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The partygoing Salaman always brings a full jug!

0 · 274 views · located in Perlar City

a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by MrAuthor3DS


NATSUMI -Dominion-

Dee Jay's Theme - Street Fighter 4

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Specie: Salaman

Physical Description: A red dragon with dark stripe-like markings, spiky platinum-blond fur, and curving azure horns. She has an azure lilac-shaped lock in her mane. She wears a necklace with three colored feathers and a grid-like bracelet.

Personality: Lively, upbeat, and eagerly optimistic, she thinks every day is a good opportunity to celebrate life. For her, sharing happiness is what it's all about. Dragons of other races may think she's rather childish. She really loves chocolate milk, hot or cold.

History: When Natsumi and the other Salaman dragons were revived from a memory fragment that fell back to Ryuga, she was eager to celebrate with the other residents of Magmondi...but was taken aback when they fled in fear from her. Damian and Lucas happened to find her moping on the beach, and she perked back up when they offered their company to her. She was surprised that Damian didn't know her, though. In any case, she decided to fix the apparently-burned bridges between humans and dragons now that she's back home at long last.

Equipment: Her only "tool" is a baked clay jug that she keeps with her at all times. It's been tempered to withstand temperatures up to 1200 degrees Fahrenheit. With it, she can brew her ideal hot chocolate or herbal teas just by heating her palm at its base.

Abilities: As a Salaman, she's proficient in fire oneirites, favoring moves that let her get after foes and deal in blow after blow. She can also bask in molten lava without a problem, even casting an aura around herself that prevents anything on her from being burned or melted. The firm grip in her claws is ideal for climbing along walls.

Other: She's...not a good swimmer.

Specific Moves
  • Three Cheers: Takes a swig of some kind of oneirite juice from her jug (or tosses it onto herself and any nearby allies), getting a boost in power and defense. The longer the juice brews, the more potent it will be.
  • Dragon Dance: Does a little dance of valor, reenergizing the overall focus of her team.
  • Jetfire: Spews forth a stream of flames that burn struck foes and block off most attacks.
  • Volcano Mine: Slaps the ground, creating a fiery mine that explodes when a foe steps on it.
  • Kablooie: Directs a focus into the ground, then summons a pillar of fire from it.
  • Jubilee: Blows a burst of colorful fire up into the air. A good anti-air measure.
  • Rising Dragon: Strikes high upward with a fierce flaming punch.
  • Hot Potato: Tosses an orb of fire forth. It will hover in place for a while before exploding into a wide wave of flame.
  • White Whistle: Blows fire across the mouth of her jug, spreading a patch of white fire on the ground that lingers. It can carry her flames further ahead if they go across it.
  • Sunshine: Summons an emulation of strong sunlight over the area. Intensifies the effects of fire and hinders cold attacks.
  • Festive Shine: Spews (or sneezes) a flurry of embers over a wide area, where they all explode into colorful bursts.
  • Thousand-C: Slams her forepaws into the ground, creating a gigantic explosion of flame around herself.

  • Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
  • Ken Masters (Street Fighter)
  • The Pyro (Team Fortress 2)
  • Suika Ibuki (Touhou Project)
  • "Demoknight" style (Team Fortress 2)
  • Rushdown playstyles

  • Her name is a Japanese name meaning "summer beauty".
  • Her specie name, Salaman, comes from "salamander", a mythical reptilian creature affiliated with fire.
  • Her instrument projection is a violin (also called a fiddle).
  • Natsumi's long curved horns and drinking jug are nods to Suika Ibuki, an oni from the Touhou series that likes to drink and party. Granted, Natsumi doesn't (normally) drink alcohol...
  • The flower-lock in her mane resembles a lilac, which symbolizes youthful innocence.
  • Thousand-C is named for the temperature of lava, which is about 1000 degrees Celsius.

So begins...

Natsumi's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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In a reserved concert hall, three dragons are practicing their musical instrument oneirites for a big festival. Playing a violin-shaped construct of red-orange aura is a red dragon with spiky platinum-blond fur and large azure horns. Playing a large bass guitar-like weapon is a brown dragon with a large indigo mohawk. Striking drum-like circles in thin air is a bipedal yellow dragon with a long ponytail and many colored circuits on her body.

Eventually, they finished the piece. "Whew! Okay, that'll be enough for now, gals," the brown dragon said, tuning down his guitar.

"YES! That was perfect! Our parts were done perfectly! Weren't they, Elysia?" the red dragon said, dismissing her violin construct.

"Hmmm...well, unfortunately, Natsumi..." the yellow dragon, Elysia, said to the red dragon (in an autotune-sounding voice), "your rhythm in the seventh verse was WAY off. If we're gonna do this festival justice, we need to be playin' at our best."

"Awww..." the red dragon, Natsumi, groaned. "Zuberi, it was fine, wasn't it? Tell me it was fine!"

"Errr...hey, if it makes it better, we can just...start at the seventh verse or somethin'?" the brown dragon, Zuberi, said. "But I can't blame you - you usually play a lot better when Eirlys is strokin' the keys."

"...And where IS Chayton at?" Elysia asked. "He said he'd be here for rehearsal!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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Elysia used one of her Data Spheres outside the shelter to observe the blast coming from Bacaina Shrine. As she and the others in the shelter feared, it's not pretty.

" bad," Elysia groaned. "Not only did those morons in Haven just attack us, they broke the shrine, AND the key it was safehousing!"

"WHAT?" Zuberi gasped. "Awww man, they're really gonna come in and take over, aren't they??"

"If whatever's coming from that released seal doesn't, sure," Elysia answered in a sad tone.

"{sigh} Guess we won't have a Day of Unity after all..." Natsumi weeped.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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0.00 INK

Alex, panting from a very, very long trek, finally arrived in Perlar City some time after the Minils had been dealt with. He hadn't exactly had a chance for food since his salad back at Ourana Palace, and he was pretty hungry and tired, too. Luckily he was in Perlar City, home of the rich and opulent, with tastes similar to those in his home of Solum.

Well, more or less. His house in Solum was destroyed and he wasn't born there. But he called it home nonetheless.

So he headed for the nearest fancy restaurant he could find. If he was lucky and Majestic hadn't wiped his bank account, he could easily afford a decent meal there. Then, if he was lucky, he could find some way of transport back to Fantasma.

Some way that didn't involve yet another long trek over to Fontin. Alex didn't want to think about walking all the way there right now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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0.00 INK

Elysia checked outside the shelter.

"...Okay, the coast is clear!" she said to the others.

Warily, everyone in the shelter came out, making their way to their homes. Zuberi and Natsumi also came out.

"So what now...?" Zuberi asked.

"Now, we keep a weather eye," Elysia said. "If trouble comes up - "

"Then I'll blow it to next Tuesday! YEAH!" Natsumi cheered enthusiastically.



Alex might be waiting a while. However, some of the staff does return to the restaurant to check it over, but they were surprised to see a patron already there.

"Oh - ! Have you just come into town, sir?" asked the maitre d'. "I do apologize...Recent events have forced us all...well, the whole city to take cover for some time."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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0.00 INK

"Understandable," said Alex. "Yes, I just got in, but if I had known... Please, take all the time you and the staff need to get ready. No need to rush for my sake."

Alex had been around for several thousand lifetimes, and learned a lot of things. One of those things is, no matter how grumpy you are or how much you think the world is against you, always be nice to the waiter. They work hard enough without you shouting at them.

Another of those things, which he didn't remember quite as clearly, was "if the streets are abandoned something terrible probably happened here".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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"Of course, sir!" the maitre d' said. "It wouldn't be couth of us to ignore a starved traveler. Anything in particular you would prefer?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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0.00 INK

Alex looks over the menu.

"I think I'd like the filet," said Alex. "Medium rare, please. And a glass of cabernet to drink."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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"Right away, sir!" said the maitre d'. "Shouldn't be but a moment. I'll be right back with the cabernet, sir." With that, he left to the kitchen to give the order.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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0.00 INK

Alex patiently waited for his cabernet while planning his next course of action. While he was generally opposed to doing what people told him, especially if they were mysterious voices in his head, going from here to Fontin to Edge Wilds was his best way back to Fantasma. And besides, he wanted to get out of Corona as fast as possible. With all-out war between them and Haven on the horizon it wouldn't be safe for very long.

Plus whats-his-name, the Templar kid, was supposed to hang around here a lot with his dragon friends. And Alex was in absolutely no mood to see him after the whole "plot to take Alex's swords and throw him at Morbul anyway" ordeal.

Which was a petty reason to want to leave Corona, to be sure, but Alex had been alive (in some form or another) since Unitas first existed. He'd been around saving the day from various madmen and assorted villains all throughout its history. He thought he earned the right to be old, pissy, and petty.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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0.00 INK

The maitre d' soon returned, pouring a glass of cabernet for Alex.

"The filet won't be long, sir," he said, walking away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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0.00 INK

"Oh, I'm in no rush," said Alex, sipping the cabernet. "So the kitchen doesn't need to rush for my sake."

The cabernet was probably the best wine he'd had in years. Then again, he was more used to stronger spirits these days.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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0.00 INK

"Are there any mega-lobsters left?" a voice from another table asked.

"Yes, there's still several in the cooler," another voice said.

At that table is Natsumi, Zuberi, and Elysia, speaking with a waitress.

"Okey, we'll have one of those~!" Natsumi said.

"Very well. I'll be back momentarily," the waitress said, returning to the kitchen area.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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0.00 INK

Alex briefly looked up to see who else would be in the restaurant, ordering such a massive meal. Three dragons. Understandable. They were known for their large appetites. He took another sip of cabernet. He had only faint memories of his time in Valhalla Star, but from what he could remember there was a massive war between the armies of Lord Theo and a bunch of dragons. This was a bit uncomfortable, but only a bit. Alex liked to think he was progressive - at least enough to let bygones be bygones.

He took another sip of cabernet and looked down at the table, as if he didn't notice the dragons at all. They were probably friends with the Templar kid, anyway.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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0.00 INK

"Sorry for the wait, sir," said the maitre d', who had just arrived. Accompanying him is a server carrying a plate on a tray. "Here is your filet, medium rare."

The server set the dish down in front of Alex. The filet was garnished with a halved Flurs potato (atop a small bed of crisp lettuce), and a small bowl of red wine sauce (with a touch of garlic) accompanied it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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"Oh, no problem at all," said Alex, cutting into the filet. "It looks delicious."

With that, Alex began chowing down on his meal. It tasted just as delicious as it looked. Then again that may have been Alex being really hungry after climbing down from the mountains. Maybe a little bit of both. Who can say?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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"If you need anything else, don't hesitate to call us," the maitre d' said, giving a polite bow before walking off.

Meanwhile, a few other servers carried a large platter housing a 17-foot lobster to the three dragons.

"One mega-lobster, from the seas near Fontin," one of the servers said.

"Oh boy~!" Natsumi cheered. "Let's dig in! I'm starvi - !"

"Calm down, Nat..." Elysia said. "It's not polite to disturb the other diners around."

"Yeah, that ain't cool," Zuberi added.

"Oh, er, right. So...shall we?" Natsumi said.

Zuberi took a portion of the lobster's tail while Elysia cracked open a claw and Natsumi started nomming on the head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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"Yeah, it's really rude," said Alex, with his mouth full.

It was then that he realized he said that out loud. That, it seemed, was even ruder, as he looked straight down at his filet in embarrassment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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Not much else is happening now. Just dining. Natsumi, Zuberi, and Elysia didn't even seem to recognize Alex at all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Black Jack (V2) Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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0.00 INK

That suited Alex just fine. He was a lot more interested in finishing his steak than conversation. Indeed, he was ready to pay the bill whenever it came.

Meanwhile, a man in a large overcoat with no right arm, smoking a cigar, heads into the city...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Black Jack (V2) Character Portrait: Valentin Character Portrait: Elysia Character Portrait: Zuberi Character Portrait: Natsumi
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0.00 INK

Bill came for Alex.


Outside, something ran across the street to the next alley. Quite quickly, too.