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"Puuurrrrrr...Pet me please?" :3

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a character in “From Cat to Neko”, as played by KayEyeEmm


Name- Kiki

Age- App: 15, Real: 1 yr 3 mnths

Appearance- Image

Species- Neko

Likes- Yarn, Sushi, Milk

Dislikes- Dogs, Loud Noises, Stranges

Personality- She is shy, sweet, and smart. She always tries to help people.

Crush- TBA

So begins...

Kiki's Story


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Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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The young, newly neko girl awoke from her long nap. She was now way to big for the little cat bed she was sleeping in. 'What happened? Where is all my pretty white fur?' Kiki started towards Drake's room on all fours, then looked down. 'I cant walk like this. I look like a fool.' She stood up shakily, still getting used to her new body. "Drake? Wake up!" she called through his door. It was usually shut, like most guys.Today was no diferent. "Meow. Wake up." 'Hehehe I made kitty noises.' She snickered to herself, then tried to open the door. It was unlocked, he was in bed. She crawled onton the bed, snuggling up at the end of it. She sat and waited for him to wake up.


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Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Drake groaned and already felt his blood starting to boil. 'Who the hell is in my house calling my name? And they have the nerve to wake me up, I just hate that," he thought to himself. When he heard a meow, his temper cooled down a bit. His cat, Kiki, always relaxed him. Kiki was probably the only thing that could wake him up without being yelled at. Though then he heard that female voice again. He kept his eyes closed when he heard the door open. He muscles tensed with annoyance when he felt someone crawl into his bed and snuggle him! He opened his tired eyes and glared at the Neko girl. 'This has to be some kind of joke...this chick just ruined my freaking morning,' he thought to himself.

"Who the hell are you and how the hell did you get into my house? If this is some kind of joke, I hope you know, it. is. not. funny. You better get the hell out of my house before I throw you out, you've just pissed me off for the day. You disturb my sleep and sneak into my home! If you aren't gone in five minutes, I will be calling the cops. Oh and take those stupid cat ears and tail off!" he snapped at the girl in angry. He got out of bed. Drake wore only red boxers. He looked around his room, where was is cat? He did hear her meow. He took deep breathes. He knew he had to relax before he continued to look for his cat.

"Kiki! Where are you girl?" he called out. He left his room and checked Kiki's bed where she usually would be. She was not there. He quickly checked around the whole apartment. 'I am going to kill this person if Kiki is hurt. This girl is going to wish she was in Hell!' he partiality hissed in his thoughts. Drake turned around and went up to the Neko girl again. It clearly showed on his face, he was even more pissed off. "Where is my cat? Find her now or else," he threaten. Part of him was mostly just really anger, while the other part feared what happened to his cat. The fear just got him more worked up. His hands were now in tight fist, his knuckles were starting to turn white. Also, his jaw tighten. If this Neko girl had been a guy, he might have just hit or pushed her by now; that was how anger he was.


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Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Drake was angry and wanted to find me. But I was right here. "Drake! It's me! Please calm down!" Kiki hid under his cover like she always did when he was upset. The funny sight usually calmed him down. Her tail sticking out one end and her ears twitching out the other end. "Drake! Come here! It's me! I can prove it!" She peeked her head out to see him standing there, fist clenched, and imagined steam rolling out of his ears. She looked at him with her blue eyes, cocked her head to the side, and twitched her ears. He always loved that. Maybe it would calm him down.


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Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Drake froze and stared at the Neko. He didn't know what to think or do. He knew that was one of the many things Kiki did. Also, Drake knew Kiki had never done that in front of others. Including, he never seen another cat do that, well twitch it's ears the way Kiki did. He groaned and ran his fingers through his hair. Drake just now knew it was Kiki, his cat, well what use to be his cat. Now Kiki was a Neko. His lips now formed a frown. He unclenched his fist though. "How did this happen?" he questioned. Drake took a few keep breathes to calm down; then he cracked his knuckles. His pulse had begun to slow down. Drake sat on his bed next to Kiki. He went to scratch behind her ears. 'She is still my Kiki, ugh, but I still can't believe this. Doubt this is a dream,' he paused in his thoughts to pinch his arm, 'Nope, not a dream,' he finished thinking. Drake always woke up when he pinched himself in a dream.


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Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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"I like this new body. You can understand me. I don't have to meow for an hour before you realize I'm hungry. I can just say it. Better yet, I can get it myself." She smiled and rolled around on the bed. "Drake. I think I need clothes." Kiki finally noticed all that she had on was the pink bow around her neck that his mother tortured her with. "And I'm hungry." She hopped of the bed and went to his door. "Please..." She purred and batted her eyes.


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Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Drake was a bit surprised when she said she liked that body. His sighed, but gave her a smile. 'Well if she is happy, I'm happy. Just need to get use to this. Weird, something weird like this would happen to me,' he mused to himself. "Hmm, sorry, sometimes I am in my own world and don't notice you meowing. Usually I am painting when you are hungry, you have bad timing," he paused as his smile grew. It was cute how she rolled around on the bed. Though, that was when it hit him, Kiki was pretty much naked. Only thing she wore was a pink bow. He chuckled amused. "Yeah, you need clothes, I'll have to buy you some. You can wear something of mine for now...girl shopping is going to be weird and awkward, oh well, you turning human is weirder. Could you always turn into a human Kiki?" he asked. He rolled his shoulders back.

"Well, I'll make you a tuna sandwich and get you glass of milk, but first clothes," he told her. He kissed Kiki's ears before going to his drawer. Drake liked hearing her purr. He pulled out: a pair of black sweatpants, black flip-flops, a white muscle shirt, and a dark blue hoodie. He put the clothes next to Kiki. "That is the only thing that is going to fit you without being too, too big. If you need help making the sweats tighter or putting something on, tell me. After I feed you, we can go shopping, but you have to keep your ears and tail hidden. I''ll get you a black beanie before we leave if you don't want to walk around wearing a hood. Come and get your food once you are dressed," he told her. Drake walked into the kitchen. He made a tuna sandwich and filled a glass with milk. He put the sandwich on a plate, he cut the sandwich into four pieces. Drake place the plate and glass on the small kitchen table. Then he got a glass of cranberry juice and cereal for himself. He sat at the table before he began to eat.


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Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Kik looked at the clothes puzzled after Drake left. She had seen him dress before, but it was still hard to get her body to do what she remebered seeing. She put her head in th bigest hole on the shirt (The bottom) then tried to get it threw another (the arm), but it wouldn't fit. She pushed her head through finally. "Now this isn't right." She struggled to pull her head out. She put the shirt on the bed. "Maybe this will be easier." She picked up the pants and examined them. She put her legs in the top part and pulled up. They were on right, almost. They were backwards. Kiki walked into the kitchen with the shirt in hand. "I can't get this on and these pants make my tummy itchy." She pulled at the tag, which was in the front of the pants.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Drake laughed when he saw Kiki, he rolled his eyes. "Just take the clothes off and I'll put them on you," he told her. Once she did so, he would cut the pant's tag off before he dressed his Kiki. He would pull the strings of the sweats to make it tighter around her waist. He would just leave the hoodie on his bed for now. 'I'm glad I do not get embarrassed by naked bodies, guess art classes does that to you,' he mused to himself. "Come eat now silly," he told her. He guessed she must know how to eat and at least drink from a glass. He bit his bottom lip before getting up. He got a pink straw and put it in the glass of milk. He turned to Kiki. "Jut suck on the straw and the milk will go into your mouth for you to drink, if you want to stop drinking, stop sucking on the straw," he told her. He even pointed to the straw when he said straw. Drake looked Kiki over in his clothing. He hid her tail in one of the legs of the sweatpants. The flip flops seem too big, but they were fine for now. The shirt look decent on her, it just look a bit baggy. He put the scissors on the table and continued to eat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Kiki felt her cheeks warm up when drake was putting the clothes on her. 'What is that' she thought and touched her hot cheeks. She had seen Drake's cheeks turn red before when he talked about girls he liked. He finished dressing her, explained how to do stuff, and sat back down to eat. She sat too, opposite him. She could feel her tail twitching by her leg. "Hehehe my tail tickles." She looked at the sandwich curiously, then picked it up and took a bite. "Mmmm What is this? It's not my normal food." she had the corner gone in 3 bites. She licked her lips and tried to take a drink. The straw frustrated her, as she didn't know really how to use it. She had never sucked before, only licked. She took the straw out, picked the glass up, tilted it, and lapped at the milk. It wasn't what Drake did, but it worked for her.


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Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Drake smiled at Kiki. "You look cute when you blush," he teased. He guessed anyone would be embarrassed if they had someone dress them at her age. He wonder what exact age she looked as a human, maybe fourteen or fifteen. She looked a couple of years younger than him. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. He finish eating. Now he just took sips of his juice. Drake chuckled softly. "Hmm I guess you are ticklish, well those sweatpants are kind of big on you, so no one will notice if your tail moves a bit. Oh, it is a tuna sandwich, just bread and tuna. Tuna is some kind of fish. I don't think it will be a good idea to give you your normal food, I don't want you to get sick, you being sick would just mean trouble. I wouldn't even be able to take you to a hospital because of your ears and tail," he said. Drake laughed softly when she tried the straw. 'Guess she doesn't know how to use the straw, maybe she forgot how to suck,' he mused. He laughed more when she drank from the glass. "Hmm, Kiki, do you remember when you were a kitten? A straw is just like how you would get milk from your mother," he told her. Once he finished his juice, he put his dishes in the sink. Then he washed them. When that was done, he turned to face Kiki.

"When you finish, just put the glass and plate in the sink. Oh, and throw the straw in the trash. I'm going to take a quick shower to wake myself up, since someone woke me up," he told her. He went to his room and grabbed a towel. Drake then entered the bathroom. He showered for about fifteen minutes before he got out. Drake entered his room as he dried himself. He towel dried his hair. He wouldn't care if Kiki was in his room, she seen him naked in the past. Also, Drake wasn't ashamed by his body, he was fit and had a nice, slight muscular built. Including, he didn't care what people thought of him. He put on: a gray long sleeve shirt, dark blue jeans, purple and gold checkered pattern boxers, and black socks and sneakers. When he finish getting dressed he got a black knitted beanie. Then he would go to help Kiki put the hoodie on. "Do you want to wear the hood all the time in the mall or wear this beanie?" he questioned. He held the beanie out to her so she could see it.


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Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Kiki finished eating while Drake ran to the shower. About 10 minutes later, she was finished, and placed her dishes in the sink as asked. She looked up to see a bird at the bird feeder in the window, and spent the next 7 or 8 minutes trying to get to it. Then Drake walked in asking about a hat. She turned around blushing. "The bird is stuck in that thing and I can't get him out." She turned back to the window, but the bird had flown away. "Nevermind." Then she walked over to Drake. "Which one looks better?" Kiki had always been a spoiled cat, who adored looking good. She had a brush, a bow, and had once even had clothes, until a mishap with the neighbors yorkie had tipped them. He looked like a tailess cat to her, and rarely barked, so she wanted to play.


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Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Drake raised a brow before he looked at the window. He was going to ask what bird, but Kiki then said nevermind. He laughed softly. He looked down at her when she walked up to him. He tilted his head as he looked at the hood and then the beanie. “Hmm, I think the beanie, you aren’t exactly asking the best person, but you’ll look pretty as usually Kiki. Don’t worry,” he told her. Drake then smoothed Kiki’s hair out before placing the beanie on her. Her ears weren’t noticeable, so that was good.

“I’ll get my keys then we can go,” he told her. He went into his room and put his wallet in his pocket. Then he got his keys. Drake returned to Kiki. He grabbed her hand and led her to his car, a black Chevy truck. He liked this car as it had backseats, including the large trunk. He did do lots of artwork, so he needed a trunk that his canvases and supplies could fit in. Drake then would help Kiki into the car and put her seatbelt on. Drake had used this car to take Kiki to the beach, vet, and many other places. He even had taken her to his college art classes at times. He liked making portraits of Kiki.

Then Drake got in the car himself and began to drive to the mall. He was lucky, as someone just left the parking lot. He parked near the entrance of the mall. He got out of his car and opened the door for Kiki. Drake then would lean over her and take her seatbelt off. “Lead the way Kiki,” he told her. When Kiki got out of the car, he would lock his car and follow her into the mall.


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Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Kiki really liked Drake teaching her. She always felt her cheeks get warm. But Drake liked that, so she thought it was a good thing. When they got to the mall, Drake opened her door and undid her seatbelt. "Lead the way Kiki." She smiled and hopped out of the all too familiar truck, which seemed much smaller now, and walked to the aisle. She almost walked in front of a car, but turned her head before she stepped out. The car passed and flipped her off. She hissed, then turned to Drake. "What kind of person tries to kill a cat?"


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Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Drake heart seemed to stop for a few seconds when Kiki almost walked in front of a car. He went to grab her, but pulled his hands back quickly when she didn't step forward. He glared at the driver. He exhaled; he had been holding his breathe without even knowing it. Though, he laughed softly when Kiki hissed. It seemed weird as she looked pretty much all human now. He hugged her. “You scared me, look before you walk silly. Also, the person doesn't know you are a cat. Everyone who sees you in this form is going to think you are human as long as you don’t show your tail or ears,” he told her. He placed his hand on the small of her back then led her safely into the mall. Once in the mall, he would remove his hand. “Now you can lead the way,” he said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Kiki felt Drake's hand on her back. She liked it. Like when he petted her, or she layed on his chest when he slept. She walked quickly to the doors, not wanting to get hit. Once inside the mall's main hall, Kiki was awestruck. Tons of clothes, some pretty, some plain, lined window fronts. "Wow." Kiki grabbed Drake's hand and ran into a girly store. There were tons of short dresses and frilly underthings. "Sooo pretty! Can I wear them now?" Kiki dropped Drakee's hand to grab a baby blue and zebra print mini dress. She looked at Drake as if he told her she just won the lottery.


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Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Drake smiled as he watch Kiki look around everywhere. He liked seeing her happy. He looked the dress over then at her. "Can you wear that dress and still hide your tail? If you can, then we can get it. Dress would look very nice on you. I just don't want you to get a dress and then can't wear it in public. We have to hide your tail and ears always in public honey," he told her. He knew Kiki would probably want others but him to see her in the dress. "You can try the dress on and see if it is possible to hide your tail. Though, let's have you pick other things out to try on too before you try the dress on," he told her.


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Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Kiki hated this. Her ears and tail were beautiful, and yet she had to hide them. She knew why though, she had seen her own Drake scared by her, confused. She didn't like that look alot worse than she didn't like hiding, so she went along with it. "Ok. But all these pants are too tight. My precious tail will be matted and suffocated." She huffed and turned her back on the skinny jeans rack. "Do they not make pants like yours for girls?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Drake smiled when Kiki huffed, it was cute. He looked around the store. “Hmm. Yeah they do, you just have to look for them. Also, we can always look in another stores for them. I’ll look over on that side while you look over here,” he told her. He then walked off to look for normal pants. He hummed softly to himself as he did so. Drake did glance back every now and then so he knew where Kiki was.


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Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Kiki didn't want Drake to leave. She felt exposed. She barely knew how to get dressed. She looked around, not moving from the spot, frustrated. She saw dresses, skirts, shorts, and shirts, but the only pants she saw were the ones next to her. She saw Drake in a back aisle and hurried to his side. "I don't see any other than those from earlier." She frowned. "They don't have any."


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Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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Every time Drake looked back, he notice Kiki was staying in the same spot. 'She won't find anything that way, wonder why she is staying there,' he mused. Though, he just shrugged the thought off before looking around. He saw some normal pants a little ways away from him. He was about to walk towards them when he heard someone going towards him. He turned his head to look at Kiki. He rolled his eyes amused. "Well, Kiki, you can't find stuff if you just stay in the same spot, you are suppose to walk around. The pants you want are over there," he said, pointing to the racks about five or more feet away. "Come on," he told her. Drake grabbed Kiki's hand and led her to the pants. "There you go," he murmured. Then he let go of Kiki's hand. He glanced around the store while he waited for her to pick something out.