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The Red Riding Hood

The wily magical bandit in the crimson hooded cloak.

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a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by MrAuthor3DS



Royal Capital Rabanastre - Final Fantasy XII

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Specie: Magus

Physical Description: Somewhat on the pale side, with sleek purple hair (with a blond highlight) ending in a ponytail. Her typical attire consists of a sleeveless pink tunic, pinkish-brown tights, and white gloves and boots. Her feathered wings are shrunken to hide under her Cloak of Secrets better.

Personality: Rather coquette and cunning, she generally gives her enemies a brash treatment, even commenting on their lack of skill. However, she does care about those that need help, especially those that have nowhere else to turn for it. She's also a solid leader, coordinating her allies in accordance to the oncoming attack.

History: As a magus, a human with fairy-like traits and thus a stronger connection to magic, she has received a lot of scorn and discrimination from others. When it got really bad, she went out to train under her uncle, Corset Hood. When a crazed wolf-like anima (beast-human) delivered a fatal injury to Corset, he put the Hood Heroes team under her leadership. Now leading the Hood Heroes under the alias "Red Riding Hood", she sets out to aid those in need and to root out the source of the oncoming war campaign. Her real name is among many secrets.

Equipment: Comes armed with twin blades, mainly the Fairy Wing model. Besides general swordplay, she can also manipulate them through magic (e.g. hurling them like a boomerang). Also, she wears the Cloak of Secrets, a hooded cloak that can wrap around her body and veil it in transparency, or even let her mimic another's appearance and voice if she's memorized them.

Abilities: Skilled at pickpocketing. Also knows magic of fire, water, and lightning. She can also sprint through the air within her Cloak of Secrets.

Other: Building drive throughout battle can allow her to take on a higher form (called a Surge for magi). This magic energy form allows her to fly and attack over a wide area with her magic.

Specific Moves
  • Buer Strike: Links her two blades together and hurls them forth like a windmill shuriken. Their path can be curved.
  • Cloak Dash: Slips within the Cloak of Secrets, rushing in a given direction. The cloak is resistant to most attacks.
  • Plunder: Essentially a swift pickpocketing move. Works best if the target is distracted.
  • Napalm Flame: Fire spell. Tosses a flame that explodes on contact.
  • Firecracker: Fire spell. Summons a flame that appears above a foe and falls down.
  • White Blaze: Fire spell. Creates a streak of fire forth, lingering for a while.
  • Hot Wheel: Fire spell. Somersaults forth with blades held out and cloaked in flames.
  • Dragon Bite: Fire spell. Basically a fiery uppercut going far up.
  • Big Bubble: Water spell. Creates a water bomb that floats through the air. Explodes on contact.
  • Wave Rush: Water spell. Dashes forth, cloaked in a wake of water.
  • Hydro Cannon: Water spell. Blasts forth a beam of water of intense pressure. Can cut through defenses easily.
  • River Dance: Water spell. Pirouettes while surrounded by water. Deflects projectiles.
  • Ocean Falcon: Water spell. Sends forth a large bird of water. Directs self toward foes.
  • Thunderbolt: Lightning spell. Summons a bolt of lightning into a designated spot.
  • Static Zone: Lightning spell. Creates a paralyzing ring of electricity on the ground for a while.
  • Spark Drones: Lightning spell. Casts a few electric orbs that float in the air, moving toward any foes coming within their midst.
  • Thundercloud: Lightning spell. Creates a storm cloud above. Can be pushed forth by attacks, and explodes on foes.
  • Tiger Fang: Lightning spell. Clashes her blades together, creating a mighty shockwave forth.

  • Red Riding Hood fairy tale
  • Dante (Devil May Cry series, a bit of both)
  • The Spy (Team Fortress 2)
  • Rikku (Final Fantasy 10)
  • Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy 9)
  • Terra Branford (Final Fantasy 6)
  • Red Mage class (Final Fantasy series)
  • Ezio Auditore (Assassin's Creed 2)

  • Her hot-blooded attitude compared to Derecho could be a play on the "Red Oni, Blue Oni" trope, in which Red is the more lively "Red Oni".
  • Red's personality is surprisingly close to that of Dante of Devil May Cry - both versions, actually. Like the original Dante, she's a smart-aleck and is quite coy with her foes. Like the reboot Dante, she's also aggressive in combat and a natural rebel.
  • The Cloak of Secrets's ability to disguise her is similar to how the Disguise Kit (of Team Fortress 2's Spy) or the Octo-Camo and Face-Camo (from Metal Gear Solid 4) operate.
  • Buer Strike, her charged attack, is named after the Buer, a demon with legs around its head in a wheel-like fashion.
  • Dragon Bite is uncannily similar to Ken Masters's fiery Shoryuken (or "Dragon Punch"), but with a blade instead of a fist.

So begins...

The Red Riding Hood's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood
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#, as written by Karasz
Leilanie nods and quietly follows Red into the next boat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood
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The boat heads out to Haven.

The setting changes from Thalassa to Desmos


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood
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The cargo boat from Thalassa made port here.

"(!) We're here!" Red whispered to Leilanie.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood
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#, as written by Karasz
Leilanie nods back and waits for the right time to make a move.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood
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And make their move they do. Red leads Leilanie through the cargo piles on the way to the exit, which will lead to the town. "When we get into the town, just act casual and blend with the crowd."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Plantium
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#, as written by GBA

Almost as if on cue, the sound of something bursting from the sea can be heard as a massive and heavily armored vessel suddenly erupts out of the port town's waters, a veritable cloud of salt water being sent flying in all directions. The ship sits there for a few seconds, before two large antennaes quickly fold out along the bow and stern areas, reaching out into the sky and forming crow's nests as holographic sheets roll out below, forming into masts. Something that sounds like a jet engine being started up can also be heard as the ship slowly lifts up into the air, holes opening in the sides of its hull which start pouring out several tons of water.

As the airship hovers about emptying its weight, Plantium, whom is accompanied by several robots in the shape of Koopas, suddenly appears topside, although barely visible, with the latter group then running about the ship performing different tasks. Eventually, Plantium apparently makes a motion to someone below deck with one of his hands, and the airship's hatches soon close over, quickly flying off into the mainland towards the Spliced Woods. Clearly, it would seem he is quite intent on locating the next clue, bringing one of his submersible airships into the fray.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Plantium
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"(!) Oh no! At this rate, he'll beat us to the forest...!" Red groaned. "Okay, forget the casual act - just pack heat!!" With that, Red leads Leilanie through the city in a hurry. Destination - Old Haven, then the Outlands, reaching to the Spliced Woods.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood
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#, as written by Karasz
Leilanie quickly follows Red and make their way to Spliced Woods as fast as they can.

The setting changes from Desmos to The Outlands


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood
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It took a lot of parkour runs and cloak-dashes, but Red (with Leilanie following, hopefully) made it to the Outlands. Just on the other side of the wasteland is the Spliced Woods.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood
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#, as written by Karasz
"Hey! Wait up!" Leilanie followed, "Gahh, let's hope we won't get caught by mutants in Spliced Woods."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood
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"Good luck with that - the Spliced Woods is known for being mainly populated by mutants," Red retorted. "But I don't think that's our main problem!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood
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#, as written by Karasz
"You're right. Plantium IS the problem." Leilanie replied.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood
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"Then let's proceed." And so, the trek to the Spliced Woods began...

The setting changes from The Outlands to Spliced Woods


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Jagger Herz Character Portrait: Steve
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#, as written by Karasz

Leilanie and Red fall into the fray and join up with Peacock. Knowing that they still have time to grab the key from Plantium, Leilanie will have to protect her group by fending off the Metal Koopas. Steve joins and continues to blast missiles with a Torgue bazooka. But if he reloads, he is off guard.

Claptrap still running around like a crazy coward until he bumps into an anchor that connects to Plantium's Airship. He got up and looks at it for a moment... Then he finds a backup plan. If Plantium DID manage to get the key, Claptrap will catch Plantium by surprise and take the key for himself. He climbs up the anchor as quick as he can.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Jagger Herz Character Portrait: Steve
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#, as written by GBA
This squad of Metal Koopas is swiftly dispatched, with pieces of scrap metal flying everywhere due to the attacks - however, more start to jet down in their place, and immediately begin a counterattack, firing a flurry of lasers at the group...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Jagger Herz Character Portrait: Steve
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Red and Leilanie indeed made it into the woods, and near the key's location, ironically. And even more ironically, Peacock leaps out a portal just near it.

"(!) Oh great, not now! Look, we kinda got some killer robots on our tails, and - "

"We know. So do we," Red interrupted. "So first priority - get these tin cans away from the key!" She brandished her Fairy Wings, sparking with magic.


Over with the other group, Jagger intensified the magnetic compression on the Metal Koopas.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Jagger Herz Character Portrait: Steve
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#, as written by Karasz
Claptrap enters Plantium's airship through the anchor hole. He starts dancing a little bit and gloat like a boss.

"Ha ha! You think he can get away with my opportunity? Plantium will never know what hit him. By the time he got the key, I will snag and jump off the airship! I wonder if they have parachutes or something?" But his luck runs out when he sees a large staircase to the upperdeck. His worst enemy out of all enemies, it had to be stairs. "STAIRS?!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" It's because of his wheel. If there is an elevator, he would not have to deal with stairs.

Meanwhile, Leilanie assist Red and Peacock by throwing explosive kunais at the Metal Koopas. "EAT THIS, YOU METALLIC BASTARDS!!" She screamed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Jagger Herz Character Portrait: Steve
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Red swept thunderbolts across at any Metal Koopas that come near, then cast waves of water orbs at them. Peacock summoned junk from above (including the kitchen sink) while tossing walking George bombs at them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Jagger Herz Character Portrait: Steve
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#, as written by GBA
While up in the airship, Claptrap should notice a massive portal-forming machine sparking wildly nearby, with dozens of armed Metal Koopas running out of it, to the above deck. A nearby cylindrical glass container is hooked up to it, with a glowing white cube floating within it. Strangely enough, the Metal Koopas seem to be ignoring Claptrap, merely marching by him. Perhaps they have mistaken him for a fellow unit..?


The Metal Koopas Jagger gathers up with his magnetic abilities start forming into a ball of screaming steel, wildly firing their weapons, but they just keep swarming, jetting down from the airship..

"Power of Earth, meet kinetic force!" A Metal Koopa suddenly yells, pulling out a rocket launcher and firing at Ganymede.


The Metal Koopas that had stumbled onto the key are blown away, but suddenly more appear from within the woods.

"Halt, organic scum!" One of the Metal Koopas near the group shouts, shortly before it and the few others who made it this far into the woods start firing.


The sound of electricity crackling can be heard from below deck, growing louder as Metal Koopas continue pouring out.

"Sssir, at thisss rate, the catalyssst sssupplying our power reservesss will be depleted, leaving usss dead in the airrr," Ripsaw notes. "We might not be able to keep the foundry porrrtal open much longerrr.."

"I'm well aware, Ripsaw, and I don't rightly care." Plantium said as he massaged his temples, visibly becoming irritated. "If worst comes to worst, you're going down there, next - but I imagine you'd enjoy that, wouldn't you?"

"It would be a gloriousss sssight," Ripsaw says gleefully, his hideous jawplates forming a twisted grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Claptrap Character Portrait: The Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Peacock Character Portrait: Jagger Herz Character Portrait: Steve
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"It leaves something to be desired!" exlaimed Ganymede, staring the rocket and the shooter thereof down. "Try this instead!"

Ganymede creates two explosive balls of fire and hurls them at the Metal Koopa who just fired at him. The fireballs spiral around so that they would miss the rocket entirely but converge on the Metal Koopa, which begs the question of what exactly Ganymede is thinking.