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0 · 78 views · located in Tokyo Disneyland

a character in “Gantz: Phase One”, originally authored by Prose, as played by RolePlayGateway


Aleksandra Sabine Varushka - Main


Sex: Female
Age: Sixteen
Height: Five Feet Six Inches
Weight: One Hundred Nineteen Pounds
Ethnicity: Russian
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Social Status: Rich
Occupation: Student/Model/Celebrity
Home: Moscow, Russia
Current Points: Zero

When greeted by this young woman one cannot help but to be almost overwhelmed by the natural beauty she carries. From her brunette hair to her gray eyes, and even further to her virgin rose lips, Aleksandra is more than stunning. A smile is always present around her thickly lashed eyes and at the flawless corners of her mouth. Even her nose compliments her visage, perfectly angular and straight. Not a single wrinkle is even hinted at along her face though if one can get her to laugh they may be able to spot the small dimples that crease her cheeks.

If one can finally remove their eyes from Aleksandra's entrancing gaze, they would view a very disciplined girl when it comes to physique. She is very thin and lean at best. Yet a healthy amount of muscle still clings to her frail bones because the model would never allow herself to become unhealthy. Her breasts are modest yet still enough to be pronounced due to her line of career, hips could be more rounded and feminine, but her long and luxurious legs distract the eye from the thought. Noticing her hands, one would immediately compliment them as graceful and angelic. Upon touching them, they would think smooth and perfectly groomed.

Aleksandra's clothing is usually quite up to date though with a classic touch. Being a humanitarian she will avoid real furs or any animal product. She loves textures and asymmetrical contoured lines. It keeps them guessing, she says, and interested yet not enough to be distracted from the conversation. The girl does not like a wide range of colors, but mostly sticks to blacks, whites, and shades of grays with a touch of red or burnt orange here and there.

And a beautiful one Aleksandra has indeed. She is nothing short of a perfect role model and upstanding person in society. Despite her fame and wealth, the girl is modest and humble. Hope and Kindness are a few things that she holds onto dearly and expresses them as much as she can. There is possibly no one person in Tokyo that is more compassionate than Aleksandra. Her heart easily goes out to all those that show any need. However, she does not always act upon this compassion nor the pity she can feel for someone. She knows just how easily someone's pride and dignity can be injured when offered unwanted help from a girl. Aleksandra is more than willing to aid them when it is asked and she will do whatever it is in her power to grant that aid.

Even if Aleksandra seems to be the most angelic girl on Earth, she does have her faults as does everyone. She resents herself, her choice of career, and her inability to stand up to her parents. There is no enjoyment whatsoever for the girl in modeling, or being a national celebrity. The faces she sees and meets every day cloud her mind, yet no names are ever learned or kept. They come and they go while Aleksandra yearns to create relationships with each and every person she meets along the path of living life. Guilt is another huge factor in Aleksandra's personality. She can easily be guilted into preforming tasks that she does not want to do at all. However, her kindness does not allow the girl to stand up for herself and take a stand for her beliefs. Too deeply conformity runs through her bones and Aleksandra rather run with the masses, not against them.

Childhood was very pleasant and not so pleasant for Aleksandra. There were moments during her childhood that she would play with the other children and exercise the vast imaginations they had together. But there were other times that she was being taught how to speak, sit, smile, and eat properly. While there was time for her to be the child that she was, there was also time for her to be the mature adult that she would one day be, so her adoptive parents believed. Aleksandra has never known her real parents nor has she ever researched them to see who they may have been. All the woman had ever known was her adoptive parents and still to this day Aleksandra adores them. There is much gratitude expressed when the girl speaks of them in conversation. She believes that the couple that had accepted her into their family were very kind, generous, and open-minded to the world. All in all the girl's childhood was seen as a blessing.

During her teenage years, Aleksandra did not go through the rebellious stage. The maturity that was being taught to her by her parents had already sunk in and taken hold of her mind. There was great emphasis placed on her studies by self discipline alone. There was never a time that she could remember where her parents had yelled at her to study or complete homework. Aleksandra graduated her private schools with more than flying colors. Her favorite class was art. It was the one place that Aleksandra truly felt that she could be herself for once without the restrictions of society. Art; painting, photography, sculpting. It had become her dream. Aleksandra wished for nothing more than to learn as much as she could and stretch the boundaries of what was considered beauty for all people. However, when the girl told her parents of this dream they quickly snubbed the teenager of that dream. They said it was illogical and not a way to make a living. She would be poor and be a beggar for the rest of her life. Aleksandra agreed to never speak of her love for art again.

Throughout school, Aleksandra was reserved and kind, yet well known and popular with her class peers. Her studies still reached the top of her class and Aleksandra adored expanding her mind. The young woman concentrated mostly in acting and drama classes due to the persuasion of her parents. What they didn't know was how Aleksandra slightly rebelled against them and took in art classes during her free time. No matter how many times the professor exclaimed that she had a beautiful eye and viewed the world in a way that he had never seen before, Aleksandra refused to attend his classes formally. To this day the professor still does not know why the girl rejected such a generous offer. Passing at the top of her class again and with more honors than had been seen in many years Aleksandra continued on into another chapter of her life only at the age of sixteen. Things so far have looked bright for the young girl, that was until ...

A Russian family was killed in
a car accident late Friday night
according to Tokyo Coroner
Itashi Genji. He says the car carrying
52-year-old Grigory Varushka and his
wife Elizaveta, 47, were struck head on by
a drunk driver. Emergency
crews had to remove the Varuska
family from their vehicle. No one survived.

So begins...

Aleksandra's Story