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"Keep an eye on that, otherwise it might get out of hand."

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a character in “Forest Cats”, as played by ladygeekiness


500 Miles-The Proclaimers

Age: Adult

Clan: Woodclan

Appearance: Snowpaw is a grey cat with white paws, as the name suggests. He has turquoise eyes, and is a long haired breed from Scotland. You can hear the ring in his meows and purrs that suggest Scottish ancestry. He has a scar on his chest from a fight when he was younger.


Personality: Snowpaw is a very caring cat, and is always worried about other people in his clan. Not paranoid or anything, more of a fatherly worry. He is one of the oldest adults in the clan, and has seen a lot of the cats grow up. He is almost an elder, but he almost refuses to accept it, and keeps on his toes by healing cats and occasionally looking after kits. He can be very stern on occasion, like a dad talking about something very serious. He doe shave a fun side though, and when he does show it it's great.

Powers: Snowpaw is amazingly talented at healing, and may even have a healing touch. But they're both pretty similar anyways.

Snowpaw was born and raised in Woodclan, and was a loner from kithood. He never really enjoyed the company of others, but he still had a few friends. He at first wanted to be a warrior and protect his clan, but when he was on patrol one day a fox attacked and his leg was broken. Now he cannot fight or run too fast, or it'll hurt him. But after getting used to his bad leg, Snowpaw realized the warrior way wasn't for him anyhow. He much preferred healing and helping others. I guesss that's kind of why he initially wanted to be a warrior, so he could help by protecting the clan. But then he decided he could be of more use if he healed warriors, rather than become one.

Extra: Snowpaw is very good at stealth, and is Nightfur's dad

So begins...

Snowpaw's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Misty
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#, as written by Rari
"Grandpa im fine, theyre just scrapes. Jeez im not a baby. " Orchid said trying to sound like a grown up. Suddenly her smile faded remembering what her grandfather had said about his power. "T-theres nothing wrong with my power is there?" She asked, her usually loud and proud voice turning soft and rather mouse like. Kioni's smile faded to as he looked at his wifes father. "Shouldnt be sweetie, You're grandma, my mother, had that exact same power. Or so i was told." He said in a reassuring tone. Then as if on cue Kionis father showed up at the cave to report that theres been no sight of Zuri since the human girl stepped in. Kioni asked his father to remind him of what his mothers powers were. "Well, youre mother was a special cat, she had two powers instead of one. Earth and Mind powers. Ha, she could read your mind like it was nothing, its how we kept you out of trouble as a newborn. She was so pretty too, looked a lot like little Misty there, but with spots and a lot more feminine." Kionis father laughed and nudged his son. "See Orchid, You'll be fine." Kioni said with a smile. "My, My these little tikes sure are getting big arent they, and now both equipped with powers too." Kionis father stated. Kioni laughed too. "Shouldnt there be a human here by now? Thought she'd come around to play with you two kiddos by now." Kioni said, suddenly feeling like someone was missing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Misty
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Misty and Snowpaw were both fascinated by the story of a cat with two powers, and smiled at each other, thinking the same thing, research. But that was for later. Now, Misty had to give his sister a big hug. And he did. He jumped on her, and laughed as he tickled her and licked her cheek. He rolled around with her for a while before Kioni and his granddad mentioned Jenna. He stopped, puzzled, as he'd not actually thought about it. Nightfur was puzzled slightly too. her father-in-law had a good point. "Maybe she's on her way here? Or maybe she's ill?" She shrugged and looked towards Flametail. "You didn't see her on the way here did you? I hope she's not in any trouble."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Misty
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#, as written by Rari
FlameTail who was busy staring at fireflies was snapped out of deep thought. "What? Me? See J-..The human girl? Nope! Haven't seen her. Certainly have not seen her since yesterday. Nope." He said in a rather panicky tone. He cleared his throat. "Haven't seen her at all since we both left here last night. Sorry." He said in a much more calm tone and walked to the edge of the cave quietly. His ears went back in worry and frustration. What if Jenna showed up all mad and exposed him as a human. The cat would probably hate them, Jack didnt want that, he liked the cats and things were going well finally. Jack sat up straight, his ears in a normal position and offered a small smile, his tail swishing lazily behind him.

Orchid laughed and rolled around with her brother for a while until Jenna was mentioned. "What do humans do anyways? Ive never really seen them except for when they come through the forests." Orchid asked. She wasnt sure anyone knew but she would have liked to know.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Misty
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Nightfur was a mixture of suspicious and skeptical at Flametail's blabbering, but paid it no heed. She noticed he almost said Jenna, when he hadn't learned her name yet. That was even more suspicious, but again, she decided to ignore it. He might not have been saying her name, and anyway, he seemed normal now. Orchid's question was a good one. What DID humans do? Maybe Jenna could tell them when next she visited. Nightfur shrugged then looked towards her children, who were having a play fight. She smiled warmly, glad everyone was happy again. She purred happily, and leaned on Kioni's shoulder, listening to his heart beat and to the whispers of the trees.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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#, as written by Rari
"Mhm. Well ive got to go visit a family member for a while i'll be back when i can get away." FlameTail said and excused himself quietly.

"He's a weird cat...." Kioni said, shaking his head a bit. "We'll have to wait until tomorrow to see the powers specialist Mist, im afraid shes busy today with 'Catching up' or something like that. " Kioni said to his son, who was wrestling his daughter at the moment. He nuzzled his wife when she started to listen to his heart. His heart always started beating faster than it should when she did that. Kioni couldnt make it stop either. "Orchid, since everythings calmed down now why dont you and your brother go find your little friend and come play over here for a while." He said.

"Okay dad, C'mon Misty lets go find him!" Orchid said and ran out of the cave, her brother following shortly behind. After running for a short period orchis stopped and called korolees name and waited to see if hed show up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Snowpaw
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Korolee was going to speak to Misty when he realised he was being pushed towards Orchid's house already. He moved his paws, but barely needed to with Orchid's combined strength and determination. They arrived at the cave, with Misty chuckling still chuckling at the journey behind them, and with a bunch of adult cats watching. Korolee gulped. The only adult cat he'd ever met was his mother, so he guessed they should be treated similarly. So, he sat straight, held his head high, and spoke formally, making sure to stay mostly quiet and not act like a kit. Nightfur frowned when Korolee wasn't looking, concerned about the kit's seriousness. Misty could be serious like that too, but even he loosened up. When the two kits were sitting by themselves he acted like a kit, but still really quiet. Nightfur hoped they could help with it. Korolee sat with Misty and Orchid while Nightfur was thinking of all this, observing the fireflies flitting about. "This is awesome." He sighed, and lay on his belly, just watching the glowing dots of light fly around, trying not to let the battle in his head show through his face, smiling happily instead.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Snowpaw
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#, as written by Rari
Kioni walked over to his wife quietly and whispered to her. "Is it just me, or does he look a lot like i did when i was little?" He asked very quietly. Kioni wasnt sure why but he was overly cautious about the young cat who had entered the cave with his children. Kioni didnt know his parents, didnt even know their names. Korolee was unusually quiet too, well at least for a cat his age. Kioni didnt understand any of it.

Orchid layed down next to Korolee and watched as the fireflies flew around them. She could see that her dad wasnt comfortable with Korolee but didnt care, she was just happy she had a friend who could visit her at home now. "Hey Korolee. Guess what." She said then waited for him to say what. She then tapped his nose and whipered "You're it" Then ran off out of the cave and into a tree. Waiting for him to catch up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Fille Rusée
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Korolee chuckled at the fact he'd managed to pin one of the strongest kits he knew, but stopped when their lips touched. His eyes widened and he blushed as a kind of zap went through his body. He wanted to stay like that forever, because it felt wonderful, but he stopped, and pulled back, remembering the plan. He immediately regretted it, but knew also that he was only a week away from being a teen, and it was normal for him to do this sort of thing. His mind was at battle again, and he shook his head violently, trying to stop the noise. He got off of Orchid and lay on the ground, covering his paws with his head, muttering and batting at himself, trying to stop the noise.

Nightfur smiled at her husband, and licked his muzzle lovingly. "Well I have one thing in mind, but I'm not sure..." She whispered in his ears and saw Kioni's eyes widen. Snowpaw knew those looks, so he cleared his throat and beckoned to Misty with his tail. "Come on Misty, I've got some herbs I want to show you." Misty followed him none the wiser, as Snowpaw walked down the stairs of the secret passage whilst Misty slid, laughing all the way. Misty landed on his feet, skidding a short distance across the forest floor. He he decided to wait a while for Snowpaw, and heard a rustle of leaves behind him. He turned around, and saw a beautiful ginger cat, looking at him through deep amber eyes before turning tail and walking off into the forest. Misty stuttered before following, "Grandpa I'm just going for a little walk okay?" When Snowpaw heard this he walked quicker and once he got out of the staircase Misty was gone. He sighed and chuckled before going for a walk himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Snowpaw
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#, as written by Rari
"Pfft. Well now your dad knows what we're up to." Kioni said quietly and looked outside of the cave for any sign of his daughter and her friend. "Well i suppose everyones busy enough so they dont bother us huh?" Kioni said and somewhat nervously cleared his throat. He wandered over to his bed and waited for his wife.

Orchid pulled back and away from Korolee when she realized what was happening. She went to apologize but he was shaking his head and batting at himself. Orchid didnt know why but she felt like she had done something horribly wrong and went behind a tree and almost started to cry. Why couldnt she ever do something right. Why did she always have to screw things up. "I-im sorry..." She managed to mutter from behind the tree with a sniffle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Fille Rusée
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Korolee couldn't hear Orchid crying at first, but then the voices quieted down for a while. He panted, glad to be rid of the noise, then heard Orchid speak quietly from behind a tree. His face changed from an expression of relief to worry, and he padded over to Orchid behind the tree. He wrapped his tail around her, and sat next to her, letting her lean on his shoulder. "You haven't done anything wrong, don't blame yourself. I just..." He sighed, and looked down at the floor, his mind still throbbing from his fit of madness. "I'm sorry for scaring you..." He looked at her, a soft apologetic smile on his face.

Misty followed a couple of feet behind the ginger cat, staying quiet and ducking behind trees, wanting to know who this mysterious cat was. She was female, beautiful and very good at making her way through the forest. As they are raised, every cat is taught how to make their way through the forest to make it hard for anybody to follow them, and this cat was very good at it, disappearing from Misty's line of sight and reappearing several meters away from where Misty thought she was. He picked up the pace, but eventually he lost trace of her, and he cursed quietly under his breath. Exploring the forest for herbs had caused him to hear many cats swearing when their prey got away. Misty looked around, and was taken by surprise when a blur of orange knocked him off his feet and pressed him up against a tree trunk with a claw to his throat. Misty found himself looking into the eyes of the ginger cat he'd been following, and was hearing her speak in a rough yet subtle french purr. "Who are you and why are you following me?!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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Korolee tumbled down a small slope, dust billowing around him as he ended up pinning Orchid again. "Ha! Pinned ya again!" He gloated, before getting off her to groom himself. He looked around as he did so. He knew this place, it was his home, but there was alight fog, and the dust they'd unsettled still floated in the air. They needed to get out of here. Almost as soon as he'd finished with his paw, he heard a low and crazy chuckle, as a silhouette stepped slowly forward through the dust.

Fille tutted and groaned when Misty refused to go away. She decided to ignore him, and carried on walking. Misty however, was curious. "So, you don't belong to any clan, does that mean you're a rogue?" Fille kept her eyes straight, muzzle up in the air a little, and clenched teeth. "Yes, and you're a rogue here too because if I recall, I told you to piss off!" She growled in her french toned voice, not looking at Misty. "Yes, and I said no because you're weirdly fascinating, I mean, what kind of cat's a rogue before they even become a teen?" Misty retorted, smiling slightly. Fille looked back this time. "How would you know, I might only have been a rogue for a day for all you know!"

Jenna kicked a stone along the ground as she walked towards the cave again. She had dyed her hair purple, and curled it slightly, giving the effect of a bouncy bunch of grapes. Not that it was very intentional, but it looked nice. She walked through the trees, admiring the last of the autumn leaves slowly tumble down. She heard squirrels and birds chattering about finding supplies for winter and making cozy hibernation beds. She understood why they wanted rabbit fur, she was wearing a rabbit fur scarf, and it felt like heaven. It kept her mind off of recent events as she approached the cave, where Nightfur and Kioni were sitting, leaning on each other's shoulders, but Jack was out of sight somewhere. Jenna supposed he was catching fish, or maybe he was buying it up at their local supermarket. Nightfur saw Jenna coming, and smiled softly, closing her eyes, a little tired. Meanwhile, Snowpaw was having a doze, and unbeknown to him, not too far from where Korolee and Orchid were.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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#, as written by Rari
Orchid was having a lot of fun when suddenly a branch snapped. Orchid spun around to see a very familiar figure. "Zuri! Korrolee we gotta go right now!" Orchid said, her voice shaking, as she backed up, ready to run.
"Now Now, Why do you think im going to hurt you dear sweet Orchid? I meant, We're practically family right?" Zuri purred. She took a few steps out of the shadows, slinking between trees as she did. She merely glanced at her son.
" We are not family!" Orchid said digging her claws into the ground. The earth shot up all around her and Korolee, protecting then from her grasp. Orchid pushed Korolee out of the back of the rock barrier, urging him to run. Once he did orchid ran as fast as she could. Orchid ran fast and hard till she came across her grandpa taking a nap. "Grandpa wake up! We saw Zuri!" She said as she nudged and pushed her grandpa.

Kioni was practically asleep when jenna walked in. He nearly flopped to the ground and passed out after all that had happened during the day. Kioni didnt notice that Flametail had been gone for a while either. "Oh its you..." Kioni managed to mutter to Jenna.

Jack had gone to gather fish from the creek for a while. After succeeding he stated heading back. "It sure is pretty this time of year...." He said to himself as he looked at the orange autumn trees. He neared the cave, not knowing Jenna was there. He walked in and plopped the wiggling fish down for everyone. Finally noticing jenna his ears went back and he went to go stare at the fireflies, Not daring to say a single word.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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Misty smirked, looking at her fur. "Well, first thing is your fur. Lots of bits on your back aren't groomed well, showing you've been living alone for a while. Secondly, if you were new to being a rogue, you'd trust me more, but you've hardened over lonely days and nights with no one else nearby. Finally, you seem to know where you're going, as you're trying to lose me, but you're avoiding one direction. Thank you for pointing out the direction of your home!" Fille growled and pinned him to the tree again. "Listen here vous malin, I'm not lonely, and don't even think about going near my maison, or I'll kill you!" Fille was about to give Misty a scar to make sure he remembered her threats, when suddenly a strong wind blew through their furs, distracting Fille. Misty dropped to the ground, leaves joining the wind as he landed on the forest floor. He frowned. "I know that wind all too well..." Fur slightly on end, he started sprinting towards the cave. Fille was confused, so she took to the trees, leaping across the gaps easily, catching up to Misty without him knowing she was even there.

Snowapw was sleeping fine, when suddenly he felt someone shaking him awake and shouting about Zuri. He jumped to his feet as fast as an old man could, and pushed Korolee and Orchid towards the tallest pine tree he could see. Korolee and Orchid dashed to the top of the tree, while the trees whispered in outrage that the white cat who'd burnt Birkita's new body was back. They sent a message as fast as possible to Nightfur and Kioni, the unexpected wind blew all the way to the cave, picking up leaves, dust and petals. Nightfur pinned the leaves down with her paw, and looked at the patterns they made whilst listening to the breeze blowing through her fur, that spoke in her mind as well as her ears with the voice of Birkita. Child, you must stop the white cat again! Your flower is in danger! Nightfur growled and her fur stood on end. "Zuri!" Jenna frowned. "I literally just got back, and there's trouble, jeez!" She and Nightfur dashed toward the cave entrance, Nightfur's fur flowing in the wind, and Jenna's grape coloured hair bounced as she ran down the high path. Misty ran alongside them, joining in their sprint towards Orchid. Jenna didn't even look down."Zuri, Orchid, trouble." She managed to pant, and the three of them ran along the ground as Fille silently followed through the trees.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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Korolee gulped as his mother began taunting Orchid's dad and grandad, hoping she didn't kill anyone. He loved his mother, but he was mostly scared of her. He had gotten many a scratch from her. No one knew he was related even distantly to her, and he knew that both of them didn't want anyone to know either. Flametail surprised him, not knowing he could shapeshift. The lion bent the tree slightly, and Flametail shrunk his size so the tree wouldn't snap under his weight. Zuri didn't see flametail, or Misty racing up the tree to nuzzle his sister and make sure she was okay. She did see Nightfur come to stand next to her husband. "The only wretched bitch here is you Zuri." Zuri growled, and everyone thought she would pounce when Jenna caught up to them, panting. She bent over, leaning on her knees, sweating a little. It was hard keeping up with cats like these. "Sorry... I'm... Not...Used...To...Running..." She caught her breath and looked up. "Bad timing to talk?" She grimaced and positioned herself to look slightly cooler as her hair blew in the wind of the tree's rage. Fille observed from the top of a tree, unsure if she should come down from the maple. Nightfur took a step forward. "You leave this family alone Zuri, or you feel the wrath of Cave Clan!" She growled, tail fluffing up. Jenna kept at Nightfur's side, her boots squishing dead leaves beneath her, prepared to use her cat wrangling tactics. Everyone else prepared to attack if need be, even Fille moved to a slightly better position, but Snowpaw more than all of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: zuri Character Portrait: Snowpaw
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#, as written by Rari
Kioni didnt move a muscle, he just stood there, defensively, next to his wife. He did however smirk at her sassyness. It wasnt usual for Nightfur to be sassy, she must be super pissed off. The human showed up, looking rather exhausted, kioni didnt understand it, that was barely a slight jog for him in terms of energy loss. 'Humans have horrible stamina' he decided. Kioni stared at the lion in the tree with his kids for a second, realizing it was just FlameTail. Kioni shrugged it off and focused his attention on Zuri again.

"Now now, theres no need to act uncivilized dear, do you teach your children to be that rude? I would never teach a child of mine to be ill-behaved....." Zuri said with a smirk, knowing that dissing Nightfurs parenting would get a reaction from someone. Zuri slinked around Snowpaw, running her tail along his jawline, and went up to Nightfur, just inches away from her. Kioni growled, causing zuri to flinch a bit. But she quickly regained her composer, looking Nightfur straight in the eye. "Its a shame you arent prettier dear, Kioni could have made much more appealing children. Of course he and i would have created beautiful kits, but he threw that away to have rats with you....Such a pity." Zuri said, turning back towards Snowpaw. "I guess you cant help it though, your mother must have been uglier than sin itself." She said with an evil cackle, eyeing Snowpaw carefully, knowing it would strike a nerve with him as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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Nightfur felt a jabbing sensation inside her a Zuri spoke, and was almost ready to pounce, but before she could even growl, her father stepped forward, his own tail brushing along Zuri. Jenna was reminded of a tango as they moved together. Snowpaw looked at Zuri with a calm expression, but Nightfur knew the look in his eyes right now. "Zuri, you seem to be under the delusion that we are lakes, because you appear to be talking about yourself." Jenna wanted to hiss and say various phrases such as, OOH SNAP, but knew that this was not the time for jokes and messing around. Snowpaw wasn't finished. "But you know what lakes have Zuri?" They have brooks and creeks, rivers and streams, puddles and waterfalls. Lakes have families Zuri, but if I'm correct, one of your brooks dried up just last week." Seeing Zuri's puzzled expression, he smirked. "Oh you don't know what I'm saying do you? You really have no concept of family." Snowpaw saw she was slowly starting to understand. "Kioni, am I right in saying that the alpha of River Clan died just last week?"

He looked back at Kioni, keeping his tail in contact with Zuri's. Kioni nodded solemnly, and Snowpaw turned back towards Zuri, who's face was in an expression of disbelief and shock. Her lips were thin, and her eyes were wide. "Such a shame..." Snowpaw leaned in towards her ear and whispered. "Here's a message he'd want you to have." Before Zuri or anyone else could do anything, Snowpaw swiped upwards with his paw, his claws outstretched as far as they could go, hitting under Zuri's chin, and scraping up across her face, scratching across her eye that she managed to close before Snowpaw reached it. Snowpaw dodged out of reach of an attack, and dashed to the other side of the clearing. Nightfur started to run towards Zuri and her father. "DAD!" Zuri leaped high, heading straight for Snowpaw. But at the pinnacle of her jump, an orange blur hurtled into the white cat, knocking her off her path and sprawling into the autumn leaves and dirt, and pinned her down. "Mon dieu tu es la plus grande chienne que j'ai jamais connu." Fille bared her teeth at the white cat's scratched face as she kept her in extreme discomfort.

Fille had pinned Zuri down on her back, her back paws on her belly and her front paws on her shoulders. "Zuri. The acclaimed murderer and queen bitch of the forest." She outstretched her claws slightly, letting the tips dig in to her shoulders and belly. "I have only heard stories of you, I've only heard the wails of parentless families, and I've only met one child of this family, and I can already tell that just one of them is ten times the cat you are." Fille moved one back paws on to the hip joint of a leg Zuri was moving, causing Zuri to yelp. "My name is Fille Rusee, you killed my parents, prepare to die..." Fille acted as if she was going to raise her paws off of Zuri, but instead leaned in closer. "Congratulations on rejection." And all the cats and surrounded them, looking down on Zuri with rage and hate, forming a tight circle around her. And with that, Fille spat on Zuri's wound.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
Zuri was surprised, angry, sad, furious, and in pain all at once, both her mind and body told her to run. And she did. But not before stopping to speak on last sentence. "You'll pay for this Kioni..." She hissed, and the look in her eyes was one of pure hatred and truth, she would get back at them. And kioni didnt like the sound of it.

As soon as zuri was out of sight Orchid rushed to her father, burrying herself in his fur. Kioni almost fell over from the force of his daughter rushing into him and let out an "oof". Kioni smiled and hugged his daughter. "Its okay sweetie shes not coming back for a while. Orchid smiled up at him then went to hugging her mom. "Youre not ugly mom, dont listen to her." She said as she purred into her mother fur. Suddenly she poked her head out, looking at Korolee. "I dont look like a rat do i!?" She asked rather loudly. Orchid thought she was at least a little pretty. She then turned to the Orange cat. "Whos that!? Why is she so pretty?" Orchid asked with wide eyes. Her mind kept running as she looked all around.

Jack got down from the tree after Orchid did, sitting at the opposite side of the clearing from jenna, thinking she was still very mad at him. He shifted into his usual cat form once again, letting out a sigh and cleaning part of his paw off. Not wanting to have to confront Jenna at the moment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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Misty launched himself into Nightfur, knocking her back a bit. She laughed and licked her son's head between his ears before Misty and Orchid swapped around, and Nightfur was embracing Orchid tightly, glad to have such a marvelous family "You don't look like a rat at all sweetie, why else would we name you after a flower?". Korolee stood back in the shade of the pine tree, watchign as an entire family rejoiced. He hadn't even known he had had a grandfather, and now he was dead. Orchid raised a good quesiont however. Who was this mysterious young cat, and why was she here? "Yes, who are you?" Fille turned around, and looked at Nightfur and Kioni through lowered lashes. "Someone." Fille was about to use her power to make the cats and human forget about her so she could follow her parents' murderer when Misty interrupted."She's Fille Rusée, we just met when Grandfather and I went for a walk." Misty smirked at Fille who glared back. Nightfur looked sideways at Kioni with a smirk of her own. She looked back towards Fille, and lowered herself into a bow."I want to thank you Fille, for saving my father's life and ours, and I am truly sorry for your loss. Please, have a meal with us in return for your help." Nightfur rose herself and raised a brow at Kioni to make sure this was okay, but was probably going insist on it whatever the two of them said. "It's the least we could do after you saved our lives." Snowpaw nodded, and bowed himself and then rose again. Jenna watched this all with her hands on her hips. "Is it often your family is saved by complete strangers?!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Misty Character Portrait: Fille Rusée
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#, as written by Rari
Kioni was busy looking over his children for injuries when he noticed Nightfur speaking to the orange cat and bowing, Kioni didnt bow, nor was he going to. Kioni didnt bow to random strangers seeing as it was a sign of submission. Kioni simply nodded at his wife about the whole dinner thing, realizing the cave was going to be very full tonight, seeing as jenna might be there, Flametail too, though he hadn't eaten with them yet. "No jenna, this usually doesnt happen. But Zuris been around far too much for things to be normal." Kioni said, looking up at the human. "Well, we better get out of here, its not the best part of the woods to be in. " He said and started walking home, stretching his wings out. He folded them back up and continued walking.Orchid of course rounded up her friend and walked with her father. Jack followed close behind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kioni Character Portrait: Jenna Davis Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Nightfur Character Portrait: Orchid Character Portrait: Korolee
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Jenna and Nightfur nodded, and started to head off. Korolee walked with Orchid, mulling things over in his head. Meanwhile, at the back of the group, Misty was smirking at Fille, who was glowering back. "If your family wasn't here, Your innards would be in pieces across the forest right now." Misty stood up. "I'm sure they would be." He flicked his tail towards her. "Come on, we've got to have some dinner." Fille grumbled in french, considering whether to leave now or just go. She sighed, and stood up, walking smoothly yet quickly towards Misty and his family, her tail drooping slightly. She could have chased Zuri, but knew now there wasn't much point, she would probably get killed or hurt, and Nightfur had to repay her somehow. Misty followed close behind her, small compared to her bigger size. She was almost the size of Kioni, and you could barely tell she was a teen as she walked between Misty's parents. Misty watched her amber eyes look around, as if she still thought she was in danger. She was in fact, checking around her, her time spent as a rogue had had an effect on her, causing her to be ultra wary of her surroundings. Nightfur smiled up at the slightly taller cat. "So, have you got a family of your own to look after?" Fille's eyes widened in shock, and she looked down at Nightfur. "I'm a teen!" Nightfur's own icy blue eyes widened, and she looked forward, embarrassed. "Oh..." She cleared her throat, but then as she did so, she felt something rush up from in her stomach.

Nightfur rushed off the path, and went behind a tree. The group heard her being ill, and winced. As she came back they carried on, Misty offering a plant to chew on that would sooth the stomach. Snowpaw looked proudly at his grandson. Nightfur walked quickly forward as she chewed on the plant, trying to get to the cave as soon as possible. Jenna walked in the gap Nightfur had left, between Fille and Jack. She looked down at the ginger cat. "Bonjour, je suis Jenna Davis. Ravi de vous rencontrer. Je ne savais pas que les chats pouvaient parler français." Fille looked up at her in surprise. "Non seulement je peux comprendre que vous parlant anglais, mais vous parlez français aussi?!" Jenna smiled. "Oui, j'ai appris le français à l'école, et les humains peuvent avoir des pouvoirs trop parfois, il semble." Fille felt something twitch at her lips. And for the first time in years, Fille smiled. "We're here!" Jenna grinned, and she skipped towards the path. She walked carefully up the steep path, and entered the cave. Her and Nightfur were the first ones in. They set out fish and mice, one for everyone, except Jenna didn't have a mouse. As everyone sat down, Nightfur beckoned Snowpaw over to an alcove. Misty was puzzled as he watched his grandfather place a paw on his mother's belly, before muttering something to her. They both returned to where everyone was sitting. Nightfur whispered in Kioni's ear, and his face lit up. Nightfur cleared her throat and stood. "Everyone, before we start eating, I would like to thank Fille, and invite her to join our clan, as her smarts and bravery are the things we need for this clan." Fille was surprised, and nodded numbly, in slight shock for wanting to be... Accepted. Nightfur smiled. "And, I've got some news too." She closed her eyes, and let it out. "We're gonna have a baby girl."