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"We're all a little broken, sometimes."

0 · 143 views · located in New Babbage

a character in “Generation SOUL”, as played by Teetothejay13




{Designation: }

{N a m e : }


{U p t i m e/ yr / mo / dy: }


{M o d e l G e n d e r : }


{M i l i t a r y O c c u p a t i o n C o d e : }

IFDR-873 Combat Engineer Specialist

{F a c e C l a i m : }

Gronru || Alchemy Stars Online



M o d e l D e s i g n:

R5KRB0CJRR4Z, also known as Raz, is a small yet hardy model of a DOLL designed for in-field repairs and maintenance. After nearly 6 years of service and refusing many newer parts, Raz can be easily identified by the buildup of scuff marks and worn parts all over her body, most notably her different color hyperspectral sensor eyes that allow her to assess even the smallest damages outside the visible light spectrum. If closely observed, one can see the sensors adjusting as Raz examines a DOLL. Her frame is capable of lifting several hundred pounds, less than a typical operations DOLL but enough to manipulate the frame of any DOLL in need of repairs. Light armor plating is installed, mainly intended to shield against any dangers posed by the equipment used in maintenance. Raz comes outfitted with standard issue deployable solar panels for charging, and specialized thermal exhaust vents for cooling on the sides of the abdomen. These vents appear like gills, and allow air or water to flow inside and cool the core when using high power equipment that generates lots of heat. On her back, ports for auxiliary power packs and fluid tanks allow for a wide array of mobile repairs without needing to bring the DOLL back to base. Raz’s arms and fingers however are the most detailed part of her frame. Her fingers are equipped with a high-strength Titanium alloy suture kit, one of the few parts that Raz allows frequent replacements for. This suture kit is meant for stitching up the silicone skin on most models after repairs to the frame. In the left arm, a wide array of tools are installed for repairs, and the right arm supports a portable welding attachment.

To the average passerby, Raz appears like a young woman in their early 20’s, with short choppy hair framing her pale face. She sports one red eye and one yellow eye, designed for functionality first and appearance second. Her skin is easily identifiable as synthetic, given the scrapes and cuts that reveal her metal frame below. Standing at a measly 5’3” and not specifically designed to be attractive, it is easy for Raz to go unnoticed among other DOLL models that tower above her. Choosing to forgo any protective clothing, she wears the outfit first provided to her by her commander, topped by a short brimmed hat and punctuated by a flashy pin given to her several years ago. This outfit is what passes as a sentimental item of theirs, often being chosen over other clothing offered to Raz.

"We’re all a little broken sometimes."


P e r s o n a l i t y Q u i r k s:

Raz is an odd fellow, even by normal DOLL standards. Having been designed for DOLL maintenance and repair, she is constantly in motion both at work and in their pod. It is rare to see her sitting still, and even rarer to see her without headphones. In the battlefield, Raz constantly had someone in her ear giving her updates about incoming DOLLS in need of repair, shipments of parts, and the like. Now, she listens to music to fill the void left by the sounds of war.

Many have questioned her run-down appearance, asking why Raz wouldn’t just have herself repaired first before continuing to repair DOLLS. Raz chooses not to prioritize herself for repairs as a result of years repairing others. She has seen countless DOLLS that could have been saved if they had access to specific replacement parts. With the ever-changing flow of war making parts shipments less than reliable, there were often shortages of these life-saving parts. Raz decided to not “cut the line” so to speak, which evolved into a hard-to-shake habit of procrastinating any repairs of her own until it was unavoidable.

Raz also has a habit of staring at other DOLLS. Years in the field repairing DOLLS has made her begin to automatically do a surface level examination of every DOLL she comes across. When on duty, she would begin fretting over the DOLL’s frame, reaching to repair any minor scratch or fault. Ever since the war ended, Raz has done her best to curb this habit, as many DOLLs out an about don’t want to be repaired in the middle of the sidewalk. Despite these efforts, Raz will still occasionally mumble to herself about diagnostics and damage reports.

▶T h e m e S o n g : The Art of War // Chipzel


So begins...

Raz's Story


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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Raz’s internal alarm went off, signaling the end of her shift in one of the many repair bays that made up the DOLL maintenance facility she worked in. She had been reassigned to this facility along with many other combat engineers as soon as the war ended, with orders to work in shifts repairing the massive influx of DOLLs. All units were being retrieved, many of which needed extensive repairs.

Finishing the reattachment of the muscle cables in her current patient, she wiped herself down with some machine shop towels, taking care to meticulously clean her delicate suture equipment before retracting it back into her hands. Opening up recording software, she began the last step in her shift finishing routine, detailing what repairs had been completed on the DOLL as well as which ones still needed to be done. After ending the recording and sending it off, Raz let out a long sigh.

Wow, you sound like you need a recharge,” A lighthearted voice spoke behind her. Turning around she saw a familiar repair DOLL, seeming to have just finished their shift as well. At a glance, he seemed to be sporting some new scratches on his silicone skin, and she could see one of his hyperspectral sensors twitching again. He would need to have it replaced soon. Standing, she joined him in walking towards the front door.

Those muscle cables are always a bitch and a half to string back together, and I had four DOLLs today with extensive damage to several muscle groups. My suture kit is aching from it.

Hey, just be glad it isn’t reattaching a limb altogether, I had a DOLL with both her legs blown off. I spent over an hour figuring out which bits were her and which were just shrapnel. Ended up just detaching what was left of her thighs at her hip and giving her new legs.” The male DOLL grimaced at the thought of the mangled metal.

Isn’t that your fourth and fifth complete limb replacement this week? The floor manager isn’t gonna be happy with you using so many parts.” Raz remarked. With the sudden influx of DOLLs in need of repair, parts were often rationed or restricted in some way to make the supply last until the next shipment came. Similarly, they were encouraged to prioritize leaving DOLLs in a “good enough” state rather than making them near mint condition.

The male DOLL shrugged. “Yeah, well they can kiss my metal ass. What am I supposed to do, leave her without legs? Nobody is going to hire a DOLL that isn’t useful, assuming they hire a DOLL at all.” While DOLLs were available to the general workforce now, there was an overall distrust amongst humans. Raz hadn’t heard of many DOLLs being hired by humans outside of private security or manual labor. “Well, do you have any plans tonight? I was thinking of checking out one of those DOLL friendly parks, letting my back panels soak up some sun. You could come with if you want.

I’ll pass, thanks.” Raz said with a shrug. “They recommended we decorate our pods to our liking, and I haven’t done that yet. Have you?

Kind of. I don’t really know what to decorate with. I mean, it’s not like decorating is part of our base programming. I’ve just been looking up human decor examples and imitating those.

Raz nodded in agreement. She too had been struggling to think of how she wanted her pod to look. It wasn’t overly big, perhaps the size of a large human bedroom. Still, she felt like it would do her good to make it a bit more welcoming.

Isn’t there a store with that kind of stuff around here? I remember the orientation mentioning a few locations.” The two had exited the building, leaving Raz to look around at the surrounding cityscape.

Yeah, it’s down a couple blocks that way.” The male DOLL pointed down the street to their left. “Well, if you’re not joining me then I’ll see you around.” The DOLL waved goodbye and walked away towards his pod building, while Raz headed in the direction he had pointed. She hadn’t done any research on home decor, but she’d figure it out when she saw what the store had.

How hard could interior design be?