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Fulton University's Rush Week

Miami, Florida


a part of Fulton University's Rush Week, by .euphoria..


.euphoria. holds sovereignty over Miami, Florida, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

671 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


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Miami, Florida is a part of Fulton University's Rush Week.

19 Characters Here

Kenneth Craven [1] "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."
Quentin Sawyer [1] "I'm not in the business of denying myself."
Scout Winchester [1] "I'm a big, tough girl. I tie my own Converses and everything."
Leandra Annibelle Gates [1] "We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once." (Nietzsche)
Kristen Edwards [1] "Keep in mind that people change, but the past doesn't."
Cinta Walsh [1] Unavailable Character
Finley Tien [1] "The moment you doubt your ability to fly, you cease forever to be able to do it."
Harrison Theodore Todd [0] A strong message doesn't have to be shouted from the mountain tops. It can be whispered from the shore, too...
Vanessa Wang [0] "Rule number 1 is...ya gotta have fun!"

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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristen Edwards Character Portrait: Kenneth Craven
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Time: 8:15 A.M.
Date: 4 September, 2014
Location: Zeta Nu Delta Sorority House

Kristen was quite pleased with herself. She'd gone to a party last night, didn't come home until two in the morning, and still woke up by eight without a hangover. Having already gotten dressed only a quarter after she drug herself out of bed, it was in her personal opinion that she get a medal for fastest prep time ever after only six hours of sleep. Granted all of that probably wouldn't fit on a blue ribbon but she'll digress. In the silent hustle and bustle about the House, no room was more quiet than Kristen's—which in itself was off considering hers was usually the loudest. The only sound that broke free was the sound of a Star Trek communicator as her phone suddenly vibrated across the surface of her dresser. A smile graced her cherubic features as she picked it up, needing only the sound to know exactly whom the text was from. Sure enough his name lit up on the screen of the iDevice, followed by a message:

♥ Kenny ♥
I'll assume you're not awake so count this as your wake up call

Giddy with the urge to prove her favorite little know-it-all wrong, she quickly dialed his number, holding the phone between her shoulder and her ear as she tugged on her Converse sneakers. As the receiving end picked up, Kristen jumped at the chance to speak, "Not awake, huh? I'll have you know I've been up since seven-fifty-something."

"Color me surprised," Kenneth remarked stoically on the other end, which brought an even bigger smile to the fiery-headed girl's face. Call her smitten but most mornings she just loved hearing the sound of his voice. Even when he sounded all posh like that, "Could it be that you're actually excited to meet the rushers at this morning's meeting?"

That had actually not been the reason. Kristen had totally forgotten. "That's today?" She inquired, voicing her ignorance. The young Zeta could practically hear her friend rolling his eyes on the other end of the phone. "I just thought I'd barge into your place and demand that you buy me Starbucks. I had no idea we had to meet the newbies." She pouted slightly, an act she was sure Kenneth could almost picture to perfection. "But they've only been here a week. I don't want to have to share my room with someone else. What if they don't like me?"

"You've never cared before," Kenneth retorted, "You're still a little sister so it's likely your superiors will force the new students to share a room with the sophomores, that much is true. However you might be fortunate enough this year. Perhaps no one will want to be a Zeta."

Kristen scoffed, "Are you kidding?" She laughed as she grabbed her bag, heading out the door, hearing Kenneth muttering a soft sentiment of gratitude on the other end followed by a soft chime of a store bell. "Being a Zeta is the best thing for the newbies, especially if they want that Hallmark card college experience."

The young Kappa Alpha humphed on the other end, "Pardon me if I'm unfamiliar with the company's principles but I don't recall ever seeing 'Sorry I threw up on your favorite high heels' on the front of a Hallmark card."

"That was one time!" Kristen giggled. She was meandering down the sidewalk where the sororities were lined up on campus, the sun caught in her orange and yellow strands of hair making them gleam like a flame. "Besides Immy forgave me for that so it's fine."

"I'll meet you by the tree."

"I know, I see you." Kristen waved, hanging up the phone as she jogged up to him beneath of the peach trees residing in the park. The park was placed snugly between the residential part of campus and the actual class wings. The tree was theirs because, during their freshman year, Kristen had carved their names in it so they'd always know where to meet. Kenneth had picked it, having calculated that it was exactly half way between her House and his frat. Craning her neck slightly to look up at him, Kristen beamed at Kenneth with the exuberance of a child. She was absolutely smitten. There was something about him, something she couldn't readily identify. He was tall, lanky, and he kind of looked like a praying mantis but he was perfect in Kristen's eyes. His chestnut hair was always so tousled—a stark contrast in comparison to his poise, his straight-laced attitude, and his stoic demeanor. His eyes too were the most amazing thing in the world to her. She could spend hours counting the flecks of gold and emerald swirling around in the depths of those topaz hues; she had once, however intoxicated she was at the time. "Good morning gorgeous." She greeted, seemingly headless to the way he shuffled in slight embarrassment.

"What do you mean?" he said. "Do you mean to wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?"

She recognized this reference, her smile widening as she listed off the knowledge she'd recollected of it. "J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit, Gandalf the Grey-..." She recited, knowing well of their little game. Every day they've known each other, Kristen would have Kenneth buy her a venti mocha frappucino from Starbucks and for the first half of their freshman year she never paid him back. Being Kenneth, he would've never made her pay with money. Money he had. Instead, he'd make a reference from one his favorite books or movies and if she guessed the origin, she'd get her coffee. If she didn't, he'd drink it in front of her, regardless of his preference against the beverage. Kristen assumed by the smile on his face that she'd gotten today's reference correct.

"Good girl," He complimented, handing her the plastic cup. Kristen took it with a wink before quickly sipping at the straw. Kenneth watched for but a moment before he took a sip of his herbal tea, "Shall we go to the meeting then?" he asked listlessly

Lacing her arms with his, Kristen nodded towards the main campus ahead, "Lead the way."


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aubrey Michelle Mock Character Portrait: Leandra Annibelle Gates Character Portrait: Finley Tien Character Portrait: Quentin Sawyer Character Portrait: Scout Winchester Character Portrait: Cinta Walsh
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Finley Tien is rather notorious for her lack of organization, her room being not unlike the 'before' example for an ad selling those organizational binders or shelves or the like. Needless to say, it's a mess, despite the fact that it's only been a week since the new semester began. While she was interning in Orlando for the summer, Fin had opted to pay the extra fees and leave her stuff in the dormitory, which is a lot easier than hauling everything around. Besides, as president, she receives a discount rate on these sorts of things- partially because she's the one expected to take care of broken things, the complaints of sorority members living in the house, etc. Luckily, the Theta girls aren't really the sort to go around breaking things- she can't even imagine having to deal with whatever aftermath the heads of the Zeta and Sigma house must have to deal with, really.

Anyway, despite this reputation, she has made certain to be prepared for the Greek Life meeting this morning- the meeting at which the first official look at rushers will be made, and the rushers' first official look at the houses will be made, as well. Chronically nostalgic, in a day-dreaming sort of way, Fin briefly reminisces about her own rushing week- having rushed for Theta, it had gone fantastically. She made friends that week which shes till has today, and has continued to make friends from new rushers every year following. Selfishly, she hopes for girls with interesting looks to them to rush Theta- she had been positively thrilled with Scout's rushing, and with Leandra's look when they rushed together. More than once, people from the university have found themselves, voluntarily or no, having some likeness to the characters she draws for projects, assignments, and personal use.

The young woman opts to leave before the others, because she's planning on buying a box of donuts for the girls to eat while the rushers make their way around. Clearly, Fin is in a good mood today- fairly characteristic, though, for she is one of those strange youths who are morning people- and has been since she saw her first sunrise in elementary school. Those who see sunsets brilliant have never properly appreciated sunrises. Fin sends the Thetas texts, and then ventures out, stubbornly wearing a sweater despite the fact that it is summer in southern Florida. She's never been fond of the weather here, and the very brief outlet it allows for sweaters and boots, so eventually Fin gave up and started wearing sweaters whenever she felt with it. Over time, the girl adjusted, and now has an incredible heat tolerance.

To: Cinta, Scout, Aubrey, Leandra

Don't Forget- Rushing Meeting Today. Donuts Will Be Provided. Feel Free To Meet Me At Mel's.

It is a brief walk before Fin reaches Mel's, an on-campus bakery sort of place that only makes the most brilliant donuts that Fin, not a big donut fan before coming hear, has ever tasted. She purchases a dozen and a half, with a cup of hot tea for herself.

Meanwhile, Quentin is laying face down on his bed, likely to remain passed out until someone wakes him. He was out late last night, and isn't much of a morning person regardless. They are associated with grogginess and hangovers for him.
