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Mycah Rayleigh

"On the water in my ship is where I belong."

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a character in “Forged of Blood and Steel.”, as played by Army.of.One




“When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives." - George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones


Role: Youngest Son of Lord Francis Rayleigh

Gender: Male

Age: Twenty

Nicknames: He doesn’t like nicknames, and prefers to be addressed by his full name. He is the captain of a ship, after all.


Height: Five feet ten inches

Weight: One hundred sixty pounds

Build: Fit with hints of muscle tone

Hair Colour: Brown

Eye Colour: Light green

Scars?: There's a thin scar on his left thigh from a sword practice gone wrong that never healed, as well as a scar on his upper right arm from the first time he attempted to ride a horse... and slammed right into a tree.

Brief written description: The first thing anyone notices about Mycah is the spray of freckles across his face. Most everyone finds them adorable, but he just finds them annoying. He has a strong jaw, full pink lips, and long lashes; looks most any other man would kill for. His brown hair almost always looks like it wasn't styled, which is exactly the way he styles it. His parents normally doesn't approve, but most women he meets love it. He stands at a strong five feet ten inches, and is toned but not overly muscled.

Clothing preference: He tends to stick with comfortable clothes, mostly cotton and leather. He likes to wear a lot of deep blues and greens, colors that remind him of the ocean. He normally pairs them with dark browns or blacks. He isn't one for fancy clothes, considering he spends a lot of his time on his ship, where nice clothes normally get ruined by the salt spray and wind. However, at banquets and special events, he is known to dress in his finest and look good wearing it.


+ Captaining a ship
+ Hard working
+ Making the right decisions
+ Talking to women
+ Intelligence
+ Loyalty and honesty

+ Mycah spends a lot of time on his appearance.. he does want the ladies to notice him after all.
+ When he is deep in thought, he closes his eyes and tunes out the world around him.
+ He likes to be near the water, it makes him feel more calm.

+ Having his own ship, The Emerald
+ Practicing his swordsmanship
+ His family
+ Swimming
+ The South
+ His younger sister, Briar
+ Being addressed as ‘captain’
+ Doing the right thing

+ Not being taken seriously
+ The North
+ Disloyalty
+ Making mistakes
+ Politics
+ Riding horses

+ Losing any of his family members
+ Not being a good enough captain
+ Not finding his love, and never getting married

Written description: Mycah is truly a good man, and strives to be the best he can be. He has a lot to live up to in his family, with his two older brothers, but he has found a way to hold his own. From a young age, he had always felt more comfortable around the water, and as he got older he learned to sail a ship. It started small, but he could navigate it better than anyone else, even those that were superior to him. After joining in the King's Navy, he returned home to join his father's cause, and was rewarded with his own ship, The Emerald, which he loves almost more than anything. He is extremely loyal to his family, and will always fight for their cause. He tries his hardest to take care of his crew, knowing that if one sailor goes down, he has failed. He has never wanted to be noticed because he tried to be rash and win all the glory for himself, but more because he wanted to be the best he could be. He has a close spot for his younger sister, Briar, since they are the two youngest, and always strives to look out for her and take care of her. He loves talking to women, and hopes that soon he will be married and be able to start a family of his own.


Relationship Status: Single

Father | Lord Francis Rayleigh
Mother | Lady ______ Rayleigh
Brother | Sir Charles Rayleigh
Sister | Lady ______ Rayleigh
Brother | Sir ______ Rayleigh
Sister | Lady Briar Rayleigh

Secret Word: This is war!

So begins...

Mycah Rayleigh's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harriet Rayleigh Character Portrait: Briar Rayleigh Character Portrait: William Alexander Stanford Character Portrait: Mycah Rayleigh Character Portrait: Sir Francis Rayleigh
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The sun was bright against his closed eyelids, and he squeezed his eyes shut even tighter to block it out. Mycah wasn't ready to wake up yet, he still felt exhausted. He had been up late, way too late, flirting and chasing after one of the handmaids. And all his efforts had been for nothing. She had left him alone in the early hours of the morning, admitting she needed some sleep, for she was needed extremely early to wait on her lady. He had been extremely disappointed, but had let her leave. He liked women, but he was never the type to force one to be with him. He was just about to drift back to sleep when a soft knock came, accompanied by the squeak of the door opening. "Milord?" a gentle voice whispered, sounding slightly frightened. He pounded a fist into his covers, not happy to be woken. He sat up in bed, the covers falling around him to leave his chest exposed.

He was pleasantly surprised to find the handmaid from the night before peaking into his room. She averted her eyes immediately at his exposed skin. A smile lit Mycah's features as he noticed precisely who it was. "Ah, so you couldn't stay away after all," he said somewhat cockily. A flush crept up her cheeks, making them a warm, rosy pink. She shook her head instantly, denying him once more. "I've been sent to fetch ya, milord," she said somewhat breathily, still only peeking her head into the room. Obviously she didn't want to come in. "Yer late fer breakfast, and yer family will leave within the hour." With that she curtsied, although he couldn't really see it because she wouldn't come inside the room, and her head disappeared, the door closing behind her. He instantly bolted out of bed, cursing aloud. His father was going to be upset at his lack of preciseness, he had a feeling.

He decided to throw on a soft white cotton shirt, with a leather jerkin over top. A pair of simple brown cotton breeches as well as brown boots completed his look. He took a look in the mirror, and wasn't as horrified as he thought he would be. His hair was normally styled in a haphazard manner, and his bed head didn't look much different. He ran his fingers through his hair a few times to smooth down any runaway hairs. After a few moments, he was pleased enough with his appearance to go downstairs to his family. He was only going to be travelling a majority of the day, so his appearance wasn't as much of a priority.

Mycah left the room, and found the first servant he could. "I need my things packed and carried down to the carriages right away," he said with authority, stopping only momentarily to address the girl. "Yes, milord," she responded with a nod, and he walked off, leaving her to the job. He made his way downstairs to the large banquet room, where he knew most of his family would be gathered. As he entered, he saw that his father was present, as well as his little sister, Lady Harriet, Sir William, and another man he didn't know. "Father," he said curtly, giving him a nod. He hoped to escape without being chastised for his late arrival. He walked over to Briar and Harriet, a smile on his face.

His little sister was easily his favorite sibling, if not his favorite person in general. They were the two youngest, and had always stuck together at a young age. Even though as he got older and spent more time on ships, he was always happiest to see her when back on land. He was fiercely protective of her, and was happy to know she was still generally naive for her age. He hoped it stayed that way. He walked up behind her, and playfully messed her hair. "Morning, sister," he said cheerfully, giving her a tight hug afterwards. He gave Harriet a warm smile and nod. "Good morning, Lady Harriet. I hope the both of you slept well." His eyes trailed over to William, whose state of dress was in disarray. Yet, dare Mycah say it, he looked good. He was strong and had more muscle than most men Mycah had seen. He knew William stuck to a strong training schedule. "Morning William," he called, giving the man a wave.

Honestly, he was famished, and sat down at the table to begin eating. The table had more food selection than necessary, but Mycah didn't complain. He grabbed an assortment of choices, and dug in. He wanted to be able to get his fill before they were forced to leave and head for Beaumont. "So, how is everyone this morning?" he asked to no one in particular.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harriet Rayleigh Character Portrait: Mycah Rayleigh Character Portrait: Charles Rayleigh
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Harriet had never been one who could eat a great deal during the morning hours, it would seem that her body woke hours before her stomach and even on some occasions her stomach wouldn't rumble until the early afternoon, today seemed to be one of those days, although she put this loss of appetite down to her nerves. Taking a seat at the table Harriet smiled, her mother had certainly displayed an excellent breakfast, it was just a shame that the appetites of her guests seemed to be elsewhere on this day; skipping the meats and eggs, Harriet put a few slices of apple and some grapes on her plate, she didn't think she could stomach much else. Brining them to her lips, it didn't take long for her to eat, her stomach instantly satisfied, though it did not need to be, it was then she moved onto her tea, pouring the liquid from an ornately painted pot into an equally pretty cup and saucer, it brought a smile to her pretty face that her mother still remembered how she liked tea with her breakfast.

Bringing the cup to her lips, Harriet sipped the refreshing liquid, the effects of her sleepless night quickly evaporating, if she had been in private she would have forgotten her lady-like stance and sank back into her chair, instead she remained poised, listening idly to the conversations around her but not participating in any particular. Eyes on the now opened double doors, Harriet was the first to see Mycah Rayleigh enter the hall, his happy demeanour immediately making her smile. He took a seat opposite her "Good morning, Lady Harriet. I hope the both of you slept well." Harriet playfully rolled her eyes "Mycah, please, we are family, we do not need titles" she smiled, softly scolding as she had done with Briar not long ago "and too answer your question, yes I did, thank you" she lied.

"Beg me pardon, Milady" a voice beckoned Harriet away from Mycah's attention and towards the young kitchen maid, who held a wicker basket in her hands "I 'av done that basket for ya" she spoke quickly and shyly, her eyes quite evidently fixated to the floor. Rising from her chair, Harriet walked towards the girl, taking the basket from her hands "thank you very much, Millie." The smiled brightly, before offering a rather ostentatious courtesy, one Hettie had to bite her lip from laughing aloud about, then the girl hurried off once again no doubt in a hurry to get back to her chores. Turning back to her family, she gave them all a quick smile "I am going to deliver Charles his breakfast and I shall see all at the carriages shortly" she spoke before swiftly moving across the floor and excited the hall.

The layout of Briar was still vividly etched into her mind, that she easily found the right corridor in the labyrinth of passageways which would take her to the courtyard, where the carriages waited for the family. By the door she spotted her ladies, patiently waiting for her, open approaching them, each curtseyed, before Bessie stepped forward, a heavy burgundy cloak in her arms, placing it over her mistresses shoulders, she clasped it in place with a golden broach, just above her bosom; Hannah then stepped forward and offered Harriet her brown, leather glove, which she quickly slipped over her hands "Thank you ladies, I shall see you when we return from Beaumont, Bessie I shall see you this evening" she smiled towards the women, before continuing through the door.

The sun no longer seem to dominate the sky, instead it had been replaced by a host of dark, storm clouds, this caused her to frown, it was a somewhat disturbing prophecy of their road ahead. Spotting Charles by their carriage, she walked over, opening the door to the carriage and placed the basket inside on the seat. Turning back Harriet moved towards her husband, her arms looping around his waist as she placed a kiss on his shoulder blade "are we ready, love?" She asked, smiling into his back as her forehead came rest against his shoulder.