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The Red Riding Hood

The wily magical bandit in the crimson hooded cloak.

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a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by MrAuthor3DS



Royal Capital Rabanastre - Final Fantasy XII

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Specie: Magus

Physical Description: Somewhat on the pale side, with sleek purple hair (with a blond highlight) ending in a ponytail. Her typical attire consists of a sleeveless pink tunic, pinkish-brown tights, and white gloves and boots. Her feathered wings are shrunken to hide under her Cloak of Secrets better.

Personality: Rather coquette and cunning, she generally gives her enemies a brash treatment, even commenting on their lack of skill. However, she does care about those that need help, especially those that have nowhere else to turn for it. She's also a solid leader, coordinating her allies in accordance to the oncoming attack.

History: As a magus, a human with fairy-like traits and thus a stronger connection to magic, she has received a lot of scorn and discrimination from others. When it got really bad, she went out to train under her uncle, Corset Hood. When a crazed wolf-like anima (beast-human) delivered a fatal injury to Corset, he put the Hood Heroes team under her leadership. Now leading the Hood Heroes under the alias "Red Riding Hood", she sets out to aid those in need and to root out the source of the oncoming war campaign. Her real name is among many secrets.

Equipment: Comes armed with twin blades, mainly the Fairy Wing model. Besides general swordplay, she can also manipulate them through magic (e.g. hurling them like a boomerang). Also, she wears the Cloak of Secrets, a hooded cloak that can wrap around her body and veil it in transparency, or even let her mimic another's appearance and voice if she's memorized them.

Abilities: Skilled at pickpocketing. Also knows magic of fire, water, and lightning. She can also sprint through the air within her Cloak of Secrets.

Other: Building drive throughout battle can allow her to take on a higher form (called a Surge for magi). This magic energy form allows her to fly and attack over a wide area with her magic.

Specific Moves
  • Buer Strike: Links her two blades together and hurls them forth like a windmill shuriken. Their path can be curved.
  • Cloak Dash: Slips within the Cloak of Secrets, rushing in a given direction. The cloak is resistant to most attacks.
  • Plunder: Essentially a swift pickpocketing move. Works best if the target is distracted.
  • Napalm Flame: Fire spell. Tosses a flame that explodes on contact.
  • Firecracker: Fire spell. Summons a flame that appears above a foe and falls down.
  • White Blaze: Fire spell. Creates a streak of fire forth, lingering for a while.
  • Hot Wheel: Fire spell. Somersaults forth with blades held out and cloaked in flames.
  • Dragon Bite: Fire spell. Basically a fiery uppercut going far up.
  • Big Bubble: Water spell. Creates a water bomb that floats through the air. Explodes on contact.
  • Wave Rush: Water spell. Dashes forth, cloaked in a wake of water.
  • Hydro Cannon: Water spell. Blasts forth a beam of water of intense pressure. Can cut through defenses easily.
  • River Dance: Water spell. Pirouettes while surrounded by water. Deflects projectiles.
  • Ocean Falcon: Water spell. Sends forth a large bird of water. Directs self toward foes.
  • Thunderbolt: Lightning spell. Summons a bolt of lightning into a designated spot.
  • Static Zone: Lightning spell. Creates a paralyzing ring of electricity on the ground for a while.
  • Spark Drones: Lightning spell. Casts a few electric orbs that float in the air, moving toward any foes coming within their midst.
  • Thundercloud: Lightning spell. Creates a storm cloud above. Can be pushed forth by attacks, and explodes on foes.
  • Tiger Fang: Lightning spell. Clashes her blades together, creating a mighty shockwave forth.

  • Red Riding Hood fairy tale
  • Dante (Devil May Cry series, a bit of both)
  • The Spy (Team Fortress 2)
  • Rikku (Final Fantasy 10)
  • Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy 9)
  • Terra Branford (Final Fantasy 6)
  • Red Mage class (Final Fantasy series)
  • Ezio Auditore (Assassin's Creed 2)

  • Her hot-blooded attitude compared to Derecho could be a play on the "Red Oni, Blue Oni" trope, in which Red is the more lively "Red Oni".
  • Red's personality is surprisingly close to that of Dante of Devil May Cry - both versions, actually. Like the original Dante, she's a smart-aleck and is quite coy with her foes. Like the reboot Dante, she's also aggressive in combat and a natural rebel.
  • The Cloak of Secrets's ability to disguise her is similar to how the Disguise Kit (of Team Fortress 2's Spy) or the Octo-Camo and Face-Camo (from Metal Gear Solid 4) operate.
  • Buer Strike, her charged attack, is named after the Buer, a demon with legs around its head in a wheel-like fashion.
  • Dragon Bite is uncannily similar to Ken Masters's fiery Shoryuken (or "Dragon Punch"), but with a blade instead of a fist.

So begins...

The Red Riding Hood's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Estrella
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A few seconds after Claptrap's company ran off, a green glow appears around the net, which has the rope/lines/whatever surrounding it snap, giving Leilanie and Red an easy exit. As the glow disappears, what looks like a Gardevoir steps away from the two, hiding in the shadows.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Estrella
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"Nngh - ! Smarter than you look...!" Red growled while trying to cut through the net with her blade.

"Here, have a farewell present," Peacock chuckled. She pulled out a whistle and blew into it for a moment as she fled. However, even after she stowed the whistle away, the whistling noise continued. As it did, a shadow was growing around Red. By now, Claptrap and co. are out of view.

"(!) That hollow-eyed brat!" Red sawed at the net faster, igniting the blade while the falling shadow grew bigger and bigger. It's then that the undisclosed psychic force broke the nets open. Red leapt out just moments before a piano came crashing down to where the net is. "Phew...Close one..."

Red caught her breath as she stood up. She turned to Leilanie and said "...Hey, if you're done crying, you wanna continue this race?" With that, she headed off after Claptrap's gang.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Estrella
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#, as written by Karasz
"Urk... who said I was crying?" Leilanie is getting up from the ground and brush herself off, "Yeah... Or better yet, I have a better idea."

Leilanie is catching up Red once again before fat cow falls on Leilanie's net. That was too close! Leilanie and Red would've been killed by cliche falling objects if it wasn't for Estrella. And yes, falling pianos and falling cows are dangerous.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Estrella
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Estrella didn't usually interfere with the affairs of humans. Not anymore, at least. But while wandering through the Shadow Forest, trying to get lost within herself, she came across the robot and his lackeys abusing the two girls and preparing to kill them. Estrella had seen enough senseless wastes of life in her time, and she could have prevented these easily, so she did. That should have been the end of her involvement.

But... something called to her. Something said that the tale of these two was just beginning, and that they would need a lot more help. Estrella paused, letting the two go ahead, before following. No one had to die in the Shadow Forest tonight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Valentine
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"With pleasure...!" Peacock growled. She jumped in at the ninja, throwing a pie (with a bomb in it) at her. However, the ninja just slid under the pie (and past its custard explosion) and swung an IV stand spear into Peacock, catching her on the prongs.

"You still fail to impress, little girl," said the ninja. She then hurled Peacock off the spear and toward Claptrap and Steve.

Red made it to the swamp at this time...and saw the battle ensuing. "(!) Uh-oh..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Valentine
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#, as written by Karasz
Leilanie follows Red where the conflict occurs. Claptrap screams and flees while Steve takes damage from impact. Steve is severely injured from the spear, and Claptrap is hiding in his yellow armor.

"Argh... and right at the worst possible time." Leilanie groans.

"HEEEEEELPPP!!!! MINION! PROTECT YOUR MASTER!" Claptrap is rustling his jimmies.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Wario
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Wario and Fawful arrived on the other rocket-pad, following Pete.

"So, uh, which-a way do we go from here?" Wario asked.

"Simple as salt broth! We go..." Fawful paused in mid-sentence, as...he was unsure of where to go yet. "Uh...ehehehe...This is the reason why probes are of necessity, yes?" With that, Fawful used a remote to summon three rocket-propelled probes, which went forth to seek out the best path.


Meanwhile, Peacock was struggling to get on her feet. However, from beneath her skirt appeared a small teal bird wearing similar clothes, who pulled her back up by her leg. "Kudos, Avery!" The bird, Avery, tipped his hat and slinked down into a tiny portal. With that done, Peacock opened up the top of her hat, revealing Avery in some laser cannon mount.

"Okay nurse, see if you can dodge this! Argus Agony!!" The cannon fired a laser beam toward Valentine, who leaped clean over it. But then, from out of Peacock's arms came several more eyes, fanning out like a peacock's tail and firing a storm of Z-ray shots at Valentine.

"Tricky tricky...but not good enough." From out of nowhere, Valentine brought out a body bag (with a cadaver's legs hanging out of it) and used it to block the incoming shots. Peacock's robo-eyes started overheating, and had to stop firing. "Ah rats..."

"I'd hate to say this, but they could use a hand with that quack," Red told Leilanie as she dashed in, blades blazing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Wario
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#, as written by Karasz
"Minion! What happened?! Why are your eyes smokin' hot??" Claptrap spoke, then turns directly to Valentine, "You have desrupted my quest to find the treasure! I hope you're happy, because I'm about to bust a cap to your ass!! RAAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!!" Claptrap charges directly at Valentine, but trips on a small pebble and ends up falling down face face-flat. He raised his arm and shaking clappers. "YOU WIN THIS ROUND, TINY INCONVENIENT ROCKS!!!

"Gah, well.... For the sake of our friendly competition, let's go save their asses!!"

Leilanie joins Red as he took our her kunais. She aims for Valentine's head and throws them at her. The kunais hit Valentine and explode on her face.

"What- What just happened? Minion, was that you using that bomb on her again?!" Claptrap thinks that the kunais is from Peacock.

Meanwhile, Pete is looking at Fawful for a moment and cross his arms patiently. "I hope your little bots are up-ta-date. The last time you used them, they lead us to the edge of the cliff."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Valentine
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Peacock holds an electric fan to the Argus-eyes to cool them faster. "Dramatic tension...It just comes and goes, don't it?" Meanwhile, she blew her whistle, summoning a growing shadow over Valentine.

Valentine threw the cadaver into the kunai as they were incoming, then kicked it toward Leilanie and Red. "Go around!" Red shouted as she leaped to the right of the cadaver's impact. Getting a clear shot at Valentine, Red launched several more homing fireballs.

The kunai ordeal had distracted Valentine from the fireballs and whatever object is falling upon her. The nurse looked initially shocked...but slyly smirked under her surgical mask. Just as the fireballs came close to her, a huge metal safe fell down on top of her and the fireballs. This resulted in a big fiery explosion underneath the safe. Needless to say, Peacock was impressed. "Well, how 'bout that!" She turned to Red and continued, "Y'know, that was pretty stylish."

Red fanned one of her blades and remarked, "What can I say? Coordination's the best form of attack."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Valentine
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0.00 INK

Estrella arrives after Red and Leilanie run out into the open. She couldn't afford to go out there. Not with so many people out there. But she could provide support. Gathering several leaves in her telekinesis, Estrella launched them at Valentine at such speed so as to make then effectively razor-sharp.

Edit: OOC: Ninja'd.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Valentine
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#, as written by Karasz
"A little dash of explosions and we're good to go~" Leilanie snickers.

"Hah! You think that you win this round, ninja nurse?! My minion just blow your mind!" Claptrap made an unfunny joke, "Get it?! Blow?! Your MIND? Ehhh??? Ehhh???"

Nobody laughed at Claptrap's joke. Even Steve didn't find it funny. Claptrap groans in frustration because nobody get the joke or find it funny.

"Pfft. Whatever." Claptrap pouts.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Valentine
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"Hang on - let's make sure that..." Red went over and cut the safe in half, breaking it open. However, there was nothing underneath! Nothing but burnt leaves, anyway.

"(!) Hold the phone, where'd the doc go??" Peacock exclaimed.

Just then, the discarded body bag from earlier shook.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Valentine
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#, as written by Karasz

Steve is the only one who notice the body bag wiggling on the ground. He took out his knife and tears it open. But apparently he have no idea who this person it.

"Goddamn it!" Leilanie growled, "That bitch got away with the swamp key!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Valentine
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Estrella closed her eyes, trying to push out the shouts of Leilanie, Claptrap, and the others and search for the brain patterns of Valentine, hoping to pinpoint her location.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Valentine
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Just as Steve cut his knife into the body bag, Valentine burst out of it, striking at Steve with her bonesaw-ninjaken. She leaped past and performed a diving slash at Claptrap before anyone else could react!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Ted Tettettettet
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#, as written by Karasz
Steve is hit and falls on his back.


Claptrap is flown away by Valentine's attack. In fact, he even flew past by the stranger who wears a Santa Claus outfit. Leilanie took out her dagger and prepares for battle once again.

"Coming back for more, bitch?!" Leilanie screamed, "WISH FUCKING GRANTED!!!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Valentine Character Portrait: Estrella
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As Claptrap was sent violently flying back, Estrella was forced to dive away so that he wouldn't slam into her, landing in the middle of the clearing. Getting up and dusting herself off, she gathered more leaves, aiming them at Valentine but not firing them yet. It's right about now that Estrella realizes she's out in the open. Her eyes go wide, kind of like she's thinking "Oh, crap."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Valentine Character Portrait: Estrella
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"Whoa - !" Red was caught off-guard by Valentine's sudden appearance. "Ninjutsu...clever girl."

"Hmph. Looks like the other key's left," said Valentine. "So I've no need to hang around here much longer. Farewell - and for your sakes, let's not meet again."

"Ohhh no, you stay right here so we can - !" Before Peacock could finish that sentence, Valentine threw what looks like a prescription drug bottle to the ground, which exploded in a large smoke cloud. Red covered her mouth to keep from inhaling. Peacock was coughing from it (even if it's not so fatal for her). When the smoke cleared, Valentine was already gone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Estrella
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#, as written by Karasz
"Stupid... bitch..." Leilanie coughs out, "She will not get away with this..."

"Heyoo?" Steve scratches his head, wondering if Valentine drops the key. Apparently he is immune to the smoke since he is wearing his mask on. Unfortunately for the treasure hunters, Valentine got away with the key.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?! She took the key and got away!" Leilanie growled in anger, "Well- she will not get the treasure, I guarantee you that."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Steve Character Portrait: Estrella
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"{cough} Yeah...Valentine ain't gettin' that treasure if we get a key before she does!" Peacock added. "(!) Hang on... {to Steve} Hey! Gasmask! Doesn't Claptrap still have that Mt. Moon key?"

Red turned to Estrella. "So...I take it you're the psychic that broke the nets? I...guess I owe you thanks."