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Kendall Murphy

Cheerleader 2

0 · 973 views · located in Newberry

a character in “Glee Club”, as played by LoveTheLight


Name: Kendall Murphy
Age: 16
Stereotype: Dumb blonde
Personality: Kendall may not be the smartest person ever, but what she lacks in smarts, she makes up for in personality. She acts sort of like Cat Valentine from the kids show, Victorious, if you've ever seen it. She is bubbly, fun-loving, and sometimes a bit over energetic. A couple of Kendall's flaws are that she isn't very smart, she is too gullible, and she can freeze up around strangers.
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Image

Kendall also hair robin egg blue eyes, and a tattoo of a heart on her wrist. Every morning, she fishtail braids her hair.


-Braiding Hair
-Bright Red Lipstick
-Pop Music
-The Colors Pink and Teal

Dislikes: at least 3

-Heavy Metal
-The Color Black

Background: Kendall grew up in the most stereotypical family ever. She has an older brother named Cole, a mom, a dad, and even a pet Yorkie named Trouble. Her family treated her right, and she grew up loved.

Misc: I am a Gleek :)

So begins...

Kendall Murphy's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Jessi Jones Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy
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Brianna had made it to her locker no problem seeing as it was her same locker from last year. She took the small mirror out of her bag and placed it on the inside of the locker door returning it to its proper place. With it being the first day and all Brianna hadn't really put anything school related in her bag, she had a couple of pieces of loose leaf paper and a pen in her bag and that was all she had when it came to school. She took her makeup bag out of her bookbag and gave herself a quick touch up, she wasn't really big on makeup as she liked to strive for the natural look. Once she was done the bell rang signaling the start of first period she closed her locker and proceeded down the hall only to bump into Airedeia who was hooked to Jessie. "C'mon Bri first period with Mr. Russel!" she hadn't had a chance to say anything before Aire had grabbed her hand and dragged her along with her.

Walking into Mr.Russel's classroom she smiled at him "Morning Mr.Russel. Ready for the new year?" she asked taking a seat next to Aire. She pulled out one of the sheets of looseleaf in case Mr.Russel had them write down something as she looked down at her desk she saw a piece of paper on it "Party at Jessi's this weekend. Pass it down" Aire said the last part in a whisper. Brianna wasn't surprised that Jessi was throwing a party it was what the girl was known for, Brianna nodded and passed the note down to the person next to her. She looked up as she heard the teacher's voice "Alright guys so we have a new student this year this is Sonny Miller and I expect you treat her with kindness and respect" Brianna eyed the girl looking her up and down she had a nice frame but her wardrobe killed her whole appearance."Oh don't worry Mr. Russel Jessi and I are got her settled in and yes some of us signed up for the glee club" Brianna shot a glance at Aire "You did what! I can't believe it Airedeia Taylor is gonna be singing it up with nerds" she gave a slight giggle at the end of her sentence "Wow". She sighed looking around "Where the hell is Kendall?" she asked thinking aloud as she noticed her missing squad member.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Jessi Jones Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy
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Brianna watched as the new girl fled from the classroom she didn't know what the hell had gotten to her but what ever it was it sent her away in a hurry "Come on guys Mr.R just said to be nice to the new chick and you guys send her away practically in tears. Not nice. Not nice at all" Brianna said sarcastically reprimanding the class. If she had actually know that girl personally she would have followed after her to make sure she was okay or actually got on the class, but the fact of the matter was she didn't know her and this was high school and if that girl couldn't make it through first period on the first day of school she was so not making it through the rest high school. Brianna turned her attention to Aire as she started up "How many times have I told you not to use Airedeia....its Aire....and I only signed up because Jessi is signed up...and also Blue signed up, his sister too, so it wont be all nerds. Maybe you should join and we could get Kendall to join too if she ever decides to show up to school. Maybe we could take it over. Oh and Coach is so not going to be happy with Kendall being late on the first day.." Brianna gave a light chuckle when Aire said she had signed up because of Jessi that so wasn't surprising. Aire did everything Jessi did and at times Brianna had made a joke or two about how joint to hip the two were. It wouldn't surprise Brianna one bit if the next thing you knew Jessi and Aire were announcing how their going co captains on the squad giving if Jessi even made the cut. "Okay well then Aire getting one or two popular kids to join something that is totally lame doesn't make cool. And as far as coach being pissed about Kendall lateness just wait till she hears about you joining choir practice. She'll probably have a heart attack ... or even better maybe her head will explode" Brianna said taking out her phone. She sent Kendell a quick text asking her where she was then putting her phone away she turned her attention back to Aire "I'll tell you what if you can convince Kendell to join Mr.Russel's glee club" she paused for a moment thinking it over "Then I guess I'll join up too" she said not really wanting to join but she was the type who always liked a good challenged and turning that glee club from drool to cool was going to be quite the challenge.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy
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"Shit," Kendall muttered, racing through the halls "Late, late, late," She still hadn't really shook her habit of going to bed late and sleeping in, and it was costing her detention for being late 3 weeks in a row. It probably also didn't help that she had taken an hour to braid her hair, and pick out a perfect outfit. The outfit was a light pink tank top, matching pink flats, a short, white ruffle skirt, and a white bow at the end of her braid. She ran to her locker, shoved her tote bag inside, not bothering to unpack her locker accessories, and checked her phone. '1 missed message from Brianna'  

Brianna: Where r u? Coach gonna b pissed! 

Kendall typed back her answer pretty quickly, her French manicured nails tapping against the keys. 

Kendall: L8 again, i earned detention 4 2morrow.  Where r u!?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Jessi Jones Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy
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((just so you know Aire is one of the head cheerleaders...head cheerleaders are Aire, Brianna and Kendall))

Aire looked down to get a new pencil because hers broke but then seeing a piece of paper on the floor she picked it up and read it, wow this is some rude shit she thought to herself guessing Sonny dropped it. She sighed, Jessi and herself will make sure Sonny will be okay...after class. She pulled out her phone and texted Bri, Jessi, and Kendall " house...we are going to remake the new girl."

She then put her phone away, looking to Bri when she started talking to her "Okay well then Aire getting one or two popular kids to join something that is totally lame doesn't make cool. And as far as coach being pissed about Kendall lateness just wait till she hears about you joining choir practice. She'll probably have a heart attack ... or even better maybe her head will explode"she laughed "Well Coach loves me, so she will just have to deal, I ain't letting Jessi go in there alone" she replied then heard Bri say "I'll tell you what if you can convince Kendell to join Mr.Russel's glee club then I guess I'll join up too". She smirked, this is not going to be too hard, she has heard Kendall sing and knew she liked to "you got your self a deal Brianna Newman" she said with a laugh then looked to Jessi giving her a small smile then back to the front of the class. Somtimes being Queen Bee was hard but she also liked it and it took her awhile to get to this spot, but she deserved it she thought, leaning back in her chair she started humming to herself to a song in her head.

Song-Somebody to Love


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy
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Brianna could hear a low vibration coming from inside her bag she pulled out her phone seeing Kendall had replied to her text. Opening the message she read the text over sighing lowly to herself leave it up to Kendall to get detention on the first day of school she thought to herself before shooting a quick reply "English were u should b. Hurry up and get here." She was about to put her phone away when she got a pop up saying she had gotten another text this one being from Aire " house...we are going to remake the new girl." Brianna glanced over at Aire "One of your new projects? Well lucky for you I love turning ugly duckings into swans" she said putting her phone back in her bag. "Well Coach loves me, so she will just have to deal, I ain't letting Jessi go in there alone" Brianna laughed "Honestly I don't think coach is even capable of feeling that emotion but I will say you are defiantly her favorite." Brianna looked around the class talk of Jessi's party was buzzing around the room and she knew by the end of the day the whole school would know about it. "You got your self a deal Brianna Newman" Brianna looked over at Aire and smiled "Oh honey how many times do I have to tell you its not Brianna its Bri" she said sarcastically mocking Aire from earlier. She didn't doubt that Aire could get Kendall to join the glee club and knowing this she was just happy that the three most popular girls in school would be together to take on the impossible mission of making this glee could something worth hearing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy
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Aire couldn't help but laugh, Bri and her always had a different sort of friendship then Jessi and herself, or Kendall and herself. She remembered when she first met Bri in 4th grade, they both had sort of the same attitude and both wanting to be Queen Bee. She hated Bri in the beginning but soon they both came to an understanding that there could be two top Queen Bees and ever since that they have been close. She looked to Bri when she said "One of your new projects? Well lucky for you I love turning ugly duckings into swans" and she nodded "yeah Dad wanted me to get to know her and such....and she needs help with clothing I bring anything you don't wear tonight...we can have our first girls night of the year." She did notice Bri got a text before the one she sent the girl "hear from Kendall yet?" She laughed at Bri when she said "Oh honey how many times do I have to tell you its Brianna its Bri" she just shook her head "your just too much Bri...its what I love about you".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy Character Portrait: James Russell
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"Your just too much Bri...its what I love about you". Brianna laughed "Yeah that among all the other little things,but don't worry the love you feel for me isn't one sided thing. I mean I've known you since the 4th grade if I didn't love you why else would I have put up with you for all these years" she said jokingly. "Really guys not even ten minutes into class and you made the new girl cry. Seriously not cool I'll be right back I'm going to go make sure she's okay" Brianna shrugged at Mr.Russel's words "I tried to tell them Mr.R. People are just so mean nowadays its really sad when you think about it" she said as Mr.Russel left the classroom. While Mr.Russel dealt with the teenage drama outside the classroom Brianna turned her focus back to Aire"Yeah dad wanted me to get to know her and such....and she needs help with clothing I bring anything you don't wear tonight...we can have our first girls night of the year." Brianna nodded "Well it is a fact that the girl defiantly needs some help when it comes to knowing the fashion do's and don'ts because her whole outfit just screams don't. Besides I was going to give away some clothes I don't wear anymore to charity or two anyways so I guess giving them to this girl is just cutting out the middle man." Brianna looked over at the door as Mr.Russel and Sonny re-entered the classroom Sonny taking a seat on the other side of Aire. "Hear from Kendall yet?" Aire said getting Brianna's attention back she nodded "Yeah. Our wonderful blonde is late as usual and she has just informed me that she will be having detention tomorrow. Leave it up to Kendall to get detention the first day to school."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Jessi Jones Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy Character Portrait: James Russell
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Aire looked up to Mr. Russel when he said "Really guys not even ten minutes into class and you made the new girl cry. Seriously not cool I'll be right back I'm going to go make sure she's okay" she then sighed looking to everyone that wasn't in her clique, when Mr. Russel left"really you guys are assholes..and if I find out who wrote this note...or if I find out if anyone messes with her again then we are going to have issues Sonny is a friend of mine and I don't want to see this happen again." she watched as many of the kids nodded their heads, everyone knew not to mess with her and her group of friends, it just didnt end well.

Aire nodded when Bri said "Well it is a fact that the girl defiantly needs some help when it comes to knowing the fashion do's and don'ts because her whole outfit just screams don't. Besides I was going to give away some clothes I don't wear anymore to charity or two anyways so I guess giving them to this girl is just cutting out the middle man.""Yeah it will be nice, and oh and guess what! My parents said I could have the loft over the garage, they said I was old enough and that I have earned it. So we can also figure out how to decorate it, my Dad cleaned it out last week." she smiled then sorta laughed when Bri said "Yeah. Our wonderful blonde is late as usual and she has just informed me that she will be having detention tomorrow. Leave it up to Kendall to get detention the first day to school."Aire shook her head "Only Kendall" she said before looking back to Mr. Russel.

She saw Sonny come sit down beside her and she wrote on a note "girls night at my place tonight your invited" she added her number and address and placed it on Sonny's desk and smiled to the girl. Then as Mr.Russel said "alright class sorry for the interruption to answer your question Jessi no auditions are tommorrow after school.""Well good thing cheer try outs are at 6pm, we can go to glee auditions then go to cheer" she smiled as she looked to Jessi and Bri.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy
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(God, I can't think of anything to write... Sorry) 

Kendall busted her way into the classroom, getting a few stares, which she greeted with an apologetic smile. She took a seat near her friends, and grinned at them. "I'm here" she whispered. While Kendall was trying to cancel out the teacher's voice, she checked her phone in her desk, a task she had gotten quite good at. '1 text from Aire' 

Aire: house...we are going to remake the new girl 

'Oh God, what did I miss?' Kendall thought, tucking away her phone before Mr. Russel saw anything. 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy
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When Mr. Russel lectured Kendall about texting in class, she just kept quiet and rolled her eyes mentally. 'I already have detention' she thought, so she just got started on her report: 

'What I want to achieve as a personal goal this year is to be able to do 15-20 back handsprings in a row." Kendall wrote in large letters, as to take up more room. After that, she began to drift off, doodling hearts and flowers in the margin of her paper. She shot a look of despair in Brianna's and Aire's direction, but they were both too busy writing to notice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy Character Portrait: James Russell
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"Really you guys are assholes..and if I find out who wrote this note...or if I find out if anyone messes with her again then we are going to have issues Sonny is a friend of mine and I don't want to see this happen again." Brianna chuckled as her classmates just nodded everyone in this school knew not to mess with Aire or any one with in the circle because when you messed with one of them you messed with all of them and they knew how to make anyone's life a living hell. Once Aire had finished putting the class in place she turned her focus back to Brianna and said"Yeah it will be nice, and oh and guess what! My parents said I could have the loft over the garage, they said I was old enough and that I have earned it. So we can also figure out how to decorate it, my Dad cleaned it out last week." Brianna smiled along with Aire at the news "Wow some people really do have all the luck. This is going to be amazing first we get to create a swan and then we get to make your new place into the coolest loft ever." She looked to the front of the room pretending to listen to what Mr.Russel was saying as Aire interacted with Sonny.

"Alright class sorry for the interruption to answer your question Jessi no auditions are tomorrow after school.""Well good thing cheer try outs are at 6pm, we can go to glee auditions then go to cheer" Aire said smiling as she looked to Jessi and Bri. "Hey just for the record I still haven't agreed to joining your new found hobby so don't get to happy" she said as the door opened and a familiar blonde friend of hers entered the classroom. Kendall took her seat among her gals "I'm here" she said in a whisper Brianna shook her head "Yeah like half way into the class" Brianna shrugged "Well whatever am just glad you finally decided to grace us with your presence" she said with a smile. Kendall was kinda the slow one of the group but she was just so awesome that you just had to love her. Brianna watched as Kendall took out her phone then looked up 'Oh God, what did I miss?' Brianna giggled "Nothing much. We are giving makeovers today. One to Aire's new bestie and the other to her new place" Brianna paused for a moment "So yeah basically today is an Aire day" she said with a smile.

"Hey Kendall I'd rather you text in class than make it painfully obvious that your texting by staring at your crotch" Brianna looked at Mr.Russel with her disturb look written all over her face "Okay Mr.R just putting it out there put as a teacher its kind of weird to hear you mention a student's crotch. I mean you could have just said lap or something along those lines." she was quiet as he went on "Same goes to everyone else I know when your texting I don't mind you guys texting cuz if you fail this class I'll know it was you guys texting and not me teaching" Brianna sighed under her breath as he turned back to the board "Alright so back to English your first assignment over the year is not what you did over the summer to predictable I want you all to write about what you want to achieve this year as a personal goal remember spelling and punctuation and please have at least a page....alright get started you have till the end of class." Brianna rolled her eyes "Seriously its the first day of school who the hell assigns work on the first day of school" she said not loud enough to be heard by Mr.Russel but loud enough that her friends could hear her. Brianna sighed well at least the paper I brought will actually be used she thought to herself starting her paper.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Jessi Jones Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy
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Aire looked and saw Kendall come in and mouthed "finally"to Kendall. She turned around when Mr. Russel started talking saying something about texting. she shrugged her shoulders. She was always one to text in class, especially boring ones. She then looked to Bri and Kendall when they where talking ans he heard Bri say "Nothing much. We are giving makeovers today. One to Aire's new bestie and the other to her new place so yeah basically today is an Aire day". Aire made a pft sound "Hey now its going to be a GIRLS day not an Aire day...those are just for Sundays" she laughed then looked down to her paper and started writing her essay that Mr. Russel assigned.

Hmm what I would like to achieve this year as a personal goal. Well I have a few goals I want to do this year. One I want to bring the cheer team to be able to win National Championship for the 4th year in a row. Two id like to be able to be more open about myself and not be afraid...

She then stopped writing and tried to think of a few things tapping her pencil against her lip, then looked over to Bri and Jessi then to Kendall seeing the look on Kendall's face she laughed. Grabbing her phone she started texting "whats wrong Kendall? Can't think of anything? Oh and Jessi, Blue, Dante, and I joined the Glee club. You need to join to and Bri also cus then we be able to take over it and be able to have our voices heard. Cus ya kno we rock." and sent it to Kendall, giving her a smile then looked back at her paper.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy
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Kendall checked her phone and texted back to Aire, making sure she wasn't "staring at her crotch" 

Kendall: i no just wht 2 write, i just dont want 2. And we should totally do the glee thing, cuz we do rock! Oh, and whos the new girl we r redoing?
With that she hit send, and sent a text to Brianna.

Kendall: do the glee thingy. Cuz i am! 

She once again hit send, and got to work on her report again, adding a few more sentences, before drifting off to sleep. When Kendall awoke, she glanced around very quickly to see if anyone had noticed, which no one had, and then she began to doodle again. 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Jessi Jones Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy
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Aire looked down at her phone seeing a message from Kendall, she grinned and looked to Bri sending her text Kendalls doing glee. so you got to too.She then replied to Kendalls text Oh her names Sonny she is actually on the football team and my Dad wants me to be nice, but she needs fashion help bad.She sent that text, then texted Jessi So I can't wait for tonight, do u think I should tell the others? and I was serious about wat I said, ur the girl I have had eyes on.She sent the text then look down to her paper but then she heard the bell ring. Stretching her arms she got up and went to Jessi's desk waiting for her to get her things. Smiling at the Jessi, the girl was really cute her blonde hair and her eyes. She was glad she finally told her this morning about being gay, she just wasnt sure what her other friends would think. Maybe she will tell them tonight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Jessi Jones Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy Character Portrait: James Russell
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Brianna stared down at her blank paper she would have liked to just write about summer instead of her "personal" goals. She toyed around with her pen her mind as blank as the paper in front of her, she didn't have goals at least none that that self-conscientiously planned. She was a more of an in the moment sort of person she never planned things she just did them, she was spontaneous like that. She looked down at her bag as she could hear it vibrating again thank you distraction she thought to herself as she reached down and got her cellphone out of the bag. Turning it on she saw she had gotten a text from Kendall opening the message she read it and sighed giving Kendall her "really" look. She texted her back "You were my last hope :( Fine am in " having no choice but to join up now giving she made a deal with Aire. When she looked up from her phone she saw Aire looking at her with a grin then a second later her phone made a ping sound that let her know she had another text. Opening it she read Aire's text to her and gave a low laugh "But of course Aire would get here way. I'll sign up after class =(" she sent her reply and then the bell rung ending class. "Thank god" Brianna mumbled under her breath collecting her blank papers, pen and phone putting them in her bag.

She was about to exit the class when Aire walked by her once again linked up with Jessi, she noticed Jessi give her look that made her want to just walk over to her and bitch slap the hell out of her but of course she wouldn't do that because she already knew who's side Aire would take. With it being only being the first day of school she wasn't exactly ready to start having falling outs with friends although she could go for knocking a bitch out. Brianna had been besties with Kendall since pre-k and although she had wanted to kill Aire when she first met her the two had bonded through their hatred of each other. When it came to Jessie there was just nothing there, in all truth the only reason Brianna associated herself with the wanna be barbie was because her and Aire was close but if it was up to her that bitch wouldn't be allowed in the same town as her let alone the same clique.

Brianna waited for Kendall seeing as Aire had just went ahead and left them and when Kendall was ready to go Brianna left Mr.Russel's classroom with her after receiving the worksheet they had for homework. Walking out of the room she didn't see Aire or her puppy Jessi with her she looked at Kendall "Were we just ditched?" she asked seriously with a roll of her eyes "Am about two seconds from seeing you in detention tomorrow. Only I won't be there for being late to class" she said her irritation written across her face. She took a deep breath then shrugged it off "Whatevas. Am going to my locker" she said walking away not really aware if Kendall would follow her but honestly she didn't care.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Jessi Jones Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy Character Portrait: Dante Jackson
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Aire smiled to Sonny "the mall sounds excellent". She quickly texts Dante "goin to the mall meet at my car asap." She then saw the text from Jessi and quickly texts back "Well if the school knows my Dad will find out. The football players would go nuts with gossip there as bad as the cheerleaders". She put her phone away and then smiled to Jessi when the girl linked arms with her. She so could get used to this. "well class is about done i think so we could just go in and get them, and no problem Jessi we can stop at your house. I got my card with me so im all set" she said as they walked out of the bathroom, she then saw Bri and waved to her "hey Bri remember tonight, kay?" she then knew Bri and Kendall would find out about the skipping class, she looked to Jessi with a sorry face, unlinking her arms she goes over to Bri and whispers in her ear "skipping the rest of classes to go to the mall, if you wanna come meet at jessi's place" she then stepped back and waited for Bri to answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Jessi Jones Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: November Tyme Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy
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(Kendall is sending a text to "everyone she knows", who is every student in this RP, so EVERYONE is receiving it)    

'Being early is worse than being late'  Kendall silently decided. Despite spending forever picking out an outfit she had gotten to school too soon (curtesy of her mom) and was sipping a chai latte in the cafeteria, writing a text to everyone she knew. 

Kendall: hi everyone! so, my b-day's tomorrow, and i'm throwing a party tomorrow nite @ my house! 

Kendall added her address and hit send. When she saw Bri walk in, she waved her over, smiling. She saw that Bri looked a little tired, but decided to ignore it. 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy
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Leaving the cafe she walked down the hallway stopping when the sound of her vibrating phone caught her attention. She took the phone out of her bag and turned it over reading the message from Kendall seeing as she had know Kendall for particularly her entire life she knew when her birthday was. So she figured she had just been texted the reminder slash invite and as she looked around it was clear that her assumption was correct as the halls buzzed over Kendall's b-day party tomorrow. Putting her phone back in her bag she noticed Kendall waving her over she smiled heading in the direction of her friend. "Were have you been for the last hours of my existence. I was so hoping you'd show up to the bonfire, only the most hottest and popular people were there which is why you so should have been" she said leaning up against the lockers. "Whatever last night is no longer important. What is important is your b-day tomorrow and I am sure your party is going to kill" she said with a smile. "I just hope seeing as am guessing that you texted that invite to everyone in this school not to many lames crash or ... show up to the party" she said hoping not to many freaks showed up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Jessi Jones Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy
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Aire finally decided it was time to get up, she walked into the bathroom looking in the mirror "god i look awful" she undresses and takes a quick shower then puts a towl around herself. She uses some of Jessi's make up, brushing her hair and decides to keep it down, then heads to Jessi's closet and looks through it finally finding an outfit she likes Outfit. After getting ready she goes over to Jessi and gives her a soft kiss on the lips "Morning, you look hott". She grins then looks at her phone seeing there is a few text messages. Shit, i forgot to call Bri she thought to herself. She then sees a message from Kendall hi everyone! so, my b-day's tomorrow, and i'm throwing a party tomorrow nite @ my house! "Hey you get the text from Kendall? after our date...will you please be my date for the party...I know you don't like them but I don't want to go without you" she said to Jessi. She really wished all her friends would get along, she hated this feeling that she had to choose. She thought about the auditions for Glee tonight, she has a song in mind and its going to be a big shock to everyone but she doesn't care. She was going to give them a show.


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Character Portrait: Jessi Jones Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy
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Jessi Jones

Jessi turns around to see Aire behind her then smiles. She kisses back gently then says, "Thanks, you to dear." She says and blushes a little. Jessi hears her phone beeping and looks around for it, finding it underneath the bed. She pulls it out and reads it, "hi everyone! so, my b-day's tomorrow, and i'm throwing a party tomorrow nite @ my house!" She smiles then hoots loudly. "Yes, I got invited to Kendall's party!" She exclaims happily. Jessi does her happy dance then giggles cutely. "Well.. Isn't this just my week.." She says then shakes her head lightly. Jessi grabs her bag and pop it over her shoulder. "So, is everybody ready? Cause we got to go!" She says, looking from Aire to Sonny. She shrugged then said, "Just meet me in the car once your all done ladies." Jessi opens the room door then shuts it behind her, humming a song by Brittany. What she did every morning. She was addicted to Brittany, and zebra print, yea.. Addicted.

Once Jessi was down stairs and out the door she unlocks her car with the press of a button and waves by to her maid, Madeline. Getting in the car, she plops her bag in the back of the car then turns on the radio, jamming out. She didn't have a head ache anymore, thank god. She reaches up above her and slips on her sun glasses, a daily routine. "Oh come on ladies.." She says, looking at the time, feeling the air conditioning blast out. She turns it down some and closes her car door once she sees Aire and Sonny walk out. She waves to them and smiles. Wasn't she just lucky??