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Sariah Baird

"We are all different. It's safe to say that you are nothing like me."

0 · 282 views · located in Unova Region

a character in “Fox Bin”, as played by Vix


”We all strive for the same thing. Some of us are just more likely to achieve it than others.”

Full Name;;
Sariah Zaylin Baird

Sara | Zay-Zay | Baird | Lin | Cook




Aspertia City | Unova

- Chef
- Groomer
- Tag Battler
- Massage Therapist


Basic Appearance;;
Standing at five foot five inches tall, Sariah could be considered average. She isn’t the bustiest woman, but she does have a good figure. Her curves are usually accented by wide hips and thick legs, giving her a full hour glass figure. She weighs, for her height, around one hundred and forty pounds. Most of the weight is from pure muscle mass. She does not have a single drop of fat on her, and she owes it to her Pokémon. Most of her skin could be considered a soft ivory, or a light olive tone. She doesn’t spend much time in the daylight to tan her skin, and honestly she doesn’t care. The only time she will be out in the sun is if it’ll benefit her Pokémon during a battle. Her hair is extremely long, falling in soft waves to the middle of her knees. Although this causes problems as she’ll usually catch it on something, she is too stubborn to cut it. It is, however, cut in two pieces. The first piece is her bangs, which fall to the tip of her nose to the top of her lip. The second piece is cut just below her diaphragm. She usually keeps her bangs clipped to the left side of her face and leaves her hair down for the most part. Her eyes are a deep blue color, appearing almost a matte color and closest to a cobalt blue. They are always shining with mischief and do have a deceiving appearance.

Distinct Markings;;
Sariah has three tattoos located throughout her body. The first tattoo she has is on the inside of her left wrist. It’s barely visible at first glance, but a second one would reveal an intricate rose detailed with vines and leaves. The second one is a bit more concealed. It is a heart on the inside of her right wrist. It has a ribbon on it that is left blank. She says she will fill it in when she deems someone worthy of owning her heart. The last tattoo is nothing extravagant. It is a simple star located at the back of her left ear. If you peer close enough, you will notice that it has all the names of her Pokémon listed as if they were cities on the star.

Sariah usually wears anything that is comfortable. She doesn’t like feeling restricted in tight clothing, but she also doesn’t want her clothes falling off of her. Her outfits consist of sleeveless shirts and usually a matching plaid skirt or a pair of jeans. On most days, Sariah wears a black skirt with a sleeveless white tank top. She will sport a pair of belts that will criss-cross on her hips and usually house her pokéballs. She will finish it off with a pair of long boots that reach up to her knees with a pair of white stockings that barely peak above the top of the boots. Although sometimes it doesn’t match, Sariah doesn’t usually care about matching her clothes. As long as she is comfortable, she is good. She has on more than one occasion been known to wear two completely different socks. On colder days, however, she will wear a pair of pants that are form fitting with a black zipper shirt that appears to be sprouting a blue under shirt. Towards her waist, it splits on both the left and right side of her shirt in the front. She will finish it off with a pair of shorter combat boots.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead


Theme song;;
Eye of the Tiger | Survivor

Equipment and Personal Artifacts;;

+ Image109,980 (She saves a majority of her money and only uses it for provisions.)
+ 5 pokéballs unoccupied
+ Water bottles for herself
+ Packets of self-made Pokémon food.
+ Bike
+ 4x pairs of clothes
+ Pokédex
+ Xtransceiver
+ Food containers full of food for herself
+ Cooking utensils (Forks, knives, ect., ect.,)
+ Various berries to make Pokémon food.


- 6x occupied pokéballs

- Gotta Catch ‘Em All! Pokémon!
- She is starting to feel a pull towards Dark-type Pokémon and Electric-type Pokémon

Potential Interest;;
Not applicable at this time.

There are many things that Sariah likes to do. Mainly, she loves to cook for her Pokémon and is a renowned Pokémon cook. She can make Pokémon food from almost any ingredient and can tell what a Pokémon would enjoy more in their food. She has earned the nickname Cook because of her abilities. Sariah loves to sing. She is an amazing singer and usually ranges within the soprano range. She usually only sings to her Pokémon, and is extremely shy in public. She has been caught a few times singing with her headphones on and usually is encouraged to finish. Although her affinity is to Fire-type Pokémon, Sariah loves water. She will make time out of her day to go down to the lake and swim. It relaxes her for some odd reason. Maybe it’s because of her affinity to Fire-type Pokémon that Sariah loves the cold. Fire Pokémon have a resistance to it, but Sariah enjoys it. She enjoys it because if it ever gets too cold, she could just cuddle up with Lohe or Valve. Sariah loves her Pokémon. She would do anything for them and usually keeps most of them out of their pokéballs. She doesn’t believe in confining them in such small balls unless it’s to an area where she cannot bring them as they are. She has a strong bond with all of them and would give anything in the world just to see them happy.

If there was something in the world that Sariah disliked, it would be coffee. She hates the taste but ironically loves the smell. She used to make it for her father often and when she was seven, took a sip of the black coffee. She was sick for the next four days because of the strong taste. She tries her best to stay away from it now. Summer oddly enough, she dislikes very much. She doesn’t like sweating and the heat during summer time is usually unbearable. Although she has no problem warming up with her Pokémon during the colder times of the year, summer time is just something she doesn’t look forward to. Overly aggressive people annoy the crap out of her. She doesn’t understand why they have to be so hostile and usually she becomes hostile herself. She doesn’t appreciate becoming so and tends to stay away from people like that. She doesn’t want it rubbing off on her. If anything came second to coffee, it would be pranksters. She doesn’t like being pranked and has (on accident mind you) punched a person in the face for doing so. She gets startled very easily, hence why she doesn’t like being pranked. Plus she really doesn’t have a good sense of humor and takes things very seriously. Unmotivated people who want things handed to them annoy the crap out of Sariah as well. She worked hard for the things she has and for her Pokémon so it irks her when people often ask for handouts and quick and easy ways to train Pokémon. Of course those that really need it, she will not hesitate to help them, but those who take advantage of it usually get a flamethrower to their face.

One of the worst habits Sariah could have is biting her lip. She tends to chew on the inside of her lips when she is in deep thought or extremely bored. She also subconsciously does this as well when she zones out. It has gotten to the point where she will occasionally make her bottom lip bleed for extensive biting. Being lost in thought is also a habit she needs to break. Occasionally she will lose focus on what she was doing and begin to concoct different ideas or just tends to daydream a lot. She doesn’t do this on purpose, but she blames it on having A.D.D. (which is not true, she just won’t admit it). Another habit she has is a tendency to mumble when she is trying to explain something. She gets carried away with describing things and on more than one occasion has brought up multiple topics when addressing one.

Strengths and Special Attributes;;
Memory is one of Sariah’s major strengths. She can recall what happened exactly to the last detail and can tell you what someone said precisely without smudging a few facts. She has her wits about her and memorizing things is an advantage to her, especially during Pokémon battles. Cooking is also a major strength for Sariah as she can usually tell what berry and flavor a Pokémon will enjoy most and can get the most nutrients out. She can also determine, just by smell, if a Pokémon dish (or even a human dish) needs more ingredients, is almost finished cooking, or what exactly was put into it. Sensitivity to her Pokémon is one of her attributes. She has such a strong telepathic bond with them that she can feel everything they are, including the pain they go through during battles. Loyalty is something she inherited from her father. She is extremely loyal to those she is close to, including the others of the prophecy, and will do anything to protect them and her Pokémon.

Her Pokémon are her weakness. She tends to put herself in harm’s way to protect them from anything, going so far as to put herself between a raging Gyarados and Valve (who was a Growlithe at the time). Of course there was nothing majorly done to her, it just caused her Pokémon to strive to become stronger so that she wouldn't have to protect them. Good Food is another one of her weaknesses. She loves to eat and if she finds something that is amazing, she will eat it nonstop until she is bloated and sick. She is a gluttonous person when it comes to good food, although she works of the food with her Pokémon and her metabolism. Her temper usually gets the best of her. Normally she is a collected person, but the smallest things can set her off sometimes. She really does try to control it, but it just gets her sometimes, like an Ekans coiling around her body. Heat would be a major weakness for her, especially during the summer time. Because of her dislike for the summer, the heat usually bothers her beyond reason and could be the result of her bad temper. It’s not that she’ll faint or go all prissy about it, it’s just something that she strongly dislikes. Baby Pokémon are her Achilles heel. She adores baby Pokémon, regardless of their affinity to type, and spoils the heck out of them when she can. Magby, Pichu, Clefa, Azurill, and many more of these Pokémon hold a soft spot in her heart.

Sariah is a free spirited young woman. She is overly zealous and can get a bit carried away with things. She is headstrong and always goes with her gut instinct, causing her to be a bit careless. She is also fierce and will do anything to protect herself or her friends. She does not like to be intimidated by others and will usually stand her ground until someone backs off. She will, however, fight back if a conflict cannot be ignored. She will always speak her mind no matter the situation and is also very open-minded. She does not pay attention to what others think of her and is content to be herself instead of someone else. Sariah is normally a bit trusting with people and will feel like she can speak almost about anything to a person she truly trusts. She can become very serious and will revert into a stoic, straight-to-the-point type of person depending on the situation, especially if it deals with her work. Because of her bluntness, Sariah will not tell a lie and believes it is immoral and plain wrong and will restrain herself from lying to a person. Rather blunt to the 't', Sariah will not hold anything back and will always tell someone what is on her mind, regardless of how the other person takes it. She will waste no time whatsoever to tell someone off if they get on her bad side. If the right buttons are pushed, she will become a bit violent and lash out at a person. When in an uncomfortable position, Sariah will become very rough and somewhat withdrawn and cold towards a person. She has a fiery spirit and not one to back down so easily. She is a fighter in what she believes in and will not back down from a challenge.

Brief History;;
Sariah was born an only child to a former Gym Leader and retired Breeder. As a young child, Sariah took after her mother in appearance and personality. People would often call her “Little Emily” because of it and it wasn’t long after that Sariah started following in her mother’s footsteps. She wanted to become a breeder and started spending time with her mother and grandmother, who was also a former breeder. She spent most of her time around Pokémon, learning the various kinds and always felt a pull towards fire-types. She couldn’t exactly explain it at the time, but it didn’t seem to bother her. When she turned six years old, she received her first Pokémon egg (which contained Lohe) from her grandmother. She applied everything she learned from her mother and grandmother into raising the egg and after some time it hatched.

Sariah, for the next few years, went on her own Pokémon journey to travel the world. She wanted to visit every region and see the many types of Fire Pokémon that existed. She wanted to capture a fire-type from each region, but ended up with a few of the same region. She eventually returned to the Unova region and tried to set up her own breeding business, but decided against it. Instead, she is running a Pokémon adoption facility for Pokémon either abandoned by their , or no longer have anyone to care for them properly. She does not physically own the Pokémon, therefore allowing trainers who want to adopt the Pokémon to capture them in their own pokéballs. That way the bond will form a new with the trainer and Pokémon.



Primary Type;;

Secondary and Tertiary Type;;

Starter Pokémon;;

Current Pokémon Team

Name – Lohe [Dragon in Estonian]
Species and Type - Charizard - Fire | Flying
Gender -
Ability - Blaze
Nature - Brave
History -
”Lohe? He was my first Pokémon that I received before starting my journey. He was actually a gift from my late grandmother. She was a Pokémon breeder and she found this egg on her ranch. Instead of keeping it for herself, she gave it to me. I was excited when Lohe finally hatched. During our travels together, Lohe evolved into a Charmeleon and finally a Charizard. He is my most trusted Pokémon and the most powerful. He is also very protective of me and my friends.”

As the statement says, Sariah received Lohe as an egg. It was a gift from her late grandmother, one she happily accepted. Her grandmother knew Sariah always wanted to be a breeder and gave her the Charmander egg she found on her farm. It was her sixth birthday and Sariah did everything with the egg including bathing with it, talking to it, and singing to it. When Lohe finally hatched from the egg, Sariah was excited to say the least. As she grew up, Lohe was very protective of Sariah. He would go so far as to be her own personal body guard (one that her father was grateful for) and followed Sariah’s every move. His first evolution occurred against another trainer. Even though he had a type advantage over the Simisage, Lohe could not gain the upper hand. After a brutal beating, Sariah intervened and was attacked by the Simisage. Although it was an accident, Lohe saw this as a threat to his trainer and evolved into Charmeleon. Needless to say Lohe won the battle. When Sariah captured Houndour, Charmeleon immediately attained some type of rivalry with the Pokémon. Kaitsja and Lohe would constantly battle each other to see who was stronger and this proved beneficial for both Pokémon. Kaitsja and Lohe evolved around the same time during a double battle. At his final evolution into a Charizard, Lohe has calmed a bit but makes it known to his trainer when he thinks she is in danger. All in all, Lohe is the most powerful Pokémon on Sariah’s team and only rivaled by Kaitsja.
- Flamethrower
- Fly
- Dragon Pulse
- Earthquake

Name - Hukatus [Fate in Estonian]
Species and Type - Victini - Psychic | Fire
Gender - Genderless
Ability - Victory Star
Nature - Jolly
History -
”Wow, I can still recall the night I met Hukatus. It was a beautiful night and the clouds were strolling by. I was in Liberty Garden with Lohe when we stumbled upon Hukatus. He told me that he had come to claim me for Destiny! I was so confused at first, but then I had remembered what Lohe had told me before. About being the Chosen One of Fire. Or something like that. So, I went. Bid my family farewell and was off to meet fate!

Hukatus was encountered at the Liberty Garden in the Unova region. At first, Sariah didn’t know what to make of the small Pokémon. She was had just turned eight at the time. He (she calls Victini a he) immediately joined Sariah the moment they locked eyes. Ever since, he has been a handful. Hukatus tended to latch onto Sariah’s head and stay there for a good few hours. This would cause discomfort for Sariah as she was usually un-balanced. She, however, didn’t mind it so much whenever Hukatus latched onto her shoulder. There was a point in Hukatus’ and Sariah’s friendship where he was stolen. Hukatus’ pokéball was stolen from Sariah’s sack and had been taken very far from her. If it wasn’t for their telepathy, Sariah feared she would never have found him. Ever since then, Sariah keeps him out of his pokéball and never leaves her eyes off him. She also has Kaitsja and Valve keeping an eye on him as well. She would be devastated if anything were to happen to him again. Hukatus was not one of Sariah’s main battling Pokémon, but more of a mascot. He would usually stand on the sidelines while Sariah’s other Pokémon battled and cheered for them.
- Flamethrower
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- V-create

Name - Kaitsja [Protector in Estonian]
Species and Type – Houndoom - Dark | Fire
Gender -
Ability - Unnerve
Nature - Sassy
History -
”Now this she-devil was something when I found her. She was injured and bleeding profusely. Kaitsja was just a Houndour at the time and she wouldn’t let me near her. I had no choice but to tranquilize her with some Pokémon food in order to get her to a Pokémon center. After a few days, the Pokémon center released her to my custody. It was a battle at first earning Kaitsja’s trust, but after a few months, we were the best of friends. She gets along well with Valve and has some sort of rivalry with Lohe. She is my most powerful Pokémon, second only to Lohe (whom she tries to overcome).

Sariah found Kaitsja as a Houndour. She was apparently injured from a recent poacher attack and would have bled to death if Sariah hadn’t come along. Because of the rare blue color, Sariah had a hard time fending off poachers and other trainers who wanted to take Kaitsja from Sariah, but she stood her ground firmly. Because of this act, Kaitsja began to trust Sariah little by little until she could speak telepathically to Sariah. When she spoke of her endurances, Sariah just picked up the houndour and hugged it. She cried for ten minutes straight after learning what Kaitsja had endured, including almost being killed for her fur. This brought Sariah and Kaitsja closer as Pokémon and trainer. Kaitsja had obtained a rivalry with Lohe for some odd reason and both always tried to outdo the other. Sariah did not encourage their rivalry, however; she did find it useful in tag team battles. They would bring out each other’s power and it was during a tag team battle did both Lohe and Kaitsja evolved together. Kaitsja is the second most powerful Pokémon Sariah owns, second only to Lohe.
- Flamethrower
- Thunder Fang
- Shadow Ball
- Faint Attack

Name - Loite [Flare in Estonian]
Species and Type – Rapidash - Fire
Gender -
Ability - Flame Body
Nature - Quiet
History -
”Loite? She was a funny case, you see; she found me actually. I was camping in the Kanto region when she stumbled upon my campsite. Needless to say she had been running from a pack of Dodrio whom she had recently (apparently) stumbled upon their nesting site and was chased off. To protect her, I captured her in my pokéball and had Lohe scare of the Dodrio. I didn’t use her for battles often, but even so she is still an exceptionally strong Pokémon. I used her to carry my equipment around and often at times would just let her walk beside me. She was too small to ride until she evolved into a Rapidash. She isn’t exactly the most powerful of my Pokémon, but she can still hold her own and will never back down from a fight.

Loite was captured as a Ponyta on the run from a flock of Dodrio. She had ran into Sariah’s campsite and pleaded with Sariah to protect her from the “evil trio” as she had so eloquently put it. Of course at this time, Sariah immediately knew that this Ponyta was destined to be her partner and offered Loite a proposition in which Loite gladly took. Instead of a battling Pokémon, Loite became more of a traveling partner who carried Sariah’s equipment around. She wasn’t exactly kept from battling, Sariah just thought she would be happier as a companion. When Loite evolved, it was during an intense battle against the Cerulean Gym Leader in the Kanto Region. Even with a type disadvantage, Loite managed to defeat the Gym Leader’s Gyarados with a Solarbeam attack. Where Loite learned the grass-type move, Sariah will never know. Loite would probably be considered Sariah’s least strongest Pokémon, however; Loite is by no means weak. She has been known to defeat opponents twice her size and even at a type disadvantage.
- Flamethrower
- Solarbeam
- Flame Wheel
- Body Slam

Name - Valve [Guard in Estonian]
Species and Type - Arcanine - Fire
Gender -
Ability - Justified
Nature - Serious
History -
”This big guy? He was actually a present from my father. My father captured him as a Growlithe and thought he’d be a nice addition to my team. He, even as a Growlithe, is extremely protective of me. It could be because my father told him to look after me during my travels. I don’t mind, he’s actually like a big cuddly Teddiursa and is quite a big baby. He is attached to Kaitsja, which I think is more of an attraction than anything. He gets mad every time I mention it to him though haha. His evolution is actually a direct result because of Kaitsja. A traveling merchant accidently dropped the Fire stone and Kaitsja had brought it to me. I meant to return it but it fell out of my hands and landed on Valve.”

Valve was a gift from Sariah’s father. He had returned home after checking upon his old Gym in Cinnabar Island and found Valve as a half starved Growlithe. Without much trouble, he captured Valve and gifted him to his daughter. After a few feedings and some care, Sariah managed to nurse him back to health. He was forever grateful and vowed to keep her father’s promise of keeping her safe. As a Growlithe, Valve was extremely strong and dedicated to Sariah, trying to keep her from harm and always making sure he was strong enough to do so. His evolution was purely an accident. A traveling merchant had dropped a fire stone and Kaitsja had spotted it. She told Sariah and as Sariah went to return it, she tripped and dropped the fire stone. The fire stone, however, landed on Valve’s forehead and caused him to evolve. He did not mind and enjoyed being an Arcanine. His logic was that now he could intimidate people and protect his friends and Sariah even better. Arcanine would be considered the third strongest Pokémon in Sariah’s care.
- Flamethrower
- Thunder Fang
- Dragon Pulse
- Crunch

Name - Rahulik [ Calm in Estonian]
Species and Type - Typhlosion - Fire
Gender -
Ability - Blaze
Nature - Calm
History -
”Ah, Rahulik. She literally fell into my lap. I was sitting under a tree and I happened to look up to a falling Cyndaquil. We both stared at each other for a few minutes before she snuggled against me and fell asleep (although I couldn’t tell she was asleep until a bubble formed on her nose). After some contemplation, I captured the little mouse Pokémon and made her my last addition to my team. Over the course of three years, she evolved into her final form, Typhlosion. Rahulik is the fourth strongest Pokémon on my team and would have been the second if she wasn’t so lazy.

Sariah found Rahulik as a Cyndaquil. She had been napping under a tree when Rahulik literally fell into her lap. Sariah teases her and says it was love at first sight when they met because Rahulik snuggled up into her lap and fell asleep. Rahulik was surprisingly a calm Pokémon, hence how she earned her name. When it came to battling, however, she turned into a completely different Pokémon. She became fierce and battled as hard as she could. Her first evolution occurred during a battle against another trainer. Even with a type advantage, Rahulik was having trouble defeating a foe’s Serperior. She was struggling and Sariah told her she had enough. Not wanting to give up so easily, she evolved and defeated the Serperior. Sariah couldn’t have been happier, but she scolded Rahulik for being so reckless. On her journey back to Unova, Rahulik evolved again into her finally form. This evolution was brought on by another battle, however; it was a battle against her father. She had encountered him on his own journey to find more Pokémon and he wanted to see how strong Sariah had become on her journey. Rahulik is the fourth strongest Pokémon in Sariah’s care and would have been the second if she wasn’t so indolent.
- Flamethrower
- Earthquake
- Extrasensory
- Thunderpunch

Posting Example;;
The air was hot and humid. Sticky wet strands of hair stuck to the oval face of a young woman as she tried her best to keep them at bay. It had been a tiresome day, filled with nonchalant musings and frivolous chatter. Maggie, however, had been extremely busy. There was not a time in the hectic day for her to take a personal break, and she found it tiresome. She would kill for at least an hour to herself. Hell, even ten minutes would do her just fine, but there was too much work to be done. Her employer took it upon himself to stack piles of over-due papers upon her desk and threatened of ripping her title away if she did not finish the stack on time, however; being outside in the hot July sun was not what she had in mind for a ten minute break.

So begins...

Sariah Baird's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sariah Baird Character Portrait: Angelo Romain
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#, as written by Vix