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cold. as. ice. and. yet. melts. like. a. slutty. ice. cream. to. drool. for. wait. it. has. to. do. with. heart. ice. cream. is. fine. anyway.

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a character in “Fly Me to the Moon”, originally authored by Pandora's Melancholy, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Ice's Story


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Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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          In space, there is a small rock orbiting around special planet. It's special because humans live there, humans who write music and draw pictures and launch them millions of miles into space. Sometimes aliens hear those songs, read those messages, and become interested. Interested enough to pretend to be human and go out for coffee dates with actual humans.

          Neptune is so excited. And hungry.


          Ya know, back on his home planet, his species wasn't exactly the most intelligent, right? A predator race. The actual smart guys, the one who the message from humanity was meant for-- he was supposed to eat those smart guys. And maybe they deserved it.

          Pricks, the lot of them. Didn't give a shit about the music, the art. Neptune hadn't even heard music until that day. And when he heard it, he heard it. Soft, lilting notes sliding their way beneath his exoskeleton, deep down into his squishy vulnerable bits. The experience was a rare, almost spiritual thing, but here he was. Sitting in a cafe and listening to human music once again.

          The humans had a pretty nice city here on their space rock. It was all lit up to look like gentle daytime, with the stars shining through the glass dome. Pretty easy to break into, too.

          Neptune shifted in his lacy seat, the poor chair squeaking under his weight. He looked around at the floral and cutesy decoration of the Stellar Luna cafe, and then at the two aliens sitting beside him.
          "So we gonna... meet them soon, eh?" The curl of his lips revealed too-sharp teeth, even as a finger impatiently tap tap tapped on their shared tabletop.

          His stomach rumbled, and he glanced down at the menu. Going by the pictures it was mostly sweet drinks and frosted cakes. Delicious. Absolutely delicious. Maybe one of the humans could recommend one for him. Shea butter. Ice cream. The shouty one. Reina, maybe.

          The strange white haired man started drooling on the spot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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Ice was currently busy eviscerating an alien life form within the dimension of the digital world commonly known as 5-D with the tap of his fingers on the luminous keyboard and the click of his trusty gold-tooth mouse as he looked in interest upon the portable projector screen of his IPC. In any case, the trip was mostly peaceful and that is something he was fond of. To ensure that he would not be further disturbed, his ears had been plugged with earbuds totally immersing himself in the world of a scientist studying the anatomy of a species different from that of a human. This was far interesting to him than the scenic view offered by that bullet-hole window of the shuttle he took. And because he was so focused, he did not notice that he had already arrived at the moon port and his attention was being flagged by a staff for almost 15 minutes.

The attendant probably frustrated with the lack of response disturbed Ice finally by blocking his line of vision with her hands. "SIR!" That gesture has made him miss the incision to the frontal portion of the intimate genitalia. He slapped the hands away and gave the said staff his infamous blank glare. "How. would. you. compensate. with. my. failed. incision? I. don't. even. think. you. have. the. money. as. you. are. unable. to. even. have. hair. implants. and. resort. yourself. with. a. weasel.-class. of. a. toupee. You. definitely. have. a. health. insurance. below. even. for. the. budget. class, because. clearly. hair. implants. are. mandated. to. be. part. of. the. basic. of. the. basic. health. care." Ending that statement with an irate click of the tongue.

It was safe to say that Ice would not be using the Grinch Space Shuttle Service again. The solid evidence was the bright yellow toupee taped onto his hand-carry messenger bag. People were looking at his way due to that eye-catching object, but also because of his very features. It was no understatement to say that he is a head turner with his pale blue hair and deep blue eyes matched by delicate features giving him that androgynous appearance. He is a beauty that mixes well with all genders. The effect of that only probably lasts until he opens his mouth that usually leads to a lot of 'interesting' situations.

In any case, he was currently hunting the place called Stellar Cafe. That was the suggested meeting place for those people on the chat room to meet. He really did not want to come here and leave Veronica with Prestly since he was certain the mechanoid bird would be covered by those sticky white strings... called web. This sweet better be worth it as that 'pilot' said. He had missed a good morgue time this weekend for this trip to the white cheese rock. There better be a rabbit here. Veronica wanted that as a souvenir gift. He may be part of the space program, but what interests him was the life beyond the hub of dirt called Earth. The genetic codes he could tweak what really fires him up. So, if he does find an alien, he would be thrilled to explore every nook and cranny.

Eventually, he managed to find the place and entered. People looked at the newcomer and like as always which he had practiced with unwavering determination of a sloth, ignored them as if they were oxygen. He instead focused on the people he was supposed to meet. He saw the pictures posted on the chat room and he wasn't really betting on that, but if they are stupid, it was worth a shot. By the crow's feet, he did see a face matching the picture as he walked towards the group. "Are. you. the. stupid. people. in. the. chat. room?" That was his perfect opening statement. "Do. you. have. rabies?" He looked at the guy drooling with his perpetual resting ice block face.

And that's how Ice's first blind study meeting started.... perfectly....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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          Ravenous black pupils raked over the new arrivals. Humans. Humans!! Right in front of him! Their succulent pink bodies were close enough to pluck out of their teeny little chairs. Neptune's fake heart seized in his chest,
          and the blood rushing to his face stained his cheeks pink.

          "Ah, actually ya see, I'm Neptune. I believe I did send the picture on the chat," Ashe said. For a moment, that startled Neptune enough to cut off his flood of drool. He blinked, and wiped at his chin with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. The alien's primordial brain loaded up like an ancient Windows XP.
          "...yeah. I mean," He coughed (more of a deep throat growl, than anything). "--indeed."

          Neptune turned to face Reina, who had sat in the chair next to him.
          "Sorry. Name's Ashe," he grinned kinda dumbly. The alien glanced over at the other two humans, the butter girl and the loud girl. Did they buy it?? Probably. They had no reason not to, right?

          Suddenly, that thought didn't make him feel so good. What if they always thought he was Ashe? Or got mad at him when they found out the truth?? Neptune stared at the menu as beads of sweat began running down his forehead.

          "Er, maybe we should order somethin', yanno?" He slapped a damp hand onto a plastic menu and dragged it his way. "What's, uh, normal ta eat here? These colorful frosted bits look nice." Despite the stress of the situation, Neptune began salivating again at the sight of them.

          "Are you the stupid people in the chat room?" He jerked his head up to lock eyes a frosty looking human. "Do you have rabies?" The human asked.

          Neptune froze and somewhat guiltily began wiping his mouth again. He glanced at his fellow extraterrestrials. Who even was this person?
          "...what's rabies?"

          It took a few moments of mind grinding to put the pieces together. Oh! This human was the one with the good spelling and grammar and all that. The one Elvis talked to. Neptune jerked his chin towards the other white haired male. "Maybe yer better off askin' him. He's the one ta prob'ly have it for ya."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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#, as written by Cloud

It was The Loud One who arrived first, candy floss hair an eye catcher. Elvis thought it was a cute colour, bright and pretty, and it would make flushing cheeks stand out cutely. He smiled in welcome as she spoke her name, his lips stretching wider and his eyes glistening as the words he lived for left her mouth,

"You're even cuter in person!"

Elvis felt his heart stutter, his palms start to sweat, knees weak, arms are heavy... this was it. This was the moment he had been waiting for, to hear those words come from the lips of a human in a sincere compliment. He felt his cheeks flushing - the warm heat a curious and perhaps startling new discovery. Why did his skin turn hot so easily? Why was this heat appearing in his face? Pale hands came up to press against pink cheeks, and Elvis quickly turned with concern towards Neptune and Ashe, as if they might be able to explain to him why his body kept changing in such bizarre ways.

It was only then that Elvis realised two more humans were joining their table. There was the other pink haired girl joined by a brunette. Both were cute, and the bright smile on Elvis' face from a second ago quickly fell first into a frown, and then into something that threatened tears. He felt so stupid with his white hair, when he should have had blubbly pink, or even soft brown. How was he to know humans like those colours better?

Elvis tried to keep the tears at bay, and perhaps they might have fallen if those magical words hadn't sounded again,

"This cutie has to be Elvis..."

His frown evaporated instantly and a bright smile split his face, cheeks once again heating up at the compliment (he would really have to figure that out later. Was he sick?)

"Hello" He greeted all three female humans, a wave of his hand joining the grin on his face. Except, that smile faltered slightly at Shea's greeting - or rather lack of greeting. She hadn't called him cute, she hadn't even looked at him. She hated him. It was plain as day. He was going to cry, again.

Except then a laugh bubbled from his lips at Ashe acting as Neptune, and then laughed some more as Neptune pretended to be Ashe. He wanted to join, but he couldn't very well pretend to be Ashe or Neptune now. Looks like he'd have to be Elvis.

"I didn't bring any ray-bies." Elvis admitted, shifting guiltily in his chair, "What is that? Do you need it for hot chocolates?"

Speaking of hot chocolates, Elvis had barely had time to look at the menu. Now, he glanced down at it and felt his belly rumble at the sight of the 'Lunar marshmellow-tastic rocket chocolate drink', which claimed to come with it's own toy rocket. Elvis would get that. He was certain.

Elvis didn't realise, he was looking at the kids menu.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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Shea is a hacking goddess.
You better believe it bitches



As soon as she had thought it, the adorable black haired boy perked up and voiced the same thing about there being one more missing person. However, it wasn't long after that, that the person arrived. Unsure of what to expect, Shea was thoroughly disappointed. For someone so visually appealing on the outside, it was a surprise that they were so vile on the inside, or at least from first impressions. It baffled Shea that someone could be ballsy enough to approach a group of strangers and confidently greet them by calling them stupid. Nevertheless, she felt she didn't have much right to an opinion as she was quite late to being a part of this friend group. She was also quite unimpressed by the reactions of the rest of those around her to his cold statements, but she gathered that this asshat's behavior was of the norm.

Watching Ashe and Neptune, or was it Neptune and Ashe? She wasn't sure as they just seemingly switched personalities, though Neptune seemed to be slipping with his mannerisms, was quite entertaining enough to distract her from lashing out at the pretentious character that just introduced himself. She figured it better to just remain quiet and let it be, as it wasn't her place.

"I didn't bring any ray-bies. What is that? Do you need it for hot chocolates?" Shea glanced over at Elvis who admittedly didn't seem to be kidding with that question, leaving her to giggle. "You're adorable Elvis. You don't have rabies, and they definitely aren't a form of currency." She didn't think he could actually be serious, but she enjoyed playing along as if he was. His playing dumb was oddly attractive. She had hoped that it was his way of making the kid who called everyone dumb seem foolish. This light-hearted moment pushed her to open up to the boy that originally bothered her, "Well... take a seat. As you can see, we are indeed the 'stupid people from the chat'. And I'm guessing you are the caretaker of that spider Veronica as you seem to fit the profile of a creep that owns one." With that, she picked up a cafe menu and began examining the various options presenting themselves to her as Elvis was currently doing.

Usually she wasn't the one to be sassy to those that deserved it. That was Reina. But this time she just couldn't keep her mouth shut, she was just hoping that she didn't ruin her reputation with anyone by saying that, but she figured that if this Ice kid could get away with it, she surely could. Her eyebrows furrowed at the gimmicky items, and prices, on the menu. Thankfully, the other day she had pulled a few funds from her cousins savings, leaving her plenty of spending money for the rest of the month. She could splurge and enjoy a 'harvest moon americano'.
Oh come on, they could be far more creative than that... She pointed at the item on the menu and grinned up at Reina trying to share the joke of a menu with her.

"So do you guys want to order food and stuff? I'm pretty hungry. And I've always wanted to try moon food," Shea joked. She knew at this point, technology was so advanced that the food was basically the same as it was on Earth, but she read about how astronauts used to eat dehydrated cheese and ground up pasta paste from a tube, which she genuinely wanted to try.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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ImageImage 〉〉 N I N E T E E N. . . 〉〉 B I S E X U A L. . . 〉〉 C I S F E M A L E.

〉〉 F I V E' - Z E R O". .. . 〉〉 # E D 9 5 B 9 / # C 9 3 4 8 4 . .. 〉〉 N E R D - # 3.

"Oh, nah. Y'see, the name's Neptune." Louisa furrowed a brow at that - this person who claimed to be Neptune didn't speak like Ashe had typed, but the undergraduate didn't think Ashe's usual manner of speech fit the hulking man beside them. "That one there's Ashe, y'see. But it's nice to meet ya, Louisa."

XXXSoon after Louisa had plopped herself in a seat, Reina and Shea had arrived, greeting the rest of the group. "You're...Louisa -" Louisa nodded zealously, "- this cutie has to be Elvis, then there' two..."

XXXAlmost immediately after Neptune - Ashe, whoever the dude was - said something about "missing one more" (someone who Louisa wasn't particularly fond of), a pale-haired university student sauntered towards the group's table. "Are you the stupid people in the chat room?" "Do you have rabies?"

XXXLouisa raised an eyebrow at the newcomer, unimpressed, as the tall, drooling dude who really did not sound like Ashe guiltily wiped at his mouth. "...what's rabies?"

XXXLouisa gasped dramatically, especially after Elvis' admitted that he didn't know anything about the subject either. "Whaaaat??? How can you two not know what rabies are? Are you not from Earth or something?" Every human alive should know what rabies are! They people seem very...unique, and strangely oblivious. Ooh...they'd make interesting test subjects!

XXX"So do you guys want to order food and stuff? I'm pretty hungry. And I've always wanted to try moon food." Louisa perked up at Shea's proposition.

XXX"Ooh, yeah, I want to try this place's Daily Secret Special!" Louisa jabbed a finger at a section on her menu that was littered with question marks. "If you can name at least 80% of the ingredients, they'll give you this massive discount!" Finally, a way for Louisa to put her useless talent to good use. She peered over Elvis' shoulder, before commenting, "Elvis, that's the kids' menu!" She haphazardly shoved her own menu next to the one Elvis was holding. "You can read mine if you want! Unless you like the kids' menu, which can definitely be reasonable, depending on the cafe you're in. Some places have really bad stuff for the little guys, though!"

XXXLouisa swore that the waiter passing by the group's table was giving her the stink eye. The pinkette merely flashed a dismissive grin in response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó Character Portrait: Ice
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#, as written by Sigma
ImageImageASHE 】✪ ✪ vvvvv〉〉Hexcode: Grey
Ashe put a hand against her chest, making an obviously fake expression of insult as Ice had arrived. "Hurtful! Just because some of us have are stupider than others in the chat, don't mean all of us are stupid!" Ashe commented, pointing at Neptune while still trying to copy his speech patterns. "I like ta think that I got a decent amount of intellect."

Ashe glanced over at the menu, a list of text and images, none of which really looked familiar to Ashe, but appetizing nonetheless. However, unlike their ever curious colleagues, Ashe couldn't help but tap the table in front of the two other aliens and look at them quizzically. "So, though the two of ya look like yer havin' a blast, how exactly do ya plan on buying something? You gots money?" Ashe whispered to the other two, resting an elbow on the table and leaning her face against her hand, smirking at them.

Though before even getting a reply, Ashe unscrewed the cap on their thermos carrying the tea-like drink and drank some. As Ashe sipped, they glanced at each of the humans in turn. The loud human Louisa, happily expressing her desire to consume some mystery food, the two who arrived after her, Shea and Reina, who seemed to be somewhere between enjoyment and annoyance. And there was also Ice who seemed overall unhappy at the turn-out.

Once more sealing the drink, Ashe looked over at Ice and smiled wryly. "So, as the supposedly smartest person in the chat, how are ya feelin' today, boss?" Ashe shifted over to the rest of the group as well, stretching their arms upwards before resting them on the table. "I suppose that extends to the rest of ya as well, how's you all doing today? I trust that y'all had a nice trip over?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis
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                    God. God did she already begin to brew a small hate for certain members of the group. Be it from the unethical fellow pinkette, to the prick who strolled up and flat-out began to insult the group. Her face contorted with distaste as she made no effort to even greet the fucker. Stupid people from the chatroom? Get fucking real.

                    Bright green eyes stared bitterly at her menu, resisting the urge to say something, least her image would be ruined over something so petty... but her eyes light up with a bit of humor as she looked at where Shea was pointing. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." Reina snickered quietly, nudging Shea. Yet, still, Reina still noted how there was one critter who was trying their best to keep an accent, and another who it flowed a lot more easily from. It was hard to fully tell, but if texting styles matched appearances, and if they all lived together, this was just some sort of prank they didn't want to end.

                    If she remembered correctly, she did offer to pay for Neptune and Elvis, though maybe her memory of the chatroom was a bit hazy. Even though that only included a hotel room, she had quite a bit of money she wouldn't mind 'wasting'. She leaned back and forced a smile, whispering into Shea's ear quietly.

                    "Do you wanna pay for Ashe? I remember Neptune said he was broke, so I think it might be fair to assume they all are. All, meaning, Elvis too. Just those three."

                    Shea lit up a bit. Paying for an attractive boy... or girl, Ashe was just pretty either way, made it kind of like a date. Something of which she had never really embarked on. "Sure I wouldn't mind paying for someone cute. I've got a good bit of money. Can you afford the other two?" Shea whispered back playfully, glad to see her friend easing up.

                    Reina shrugged a bit. "I already offered. I wouldn't mind, really. I have a fairly good job right now, plus I haven't spent my inheritance or anything since getting it. I doubt it'll be a large dent. Maybe." Reina laughed, rubbing the back of her head before glancing to Mr. Drool and Elvis. "I can pay for you two, Shea's gonna pay for you." She gestured towards Ashe. "Sound good?


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Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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                  Ice did not conceal the fact that he regretted coming here. "Fact. check. stupid. people." His personal opinion earlier was now a proven fact. His cobalt blue eyes sweeping the people present on the table and clicked his tongue in complete dissatisfaction. The loud one was definitely here and he was about a mere inch of grabbing the girl's tonsils out of her throat. "Shut. up." Even with his way of slow speaking and rather mellow tone, his words and expression were clearly the opposite. He glared at the loudest person. "Before. I. make. sure. you. become. eternally. a. mute."

                  As for the whole 'rabies' spiel, Ice's inherent suspicious and cautious nature kicked up a notch. He already had his doubts during the whole chat-room debacle. But due to the lure of sweets, he ignored his sense of reasoning. Right now though, this made him decide quickly. His attention turned towards the retro girl who he is not interested in due to her old-woman taste. This hag dare insult Veronica whose companionship was definitely way better than these idiots who are wasting breathing space. "And. you. certainly. fit. the. description. of. an. ignoramus. to. a. tee. Congratulations."

                  Shifting his attention to another who asked for his general feeling, he was never the kind to hide his thoughts from the very start. "Despondently. disgusted." His cobalt blue eyes resembled that of an ice and he has yet to take his seat as well. His nose scrunched up a bit. He was still standing before them, nor did he make any notion to introduce himself to any of them. He looked over the drooling guy who clearly watched too much cowboy movies or grew up with that country drawl and the white-haired guy who he deduced to be the responsible one for tricking him with sweets to come here. "I'm. clearly. mistaken. about. you."

                  But because of his foul mood, he hardly cared about it anymore. Ice had determined that he would not join these idiots. His trip becoming a regret. If he wanted to make it worth it, he would be taking the first step. "Goodbye." He turned his back at them and made his way to leave the cafe. He would just come back some other day on his own to have a taste of the sweets here. He would not risk himself be contaminated by stupidity. As for the rest of the trip, he would do his own thing that was clearly going to be more productive.

                  Speaking of which, he did receive information that the affiliated research lab here found sensible proof of an alien life form. That was far interesting than being here with this group of people. He would go there and detox himself with that. If there was even an actual specimen, that would make him forget all of these mishaps.

                  Frankly, he had wasted enough time with these idiots. Just like that, he did not look back at them.



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Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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#, as written by Cloud

      'Adorable', was that a good thing to be? It wasn't cute, but it wasn't ugly either. Elvis probably thought it was acceptable, like a fluffy kitten that one might call 'adorable'. Yet, Elvis wasn't sure because he had already convinced himself that Shea hated him. Sure, they'd only just met, but he thought his instincts were pretty good. Elvis at least knew that 'adorable' was better than 'creep', which Shea had just called Ice. Ice didn't look like a creep to Elvis, but perhaps his instincts were playing up after all.

      At Louisa's dramatic gasp and insinuation that he and Neptune couldn't be human if they didn't know what rabies was, Elvis made himself plaster an easy-going grin on his face. It felt a bit strained, but the laugh he gave was slightly more believable. "Ha. Ha. I am of course from Earth. Of course. Born there and grew up over many years." Elvis' eye twitched slightly, but he was sure his lie was convincing.

      He then realised Ashe was communicating with him and Neptune, and leaned over to hear what Ashe had to say. Money? First Elvis didn't have rabies, and now he didn't have money. What else was he missing out on? Being human was much more difficult that he had first imagined. None of the books he had read as research had prepared him for this. Luckily, it appeared two of the humans had money and were willing to use it to buy him, Elvis, many things.

      "I would be honoured if you spent your money on buying me a Lunar marshmellow-tastic rocket chocolate drink..." Elvis hesitated as Louisa pointed out he was reading a kids' menu. Who knew human children and adults had different diets? He wondered how old you had to be to be considered a human adult. Could he pass as a child to get the 'lunar marshmellow-tastic rocket chocolate drink'? Better not risk it. "Or else, I will have a... lunar orbit beer."

      Elvis frowned slightly, wasn't 'bear' a furry animal with sharp teeth? Elvis wondered what they would taste like.

      Except... except maybe he wouldn't even order if not all the humans would be staying with them. Elvis watched in dismay as the mean smart one said some large words and turned to leave. Why was he leaving? Had Elvis done something? Maybe Elvis was too ugly for the human male? Oh no, it was definitely Elvis wasn't it.

      The alien felt human tears start to prick at his eyes, and without a thought - or with a larger absence of thinking than the norm - he pushed his chair back and rose to his feet. "Wait! You can't leave yet!" Elvis cried, attempting to first walk through the table, and then skirting around the table and chairs when he remembered he was a fully-solid human.

      He dodged a waiter and reached out to grab his human's hand, "You haven't even told me if I'm..." The word 'cute' stalled on Elvis' tongue, and he had to make himself close his mouth and rethink his words. He couldn't afford to be selfish right now, not if this icy human was about to leave. He had to try and appeal to the human, [color=#9F535C] "You haven't even had any of their sweets yet, and I wanted to see photographs of Veronica..."

      Elvis hoped his words were enough, and if not he would try again. He glanced quickly back at their table, as if Neptune or Ashe might be able to help. Maybe they would have advice? Elvis quickly threw that idea away. He was sure Neptune would bite Ice, and Ashe would just laugh and call it entertainment. No, much better for Elvis to cry and get emotional. Humans were emotional beings after all. He was fitting right in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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#, as written by Sigma
ImageImageASHE 】✪ ✪ vvvvv〉〉Hexcode: Grey

Ashe whistled softly at Ice's rather... cold comment, letting the faintest imprint of a smirk etch itself onto their face, the offensive comments, the threats in particular, being of moderate entertainment to them. Ashe tapped a meaningless beat on the thermos and simply sat, listening to Ice's little rant with complete interest before the cold male had turned heel and left only to be stopped by Elvis. "Perhaps you should get on your knees and plead, Elvis." Ashe suggested, trying their best to not burst into laughter before the joke even played itself out. "Maybe if you beg like a dog, Ice will reconsider."

Though not taking their eyes away from the potential source of entertainment, Ashe shook their head at Reina's suggestion. "I appreciate the sentiment, but I think I'm quite alright with my own drink." Ashe replied, picking up the thermos in one hand and giving it a moderate shake so that the liquid swishing inside could be heard. "Besides, I'm not too keen on being indebted to another. Not exactly the most... fun thing." And as if to enforce the notion, Ashe opened up the thermos and took a sip.

However, after putting the drink back onto the table, Ashe made a quizzical face, tapping one of the white diamond-shaped accessories on their head. With a sigh, Ashe turned back to the group currently seated at the table. "Actually, I shall take you up on your offer." Ashe said with a smile. "I have been told that it is bad manners to not accept when someone offers to treat you. Ashe picked up one of the menus and scanned it, though the rather odd naming sense of the items made understanding what each thing was a little confusing.

Ashe laughed aloud before putting the menu down. "Actually, rather than me choosing something for myself, how about you choose something in my stead?" They proposed, the idea of a sort of Russian Roulette style occurrence seeming quite intriguing. "I'm sure it'd be more fun that way, don't you think? And it seems I'm told that such a proposition isn't something to be considered rude either."

Ashe stretched upwards with a content smile before stopping with an audible, "Ah." It had just occured to them at this time that they had slipped back into their normal pattern of speech, but at this point Ashe had already grew bored of mimicking Neptune, so they decided to just let that one go.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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Shea is a hacking goddess.
You better believe it bitches



Insults one by one trailed out of the cold-hearted, spider-boy's mouth until he seemed so fed up that he just decided to turn around and leave. Which, to Shea, wasn't the worst ending his story could have. He wasn't being all that nice to anyone and he was dampening the vibes of the party. Though, before she could snarkily respond with some kind of witty farewell, Elvis decided to be some kind of hero and bring back the soulless person no one could call a friend. okay... That was a little harsh... Elvis then looked back at the table as if pleading for some help to which Shea immediately averted her eyes.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but I think I'm quite alright with my own drink." Shea felt a tad defeated if she was being honest. She really did want to spoil the cute little one. After all, she was sure that Elvis and Neptune were going to gladly accept Reina's offer, so she took it a bit personally. Before she could refute however, Ashe thankfully changed his mind. Her defeat quickly turned into regret as she was the most indecisive entity in the universe. Her eyes scanned the menu for something she suspected Ashe could appreciate. Judging by the way he talks and dresses, he's a refined soul. So maybe a fancy pastry would be up his alley...

Her eyes darted over to the pastry display which showcased a variation of stereotypical cafe pastries, like fruit tarts, cookies, scones, and moon-shaped croissa—
but those already come moon shaped! Tricky bastards. She then stared down a waiter who quickly, but hesitantly, wandered to the table. "What can I get for you ma'am?" Shea closed her eyes and smirked as if she had won some intricate game of chess. "Give me your finest pan au chocolat sir, as well as two cappuccinos with whole Earth cow's milk please." The waiter was clearly irritated by the girl's blind confidence, "Sure... Anything for the rest of the crew here?"

Shea peered over at Ashe to gage a reaction. Surely he would enjoy a traditional french pastry. Everyone liked those, or so she thought. As for the cappuccino's, she just liked the word and the milky foam at the top, so that was more of a shot in the dark. If he didn't like it, she could use the extra shots of espresso to get through the night.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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0.00 INK


                  The sudden possibility of food washed Neptune's mind of all anxieties. He glanced up at the human named Reina, who had offered to compensate for purchases. The alien reached over and pinched the pink haired girl's cheek, grinning from ear to ear.
                  "Thanks a bunch, cupcake." (And she did look like a cupcake, a bit. He certainly wouldn't mind taking a bite outta her.)

                  Shea Butter summoned a man in uniform to their table. "Sure... Anything for the rest of the crew here?" said the man.

                  Admittedly, Neptune didn't care too much for drinks. He pressed a fingertip to an image on the menu, looking up hopefully at the waiter.
                  "Can I getta piece a' this one?"

                  He actually wanted a piece of all of them, of course, but he reminded himself to have patience. Neptune's cold blue eyes glanced over to the scene between Elvis and the slender human boy. It was a damn pity, but even if Ice Cream left... well, they'd get him back. One way or another.

                  Neptune observed the discussions and bickering, heart strumming happily in his chest... until he overheard a nearby conversation that made his ears prick. And not in a good way.

                  It was a couple, a male and female pair. The female displayed a holographic newspaper in front of her, apparently showing the male. She chatted excitedly, tone shrill. "Look here, it says a UFO was spotted near here. Today!"

                  "What? When?"

                  "Just a few hours ago! It's insane!"

                  The male scoffed. "It's the military, no doubt. Who knows what they're planning."

                  "I don't know, this one seems different..." The woman's voice faded as they walked further into the cafe, until Neptune could no longer hear her. Although his smile remained plastered to his face, the alien's back was tense. His knuckles were white against the table. (Of course, it wasn't so good for him to get... excited. This human body might start tearing at the seams.)

                  Would the humans see a similar news story if they opened their phones?

                  With Elvis occupied with Ice Cream, Neptune was left sending Ashe a meaningful look. Did the little bastard overhear the couple as well?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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ImageImage 〉〉 N I N E T E E N. . . 〉〉 B I S E X U A L. . . 〉〉 C I S F E M A L E.

〉〉 F I V E' - Z E R O". .. . 〉〉 # E D 9 5 B 9 / # C 9 3 4 8 4 . .. 〉〉 N E R D - # 3.

Louisa glared at Ice's retreating figure, angry about his audacity but glad that he was leaving.

XXX"Wait! You can't leave yet!" Elvis cried, clumsily stumbling around the table as he dashed towards Ice.

XXX"Actually, it'd be better if he did," Louisa called out. "He doesn't want to be here. No one else wants him to be here. Everybody wins, Elvis!"

XXX"What can I get for you ma'am?" Louisa turned back to the rest of the group when the waiter approached the table. Finally! The pinkette fidgeted impatiently as Shea placed her order. Louisa swore that she saw a faint twitch in the waiter's eye.

XXX"Sure... Anything for the rest of the crew here?" the waiter asked, doing a horrible job of hiding his irritation. Louisa shouted out her order right after Neptune jabbed his finger at his menu. "I'll do your Daily Secret Special! Please."

XXXThe waiter sighed tiredly, as if he's been through this talk many times already. "You'll only get your price cut down if you actually complete the challenge," he stated in monotone. "If you fail, you'll go on the Wall of Shame and the Special alone will probably cost you fifty bucks. You better know what you're getting into, because if you fail, we are not giving you a refund."

XXX"I'm aware!" Louisa state cheerily. "I won't be needing a refund anyway, by the end of this, this'll probably be the cheapest thing I've ordered since the beginning of time!"

XXXIn all honesty, Louisa was starting to feel a little bad for the poor waiter who look like his eye muscles were having multiple seizures one after another. "This challenge isn't easy."

XXX"And you think you'll be telling me, 'I told you so', when this is over? No need to worry, Mister, 'cause when I'm done, you'll be eating your words!"

XXXNow the waiter's eye looked like it was going to pop right out of the socket. Louisa's genuinely cheery tone was probably getting on his nerves more than if she had sounded haughty.

XXX"All right then," the waiter's voice sounded strained as Louisa beamed brightly. "Anybody else wanna order?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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0.00 INK








                    A headache was erupting from the back of Reina's mind as her fists clenched the menu. Who the fuck did this guy even think he was? The fact he thought himself capable of doing anything without someone jumping on him made her insane. And what the absolute fuck was with his speaking pattern? He reminded her of a sloth from that child's movie that released in what, 2016? It was like this man was the embodiment of sloth, but something in the back of her head told her that was an insult to the entire species, animated or not. Petty, petty, petty. Don't be petty.

                    But one thing definitely did get her to perk up, and it was when Neptune pinched her cheek. A faint blush crossed her face as her smile grew. "Cupcake?" She asked, a faint laugh. "Just don't take a bite outta me, okay?" She teased, nudging him before looking at her own menu. However, sympathetic eyes glanced up to Elvis as she sat back in her seat a bit. Eyes scanning over her menu quickly, before looking at the waiter with a pleasant smile. "Can I get one Lunar marshmallow-tastic rocket, please? Chocolate." She chirped. "Also one Lunar beer, and I guess a sweet iced tea, please. Oh! Anddd.." Her finger dragged to the correct spot in the menu, perking back up with a grin. "A Stella BLT?"

                    The Waiter nodded, and held out his hand for Reina's ID, which was gladly handed over. "Anything else for you guys?" He asked, seemingly hopeful he could get away from the table. Green eyes scanned the man, before landing on a small name tag holding the name 'Arnold'. Poor guy. But, none the less, Reina glanced at the menus in worry as she tried to guess if Elvis would need anything else... But eventually, she shrugged. If he wanted something else when he came back to the table, she was sure he wouldn't be shy in asking...

                    Her eyes snapped towards Louisa, her face turning a bit more.. harsh, as she whispered towards the female. "Hey, let's just chill, yeah? Clearly Elvis wants him to come back, and even if this guy keeps being an asshole, just sit back. Realistically, he can't do much harm in an open space. Just be the bigger person and get thicker skin. The less you show they get under your skin, the more angry they get. So, just chill out and let it play out, even if he comes back." She shrugged, leaning back. "Either way, it won't be a big deal. Ya know?" She directed part of the whisper towards Shea, patting her leg in comfort.

                    Still, she sat back and let the table do it's work before glancing over at Neptune to... observe the odd behavior. Did his back just tense up? A frown fell back onto Reina's face as she listened around to the young couple that spoke of 'UFOs' and 'Aliens'. Was he just.. nervous about aliens? Or that a 'UFO' looked different? Either way, she tried to think of something that could help. "Yo, I doubt it's actually aliens." She began softly, nudging him a bit more. "Even if it is, I'm sure they're much more friendly then movies peg 'em to be. Like, I'm a solid sixty-five percent sure they might be friendly. If not, and they invade Earth, at least all those bad plots about the world winning back their freedom might come true." Or they'd be enslaved or slaughtered to make way for a species looking for a home. Either or. "Hell, we might even make it into the history books." She teased, squeezing his shoulder. "Either way, no use getting stressed about it."

                    But something still didn't sit well inside Reina. The entire concept of an alien UFO brought out a conspiracy nut Reina tried to keep buried down deep and below. Be it from being the large part of the population that believes 'Area 51' was still a thing, to believing there was a government agency that actually helped get aliens 'galactic green cards' and stopped rouge creatures in their tracks when they crash land into Earth, she wasn't quite sure.Was there about to be a cover-up as big as 2020? When the world thought it was being invaded, but after a tormenting few days the world-leaders claimed it was a dramatic and fake report from cooperating news stations from across the world. Then, entire cities claimed nothing of the sort ever happened in the city, and everything went quiet. Damages? No longer damaged. It was like things got repaired overnight... but no one remembered it. The news clips were taken offline, in all countries, and it just wasn't ever spoken of again minus the ancient blogs that seemed to have smaller, encrypted clips and journal entries of the time they thought the sky was falling.

                    Was that just some sort of bizarre Chicken Little reference? Or did it actually happen? Reina's brows furrowed as she leaned back into her seat, letting her hand slip from Neptune's shoulder as she seemed to get lost in conspiracy thoughts all over again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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0.00 INK

Ice felt completely appalled by the sight of the man groveling like it matters. This person should have just shared the indifference of the rest. Because in truth, their presence to each other truly doesn't matter whether they are here or not, no one really gives a damn especially him. Those cold blue eyes were like the epitome of what an ICE should be. It was frigid and sharp in its intent, but at the the same time hollow. "Let. Me. Go." The way he said may have that slow and sleepy quality, but the strength relied through those words were not soft or carefree. He was annoyed.

Pulling away his hand from the guy's grip, his expression showed his disgust. He did not even put the other people at the table into his zone of attention anymore. They were all cut off without even a jury. He really didn't care for their impression of him. Well, he never really cared from the very beginning. All that matters was his preference and comfort. Selfish, it might be.... Well, he is selfish and that's it. Consideration is a miracle he could give, but he is not god anyway. So, why bother with a miracle?

"I. Do. Not. Want. To." His eyes then flicker towards the guys talking about UFO's. That reminded him the next destination he wanted to go. The plausibility of the information he had received grew stronger. That thrilled him as those ice blue eyes flickered with the glint of interest. His eyes seemingly smiling at the experience he could have cutting and studying the flesh of an alien life form. Once someone knows the genetic code of a being, it can recreated like a doll. The mystery completely voided.

There were many reasons that Ice didn't want to go here at the Moon. It is because this coincides with the seminar conference of his father. They are completely parallel to each other and there is also that contract between them... to never see each other ever. He risked that because of this white-hair idiot who acts like they are already close when in fact, they are just strangers. It really irritates and if sympathy is what this moron was looking for, he does not have it at all. "I. Like. To. Dissect. An. Alien. Than. Eat. Sweets. Or. Show. Veronica. To. You."

Making sure he would not have anymore interruptions, he delivered an ultimatum. "DO. NOT. TOUCH. ME. AGAIN." After saying that, he turned his back from that white-haired fool. He really thought that the guy was an intellectual based on the chat conversations, but he was wrong in his assumption all of them were idiots to the core. They may have a semblance of intellect but, it was clear to see that it was even hard for them to continue breathing with that limited brain activity.

He didn't want to get infected by their stupidity as he existed the cafe. Well, he actually wanted to eat sweets really and even order a take-out, but he would do that some other day when they are not there. It would only spoil the taste of the food. For now, he made a phone call to the research facility he would be going to. It connected and he, "Yes. I. Would. Be. Coming. Let. Me. See. If. That. Is. Really. An. Alien." He went silent for a moment, before a very very very very shadow of smile came from his lips. "I'll. Thoroughly. Study. It."



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Cloud
Like a child denied their favourite lolly, tears pricked at the corners of Elvis's eyes. His lips wobbled and his cheeks flushed as tears began to drop down his cheeks. He had thought his words and mere presence would be enough to keep the cold human with the group, his cuteness proof enough that he and his friends were worthwhile... But now he's been proven wrong, and knows for sure that his cuteness may not suit everyone.

Elvis glances back to the table again, as if anyone there might comfort him or help. Yet, all the humans appeared to be glad that Ice was leaving their party, their remarks anything but regretful to see the male human go. Elvis wasn't sure Neptune or Ashe would be much more help either.

Desperate, he took another step towards Ice, not entirely sure why he was risking more tears by following the young man with such a biting tongue.

"But... " Elvis starts, before hearing Ice mentioning aliens. Ice liked aliens? Elvis was an alien! But Elvis wasn't meant to reveal as much to the humans, they had all agreed. And yet... Elvis didn't like being disliked, plus he was partially desperate to make Ice stay and make Ice like him. So, before he or his alien friends could stop him, words started to spill from Elvis's mouth,

"I'm an alien, you can study me! " Elvis once again took a step after Ice, his voice louder than anticipated and able to clearly reach the table he had so recently vacated. Not that he gave them a thought as he desperately attempted to make Ice stay. He even ignored the whispering group of girls who had heard his declaration and were calling him a weirdo behind their hands. Not all that subtly.

Weirdo was just another word for cute, right?

Elvis was not sure how he might go about proving he was an alien aside from offering his word that he was born in another galaxy. If he took off his human disguise the humans might not find him cute. Even though he had been frequently assured on his home planet that he was simply adorable... Or at least a word he's sure equals the human word adorable. But one could never be too sure with how cuteness translated to other species.

So he would have to offer his word instead and hope that was enough.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó Character Portrait: Ice
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                  He blinked down at the cotton candy woman next to him. It seemed she noticed the UFO discussion as well, and was pressing a delicate limb against him as she spoke. Why? To get his attention? Neptune could scarcely listen to what she was saying, so enraptured he was in visions of enclosing his teeth around her fragile forearm....

                  She squeezed his shoulder. His heart rate peaked, breaking out in a cold sweat even as a strained grin stretched his cheeks wide.
                  "I'm not, uh," He swallowed. "Gettin' stressed about it." As if to punctuate his statement, the alien's stomach rumbled loudly.

                  Maybe he wouldn't be fucking hallucinating if he ate some human food, eh?

                  And then, his ears pricked. "I'm an alien, you can study me!" Loud enough for everyone to hear, even the humans.

                  Neptune straightened his back, looking over the heads of the others seated at the table. His white mop of hair fell into one eye, but he paid it no heed. His ebony pupils focused on Elvis and the human boy, whose interactions had slowly taken them farther and farther from the group.

                  The large man's mind went entirely blank. His mouth opened without his express permission.
                  "That's right."

                  Neptune didn't wait for others to react; he just kept plowing ahead.
                  "I'm one too," he added, loudly and clearly enough for those in their circle to hear. "That's why there's this talk of a UFO. That's us."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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Shea is a hacking goddess.
You better believe it bitches



As commotion began to erupt between Ashe and Elvis with Neptune chiming in, the poor irritated Arnold peeled away from the table to gossip with his fellow coworkers about his crazy customers. Shea herself was quite baffled by the absurdness this table had caused. After the conversation she had heard behind her about some UFO, both Elvis and Neptune confessed that they were some kind of alien species. All things considered, it was quite amusing. So much so that Shea couldn't keep herself from busting out into laughter. In her mind, they couldn't possibly be serious. Clearly Elvis was just saying whatever he could to make Ice stay, while Neptune was just joining in on the joke.

"How did you meet these guys again? They really know how to start a scene..." She directed towards Reina while embarrassingly looking around at all the strange eyes that fixated on their group. Hopefully everyone will just look away once the noise dies down. After All, this is just a joke right..? She couldn't help but notice the nagging doubt in her head. Reina would always talk to her about this kind of business, but she always wrote it off as some big conspiracy dreamt up by the public. The chance of a bunch of nerdy college students having the first public interaction with an alien species was so slim that it couldn't possibly be real.

Her gaze shifted away from all the judgemental eyes to Ashe. They were the last person in the group of supposed aliens that hadn't declared anything about their identity. They also seemed the most unlikely to cause some big scene with a joke. Shea had some kind of hope that Ashe would just laugh at their colleagues and calm her suspicions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shea Character Portrait: Reina Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Neptune Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Louisa Szabó
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Image Image Image


#ED95B9 / #C93484

"Hey, let's just chill, yeah? Clearly Elvis wants him to come back, and even if this guy keeps being an asshole, just sit back. Realistically, he can't do much harm in an open space. Just be the bigger person and get thicker skin. The less you show they get under your skin, the more angry they get. So, just chill out and let it play out, even if he comes back."

Louisa would be the first to admit that Reina's words had her taken aback for a while, but she shrugged it off, responding with a, "yeah, sure, why not?" Although I can't think of reasons why Ice would willingly come back...

"I'm an alien, you can study me!" Louisa heard Elvis cry out - probably in attempt to get Ice to join the group again. Almost immediately, people around the cafe started whispering amongst themselves. Louisa giggled at Elvis' antics, raising her head when she heard Neptune enter the discussion as well.

"That's right," Louisa raised an eyebrow, watching the tall man curiously as he started rambling with no intention of quieting his voice. "I'm one too. That's why there's this talk of a UFO. That's us." Louisa chuckled, and chose to enlighten the so-called aliens.

"You guys are so weird, I wouldn't be surprised if you really were aliens," Louisa joked lightheartedly, cracking a grin. "But hey, that's not a bad thing." Louisa lowered her voice, whispering to Neptune as if they were sharing secrets. "If you are an alien though, how do you look so human?" Okay, now that I think about it, Neppy, Ashe, and Elvis don't really look human. Louisa grinned. "Is this your true form, or do you use magic or some crazy powers to alter your appearance?" Louisa raised her voice to normal volume again "Because I would totally study you guys either way!"