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Junko Enoshima

Junko is out to bring despair to the world, and there ain't a damn thing you can do to stop her.

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a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by Echelon



Junko Enoshima: Super Duper High School Level Fashionista and Super Duper High School Level Despair

Theme: DANGANRONPA [2nd Gig] by Masafuni Takada

A young woman who took the country by storm with her extravagant tastes. Junko wanted to be a model ever since she was a child, but is also eager to try new things. Junko's personality and mannerisms tend to be very erratic and unstable and often switches 'moods' regularly which can go between angry, violent, happy and sad at random times. Junko is obsessed with despair and finds it to be one of the most enjoyable emotions of all time, and will stop at nothing to plunge the world into despair.

So begins...

Junko Enoshima's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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Kotonoha slid down her window, dozuki at the ready. "What's all this now?!"

Peacock also popped into the front yard via portal. "Seriously? THIS thing is the terrorist? Ha! I could fry that with a simple glare! {Argus eyes twinkle}"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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Renna looked up and saw Peacock standing there. "Peacock! Haven't seen you since Yuyake!! Why is it I always meet old friends in the middle of danger?" She shook her head and looked down at the bear again. Lara looked up and smiled courteously. "Lara Croft, pleasure to meet you I'm sure. We're holding the teddy as hostage to himself, he's got four choices. Death by hammer, death by rock, death by guns, or he leaves the uni in peace." She explained to Peacock and Kotonoha. She then looked back at the bear too, keeping her pistols sights set on the teddy's head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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#, as written by Karasz
(Did you guys really have to drag Tomoko over here? :| )

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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Peacock waltzed up to Monokuma, joining the other ladies in their gunpointing...with her blade-in-a-gun. "What say we add 'death by shanking' to the list o' choices? That or 'death by KERBLOOIE'."

The schoolboy carefully walked toward Monokuma. Who knows what surprises it has...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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"Whoa, Calvary came out big time," Tesla remarked, taking a look at these new reinforcements. "All these guys against one whacked-out thing? I'm likin' these odds."

"Hey Tesla. What's going on out there?" Connor said, moving to a window to see if he could get a view of what's going on.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Echelon
Image Attacking the principal is against the rules, you know...

Image So I think it's time for some corporal punishment.

Monokuma's red eye begins to flash rapidly and a high pitched sound can be heard, that starts to slowly become intense.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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"(I know that sound...!) Look out! It's gonna blow!!" the schoolboy shouted, casting a blue glow from his brass hands. This somehow caused Monokuma to be frozen in time. "Hurry! Get away from him before he starts moving again!"

"A bomb, huh..." Peacock mused. "Well, that's a shame. Suicide's the coward's way out, y'know!" That said, she whipped out a burlap sack, stuffed the halted Monokuma into it, bound the mouth tight, and then swung the bag around and around, tossing it sky-high. The time-stop on Monokuma should expire about then...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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#, as written by Echelon
The bag exploded, sending parts of the bear flying around. It looked to be the end of it. But...

???: Upupupupu~ Looks like you punks are smarter than you look.

The bear appears once more in front of them.

Image This time I'll be forgiving. But the next time one of you bastards decides to attack me...

Image They'll get their very own pulse-pounding execution!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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"Oh great, he's got a twin!" Peacock groaned.

"H-How - ??" Kotonoha stammered. "Did he just duplicate?"

"That's not possible," the schoolboy said. "There's no kind of temporal residue on this one."

"Whatever," Peacock grumbled as she stuffed this Monokuma into another bag and tossed it into the air.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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#, as written by Echelon
Suddenly, a chain wrapped around the body of Peacock and dragged him off through a door which had a sign reading "Detention Room" Once inside, the doors sealed themselves, and a video appeared on all the monitors in the school.

Image Despite all my warnings, this one punk decided to still try and attack me...

Image Well now I'll show you all just how real this situation is, and what happens to the bastards who decide to break the rules!

Peacock was being dragged off into a furnace, his body bound and unable to move. As if to taunt him, Monokuma appeared in front of him, driving a forklift.

Image I guess I should thank you. You've given me the perfect opportunity to make an example of someone.

As the fires closed in on him, Monokuma waved him off as he plunged into the fires, and the furnace closed shut. After a short while, the back end of the furnace opened up, popping out a small pile of ash and bone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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0.00 INK

An eye-shaped portal appeared, and out popped Peacock, her dress all sooty.

"{cough} HA! It'll take more than some dumb furnace to off me, teddy!" she laughed. Avery appeared behind Monokuma, stabbing him repeatedly with his two knives.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Echelon
The bear was stabbed, but at that moment, a large jolt of electricity shot through Peacock, paralyzing her. The Monokuma she had punctured collapsed to the floor, charred. But at that moment, a new one took its place.

Image You hero types always seem to try and bend the rules of reality. Always having some hidden or unseen ability that gets you out of every predicament at the last second....

A straitjacket and harness wrapped itself around Peacock, restraining her.

Image But I'm not going to let such a thing slide!

The bear came very close to her.

You will get a front-row seat to my new College Life of Mutual Killings. And don't even think about escaping from these harnesses. Because if you do...

Lights began to flash around different points of the harness.

Image This entire school will become a brand new crater.

He then turned towards the group. A few video cameras also appeared, broadcasting throught the school.

Image If any of you try being a hero and try and save this brat, this entire school's gonna go KABOOOM!

Image And a word of warning for you 'super-powered' bastards: you'll be living by the rules of reality in here. If you use those powers for any reason, one of your non-powered friends will take your place in corporal punishment....

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Nick "Tesla" Chance Character Portrait: Chelle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Echelon
Image With that taken care of, let's get down to business...

Image You guys will be in here....INDEFINATELY.

Image However, there is hope for getting out of the school. All I ask is that you graduate.

Image Now, some of you may be asking 'But how do we graduate, Monokuma-sensei?' I'll tell you...the way you graduate is by....

...killing one of your fellow classmates.

Image Burn them, stab them, poison them, strangle them, drown them, beat it however you wish!

Image I'll explain what happens after that fact once we get the ball rolling. But for now, I'll set the ground rules. They shall be posted in every room in this school, in case you bastards forget.

Rule 1- Students or teachers must kill another student or teachers in order to graduate

Rule 2- Certain rooms and hallways have been blocked off. Any student or staff member besides the principal who tries to enter these places will be punished.

Rule 3- The hours between 10pm and 7am is considered 'Night Time.' During these hours, all water is shut off and certain rooms are blocked off.

Rule 4- Students and staff are only allowed to sleep in the school Library. Any sleeping done outside of this area will be considered as sleeping in class, and will be punished.

Rule 5- Students and staff with abilites that can't be used by the average human are prevented from using such abilities. If they are used, another student shall be punished in the place of the offending student.

Rule 6- These rules can be modified as time goes on. The list may shrink or grow as the principal sees fit.
And with that, Monokuma vanished.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Princess Chaperon D'Hjerte
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Well, now Peacock was stuck. Even she wasn't built to withstand THAT much explosive force that the harnesses would give if...

"Uh...d... {to the TV} Don't worry about me! Y'all just...worry about yourselves, okay?! I don't wanna hear about any weeping for me!"

It hurt for Peacock to say this - she felt so powerless right now.


Out in the front, Kotonoha and the boy watched all this in shock and horror.

"Stuck here...indefinitely??" the boy whimpered.

"I-I don't want to be stuck here...!" Kotonoha cried.

"And if I even try to tap into my Chrono-Drive..." The boy was especially worried about that. If Monokuma was able to restrain Peacock with all her space-reaching abilities, what would happen if he tried to use any of his temporal powers?


Just outside the fences, Zenmei, Chaperon, and Alastor arrived. They were initially daunted by the fences' height.

"Oh certainly taller than usual," Chaperon stated.

"Yeah..." Zenmei agreed. "(!) Unless...Of course! I'll just fly overhead! With these! {waggles wings}"

So, Zenmei jumped upward, trying to flap his wings to gain height. But...being made of floating crystals, flapping them isn't conducive to flying. He just fell right back to the ground as per normal when jumping.

"...Uh...WHAT??" In the midst of his frustration, Zenmei's wing crystals started flaring up with chi, soon forcing the chi outward like a rocket. The force shot him clean over the fence, screaming all the while. He ended up crashing into the school's front lawn on his face. "Urk...okay, that's how I fly."

"Ehehe...right, you should practice that later." Chaperon joined Zenmei by leaping overhead the fence and drifting down by opening her Fafnir parasol. At her beck, Alastor warped over to Chaperon's side. "Well, now we've arrived! Let's get to business - "

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Princess Chaperon D'Hjerte
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0.00 INK

Renna watched mostly as Monokuma slithered out of every situation like he was a snake, not a bear. She growled, especially at the new rule, and tried to stop herself from slamming the guy. Chelle and Lara were having the same problem. She watched as Peacock was trapped, twice, and as the others worried and tried to think of a way to get out of here. Renna paced as Peacock talked to them on the screen, and even tried getting some readings on the Monokuma clones bodies when a fox with crystal wings and a princess landed on the university's front lawn. The fox didn't exactly land, he crashed, but that didn't matter, what did matter was that Renna made sure they weren't put in danger. She rushed up to them and hurriedly explained what was going on, with the take over, the powers, and the rules.

"...So, to get out of here, we've got to kill another student or..." Renna's eyes widened and she turned around to look at Monokuma with that flicker of adventure she was so known for in her eyes. "A staff member..." She grinned, and looked at Lara, who was puzzled until it dawned on her, and she smiled. Chelle looked at their grinning faces, not quite getting it, but Renna patted her on the back, and smiled. "Don't worry, I'll explain it. In fact, I'll explain it to the whole school." And with that, Renna pulled on her goggles, and seemingly swiped at thin air until all the school's monitors fuzzed, and Renna's face came up on all of them. "Oh hello! Didn't see you there!"

Renna grinned and waved to the entire school. "Hi Monokuma, don't worry, I'm not plotting against you, I'm following the rules you've set! Shall we go over them?

Rule 5- Students and staff with abilites that can't be used by the average human are prevented from using such abilities. If they are used, another student shall be punished in the place of the offending student.

Rule 4- Students and staff are only allowed to sleep in the school Library. Any sleeping done outside of this area will be considered as sleeping in class, and will be punished.

Rule 3- The hours between 10pm and 7am is considered 'Night Time.' During these hours, all water is shut off and certain rooms are blocked off.

Rule 2- Certain rooms and hallways have been blocked off. Any student or staff member besides the principal who tries to enter these places will be punished.
My, what an amazing set of rules!"

Renna paced slowly as she recited the rules, then turned to face the camera bug again. "And, my favourite, Rule 1, Students and teachers must kill another student or teacher to get outta here." Renna started to smile, her eyes flickering with the fire of adventure again. "Now, Monokuma, you have set these rules, and you must follow these rules also, correct? Rhetorical question, don't bother answering. So, focusing on you and Rule 1." Renna zoomed her camera bug out and showed the group of people she was with, most all of them armed to the teeth. "Mr Bear, surely you count as staff?"

Renna picked up one of the dead Monokumas and waved it around. "Now, technically, unless there's some way we don't know about, you can never die, but you'll still die, you know? You die, then come back, but there's still a dead body, which counts as a kill. So, according to your rules and physical attributions, you never die, Peacock is free to go, and so is anyone that kills you! Naughty Mr Bear, breaking your own rules!" Renna did a fake little gasp before throwing the dead bear to the side. "But then again, you've got that no attacking the principal rule which stops every life form on campus from killing you once each, leaving them free to go! But that contradicts Rule 1 doesn't it hm? And don't say principals don't count as staff, because they do."

Renna's eyes no longer held a flame of adventure, they held a flame of rage and fire that would strike fear into the hearts of anyone who looked at her. "Principals can't run a school properly if their rules contradict each other can they? And you want a smooth running school of killing or whatever this place is called now. So, you have to either A) Get rid of the no harming the principal rule completely, which means letting everyone get a chance to kill you but letting you live at the same time, or B) Get rid of rule 1 completely, letting everyone in this campus go free with no killing. And you can't choose neither because I might just have some royally needed help on the ready because I've been broadcasting this across the galaxy. Thank you S.S Starswirl!" Renna grinned and winked at the camera bug before letting Monokuma appear on screen live. "Now Monokuma, what do you have to say for yourself. go on, it's only the entire galaxy quadrant listening. Just remember that many people you have angered in this school were on the quest for the tower key, and we all know what happened to the bad guy in that situation."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Princess Chaperon D'Hjerte
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Zenmei got up off the ground, coughing up a bit of grass and dirt...and saw Renna giving her lecture to Monokuma. "(!) Is that...?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Princess Chaperon D'Hjerte
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Tesla looked at the scene in front of him and watched as that weird, what's-her-face girl got taken away. At some point, during the broadcast, he started to look around at the building. He didn't care what anyone said, he was getting in. He started to walk away from the group, looking for someplace that whoever did this might have overlooked locking the place up.

Meanwhile, inside of the main building, after he saw everything that just went down, Connor thought now would be a good time to find a place to hide. Since he had no clue where this library was, he simply went for the closest place at hand. Looking around, he found an open janitor's closet and quickly ran inside and closed the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Princess Chaperon D'Hjerte
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0.00 INK


Zenmei tapped the computer screen impatiently, as if waiting for Monokuma's next line. "{clears throat} Is that...?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Princess Chaperon D'Hjerte
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0.00 INK

...It's taking forever for any real action to occur. Zenmei taps his foot impatiently, arms crossed. Chaperon bides her time by polishing Fafnir's tip.

"...You know, in all the time since that bear last acted, we could have searched the whole school and found the mastermind," Chaperon said. "Don't you think we should - ?"

"No, that'll just piss off the other RPers," Zenmei replied. "We'll have to wait, like it or not..."

"{sigh} Alright, we'll wait. Still think this is a waste of time, though..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renna Hedroth Character Portrait: Zenmei Gekkani Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Kotonoha Katsura Character Portrait: Junko Enoshima Character Portrait: Princess Chaperon D'Hjerte
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Echelon
Image "HEY! No breaking the fourth wall!"

Image "Now, as for the question about the rules....the principal may be considered staff, but in regards of this colliseum, you can not target the principal. However...."

Image "I myself have rules set in place against me. I guess I should have said them earlier. As the principal, I can't punish any of you for no reason whatsoever. I am only allowed to touch you when you break the rules I have set forth."

Image "So if you were thinking about harming me in order to escape. Sorry, but...."

Image "Better luck next time, you bastards!"

Image "Oh, and don't think you can find the mastermind so easily. A game isn't any fun if the heros just tanked through everything. People want to root for the underdog. The one who can surpass a challenge despite all the loss and hardship they suffer. Not some bunch of Mary and Marty Sues who think they can act outside of the Game Master's rules just because their character can do something and others can't! There has to be a fair playing field!"