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"Do I look Like A Loser To You?"

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a character in “Flock of Six”, as played by tatteredbutterfly236




"Do I Look Like A loser To You?!"

Position:5th Member
Birthdate: She Chose December 31st
Gender: Female
Power 1 (most powerful): She can make people do what she wants and can talk to animals
Power 2 : She has amazing Stealth and night vision

Appearance: Image

Hair color: Brunette hair full of curls
Eye color: Bright Blue
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 92 pounds
Body Shape: small starting to appear curves
Distinguishing Marks: a small now white scar that starts from the top of her rib to her hip, her silver wings that have random pink feathers in them, her wings expand to 12ft.
Clothing: black colored Pink Floyd shirt, grey skinny jeans, black knee high converse, a belt, a silver key necklace, and her small black backpack.

Personality: She is Meek and Timid but she can easily go wild. she acts mature and tries to fit in with the flock, its hard for her to fit into the flock because they treat her like a kid. She Loves to be alone sometimes and she does pout. She likes it hen they tease her though even if her actions say different. She looks up to all of them and tries to be good but its hard for her. She has nightmares all the time and so she never sleeps instead she tries to find another flock member that will fly with her at night encase erasers come. Most of the time she just tells star than leaves. Her favorite place is in trees or on rooftops. She has a strange quirky personality.
Special Skills:(No guns)
Her Stealth and Night Vision help the flock when they go out at night.

Weaknesses:(At least 2):
She doesn't sleep so that slows her down occasionally, She Tries to hard to be an adult and sometimes her ideas end in disaster.

History: What is there to say? She was tested on and has a history like a lot of her flock.
Black Back Pack
A Black Hoodie
A small dagger
A iPod she 'Found'
a water bottle
and a small white teddy bear.

So begins...

Aussia's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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It was cold in the morning. Ash should have known it would be, seeing as the night had held a chill in the air. A foretelling of sorts. With chattering teeth and puffs of her breath visibly curling in the air she tugged her white and blue striped sweater out of her backpack and pulled it on. The thing reached just a little over her knees, way past the tips of her fingers and dwarfed her to the point that if you didn't look closely enough she looked like a child. Still, the old thing gave her warmth and thats all that mattered to her really. Looking around the park they'd settled at last night, she noticed that people still weren't up and about. That was a good thing. Who knows what people would do if they saw some homeless kids sleeping in the park... Then again, there wasn't much chance they'd be spotted. That particular park was huge and went a bit into the surrounding forest. Someone could get lost around here... especially me, she thought to herself as she scanned the grounds. She'd chosen to sleep underneath a picnic table that was only a few steps aways from the actual playground. She'd been so tired she hadn't seen where the others tucked themselves away at. She hoped dearly that they weren't too far. She was awful with directions and was prone to getting lost all the time.

"Guys?" she called out softly but loud enough she knew they'd probably hear her, they were all light sleepers after all. If they were near that is. She shivered when a particularly cold rush of air hit her. Oh... I hate this stupid weather! She tucked her wings tightly against her back to keep her warm. Soon enough afternoon would bring back the heat of the day, she knew. The weather was a strange and sometimes crazy thing... Crawling out from under the picnic table she stood up and dusted herself off. Could they still be sleeping, the others? Pursing her lips she tried again, "Guys?"

...And waited for any sort of reply.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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"Guys?" A familiar voice woke Snow up. It took the still partially asleep mutant a moment for his brain to register who the owner of the voice was. When he realized it was Ash he stretched his muscles carefully, as not to fall from his perch in a tree. He didn't answer her yet though, he wanted to make sure that there was no one around first. Using his raptor vision he scanned the area. Once satisfied that no one was around, he jumped out of the tree, landing with cat-like grace. "I am here Ash."

Snow shivered slightly in the cold, so he decided now would be a good time to put on his hoodie. He slipped it out of backpack and put it on. Then made sure that his hair covered his ruined left eye. Another glance around told him that the others were still sleeping, but he thought it best to confirm it. After all, they could have just gone for food or something. "Have you seen the others yet?" His voice was barely a whisper, if they were still asleep he didn't want to wake them up yet. It was safe here for the time being and if they needed the rest he wasn't going to deny them it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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Star awoke from his dreams with a jerk. He was dreaming about running from something then he had came to a cliff and...Well, and he woke up. He looked around, trying to remember what had happened. Then it finally came to mind. They had been running and found a park where they had settled down for the night. He took his leave in the top of a tree. He was all nice and nestled into the branches at the top of the tree. It was one of the bigger trees, so he would've been safe if any normal people came by.

The first thing he did upon awakening was look to the sky. Oh, how Star loved the sky. In the sky, it was so open and free. Nothing can touch you in the skies. At these thoughts, Star began to think about his childish dreams of leaving in the clouds. He'd flown up high enough once to go through the clouds, but that was childish. His ears perked up at the sound of a voice. He knew right away it was Ash. He climbed down from the tree in a spider like fashion. Once he hit the ground, he took a look around and saw Ash and Snow over by a picnic table. Star strutted over to them. He had to admit, it was slightly chilly, but he didn't feel like putting his hoodie on at the moment.

His wings tightened themselves against his back as to not be seen from the back of his tank-top. He waved at them in his normal flamboyant fashion as he called to them quietly "Hey guys!". Once Star made it to them, he climbed up on the table and took a seat then looked from where he sat to the trees, most likely the places everyone else had slept.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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"Oh, good morning Snow..." Ash replied after settleing herself. She tended to startle easily but she schooled her expression and smiled slightly towards her male flock member. Shaking her head slightly she looked around and answered in her usual soft tone, "No, I haven't seen any of them just yet... I just woke up, actually."

Rubbing her eyes, she heard a slight whisper of rustling before watching Star land softly on the ground. A tree... I should have guessed that's where they'd settle down for the night, she thought as she watched him strut towards them. Her small smile streched larger as she watched their leader approach them. What an eccentric lot of people we make, she thought, Yet we seem to fit well... Shuffling in place, she fiddled with her backpacks straps and looked around for the others. Maybe they went off for a bit. Sometimes they did that... she knew she did. They told her to keep close but regular human lives intrigued her. She liked looking into their mundane stores and browsing through the things that seemed so important to them. She liked watching them interact with each other, watch their expressions and actions. And yet there were times she didn't like it so much...

Her smile had slipped a bit at her train of thought but she quickly snapped out of it and looked up as Star settled down on the picnic table. Combing her hair with her fingers she smiled in answer to her leaders greeting and whispered a soft, "Hello." Her pale grey eyes moved towards the direction Star was looking towards and tilted her head curiously to the side. Could the others really have wandered off?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia Character Portrait: Ace
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Aussi was asleep and she heard ash speak she woke up suddenly and fell out of the tree she was sleeping in. "I-im okay!" She said in a whisper. She got up and stretched her wings she looked around, she couldnt find her other members. She started going in to a mini panic attack and jumped to the sky to look for her flock. After a few minutes her bright glowing blue eyes spotted her odd family. They were standing in a park she only saw ash snow and star. She got closer to the grond and one of her wings gave out. She released a small scream "Watch out!" She fell to the ground hard. "Stupid wings." She muttered.

She looked up and saw them all staring at her. She released a small wimper then she sat up. "Watch out , bird kids falling from the sky" she tried to make a joke. She stood up and dusted herself off. "Nobody saw that got it?" She pouted a little

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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Wren wakes up slowly to the voices of her flock, unable to see them from her spot on the cold ground. She groans and rolls onto her stomach not looking forward to getting up. She remembers falling asleep in the tree above her last night. Hmm, I must of fell out. She thinks to herself. How the heck did I sleep through that? She sighs not even wanting to think about it and slowly sits up. Letting out a yawn and stretching her arms above her head. Her stomach grumbles and she groggily stands up putting a hand on the tree for support. She's never been a morning person, and it definitely shows.

She glances around the tree and see's the flock sitting on a picnic table. She starts to walk towards them and instantly wraps her arms around herself from the cold air, letting out a huff. She shuffles over to the picnic table and falls down onto the bench. "Hey." She mutters looking down at the ground, and kicking up dirt with her ratty converse.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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"Hey Wren!" Aussia said happily, She noticed everyone around her shivering and trying to warm themselves and wearing jackets and hoodies.... All except Star and herself. She didn't think it was cold but then again it could be -17 degrees outside and she wouldn't let a shiver slip. She was used to the cold from flying at night all the time. It was the first time in months she slept and she felt a slight hyper buzz rushing through her mutant blood. Aussia hugged Wren and backed away. Wren was 14 only one year older than herself so she often stayed with wren to talk but even that was rare. She usually strayed off and tried to be alone but lately she felt like she needed the flock more often.

It Was a Dependent feeling

and she hated it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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Wren smiles slightly when Aussia hugs her."Hey Aussia." She says starting to become more aware of her surroundings as she wakes up, and wondering how everyone can be so cheerful this early in the morning. Wren think's of Aussia as her closest friend in the flock, she just thinks she get's along with her better then the older members. When they actually talk she enjoys it. She just likes talking, well at least when it's not early. She groans when her stomach grumbles again and stands up looking around for her bag.

She sighs when she doesn't see it and looks at the flock. "Does anyone have any food?" She says quietly looking at the ground. Instantly feeling guilty for asking.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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Snow nodded, satisfied as all the members of the flock gathered within a few minutes. He frowned as one of Aussia's wings seemed to give out. If they did any long flights today he'd have to make sure to fly close to her, just in case it happened again. Once again he scanned the area, making sure that there was still no one on their tails, or wings would be more apropriate. Still nothing.

The lack of Eraser presence set Snow on edge. He could literally feel a headache coming, telling them that something horrible was going to happen. In his eyes, quiet was bad. But still nothing. He decided to sit down on the picnic table, next to Star. Both in case he did get a premonition, and to speak with their leader. "What's our next move Star?" As always, Snow kept his voice quiet and calm.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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Aussia checked for food in her bag. "No food here sorry Wren." Aussia sighed, She noticed Snow getting a suspicious look on his face then he sat with Star. She Decided to keep check on Snow then moved her attention back to wren. "But I could go find some if you like..." She offered. She knew Wren would be to proud to accept it was just her way. "Hey Star I'm going to go find food for wren and all of us okay? Mkay.." She backed up a little and ran a little bit then opened her wings gliding up to the sky. She wasn't always that careful but nobody really seemed to notice her when she flew. She smiled and curved her wings in the wind. She loved the feeling of freedom, To her This was happiness. She yawned a little and her wing still felt stiff from when she fell but she would be fine. She looked for food stores or a gas station, she smiled and landed in an alley way out of sight. She pulled her wings in and put her hoodie on to appear normal-ish.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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Star smiled to himself as their whole flock seemed to be present now. Awh, the flock. The closest thing he has to a family. He tries to check on them all as much he can to make sure they were all alright. Sure, sometimes Star didn't seem like the normal leader type...who am I kidding? Star isn't the normal leader type. Hell, Star doesn't even know how he's the leader most of the time. Then it dons on him. He's the leader because of his quick thinking and his way where he hardly lets anything faze him. That's only because he expects the worst but welcomes the best. He enjoys the benefit of the doubt, but he doesn't ignore the doubt.

He smiled at his little rag-tag group of flying bird kids then looked at Snow as he sat down beside him and asked the dreaded question Star didn't know how to answer. The next move. What's the next move? What was the plan? Escape. Escape? That's all I had was 'Escape'? No, no, no. Now, we need more. What's the plan? What's the plan? Star thought as he looked back around at the group. They were just kids. Just a bunch of kids who knew hardly nothing about the outside world. And now they put themselves into a situation where all they could do was run, hide, and fly. That's about it. "The next move is to find a place we can stay for awhile. I think we should find somewhere in the city, it'll be best considering if we were getting chased there by the...the you-know-what's, it'll come back to them if anyone see them killing a bunch of kids." Star said to him, smiling at the end to make it seem like it didn't sound as bad as it did. "And, on the plus, it'll be harder to find us when were surrounded by other people." He added. "And!" He just never stops, does he? "It'll be easier to get food!" Star said in a rather excited voice just as Aussia said she was taking off to go find food. Before he could say anything, she was off in the air. He let out a sigh and said to the others, "Well, come on, guy. Let's get goin'." He then shot up into the air, his wings bursting out in a great wide wingspan, and he skillfully flew in the direction Aussia went.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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Aussia was walking down the alleyway and onto the sidewalk, a few people pushed by her but she ignored it and kept walking. She couldn't help the smile that grew on her face when Star said that they would find a place to stay for a while, maybe if the erasers didn't show their ugly faces again they could finally have a permanent home! She went into a store to find food for the flock it was hard to keep them all fed because they ate so much. But some how they managed to be the worlds skinniest people. She Half expected the flock to arrive soon they stuck together even when they fought they stuck together. She loved the dysfunctional family they formed, she knew one of them would say something to her about her taking off suddenly by herself but she couldn't help it she more or less acted on impulse. She looked around the store knowing that wren would want something sweet but she didn't pay a lot of attention so she wasn't sure for the others. 'She has the attention span of a goldfish' they would tease her. But yet she has an IQ of 172, which was a point higher than Einstein's but she hates going into nerd mode. She has a lot of time to study because she hardly sleeps.

She was hardly paying attention and ran into a pole, people stopped and stared at her she gave most of them a 'Go To Hell' look and kept walking. She picked up random items of food but she was just waiting for an attack after she had caused a disruption, there was one male watching her she secretly studied him to see if he was an eraser. A can slipped from her hand as she confirmed he WAS an eraser. He started walking over to her 'Great going dumbass..' she quietly said to herself regretting not making any of the flock come with her. He spoke to her with an evil tone "Hey Little Girl, where is your family?" an evil smirk carved itself on the Erasers lips. He had her cornered and it seemed as I no one was in the Store. A small whimper is all the Eraser got in reply.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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Ash winced as she watched Aussia land on the ground roughly. Her hands itched to help her up and fuss over her but she tightened her hands on the straps of her backpack. Not long after Wren joined them and completed their little group. Ash silently watched everyone and listened in as they spoke. They had probably forgotten she was here, Ash was well use to it so it didnt hurt as much as it use to. Soon enough, they had a plan to follow and Star set out to reach Aussia who'd gone up ahead to fetch food for Wren. Ash waited a bit for everyone to lift off before she tugged her sweater off and expanded her pitch black wings. Streching them and testing them out a bit she finally decided she'd be fine and sprinted a ways before jumping into the air and taking off after them. She made sure to keep them in her sight but still allowed herself to linger just a bit behind them.

The cool air was a shock to her warmed skin but she could endure it enough to keep going. A small smile tugged at her lips as she watched the scenery below change from country side houses to actual little department stores and buildings. Peaking up ahead to make sure she wasnt being watched she folded her wings in and dropped down fast before going back up with a laugh. There was nothing more relaxing to her than the feeling of flying freely. She picked up her speed to catch up with the rest of the flock.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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The not yet morphed eraser was so close she could smell his breath. She had never faced an eraser without the flock before an she was frightened. She heard more footsteps around her that belonged to the erasers at once they all morphed and she was pinned down. The eraser snarled and snapped his powerful jaws at her with pure hatred in his eyes. She Punched him in the muzzle and rolled out from under him, She quickly jumped up and readied herself to fight. 'Okay Guys this would be an awesome time to come busting through the doors here!! A little HELP is needed now!' she said in her mind. Two erasers lunged at her at once from both sides she quickly jumped up and they knocked painfully hard into each other. She released a small giggle but inn that moment she let her guard down the biggest eraser lunged at her and pined her down knocking the air from her, the eraser had ripped her hoodie and she turned pinning him down under her, Her 12ft wings expanded and she flew into the air hovering above the erasers heads they jumped up and swiped their paws up at her. She moved and jumped out of the way and started to tease them but then suddenly the horrid erasers backed up all at once she smirked crossing her arms thinking she had won, then out of no where she was pinned to the ground again and the eraser ripped some of her left wing. "HELP!" she screamed out hoping the others where close enough to hear her. Her eyes widen in fear.

She finally admitted it

She Needed the Flocks Help.

No more did she feel independent.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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"The next move is to find a place we can stay for awhile. I think we should find somewhere in the city, it'll be best considering if we were getting chased there by the...the you-know-what's, it'll come back to them if anyone see them killing a bunch of kids." Snow frowned, he very much disliked the idea. Around that many people, who knows who's an Eraser and who isn't. But that was just him being the paranoid, untrusting person he is. Star continued on about how it would be so great.

Just as Snow was about to bring up the bad about this plan, as was his job as Star's right wing man, Aussia took off in search of food. "Well, come on, guy. Let's get goin'." Star said and then took off after her.

Snow sighed and stood up. He snapped out all 14 feet of snow white feathers and took off after Star and Aussia. Up in the sky, all that paranoia disappeared. Nothing could get them from up here, it was safe, it was peaceful. And Snow loved it.

But of course, the peace never lasted.

Suddenly shooting pain went through Snow's head, signaling a premonition. Of course it would chose the worst possible time to happen. The pain was so intense that for a moment Snow forgot to flap his wings, then instinct kicked in and he managed to keep himself in the air. The vision showed Aussia, surrounded by Erasers in some store. Then she was pinned to the ground. And that was it, the pain slowly began to disappear. At least to the point that Snow could function with it. The actual headache wouldn't disappear for a while.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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Before Wren can protest Aussia takes off to go find food, which makes her feel even more guilty then she did when she asked. What if something happens to her? She thinks to herself. Biting her lip nervously.

She looks over as the flock starts to fly in the direction Aussia went and she quickly takes off after them. She starts to relax a bit when she get's up in the air. But it quickly go's away when Snow's wings stop flapping she gasps starting to fly towards him but stops when he begins to flap his wings again. Knowing that he had a premonition. Her concern for Aussia comes back and once she makes sure Snow's not falling anytime soon, she quickly fly's in the direction Aussia went. Not listening if anyone bothered to protest.

Once she get's to the nearest town she fly's around hoping to see Aussia on the ground. She's about to land and look for her on foot when she hears a faint scream. She quickly lands falling onto her hand's and knee's from the sudden drop. She run's into the store the yell came from and freezes when she see's an eraser her eyes widening. I should of waited for the rest of the flock. She thinks to herself. But when she see's Aussia on the ground pinned by an eraser she instantly reacts diving into it and knocking it off of her.

She punches him almost smiling when she see's that the force of the blow broke his nose. But it's wiped off her face when he flip's them over and pin's her down like he had just done to Aussia. She hisses when he digs his claws into her arm and she holds up her other hand that she'd managed to get out of his grip, setting one of the eraser's on fire. Hoping it will distract him. It does and she shoves him off of her. Sprinting towards the door as the store go's up in flames. Grabbing Aussia on the way. She look's back at it when they get out and winces. "Well that wasn't supposed to happen." She murmurs to herself, but quickly snaps out of it when the remaining erasers run out the door. Letting out a scream before she can stop herself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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Aussia keeps her wings in close to her body so that wren and the other flock members will not notice the gash on her now almost crippled wing. She sees the building set on fire and looks at Wren, "It will be alright don't you worry I can fix this.." Aussia wipes the memory of everyone around them including the erasers everyone stands in a daze. Aussia uses a near by water hose putting the flames out. No one remembers what happened. They never knew there was a store there. She hugs Wren "I-Im so s-sorry! I did not mean for this to happen!" She was upset she caused this whole mess.

"Are you alright Wren?" Aussia said nervously, she was afraid Wren would yell at her. She already knew the rest of the flock would yell at her. She saw her Flock mates land beside her. She moved herself away from wren and prepared to be yelled at.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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Wren watches as Aussia wipes everyone's memory, and puts out the fire that she'd started. Biting her lip anxiously like she always does when she's stressed out or nervous. If she hadn't asked for food in the first place they wouldn't be in this mess. She doesn't blame Aussia. She was just trying to help. Wren hugs Aussia back gently when she hugs her, scared to hurt her if she has any injuries, and answers her question. "Yeah I'm fine. Are you okay?" She asks worriedly as Aussia pulls away from her. Putting a hand over the already healing gash in her arm, it will be fine it's just a scratch. She's had worse.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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When Ash noticed Snows little lapse in concentration she knew something was wrong. Wren flew down, catching the eye of the rest of the flock members. Ash watched with a slow growing worry as a building was set to fire and then panicked as she noticed Wren and Aussia near the said building. She pushed forward, bumping into Star and Snow in her haste to got to the girls as quick as possible. Her landing was clumsy and as soon as one foot hit the ground she tilted and fell face first into the ground. Ow... She picked herself up and rushed up to the two.

"Are you guys okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" she rushed out breathlessly as she scanned them over with trembling hands. She stepped back after a moment and placed a fist to her mouth to keep her from saying anything else. Her stomach felt in knots and she wanted so badly to punch someone at that moment... and cry her eyes out. But she kept her features schooled, hiding all this for their sake. They'd already had enough problems, no need to add her to the mix. Taking deep breaths she looked down at the ground and murmured, "We should probably take off before their daze wears off... it's not safe to just stand here... Can you guys fly?" She looked up at them as she asked this.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Star Character Portrait: Ash Character Portrait: Wren Nickels Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aussia
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Aussia avoided Ash's Question and answered Wren "Yeah I am fine..." Her Wing felt horrible she knew she couldn't fly with her wing like this but yet Ash was right they needed to go before the daze wore off.
"Ash a-are you sure we need to fly away..... I-I mean maybe we could walk? Keep to the ground ya' know just so we do not raise suspicion..." she said while fidgeting with the straps on her backpack. She looked at Wren and Ash hoping they would take the cover up and agree. She knew if Snow was here he would catch the bluff because she told him how she would make up a bluff so she could avoid something. She continued trying to erase suspicion "I overheard an eraser saying that soon they could catch us in flight because they are getting wings as well..."

Aussia's ripped wing twitched sending her huge amounts of pain. She had to keep a happy calm face and control her breathing after her sharp in take of breath, She figured they would have to fly anyway but she would have to find a way to avoid it.