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Love Any way you like. Human, Neko, contrasting personalities, similar personalities, any combo. What does the G mean? who cares…Let's all fall in love!

1,117 readers have visited G-Romance since JayZeroSnake created it.


DeeCee. It's a place for Love in all its forms. Loneliness, Violence, Abuse, etc etc have been made illegal in an effort to become a Utopia of sorts. The girls are all beautiful in different ways, on the inside AND the outside (Especially the outside. even the geeks make you wish you were in love…)

The boys are all kind and caring. They want nothing more than to achieve success in Sports like Soccer, Tennis, etc, The music world, and even entertainment for some, mostly aspiring actors.

The species are mixed. Humans with Nekos, vampires, angels, pretty basic stuff. Most are secretive about it, like many others shy to show off their special selves in fear of being shunned. They love DeeCee because it keeps their kind safe from harm, as it has come to them in recent years…

There are even rumors of Magic on school grounds and all around town. Do you think this is true?...

In the end: The options are infinitely endless. Come to DeeCee if you want. One thing they haven't tried to get rid of is Heartbreak, because not everyone is old enough or interested in marriage.



Character Sheet Requirements:


Theme Song


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1. No Godmodding.

2. 100 Word Minimum for posts please.

3. Violence has been made illegal. to top it off, they don't allow combat/"too rough" sports. What? I thought you people didn't like violent fighting, martial arts, football, etc with your bishonen. -_-

That's all for now.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

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Carson Mendel

Carson walked around DeeCee, taking in the sights. There were people, that being the collective term for the assortment of humanoids present, everywhere. It was like a city, except everyone seemed to be smiling and having a good time. There were even a few nekos walking around. He had a tough time keeping from staring at them rudely, it was just so difficult not to. They were so intriguing, the way they moved with such lithe and grace. He had practiced dancing for many years, and as such he was rather graceful himself, but still...he was nowhere close to being able to match the nekos. He found his residence without much trouble. It had a couple of rooms, a kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bathroom. It also had a covered wooden patio out back that would be great for him to practice dancing on. In fact...he took out his ipod and plugged it into a speaker system and began slowly moving around to the soothing rhythm, it helped him relax and unwind after his arrival.

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Andre sat in the back of his family's black towncar as it went through the streets of Deecee as he watched the people go by. he was just slowly taking in the sight of the place that he was to be staying at for the next few years. its strange he has never been to a place quite like this before or even this many people. Short, tall, human, neko, inu just so many many people.

"So what do you think young Master?" Ask the elderly driver at the wheel of the towncar. His name was Rick Swan and was the drive for Andres family for as long as Andre could remember.

"Its full." says Andre in his usual deadpan tone as he kept his eyes out the window."There or a lot of people where, will i have to meet them all?" He ask rick.

"Heh full huh young Master? yes there are a lot of people here and no you dont only who ever you want sir. It would be good to meet some friends you know." Rick said looking into the rearview mirror at Andre.

"Hmm why? All I need is Beth, she is my friend." he said thinking about his grand piano that should have already been delivered to the place that he should be staying at from the time."Besides is there a need Rick?" he ask as he looks away from the window at the back of the drivers head.

"Yes there is you might find people you like and can talk about things you might have in common." he answered as he turns onto the street that leads to the new residents of Andre.

"Then other people have a Beth too?" He ask thinking about how many Beths there could be in the world which was something hard for him to imagine.At which Rick just gave a chuckle and shook his head as he pulled to a stop in front of the building housing Andres penthouse apartment. Once inside Rick went to set Andres bags down in his bedroom as Andre looks around the place. It was a nicely furnished penthouse with a black and white theme to it. a small loft leading to an outside veranda with a great view of the city below. A nice kitchen was to one side of the apartment with an island cutting it off from the rest of the place but Andre didnt pay much attention to it since he couldnt cook. Which was fine with him since he loved eating out or finding nice places to eat,which he hopes this city has. Then Andre saw her sitting to the side of the room beth and as Andre looked at his only friend his expression stayed the same but his ears perked up a bit as he walked over to the grand piano. As he sat down he started to lightly play the keys just hitting a C flat here then an A minor before starting to play something. As Rick returned to the main part of the penthouse he watched and smiled a bit as Andre played Moonlight Sonata.

"So young Master what do you think?" he asked as Andre played.

"If Beth is here I will be fine."Andre answered with out looking up from the piano.

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Glimmer Snow

Glimmer wanted to get away. She had to escape from this place. She packed her bag and looked around for any people who might see her. No one. And that was just how she liked it. She carefully went outside and hailed a cab.

" Where to miss? " the driver asked her.

" I think there's a place just on the opposite of here. " Glimmer said.

" That would be DeeCee " the driver replied.

" Take me there " Glimmer told him.

After a few moments, they arrived in the place called DeeCee. She paid the fare then stepped out of the cab. She didn't even know where she was going. She was lost. But still, this was better than her life with that assassin. She hated them. So much. She watched as people passed by her. She didn't know where to go.

When she was young, her mother told her that she should find a man. A man who would take care of her and love her. Her mom also told her that the place to look for that type of man was DeeCee. Glimmer's face lightened up upon remembering her mom's advice. She was here. In DeeCee. But she has a problem.

" Looking for my soulmate might be harder than I thought " Glimmer muttered.

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Miko stood at the school's entrance, her sketchbook in her hands, her bags next to her on the ground. The only reason she had her sketchbook out was because it calmed her down to hold it, and she was needing a LOT of calming down right now. She was terrified of this, but it had to be done...if she was ever going to fit in, it would be here. There were other Nekos here at least: she had been the only one in her school class back home, which was NOT ideal, to say the least. She played with the ribbons that were around her wrists, fascinated with them as only a cat hybrid could be, while she tried to remember where she was supposed to go and set her stuff up. Putting her sketchbook away in her bag, she pulled a map from her pocket and unfolded it, confused, her tail showing that fairly obviously by the way it was twitching.
"Ah, right...this way...", she said to herself as she eventually found where her accommodation would bep utting the map back into her pocket. She didn't want to be walking around with it stuck in front of her face the whole time. She would figure out when her classes would be later, the main thing was to get her room set up first, and her art materials.

Picking her bags up, she started towards the building the map had stated was the student accommodation, her heart doing double time due to nerves: Would she really be accepted here? Or was it going to be like everywhere else? She didn't want to drown again...

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#, as written by Lambie
Giallo Mayton

Giallo was very excited his mid-size tail wagging rapidly and his semi-folded ears perked up at the sight of his new school. "Oh! This looks like an amazing place!" Giallo said happily. "Now dear." Giallo's mom said softly. "Be good! Listen to your teachers and don't dig up there grounds to much ok." Giallo looked back at his mom. "Yes mom and I'll try not too." Giallo's dad look at him through the rear view mirror. "Now son be kind to the ladies and try not to get into too much trouble." Winking at the boy before stopping the car. "Oh Dad!" Giallo said embarrassedly as he grabbed his things running towards the new school.

Giallo looked at the huge school with great excitements there was so many new sight and new smells. He could smell nekos, humans, other inus, and other races he didn't know. Giallo headed to the dorm area where he placed his things in it was well sized room he quickly set up things and headed back outside. He began to explore the school grounds he walked around from front to back of school then from back to the front. Giallo pulled out a bag of jerky and began to chew on it taking in more smells.

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Andre stood on the veranda leaning against the rain looking out at the city of DeeCee wondering now that he was here what is he to do? What does one do at school and such? He didnt know but he guessed he will find out. he turned from the view of the city and head back inside to get ready for the evening. As part of the agreement his parents works out to allow him to get on of the better and most privet apartments he was to play at a few events. One of them being tonight at a little cafe though it was most likely to drum up business for the place but he didnt think about that all he cared for was the fact he did get to play. He was in one of his better set of cloths he used to play. A pair of black dress pants with a red silk dress shirt that had a vest that matched the pants in color.He liked the look of it in the full length mirror in his bedroom as he looked at himself. To finish it off he put on a black coat as his eyes perked up feeling pleased with himself as he was ready half an hour ahead of time. Since he didnt know the lay out of the city he had call for a drive to pick him up and drive him around for the time he was to stay in the school. He grabbed his keys and wallet and locked up the place as he headed down to meet the car and driver. Since he had an extra half an hour he had the drive go around town as he looked out the window.

"Not from around here are ya'?" Asked the drive in a deep husky voice that sounded like he was a chain smoker. The drive, Named Nick Dolton, was a heavy set man in his late thirties in a suit that looked like it was a size smaller then he needed. Andre looked at the city lit up at night and watched the people walk by a few couples or groups of friends or just loners wondering the night.

"No I am not." he answered simply to Nick's question as he hoped it was already time to get to the cafe. nick just shrugged to Andre's flat tone and just drove and once the time was set for them to be at the cafe Nick took him there. As Andre left the car and Nick waiting for him outside he walked into the cafe looked smaller then he thought. It was nicely decorated and the lightly fit the intimate atmosphere the seating and tables where all modern decor. But it was still small compared to some of the places Andre always played. As Andre looked at the place the owner came to greet him. She was a woman in her early thirties but looked great for her age since she could pass for mid twenties. She was a bit taller then Andre and wore a simple blue dress and no jewelry that he could see. She seemed giddy that he was there.

"Oh my your here your really here to play in my humble cafe you do not know how much I love that your here." She said in a very high excited tone of voice as she gushed over him.

"It is nice to be here you have a nice place."he said in his usual tone of voice which next to hers would seem like he was bored or something. However he too was a bit excited to be able to play.

"So I already went over the play list with your manager but in case you want to change anything that will be fine with me."She told him as she lead him to the piano he will be playing. It was a nice simple black piano which he had decided to call Ann. As he sat at the piano and touch a few of the keys he looked up at her.

"Hmm I might but I will still start out with Ave Maria if you house singer is still up for it."he said as he played a quick tune on the keys. To which the woner seemed to just get excited over hearing.

"Oh she could make it so i will have to fill in for her but I know the song and am ready when you am."She said with a great big smile as she seemed to not believe she gets to sing with him playing.

"Alright."Is all he said as the cafe started to fill with a few patrons as he started to play the intro notes to Ave Maria and was surprised at the voice of the owner she was quite good. He started to get into as in his mind he spoke to the piano sing for me Ann.

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Character Portrait: Ken Shepherd
0 sightings Ken Shepherd played by JayZeroSnake
What Was I Doing here?! DX- I mean, Oh! Hello Miss. May I walk you to class?
Character Portrait: Miko Zafiri
0 sightings Miko Zafiri played by BekaL101
I hate water...

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Giallo Mayton
Character Portrait: Andre Pertro
Character Portrait: Yurei Ushinawa
Character Portrait: Sora Lane


Character Portrait: Sora Lane
Sora Lane

"Okay, the fur can't be that soft.." :3

Character Portrait: Yurei Ushinawa
Yurei Ushinawa

"Trapped in your mind, the sound is deafening.."

Character Portrait: Andre Pertro
Andre Pertro

"Beth is singing great today"

Character Portrait: Giallo Mayton
Giallo Mayton

*sniffs* Hi there! Who are you? Whats your name? Want some beef jerky?


Character Portrait: Sora Lane
Sora Lane

"Okay, the fur can't be that soft.." :3

Character Portrait: Andre Pertro
Andre Pertro

"Beth is singing great today"

Character Portrait: Yurei Ushinawa
Yurei Ushinawa

"Trapped in your mind, the sound is deafening.."

Character Portrait: Giallo Mayton
Giallo Mayton

*sniffs* Hi there! Who are you? Whats your name? Want some beef jerky?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Yurei Ushinawa
Yurei Ushinawa

"Trapped in your mind, the sound is deafening.."

Character Portrait: Andre Pertro
Andre Pertro

"Beth is singing great today"

Character Portrait: Sora Lane
Sora Lane

"Okay, the fur can't be that soft.." :3

Character Portrait: Giallo Mayton
Giallo Mayton

*sniffs* Hi there! Who are you? Whats your name? Want some beef jerky?

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Most recent OOC posts in G-Romance

Re: [OOC] G-Romance

originally yes. I'm kind of annoyed by some of the Romance RP's. Not all of them though.

Re: [OOC] G-Romance

So this was all a big joke?

Re: [OOC] G-Romance

I'm not excited. -_-

Infact, I may just abandon my character and leave you guys to your own plot. :D Maybe. I originally intended to make this, wait for people to make profiles, and accept none of them. But that was too much of a dick move, so I didn't.

Re: [OOC] G-Romance

I already posted my intro as Glimmer :D I am so excited about this!

Re: [OOC] G-Romance


You guys can post intros.

Re: [OOC] G-Romance

I am about to make a character that should surprise everyone, including myself..

(hint: he is going to be a gay cat)

Re: [OOC] G-Romance

oh ok, so do we just start posting whenever, or are we waiting on more people to join?

Re: [OOC] G-Romance

Nope. No central plot except to fall in love.

Just like the majority of other romance RP's…In fact, the most we may get are little subplots per character.

Re: [OOC] G-Romance

so then is there any sort of set plot to this, or are our characters just interacting as they see fit?

Re: [OOC] G-Romance

just make a character. There's really not much to this RP.

I'm also surprised at the number of people already here. I'm not really that interested in this RP and its story, and I didn't work all that hard on it like some other RP's I was really trying to get off the ground.

Re: [OOC] G-Romance

This sound interesting I would like to join

Re: [OOC] G-Romance

Sure. Anyone can join.

Re: [OOC] G-Romance

Hi! Can I join?

Re: [OOC] G-Romance


Jkjk! I shall make a character also

Re: [OOC] G-Romance

Well, That's good! :P how about a new character to motivate other players into joining? maybe spreading the word?


Re: [OOC] G-Romance

Oh Hai back! I was interested in this.

Re: [OOC] G-Romance

Oh Hai Karkat! :O

Re: [OOC] G-Romance

This sounds fun, but we need more people interested in it!

Re: [OOC] G-Romance

Boo yah!! -Happy dance- :D