on the floor then back at an infuriated Haruka.
He falls to the floor hugging his knees in a fetal position. Mumbling to himself.

" this New girl talks like she Like's me alot, like alot-alot. how do I handle something like that, then This one guy is being all mean and angry at me and.....and...'' Ragnarok comes outta Crona's back grinning. '' But you know how to handle that Don't ya Crona heheh,'' wile His face Is covered A demented grin came to his face. '' Yeah Your right, I do know. Don't I.'' Suddenly Crona realized that it was the Black blood in him talking. and he stood up and let is bangs cover his eyes. he turned and face Suzu and bowed. " UH I'M FLATTERED REALLY BUT....I ....I...YOU SEE I'M A REALLY BAD PERSON....AND.'' he just stood there. like he froze up. in head he just ran through. '' Makka, where are you please help, Makka....makka.''