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Gerard Kind

What is a life worth? No you can't have a discount!

0 · 1,217 views · located in Daughtris

a character in “Gods of Elements: Sylph's kiss”, as played by Merchant


Name: Gerard Kind
Age: 22

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 10"


Hair:Short Red Hair


Cloths and armor: Wears refined clothes of an aristocrat and succesfull business man, preferring red seeing as how it matches is eyes and hair

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Likes: Money, Sex, and Control

Dislikes: Failure

Special skills and magic abilities: His skills revolve around crafting magical items of all types. But is much more cunning when he is selling and buying them. His magic abilities revolve around his numerous magical items that he carries with him.
Bag of Holding x3
Ring of Elemental Resistance
Ring of Magic Shield
dagger called Bane(enchanted with magical poison that weakens foes with a mere cut)
Searing Staff (red wood staff riddle with arcane symbols with a fist sized ruby at the top.(Produces a flame which can be shaped and controlled by the holder of the staff.

Are you one of the children of Venash or an Ally of Avory? Ally to the one with the highest bitter (for now)

Gerard is an attractive and assertive man. Gerard is polite despite the situation whether he is a at sword point or if he is torturing someone. Gerard is a composed business man who always has a price for his services and products. Gerard was a skilled apprentice to an artificer and blacksmith for most of his youth. Gerard had always gifted with his hands as well as his eyes. That was the main reason his late master chose to take him in. Gerard learned the skills of the people of Brunoma as well as traveled to other cities to trade and learn about their own artifacts. Gerard could grasp magical items after handling them and seeing them used. Same goes for machines of Brunoma. After his master died he continued to create for all the people.

The shop was thriving due to the quality of Gerard's work as well as his silver tongue when bartering with others.

It was during an incident where his sister was killed by a common thug with a magic wand that a cold truth appeared before Gerard. His inventions were doing more harm than good after finding, torturing, and killing the man that kiled his sister he decided he would take control so that only the ones that deserved to die truly found death.

For years he used his resources and connections to spread his influence throughout the many lands. Some were willing and other had no choice. Gerard had created an Empire creating weapons of death which only truly showed his might when the fighting started. Gerard supplied all the Venash heirs with weapons to fight their war. He also sold his items to Avory to help protect themselves. Business was booming and his reach was increasing.

Despite his success Gerard is patient, calculating, and cautious. It is not surprising seeing as how he has made both sides his enemy despite his helping. Gerard can not tell who the winner is going to be, so he has decided to play both sides as best he could, simply under the guise of a neutral merchant.

So begins...

Gerard Kind's Story


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Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Kakuzu Hidan
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Kakuzu sighed and started to brief to Gerard

"I have not gathered much information about Eclipse but I shall brief to you what I know"

Kakuzu gestured to one of his subordinates. Not long until he came bringing along a box of cigar. He took one, cut the tip, light it, and gave it to Kakuzu.

"Eclipse's is a powerful necromancer. I have not seen him in battle myself but from what I heard, he has the power to control and shape shadows into anything he wishes. The creatures he kills, he brings back to life and becomes his controlled soldiers and protectors"

Kakuzu picked up his drink on the table. He drank a quarter of it and place it back on the table.

"Currently, he has 5 lieutenants, including me. One if a beastmen that goes by the name of Slith, a lizard-man that with a half dragon shape shadow armor. He is an expert in Ki control"

Kakuzu placed the cigar between his lips and inhaled. After a moment, he exhaled white smoke. He continued to brief.

"Another one is Bozok, a dwarf from Brunoma. I think you should know him. I heard he was an elite knight that stole a holy hammer called mountain shatter. His shadow armor looks quite normal. No special shape"

Kakuzu smoked the cigar once again before continuing

"the other two are twins... angels... Solos and Lynos... from what I heard, their souls are bounded to Eclipse. Their armor gave them the look of arch-celestial six wings as black as knight and their swords burning with black flames. They were equal in strength to any mortal, the thing that made them so hard to kill is that their physical forms could only be destroyed by weapons blessed by gods or dragon magic. Though after they were destroyed all they had to do was return to him and sacrifice a pure soul to regain their bodies"

Kakuzu gestured to his subordinate. Three of them stood and began casting a spell that made a small vortex appear. The vortex disappear and a paper appeared hovering in mid air. One of them gently took it and placed it on the table.

"here... a documented information about them"



Solos & Lynos


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylverana Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Kakuzu Hidan Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Eclipse
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“We can start as soon as you finish any rituals you need to do and when Gen finishes his weapon. I’m guessing he already has something so let me take care of some domestic issues and we will meet back here.” Eclipse turned and started to walk to the door, but stopped and pulled out a skull and shadows covered it takeing the shape of a falcon “send me the shadow falcon to me when you’re ready.” as he walked he called the twins and they flew away.

Eclipse landed in Eclipsia and entered the palace he had taken over, as he entered his meeting room he grabbed one of his bottles of wine, then sent out summons to his five lieutenants for status reports. He also sent a magic message to Gerard his wears would be useful for the plan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Kakuzu Hidan Character Portrait: Eclipse
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Gerard kept his face calm as his grip tightened on the document of Bozok.
'So he was still alive and hiding here?' he thought to himself.

An elegant woman with long platinum hair and auburn skin entered the establishment and located Gerard. She carried a briefcase and walked by his side and stood there in silence.

Gerard stared at the courier. She was one of his personal couriers and he placed his hands on her legs and squeezed them. They were firm and strong. Gerard was strict when it came to those that worked under him. He let go and pulled out a black key and opened the briefcase seeing it was filled with replacement gear. Sadly it wasn't the first time that his stuff had been destroyed during a demonstration. Luckily he had prepared for it in advanced. He took the replacements and noted that he had recieved a message..

"It seems I have another business engagement," he stood up and bowed to Kakuzu. He turned to the courier. "Get the transportation." The courier dashed out with the briefcase still handcuffed to her wrist as she left the building. Gerard turned to Kakuzu. "I'll help you anyway I can, just let me know if you need anything. It seems I have a stake in this little war as well."


Gerard sent a message back notifying Eclipse to his approaching arrival.

Gerard looked at the courier who sat opposite of him. There was plenty of time before he arrived.
"Take it all off and come over here," he ordered. His thoughts ran deep as he thought about Kakuzu and Eclipse, as well as Bozok.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Kakuzu Hidan Character Portrait: Eclipse
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0.00 INK

The other four had entered; as he looked at them a crow flew through the window and landed on him disintegrating a second later. Eclipse turned and said “Well I think I was wrong to not kill the ruling class here, the spies I have on Kakuzu were destroyed and a mob is coming here. I hate to do this but I’m going to activate the failsafe. Slith go tell Gerald that some matters have come up and to meet me at my brothers Gens place. He has something that can cancel my magic I have already ordered the dead to head to the fall back position and the living cargo will be sailed there if it can if not then I will just have to wait till I can get more wine” he pulled out his phone and saw a message from his sister he ignored it and kept heading to the ledge to give his orders from there. He sent his orders to all who had his shadow magic, the shadows covered all those who had the collars in the city and broke their necks moving them towards the sea, the only living armors were those that were in the farms and mine and the ones needed to use the boats that were already leaving the harbor, with Slith and Bozok running to the personal craft. Eclipse didn’t like to run, but it would be stupid to stay and fight now, better to come back later. He and the twins were faster than the boats, so they stayed for a little while eclipse only had shadow magic so he had a few things near him that would work. He pulled out some fireworks and fired them into the city, while the twins threw down lightning and fire into the mob and buildings when they got within a mile of his palace. The twins came and picked him up and flew him over the crowd and he dropped the last of his explosives and yelled “You have won this day, but ask if it was worth all the death and destruction, I hope you like the rule of my sister now that you’ve got rid of me she’s coming for you next”. He flew back towards Gens palace believing that that could of gone better but his backup plan had worked good as he could hope.


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Character Portrait: Gerard Kind
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0.00 INK

Gerard's eyes were cold when he was told he had come here for nothing and had to go somewhere else. He got the location from the guard and before long he was on his way to a palace owned by a person named Gen. The courier was still panting on the opposite side of the transport. He considered having another go but his mood was a bit foul due to this treatment. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down.

It wasn't long before he once again had stopped and got out of his transport. Another person got out from the passenger's seat. A woman with red hair and dressed in a dark blue dress. Image

Gerard did not like new places, but seeing as this was not even the first location he didn't want to take any chances. He took the woman's hand as they were lead by yet another guard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind
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0.00 INK

The two receptionist saw Gerard outside the building named Gen Genetics. They waited for a while before one of them walked out to see Gerard.

"Can I help you sir?" Qita questioned with a warm smile "Please, come in"


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Character Portrait: Gerard Kind
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0.00 INK

Gerard and the red head looked up and he made a secret gesture to the woman to wait.

"Well you see I'm not really sure myself. I was directed to come her by Eclipse. I had a meeting you see but it appears there is some delay. I don't particularly like being directed around like a delivery and there are going to have to be some compensation for my time- You can actually help out Eclipse." Gerard looked at the buildings's structure.

"I would like a tour of this place," Gerard commanded more than he asked. He didn't feel sorry for putting these men in such an awkward situation. He walked over to the reception drawing both women's attention as the red head seemed to fall back slightly feigning to look at the structure of the building.

EDIT:(Female receptionists!!!)
his eyes flickered over their bodies.

"Say, how much do you make being a receptionist and all?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind
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0.00 INK

"Eclipse?" Qita questioned in a confused tone before closing her eyes and bowed slightly at Gerard

"I'm sorry sir, this is a private company. For a request like that, you need to have permission from the owner of the company which is Gen, one of the son of the king" Qita paused for a second before she continued "Please, come inside. I shall see that you have a place to stay to wait for Eclipse"

Qita escorted Gerard and the red haired lady to the elevator. They took the elevator up.

The elevator bell rang as they reached the level which is build for guests.

Qita bowed once again, smiled and spoke "If you need anything, please use the telephone to contact us at the reception counter. Gen will be here to see you while Eclipse is absent"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind
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0.00 INK

The red head went in first and looked around and then nodded.

Gerard entered and looked around the office himself. He was tempted to kill her and pay off the family but he was sure that this Gen could be quite useful so decided to not make waves for now.

He took a seat as the woman stood behind him watching and listening around the entire room. Gerard sure hope he wouldn't have to kill this guy, but sometimes messages needed to be sent for anything to really get done. He pulled out his pipe and traced his fingers over the incantation written on the side. The end flared up and orange smoke began to float in the air when he exhaled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen
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0.00 INK

Gen got on the elevator and pressed the panel button for the guess room floor. The elevator raised to the level and the door opened. Gen got out of the elevator and saw Gerard and the red haired lady.

"Helloooooww~" Gen greeted them both with a wacky attitude and turned to look at Gerard "I assume you are Gerard" he turned to the red hair lady "and who are you?" He questioned


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen
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0.00 INK

The woman didn't answer. Her body looked relaxed as her hand rested on her sides where a dagger was visible

"You assume correct," Gerard said as he blew smoke out.
'This man might not be worth keeping alive after all.' he thought to himself.

"I have to say I'm impressed by your company. What is it that you do here? I asked for a tour but it was declined. It seems the name of Eclipse doesn't hold much sway here. I know the feeling though. I don't think anyone would be so carefree with my own businesses."

Gerard eyed the man for a moment.

"When will Eclipse be showing up?" he asked. He never liked waiting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen
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0.00 INK

Gen's grinned wider. For a moment, Gen was silence but his head was leaning closer and closer to Gerard. He opened his mouth slowly

"I don't know" Gen answered

He jumped back and sat on the couch with his hands behind his head and his feet on the table.

"If you want a tour of the building, I am willing to give you one"

Gen gestured his hand and started explaining "The company works on surgery that modifies the body. Enhancing strength and changing limbs to robotics and such. Would you want to see us tear pieces of creatures apart and placing them together like a jigsaw puzzle?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen
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0.00 INK

Gerard returned a smile smirk.

"It sounds like a lucrative business. The applications for it are quite numerous." Gerard puffed the orange smoke and exhaled it again. "Well if there is no problem with a tour then lets not stay here any longer. I find it safer to be on the move than be in one place for too long." He stated as he got to his feet. The red head stepped to side and walked with him. Matching his pace and stride.

Gerard was by the door as he turned back to Gen.
"I hope you intend to guide us personally, as you suggested yourself," Gerard said with a slight smile. He didn't intend to have any man behind him if he could help it. "After you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen
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"Right right" Gen said as he jumped in and on the elevator

Once everyone was on, he pressed the button on the panel and the elevator carried them to a certain quiet floor with a white and long corridor.

"This floor is above the surgery rooms" Gen said as he walked out the elevator.

He guided them to one of the observation room where they could see an on going surgery downstairs.

"They are transplanting the soul of the old human to a younger synthetic body" Gen explained to Gerard and grinned


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen
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"Impressive," Gerard acknowledged. "How long does the process take and what are the conditions for the operation? How much does something like that go for?" He paused as a throught went throug his mind. "Do you create clones as well? I ask because I have to say I love the possibilities. Where do you see the future of this company going anyways?"

Gerard was trying to decide whether to create a partnership or simply do a hostile takeover. It would be a bloody mess going against one who creates bodies. Gerard was well protected around the clock and he knew most of his devices were versatile enough to help in most situations, but to have a back up plan like an extra body would be invaluable.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen
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0.00 INK

"The process duration is determined by the doctor's expertise" Gen turned to look at Gerard "there aren't any complicated conditions to apply for this operation. You only need as much money you need to buy a new expensive vehicle" Gen paused before continuing "The better the synthetic body, the more expensive it is"

Gen stopped talking for a while to catch his breath and started speaking once more

"Yes, there are clones. You just need a custom made synthetic body, someone else's soul, and your memory" Gen smirk and continued "but taking someone else's soul is illegal" Gen turned around and started to walk out the room "The future is yet undetermined"

He turned his head to look at Gerard

"Shall we go somewhere else?" Gen grinned


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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0.00 INK

The golems were carried to the storage warehouse within Gen Genetics. The room was large with high ceiling with no windows. The walls are grey concrete just like the outside of the building and white lights filled the rectangular room. There, they golems were placed between some boxes under a large shelf. There, they were left behind.

At that moment, Gen was busy giving Gerard and his company a tour. Beeping came from his pocket. He looked at them a little surprised and took out his cellphone from the pocket and checked it. There was a message informing him about the golems. He closed his phone and placed it back in his pockets.

"I'm sorry, Gerard. I am afraid I have to go check on something. If you want to, you can continue checking out the place. I don't think any harm could be done" He eyed at the red hair lady for a moment then grinned "I hope to see you both again. Here is my card" He gave his card to Gerard and began walking towards the elevator. Suddenly, he stopped and turned his head around. He looked at Gerard.

"You can follow if you wish" Gen smirked

Gen took the elevator down to the warehouse and made his way to the golems. His eye brow rose when he saw the note.

"Golem Master?" He narrowed his eyes while leaning closer to the larger golem.

Gen scratched his head in confusion. He was silent for a moment. He crossed his arms while tapping his legs on the floor, looking at all three golems.

"Rise?" He ordered the golems in a form of a question


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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0.00 INK

Gerard looked at the golem's and gave a whistle.

"Impressive craftsmanship. Seems more like a work of art than an object of war." Gerard circled around the golems once and then stood by Gen. "Ask them why they are here, oh and ask them where they came from." Gerard was curious as to the level of intelligence of the golems as well as the cautiousness of the creator. It was possible that the golems knew where they were created and how they got there. If they did then they could simply trace their route back to the source.

The fact they were voice coded meant that his voice would not get any response so he had to work through Gen to get things done.

Gerard knew quite a few skilled golem specialists but their work was not as refined as this one. Or at least they had kept their true skills from him. He made a mental note to have his people ask around for any other specialists have been heard of or seen .


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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Gen was startled and jumped a little when Gerard spoke.

"When did you get here?" Gen questioned and scratched his head

He turned his focus back to the golems to see if they responded to his orders.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Sylverana Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Myria  Cray Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Venash
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arik223
The carrier finally descended into the ground. Medics started to pour out, they were everywhere, taking care of wounded soldiers as well as citizens. Myria stepped outside, the ground general approached her and spoke "Its over my lady, we've won", she looked at him, trying to hide her happiness "it may be so but how long will it be until there are others?" Myria examined the field, looking in every direction trying to figure our what had happened. The two airships were burning outside of town, more crew ran out of the carrier to try and calm the fire. The citizens were peering through their windows trying to figure our what had happened. Her radio crackled and a man spoke "All clear" he said. She smiled and stood in the town center, someone ran out and brought her a speaker and microphone. She spoke loud and clear. "We have won. There is nothing to fear, you can come out of your homes, your king has sent forced to your help, and we succeeded in driving Sylverana off." within seconds hundreds of civilians ran out of their homes, cheering and clapping. All hail the king they were yelling. Myria couldn't help but laugh. When the last of the wounded was on the carrier and the last soldier boarded myria was ready to leave. Looking back and what had happened. The broken airships were left in place, no doubt the citizens would create some sort of monument or building out of the broken ships. The mayor ran up to Myria, "Thank you my lady, everyone here thanks you." Myria looked at the man "Thank your king." she walked away then stopped "Your town is on the edge of lightwakes continent, King Kage is going to build defenses and send troops all around the outer edges of Lightwake. I hope you don't mind?" the man stuttered "No, no my lady! we will being to build homes for troops, no one will get inside light wake anymore." she nodded and walking inside the airship.

Entering the ship was followed by more clapping and cheering. Myria couldn't get her mind off something, where did Sylverana go? It didn't matter to her at the moment. People ran out of their temporary quarters with champagne and beer to celebrate the recent victory. Myria made a toast and the drank. They arrived in the capitol after about an hour, the carrier was slower then the airship. The radio crackled, "Prepare to board" the ship landed on the runway and engineers ran everywhere to see if there was demage to be fixed. The doors opened and Myria walked out, she was immediately greeted by Kage "Dear sister!" He laughed "Your victory i sure something to remember, Come, we have things to discuss" Myria followed him.

Kage walked and sat on his throne. There were a few people in the hall, he told them to being construction. He looked at Myria "Let me tell you what were doing, all around the outer edges of Lightwake were going to build outpost's, with gunners and cannons and the top of the towers, no enemy will enter Lightwake for as long as I live." Myria looked at him "I would've done the same" he looked at the contractors still in the hall and waved them off, they bowed and left. "Now for more pressing matters. I am going to announce my claim to Vanesh's throne today, announce myself as his son. I'm going to announce that there will be no more territory disputes, i'm prepared to take care of brothers and sisters. Oh and i'm going to send troops to aid with the destruction of bahamut.

After that a TV crew ran in, cameras and computers were placed on the throne. After a few minutes of preparations it was ready. A man at the console said that he would be able to hack the Daughtris TV's only for a short while, only until the end of the speech. Then a man yelled action and the cameras were on Kage. "People of Daughtris, you are all probably wondering why you're seeing me on today, I have an important message to announce. My name is Kage, King of lightwake. I'm here to announce my claim to Vanesh's throne for the reason of being his son." Everyone in the throne room were in shock "Today i have successfully fend off an attack by my sister, Sylverana. Furthermore, with this message i announce that the fight to rule daughtris will end today, i will personally take to it that my brothers and sisters are back to their town and everyone else is left alone. The next message is to the Avory ship. I will come to your aid, i will send my best commander, Myria, my sister. That would be all" He waved his hand and the man at the console said that in a few seconds the message will air all around Daughtris. Even in airships.