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Gerard Kind

How much is a life worth to you? Want a discount?

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a character in “God of Elements, To Save Daughtris”, as played by Merchant


Name: Gerard Kind
Age: 22

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 10"


Hair:Short Red Hair


Cloths and armor: Wears refined clothes of an aristocrat and succesfull business man, preferring red seeing as how it matches is eyes and hair

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Likes: Money, Sex, and Control

Dislikes: Failure

Special skills and magic abilities: His skills revolve around crafting magical items of all types. But is much more cunning when he is selling and buying them. His magic abilities revolve around his numerous magical items that he carries with him.
Bag of Holding x3
Ring of Elemental Resistance
Ring of Magic Shield
dagger called Bane(enchanted with magical poison that weakens foes with a mere cut)
Searing Staff (red wood staff riddle with arcane symbols with a fist sized ruby at the top.(Produces a flame which can be shaped and controlled by the holder of the staff.

Are you one of the children of Venash or an Ally of Avory? Ally to the one with the highest bitter (for now)

Gerard is an attractive and assertive man. Gerard is polite despite the situation whether he is a at sword point or if he is torturing someone. Gerard is a composed business man who always has a price for his services and products. Gerard was a skilled apprentice to an artificer and blacksmith for most of his youth. Gerard had always gifted with his hands as well as his eyes. That was the main reason his late master chose to take him in. Gerard learned the skills of the people of Brunoma as well as traveled to other cities to trade and learn about their own artifacts. Gerard could grasp magical items after handling them and seeing them used. Same goes for machines of Brunoma. After his master died he continued to create for all the people.

The shop was thriving due to the quality of Gerard's work as well as his silver tongue when bartering with others.

It was during an incident where his sister was killed by a common thug with a magic wand that a cold truth appeared before Gerard. His inventions were doing more harm than good after finding, torturing, and killing the man that kiled his sister he decided he would take control so that only the ones that deserved to die truly found death.

For years he used his resources and connections to spread his influence throughout the many lands. Some were willing and other had no choice. Gerard had created an Empire creating weapons of death which only truly showed his might when the fighting started. Gerard supplied all the Venash heirs with weapons to fight their war. He also sold his items to Avory to help protect themselves. Business was booming and his reach was increasing.

Despite his success Gerard is patient, calculating, and cautious. It is not surprising seeing as how he has made both sides his enemy despite his helping. Gerard can not tell who the winner is going to be, so he has decided to play both sides as best he could, simply under the guise of a neutral merchant.

So begins...

Gerard Kind's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bahamut Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway
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The casted barrier of the people of Avory seemed able to withstand the Bahamut's varieties of attacks. The engineers attempted to repair the barrier machines that the Bahamut had destroyed. Luckily, the energy stones aren't damaged.

Conversations started for the people of Avory. They contemplate on the the Bahamut's proposal. Some started to doubt the rulers, while some doubt the Bahamut's words. Loud whispers could be heard around Avory.

Judan was on top of the highest tower of the castle. The tower where the God of Lights spirit was joined with Bella 12 years ago. He had asked the queen to rest in the bed chambers while he continues to observe and guide the people of Avory.

Judan started to cast a spell "Nine spirits of air and wind. Spread my words. Blow forth. Voice of Emperor". The wind blew around the king before spreading. Judan spoke "People of Avory" loud but clear echo of his words could be heard everywhere around Avory's region. Even the towns and villages outside of the metropolis can hear it.

"Do not be fooled by the Bahamut's lies... It is a creature of pure evil... It's legend is written in history... It turned it's home, Bestia, to ruins... and now it seeks to destroy Avory... Defend your families and homes... protect yourselves..." The king said nothing for a moment. He breathe in and continued "Bella... my own daughter... the princess... is currently gathering all the Gods, to save us and Daughtris... be calm people... have patients... we shall have peace once more... if we just be patient and work together"

The king turned to a servant that was accompanying beside him. "Contact Gerard of Brunoma" the king ordered "we shall need him to supply us with more filled energy stones, barrier machines, and weapons to fend of this nightmare"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bahamut Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway
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"And how long would that take, oh King of Avory? Months? Years?! You send your child to seek the gods and goddesses and for them to side for a lost cause. You go against Venash and his children, who very well may be here by the time your offspring completes her quest. Instead of listening to this fool who sealed me away with his own allies and left them for death, and allow me to remove this deceiver from your hands. Who know what he is really planning in that castle? For all you know, he may have had you use your time and energy to bring up this barrier to protect his own hide!!" Bahamut roared to the people of Avory, digging his claws into the ground as he went down on all fours for a moment. There was a pause as he felt very slight and faint vibrations in his nails. The soil was loose up top, but the thick lower layers transferred vibrations and such fairly well. Looking to the ground, he pondered what it was before he felt a few taps on his side, the rounds from the Behemoths simply bouncing off of the dragon's thick scales. It was ignored by the beast as he slammed his tail to the ground. Something was down there...But what? It was too faint, and probably too deep. But...Just to be safe. The dragon began to circle the barrier, keeping an eye on the tower, though he was looking to the ground. Eventually, he found an exterior pipe to the sewers. Too small for him to even get a finger in, but if there was something in the sewers, he would kill it. Without hesitation, he exhaled fire into the pipes and let the sheer force and heat push it forward with whatever gases would help it spread. After a few seconds of exhaling, Bahamut turned his attention back to the Metropolis. "So, I will ask you all. Who will you side with...? A wise dragon who promises to leave your homes and people untouched, or a liar king who is only out to save himself?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bahamut Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway
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At that time Bahamut made its speech, Judan was on his way to the bed chambers where Xandra was. His roar was heard clear inside the castle. Judan looked out through the corridor hall's window. 'it seems that the creature doesn't know that his captor, my grandfather, has already pass away a long time ago' Judan thought. The creature was gigantic indeed. He can see it landing outside of the barriers protecting Avory metropolis and checking the ground. It seemed to have found and exterior pipe of the sewers underneath the metropolis. Suddenly the Bahamut did something no one had predicted. It breathe fire into the pipes. Judan eyes larges from fear.

"no..." Judan murmured.

Manhole covers flew up as blue and red flame rise from the hole of the sewers. The earth seemed to shake and cracked was produced by the force of the fire. The barrier was designed to protect attack from the sky but not from the ground. Some mana user lost balance, fell down, and stopped casting unintentionally, weakening the barriers a little. They quickly stood up once the fire has stopped and started to cast once more.

The king manage to held his balance. "I hope the suppliers make it..." The king said to himself while looking out the window, at the Bahamut.

The Bahamut then roared again "So, I will ask you all. Who will you side with...? A wise dragon who promises to leave your homes and people untouched, or a liar king who is only out to save himself?"

"Untouched?!" Judan was angered. He rise his hand forward and casted a spell "Nine spirits of air and wind. Spread my words. Blow forth. Voice of the Emperor!". Once again wind blew around him and went out the window and spread.

"You can see for yourselves, people of Avory metropolis. The dragon lies! His words says 'untouched' but he breathes fire into our sewers! Enchant our earth with mana and prevent more attacks from and on the ground!"

The mana user communicated with each other using their communicating devices (or telephones/cellphones) and strategies. 1/3 of the mana users enchanted the earth around the metropolis while the others continued to barrier the sky.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bahamut Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway
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Markle was running along the corridor hall, panting a little

"King" he called to Judan "It's Gerard". Markle stopped to take a breather and continued "His team couldn't pass into the city because of the barriers blocking their way".

"Expand the barriers so that they are inside the barriers" Judan ordered

Markle quickly spoke into his communication device. Not long then the barriers started to broaden and no longer blocks Gerards team way. By this time, the King's men are already commanding the mana users for more fast and oriented attacks and defend.

(Dice roll for barrier defence; 7 ... 9 - 7 = 2 )

The trouble wasn't over. While the barrier expanded, Bahamut attempted to shatter the casted barriers. A couple layers of the barrier did shatter but not all. Avory is still safe. The mana users started to make over the shattered barrier but some have already reached their limit. Constant use of mana had drained causing them to fall unconscious. Half of the power of the energy stones that were powering the machines are also draining but it is still manageable. Some of the people of Avory metropolis was confused about the Bahamut calling the King of Avory, Ramos, but they were too shaken by the attack to pay too much attention to it.

"The Bahamut has started attacking. We need to drive it away so that it doesn't get through our barriers" Judan said to his general using the communication device "fire a dozen light element imbued shots from the metropolis cannons"

In parts of the metropolis, cannons on top of tall towers started to glow, gathering mana around it. Tiny lights seemed to be seeping into the cannon's tip making the light constantly brighter. It makes some noise as it vibrates and another exploding sound while a dozen of spherical bright white bullets was launched at the Bahamut. The bullets would combust giant bright light, stunning and burning through the Bahamut's scale if it made contact.

(dice roll for atk: 10 ... you know the drill, Verum Umbra)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bahamut Character Portrait: Captain Thackeray Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway
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0.00 INK

"Your Lordship, your cavalry is here..." Came a voice over a loud speaker, laud enough for practically everyone nearby to hear. Suddenly the clear blue sky's around the dragon was filled with 100's of black-flagged airships, pirates... But form the horizon came one gigantic beast of a ship... Like a gigantic fish if rose from the sky, her frame being propelled by 6 huge fin-like wings, pushing it forward and an incredible rate.

Again over the loudspeaker came the voice of what was assumed to be the pirates captain; "MEN! Level the field! Leave nothing standing!" With a crack the loudspeaker shut down, but form inside the barrier, over the private coms, came the voice once more.

"Your Lordship, lets hope that barrier isn't held up with electricity, otherwise its going down... Hold on tight" The sky suddenly filled with a concussive explosion form the fire of 100 ships shooting downward at the dragons forces. Again over the com came the voice; "My name is Captain Thackeray III, and i want to make a deal. Were going to kill this dragon, then your going to help me with something... Oh, and you might want to cover your ears...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bahamut Character Portrait: Captain Thackeray Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway
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Judan looked up though the window and saw the battle happens between the pirates cavalry and the Bahamut. He quickly casted an air elemented spell to speed his movement and ran as fast as he could to reach the highest tower to get a better view. His servants followed him and was manage to be by his side thanks to well training. What the king saw was shocking. Some of the barriers created by the barrier machine was down, effected by pirates cannons, decreasing the protection on the metropolis. The cannons on top of the towers of Avory's metropolis continued to shoot at Bahamut there were more missed shots than successful shots.

"Damn those pirates!" He cursed in anger "find a way to repair those machine!" he ordered his servants while his eyes gazing at the Bahamut, destroying multiple pirates ships in minutes. "Isn't that Gerard here yet!" he shouted in frustration.

(note: Charging is required for more powerful attacks... I placed information about able actions of the battle system in the rules section in the introduction tab... check it out)

(dice roll for pirates attack: ... eh... just 5... O_O )
(dice roll for Tower attack: ouch... 2 )

The setting changes from Outside to Avory


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind
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0.00 INK

Gerard sent his men to each barrier point with back up power supplies as well as entering the city following some unseen route to see the King of Avory.

"I am Gerard and the batteries are being replenished or replaced as we speak." Gerard looked at guard who was barring his way. Gerard looked throughout the city and up at the barrier. It wasn't looking good. Gerard smile as he touched his ear piece. "alright you pack rats" he said over the com link. Find the parts you need at the designated locations and build some back up barrier generators." he said he then pulled a pipe out and took a deep puff and then exhaled it at the guard. They met eyes and just as the guards anger was rising his eye lids started to fall. The guard fell with a thud and Gerard entered the castle to locate the king.

Gerard had spent many years slipping items and parts into many cities including Avory. But the guard was quite observant which made the transportation very slow. Gerard stopped and waited.


As per Gerard's instructions cannons were being set up and golems were being rapidly constructed. After the hit to the barrier Gerard's men were waiting for the order to fire. But Gerard was waiting for word from the King of the situation and what his plan would be.

Within the Barrier

Gerards 'rats' scurried around the city collecting parts while a select few spell casters cast spells strengthening the buildings against the dragon's flame. It would be important just incase the creature did get through.

At this same time under the city Gerards moles were creating a tunnel leading underneath the sewers as a contingency plan for the people of Avory. Gerard looked around as he pulled out several staves and watched as they took some preordained position and began to spin and glow. Gerard looked as the power continued to grow. Gerard was going to have to start the ritual soon just in case all his plans came apart

Gerard watched the aerial battle and watched as the flying defenders were taking heavy hits. "Looked at the pillar of light that was being created by the Staves. Send the banshees to help against the dragon.

The banshees were one of Gerards latest experiments with an air machines. He had read a book about a creature whose scream would kill its victims. One after another the large life like machines appeared and Gerard simply pointed towards the exit as the single manned banshees flapped and charged with yellow fire and red sparks it they flew towards the dragon to add support.

Gerard watched as 15 banshees left the castle and he tapped his ear piece.

"How many cannons are operational?"

"Three cannons are ready, Sir." there was a reply.

"Fire them now." he said coldly as he wondered what the next delivery should be.

The setting changes from Avory to Outside


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bahamut Character Portrait: Captain Thackeray Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway
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"I am not sure, Gerard of Brunoma... I just hope that the Bahamut retreats before the barrier totally collapse" The king said to Gerard while still looking at the battle.

( No idea for interaction :-P )

The battleships of Avory's defences are finally ready. The Generals and commanders of Avory dispatched their knight and soldiers who could fight in mid air. Men and women, elves, dwarves, and beastman, all fighting as one. Thousands of airships flown around the Bahamut while keeping it's distance, firing at the godly powerful creature using the battle ship's Gatling guns and cannons.

(dice roll for Avory battleship's attack: 12 !!!)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bahamut Character Portrait: Rixator Character Portrait: Captain Thackeray Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway Character Portrait: Venash
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Rixator checked in with a resounding "Aye" before continuing his climb. Where were they going exactly? The Afukirian gave a heavy sigh as he looked up. One small ledge would not be enough for him to keep his grip, so he swung his hand to reach for a stone inside the waterfall; risky given how slippery it would be. However, when he reached, he felt water, then air. Shocked and caught offguard, his occupied hand slipped. It was the end. He was done. The thoughts crossed his mind before he kept his free hand outstretched, eventually clutching a ledge. Water poured over and on him and threatened to knock him loose to a watery grave, but he drew his serrated blade and dug it into the rock before moving to pull himself up. "Sensei...If only you could see me now..."


(Alright, let's see here...Three rolls...)
(Pirate Cannon defend is....An 8.)
(Tower cannon defend is...5)
(All out attack defend is...Phew...A 10..)

Bahamut roared as the three rounds from the ships flew forward, but they were slow and their path traceable with the lightning. While some of it arced down and got a contact as he flew under, he only felt a tingle. His ivory eyes glanced back as the light based rounds of the cannons from Avory fired once again, though they missed, close as they were. A few grazed his scales with a nice run by, but he was overall safe. Once again, before he could conjure an attack, he was interuptted once more; though, this attack was unexpected and very powerful. He had little time to defend himself, and took many direct hits, some making their way to penetrate exposed flesh from the earlier attacks. With a roar of pain, he had to retreat. He underestimated the technology and firepower they had. While they alone could never hope to kill him, the fact that they were able to do something on this great of a defensive was unimaginable. He had to do something voluntarily that he dreaded; he had to get help. And he knew who to go to. For now, he retreated. Bahamut had retreated, but not run away. Running away implies fear, weakness, that you never plan to fight this again. None of those applied.

The dragon, battered and driven back, flew in a west to northwest flight. He was going to Pruwas. He was going to find Venash.

(Defend and flee. Avory has won the fight, but the war has only begun!!)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bahamut Character Portrait: Captain Thackeray Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway
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Almost everyone in the metropolis cheered loudly. Cries of happiness and joy could be heard everywhere. There only damage the Bahamut did was done by the fire the Bahamut spread through the sewers but nothing serious.

On the highest tower, Judan smiled, relieved. He was so happy that he turned to his servants, lifted, and hugged them tightly, screaming "Avory metropolis is saved!". He let go of his servant and turned to Gerard.

"you have aided Avory greatly, Gerard, friend of Avory" He laughed and continued "I shall see that you be rewarded greatly. I shall see that you have a place to stay here in Avory's metropolis. You shall have your own building!" He laughed some more before someone spoke through the King's communicator.

"Your lordship, this is the Interceptor. Requesting permission to land inside the barrier. We have something to talk about, your highness..." Captain Thackeray requested

Judan turned to his floating spherical communicator and spoke "Yes, yes,... For the help you gave to Avory, I shall ask my people to shut down the barriers. Please, land and park you airships in Avory's port. I shall send my Knights to lead you to the castle to meet with me"

After a while, all the barriers were shut down. Every battleship's were landed. The Knights and soldiers were back at the barracks. The barrier machines and cannons were put on stand-by incase the Bahamut decides to come back. The king's knights, Sir Jorick Godfrey, Sir Mika Rockwood, Sir Bessy Lockheart, waited for Captain Thackeray at the ports to escort him.