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Maria de Luca

Now, Maria Pheron.

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a character in “From Desolation We Rise”, as played by KaiyaFierce



Data of Recruit #01]

Name: Maria Pheron
Nickname: Mia, Lucky
D.O.B: May 5th, 1964
Height: 5"8
Weight: 128 pounds
Eye Colour: An unnatural cerulean blue
Hair Colour: Dyed a bright, golden blonde with dark roots.
General Appearance: Maria is a skinny scrap of a girl, all legs and hair, her aggressive attitude imposing, no, demanding a presence in a room. Her skin is tanned, unusual these days as within Sanctuary the concentrated pollution hanging above the city blocks out most of the rays. She is usually seen in her scruffy pair of black high-tops, scavenged from a burnt out apartment, and whatever clothes her father could buy for her. Her normal tastes however is a pair of simple denim shorts and a t-shirt, skirts or dresses being not only unsuitable for her 'occupation' but irritating. Those who've met Maria don't forget her in a hurry, they could describe to you her short, pixie hair or her massive grin, but her eyes? She was wearing sunglasses. Eventually people started to clock that Maria is always wearing a pair of thick, dark shades, refusing to take them off no matter the situation. For beneath them hides her obvious seperation from the 'Normals', the glowing neon sign there for all to see - her eyes. Unlike human eyes, there are no whites, just a solid electric blue throughout with black slits for pupils, the eyes of an animal. They're so distinctly inhuman that she is forced to cover them around the clock, or suffer the abuse that comes with being Affected.
Skills: Maria is unusually adept with guns, famous for her adoration of the weapons, the 'bigger the better'. From a young age she was expected to handle a variety of weapons, so pretty much whatever you put in her hands will do but she prefers something with a bit of firepower. Particularly fond of the Thompson, a famous submachine gun commonly used by gangsters. She's also good with vehicles, but that will be covered under mutation effects. She is also talented at gymnastics and a form of fist-fighting that is popular in the Sanctuary underworld known as 'Noro' - No rules.
Mutation Effects: Born just two years after the bomb, the radiation effected her body from an extremely young age, before she was barely out of the crib it was noticed that she was 'different'. Her talents lay mainly in her strength and resilience, though small her bones seem to be of a higher density then normal humans, difficult to break and making a kick or punch as hard as a steel baseball bat. Maria's strength is unheard of too, the petite girl able to break down walls, lift trucks - though she rarely uses her full powers, considering it 'cheating'. The final effect that the radiation had on her, something which only came into play in recent years, is an ability to convert life energy into electric energy. As of yet this skill is largely undeveloped, enough to jumpstart a car or bypass a lock but nothing major. The worst she could give you was a nasty shock, leaving her exhausted and trembling, anything more would knock her out completely. Theoretically she could kill somebody with it - but the action would most probably take her with it.
Weakness(s): Maria's strength has left her unable to perform delicate tasks, having to train herself even to hold a pencil without snapping it, she often hurts people without meaning to, with a handshake that can crunch bones it's left people wary of coming into contact with her. A life without physical comfort of any kind is painfully isolated, putting more pressure on her already delicate mindset. The weaknesses of her electrical powers has already been mentioned, with a direct exchange of energy needed. Maria is loathe to take life, even that of her enemies, which means she can sometimes hesitate or allow them to escape with disastrous consequences. Though her bones are particularly strong, if broken then they take far longer then normal to heal. Lastly her weaknesses lies in her mental state, sometimes overcome by her aggression, resulting in periods of 'uncontrollable rage' that put hers and others life at risk.
Private Message:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again

Data of Recruit #01: Authorised Access Only.

Personality: This observation was provided by Dr. Jung;
"Maria has a daunting personality, skeptical of any signs of authority, flippant and taunting, quick to anger and violence - she must be handled with care. She respons well to honesty, with a frank and straight-forward response to any questions or queueries. Her behaviour is sometimes childish, with an affection for pranks or mind games, clearly intelligent and with an ability to manipulate a conversation in her interest. She seems to care little what others think of her, making no effort to win round people opinions but generally friendly and open with those around her. Warning: Responds extremely badly to mockery or insults, never hesitant to throw a punch. She is, however, not without sympathy and after her periods of aggression seems extremely repentant to the point of torturing her pysche. Her determination is impressive, refusing to quit a task before it is accomplished, even in the face of extreme pain she refused to back down. This can sometimes lead to her own downfall, in our tests it was only once the pain had become so great that she passed out did she stop trying to fight. Overall her personality is playful but dangerous, with a tendency to act before she thinks things through.
Mental Disorders: As hinted throughout the file, Maria suffers from heightened aggression levels. Though this can be kept down through medication there is always the threat that she will eventually be so overcome by the disorder that she does not return to a passive state of mind. If pushed too far she will turn into one of the Affected; it is only a matter of time. She also seems to suffer from Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD), considering herself unsuitable to be around 'normal' people, terrified of her own strength and showing this physically through her extreme distress when without sunglasses. The results in 'hypersensitivity to criticism', 'self imposed social isolation', 'self loathing' and 'mistrust of others'. Once again: Handle with care.
Biography: Maria was born into the infamous de Luca family, a mafioso organisation that before the bomb held considerable sway over the politics, crime and economy of NYC. She's the daughter of the Don, Alberto de Luca, and as such grew up involved in all of their illegal activities, growing renown from a young age for her exploits. However, after the bomb the de Luca family did lose a portion of their power, refusing to use the Affected as henchmen like other gangs - so unable to flourish in new Sanctuary. It is well known that Alberto found those mutated repulsive, taking a leading role in the cull of 1971, whilst protecting Maria's identity. His confused feelings for his daughter, wanting both to protect her whilst feeling disgusted by her lead to him entrusting the raising of the girls to his subordinates, her mother having died in childbirth. Consequently Maria was raised like any other member of the mob, garnering little special treatment and having to work for her keep.
Because they could no longer support their wealth through previous methods the de Luca family took to sending groups of soldiers out beyond the Barren Wall onto the Plains, to scrap materials they could sell for high prices within the city. They were unique in this activity as only the de Luca mob had knowledge of how to escape out of Sanctuary without raising alarm; we are still unable to discover the exact route. Maria's job amongst the group was mainly protection from any attacks from the Affected or animals, as well as checking electrical devices were in a working condition. The de Luca family once again rose in power, supported by considerable wealth and authority over the black market, Maria often used to force lesser gangs into submission with her considerable strength. A lot of Maria's activities within the city are unknown, with a lot of mystery surrounding her even by those she worked with. On questioning about this portion of her life Maria replied that she 'spent most of the time earning a reputation' so that she wouldn't be 'forced to fight' and give away the secrets of her mutation.
At the age of twenty she began going out onto the Plains by herself, refusing to tell any other members of the gang what it was she was looking for or her intentions out in the wastelands. We now know that spent the the past three years studying the behaviour of the deranged Affected, stalking them and even trying to converse with them at points, acting on the belief that they did more out on the Plains then merely survive. What she discovered is information that cannot even be contained in these files. It was at this time that the government stepped in, convincing her to join the program on the belief that they would provide her with a way to control her rising aggression, a source of intense anxiety for the girl. On arriving at the facility, her only condition before having her mind wiped is that none of her information that has been submitted should be tampered with, a wish that we have complied with. Warning: she must be prevented from retrieving her memories at all cost, this is a code red priority.

So begins...

Maria de Luca's Story