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Naomi Bergmann

"Oh, are you finished reading that? I'd really like to take a look if you don't mind..."

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a character in “For SCIENCE!”, as played by BlackIceRocker


Name: Naomi Bergmann

Age: 25

Home: Chicago, IL, USA

Height: 5'3" (1.60 m)

Weight: 110 lbs (50 kg)

Eyes: Light Brown

Hair: Red

General Appearance: In addition to what has been said about her appearance already, Naomi is a rather fair-skinned young woman who has a toned, shapely body--although this is not nearly to the caliber that would be expected from models, say.

Background: The youngest child of four and the only girl in her family, Naomi learned from a young age that it was best to step back and let situations unfold in front of her. While her brothers were all the rough-and-tumble types, Naomi was more of a studious young girl, and she excelled in her schoolwork. She continued to lead the pack academically, graduating with a bachelor's in English Education and becoming a teacher. Despite her enjoyment of her career and the success of her students, Naomi wondered if there was anything more...

Personality: Naomi is rather quiet, preferring to dive into a good book than go off and search for adventure or go partying with her friends. Very much a bookish type, Naomi is intelligent and knows when it is appropriate to speak up and when it is not. This leads her to seem a bit standoffish at times only because she prefers to conserve her words and conversation. However, if she does meet someone that she can get along with, she can be rather bubbly and friendly... as long as they can keep up with her conversations. She enjoys intelletctual pursuits and reading, taking notes of ideas and fancies in her notebook.

Quirks: As stated previously, Naomi carries around a notebook and a pen at all times, making sure that she always has them available and ready for use in case an idea strikes her fancy. She may scribble down ideas at random times, eavesdropping on conversations between people or idly staring at the scenery just to get ideas for potential stories for the future.

Abilities (After the experimenting): The experiments that Naomi "participated' in will be given in two separate parts. The first will involve turning her entire skeleton into flexible cartilige, allowing her to bend and contort her body into impossible shapes--even more impossible than contortionists would normally be able to do. In addition to that, she would also have the ability to move her organs around her body in order to adapt to the changes to her skeletal system. This would make it somewhat difficult for her to maneuver around on land, as her skeleton would be all but fluid. Because of this, Naomi will eventually be able to squeeze her entire body through openings about the size of her fist by forcing her entire body to bend and contort. At first, this may cause her tremendous amounts of pain, but as time goes on, she will either completely become numb to it or ignore it.

The second--and much more startling--part of this treatment will come as quite a shock to a lot of people. Almost immediately after treatment, Naomi will begin to dry up unless her body is kept damp. Over the next several hours, her legs will begin to discolor and curl up before unfurling into eight large tentacles, almost identical to an octopus. This will allow her to move quickly and effectively through water, and she will actually become amphibious. This will, however, impede her movement on land, as her new legs will not be very well suited to land locomotion. As stated before, she requires her skin to be damp otherwise she will begin to shrivel; if left out for too long, she could potentially die.

So begins...

Naomi Bergmann's Story


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Character Portrait: Olivia cure Character Portrait: Naomi Bergmann
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As she began to wake up from her slumber, Naomi realized something was off. Namely, her bed felt rather comfortable; having been living in a rinky-dink apartment complex for the past two years, she had been completely used to (and tolerant of) the fact that her mattress in her bedroom was very unappealing. However, right now, it was almost as if she was sleeping on a cloud.

Either she had fallen asleep at a friend's house--which was completely irrational, considering she had not left her house the night before and had no history of sleepwalking--or something was completely wrong.

Opening her eyes, Naomi looked around to find that, in fact, this was not her room in her apartment. Everything seemed... much older and more ancient than that, like something out of the turn of the century. Frantically, she felt around, hands landing on a familiar black-covered book with hand-scrawled notes. Naomi clutched it to her chest and breathed a sign of relief, knowing that there was at least a small shred of normalcy in this crazy dream--

Where in the world was she, anyway?

Not having anywhere else to go and certainly wanting to figure out what exactly was going on, Naomi quickly got out of bed and looked out the window, noticing that it was suddenly getting darker out and that people were... not using the same technology that she remembered they used. Cars that looked like Model-T's had gone out of fashion over a hundred years ago, she had figured, and she quickly found a fountain pen and scribbled a few notes in a blank page. This was all so fascinating! Naomi really hoped that she remembered these notes for later... although this dream was rather vivid, after all...

The room she curretnly found herself in was rather ornate, but there did not seem to be anyone wandering around the halls at this time. Naomi almost felt like some sort of investigative journalist, wanting to snoop around for a bit. She quickly gave into her instinct, and she slowly opened the door leading out into what seemed to be the main hall. A door at the end of the hall to her right seemed to be the entrance to the place, and she quickly made her way out before anyone could see her and stop her for questioning. That was the last thing that she needed, really--being asked questions that she did not know the answer to.

The evening air was cool. Naomi enjoyed that about this evening. The anachronisms of the automobiles and carriages gave it a sort of quaint feeling, to be honest, but she wondered what had happened between when she fell asleep last and when she woke up--certainly nothing, really--

It was now that Naomi spied someone in an alleyway talking to himself--herself? The hair was sort of short, but the figure looked more feminine than masculine. She did not want to be rude at all, but at the same time, there was no way that she could continue on at all in this place without knowing where exactly she was.

Naomi approached quietly, clearing her throat when she was certain the woman could hear her. "Um, excuse me? I think I'm... sort of lost," she explained quietly. "I fell asleep in my bed back in Chicago and, well... woke up in this place, wherever it is. Would you happen to know where this place is, or is it just one of my fever dreams again?" Hopefully, this woman would not think of Naomi as a regular crackpot from that question...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olivia cure Character Portrait: Naomi Bergmann
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#, as written by Juilii
Olivia did not like this at all, especially when she began to consider that maybe, by now, if she were somehow dreaming this, she would have woken up by now, automatically going into brooding mode-even though it hurt her brain a bit- trying to wrap her mind around the fact that maybe this wasnt a dream and that everything in fact was happening in real time. Which didnt really want to click in her mind.

She jumped when she heard Naomi clear her throat, almost not missing what she was saying due to the pure awe of seeing someone wearing modern clothes, mentioning a familiar city and appearing as lost as she was at the moment. Well, not appearing. This girl was lost. She slowly shook her head, "Sorry, 'fraid im as lost as you right now. I wasnt even sleeping-I think I wasnt- before I ended up back there." She motioned towards the alley. "I kinda hope one of us is dreaming, or else I have no idea how the hell this is even possible." She ran her hand through her hair, exhaling loudly in mild frustration trying to figure for a moment more on the logic behind the event before realizing she hadnt even introduced herself. "Im Olivia, by the way. Im from California." She extended her hand in a greeting gesture. "Even though I think and hope and dread that were in the same situation, you have no idea how happy I am to meet you. Is there even a word for it? Ecstatic, maybe?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olivia cure Character Portrait: Naomi Bergmann
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As the woman in front of her began to explain her predicament, Naomi realized that she would not be any help in figuring out where in the world she was. The fact that this Olivia woman--much like herself, actually--had just appeared in this place out of nowhere and been given absolutely nothing in terms of direction and location (and the idea that she was a figment of this person's dreams was also intriguing--that might make for a good story, actually! Naomi would have to write that one down before she forgot it...) was both disturbing and comforting. Solidarity was a pretty funny thing, she figured, and she merely took Olivia's extended hand and shook it, not really knowing what else to do and not wanting to be rude.

"Oh, I'm Naomi," she introduced herself, shaking her hand in greeting. "From what it looks like, I think we're in the same boat right about now, actually--lost and not really knowing where to go from here." At Olivia's comment about being so very happy to see her, several other words flashed through Naomi's mind--joyous, thrilled, rhapsodic--but she kept her thoughts on this to herself just so she would not come across as weird and overbearing so soon after meeting her...

...although solidarity made people do some pretty weird things, and she was pretty sure Olivia's comment about being so happy to meet her was a spur of the moment sort of thing. Still, she would keep a relatively calm and amiable demeanor, as being rude to someone was just, well... rude, for lack of a better word.

"So... what exactly is our next step, Olivia?" Naomi asked, unsure of what they were going to be doing next.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olivia cure Character Portrait: Naomi Bergmann Character Portrait: Oliver Taggart
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#, as written by Juilii
"Oh, crap, I have no idea," Olivia answered sheepishly. "Uh...maybe we should go look for an open establishment, like a restaurant or something, and hope they help us. And give us something to eat, because I dont know about you but despite whats going on right now, im pretty hungry." She began walking in a random direction. Lets hurry before it gets all dark and creepy." Olivia didnt know how this place worked, what government it functioned under, and whether or not it kept people from killing eachother over stuff. But...then again, that wouldnt make sense. The streets were fairly empty and calm, save for a few people minding their own business in their cars and carriages. They could always just call out to those people, but...Olivia felt it was probably safer to find an establishment with lights, food and people, and not someone in a cart. Even though she did consider it extreme that someone could kidnap them by shoving them into a horse drawn cart or even the actual cars they currently had- could they even shove a person back there, let alone 2 full grown ladies? She shook her head. "...Do you feel like youre thinking too much due to circumstances, Naomi? Because I do."


"Youre in Cariman, but the planet is called 'Masssas'. I dont know what happened, but no one knows how you folks end up lost around here." He scratched the back of his head. "By the time we make it to town, it'll be late enough for my wife to worry. You'd have to wait until tomorrow, to be able to get to your answer. You try going now you be rushing to your death. Night isnt a good time to be out there. And I already saw you here, I dont plan to leave you here, itll bother my gut all night. You can stay at my place the night, then ill take you to town early tomorrow." He wasnt sure if this stranger would accept his offer the first time- after all, this poor man was stuck somewhere unfamiliar and an old man was offering him a place to stay the night. But he had already made up his mind to make sure the stranger didnt end up getting attacked by a prairie cat or something because he didnt insist in letting him stay somewhere safe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olivia cure Character Portrait: Naomi Bergmann
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Naomi listened to Olivia, and she realized that her new acquaintance was freaking out a bit more than she was. Perhaps it was just the fact that the realization had not quite set in yet--that she was no longer home or possibly even in Chicago anymore--and her mind was just trying to process everything, but Naomi seemed rather calm and collected by this whole thing. Still, she put her mind to use, trying to figure out what exactly they might be able to do now that it was so dark and there were few people around.

"...well, seeing as everything here is some sort of turn-of-the-century knockoff," Naomi shrugged, "I think we might be best off looking for some sort of inn or pub. I mean, they had those back then, right? I'm sure they had those back then..." History was never her strong point in school; it had always been English, and that had been the foundation for her career--

Oh, no, her students! If she was here, who was back at home? If this was some sort of fever dream, then she figured it would not matter at all and that she would wake up with some vivid imagery and another idea for her story. Still, if this was a dream, it all felt so real...

"Hey, wait up!" As soon as Olivia began walking in a random direction, Naomi hurried to follow her, not wanting to be left alone in this unfamiliar place by herself. "Don't leave without me!" She then pulled out her book and the fountain pen, jotting down a few notes about the place in general. She also took a little bit of time to make sure her other idea had been written down--the one about two people coming together in a foreign place and wondering whether the other was dreaming it or not.

She had heard Olivia's question despite her current distraction. Sure, her mind was all over the place most of the time, but that did not mean that she was going insane--no, people had told her that she just had an active imagination, is all. "I mean, that's why I carry my book around with me all the time," she shook the black-bound book in her hand to show Olivia. "Whenever I start over-thinking things or get ideas, I just scribble them down in here. It's... almost therapeutic, in a way, plus I get to write down potential new ideas for stories." Sure, there were some that would think her childish, but at the same time, there were an infinite number of ideas to explore, and that was something that Naomi would want to keep in mind as she furthered her career...

...that is, if she could find her way back home, first...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olivia cure Character Portrait: Naomi Bergmann
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#, as written by Juilii
Olivia waited until Naomi was beside her, listening to how she treated everything so far - she just wrote it down. " I used to kinda scrawl my ideas, but they were so sporratic I worried people would find something wrong with me. " Olivia noticed a friendly light eminating from a fairly large window, a restaurant, she supposed, then proven when she walked up to it. She held back her desire to reel in surprise. There weren't many people inside the restaurant, but the few that were were dressed in the way rich white snobby people would, sitting around, speaking with snobby accents and laughing at really bad jokes in an obnoxious manner- only these people seemed to have genuine manners and an indoor voice. It was hard to see what most were eating, since the ones who had their plates in her line of sight had already finished their meals and were just talking. And no one seemed to notice the girl who had her face pressed against the window. She slid towards the door, hoping to get a whiff and idea of what they had inside. It smelled like food from the best buffet in the world, with lots of delicious meat smells and bread and other delicious goodness. " I think its a good idea to go in here."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olivia cure Character Portrait: Naomi Bergmann
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Naomi followed Olivia down the street toward a restaurant area, not really having anywhere else to go and not wanting to get lost in this unfamiliar place on her own. The last thing she needed to do was get even more utterly lost; she had a somewhat nasty habit of doing that at times. Still, as much as she felt she was a bad conversationalist, the fact that she had met someone that seemed rather interested in her was good, to say the very least. It was nice, exploring when someone else was going to be just as lost as her.

"I think it's a good idea to go in here," Olivia finally said. She had a good point, to be fair; the place was filled with all sorts of food and drinks, which was something that she was hoping to get rather soon. Besides, if there were people inside--which it completely seemed as if there were--then they might be able to answer questions about where they were, what this place was, and why the technology was so... antiquated, to put it kindly.

"Wait, what if they don't take our money?" Naomi asked. "I mean, what if they've never heard of the dollar before?" Still, it was something that they should keep in mind, but charity in any form was always appreciated. Regardless of their plan, the redhead would still feel somewhat inclined to follow Olivia around, more for fear of becoming utterly lost in this new place than anything else.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olivia cure Character Portrait: Naomi Bergmann
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#, as written by Juilii
She hadn't thought of that. "Um...Maybe they're charitable people who wont mind sparing a free meal? I mean...well, its worth a shot then." She walked in, immediately noticing something odd. The people turned to see who entered and then...resumed eating and chatting. As if it was normal to see someone dressed like her. "Naomi? It..doesn't seem like this is something unusual..." She felt herself shrinking slightly, suddenly self conscious despite not attracting attention. Normally, in movies, when people ended up in some other dimension, the natives came at the protagonists with pitchforks and torches or guns, or at least stared at them long enough to make them uncomfortable. Maybe they weren't in another dimension, and they were, in fact, on an enormous movie set? That would explain the peoples disinterest in them. Either that or two people who stuck out like a sore thumb was something they saw everyday.

Would she dare interrupt someone from their conversations to figure this out? Nope. She was too scared to find out if this was either the movie set or the real thing. She looked at Naomi. "Can you...ask...them...stuff about this place, and the food?"