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Estrella Nubelle

"It looks like rain today."

0 · 331 views · located in Sentinel Island

a character in “Genesis: A Dystopian Opera”, as played by Mrs. Nesbit


"I know what will happen, but that doesn't mean I can stop it from happening."


Name: Estrella Nubelle - [es-tray-uh] [new-bell]

Nickname: Miss Star

Alias: Miss Star is the name used for her fortune teller tent

Citizenship: American mutt-nationality

Identity: A human woman working at the amusement park


Race: Homo-superior

Visual Age: early twenties

Factual Age: mid twenties

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Theme Song:
click picture for playlist


Hair: Estrella's hair is straight and silvery white, she wears it in an array of spunky up-dos that pass popularity with time. Her hair reaches slightly past her shoulders at it's longest point.

Eyes: Her bambi eyes are a honeyed color that brightly contrasts her hair and skin.

Build: Estrella has a womanly hourglass figure with generous curves in the hips and chest.

Skin Tone: She is Caucasian, but tends to look more pale or dark depending on the lighting because of her hair color.

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 120 lbs

Voice: 0:30 l A nice voice that could sing a peaceful lullaby

Handed: right

Body Markings:

Scar Tissue: none

Unique Body Features: Estrella's hair and eyes are natural, but if she is asked by a homosapien she of course would say that these are surgical modifications.

Body Modifications:


- Estrella has an eye for vintage things, she thinks things of the past have a certain significance. It goes so far as to call her a collector of sorts, and a step into her tent or living space will have you convinced you are in the past almost. She also enjoys sort of making things out of these objects of the past, for instance she has a chandelier made up of CDs that she stringed together, they put on a wonderful light show at dawn when the light hits them just right. Even her crystal ball for work is retro, apparently it is a prop that the amusement park has had for over 100 years. She has a healthy respect for history in general.

- Estrella loves to read, and has thousands of books downloaded onto her reading pad and hopes to go through all of them, it is doubted she can though. As for actual books, she has a few famous ones like Pride and Prejudice and Sherlock Holmes that she keeps for her retro collection.

- A boyfriend (or masculine girlfriend) is something Estrella always seems to need and have, both to feel safe and for company in general since she has lived alone for quite some time. She may seem innocent and gullible but in reality she has a rather healthy desire for human contact, although her desires include a tender kiss on the cheek or simply holding her hand more than they include sex. Sex does seem to be what most partners desire however, and she is ok with that. In correspondence to the above, she finds her 'type' to be masculine and confident in whatever gender they so happen to be.

- Estrella is a good liar, she has had to be in order to hide her abilities.

- Since Estrella can see into the near future when it concerns her fairly easily, she is often one step ahead of things, like carrying an umbrella when it is sunny, she knows later their will be rain. Or perhaps breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend before they break up with her, because of this she has never been dumped and is rarely caught off guard on anything. Estrella is unusually calm and unsurprised day to day because she knows what is going on.

- She has an adept ability to mediate and negotiate, that is to say she has excellent people skills.

- Puzzles are Estrella's thing, you'll find nobody better or faster at putting together patterns and jumbled events.


Estrella desires to change the way things are for mutants, but sees no way to achieve this. She wishes she were strong enough to do something about the injustice her fellow mutants face, but she just isn't. Her physical abilities are below average, but she remains determined. And of course she desires to have a family, something she has lacked for quite some time.

Opinion: She believes that so far there are wrongs on both side of the fence when it comes to mutants and the resistance, but they have been driven to it. Besides, humans are kidding themselves if they truly want to depend on sentinels. She believes that they need a clean slate of some sort, to live in harmony.

Goal: To live a life worth living.

Fear: She fears that acting on her visions will only make things worse. Estrella also fears things like physical overpowerment and being caught and killed by sentinels.

  • Taking walks
  • Vanilla
  • Cloudy days and rain, the sun annoys her
  • Children
  • Movies (Horror movies especially)
  • Cuddling

  • Being hungry
  • Shallow and boring people
  • Being dirty
  • Being lonely
  • Idiots

Estrella's creativity and intelligence are probably her strong points, that and her ability to easily integrate with people she has just met.

Estrella is a below average person when it comes to all things physical, and her body is not tough. She is also easy, like easy.

Personality Description:
Estrella is a curious woman; she seems like a child sometimes, blindly optimistic and yet filled with wisdom and careful thought, yet she seems to make mistakes in life. And you know what? She cherishes those mistakes. Estrella is no on the spot actor, she thinks carefully and spends much time staring at nothing and pondering, and when she acts she fully believes she is making a choice that she needs to. So while you might think it is a mistake for her to wake up in the bed of a man she only just met, she thinks it was ok. After all men do it constantly, why can’t women do it too? She needs human contact as much as the next person, so you can take your prejudice and shove it where the sun don’t shine. These β€˜mistakes’ are acts that only others see as mistakes in other words. You can imagine that with logic like this, Estrella is not a very judgmental person, and in truth she isn’t, she is liberal minded and very open, even the lowest of person has the benefit of making their case in her mind.

Estrella is the kind of person that can still smile even when she doesn’t feel like doing so, if only to hope that her smile will give way to a real one soon enough. She is often comparable to a wizard, as she is never too early or late, but rather right on time. And time in this case is very important, because she can see into the future, and the future is not as absolute as you might think. Her visions can change multiple times, and thankfully she has mastered being able to juggle them and put them in order. Admittedly when she was young she had an absorbent amount of trouble with her visions, she would feel overwhelmed sometimes, but over the days past puberty she gained a lot of control and ease with her power. Her mind is at peace, and it is not uncommon for her to go a whole day knowing what was going to happen. Rarely does she get vision more than 24 hours ahead of time, only when something really terrible is going to happen, or she is triggered by something that she gets a vision that is further into the future. Once she was almost caught and thrown into a ghetto for mutants, but thankfully her visions allowed her to escape the ordeal.

When it comes to her job at the amusement park Estrella often has to lie to her clients so as not to appear too adept at being actually psychic. So often times she will tell them something minor that she foresaw about them, or seem to already expect them and know what sort of drink or snack they so wish to have, and then feed them information that they want to hear as entertainment, whether it is true that their crush truly loves them or not.


Rating System
[Perfect] - [Excellent] - [Good] - [Above Average] - [Average] - [Below Average] - [Poor] - [Very Poor]

Power Source
Good Mutant Genes: Estrella's mutant genes allow her brain to generate erratic amounts of psionic energy. Since these bursts are so powerful they give her visions of the future, however since they are so uncontrollable she both no control over these visions and no control of this psionic energy to be used for other purposes such as telepathy or telekinesis, which would be the normal application. So the high rating is for the power, and the non-perfect rating is because that power is too raw.

Combat Prowess
Poor Hand-to-Hand Combat: Estrella gets a few points for maybe trying, but she just isn't effective.

Poor Melee Combat: Again, she would generally know how to take a swing with an object, but probably fail miserably with it.

Very Poor Armed Combat: Oh my god she throws like a little pansy. I give this a very poor because her aim would do more harm than good, she'd likely hit someone on her own side by accident when aiming a gun at an enemy.

Mutant Powers
Perfect Precognition: Estrella has the ability to see into the future through visions that come to her. Mostly these visions are from the near future of no more than 24 hours, and usually they have to do with her. It is not uncommon to get multiple visions in a day, as it is also not uncommon for her to have no visions for a day, it really depends. She can see into another person's near future if she comes into contact with them for about thirty seconds, the longer she has known someone the easier these visions come. For instance she has had a vision about her boss on a couple of occasions when he is simply in the room, and she has known him for almost _ years. As for seeing further into the future, it is something she does not really control and is either something very important or her power has been triggered in some way to show her an event further into the future.

Excellent Puzzles: Where it may take someone an hour to put something together it would take Estrella thirty minutes. Both literally with puzzles and figuratively.

Perfect Taste in Music: She dabbles in all genres, and can give theme music to just about any situation. She'll go through phases were she favors a certain genre, like techno one week, and next a whole month of classical. And ok, this might be objective, but deal with it ok, no one's gonna tell her otherwise on her taste in music.

Poor Drawing: She draws down the big visions, and granted she could probably get the point across if she were to explain her drawings, but she really is terrible at it. It's quite laughable.

Below Average Cooking: Don't eat her cooking, just don't.


Rating System
[Perfect] - [Excellent] - [Good] - [Above Average] - [Average] - [Below Average] - [Poor] - [Very Poor]

Good Will: She doesn't rely on information told to her, but rather finds things out for herself, and she is very adamant on locating the truth and forming her own opinions. She is however rather easy to pick up as a companion.

Above Average Leadership: Given a dire situation Estrella would most likely be able to pull people together in order to get to safety, but really she doesn't have that great of an authoritative voice, and she is too kind to criticize.

Excellent Tact: She is a people person and she works in human services so not only does she have a knack for it, she also has plenty of practice.

Good Courage: So far Estrella has been able to avoid too much danger, and she avoids it too much to rate this at excellent. However it is to be noted that although she is scared she is very willing to face fears for the greater good. Also things like horror movies she actually likes, so she's ok with a lot more than you'd think.

Below Average Bloodthirst: Well she loves horror movies, but blood in real life would make her very concerned. She's no fighter, and so bloodthirst and desire for combat don't really exist for her.

Excellent Humanity: If she were to have a vision of a fellow tenant being taken away by authorities under suspicion of being a mutant she would warn them and cover for them. If a child were lost in a crowd she'd approach that child and help them look for their mother. If she sees a homeless person she might buy a snack for them. Estrella's compassion extends farther than most.

Below Average Wealth: She isn't paid very much, but her tips make ends meet. Not to mention usually she boyfriend/girlfriends tend to be well off Hackers or something of the sort, and they treat her nicely.


Attribute Scale

INTELLIGENCE: β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ :9/10

STRENGTH: β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ :2/10

SPEED: β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ :3/10

DURABILITY: β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ :3/10

ENERGY PROJECTION: β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ :0/10

FIGHTING SKILLS: β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ :1/10


Estrella wears clothes, perhaps a bit more retro than the latest fashion but nothing that would stand up in a fight. Her fashion sense is rather girlish with plenty of accessories that don't necessarily match. Often her white dresses in her closet are actually mood clothes, fabric that changes color based on her mood. But again, nothing that is going to stand up in a fight for durability.


Primary Weapon
Weapon Name: TaZer

Weapon Type: Non-lethal Incapacitator

Ammo: Shock Darts

Clip Size: 6 darts

Spare Ammo: another back-up clip

Attachment 1: target lock that aims for her

Weapon Description/Info: A defensive weapon that is only slightly larger than her hand, very easy to use and effective for self defense. This was a gift from one of her old flames.

Secondary Weapon
Weapon Name: Creep Stick

Weapon Type: Looks like a metal bat

Material: metal with rubber grip

Length: two feet

Weight: about four pounds

Weapon Description/Info: The creep stick is an advertised self defense weapon also bought for her, it sends an electric volt of staggering electricity with a swing in case of robbers, she keeps it by her bed.


Technological Devices
  • Biological Resume with fake information, she registers as human on it, courtesy of Hacker boyfriend
  • DCD
  • Phone that surfs the web and whatnot.
  • Computer at home
  • eaR mUsic - a set of headphones that are basically like an Ipod
  • TV
  • And regular home appliances

  • Carries TaZer in DCD


Mutant Rank:

Rogue at the moment

Marital Status
Boyfriend in the 404's

Mother and Father in Morlock colonies
(she is not aware of them, and they believe her to be dead)

Morlock Colonies

Group Affiliation
Soon to be MA

Fortune teller at the Amusement park located in New York

Her TAG says she got a high school education, but she did not, she was taught all she knows by her parents.



Morlock Beginnings
Estrella's mother and father are Morlocks, very well off Morlocks. When she was born and growing up Estrella did not show any mutant capabilities that her parents could decipher, and until she hit puberty they were starting to get a bit worried. But at the start of puberty Estrella's mind suffered an increase in visions from the little dreams she used to have as a child that she thought were normal. These many little visions she had while awake, they gave her headaches and were not very linear. She was already a sickly child as it were and so her parents were very protective and often bribed healer mutants to help Estrella. As she got older she gained control and function over her visions and she was able to fend for herself.

Trophy Wife
Estrella's capabilities were seen as something to be coveted, and in the Morlock community mutants could often battle for the hand of another mutant for mate rights. She had no interest in marriage to anyone at the age of eighteen and so her father or mother gladly met challengers and defeated them. Until Estrella had a vision of one battle were her father would lose and die in the process. Estrella told her parents of this and it was decided that she would exit the Morlock colonies, she could have decided to exit into the streets as a normal girl set up with a job via her parent's connections, but instead she chose to exit the Morlock colonies into the Lost Ones gang, who would later identify as Mutant Anarchy.

Mutant Anarchy
In the Lost Ones group Estrella meets friends and develops a crush on good friend Kaen. The two go in circles around each-other to the point where the group becomes frustrated and tries to set them up. (aw how cute) But this relationship is short lived, during a recon mission they are attacked by a sentinels and they have to scatter. Estrella's hovercar is take by one of the teammates and they ended up riding off without her, only to be crushed in the process, making it appear like she must have been killed to Kaen and other teammates. Estrella does manage to acquire a dead teammate's Jet-cycle and make it to safety. Unfortunately Estrella is not a great driver, and ends up crashing, she survives but with a good deal of amnesia, her fake TAG the only thing to identify her to doctors. She is identified as Estrella Nubelle, normal human.

New Life
Estrella readily believes her visions to be normal, but when they are proven to not be she keeps them a secret, having to re-learn society's rules and finding a job at an amusement park as a fake psychic. Estrella has made no attempt to find relatives or family, simply because her TAG says she does not have any that are living. It has been quite lonely, and as a result of this loneliness she believes her mind must be playing tricks on her. She has dreams of underground tunnels and a man, a man she frustratingly attempts to draw, but his features she can never pinpoint, and her drawing sucks, a child could probably do better. None the less, she still tries, keeping this sketchbook hidden away under her bed.

So begins...

Estrella Nubelle's Story