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Darius Antonius

"We stand between the world and destruction. If we must die, it is better to die holding your ground than fleeing."

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a character in “Gods Bound by Tribulation”, as played by almostinsane


Altena, My lord

United We Stand

Name: Darius Antonius

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Image

Darius Antonius cuts an imposing figure with a muscular, but lean figure along with a stern face and sky-blue eyes. He usually wears his armor no matter where he is in order to keep himself familiar with its weight, strengths, and weaknesses as well as to defend himself from any surprise attacks from demon or mortal alike. His eyes are usually scanning you, calculating whether you are a threat and what is the best way to take you done.

Height: 6"1

Race: Human

Loyalty: Gods

Magic: Fire

Weapon: A broadsword and a dagger (see above). The broadsword is straight, long, and thick, carefully taken care of and polished, but obviously has been carried into battle multiple times. His dagger, is about a foot long and he usually keeps it at his side for close spaces. He also bears a shield.

Skills: Darius is an excellent warrior and keen strategist on and off the battlefield. He is skilled with his weapons and manipulating fire. He can also understand and hold his own in courtly intrigue, though he has little patience for it more often than not.

Personality: Darius is a grim and serious sort of person. He understands the threat of Demons and Demois and hates them with a passion, particularly those who used to be human, but converted into one. The way he sees it, there will be no peace until Demois and Demons are wiped away from the earth or at the very least broken and scattered. He is a courageous person and prefers to fight at the front-lines, never retreating unless he absolutely has to, has fulfilled his objective, or someone fighting beside him is in danger. Despite his battle-hardened exterior, he appreciates civilization and is intelligent when one speaks to him. At times, he can be sarcastic and abrasive, especially towards those who disrespect him.

Likes: Battle, training, his horse, Julius (see above), reading, fine art, wine, plays, music, stories, drinking with his men, proving others wrong.

Dislikes: Cowardice, arrogance, disrespect, being reminded of his family, Demons, Demois, Traitors.

Bio: Darius grew up in a noble family in Lux Et Spei. His father was a well-respected Lord and General in the human army, known for his victories and determination despite all odds. He looked up to his father and people expected him to follow in his footsteps. He was respected by virtue of his parentage and he was proud of it. Then, during a surprise attack where Demois' forces marched deep into human territory, it all changed. His father, General Antonius and his men, consisting of many of his family members, turned on the human forces and fought on the Demons' side. If it weren't for the timely arrival of the Elves, Lux Et Spei would have been destroyed. At the end of the battle, the Demois' forces were routed and his father and his men followed to evade capture. It turned out that his father had grown tired of a "hopeless war" and decided to convert into a Demon and, someday, a Demoi. Darius' family name was dragged through the mud. A single battle turned his family into pariahs. His mother died of depression soon afterwords and Darius was saddled with the burden of restoring his family's honor. He joined the military and despite the mistrust of his fellows, he strived to be the best and prove that there was one Antonius still honorable. He eventually rose to the rank of Captain and now leads his own small force of soldiers.

So begins...

Darius Antonius's Story


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Character Portrait: Darius Antonius Character Portrait: Rie Renard
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Darius Antonius frowned at his sparring partner's lack of force in his swings, easily batting them aside with his shield and striking him in the chest with his dulled practice sword, eliciting a gasp as the recruit felt the breath knocked out of him. He didn't bat an eyelash when he fell down in pain, "Do not hesitate. Do you think a demon or a Demois would show the same hesitation when battling you? No. A Vampire or Lycan would not hesitate to consume you. An Oneiroi or Arch Demon would do worse. And you would be better off dead than face a Demois."

"You would know," the man muttered angrily, pulling himself to his feet.

"Yes. I do know. I've watched men like you wither in agony. Now fight or go home," the Captain ordered, causing the man to charge at him recklessly, only for his head to meet his shield. He frowned, "Never let anger dictate your actions. Many demons feed on this and will use it against you if you let them."

"What am I supposed to do? Not get angry?"

"No. Master it. Make it your own. Like this," he said, charging forward and hacking at the recruit, who managed to block a few strikes with his shield before Darius' sword met his and, with a twist, caused it to fly out of his hand. Darius held it at the recruit's neck for a moment before lowering it, "Not bad. With some training, you would make a fine soldier on the front lines. With some thinking, you could survive."

He turned around, nodding at his men who were wrapping up their own practices. They were good men. They fought harder and longer than most men since he has become their Captain and there was no one he'd rather bleed with. His Seargent, an older man with greying hair and beard, approached him as he placed his practice sword aside with the rest of the unused equipment.

"You are still angry after this morning, I see," the man told him with a frown, "I am surprised that you did not sear through his armor with your element."

"Kid's not ready for flames just yet, Aldric. And of course I'm angry. The Third Company has fought more battles, went on more assignments, and succeeded at more of them than any of the glory-seeking fools His Majesty has deemed fit to lead their men to their deaths," he stated.

"I'm sure he appreciated being told that, sir."

"I do not butter up my words for fools, Aldric and I'd," he began, before catching sight of a woman and child in the training grounds. He frowned, "What are those two doing here? I do not like civilians in my training lot."

"She has clearance for it," Aldric began but Darius waved his hand.

"I do not care," he stated, marching over to the woman, "My men are not here to satisfy anyone's curiosity, not matter who she thinks she is."


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Character Portrait: Darius Antonius Character Portrait: Rie Renard Character Portrait: Lucifer Reficul Character Portrait: Darren Silvers
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Rie had enjoyed watching the training, at the very least it was a chance to see techniques she'd read about in action. As the captain, as she'd overheard, started heading for her she stood up letting Nero lay in the grass behind her using Momo as a pillow. She stood with her hands in front of her, one cupping her tome and the other cupping that hand. "Hello sir I have some inquiries for you," she said as he got within ear shot and then before he could even get onto her she began to barrage him with questions. "What do you think of the war? Do you think you'd be good enough to be on a small elite team that would infiltrate the Demon Country? If I asked your men how trust worthy would they say you are?" she asked and then she took a breath and smiled before asking her final question, "Are demons evil?" she asked. Her voice was gentle and field with curiosity and a polite tone as she spoke with the man knowing she'd need someone like a knight with her, the person with more experience would be a great deal of help to her when it came to surviving in the Demon Country.

Some of the men has stopped from putting their training equipment up to look at who their captain was walking too. Rie hadn't really made any waves as a goddess yet and for good reason, the longer she could hide her identity from the demons the longer she and Nero would be safe, still a few humans who had been at the village that day and saw the old Goddess die as well knew who Rie was and word got around in the Lux Et Spei capital. Some of the knights were mumbling about her, some asking who she was and some knowing, she didn't seem too phased by it though as she simply looked from the men around them back up to the captain and smiled politely up at him, her chains making a light jingle in the string wind and her hair and dress billowing as it picked up before slowly dying and everything was still once more.


In Tenebris Lucifer had begun walking the streets looking for anyone he'd find interesting enough to talk to or use as a pawn, it was then that he stopped his foot steps as he saw a vampire walking around. "You," he said in his cool calm confident voice as he walked up to the man, "You're that Silver's man aren't you? Yes, I can tell by your smell, I heard about your slaughtering those teens all those years ago, how would you be interested in a proposition I have?" he asked as he gave Darren a smug and proud smile.


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Character Portrait: Darius Antonius Character Portrait: Rie Renard
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Darius frowned slightly. Just what was this girl getting at? Of course he'd be good on an elite team. He'd be more than good. Anyone who knew him could not doubt his fighting prowess, whether they liked him or not. At her last question, he raised an eyebrow, "I have yet to meet an honorable demon. Demons and Demois are enslaved by their own dark desires and impulses. It does not matter if they were once human or not. They are untrustworthy and seek to destroy the gods themselves."

He frowned at her, "Just who are you? Myself and my company were forbidden from joining the expedition to free the gods. Can you veto the king's order?"

He watched the wind blow in her hair. She was beautiful, he noted, and very powerful. He could almost taste the Light Magic flowing from her. He took on a more respectful tone, "The war is Hell, milady, but if we don't fight it, everything we know will be destroyed or corrupted, as my own family was."


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Character Portrait: Darius Antonius Character Portrait: Rie Renard
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Rie smiled as Darius answered her questions, they were what she expected for the most part. She began to walk and circled around him once, and then once more before stopping in front of him and taking his helmet off. She examined his face more closely getting borderline obnoxiously close to his face and then stood back. "So you let your stereotypes blind you, for all you know you have met an honorable demon and you speared him right through before he had a chance to prove it," she said almost light heartedly as she poked his forehead.

She looked up at him, "Who am I?" she asked curiously as her whole body perked and she blinked before smiling, "I'm Rie duh!" she said in a matter of factly tone. "The question is WHO are YOU! And I don't need to veto I am supposed to pull together a small elite team to start freeing the gods, one of the reasons the king said no before was the dark goddess won't help and I wasn't used to my new abilities," she explained. "You need a God to free a God," she said, "Or a Demois but I don't see any of them volunteering at the moment," she said with a giggle.

"....War does not corrupt people, it is the breed of said corruption," she said plainly, "If you think about it reality has as many versions of right and wrong as their are people, some think that war is good and some don't. War is needed, but not one like this, at the rate the Demois are going the world will be damaged even further beyond repair, they don't want war they want domination," she explained. "....... Well! Are you in or are you out?" she asked the man.


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Character Portrait: Darius Antonius Character Portrait: Rie Renard
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"If you show me an honorable demon, then I will gladly take back my words, but in my experience, demons are evil. They will always be evil. It is true that war is brought about by the corruption of others. Humans grew proud and they morphed themselves into abominations. That is what we fight," he told the girl. He frowned at her invasion of his personal space, but said nothing. At her name, whispers erupted among his men, but Darius was careful to show no reaction.

"You are young. Do you think you are ready to lead a mission? And what of my men? Shall I go off with you and leave them without a commanding officer. What say you, goddess?" he asked her. A few of his men muttered about his disrespect, but Darius ignored them. Respect was earned, not given, and girl said herself that she had been just learning her powers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adric Sylas Ilan Character Portrait: Darius Antonius Character Portrait: Rie Renard Character Portrait: Lucifer Reficul
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[Omitting Phylo at the moment -- writer's block getting him started]

A short while later, Sylas was released just outside of Lux Et Sprei. He'd missed this place. It'd been three years since he'd been to the place he called home. As he stood there, getting his where-abouts and getting used to sunlight, he couldn't help but remember the upside to his mission -- he would get to see Rie, and more importantly, his son. Granted, his mission was to capture Rie as well as this Goddess of Darkness, but his alliance had always secretly lain with the Gods.

In 113 U.W. Adric -- as he was known then -- allowed his heart to be filled with anger and hatred in a severe degree. It was this hatred and anger that caused him to change. The funny thing was, his hatred lay with the Demons and Demois, particularly over his parents and the death of Rie. It was odd to think she'd died three years ago, but he knew that very well to be factual. After all, she was the reason he'd pledged his soul, basically, to serving Lucifer. The terms were that he serve Lucifer and never return to Lux Et Sprei in return for Rie and the baby's life. It'd been a sacrifice that he was willing to make, but it had cost him a lot.

But this, is why his alliance always lay with the Gods. He had reason to hate the Demons and Demois, particularly over his parents, but most of all over Rie. So how was he to carry out this mission if he knew he had a deep soft spot for Rie and if his alliance was with the Gods? He couldn't change back. Could he?

Sylas shook the thoughts from his head and began to walk off a bit to the East. Having lived in Lux Et Sprei for the majority of his life, he knew of secret entrances, which had been frequented by bands of demons and demois alike during previous years. He'd never thought he would be using it for any other reason than convenience, but alas, he had to. He sighed and continued on until he got to the entrance. It was on a cliffside that overlooked the area of the city where the Library was. Behind it was a small cottage up on a hill, one he recognized to be Rie's. As he stood there overlooking the Library, he flashed back to that horrible day three years ago.

... Adric headed downstairs, intending to leave, and was caught off guard when he saw some demons roaming around, dead bodies everywhere. He immediately took out his daggers and prepared to fight, not really in the mood to deal with the low lifes. His heart was full of anger and hatred for his parents, even the Gods. He didn't see Rie anywhere, and it hadn't dawned on him that she was missing.

The demons were about to leave and saw Adric. "Hey, another one," one laughed as they didn't know who he was. They pulled out their bloodied swords and charged forward with great speed to kill him.

Adric was simply not in the mood, so when the demons charged him, he growled and began to dodge and fight them, throwing fireballs and whisps of fire out as he did, stabbing some in the back or cutting them he could. He wasn't afraid of them, he'd grown up alone surviving this [hell], so he could handle it. It was then that he realised Rie was gone. As he killed another one, he growled again. "Where is she!" he demanded.

"Who? Oh, you mean the head librarian? She's in the back...hanging around," the demon said with a laugh before trying to flee.

In the back Rie was tied up in a T-pose with her arms out and her neck and hands tied to a book shelf. She was gagged and blood dripped in a pool under her. She had many cuts and bite marks and her wrists and gut had been slashed open. Her eyes were wide open and lifeless with clean streams through the blood on her face where her tears had fallen....

As Sylas returned to the present, his heart was beating against his chest and his jaw was tight. The memory alone was enough to fill his heart with renewed anger and especially hatred. He'd hated the Gods, only for executing his parents before he had the chance to kill them himself, but he hated the demons and demois more than he could begin to express.

With a deep breath, Sylas began to relax and returned to looking out over the city. He could see almost all of it, and the sun glinting off the knight's armor caught his eye. He studied the movements of the knights and then saw a small figured woman talking to one of them. He recognized her easily, even from afar. It was Rie. His lips tugged up in the corners only slightly as the sight of her relaxed him a bit.

Now, how to get to her?....


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Character Portrait: Adric Sylas Ilan Character Portrait: Darius Antonius Character Portrait: Rie Renard
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She smiled up at him already knowing one Demois who she counted as honorable, though she didn't know he was so close by. "We fight Greed, we fight Lust, we fight Gluttony, Pride, Envy and all those other things, THAT is what this war is against," she said pointedly. "You'd do best to keep that in mind, as for being able to lead this mission I can't say I am as I have no idea what to expect but no one truly does. As for your mean, if you trained them right then they should be able to handle themselves and follow and leader you appoint to them," she added happily.

She fell silent as she began to since Adric nearby and was a bit shocked by it but tried to hide it well. She looked around a moment before picking Nero and Momo up, "I require an answer now, I must have the team together before tomorrows evening, if you wish to join it merely follow me, you will have time to come back and handle your men before you leave that I can assure you but I don't have time to waste here trying to prove myself to someone who hasn't earned such respect, You're assumed skilled by your ranking and I'm assumed skilled by my title, ranking can be bought though," she reminded him to show him that the only reason she even knew he was close to good enough for what she needed was because she'd spent her own time watching him and deducting that he'd be an essential part of her team, but she wasn't about to just stand there and argue with the man, if she could get Adric on their side it would do amazing wonders for them. And so with that she turned on her heels and left it open for him to go with her or not. As she left Nero's eyes opened and looked at the knight, he blinked with curiosity to the man before smiling and waving slowly to him motioning for him to come along.


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Character Portrait: Adric Sylas Ilan Character Portrait: Darius Antonius Character Portrait: Rie Renard
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Darius grunted. She had him there. She was his only hope for going on the mission to free the gods and she knew it. Thus, he would have to follow her orders. Still, it was a low price to pay if it meant that he would be part of something as important as freeing the gods. If they could be freed, they could easily turn the tide in this war. He turned to Aldric and stated, "You are in charge while I am gone. I want you and every man vigilant in defending Lux Et Sprei while I am gone. Be safe."

He added the last part in almost a whisper before following the goddess. Despite his harsh exterior, he cared for his men a great deal. You didn't risk death together with someone without forming a bond of sorts. They would have to work together, but they would do well. He knew it. As for him and the goddess, he could work with her as long as she was competent. She was at least smart. He'd give her that. He glanced down at the kid, frowning slightly. He resembled the goddess so it must be hers, but who was the father? He decided not to pursue the question. Her private life was none of his business.

"Who will look after your kid while we're away?"
