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Donzin Keira

The scintillating Miome of the Rountable circus.

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a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by MrAuthor3DS



Yang's Theme - Street Fighter 4

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Specie: Miome

Physical Description: A human female with a beastly head, forearms, feet, and tail (all with orange fur). Her head has a fairly long snout and long, pointed ears, with shaggy blue hair on top. Her hands and feet have large black claws. Her tail is long and whip-like, with fur poofing up at the tip. She wears a black top with a diamond-shaped hole in the center, and a black tanga with two gear pouches attached.

Personality: She has little trust for other kinds of humans (Taluns, Aqueans, Sorakins, and Dracovirs), especially after the heartache of losing so many of her friends and family to the Blood Tigers. Still, she manages to put her prejudice aside when performing, as she likes to bring smiles and happiness to others.

History: A Miome, a race of humans said to descend from dragon/human hybrids. After many of her kind were slaughtered by the Blood Tigers (a ruthless mafia that returned from the shadows a year ago) and her little brother was taken hostage, she decided to put her faith in the Rountable circus troupe, which doubled as a training regimen for the Ryuga Peace Officer Syndicate's espionage agents. When she first met Lucas, she thought he was just an eager fan and tried to distance herself from him. She eventually realized that he was a Templar, a Ryuga Peace Officer like her, and they joined forces to fight to save the future of Ryuga.

Equipment: Her one tool is the Lute of Wukong, a custom lute device given to her by Rountable. It contains a hidden crossbow that fires bolts of oneirite energy, and a durable pole that extends up to 6 feet. She can play the lute beautifully, even while while hanging from the pole's tip upside-down.

Abilities: As a Miome, she possesses superhuman dexterity. Her claws have incredible grip, able to hang from a branch with one hand for hours on end. Her prehensile tail can also keep a good hold, binding firmly like a vine. Also, she's trained in several special stances - Roost Stance (gripping onto the Lute of Wukong's pole, even hopping with the pole), Feral Stance (getting down on all fours and running about), and Swan Stance (using the Lute of Wukong's oneirite energy to create wings at her arms).

Other: N/A

Specific Moves
  • Baroque Bolt: Fires an oneirite dart from the crossbow part of her lute. Can be curved by her very will.
  • Sharp Chord: A sliding strike using the spearhead on her lute's pole.
  • Aura Cleanse: Charges and transmits healing aura. Restores one's senses.
  • Spirit Typhoon: Unleashes a vortex of aura power around herself.
  • Roost Stance: Extends the pole and sticks its tip into the ground, perching up near the top. She can hop about with the pole while keeping off the ground. (Because of this, her colleagues sometimes call it the "Jiangshi Stance")
  • Crystal Rain: Fires a wide volley of oneirite shots like a fountain.
  • Pendulum: Wrapping her tail around the top, she swings around from it like a wrecking ball.
  • Skysplitter: Springing upward with the pole, she drives it back downward with immense force.
  • Feral Stance: Hunches down on all fours, attaching the Lute of Wukong on her left arm. She moves about swiftly while crouching low to avoid most attacks.
  • Cross-Gem: Aims her lute's crossbow like a sniper rifle, focusing on a target, then firing a piercing oneirite shot.
  • Hoop Dive: Leaps forward in a fast drill-tackle, casting an aura pulse on startup.
  • Flash Step: Rushes forth at blinding speed.
  • Swan Stance: Uses the lute's oneirite drive to project wings from her arms. With these, she can catch high air and swoop around with amazing grace.
  • Rising Bat: A rising wing-punch with concentrated strength.
  • Glitter Wind: Throws forth a small aura tornado from her wings. The tornado will launch any foe it strikes.
  • Flying Trapeze: Swoops in a shuttle loop, then rushes forth in the air.

  • Dragonborns
  • Freya Crescent (Final Fantasy 9)
  • Immorta (The Wonderful 101)
  • Hsien-Ko (Darkstalkers)
  • Squigly (Skullgirls)
  • Chinese cynocephalus
  • Baboons
  • Bats

  • "Keira" is a Gaelic name meaning "dusky" or "dark-haired" as a sister contrast to Lucas's light-themed name. Her clan name "Donzin" comes from "dong xing", Chinese for "east star".
  • Her specie name, Miome, is shorthanded from "mitad hombre", Spanish for "half man".
  • Her head has similarities to those of dragons, bats, and baboons.
  • The Lute of Wukong is named after Sun Wukong, a monkey deity of Eastern lore.
  • Her oneirite element is classified as "crystal", relating to the power of the soul and its passion. Like Lucas's DRACOS Junction, her lute contains a drive that draws out her subconscious dreamtime energy.
  • The circus troupe, Rountable, is actually named for King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table. There are a few performers named after the knights.

So begins...

Donzin Keira's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard "Robin" Larrity Character Portrait: Donzin Keira
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In that same casino, the lights near the stage dimmed as a tall young beast-girl stepped in from behind the curtains. As the spotlight shone down on her, her blue hair shimmering in its shine, several patrons cheered. The emcee announced her as such:

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, it is time to enter the subtle flow of the lute maiden's harmonious melody. Once again, please welcome...Donzin Keira!"

The beast-girl, Keira, held up her special lute, taking a bow to the applauding patrons, and then played a gentle melody on the lute, serving as the background music for all present.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard "Robin" Larrity Character Portrait: Donzin Keira
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The night was getting less young at this point, and Keira was just finishing up her last lute song for the night. It was followed by the warming melody of applause from all present, to which she took a bow. She then left to backstage behind the curtains.

At that time, a few punks in the crowd were talking with one another about her.

"Man, did you see her?" the first punk said. "She's got a well-sculpted body alright, but that face...damn! That's a face only her momma could love!"

"Well then, don't look at her face!" the second punk said. "We could always just...wrap it in a bag or something while we play with her."

"Yeah, a freak like her oughta count herself lucky," the third punk said. "It's the most action something like her's gonna get!"

The punks laughed as they left the place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard "Robin" Larrity Character Portrait: Donzin Keira
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Robin had a pretty good night as far as he figured. With the person on the stage setting the background music, he walked around the casino. He jumped around different games, winning a bit as he walked around. His best games were at roulette and poker. On of the guys he played against clearly just started out. He thought he should feel bad about cleaning the guy out, but he knew what he was getting into when he put his chips down.

He was close to the stage when the singer finished and clapped as she did. He checked his watch for a moment then got up from the poker table, he picked up his large amount of poker chips, a sign that he had a very lucky night, and got ready to cash out. It was getting late and he thought he should make his way back to the hotel.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard "Robin" Larrity Character Portrait: Donzin Keira
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0.00 INK

The next day, Keira was walking the streets, covered in a gray overcoat. Guess she didn't want too much attention.

"Well now, what have we here?"


Keira turned around, and saw one of the thugs that were talking dirty of her last night. The two other thugs came in, all three surrounding her.

"...Out of my way," Keira snarled.

"What, we can't stop by and have a chat?" the second thug said. "C'mon, conversation is nothing if not civilized."

"Then again...what's so civilized about you?" the third thug laughed. The other two thugs snickered at this comment, much to Keira's ire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard "Robin" Larrity Character Portrait: Donzin Keira
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0.00 INK

Robin was out walking as well. He had just stepped out of the hotel's front door and was looking to see what some of the other places around here could offer for entertainment. Shortly after he left though, he saw a group of guys harassing someone in an overcoat. He thought he recognized one of the guys as the person he cleaned out from the poker game last night. He couldn't resist making a jab at him as he was walking their way.

"What's the matter? Mad 'cause you couldn't get lucky last night?" Robin said with a chuckle. "Your dough's that low, so you need to beg for money?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard "Robin" Larrity Character Portrait: Donzin Keira
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"Move along, buddy!" the second thug retorted. "We're talkin' to the...lady here, not you."

"..." Keira responded, standing still.

"Hmmm...damn, I know there's something I like about you," the first thug said, "but I can't put my finger on - oh wait, I can!" Quickly, he slipped his hand under Keira's trenchcoat, grasping around her abdomen and pulling her close. The third thug quickly grabbed Keira's arms and held them behind her back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard "Robin" Larrity Character Portrait: Donzin Keira
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0.00 INK

"Yo! You got that bag you were talking about?" the first thug asked. "Let's get her fuzz-face covered up. Don't want it distracting me from the show, hehehe."

"Right here!" the second thug said, about to put a bag over Keira's head.

"...A show, huh?"

With a grin, Keira gripped her feet to the ground, bending forth while hurling the third thug overhead into the first one. They collided into each other, freeing Keira's wrists. She then spun around and clotheslined the second thug, knocking him and his bag to the ground.

"Dammit - !" the first thug growled. "That's as nice as we're gonna be, ya damn freak!!" With that, he whipped out a machete and swung it at Keira. She took the lute of of her coat and used it to parry the knife. She then aimed the round end at the thug, revealing what looks like a crystalline crossbow, firing a rainbow-colored dream-energy spike (Baroque Bolt) into his leg.

"Aaaaah-hooowowowow...!" The first thug fell to his knees, grasping the bolt in pain. The third thug got up and tried to punch Keira, who just ducked it and extended the handle of her lute into his abdomen, slamming him into a nearby wall.

The second thug reached into his pocket as he got up, bringing out some kind of syringe and attempting to stab Keira with it. However, she jammed the extended tip of her lute into the ground, flipping it straight and hanging onto it, narrowly dodging the needle. She then wrapped her tail around the top end and from it swung into the second thug like a ball on a chain, slamming him into the ground and sending the needle flying into his shoulder.

"Urk - ! Uh-oh...every...everything's...swirlin'..." In any case, it seems like he's out cold with the others.

That done, Keira collected her lute, its handle shortening back to its normal length.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard "Robin" Larrity Character Portrait: Donzin Keira
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When it became obvious that these men were going to assault her, Robin was considering stepping in. However, the woman herself managed to fight off all three of them. He could tell now that she was the same music player from last night. She obviously had some kind of supernatural element with that instrument of hers, but still he thought she handled herself nicely.

"I have to say that was really impressive," he said to Keira. "If you hadn't stepped up, I would have, though I probably wouldn't have handled it as..." He looked down at the thugs as he looked for the right word. "...cleanly."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard "Robin" Larrity Character Portrait: Donzin Keira
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Keira gathered up her trench coat, putting it back on.

"Thanks for your concern," she said to Robin. In any case, she proceeded on to the bus station.