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Khaleesi Kujo

No! I will never, ever, turn my back on people who need me!

0 · 183 views · located in Earth

a character in “Founders of the earth: Elemental powers”, originally authored by Nightmaric_Angel, as played by RolePlayGateway


Battle Form

Weight: 110 pounds

Height- 5"4

Essence power:

Battle Form

Reg Form


Khaleesi is a very sweet dependable person. She basically is a natural born consular as well as fighter. She is far more intelligent then anyone and willful almost to a fault. She's a very agile warrior and far to caring, sweet, and nice for her own good. She holds the group together and though she is outspoken and can get angry quickly if you disrespect her. She is easy to forgive. No one can stay mad at her for very long. Something about her seems to give people hope and yet no one knows why.


A satchel like bag
her advanced knowledge and personality


Nothing yet.

So begins...

Khaleesi Kujo's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr.Mahunt Character Portrait: Guy Stanson Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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Khaleesi Kujo opened her blue almond doe eyes and looked around she was just coming to and remembered what she was. She stayed laying down for a few seconds. The light above her. It was so bright. It blocked out everything. And where she lay it was nice. Cold. She liked the cold. She wore a skin tight black jacket that was zipped to reveal some of her chest with maroon sleeves, maroon skin tight pants with black straps and some black gloves, a silver skulled belt buckle, a silver cross necklace and black strings wrapped around her neck with silver studs on the end and matching skin tight black and maroon high-heeled boots. Her outfit showed off her hour glass curved and her petite figure. She had a silver gun on her belt buckle and a Katana in it's sheathe on her hip. She stayed laying down for a few minutes continuing to stay silent until finally she used her water to make a sort of arch for her. Rising her off the table and into the air in a standing up position and then she walked down to the floor the water froze making stepping stones for her. Each time she stepped on one it would evaporate. She walked with poise her strides short and graceful, her hips swaying like a models walk, her long silver hair flowing behind her as she walked. She made her way to Dr. Mahunt looking down the shyly. She looked up when she reached them all noticing the people there she looked up wearing a confused and skeptical expression. and yer she did not speak. She seemed to only observed for now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr.Mahunt Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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Khaleesi didnt know the orders. She just continued to observe the three. Her blue eyes scanning the people and area. Getting the details of it all. She always did do better with a birds eye view. So she was high up standing on a piece of frozen water air partical that was acting at the moment like a stepping stone for her. Her silver haired blew in a unknown wind softly. Her face was set in a straight, confused, skeptical and thoughtful way. She had her legs together biting down on her thumb nail as she watched. Until one of the younger males began attacking a older male. Then She watched the act with a annoyed and pained expression. Her blue eyes glowed when the man died and Her body language had changed as well. She crossed her arms and cocked her hip to the side her legs spread apart a bit in a disapproving, annoyed way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr.Mahunt Character Portrait: Lee Sim Character Portrait: Guy Stanson Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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Khaleesi walked down from her place in the air. The water particles in the air freezing making a stepping stone for her as she did. She was approached by Lee and she looked at him a small smile playing on her lips but then she looked at the others and her smile faded. She was considering Lee's offer. She looked back at Lee, then she looked at the doc or scientist, and then at the elements. Her expression unamused by there actions. She spoke for the first time sense she had awoken her silvery(clear, loud and pleasant) British accented voice ringing out and echoeing in the ship though it was loud but calm and it basically soothed everyone around her to a sort of calm state making her argument and words easier to set in for them all. "Fighting in such a barbaric way is beneath us all. Dr. Mahunt you are a man of science what does your work prove when it murders? I've had enough of this whole event. Can you not train us in a better way? Or should I take Lee's offer and leave you." She said as her eyes glowed blue and suddenly the water particles in the air of the ship froze making sharp spikes surrounding her and floating in the air protecting her and her teammates "Or have you forgotten your ship holds my essence and if I so chose I could destroy you and your men in a single moment" She eyed the elements her glowing blue eyes scanning them "of corse leaving my team mates alive." She said obviously way to calmly though any could tell she was not very happy with the doctor ordering them to kill people who as far as she could til had done nothing wrong. She waited for a response her arms still crossed her legs a bit apart and hip cocked to the right.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr.Mahunt Character Portrait: Lee Sim Character Portrait: Guy Stanson Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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Khaleesi suddenly flew the air kicking Mahunt in the face in that anime chick way. She put her high heeled boot on his throat "You could not even hope to survive touching me pest." One of the spikes went inches from Mahunt's eyeball. She smiled at this wanting to send the spike through his eye, smiling at his terror and the sweat that dropped off his face it was almost intoxicating for her "I was being reasonable. But now you pissed me off." She told him but when she heard Lee's voice she snapped out of it, shaking her head as if she was in a daze her expression was a bit pained at her behavior as she looked up and the spike disappeared evaporating back into regular air, she took her boot off of him and grabbed both Guy and Seraphina's hands dragging them with her. "Common loves we need to go now." She looked at Vince "Come on doll let's go." She said to make him follow. She looked at Lee "They are my Ohana and Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind." She told him her face set in a determined way.

(( Im not trying to control your charrs Phoenix and Raindrops. I just dont want you to get left behind on a ship and all. Sorry >< ))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee Sim Character Portrait: Guy Stanson Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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Khaleesi watched him shaking her head as he left her eyes holding great sadness. He was also a water element. He was her kin in that way. And yet he left. She looked down thinking how to control her element water you had to have a calm drive and Vince was maniac. She wondered why and how it was that he could control his element then. She sighed "...Lilo and Stich......" She questioned outloud remembering his words but unsure of the meaning. Truthfully she had no memory of anything. She only knew two things she was water, Vince was also water, and the people she held hands with and the people infront of her where also elements though she had no idea what there names were, what elements and everything else..the doc called them her teammates so she assumed they each held a bond or something. She could be wrong of corse but oh well. She followed Lee lost in thought and almost in a daze.

((Austyn let's wait until the others post. ^^ Dont wanna post to much and confuse the others. ))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee Sim Character Portrait: Guy Stanson Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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(( Yeah im so sorry! D,: Austyn you know I do better with multi charrs so I was curious if I could make a light guy charr. I know you said girl I kinda want a guy. If not. Then i'll make it might not be not be light. Lol. I'll send her/him in immediately depending on if there's any spots left for a male charr if not ill send in a female. ))

Khaleesi was still walking. She looked at the women's terrified expression. "I'm sorry about the fighting...I don't like how that odd doctor, scientist...oh whatever ordered us to kill innocent people..What's your name?" She asked her and then looked at Guy and his shield, smiling politely "Thank you. Nice to meet you. Your good at fighting." She noted "It was pretty cool..." She admitted. "I'm Khaleesi Kujo...I am water." She told them. She sighed racking her brain for something that could help her with more about herself or anything.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Kujo Character Portrait: Lee Sim Character Portrait: Guy Stanson Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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0.00 INK

Dante opened his eyes "Khaleesi.." he said when she awoke. He had been keeping a watchful gaze over her and when they got into the ship and it started. Dante dove into the ship. He looked at her "Khaleesi, good to see your awake again. Let's hope you don't go on a killing spree like the other times however." He told his twin.

Khaleesi looked at Dante. He seemed familiar to her though she could not put her finger on it. "I know you." She said to him.

Dante nodded "You do." he said simply.

Khaleesi only nodded and walked with Seraphina and Guy to the cabin Dante trailing behind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Kujo Character Portrait: Lee Sim Character Portrait: Guy Stanson Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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0.00 INK

Dante smiled at Lee "Prince Dante Kujo the twin brother of the lovely Princess Khaleesi Kujo son of Vergel and Liliana of the Planet Nexus Abud." He answered Lee's question and smiled at Guy "Dude been awhile." He told him cooly.

Khaleesi looked at the man shocked and very confused. "I do not understand..." She said looking down.

Dante sighed and coaxed Khaleesi's chin up so she'd look up at him "You will......One day I will explain everything to you dear sister." He told her. She nodded and walked to the couch in the cockpit and laid down thinking and then after seconds she fell asleep. Exhausted from her excessive power use so soon after she had woken up.

Dante laughed at Guy as he disappeared then reappeared "Watching the stars as always old friend." he mused.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr.Mahunt Character Portrait: Dante Kujo Character Portrait: Lee Sim Character Portrait: Guy Stanson Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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0.00 INK

Dante looked at Lee with a unamused expression "Dude was that really necessary especially in a time like this?" He asked him. "You obviously have no manners at all." He told him crossing his arms and giving him a sharp look. He then looked at Seraphina and his expression softened "My apologize madame. The doctor wiped your memories, sadly for me his method did not take and thus I remember everything. Your fire, your names Seraphina, I'm light and I am Dante, the one sleeping on the couch is Khaleesi my twin her element is water, The dude your helping up is Guy, his element is Space, and the one who is being a prick is Lee his element is lightning." He winked at her playfully when he used the word she called Lee.

Khaleesi had changed into a black sort silk nightgown that was in one of the draws. She was having a nightmare or flashback in her sleep. She dreamt of people running and screaming of bloodshed, of hatred and fire. She dreamt of her and her brother running into the woods to try and escape and she dreamt of being taken away by the man she almost killed the doctor or whatever he was. She awoke suddenly shooting up like a bullet and gasping for breath. She looked around and sighed in relief shaking a bit, her face drained of it's color. She was glad she was alone in this room. She stayed sitting there trying to compose herself when she heard a loud bang she jumped and began walking to quickly to the source. She saw Lee angirly looking at Guy and Dante eyeing Lee in anger. She blinked "What is going on...?" She asked them all in dismay, confusing and worry.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee Sim Character Portrait: Guy Stanson Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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0.00 INK

Khaleesi looked at Seraphina "I have no memory as well..." She admitted then walked up to Guy "I hope your alright." She told him. Then she walked to Lee. She was shorter then all the males and a tiny bit shorter then the other female element. When she reached Lee she looked up at him her blue eyes searching his her arms crossed obviously she was not happy. She sighed and shook her head then looked back up at him "Don't be rash and violent. It does you no justice nor does it suit you." She said simply and then after a few moments of looking up at him she looked down and away shook her head and began walking off. "Troublesome..." She told herself as she walked up the steps on the ship and sat down on the high platform her legs crossed and dangling off the side. She was looking up at the starry sky but every few minutes she'd look down to them making sure they were alright and not going at it.

"She always did do better with a birds eye view..." Dante noted as he watched her go. He then turned back to Seraphina his face softened a bit more as he looked into her eyes getting lost in them he smiled charmingly at her and chuckled when she blinked. "Doctor Mahunt wiped your memories. It oddly didn't work for me or Guy. Not sure about that one." he said hinting at Lee.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Kujo Character Portrait: Lee Sim Character Portrait: Guy Stanson Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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Khaleesi ran down the stairs passing up her brother and Seraphina and went to the room where Lee and Guy was. She turned her body into water and slipped under the door feeling bad about everything that happened. When she saw Lee punching Guy she pulled him off Guy and hugged him trying to calm him down but not sure how. She could til or she just thought he was in emotional pain and was not really angry.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Kujo Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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Khaleesi looked at Seraphina "They were fighting like cats and dogs. I was stopping them." She sighed.

Dante looked at her "It's not your fault." He assured her and turned and walked away to the weight room. He took off his long red coat and shirt revieling his strong arms and abs and laid down on the bench lifting weights.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Kujo Character Portrait: Guy Stanson Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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0.00 INK

Khaleesi looked at Guy worriedly "Please come with me so I can properly help treat your wounds." She pleaded.

Dante continued to lift weights.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Kujo Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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0.00 INK

Dante ran and grabbed his sister in the crash "I'm not going to loose you again." he told her as they fell. They plummeted to the earth Khaleesi at the last moment before impact used her water to save them. She looked around and saw the planet from her dream. Dante too saw this and his eyes widened "Where.............home..." he said suddenly. Khaleesi looked up at her brother as they walked around. The place was untouched. It was just as it was 10 years ago. Plant, water, life. The fires that scorched the earth had given birth to life. Khaleesi smiled as she looked around curiously her brother was just smiling all together. When suddenly guards captured them taking them to the castle where they used to live. Upon there they were almost executed until there mother recognized them. Then they were treated right and for once Dante was happy. He felt loved and welcomed. It was beautiful. Khaleesi felt safe. Something she had not felt in a long time. There parents finally having there children back from years of searching were grateful and through a celebration to the gods. It was a great event. Dante was next to rule and Khaleesi was to be Queen of a diffrent KIngdom soon.

((Kinda had this idea where Khaleesi and Dante crash land back in there home planet and when Khaleesi goes to a diff. kingdom she finds Lee and all and when Dante goes to meet with the concil for something (idk what that something is yet) he see's seraphina. And then they go to find Guy after making the painful choice to leave there spots. ))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Kujo Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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Dante was on his throne beside his father and Khaleesi was on her throne beside her mother when Seraphina was brought to them. She was shocked "Untie her!" Dante told the men who followed her commands at once. Khaleesi ran to Seraphina and hugged her "You okay?" She asked her. Dante smiled "Well, well, well you look ravishing." He told her with a smile. "All charges will here by be dropped for our element friend here." Dante told them and they all nodded. There mother smiled "We must have feast." She told her kingdom. Thinking that Seraphina was the reason her daughter and son were back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Kujo Character Portrait: Guy Stanson Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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Khaleesi's mother smiled and giggled when she curtsied. "Cute." her mother mused. "Khaleesi show our guest to her corders and give her something to change into." She told Khaleesi.Khaleesi nodded and took Seraphine by the arm giggling as she ran off with Seraphina. Khaleesi looked at Seraphina when suddenly she heard someone say "Princess and marriage." and her smile faded a bit as she sighed. "Tied-down to a man I wont even know.." She mumbled. There had been rumors of a man crash landing and becoming king of a small village(Guy). Khaleesi was to meet him tomorrow. She looked down. "Marriage....pfft." She continued with her mumbling.

Dante watched with a smile "More then cute mother." She told him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Kujo Character Portrait: Guy Stanson Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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(( -shrugs- Shit happens....even if we don't know'll be fine....hopefully...))

Khaleesi walked over wearing a white gown. Her crown was on as she went to meet this strange man. She had her head down and her eyes were also averted down. Her mother and Seraphina walked by her side and her brother and father in front of her. She was murming obviously pissed at the situation. "Presenting Princess Khaleesi." Her father called out and Khaleesi's head snapped up. She looked ahead and saw Guy. She sighed in relief. Least she knew the guy.

Dante saw Guy and instantly smiled. He held back laughter at seeing his old friend alive and well and now destined to marry his sister. "What a event." He joked quietly.

Image- how khaleesi looks

Image -dante

Image crown xcept the ruby's are sapphires lol


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Kujo Character Portrait: Guy Stanson Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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Dante rolled his eyes "Yeah, yeah. Soon to be king thank you." he teased his old friend.

Khaleesi was blushing crimson and looking down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Kujo Character Portrait: Guy Stanson Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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Seraphina was just standing with this huge smile on her face, happy that everything was working out. She'd forgotten everything about Lee and it seemed like the others had as well.
"I'm so happy for you Khaleesi. I thought you were about to be married with this huge, fate, evil, disgusting man or something" she laughed and gave her a hug. "Oh, uhm... which you're not Guy." she interjected and smirked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Kujo Character Portrait: Guy Stanson Character Portrait: Seraphina Character Portrait: Khaleesi Kujo
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Dante laughed and winked at Seraphina. "Sure old friend." He told him.

Khaleesi only nodded at Seraphines words. She looked down still blushing when he grabbed her she blushed a darker shade of crimson. She did not think he was taking this whole deal seriously. She sighed. I mean they were to be wed! How could he be so light hearted about it? Did he love her? Or maybe he was kust excited about the fact that she was a ugly horrible person..or maybe she was the odd one. She looked out the window then wondering if the other guy, Lee was alright for the thosandth time.

Dante kneeled and kissed Seraphina's hand "My lady, may I say your looking amazing this evening." He told her with another wink.