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Fille Rusée

"Moi? Your wildest dreams and nightmares..."

0 · 980 views · located in The Forest

a character in “Forest Cats”, as played by ladygeekiness


Fille Rusée

Fille Rusée is one of the most mysterious cats you will ever meet, and will know the least about. She's barely a teen, but she looks and acts like a full grown cat. She's graceful and elegant, with ginger fur and amber eyes. She's a French breed, and speaks with a subtle French purr. Her mother was a retired French movie star's pet before ending up in a forest with no memory of how she got there. After a while, Fille's mother met a River Clan cat who took her in to the clan. After a while, She began to speak English better and fit right in. Fille's mother ended up marrying the river clan cat, and had Fille. Fille Rusée was raised speaking both French and English, and inherited her mother's class and air of dignity and mystery. But alas, her life was torn when one of Zuri's gang attacked her mother and father as they patrolled the forest together. Fille was devastated, and ran off into the forest, disappearing without a trace, presumed dead along with her parents after fruitless searches. It's now been half a year since she ran away, and she had been fending for herself ever since. Fille possesses the power to bend other cat's thoughts and emotions to her will, but it's harder to use her power on certain cats, as some cats have better control over their emotions and thoughts than others. It's a very useful power. This gives her a slight ability to read the most prominent thoughts on people's minds, but it isn't controllable like her main power, the thoughts come into her mind when she's bending other's thoughts. Fille's personality appears to be mysterious, classy, fierce, intelligent, smooth, sly, and rebellious, but no one really knows her well, perhaps that could change.

So begins...

Fille Rusée's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Fille Rusée
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#, as written by Rari
Orchid didnt like the fact that this male cat was acting so familiar with her, even though they just met. When he came up next to her she quickly walked up past Korolee, brushing her tail along his chin then slowing down to walk at his side, rather close. Well why couldnt she, they were friends after all, though most of the reason was to try and repel the blonde cat. She didnt understand, the other male cats gave up when she gave them the could shoulder. Why wouldnt this Heatchest guy give up too?

Orchid neared the main entrance to her home, the cave, and walked in. "We have a guest from the woodland clan. I suppose he has to ask you about our clan, and for some...odd...reason, my fur." She said. It was obvious to everyone how annoyed she was by this 'heat chest' guy and his refusal to give up on her. Orchid sat down next to her mother, beckoning Korolee to sit next to her. Once he did she let their tails intwine and purred contently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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Korolee felt tingles run through his body at the feeling of Orchid's tail under his chin, and assumed it was just a ticklish spot she'd found, not suspecting it was something else. He saw the cave up on the high ledge, and smiled softly at the sight of it. For some reason, this place felt more like home than home did. Heatchest saw the cave, and all the stories of it's residents and their stories, the stories of the events that had happened there, they all raced through his mind as he finally saw it. His blonde fur fluttered in the chill breeze as they climbed the path to the cave mouth. He entered, and immediately bowed to the alphas. "I am Heatchest, apprentice of the chief guard of the Woodland clan, son of Longheart and Icetail. I am honoured to visit your presence." He went all out, being as polite as possible, getting on Orchid's family's good side. Nightfur looked at him slightly puzzledly, and raised her eyebrows at the mention of two of the most powerful cats in Woodclan. She looked at Kioni with an eyebrow raised. Heat sat up, and saw Jenna and Jack. He leaped to his feet, his back arched and his fur stood on end. He hissed. "Stay back!!" Jenna and Jack just looked at him nonchalantly and Jenna smirked. "Sit down, you don't want your back freezing in that position." Heat's jaw dropped and his body relaxed as jenna spoke. "You-!" Nightfur looked towards Orchid with a smile. "Speaking of freezing, do close that block back up dear, it's letting in a draft." As Orchid closed the cave up again, Korolee felt her tail grow slightly hotter against his, but it might have just been his subconscious reacting to the magical activity of someone he held dear. Heat sat still and straight, staring blankly at the cave wall. Misty and Fille held back a snicker at his various reactions to their regular life.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
Orchid smirked at the new guy. "What? Youve never talked to a human before?" She asked with a slight giggle. This always freaked new cats out. But it was perfectly normal for the cave clan. Orchid held kionis tail to hers closer, happy to be back together with her best friend. She wondered if he had noticed how much she had changed, not that it mattered, every kit changes.

Kioni sat up straight, and very intimidatingly glared at the young blonde cat, the cat didnt seem to flinch at all though, he did however bow. It was a sign of strength and respect. "Well, young one, what would you like to know about our clan? Well other than my daughters grooming habits of course. Have you got a message to deliver from your parents, or are you here for, other, reasons?" He asked, glancing at his daughter. He had experienced other male cats around Orchids age coming up to him and asking for her paw in Mateship. Kioni always explained that Orchid would choose a mate for herself and that he wasnt going to force her into an unwanted courtship. He wasnt sure of the blonde cats motives, but he wasnt too suspicious, the cat had well known parents. Good parents that kioni had the chance to speak to a few times. So he wasnt worried.

Jack continued to hug his knees being very quiet, only looking up to see a new cat come in, he switched to cat mode so he wasnt taking up as much space anymore and curled up in the corner, not really facing most of them, but rather facing the cave wall.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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Heat recovered his senses and looked towards Kioni again. He smiled, trying to forget that there was a human that could speak to cats and a human that could change into one sitting in the same cave as him. "I was complimenting Orchid's fur yes, it's very well kept. I sometimes say awkward things." He chuckled nervously. "But what I really came to ask was what your guarding systems are like. My master says I should learn guarding techniques from other clans to be the best possible clan guard captain I can." Heat sat up proudly, and Nightfur thought about Heat as he talked. Heat seemed to be nice enough, and he apparently was smart and strong enough to be the future captain of the Woodclan guard, but there was something else he was here for. Nightfur noticed the sideways glances at her daughter and her eyes narrowed. Learning my paw, she thought. Nightfur sighed and wriggled further under the scarf, enjoying the comfort. She felt Kioni unfurl a wing and wrap it around her, and she immediately felt far safer and more secure.

Jenna was admiring the fireflies floating through the cave, a crown of them still settled in her hair. She enjoyed their gentle whispers in her ear, and one small one in particular had settled right above her ear, and told her stories of the firefly flock and its own adventures. She was in the middle of hearing about the firefly's antics in trying to look after a firefly larva, when she saw Jack curled in the corner. He looked cold, so she crawled over to him. She unwrapped the scarf that was still on her neck and lay it on top of him, and before he could say anything she was already sitting on the other side of the cave listening to the hum of fireflies.

Misty sat near the secret entrance, Fille sat nearby. He said nothing, just sitting still and occasionally gnawing on a piece of the chicken Jenna had brought. It was strange, but tasted nice at the same time. He was nearly finished with his piece when he felt something hit him in the back of the head. He cursed under his breath, and stroked the spot that had been hurt with his tail as he looked behind him. He saw and smelt the message Snowpaw had sent through the trees and nodded to himself. He looked over to his mother. "Grandfather can't visit tonight, he's got a cat with a particularly annoying bone break. Her name's Flasheye, ring any bells?" Nightfur shook her head, but Heatchest jumped to his feet. "My sister! Sorry, but I have to go see if she's okay." He rushed towards the door and Orchid opened a little spot for him to dash through before closing it again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
"Yes! hes gone finally." Orchid said with a sigh of relief. She flopped onto the ground and sighed again. Orchid hated the attention she got from males and often cursed he look. She was actually glad that Korolee hadnt said anything. "Daddy you arent going to force me to like him right? just because you know his parents?" She asked, not wanting to see this cat ever again. Kioni shook his head and said" Of course not dear, i know what its like, i'd never put you through that." Kioni said as he snuggled it more to his wife, peeking at her tummy and feeling very impatient for his fourth child to arrive.

Jack was freezing on the cave floor and nearly asleep. Suddenly he felt warm, he had looked up long enough to see a flash of purple hair. He was now covered in a scarf, Jennas scarf. He wanted to thank her but she had retreated before he had the chance. Jack snuggled into the warm scarf, turning himself even smaller to fit under it perfectly, and soon drifted into a deep sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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0.00 INK

Nightfur purred, enjoying the feeling of her mate lying next to her. She closed her eyes, feeling a little odd all of a sudden. "Well at least he's got a good sense of family..." She sighed softly, then smiled softly at Orchid through lowered eyelids. "Hey, one day we gotta have a boy talk." She smirked before trying to sleep. She felt odd, and it felt familiar, and it was stopping her from sleeping. She decided to just let her mind think until she fell asleep rather than worry. She looked towards Korolee and smiled. "How are you Korolee? We haven't seen you in a while." Nightfur smiled rather weakly at Korolee, who sat up straighter when he realised an older cat was paying attention to him. He coughed and tried not to stutter as he spoke. "I'm good, yeah. I'm good." He smiled nervously and crookedly before he looked at some fireflies that were flitting around his head, waiting for Nightfur to say something else, as was what his mother had taught him. Never speak unless spoken to, or if conversation is needed. Nightfur furrowed her brow as she saw Korolee... Seriousise. Nightfur couldn't find the words to describe it, but knew something was up with Korolee.

Jenna leaned against the wall, and smiled at the mention of a boy talk. That was very mum-like. When conversation halted, she grinned broadly at Nightfur and Orchid. "A girly talk about boys is definitely my area, if you wouldn't mind me joining in?" Nightfur smiled back at Jenna. "That sounds lovely, what do you think Orchid?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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As Jenna prepped the bed, and was going to reply when Misty stepped in with a mouthful of herbs. He put them down next to Jenna, before replying himself. "Father, you know what happened last time when you didn't have any help." Misty looked at him with eyes that were filled with sadness and something that just told Kioni to trust Jenna. "Besides, we have got something for the pain." He pointed to the herbs with his tail with a sad smile. Nightfur barely heard the conversation as she started to yowl. Jenna was going to asked what happened the last time when Jack swooped in with the white tool box. Jenna took it with gratitude and opened it up smoothly, revealing not tiers of hardware tools, but tiers of a veterinarian's tools. Jenna pulled on a pair of latex gloves and beckoned to Misty. "How do you apply the herbs? Are they chewed or what?" Misty came forward and picked up the herbs. "We chew them and rub the herb on the cat's belly and legs." Jenna smiled, and let Misty proceed to chew up the herb. Misty frowned as he chewed.

"What are these things in the box?" Jenna looked down at the vet's tools and grinned. "Oh, I've gotten a human job as a vet's assistant. I got this box of medical tools in case I needed them in an emergency. ALthough they meant emergency at work like a seriously injured animal, but this is a serious need. And everyone keeps their animals in good nick anyhow" Misty nodded, not understanding at all, but he just went with it.

Jenna heard Orchid mention Snowpaw and shook her head. She beckoned Orchid over with her gloved hand. "No, he's got an emergency of his own, remember? It would be great if he could come here, but he can't. Dammit." Jenna got down as low as she could so she could look Orchid in the eye. "Now Orchid, I'm gonna need you to help. I want you to get the dirt and earth, and make a big wall around the cave's entrances, to block sound okay? We don't want the whole forest knowing your new sister's being born. Especially when Zuri's out there somewhere. And after that you'd best sit outside with Korolee. You'll block the wind with the wall so it'll be fine, okay? Oh, and you might wanna block the cave entrance again, you guys don't want to see this stuff yet, and Misty's not gonna see much of it either." She smiled softly at Orchid before sitting up straight and moved round to Nightfur's rear end while Misty applied the herb pulp. She chuckled. "I know this is hardly the time, but man I can't believe I'm about to do this!" She then got into a readying stance. "Okay, everyone except Kioni and Misty should get out now!" Fille nodded, but as she exited the cave she shook her head at how insane this clan could be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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0.00 INK

Korolee felt Orchid lie next to him and his breathing slowed as he felt the warmth of her body beside his. He slowed the last few thoughts of zuri in his mind, but the drumming was still there, even if it was quieter. He sighed, and wanted to sit up, but felt Orchid's tail brush against his, so he decided to lay still. He saw his breath turn to fog in the cold air, and admired the delicate snowflakes' icy fractals as they shimmered in the evening twilight. He closed his eyes, and was going to speak when he heard something scratching and pawing behind him. He stood up and turned around. He heard shuffling and looked up at Misty's head as it poked through the hole Orchid had made. "It's done." Korolee hadn't noticed Nightfur had stopped yowling. Orchid lowered the wall and everyone entered the cave. The door closed up behind them, but the hole was still there, letting the setting sun's light fall on the face of the baby black and white cat cradled in Jenna's arms, and Nightfur tired and proud face was beaming next to them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
Kioni was glad everything was over and that he had a strange looking, but beautiful new daughter. Orchid came in and saw her and was enthused about her new sister and even jumped around a little.

Jack saw the wall of the cave come down and swooped back into the cave, seeing the cute little kitten jenna had in her arms. She sure was cute he thought. One of the cutest, most unique kittens he had ever seen. He stayed close enough to see the the kit but still far away from jenna as his heart ached whenever he saw her face.

Verity could feel a warmth, the warmth of love all around her, Yet she couldnt see, everything was dark. But in the warm darkness she could hear voices. Not real voices, but wishers from the minds of others, secret thoughts shared with no one but the holder. Two peoples thoughts seemed to scream at her rather than whisper. She didnt know why but something told her to open her eyes.

Veritys eyes shot wide open, shining a bright shade of golden yellow, she shook slightly and he fur stood straight up."cairdeas, fearg, brón, athmhuintearas, rompu, fírinne, nascáil, grá," She seemed to chant. Her tone was eery, a sound that shouldnt have come from a kit. And with her word rang a certain whisper, whispers of words in another long forgotten language strange to those around her. While those around her stared with mouths wide open, The human girl, however, Was experiencing something much different....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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0.00 INK

Jenna barely had time to react before the new kit Verity started speaking in a strange language. Her tiny paw hit Jena's forearm, and she was flung into madness.

Jenna felt something yank her body, and all she saw was random colours and images, the ones she did see were of strange places and people, of armies marching and children laughing. She spun faster and faster, like she was being sucked down a plug hole, until she landed in the forest. What? Jenna looked down at the late summer leaves beneath her feet. But it was winter! Why were there green and orange leaves? She looked up, and saw Jack's cat form walk through the forest. She walked towards him. "Hey!" When Jack didn't reply she frowned. And then she walked right through herself. Jenna felt a sharp pull through her as her red headed counterpart walked straight through her. Then Jenna realised where she was. That was herself from earlier this year, and she was about to see Jack. Jenna followed herself, and watched in laughter as she saw her reaction from another angle. She straightened up and watched as she saw Jack and Jenna come face to face. She watched as she hopped onto Jack's motorcycle, and then she was sucked through the wormhole of images again.

She landed on a plush carpet with a thud, and despite it being a plush carpet it still hurt her butt. She saw morning light shining through a window, and smiled. She stood up, and the smile practically dropped off her face. She saw her and Jack in that bed, and her chest immediately started burning. She saw Jack wake up, and smile, before he saw her. She watched as he tumbled off the bed in shock. She put her face in her hands as she woke up and started yelling, wanting to not watch this. Anything but this. And her wish was granted.

Now Jenna was sitting in a little alcove in the cave today. She watched herself goof around about chicken, but on the other side of the cave sat Jack, his head on his knees, curled up in a ball. Jenna knew that look. The fetal kicking yourself position. She sighed, and picked at the salmon beside her in the alcove, and ate some. Somehow.

Jenna leant against the cave wall and it seemed that she and Jack were sitting together as Verity was being cooed at by everyone else, but they all had something in their eyes that looked like worry. Or was it fascination? Jenna looked back at herself, and saw as she smiled at Jack, and tucked a strand of his blonde hair behind his ear, and continuing the motion brought him into a hug.

Next, she landed in a hallway, a very strange hallway. She didn't see anyone, so she thought about her current state. Maybe she could fly! She jumped as hard as she could, stretching her arms out forwards and soared through the air. Before landing on her face with a bang. As Jenna pushed herself up, she felt two people run through her, holding hands. It was Jack and her, and they seemed to be looking for something. She followed them on foot, and watched as they talked. The words were muffled, and Jenna guessed whatever this was, it was showing her the future, and it wasn't giving her ANY details.

Then, she was sitting on the opposite end of the room from her and Jack, who were sitting on a couch together, looking at something together. She watched as she grinned at Jack, who grinned back, and Jack lifted her into a tight hug, and they both laughed and whooped in joy. Even though it was muffled, Jenna could tell they were both celebrating. Jenna walked over to the couch to see what it was, but then got sucked into the spinning vortex before she could. Jenna sighed grumpily and crossed her arms as she did the usual routine of spinning like a wind up toy on its side through the whirl of colours and flashing images.

Jenna observed from a willow tree as she and Jack talked. She lay on the branch as she saw herself and Jack talking avidly. She was in a tree above them, as they were sitting by the river in the shade of the willow. The voices sounded like they were three rooms away, but Jenna could tell they were having a good time. Then, Jack unzipped his hoodie, and showed his chest to future Jenna. She laughed and Jack laughed, but they accidentally fell in the water, and started splashing about. Jenna was frustrated when she couldn't see what was on his chest, and was about to investigate when she was sucked through the vortex again.

Now, Jenna was sitting on her couch at home, and her mother was pacing in the middle of the room, in a short lilac dress. Her mother looked gorgeous, and yet she wasn't admiring herself. And then she stopped pacing. She looked towards the door to the hallway and stairs, with a not so familiar look in her eyes. Jenna turned around in her seat, and saw a gold slipper touch on the floor below the steps, and a long purple and gold ruffled dress was framing it. More of the dress showed, and Jenna was going to see who it was wearing the dress when she blacked out.

Jenna woke up in her body, still holding Verity in her arms. It seemed what had been at least an hour's worth of time spent was a second to everyone else. She looked down at Verity, whose eyes were slowly losing their glow. She stared at the kit, who smiled sweetly back before yawning and stretching. Jenna handed the kit back to Nightfur and walked to the other wall of the cave. She slid down slowly, and sat, her eyes glazed over and wide. She watched as everyone gathered around the new kit. She felt her forearm burning. She looked down, and saw a tan coloured paw print on her skin, and it was warm, almost burning. She rubbed it as Nightfur nuzzled her new kit. "Welcome to this strange world little one. I think you'll fit right in." She smiled softly at her daughter, too tired to care that her kit had just done something weird.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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0.00 INK

Jenna barely had time to react before the new kit Verity started speaking in a strange language. Her tiny paw hit Jena's forearm, and she was flung into madness.

Jenna felt something yank her body, and all she saw was random colours and images, the ones she did see were of strange places and people, of armies marching and children laughing. She spun faster and faster, like she was being sucked down a plug hole, until she landed in the forest. What? Jenna looked down at the late summer leaves beneath her feet. But it was winter! Why were there green and orange leaves? She looked up, and saw Jack's cat form walk through the forest. She walked towards him. "Hey!" When Jack didn't reply she frowned. And then she walked right through herself. Jenna felt a sharp pull through her as her red headed counterpart walked straight through her. Then Jenna realised where she was. That was herself from earlier this year, and she was about to see Jack. Jenna followed herself, and watched in laughter as she saw her reaction from another angle. She straightened up and watched as she saw Jack and Jenna come face to face. She watched as she hopped onto Jack's motorcycle, and then she was sucked through the wormhole of images again.

She landed on a plush carpet with a thud, and despite it being a plush carpet it still hurt her butt. She saw morning light shining through a window, and smiled. She stood up, and the smile practically dropped off her face. She saw her and Jack in that bed, and her chest immediately started burning. She saw Jack wake up, and smile, before he saw her. She watched as he tumbled off the bed in shock. She put her face in her hands as she woke up and started yelling, wanting to not watch this. Anything but this. And her wish was granted.

Now Jenna was sitting in a little alcove in the cave today. She watched herself goof around about chicken, but on the other side of the cave sat Jack, his head on his knees, curled up in a ball. Jenna knew that look. The fetal kicking yourself position. She sighed, and picked at the salmon beside her in the alcove, and ate some. Somehow.

Jenna leant against the cave wall and it seemed that she and Jack were sitting together as Verity was being cooed at by everyone else, but they all had something in their eyes that looked like worry. Or was it fascination? Jenna looked back at herself, and saw as she smiled at Jack, and tucked a strand of his blonde hair behind his ear, and continuing the motion brought him into a hug.

Next, she landed in a hallway, a very strange hallway. She didn't see anyone, so she thought about her current state. Maybe she could fly! She jumped as hard as she could, stretching her arms out forwards and soared through the air. Before landing on her face with a bang. As Jenna pushed herself up, she felt two people run through her, holding hands. It was Jack and her, and they seemed to be looking for something. She followed them on foot, and watched as they talked. The words were muffled, and Jenna guessed whatever this was, it was showing her the future, and it wasn't giving her ANY details.

Then, she was sitting on the opposite end of the room from her and Jack, who were sitting on a couch together, looking at something together. She watched as she grinned at Jack, who grinned back, and Jack lifted her into a tight hug, and they both laughed and whooped in joy. Even though it was muffled, Jenna could tell they were both celebrating. Jenna walked over to the couch to see what it was, but then got sucked into the spinning vortex before she could. Jenna sighed grumpily and crossed her arms as she did the usual routine of spinning like a wind up toy on its side through the whirl of colours and flashing images.

Jenna observed from a willow tree as she and Jack talked. She lay on the branch as she saw herself and Jack talking avidly. She was in a tree above them, as they were sitting by the river in the shade of the willow. The voices sounded like they were three rooms away, but Jenna could tell they were having a good time. Then, Jack unzipped his hoodie, and showed his chest to future Jenna. She laughed and Jack laughed, but they accidentally fell in the water, and started splashing about. Jenna was frustrated when she couldn't see what was on his chest, and was about to investigate when she was sucked through the vortex again.

Now, Jenna was sitting on her couch at home, and her mother was pacing in the middle of the room, in a short lilac dress. Her mother looked gorgeous, and yet she wasn't admiring herself. And then she stopped pacing. She looked towards the door to the hallway and stairs, with a not so familiar look in her eyes. Jenna turned around in her seat, and saw a gold slipper touch on the floor below the steps, and a long purple and gold ruffled dress was framing it. More of the dress showed, and Jenna was going to see who it was wearing the dress when she blacked out.

Jenna woke up in her body, still holding Verity in her arms. It seemed what had been at least an hour's worth of time spent was a second to everyone else. She looked down at Verity, whose eyes were slowly losing their glow. She stared at the kit, who smiled sweetly back before yawning and stretching. Jenna handed the kit back to Nightfur and walked to the other wall of the cave. She slid down slowly, and sat, her eyes glazed over and wide. She watched as everyone gathered around the new kit. She felt her forearm burning. She looked down, and saw a tan coloured paw print on her skin, and it was warm, almost burning. She rubbed it as Nightfur nuzzled her new kit. "Welcome to this strange world little one. I think you'll fit right in." She smiled softly at her daughter, too tired to care that her kit had just done something weird.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
"She'll fit into this strange family very well." Kioni said as he layed next to his new daughter and she snuggled her tiny body into his fur, purring softly and drifting to sleep. Kioni smiled, though he was very worried about her size, she was even smaller than hope was when he was born. This scared kioni greatly, but he decided to cherish the moments spent with her rather than worrying.

Orchid was rather surprised at her little sisters sudden power awakening, and couldnt manage do much but slump to the floor in disbelief of what had just happened. Glowing eyes and a strange language? What kind of power causes that? She wondered. Eventually she stood up again, and walked to her little sister, looking her one. "Yup! She'll fit right in with the rest of us perfectly. And shes so cute too!" She said with a grin then bounced over to kioni, leaning on him once more.

Jack sat quietly, now in human form, observing everything. Nothing about these cats really surprised him anymore. He was now very used to the strange events that seemed to happen daily around the cats. Everyone was staring in awe at the kit, except for one person, Jenna, who looked kinda scared or shocked. "..Are..You okay?..." He asked. Though it was painful for him to look her in the eyes he tried him best. His face showed concern for his friend, and fear that she would ignore him more set in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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Jenna awoke on the floor. "Again?!" She moaned, her face squished against the planked floor. She got back up on the couch, wrapping herself in blankets. It was morning, and her forehead tickled. She got up and poured a cup of coffee, her blankets trailing behind her and occasionally dropping pillows or stuffed toys. She picked up Jack's note and sat in the middle of the kitchen wrapped in blankets. She read the note and drank her coffee, her expression blank. She knew she should feel something about this, but she guessed this was her appointed nofucksgiven day. She sighed and lay on the cold tiles, looking up at the ceiling. She wondered if there was a trampoline room.

Nightfur yawned and stretched in the dawn light as Verity suckled. She smiled, her memories of Misty and Orchid as suckling kits coming back. She turned her head to lick Kioni but chuckled to see he'd already gone hunting. Korolee lay in a warm corner of the cave, Orchid just waking not too far away. Nightfur smiled at how their tails were so close. They must have fallen asleep holding tails. Nightfur giggled to herself in the motherly way of hers. She would wait. Misty trotted in and set down a basket of herbs next to Verity. Nightfur smiled softly at her son. "What've you got there?" Misty sat down and groomed her, wanting to be as helpful as possible. Misty spoke between licks. "Some herbs for you and Verity, and for Fille's-" He stopped abruptly as Fille appeared behind him with a firm cough. He gulped and bent down to pick up the correct herbs for Nightfur and Verity but saw that they had gone. "What the-?" He looked in shock as Verity applied the pulp of Nightfur's herb on her belly with her tiny paws as she chewed her own herbs. Misty froze before Nightfur broke the silence by laughing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Fille Rusée
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#, as written by Rari
Verity knew why her brother had brought the herbs and what they were each used for, and by the time he was done talking had applied them in the correct manner. Misty stared for a moment and verity gave him an odd look. Her mother broke the silence with a laugh. Verity was unsure why her mother was laughing like that and gave her that look too, standing up on her wobbly legs.

Orchid was sleeping peacefully when loud laughter woke her up suddenly. Orchid looked over to see her mom laughing, her brother staring in shock, Fille looking...well, Fille looked like she always did, and Kioni was still fast asleep. Orchid smirked and eyeballed him, then got into pouncing position. She was about to pounce when her father walked in and plopped a butt load of food on the floor. She looked at it then pounced on Kioni. "Wake uuuuppp! its breakfast time!" She said laying on him. Kioni gave her a disapproving look and she got off. Sticking her tongue out at him. Orchid got up and walked over to her sister and opened her mouth to say something before being interrupted. "I know im tiny" Said the now, very away Verity. Orchid laughed. "How is she doing that?" She asked. Verity just shrugged.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Fille Rusée
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Korolee grunted as he got up, shaking his head out of humor and weariness as Orchid stuck her tongue out at him. Korolee dragged himself over to the fish pile, and, remembering his manners, brought a fish to Nightfur and Kioni first before eating his own. Nightfur calmed herself, and ate the fish, her belly feeling very empty from all of that feeding. Nightfur puled in Verity with her tail, bringing her close to her belly, nuzzling her gently, purring happily. "Mummy loves you very much. Don't you forget it." Nightfur licked Verity's forehead before looking toward her mate. She smiled at Kioni. "Hello darling, good job on your fishing trip, you've got us plenty." She purred and tickled his chin and just behind his ear with her tail. Korolee watched the happy family from a distance, even Fille seemed to be happy. She was looking at the kit with some form of focus, but no one but the two of them knew that they were talking telepathically. Well, not exactly talking, but sending back and forth general emotions, not really making a proper conversation, but what could you expect from two people who had just met? Misty was continuing Verity's work she had started, rubbing Verity over, doing health checks, and giving both of them herbs. Korolee smiled weakly, before putting his head down and slipping out of the cave before anyone even noticed he was standing there.

Korolee moved with the shadows like water running through a creek bed. He dreaded to tell his mother the news. She was hoping that the kit would die upon birth, or at least be a runt seeing as it was a single kit litter. Usually such kits were bad omens. Korolee frowned, wondering whether he had any... No, Zuri had told him they all died in an accident near the river before they were barely sentient. He sighed, feeling odd... The sharp smell of blood came to his nose, and faint screams came into his head. The drums came beating again, making his head and heart pound and ache. His vision darkened and shadows came to life before him, their yells and taunts all he heard, their claws and matted fur all he felt. He grit his teeth, tears coming to his eyes. His mother's voice echoed around him, and clouded his thoughts,but then, a ray of sunshine. Orchid's smile, her laugh. Thoughts of her somehow cleared the evil in his mind but doubled it as well. He ran faster and faster, trying to get home quickly. He tore aside the hidden bark door and raced down the steps inside the dead tree, going further under ground, the wastelands of the forest above him growing further away as he finally collapsed onto the floor in the surprisingly large underground cave his mother had made. The shadows left, and the pain stopped, his tears fell to the floor, and soaked into the gritty dirt. "Mother?!!" A voice came from behind him. "My son. Back so soon?" Korolee sat tall, his body shaking, his eyes wet and glistening. He wiped his face of emotion, remembering his mother's advice, no, orders. Korolee gulped, and looked downwards, the heat radiating from his mother barely affecting him. "The kit is... dead." His mother's dark chuckle resounded around the cavern, and her fluffy white tail forced his face upwards. His mother's face was hardly how he remembered it to be, the evil smile on it twisting her features, and a scar from the fight with Cave Clan lay across her eye. "Good... It shall soon be time.." And with that, Korolee heard deep growls from the shadows, and his eyes widened at the terrors that emerged.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Fille Rusée
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#, as written by Rari
Kioni sat down next to his wife and licked her forehead. "And how are you this morning dear? And hows-" Kioni was cut short by verity. "Im fine." She said quietly. "Well im glad youre doing well little one. " He said with a smile, a little taken back by his daughters early developed powers. "So are we going to see your father later today?" Kioni asked nightfur. Suddenly korolee brought over a fish for him and Nightfur, Kioniwas slightly surprised but ate it happily.

Orchid had hopped on the food the moment everyone else had, completely enjoying filling her belly. She didnt even notice Korolee slip out. She looked around. "Whered he go?" She asked looking confused and slightly panicked. "He probably just went home, his parents are probably worried sick about him since he spent the night here" Kioni said. "Oh...." Orchid responded, staring at the ground. "Dont worry you will see him later, just finish up your food. " Kioni said, not understanding his daughters need to see that boy. Kioni didnt like something about him.

Verity looked around and got up, not enjoying the thorough check up she was getting from her older brother. She managed to wander over to the fireflies and stared up at them. "What are these things?" She asked quietly. She looked at them for a while, they moved every so often, one even flew around her, landing on her nose eventually. Verity responded with a sneeze.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Fille Rusée Character Portrait: Verity
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Nightfur kissed Kioni's cheek, amused by his expression in his reaction to Verity. "Yes, I sent him a message. The trees said he'll be round s soon as he can. A young warrior encountered a strange animal on patrol and got hurt badly." Nightfur spoke the last few words in hushed tones. Misty paced over to Verity softly and sat next to her, wrapping his tail around her to ensure she kept warm as she watched the fireflies. "Those are fireflies. They're tiny little bugs that glow when it's dark. If you listen closely, they say you can hear their whispers." Misty knew that was just a kid's tale, but it had always amused him when he was little. But then again, for Misty, if he listened closely, he could hear whispers of the dead. Fille came on the other side of Verity and sat next to her, watching the little bugs with them, with a faint look of curiosity on her face. Misty looked at her, before looking back at the fireflies. "Maman says hello..." Fille looked towards Misty quickly with a surprised stare, her mouth suddenly very dry. She looked down with a gulp. "Tell her I say hello too." Misty smiled at her softly. "I don't need to. She's right next to you."Fille gasped as a drop fell onto the stone floor at Fille's feet, and she smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Fille Rusée Character Portrait: Verity
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Nightfur kissed Kioni's cheek, amused by his expression in his reaction to Verity. "Yes, I sent him a message. The trees said he'll be round s soon as he can. A young warrior encountered a strange animal on patrol and got hurt badly." Nightfur spoke the last few words in hushed tones. Misty paced over to Verity softly and sat next to her, wrapping his tail around her to ensure she kept warm as she watched the fireflies. "Those are fireflies. They're tiny little bugs that glow when it's dark. If you listen closely, they say you can hear their whispers." Misty knew that was just a kid's tale, but it had always amused him when he was little. But then again, for Misty, if he listened closely, he could hear whispers of the dead. Fille came on the other side of Verity and sat next to her, watching the little bugs with them, with a faint look of curiosity on her face. Misty looked at her, before looking back at the fireflies. "Maman says hello..." Fille looked towards Misty quickly with a surprised stare, her mouth suddenly very dry. She looked down with a gulp. "Tell her I say hello too." Misty smiled at her softly. "I don't need to. She's right next to you."Fille gasped as a drop fell onto the stone floor at Fille's feet, and she smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Fille Rusée Character Portrait: Snowpaw
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#, as written by Rari
Verity stared at the fireflies. "They dont need to whisper, i can hear them loud and clear in my head. They apparently dont appreciate being eaten very much, and wish you guys would knock it off" She said with a yawn and then stumbled back to her mothers side, snuggling in close where it was warm. She snuggled up with her full belly and quickly fell asleep.

Kioni was only half listening to his wife while watching his little daughter wobble over to the fireflies. "A Strange animal you say? We'll all have to be careful while going outside for a while then. " He sighed. Just when things were great and safe again some strange animal popped up and cause reason for caution again. Kioni would have to be careful while hunting, and so would everyone else. "Oh, im afraid my fathers going to show up soon too, not sure how he heard about Verity, or why he's suddenly taking interest in his grandchildren. But whatever i guess." Kioni said laying down next to his wife, grooming her fur a little.

Orchid was poking at what was left of the fish she had left with a boring expression on her face. "Daddy can i go outside now?" She asked. Kioni responded by shaking his head no, it was still early morning and he didnt want her out until the sun was fully up and the wind died down. Orchid pouted a little then layed back down with a groan and a sigh. Winter just wasnt her season, it was cold and wet, and windy, and her father didnt let her out when it was snowing at all. Winter, was boring.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Fille Rusée Character Portrait: Snowpaw
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Misty and Fille laughed at Verity's speaking for the fireflies. Misty put his tail on top of Fille's gently with a smile. Fille looked back up at Misty, grateful for his friendship. Nightfur curled around Verity as the pair came over. "Well, it'll be good to hear from your father on informal grounds at least. And every grandfather loves his grandkids, he's just busy being Alpha. Anyway, I never got to know him well. It'll be nice!" Nightfur chuckled at Orchid's reaction. "Oh go on Kioni, it's not often we get snow, and she wouldn't be too long." She and Orchid pleaded with their eyes, Nightfur far more sternly. Kioni mumbled and Nightfur grunted happily, lying down again and closing her eyes. Not hearing Orchid scampering off she opened one eye and looked at her daughter sitting there. "Well go on!" Misty was out of the cave before Orchid even stood up, delighted to go out in snow.