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Maxim McClarkson

"I am my own society- I refuse to allow people whom do not know me create my own reality."

0 · 857 views · located in University of Phoenix

a character in “Gay-Straight Alliance”, as played by a_lil_insane


"There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy."

The Basics

Maxim McClarkson



He is half Brazilian, a quarter Japanese and a quarter Portuguese.



The Looks


Face Claim:
Marlon Teixeira


168 lbs.

Hair Color:

Eye Color:
A mixture of hazel, brown and tints of blue.

General Appearance:
With brown, tousled hair that comes down in tendrils, Max has a messy, bed head types feel to him. It makes him seem as if he was had an air of apathetic to him. Toppled off with his usual, messy and crinkly clothes, his looks is pulled together with an old pair of blue jeans- other than that, Max doesnā€™t dress in any other way; unless he is feeling randomly festive, he will dress in a suit.
Although he weighs 168lbs, Max is somewhat lean and thin, his shoulders broadening and narrowing down to his small waist. Despite this, he is still wrapped in muscle. He is surprisingly hairless, minus the happy trail trailing down from his belly button and a small patch on his chest; other than that, he has little to no hair everywhere else.
Not afraid to sport a face filled with makeup, Max will often be seen messing in a womanā€™s makeup. He has a generally good face for makeup, with moderately high cheek bones and full lips with large, round eyes that are a coffee brown; his eyelashes are long, even without mascara so with it, it gives him the illusion of a more feminine guy- even though he is quite masculine looking.


The Looks


He is a very unique human being; his personality being somewhat silent but very strong. With a very ā€˜all-naturalā€™ quota, Max is often shameless. He takes everything he does naturally and is often naked doing it- yes, you read that right. Of course, due to the collegeā€™s rules and regulations, he is clothed throughout the day, but once he gets into his dorm, it is often difficult to get him to eve put on socks. Because of this and his good looks, people- both men and women- often knock on his door, knowing that he will be in the nude; thus, the number of students who havenā€™t seen his junk is within the single digits.

Of course, with his ā€˜freeā€™ personality, Max also takes sex and any type of relationship like so very relaxed; if you ask for it, he will provide. ā€˜Noā€™ just isnā€™t in his vocabulary. Along with this, Max cannot uphold a romantic relationship with anyone; he is often the one caught cheating. He will not reject you if you ask him to be his boyfriend, but it will be short-lasted as he will find someone else that caters to his own interest; despite this, he will never tire of the people he spends his time with. Max is very odd when it comes to everything; once he cares for you, he will not stop caring for you. Even if he cheats on you, he will not tire of you. Perhaps a polygamous relationship is much better for a person like him.

While Max is a somewhat good friend and lover, he is very unforgiving. He is very spiteful when it comes to the people he dislikes or those who have crossed him- and he is a man who goes by ā€˜first impressionsā€™. He can easily decide whether or not he likes you within the first thirty seconds of meeting you. If by any chance he dislikes you, donā€™t be surprised if he disagrees or tries to start problems with you within the next hour. To add onto this, Max is very honest- sometimes too honest- and will not stop himself from saying the truth when asked; this is included about himself. Though, he will often stay silent if he isnā€™t asked directly.

Thus, another point that is both, good and bad that Max has is how silent he is until he is asked. While he is decently silent about things and topics, Max will not keep a secret under any circumstances, but once more, this is only if a person asks him; he will never bring up a topic or secret if he isnā€™t asked to. Max is also very sly, always getting his nose into areas where is shouldnā€™t be in; though, he isnā€™t nosy- he just seems be in the situation where he finds out more than he should.

  • Being Naked.
  • Sex, with anyone.
  • Sweets.
  • Coffee.
  • Psychology.
  • The Color Green.

  • Clothes.
  • The Cold.
  • Meat.
  • Rainy Days.
  • Judgmental People.
  • Closed Minded People.




Major/Fields of Interest:
Financial Business and Language.

School Popularity:
Due to his looks, Max is very popular among both genders- mostly girls though. He is often referred to being a playboy, but the majority of the people he has had relationships with, are very good friends with him now.

What to Expect When Boarding With Him (or when knocking on his door):
Like stated before, Max is often naked- all the time; in fact, the only time when he isn't naked is when he has to go to class. Another thing to expect from him is when he brings home a partner, which he often does. He is oblivious to things such as decency and privacy, and if you confront him about it, his only answer would be, "Join in next time and you won't complain."
Other than that, he is a pretty easy going roommate and will do chores such as cleaning, cooking (although he isn't very good at it) and other things without much complaint.


So begins...

Maxim McClarkson's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fionna Robins Character Portrait: Maxim McClarkson Character Portrait: Kyle Sinclair Character Portrait: Peggy Duster Character Portrait: Lillian Greene Character Portrait: Henry (Ryan) Neviel
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Asher was only going to this meeting for his brother. At least, that's what he kept telling himself, and everyone in his classes, even whenever they didn't ask him about it. Considering how well his family had taken to his brother when he had announced his sexuality, he really had no reason to keep denying his own. Johnny probably knew, or at least he had hinted at it a few times in the past, but he wouldn't dare ask. Anyone who knew Asher would tell you- he won't admit something until he's ready to, no matter how much you question him on it.

He's just walked out of his last class when he runs into his brother, who's looking just about as nervous as Asher feels. It's his first year and he already loves college, but then again, so did Asher when he first got here. Now in year three, it's not half as thrilling, or even a quarter as easy. Johnny is wearing a relatively loose black and white button up, but one with the sleeves chopped off, and tight black jeans. "Hurting?" Asher asks the little bro as they start towards where the first GSA meeting is going to be held.

"Not extremely, no." Johnny falls into step with his older brother, his stomach turning upside-down and threatening to lose his lunch. The best part about college was he finally got to room with his own gender. the worst part was that meant when he went to bed at night and got up in the morning, he had to be careful to conceal the parts he wasn't supposed to have. For the first two weeks he hadn't taken off his bandage once, except to shower. Now he was just very, very careful getting ready in the morning. Though his sides still complained about those two weeks and, like today, sometimes he couldn't handle it. So loose shirt and loose wrap.

His brother, on the other hand, was wearing a white v-neck and baggy dark jeans, and he could only imagine the looks that Asher had gotten from all the girls in his classes. "I'm so nervous Ash... Thank you again for coming with me today." There was a fair amount of people already in the room when they walked in, but he guessed half of them were just there because they wanted to be the first to pass around the gossip, and that they wouldn't be back again. It wasn't long after that they started.

"Welcome to the first official GSA meeting! First things first, this is a safe place. No one is going to laugh at you here or bully you, name-calling is strictly forbidden and anyone found doing anything potentially harmful will be removed from the club." The group leaders went on to talk about what the club was about and activities they hoped to partake in throughout the year. A few kids slipped out the door when they realized they would have to actually sit and listen before they could do their snooping. Near the end, one of the female leaders stood and spoke. "If you know you're definitely going to join, there's a sheet in the back you can go sign your name on, or you can come talk to one of us. Otherwise, everyone help yourselves to the drinks and food in the back and feel free to get to know one another, mingle a little. Thank you all for coming today."

"That was... fun. In a boring way." Johnny hadn't expected the first meeting to be the most spectacular, fun thing, and he was absolutely correct about that. But it was very put-together, and he was positive he wanted to join the club now. He and Asher had grown up in a town that wasn't exactly close-minded... but they were all very wealthy people, and none of them liked imperfect things. Johnny was extremely imperfect, and different. That didn't go over well either. So it wasn't like they disliked people like them, but they definitely didn't make a club for them. "I'm gonna go get something from the back and sign the sheet, I'll meet up with you in a bit, yeah? I'll sign your name too!" He left without waiting for a reply from Asher, because he knew whatever he was going to say, it wasn't going to be positive- be it about signing him up for the club or about abandoning him.

Asher was going to kill his brother. He made him come to this meeting and as soon as it was over, he disappeared on him. Albeit he could still see Johnny, since he was right on the other side of the room getting cookies, but he had still left him! Asher was a popular guy on campus, and nothing was wrong with being an ally but he didn't want anyone making assumptions about him or spreading rumors. Almost everyone knew the third-year criminal psychology major, be it because of his looks, his charm, or his wit. Not far away he spotted his roommate, Kyle, and headed over towards him. They'd only been roommates for about a month, but he had already taken a liking to the kid. He, unlike Johnny, needed someone to have his back, and Asher was more than happy to. "Hey kid."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fionna Robins Character Portrait: Maxim McClarkson Character Portrait: Kyle Sinclair Character Portrait: Peggy Duster Character Portrait: Lillian Greene Character Portrait: Henry (Ryan) Neviel
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#, as written by dabbsy2
Peggy Duster strided confidently along the hallway, voluminous petticoats swaying and auburn wig bobbing precariously on her head. She had decided to come to the meeting only earlier that morning, as she was very reluctant to participate in organisations that make a big deal out of being gay. She found the door and entered, muttering a quick sorry for being late. Sitting down on a seat and adjusting her dress, she turned her attention to the group leader, "Welcome to the first official GSA meeting! First things first, this is a safe place,"

Peggy slipped into a train of dreamy thought, vaguely hearing the leader say they could sign up at the back and that there were snacks for those who stayed. Making a snap decision to join (the word snack swayed her choice a lot,) she shuffled to the back, extracting a pink biro pen from her bag and signing her name. She grabbed a handful of jelly lollies and stuffed them in her mouth, returning to her seat.

Sugary snacks were something Peggy found herself addicted to, favouring chocolate and pastries, she spent a lot of time dreaming up new melted chocolate treats and donut flavours, replacing regular meals with chocolate bars. Her weight was another thing she obsessed about, her binges on treats were often followed by wants to exercise, but Peggy was never one to do physical activity by choice. Some days she found herself feeling ill, some days she felt fine, and quite a few days she couldn't wake up properly, and needed to eat a large serving of fries from the local fast food place. Still, she lived a perfectly normal life, well, normal for a lolita.