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Marcus Altius

'Did I say you could speak to me?'

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a character in “Gaol Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry”, originally authored by Cloud, as played by RolePlayGateway



Marcus Christian Altius



7th Year


Hornbeam, Dragon Heartstring Core, 13 Inches

A Vulture

A Persian Cat named Silk

Marcus doesn't just believe he's better than you, he knows he is. Raised in a pure-blooded household who valued their magical purity, Marcus has grown arrogant and proud. While he isn't openly hostile towards half-bloods or muggle borns, he does look down on them. In fact Marcus feels a general disdain for anyone who doesn't meet his high expectations. Not only does he expect those close to him to be of high birth (pureblooded), but he expects them to carry themselves with the dignity he thinks befitting to their position. Making spectacles of oneself is highly frowned upon by Marcus and the class clowns will frequently find themselves receiving a cold stare.

Marcus is not proud simply because of his lineage. Cunning and intelligent, he has found even the hardest topics at the school to be within his grasp. A skilled duellist and spell-caster, he has particularly shone throughout his years at Gaol at Defence Against the Dark Arts. He also has a passion for Care of Magical Creatures, no doubt due to his dream of working with Dragons. While naturally intelligent, Marcus is also extremely driven and determined. He plans on working with dragons after he finishes Goal and will put in the hard yards to get there. Of course, he could pull strings with his influential family, but there's only so much outside help that his pride will allow him to accept.

While Marcus acts cold and distant to anyone he isn't on friendly terms with, those who have made it into his inner circle are able to see the more social side of him. Around his friends he's more willing to relax, trading witty jokes or sharing Quidditch tips. His sense of humour is generally sarcastic and can be rather cutting if he doesn't soften it. But he has no time for anyone who would take offence so easily and those that do are rarely his friends in the first place. While 'bully' implies that he goes out of his way to interfere with others, he isn't against turning his sharp tongue on students who get in his way or displease him.

Gentle isn't a word usually used to describe Marc and he rarely lets others see that he can be more than proud and cold. But if you were to watch him in Care of Magical Creatures you would find yourself surprised. Around animals, magical or not, Marcus becomes gentle and kind, almost to the point where he appears to be a different person. Marc has always had a certain touch with animals that makes them relax.

Marcus was born to Miriam and Jonathan Altius, who both hailed from pure-blooded families. As the only child of the couple and as the eldest of his grandparents' grandchildren, Marcus received a lot of attention and instruction in how his family expected to behave. A prime example of how not to behave was the story of his father's sister who ran off with a muggle. Brought up to value his heritage, Marcus holds a lot of pride in his pure magical blood. He can trace his family back on both sides to famous witches and wizards throughout history.

As would be expected, Marcus grew up surrounded by magic. Muggle inventions were laughed at while magic was used in it's place. He never lacked for anything and would often accompany his parents on trips around the world. It was on one such trip that he saw his first dragon. A Chinese Hornback, the green and blue dragon was more impressive and beautiful than he had thought possible. Instantly captivated he decided then and there that he would work with dragons when he was older. While Dragonologist might not have been the most ideal of careers for their son (his parents had hoped for a minister official), Marcus was determined and was not likely to be swayed from his choice.

When an invitation to Gaol arrived, Marcus found himself excited and nervous. The school could offer him many opportunities. Like his family before him, Marcus was sorted into Ursus. He quickly gained a reputation as a talented wizard, shining particularly in duelling and magical creatures. When insulted or challenged he isn't shy about breaking school rules to put his opponent in their place, but he's always smart enough to stay out of trouble. His grades are generally outstanding and he has the talent and resources to do whatever career he desires. However, only one job has ever captured him and that is working with dragons. He loves the beasts and is willing to dedicate his life to their training and survival as a Dragonologist. He possesses a surprisingly gentle hand when handling animals and magical creatures. Anyone that sees him has often remarked that he is far kinder to animals than he is to people.

Duelling \\ Magic \\ Defence Against the Dark Arts
Flying \\ Dragons \\ Care of Magical Creatures
Sarcasm \\ Wit \\ Intelligence

Ignorance \\ Spiders \\ Being Insulted
Clowns \\ Idiots \\ Muggles

Password: Specialis Revelio

So begins...

Marcus Altius's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Hartzel Character Portrait: Guinevere Parrish Character Portrait: Marcus Altius
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#, as written by Cloud

Gwen didn't think anything could be as exciting as a new school year. You were able to see friends you hadn't seen since the end of school, there were new things to learn and a new year load of first years to start. Not to mention that delicious smell of fresh books. Gwen had made sure to purchase her books and the majority of her supplies as soon as she received the school list. That way she had been able to spend the remaining days before Gaol started reading through the texts and browsing what she was to learn this year. Of course, she still had some supplies to purchase, generally those that she would use in potions. That was way she was now making her way through the crowd of witches and wizards towards the potions shop. Of course, with a curiosity as strong as Gwen's the simple trip was proving longer than she had anticipated.

The bell above the door jingled as Gwen pushed it open, sliding into the dimly lit shop and letting the door swing shut behind her. The shop assistant glanced up from his desk, gave her a weak smile and then returned to his book. Gwen turned her gaze towards the shelves, pleased that the attendant wasn't the type to push his customers. The small shop was known as 'Perdix's Paraphernalia' and seemed to be filled with all sorts of items, ranging from used brooms and decades old books to balls of shining silver and cages filled with sleeping pixies. Gwen's eyes glittered as she gazed from one object to the next and she craned her neck back to gaze up at the top level of the floor to ceiling shelves. She picked up a compass and jumped slightly as the metal became quickly too hot to handle. She hastily replaced it on the shelf, next to a sculpture of a bird, possibly a partridge to be more specific. She glanced quickly at the attendant, but he hadn't seemed to notice her little moment of shock.

Once her curiosity was sated some twenty minutes later Gwen exited the shop, a little brown bag under her arm containing her purchase. She hadn't been able to go past the little metallic sculpture. It was about the size of her palm and made up of a variety of different coloured metals. It had been shaped into an otter, possibly Gwen's favourite animal and coincidentally she form of her Patronus. She brought the small item out of the bag and held it in her hand, bringing it up to her eye level to get a better look at it. She brought her want out and gave the metallic otter a tap on its head. Immediately the device came to life, it's tiny paws moving in the motion of swimming and propelling itself through the air. Guinevere assumed it was some sort of life-animation spell that made the object move as if it were alive when you tapped it. Or perhaps the metal had been dipped in a potion after it had been crafted into the miniature otter. However it had been made, Gwen found it fascinating and captivating. She wouldn't rest until she learnt how it worked and was able to build one herself. For that reason, as she watched the miniature otter 'swimming' around her head, she made a promise to seek out the library as soon as she was able and search for spells.


Marcus stood in a dark shop off the main street of Rhiamon Way, scanning the spines of the books lining the shelves. The shop catered to a more mature clientèle than the one run by the Madsen family, or so Marcus had always thought. It was much smaller than the other store, appearing to stock more specialised books and offered a book seeking service that Marcus found particularly useful. It was this service that he was now waiting on, the owner of the store having run out the back to search for the text that Marcus had come in seeking a week ago. While he waited he browsed the rest of the shop, noting items that struck him as particularly useful. Naturally, books that dealt with magical creatures were high on his list. "My man lost his eye brows getting this." The owner said, bringing out a large, leather bound book. Marcus moved forward to meet the elderly man at the counter, taking the book from him as he reached it. The edges were slightly singed, the pages delicate and the title itself was only just visible, 'The Encyclopaedia of Dragons.' .
"Not many of these in circulation nowadays." He added, tapping the cover with a long fingernail, "They stopped printing only seven years after it was first published and replaced it with a newer version. Course, the new version doesn't cover the all the uses Dragon hide has or..."
"Yes, thank you." Marcus cut the old man off before he could begin a lecture on the differences between the two volumes. Marcus was well aware of the deficiencies of the 'newer' version, of course 'newer' was a relative terms when the both books were over a century old. Marcus had read the current version several times and had found it extremely informative, however he had been curious to discover what had been omitted from the older version and so had sought it out. "The price we agreed on." Marcus added, handing over a rather large amount of gold coins. You couldn't put a price on knowledge and luckily for Marcus his family had plenty of wealth, enough for Marcus to generally afford anything he wanted.

With his purchase carefully tucked into his satchel, Marcus left the shop and made his way back towards the main street. He had bought all his supplies earlier and now was planning on finding a quiet place in the Gaol school ship to begin browsing through his new purchase. However, as he rounded onto Rhiamon Way he caught sight of a group of people standing in and around the bookstore. The only member of the group who he was anything close to fond of was Chloe, a fellow Ursus member. She appeared to be having an altercation with a number of other students. In fact as he moved closer she saw her fist fly towards Eric, hitting him in the face before pushing him aside and sprinting away. She didn't appear to notice Marcus as she passed him. Deciding to postpone his study of his new book, Marcus turned on his heel and made his way after Chloe. He didn't run, not thinking it would befit his status. When he reached Chloe it was to find her leaning against a stone wall, possibly regretting her brash decision.
"You've improved your punches since I last saw you." he remarked, casually leaning against the wall beside her. A rare smile flashed across his face as he brought up the image of the boy scout getting socked by Chloe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Hartzel Character Portrait: Professor Luke Mordecai Character Portrait: Marcus Altius Character Portrait: Zeke Barrow Character Portrait: Zane Barrow
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It is true enough when they say that there is no rest for the wicked. As for herself, she could not say that she even had a lick of sleep these past two nights. This was all fine, she was used to it. She usually just laid herself down in bed and shut her eyes because she assumed that it was what most people did, whether she was tired or not. Where most people needed sleep every night, Chloe found that as long as she made sure to recharge herself every now and then she could keep herself going for much longer.

But right now, in this moment, her eyes were lead weights. They flickered like a candlelight that was near extinguished, closing shut and then opening wide. She'd really never been more tired. The sad fact is, they were not even at Gaol yet, but really so many things had happened in the space of an hour. She was aware at this point that it was her fault the events had unfolded the way they had. Well, it was really the Lord's wrongdoings that put her in this position, but she had acted accordingly. Was there really a choice, Chloe?

"You've improved your punches since I last saw you."

She really knew that a remark like that could have only came from one person. Marcus Altius to be exact, and really one of the only people that she could class as a 'friend'. Sure, there were acquaintances that came and went by the day, but they were often false friends brought only by the notion that they could 'change her'. Fuck changing.

"Was that a smile, Marcus?" Chloe teased, letting one corner of her mouth perk up. She pushed her palms on to the ground and got up off of the wall. "But was there really that many people? God damn it..." She bit her lip, leaning against the wall once more.

Just as she did there was a familiar sound of an explosion- not one on a large scale, granted- and sniggering came afterwards. Obviously, it was those dreadful Barrow twins. With a look of disgust she muttered "How immature can you get?" before turning back to Marcus.



Truthfully, Luke was worried.

It was not exactly a good idea to leave exactly four hundred and ninety one animals on their own. One would be bad enough- imagine the complete mess of his room and the state of the self-crafted sketches that graced his walls. But four hundred and ninety one... you are basically asking for trouble to be laid in front of you. Not to mention these animals are not exactly those of sorts. They are beasts or creatures or whatever you want to call them. They are wild. Luke knew he could trust them on their own, though, but there was a twinge of worry running through his mind. What if. It was a simple enough question, but one that caused most to worry, as there is not definite answer.

Stop it Luke. You came here and you will stay here. It was your own decision. The only thing you should be worried about is the goofiness of your Hawaiian style board shorts. Really, though, nothing made him worry like the endangerment of his 'pets'. They were his pride and joy, his responsibility.

Elbows rested against the railing of the ship, he stared out on to the sea. He liked the sea. Knowing that when they left New York that all they would see for miles is the ocean comforted him in a strange way. He was glad he'd shoved on some sunglasses, though, as the sun was shining directly on to the ship and setting the water ablaze with light as navy waves crossed over each other in a battle for space.

Sighing in mild contentedness, he sat back on a sun-lounger and closed his eyes, slipping in to a light sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Hartzel Character Portrait: Marcus Altius
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#, as written by Cloud

Marcus and Chloe weren't what most people would consider friends, they didn't coddle each other with false words, they didn't share secrets or every little detail of their day, and yet for Marcus none of that mattered. He had long held a certain amount of respect for the girl. While she had a few... quirks and her general behaviour might have been somewhat louder than Marcus', he couldn't deny that he loved seeing her giving the 'do-gooders' hell. She didn't parade around trying to be someone she was not. He didn't have many friends. Acquantinces, sure, he had a few. Enemies, he had plenty, but friends were rare.

"Was that a smile, Marcus?" She teased before pushing herself onto her feet. Marcus shrugged, not about to deny to small show of emotion. Although his face seemed to usually be set to an emotionless default, smiles weren't rare when he actually found something amusing. "But was there really that many people? God damn it..." Chloe continued, before the sound of a small collection of explosives cut her off. Sniggering followed shortly after and Marcus could only assume it was some set of pranksters, starting off the year with a literal bang. He mentally went through the possibilities, coming up with too many faces without names. The likely culprits would have been the twins, although like many other students he didn't care for, he couldn't remember their names or even what house they were in. Whatever their names Marcus couldn't say that he was impressed. There was absolutely no need to make such a show of yourself in such a public place.

Chloe seemed to share his general disdain for the occurrence, as he caught her muttering darkly, "How immature can you get?" before turning back to face him.
"Gaol Academy is unfortunately littered with immature idiots." He replied, giving a slightly exasperated sigh, "At least now we only have one more year to suffer through their juvenile pranks." He was already looking forward to finishing Gaol. He assumed he would pass all his exams with exemplary grades, he held himself to a high standard and wouldn't be happy with anything else. Then, once he had graduated from Gaol, he could travel the world researching magical animals and chasing dragons. His fingers curled around the packaged book that he had just purchased, his eagerness to read it sparking as his mind drifted to his future career.

"There weren't too many people." Marcus said a moment later, responding to Chloe's earlier question that had been interrupted by the small explosion, "I just happened to be passing and caught the end of the argument."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Hartzel Character Portrait: Professor Luke Mordecai Character Portrait: Amelia "Mia" Ellison Character Portrait: Marcus Altius
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Friendship was barely a word in Chloe's vocabulary.

It was an underused, dusty word after being left in her childhood- back in the days where everyone was a friend, and when she was left with entirely her own thoughts. Overshadowed by cruel words, dwarfed by remarks of monotonous irritation. Her words were perpetually sharp, she noticed, and almost never did soft, kind words pass her lips. Truthfully, she was fine with this. The sugar-sweet words she heard others say to their friends left a sour taste in her mouth, almost opposite of what was intended. The sheer amount of lies these friends told one another was astounding, as well. White lies, they called them, because placing a colour next to a seemingly bad word obviously changes the whole context. The real reason people do not express their true feelings is usually not the fact that they want to protect the fragile feelings of their friends, but because they are afraid that their opinion may bring their friends to dislike them. It always about the well-being of the liar.

One could label Chloe and Marcus as friends, but she really did not like to think of it like that. Friends reminded her of a circle of people that whispered petty gossip and laughed obnoxiously together, whispering rumors while she passed. Friends reminded her of people that were being as fake as they could, desperately trying to fit in. Chloe and Marcus were not friends. There was really no word to describe the 'friendship' they had. Nothing seemed right.

"Gaol Academy is unfortunately littered with immature idiots." He responded, and Chloe gave a nod in acknowledgement. "At least now we only have one more year to suffer through their juvenile pranks."

Pranks. She hated the very word. They had never been a thing to interest the girl, and she usually took the crude things with a look of distaste. They merely created embarrassment. She'd been a victim of a few in her earlier years, but usually the perpetrators got what they deserved. She'd never really been pranked by the two so-called prank masters of Gaol- the twins.

Chloe had given thought to where she was going after this year. She'd actually decided on being an Auror. Her parents might disapprove, but it was one thing she really had her mind set on. She was acing defense against the dark arts, and even though the greatest dark wizard was in her mind- she believed she might overcome it. Just maybe. It was hard work becoming an Auror, but hard work she was preparing to endure.

"There weren't too many people. I just happened to be passing and caught the end of the argument." He then spoke moments after, responding to her earlier query.

"That's the first time I've seen that Eric kid since last year, and I've already punched him." She paused, "Either I'm getting more evil or he is getting more unbearably irritating."

Looking up at the sky, she observed that it had darkened considerably, and although she did not have a watch, Chloe guessed it was about time to head back on the the ship. "Well, looks about time to head back to the ship. Oh, joy."

Without realising, she had walked a couple steps with Marcus still behind her. "Well, are you coming? Or just planning to miss school this year."



"Hello Professor? It's a pleasure to see you supervising this year."

He awoke, pushing himself off of the sun lounger. It had most likely been half and hour he had slept for, but it was maybe a degree colder and the wind was picking up, biting at his skin. He looked rather garish in his board shorts and sunglasses, but he figured that he was bound to look silly wearing them. In other words, he didn't care. It was a familiar face that he was greeted with- Amelia Ellison, a bright student of sorts.

"Of course I am supervising- you know I take my job very seriously." He smiled warmly, but was slight sarcasm, as his getup was far from serious. "However, I fear my sunbathing session is over. It is getting rather cold, after all."

He stood up and faced the girl, "I will see you soon, most likely. If it is not around the ship it will be in class."

He took the sunglasses off his face and held them in his palm. "I must say goodbye for now though- I have some important errands to finish." And with that he was off in to the ship, deciding to enter his cabin for a while to plan for upcoming classes.