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Akitla Invierno

M, controls ice.

0 · 177 views · located in Merina

a character in “For SCIENCE!”, originally authored by IvyCoppersky, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Akitla Invierno, meaning 'Snow That Falls On Water in Winter'.

Gender: M


Homeland: Chico, California, USA (will be able to give real info on daily life there, making my character more in-depth.)

Appearance: He is tall and agile, with silver hair and bright blue eyes. His hair used to be silver-blonde, but when his abilities activated it turned white. 157 pounds, 5 ft 9".

Personality: Akitla is a quick thinker with sharp senses. He is reserved, calm, and quiet. He loves rain, the stars, and just the sky in general. His true nature, which he very rarely shows, is fearless and passionate about his likes, dislikes, and is very protective of those he cares about.

Quirks: Hates onions and milk. Accidentally set his house on fire once when he was younger, but only the roof had permanent damage. His abilities tend to go a bit out of control and basically make his surrounding into and ice box if upset or in a deep sleep. Because of this, he is careful and tries to maintain precise control of his emotions at all times, hence being reserved.

Ability: Akitla specializes with ice, and can freeze liquid completely solid with just a touch. His ice is not meltable by anyone besides himself, retaining its freezing internal temperature even under the hottest fires. He can always tell if a storm is on the way and pinpoint the closest water source to himself. Cold, no matter how extreme, does not bother him, but heat effects him horribly. His ability us restricted by water supply, but he is capable of using the water in the air. Without water he is useless, so he trained in self-defense and a few weapons - kamas, staffs, and daggers, but he greatly prefers a katana. Because of the specific ways he was trained and the nature of his ability, he is better with speed, accuracy, and turning his opponent's strength again themselves than brute strength.

So begins...

Akitla Invierno's Story


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"Akitlaaaaaaaa!" I heard my mother's voice call, drawing in out in a coo tone mostly only used on young children. But with her, I didn't mind if she baby talked me. 'You'll ALWAYS be my baby, Kit, so too bad!' She would say, and laugh, whenever I told her to stop when I was younger.

I ignored her.

"AaaaaaaKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITlaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" She yelled again, and getting closer. Again, I ignore her, but not really by choice. Her voice was registering, but I just couldn't get my mind to respond. I was zoning out into some weird fantasy land.


Something smacked my head, and I yelped, concentration breaking, and fell off the side of the bed, banging my head on my side table. I scrambled around ungracefully, attempting to gain my feet, but unfortunately part of one of my blankets had fallen with me, and I slipped again, banging my head in the same exact place on my side table. And then the glass of water on top of the stand fell and splashed all over my face.

My mom doubled over laughing. Through her giggles, she managed to force out a sentence. "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were working on your sheet music. Are you alright kitten?"

I glared daggers at her, but I wasn't really mad, and we both knew it. A tiny warm smile graced my features. I finally managed to gain my feet, and she reached up to rub my soaking wet blonde locks, smiling gently, then gave a mocking frown. "You know, your confusing. You tall, blonde and blue, and usually -" She glanced pointedly at my nightstand - "have great hand-eye co-ordination. I swear, where the heck did you get the genetics? I think your father might have been sleeping around. Or that you got switched in the hospital." She said, making a face at me, looking somewhat jealously at my blonde hair.

Due to my mom's odd sense of humor, no one else but me would have been able to understand those jokes. Both my parents were short and couldn't throw a ball for the life of them, with dark hair and eyes, and from family lines that had pretty much nothing but dark hair and eyes for as long as they could remember. There was the odd hazel or dark blue-brown eyes, or light brown hair, and some had been born blonde and had their hair darken to brown by the time they turned ten. I was a throwback. And due to how male and female bodies worked, it wouldn't have mattered if HE was sleeping around (he wasn't), I couldn't have possibly come from some other female. And after I was born, she refused to let me go for several days, holding me and talking to me, singing to me, so I couldn't have been switched.

I smirk at her, casting my gaze skyward. "Why? Just... why?"

She looked at me curiously. I didn't let my gaze leave the ceiling.

"Why did I have to have such a weird mother?" I said in a resigned tone of voice. She laughed again, walking to the dresser and pulling out a towel, throwing it at my head from across the room. And missing by miles. I reached out and picked it up, drying off my hair.

"Anyway, I'm going out to eat tonight, because I don't trust anything in this house." She stated her reason for disturbing me at last, glancing warily at my door as if she could see right through the walls into the kitchen fridge. "Would you like to come?"

"Sure. Grab your wallet, mom. I'll start the car."

My mom looked down in surprise at her purse, which was wide open and had nothing in it. I laughed softly as I closed the door, taking the stairs easily and two at a time, leaned left to pick up the keys from the counter while still moving forward, and opened the door without touching the sides of the handle. I'd seen my dog chewing on it before I went up to my room to work on my music, and just as I thought, it was covered in dog slobber. "Don't touch the door handle, dimwit was chewing on it again!" I call upstairs, and shut the door behind me.

Our neighborhood was a nice one. Not particularly high-class, but not a slum either, though it was right next to the city slums. It had lots of trees and grass, a bit off the main road, which forked two directions - the shopping centers and the nature park at the end of them. All in all, it was the perfect place to be, right next to everything but without the long strings of noisy cars. I place the keys on the hood while I typed in the password to the lock. A nice place, but right next to the slums, so we had to buy one of those nice cars with the password door locks.

I hadn't typed more than three digits before I got a very strange feeling, and paused, looking around. There was nothing there, but the feeling only grew. A strange snarling sound, but not anything like i'd ever heard before, rang in my ears, and then black blanketed my vision. I felt himself falling, but halfway to the ground it was almost as if I'd been bodily yanked skyward a few inches, and then I was falling again, naturally twisting so I faced the ground, catching himself with my arms on a ground I couldn't see, breaking my fall, and then everything thing spun away as I lost consciousness.