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Arkantos Thendgrays

"Winning one thousand battle is not a victory,but a bloodshed: Winning one thousand victories without unsheating your sword is a Legendary victory"

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a character in “Gods of Elements: On Our Own”, as played by TRUE-ASSASSIN



--Arkantos Thendgrays


"A mystery to unfold day by day..."--The Civil Council of Clearwood

Aliases:In the first Battle report he was named "Agent Anthares",because of his passion for night skies and combat style...mainly it's because they do not know his name.In fact,only the King of Avory,Belle and Gabe knows his name.
Age: Young: around the 28-30
Birthday: The first days of Winter.
Birthplace: Presumed to be in a small village situated in the borderling Lightwake/Clearwood.The village no longer exist (Razed by Beast-men)
Provenience: Presumed to be Lightwaken.
Occupation: Recently enlisted in the Clearwoodian army.Recruited with a little reluctance,but the Militant order appreciated Arkantos's skill.
Currently Arkantos is a "Precision and critical strike infantry": Arkantos cannot join the ranks of Elite,general or Autarch because his origins are shrouded in Mystery.
Current Residence: Currently lives in Clearwood,with the purpouse to protect the region and spoil eventual sieges.
Relationship with the Provinces of Daughtris:
ALLY OF AVORY: was hired to protect Belle and assist the Group.In Exchange,the King of Avory would have supported Clearwood's defenses.
Relations with the Royals of Avory: Neutral/friendly: Arkantos believes that the King of Avory is righteous and unlike other kings,cares about the population.
Ex-member of the Avorian guild of Rogues,thieves & assassins: Arkantos have had good relationship with various members and exponenets of the Guild.
Rixator: No relations
King of Pruwas: Neutral/Hated: Arkantos doesn't like the reign of Venash.
Magnates and Industrial Lords of Pruwas: Hated: During Arkantos's many assassination orders,he often "Decapitated the head of economy",alias industrial lords and Magnates.Eventually,some of these Industries failed or had hard times.Parents of the victim keeps the chase of the Assassin with Mercenaries and more assassins.
Son of Venash:
-Gen: Neutral/Hate: Arkantos heard about Gen's genetic: his experiments on sentient beings,except Beast-men,provoked a strong disgust in Arkantos.
-Sylverana: None.
-High Generals of Clearwood: Suspicious/Neutral: The Generals doesn't trust Arkantos.
-Army of Clearwood: Hard to define: his companions accepted him and few times invited him in some events.
If you ask a normal soldier about Arkantos he'd know nothing: probably he never ever heard that name.
-Regent-Lord of Clearwood: Trust/friendly: The Regent lord of Clearwood is friendly and reserves a lot of trust in Arkantos.


"To live is important; To live with Honor and Style is a must"--Arkantos Thendgrays

For Arkantos,living decently and appearing in public places with dignity is an important matter,not second to anything.
He has a wide array of clothes,for casual days and even few cerimonial crafted by international artists,and given to him as gift for particular occasions.
While considering clothing an important matter,he considers the care of the body even more important.This doesn't mean that he refuses particular dinners or celebrations: he just loves to spend his time in the Wilderness,not only training.
Physically,Arkantos is a tall and pale in everthing-from skin to hair.
It is hard to don't spot him in large crowds.

Eyes: Black
Hair:A really light blonde,nearing the White.
Height:1.93 meters (It is suprising to see a colossus flipping in the thin air and stab two swords in the back of another,while executing a back-breaker Landing)

-On Casual occasions,it is hard to give a definition: He usually change clothes whenever it is possible.He often prefer to wear black trousers and a shirt.
However,he never ever misses his jacket during cold time,rain and other negative climates (Example)
-On Ceremonies,the range is smaller: unlike casual,Arkantos prefers to keep an "Original and easy to identify" style.
During Special occasion (from wedding to Celebration of Victory with the Generals) wears a White shirt and black trousers.Then,he wears a White jacket with a black Sigil and a small rack on the left side of his jacket to show off his achievements.
During Military Parades,Arkantos prefers to wear a wonderful Ceremonial armor,gift of a magnate after Arkantos suppressed a rival.It has three layers,making it,in truth a pretty heavy armor that can be used if something goes wrong.
Arkantos choosed this armor to demonstrate his profieciency with Heavy armors (since most believe he is not "adapt") and the armor usually puts him in another light.
-During battles/missions Arkantos wears the famed "Medium-and-an-half" armor,used by High-ranked infiltrators.
The Medium-and-a-half armor is very flexible,like a normal medium armor,but thanks to some special materials,such as Griphon bones and some mithril scales,the armor can withstand much more damage and eventually save the wearer from Death.(eventually)
Arkantos doesn't rely on his armor,but more on his agility,preemptive strikes,"effect surprise" and weapons.
Never the armor.


"Revealed is our appearence;shrouded our inner"--Psycanalist motto

Arkantos's personality is complex and some of his traits goes against eachother.In few word,Arkantos may be harmonious outside,but no inside.

-Love for perfection,Order and Harmony: Arkantos appreciates everything that nears perfection,awesome views and even the small details.
This sense of Order and Harmony is in conflict with Arkantos's actions in the battlefield.How can there be order in a warfield,where shields clashes against swords and loud warcries storms the air?

-Lone-wolf: Of all his traits,this is the most noticeable and however the most relevant.his Loneliness emerges everywhere: He likes to live alone and by his own.
In missions,he rarely brings one or two companions,believing that he can avoid excessive deceases.
During Celebrations,this loneliness seems to disappear as he join conversations and socialize with Others.

-Enigma: Finally,it is hard if not impossible to define Arkantos's personality.Himself,he tends to avoid to show off particular aspects of his personality.

-Night skies

-Excessive confusion
-Honorless/outlaws and cheating
-Excessive human work on natural place (industries,caves and mines)
-Beast-men (Particularly Lizard-men)

Arkantos has a normal fear for failure,obviously.
Other fears are small places (he finds them oppressing),logorating wars and...extreme climates! (He hates absurb heat)

HOBBIES: Traditional music and Hunting with bows.




"Many weapons equals many strategies: Many strategies means many way to win.Victory is everything"--Clearwoodian Ranger-Corporal


Arkantos's arsenal is vary and includes many,many,many swords and some spear and one bow.
Of all his weapons,he never goes out without the twin swords that became his symbol: Dusk & Dawn

Dusk and Dawn are a pair of twin swords,katanas to be precise.The difference is that the blade and handle is shorter than a standard katana.
They are crafted to hold mana and to resist against offensive mana.
In truth,Arkantos found this couple while defending the Regent-Lord of Clearwood during an attempt to seize power.
Eventually,the Regent-lord of Clearwood gave this pair to Arkantos.
Dusk and Dawn have a great story behind,a little unbeliavable: Like many other swords built to store and repel mana,it was crafted by a Blacksmith and a wizard.
Originally,it was planned only a sword-Dusk-with the propriety to control,absorb and protect the wielder against Darkness-mana.
However,when the owner of the sword (presumed to be a Clearwoodian Noble) adopted Dusk,strange things started to happen and missluck started to possess the Noble's residence.
While seeking an explanation,the wizard thought that maybe a second blade of the opposite element could neutralize the negative effect.
With the Birth of Dawn,the situation was a little restored,but few days later the owner died for natural causes,even if some believes that it was Dusk.
Then,through countless changes,the sword arrived to the Regent-Lord.
This is what the people say.An interesting story.

Arkantos's investigation led to a more possible story: the twin swords were forged for the Regent-Lord's son,but eventually the son never joined the Military ranks.
So,the Regent-Lord believed that giving them to Arkantos was the best idea.

General Stats

Defense against spells: Rank D
Defense against Ki,physical damage: Rank A
Offensive Capacities: Rank B+

Speciality: May release waves of Darkness after a swing that causes damage to anything that passes through.
Secondary effects: None

Defense against Spells: Rank A--
Defense against Ki,physical damage: Rank B++
Offensive Capacities: Rank B

Speciality: Fast swings causes the unleash of a ray of light,able to temporanealy blind foes.
Secondary effect: Judgement:
-Type: Holy-mana based spell
-Casted by: Dawn
-Conditions: Depleetes Dawn's energy reserves.

-Effects: Manipulates mana,creating various circles of different size (The order is from the biggest to the smallest.The biggest is higher than the smallers)
After a delay,an immense Greatsword of Light falls through the circle.
Excellent counter against Dark mana and excels at destroying big opponents (from Immense beasts to tanks).
The strike is precise but can be easily dodged if the Target is mobile.

Arkantos never departures without a backpack that contains various useful items.
-Blade-backpack: a special Sector of the backpack that is built to conserve the swords sheats during travels.
-Water: Vital for long journey
-Rations: Essential food to survive long journey.Rations variates.
-Bandages and healing balms: for extreme cases,Arkantos carries this stuff for safety.
-Spare parts: for long journeys,few Griphon bones to replace eventual damage.
-Sharpner: For long journeys,this item is used to fix the blades of Arkantos's swords.


"Combat is the mirror of the Spirit: It never changes"

Arkantos relies on his physical strenght to outsmart and crush his opponenents.He is trained for logorating fights and his strategy includes fast strikes,provoking-weak stabs and some fatal blows.
He costantly moves,because relying on his armor can be fatal.With spectacular flips and dashes,he may dishorient enemies and often tire them.
Because of this strategy,Arkantos can defeat Heavy opponents leaving the battle nearl unscratched.
This fighting style is common amongst the Clearwoodian Velite.
Arkantos usually never use spells and Mana to defeat his enemy: instead,his natural talent for Ki suffice to annihilate humanoid beings and beasts.
He is also adept at slaying bigger monsters and has a natural instinct for sneaking,making him a perfect under-cover agent.
But when Arkantos uses mana...

-Type: Gets close to Water magic - Haemomancery strain
-Conditions: Requires a weapon;strenght depends from user's current strenght.
-Rallies remaining strenght to execute a flurry of blow,strenght equal to the missing strenght of the caster.
When casted in the right time (Not without a scratch,but not dead neither),Revenge cleaves out heavy armors and flesh.

-Lethal,but daring because the spell is melee and renders the caster vulnerable.

-Aspect: When casting,the weapon has a visual glow.In Arkantos's case,the glow is light green.Intensity determinates strenght

-Friendly Current
-Type: Ki - wind
-Condition: Sufficent ki
-Enchant movement speed

Aspect: None


"When men trascend their mortal bounds,they surpass their limit: they become Gods for few instants"--Definition of Limit Break (By an elven battlemaster)

Arkantos has a particular cult and veneration to Limit Break,utilizing it as final tool of destruction: he rarely tests them,and when he creates a Limit Break he tries to "express" his wrath.

Type: Classic limit break that follows the standard chassis.
Condition: Nearly-depleeted Ki.
-Opening strike: A quick rush pushes Arkantos,as he executes a precise strike with both his swords
-The next strikes are 2 upward slashes and 2 downward slashes,planned to dishorient the victim.A further flurry has the objective to deal significant damage to the target.
-The final strike pushes away the target as Arkantos dashes on the opposite direction.


A much more spectacular Limit break that is,however harder than #1

Type: Magical Limit Break
Condition: Depleeted Ki;Swords must be able to release magic.
-This Limit break has no starting strikes: it immediatly begins after Arkantos overcharges his swords' with mana.
-A quick dash followed by a precise blow with the two swords: then a serious flurry of magical stabs.The final two slashes are slower,but deals much more damage.
-The Backfall is composed by two slashes that rises the target and slams it back,while Arkantos jumps back.

This Limit Break,admits Arkantos,is a suicidal one and is used in the most desperate condition.The first time Arkantos used it was just a test to verify it's strenght.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Arkantos doesn't mutilate himself to fill his Limit Break.



The sweet green plains and small Woods of Lightwake used to be Arkantos's Birth home.Atleast,this is what the Curriculists believes.
Arkantos gave this mere description: he simply doesn't remember.
His hometown was razed by the Beastmen of the North.His town knew that remaining there was hazardous,but there were no other chances.
The villagers clearly underestimated the threat: even if they stood heroically before the wave,their destiny was sealed.
So,the night before,the poor Arkantos was forced to escape under insistence of his mother.
He doesn't remember his father.
After few days of Travel he reached the Forests of Clearwood and there,he was adopted by two old,but kind farmers.


So,since Arkantos joined that family,he started to work the land and the learn the wonderful secret of the farmers.
But he felt that he wasn't a born farmer: whenever he had time,he loved to pass his time in the Wilderness,live on trees.
He passed few times with the human-kin...maybe if he wouldn't have abandoned his village,he would have become a Lizard man.
He had big ambitions,dreaming to live and work in the big Daughtris,alias Avory and the most important centres of Clearwood.
He grew strong,and when the Military picked him,he exited the academy with exquisite marks.

Avory: The First Chapter of Arkantos

After leaving Clearwood to look for Fortune,Arkantos had to adapt to the Dark Alleys of Avory: no matter the efforts of the ruler,there are Always some parasites that lives on other.
But the Dark Alley is also home to the reknown Guild of Rogues,thieves and assassin. Eventually,a thief (discrecy keeps the name hidden from this writing) attempted to get whatever Arkantos had.
However,Arkantos managed to turn the attempt to his favor,disarming the thief and pinning him upside down in a small factory.After hours of menaces and treats,the thief gave a proposal to Arkantos: joining the Guild.
Arkantos accepted and quickly climbed the ladder of fame.Not only he was a skilled saboteur: he was able to successfully assassinate various exponent.
This was his business: in fact,he never wanted directly involve the Guild.(not even the guild was able to track down the murderer until a 30th victim,they found a Dagger and a black rose,symbol of the Dark Elves(Arkantos wanted to give the crimes to the Dark Elves,an already outlaw Group))
Apparently,the King of Avory learny about this business and hired Arkantos to protect and fight alongside Belle.

Return to Clearwood: The menace of Bahamut

During the searching of the gods and goddesses,it happened that the party landed near Clearwood and had to fight off an accursed/mutated (Arkantos cannot explain the concept) Griphon.
After a skirmish,the Party prevailed,but they had to fight back their member Garen,an half-blood.
After that,the now-not-so-mythological dragon known as Bahamut was burning down Clearwood.
The Heroes' intervent was necessary for Clearwood future.During the battle,Arkantos was gravely injured,after an offensive maneuver.
After days of struggling and literal firefighting,Arkantos recovered and when Belle asked if he wanted to return,Arkantos had to say no: he knew that Clearwood was in danger and he wouldn't abandon it now.
He promised,however,that whenever possible he is going to return to the Group.
After wishing Good luck,the Party left Clearwood's outskirt.

Curriculum vitae of recent military action

"Agent Anthares"-a recently-adopted nickname is a vital resource for scouting and supporting troopers.
He is kind of obscure and known to few...the High generals have strong prejudices about an ex-assassin (In fact,the Dark Elves recently counter-attacked,trying to give back Arkantos's crimes) and possible infiltrator.
Still,matter of fact,Arkantos saved entire battalions and was essential is saving Clearwood from Bahamut,like the rest of Belle's Company.
Recent missions included the annihilation of the Lizard-men that were coming in Clearwood territory to escape the spree that Sylverana unleashed upon them.
The High Elves judged this action "Extreme and brutal": Arkantos accomplished it and had many honorification for that.
Then,due to recent events (Bahamut's menace and the Lizard-men) made few town rebellious.They were aiming the Regent-Lord of Clearwood to seize power.
Arkantos was wary,and when the Rebellious breached the Regent-Lord's Palace,Arkantos jumped from nowhere and pushed away the rebels.
More honors were given to Arkantos.
Few months later,situation was stable and Arkantos believes that it's time to respect the pacts: with the "Blessings" of the Generals,Arkantos decided to departure and seek Belle.


So begins...

Arkantos Thendgrays's Story


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Arkantos looked forward, trying to ignore the endless rushes and jumps produced by the wheeled vehicle's engine.
What time was it? He couldn't tell, atleast three hours passed since he left the quarters. The road was rough: clearly the driver took a secondary road, a shortcut.

"Now,tell me a lil' boy? Why you goin' to the Woaden station? Plannin' to go somewhere?" The driver noticed that Arkantos woke up.
"Uh? Oh,yes. I'm planning to go to Afukira" Arkantos said,trying to avoid the possible dialogue
"Afukira? Woah,doesn't seem to be the perfect place for a vacation!" He replied with his accent. Clearly,he isn't from Clearwood.

It happened few days ago when Arkantos realized that the time slowed down on him. Normality and tranquility returned in Clearwood. When was his last assignment? Somewhat like one week ago but in truth, it was just yesterday. Looking himself at the mirror, he noticed that the black scar that tainted his sleep last night started to become lighter. That scar, when Bahamut's breath blasted him while trying to blind the dragon. "It's absurb! You ARE absurb! No way we're beatin' that down!" The comments of the Clearwoodian soldiers stationed there. Well,it didn't went well, but that attempt allowed the others to blow fatal hits. Himself, he avenged himself scratching Bahamut's wings. No, scratching is too much of a big word. The promise he made to Belle, the princess of Avory. He need to respect that pact. He decided that he was going to departure. Intercepting that nomad party is actually going to be hard thing, but one day or another he had to start. The day was now. After packing the necessary and the excess, Arkantos met the quartermaster. A nice person, but a little rude. After Arkantos explained everything and the Quartermaster agreed, it was done: He asked for a transport for the Aviary station of Woaden where he will fly to the North of Daughtris: There he wanted to start a methodical search for the Group. After all, if things doesn't go like he wanted, he can help the locals and change places. The route...was simple: Clearwood-Afukira, Afukira-Brunoma, Brunoma-Fishan, Fishan-Demotia, Demotia-Bestia and then the long journey to Lightwake. Everything is ordered following a logic: from the most obvious to the most passive place.

"Anyway, who're you boy?" The driver restarted the dialogue
"Arkantos... Arkantos Thendgrays" He replied.
"Woah,greetings!" He replied."We shouldn't be far...five minutes more!"
"Thanks" Arkantos muttered.

When Arkantos touched the ground, it was a sunny day. Near the small control tower, there was a medium sized, but long and sharp craft. I suppose that's my ship Arkantos thought, while a tall figure dressed in blue with an eye patch walked toward him and raised a hand firmly forward towards Arkantos. Arkantos gladly shook it.

"Name's Cpt. Neil,pleasure to meet you,Thendgrays" The Captain said.
"The Honor is mine" Arkantos replied and after all the pleasantries, Arkantos joined Neil's crew as special guest.

The Ship looked bigger than it is: it has two floors,and it is armed to the teeth. Sounded much more of a Military transport... or maybe this Airship WAS military.
Neil calls it "Zephyr" and Zephyr is renowed for her speed.
While the Captain explained the capabilities of the Airship, Arkantos looked around, memorizing everything.
After the Captain showed Arkantos's cabin, he announced the time-table.


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"well, is there anything else you need to do before we depart for Afukira?" asked Captain Neil


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"Uhm,yeah captain. When we'll reach to Afukira? Two days? Three days?" Arkantos asked, while sitting on the bed and staring the Captain.


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The captain laughed. He then raised his hand forward, clasping Arkantos's left shoulder. "It won't take that long" he answered "if we leave now and there are no problems along the way, we will arrive at Afukira in nine hours." He then smiled and clasped his hands behind his back. "If there are no more questions, I shall take my leave and head to the piloting station for Zephyr's departure"


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"9 hours?" Arkantos seemed surprised at first, but then his expression returned to normal. "Fine. It's all Captain" Arkantos replied, standing back on his feet. When the captain left his cabin, Arkantos decided to have a walk, feeling that something bad was coming. He walked in the tall but small corridors, looking around: Zephyr was one of the classic airships. It had Golden features and other fine details. There were many cabins, and a superior floor. Arkantos decided to climb the stairs and search for a Sky lounge or something similiar. Maybe the black sky can make the travel less boring, thought the Clearwoodian assassin. When he found it, he leaned against a wall and looked outside, nothing in particular, waiting for something to happen.


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A young dog beastman ran through a door, looking slightly panicked. His head was turning everywhere furiously, as if searching for something. When he saw Arkantos leaning on a wall, his eyes widened and mouth open. "Sir I have been looking everywhere for you!" he exclaimed and ran to Arkantos. Once he reach the Clearwoodian assassin side, he rested by holding on to the railings. He was panting from the tiredness. "The captain wants to see you in the piloting station"


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Oh,there are beastmen on this crew!, thought Arkantos surprised. "Lead the way!" Arkantos said, walking toward the beastman. He knows it, something big just happened.


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Lance, the dog beastman ran ahead, leading Arkantos along the hallways of Zephyr. It didn't take them long to reach the piloting station. There, Captain Neil was looking through a holographic screen where another airship was shown, chasing them from behind.

"Oh, Sir Arkantos. You're finally here" Captain Neil said in a cheerful tone, eyes kept on the screen.


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Arkantos followed the beasman and quickly reached the Piloting station.
Entering the big room, Arkantos saw Captain Neil looking through few holographic screen.
"Captain Neil,what's it?" Arkantos said, looking at the holographic screens displaying another airship behind Zephyr.
"And...what's that?" Arkantos said, preaparing for an incoming battle.


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Captain Neil turned to Arkantos for a second, confused of his two same questions. "If you're asking what this hovering screen is; it is a holographic screen, produced by myriads of light transmitted beam, creating an illusion of a screen" he explained and once again turned to Arkantos "I'm surprised to see you haven't seen one of these before." He turned his head back forward "on the screen is another airship" he started explaining "apparently, it is chasing Zephyr relentlessly for a while now. We tried communicating with it but no response was received. I cannot allow it to come near us as it may be air pirates. Surprisingly, it seems that its speed is a match to Zephyr's".

Suddenly, Zephyr's radar detected two more vessels on their course. Captain Neil frowned. All three vessel, including the one behind them created a triangle.

"Just as I expected" he said and quickly turned to Arkantos "I'm sorry, Sir Arkantos. But it seems that we are surrounded by three hostile airships" He then turned back to the holographic screen. "Try to pilot Zephyr out" he told his crew "ready Zephyr's artilleries. We may have to shoot out way out"


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"No, I believe it's a bad Idea Captain. We're surrounded and no ship can withstand that much firepower. A diversive? Like... can we fly higher? Or lower is better" Arkantos suggested some strategies to escape the attack.
Nothing he could in long range and in skies. "Or... actually, how armed is Zephyr?" Arkantos asked.


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"Yes, you are probably right. Zephyr is well armed, but not powerful enough to shoot down all of the pirate's airship in one shot. I am sure that they themselves have put up barrier of their own" he sighed "But maneuvering Zephyr up or down will just be a waste of effort, they will just mimic our movements" replied the captain. He continued to watch the holographic screen with focus. Then, he turned to Arkantos and clasped the Clearwoodian assassin's shoulder. "We may need your help" he told Arkantos "I predict they will contact us for our surrender as soon as they are close enough. When that time comes, we will do as they ask and let them board the airship. They will connect their airship with Zephyr and lower their barriers to conserve power" he looked into Arkantos's eyes, making sure that Arkantos understood. "At that moment, you will stealthily infiltrate their airships and plant remote trigger bombs inside the power supplies. When you're done, get back on Zephyr and we will trigger the bombs, causing an explosion in their airship's power supply and disabling their airship's artilleries along with their protection barriers. The enemies that have already board Zephyr will surely start attacking us. At that time, we will need your help once again for protection and to fend them off" he paused for a second "are you willing to do that for us?"


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"Well,that's good: I'm no good at guns my friend... send the signal whenever you want,I was born ready" Arkantos said, giving a look around.
Then he turned toward Captain Neil. "What about the Explosives?"


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"You'll find the explosives in the weaponry" answered Captain Neil "Lance will guide you there"

Lance quicky ran towards the door heading out of the piloting station. "Come, Sir Arkantos" he beckoned


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"Right behind you" Arkantos followed Lance,while unsheathing his twin swords from his backpack. "So,I blow up the power line, you keep the big guys at bay and then when I'm back we push them back, right?" Arkantos said to Lance, keeping the pace. He hates silence, and hopefully that was a way to break it. "Still, there are three ships! You sure you can keep them calm for somewhat twenty minutes?"


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"I don't know sir, but we've got no wide selections of choices" replied Lance while still running. They came to a full stop in front of a locked door with panels beside it. "Here we are" said Lance, keying in the numbers and the door unlocked, revealing a room with multitude kinds of weapons and explosives. "I have to go back to the piloting station. I believe you know what to do" he paused for a second, looking worried "please sir, don't take too long"


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Character Portrait: Arkantos Thendgrays
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"Alright, I'll have a look" Arkantos opened the room and entered. It was immense, huge with countless shelves containing an unlimited quantity of weapons, from guns to swords and bombs. Arkantos shook his head and started to look for the bomb. "So, if we want to sabotage the energy core..." Arkantos was looking at a shelf filled with explosive material. Then he started to wonder, Woah, is it really safe to keep this stuffed in one single room? In fact, Arkantos managed to recognize some explosives powerful enough to wreck Zephyr in two. "Oh, you have these! Lovely, lovely... Cerberus Hellfire bombs" Arkantos said, grabbing and examining three charges, before putting them in his backpack. "These will turn their Energy cores in should get armed as well, Lance... I fear that situation will be hot" Arkantos prepared the sheaths of his twin swords. "Am ready, whenever you want... oh wait" Arkantos took out a small communicator and placed it on his ear. "We should keep contact... tune on channel 347: I will keep you updated." Arkantos said, exiting the Storage.


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Character Portrait: Arkantos Thendgrays
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Lance contemplated for a second, scratching the back of his head. "I'll inform Captain Neil of that" he said before running back to the piloting station, leaving Arkantos to do his job.


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Character Portrait: Arkantos Thendgrays
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After he gained the bombs, Arkantos walked toward the airship's gate. He looked out and noticed that one airship was getting too close to Zephyr. "That was fast..." He muttered while looking at the docking airship, but he was ready. When the two ships linked together by the use of aero bridge, Arkantos quickly casted a wind spell, lifting himself up and attaching himself on the bottom of the aero bridge, preventing detection. He watched a small group of armed beast-men walked inside. After he was sure that no more beast-men were coming, Arkantos entered in the first Airship and contacted Neil. "Neil, I'm on board." Arkantos said through the communicator and started looking for an engineering terminal. He knew that there was one nearby. The airship was crude and was built for battle, ignoring esthetical purposes.


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Character Portrait: Arkantos Thendgrays
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Finally, Arkantos found the engineering terminal. Unfortunately, it was in the piloting station of the airship and was filled with three goat beastman. Two of them were average size but one was large. Axes were hung in sheaths on their belt. One of the small one was managing the terminal while the other two was looking through their holographic screen. Through the holographic screen, the view of Zephyr's piloting station was seen.
