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Amon Takartas

"Revenge at last! You, who've cast me aside and grown complacent, taking your peace for granted! Now gaze upon the scene of your destruction at the hands of my supreme masterpiece, the Effigy of Calamity!"

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a character in “Gods of Elements: Sylph's kiss”, as played by Verum Umbra



Name: Amon Takartas a.k.a. "The Golem Master"

Race: Human

Age: 37 years

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 196 lbs.

Hair: Magenta

Eyes: Dark brown, near black; often obscured by reflection from glasses.

Clothing and armor: Wears a special coat and cloak that he had made for him, along with glasses and slacks. No armor, since he tends to hang back from the fight and allow his golems to do the talking for him.

Sexual Orientation: Straight


A rather twisted and malicious fellow, he is devious, crafty, deceiptful, and most of all, a mastermind. He will sway those he can with lies and veils of false security to get what he wants or to get closer to those who he has taken interest to. If there isn't compliance, he destroys them.

He is an ally to Bahamut, and is one of his three lieutenants. Amon is head of logistics and strategies.


Extremely deft mana user; his knowledge of Earth based magics and alchemy allow for him to create and breathe life into the most simple or complex golem creations, be they clay, stone, dirt, or even metal. If he doesn't summon one of his premade golems through the use of alchemical and magical symbols and sigils, he crafts them using a variety of clay and stone shaping tools, and also utilizes a full smithy area for the more metal and ore oriented golems. Always carries a miniature of his greatest and strongest creation, the Effigy of Calamity, which becomes the true Golem once activated through his mana.


As a boy growing up in Brunoma, Amon was always around the earth and a great deal of energy, though it was more machinery than anything else. However, he was a rare case in himself, being born with a natural knack for manipulating mana, given the conditions of his mother's extreme exposures to sheer mana and energy during her pregnancy. Amon was a bit lonely in this sense, seeing as Brunoma was known for machines and tools, not magics. So, the boy created a friend from the clay and dirt in the area, and weaved his mana into the small statue, and soon enough, it came alive. Now, utilizing this skill, Amon made a living, creating golems to guard peoples homes and give children friends.

However, as the years went past and his ideas changed, so did the times, and people's desires changed with them. While plenty were still buying and using his golems, many people questioned his work, mocked him, and even resented what he did. Turned bitter by the disdain he felt from his own people, he planned to leave, but he had to gather all of his things. But, when he returned home, his house was a mess. His golems where missing, his workbenches flipped, tools scattered, papers all over the place. Amon rushed to his room to a sight that brought tears to him. There, lying shattered on the floor, was the first golem he ever made. His closest friend. Words were scrawled hastily on the wall "STOP MAKING THESE ABOMINATIONS, OR THIS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU" it said in the ink he used. Not only was the young man heart broken, but he was furious. He wanted revenge. Gathering what he could of his old friend and all his tools, he locked himself away, crafting a mighty golem that he would use to destroy all who would oppose him.

After a few years of making a name for himself, he was approached by a seductive and hypnotic vampire, who simply asked "Will you help me upon the return of my master, Bahamut?" While he wasn't swayed by her feminine wiles, he agreed to her cause, believing that under the alliegance of the dark dragon, he could get his revenge after keeping his true intentions swept under the rug for so long.

So begins...

Amon Takartas's Story


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Character Portrait: Amon Takartas Character Portrait: Captain Thackeray III Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway
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Amon shifted as he looked to the newly landed ship, exiting his home and snapping his fingers, the two sentinels snapped to a sort of attention, coming to life as the golems stood ready to protect the Golem Maker's home and workshop. The man was accompanied by two humanoid golems, for protection. These guardians were metal and stone, seeming like somewhat abstract, living suits of armor, the core shimmering under the armor. The charr and Avory forces were rejoicing and conversin while the charr Captain prepared to speak with the king. He'd deal with them later on, once everything went into place. He pushed up his glasses and ran some fingers through his violet colored hair, his deep brown eyes being revealed as the sun's glare went off his glasses. "Who will be my next customer...? Or victim...?"


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Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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Amon was nearby a shop that was displaying televisions up front. The news was on and there was a young adult woman on the screen.

"Just recently, we heard news about the Bahamut spreading fire over Clearwood region and flew to Avory, attacking the main metropolis. With the help of Pirates led by Captain Thackeray and help of machinery from an inventor we identified as Gerard, from Brunoma, the metropolis is saved without much casualty. We have been following Bahamut progress by our hidden ships and currently, Bahamut is in battle with two glowing women above Pruwas region's sky. They seem to be winning the battle but it is still too early to say. Stay tuned for more amazing news"


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Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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Amon watched the battle, fairly impressed. The battle was at equal odds, and the dragon had been injured, so he had reason to make the escape. The male chuckled a bit as the channel flipped to something about the children of Venash. The twisted grin on his lips only grew as he walked away, the two golems following. Mulier had relayed orders to him not long after Bahamut entered Pruwas. Send one of the children a little gift. And he made use of his underground storage. Three golems, all sentinels, one more advanced than the other two, had been mailed of to a specific place. With his connections, it should have reached their destination by now.

There was a resounding series of thuds outside the door of Gen's Genetics, three immense crates outside the doors. The sound was incredibly loud, and the boxes were hard to miss. Surely someone had to notice them.


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Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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"hmm?" Qita was surprised to see three boxes outside the building "what's that? how did that get there?" Qita asked Milana.

Milana shrugged and smiled "I don't know. Used box maybe. I'll check it out"

Milana got out off the counter and walked out the building towards the boxes. She examined the boxes and didn't see any address. She tried to lift it but it was heavy.

"something is inside but it isn't addressed to Gen's Genetics" Milana said to Qita through the communicator on her head

"Throw it away then" Qita said joyfully

"okay" Milana replied and went back inside

Not long then a garbage truck came. Three men in jumpsuits got out and carried the boxes into their garbage truck. They drove away, heading to the garbage disposal building, on the other side of the metropolis.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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0.00 INK

Image ((Secondary; Sides))
Image ((Primary; Center))

A loud creak was heard as the garbage truck began to strain, the axels soon snapping and causing the vehicle to drop to the ground, the sides breaking out. A trio of sentinels, the center more imposing than the two surrounding it, stepped out of the wreckage, only a few yards away from the Gen's Genetics building. They were easily twice the size of their massive containers, and quite intimidating. They wandered back to the complex, the center one holding a sort of parchment in between two fingers.

Once again, hardly unnoticable, the three golems approached the main door, the two secondaries kneeling a bit as the center would present the parchment to whomever checked once more. The paper would simply read. "A gift for Gen; one mastermind to another." Signed, "The Golem Master."


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Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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Qita startled when she saw the golems outside the building. She nudged Milana and pointed at them.

"Golems now?" Milana said in confusion

She walked impatiently out and examined the golems. She noticed the note and quickly picked it up. She narrowed her eyes as she read the note before raising an eye brow. She turned around and looked through the glass front door of Gen's Genetics and looked at Qita.

"There is a note stating that this things are for Gen from 'The Golem Master'..." Milana said through the comm

"Three golems..." Qita said curiously "weren't there three boxes before?"

"Yep... suspicious isn't it?" Milana said

"Lets send it to the checking room" Qita suggested

Milana nodded from far away and Qita started calling the carrier


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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The golems shifted a bit, getting onto their feet in preparation for whatever may occur. If things went well, they were to follow Gen's orders until the right time. If not, they'd proceed to wreck the place and take down as many powerful enemies as possible.

One secret Amon had with his Golems he made after the incident of his first golem's destruction was that each one had a sort of failsafe; if Amon so ordered it, they would abandon the orders of their "owner" and carry out orders provided by their creator. A killswitch or an override, so to speak.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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The golems were carried to the storage warehouse within Gen Genetics. The room was large with high ceiling with no windows. The walls are grey concrete just like the outside of the building and white lights filled the rectangular room. There, they golems were placed between some boxes under a large shelf. There, they were left behind.

At that moment, Gen was busy giving Gerard and his company a tour. Beeping came from his pocket. He looked at them a little surprised and took out his cellphone from the pocket and checked it. There was a message informing him about the golems. He closed his phone and placed it back in his pockets.

"I'm sorry, Gerard. I am afraid I have to go check on something. If you want to, you can continue checking out the place. I don't think any harm could be done" He eyed at the red hair lady for a moment then grinned "I hope to see you both again. Here is my card" He gave his card to Gerard and began walking towards the elevator. Suddenly, he stopped and turned his head around. He looked at Gerard.

"You can follow if you wish" Gen smirked

Gen took the elevator down to the warehouse and made his way to the golems. His eye brow rose when he saw the note.

"Golem Master?" He narrowed his eyes while leaning closer to the larger golem.

Gen scratched his head in confusion. He was silent for a moment. He crossed his arms while tapping his legs on the floor, looking at all three golems.

"Rise?" He ordered the golems in a form of a question


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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0.00 INK

The center golem paused, a synthetic voice ringing out hollowly. "Voice command and recognition confirmed. Proceed with program execution." The center golem turned its head to the left and right, making a rather loud droning noise at the other two before the trio rose up and into a standing position.

The metals grinded against the firm stone once they came to a halt, awaiting their next orders. The center one could form intelligent phrases, while the others would only use bare essential words, the golems comminucating through the droning and klaxon horns.


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Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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The golems were taller and larger than Gen. He had to tilt his head up to see the golem's heads. Gen placed both his hands on his hips.

"who sent you?" Gen questioned the middle Golem

(@EVERYONE: check OOC for NOTICE before you post anything)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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Gerard looked at the golem's and gave a whistle.

"Impressive craftsmanship. Seems more like a work of art than an object of war." Gerard circled around the golems once and then stood by Gen. "Ask them why they are here, oh and ask them where they came from." Gerard was curious as to the level of intelligence of the golems as well as the cautiousness of the creator. It was possible that the golems knew where they were created and how they got there. If they did then they could simply trace their route back to the source.

The fact they were voice coded meant that his voice would not get any response so he had to work through Gen to get things done.

Gerard knew quite a few skilled golem specialists but their work was not as refined as this one. Or at least they had kept their true skills from him. He made a mental note to have his people ask around for any other specialists have been heard of or seen .


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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Gen was startled and jumped a little when Gerard spoke.

"When did you get here?" Gen questioned and scratched his head

He turned his focus back to the golems to see if they responded to his orders.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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The golems watched as Gen and Gerard observed them, the center one keeping its dark, helm like cranium focused on Gen. The surrounding two shifted and turned, keeping an eye on the salesman. The two golems began making low, quiet droning sounds toward the beings before the center, darker golem put up a hand in order to silence the bronze colored automatons. They complied, and the golems spoke.

"We were sent by the Golem Master, as a gift for the one known as Gen. We arrived only a short moment ago. We came from the earth and power that the master had used to create us." The center golem answerwed, the other two chiming in at every other word.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylverana Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas Character Portrait: Eclipse Character Portrait: Slith
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0.00 INK

The twins saw the flash of lightning hit the dragon shaped flier and saw the body float to the top they also saw that the cargo ship had been rendered useless they sensed that there were only four things on the ship so they abandoned the fight grabbed the barely alive children and flew to their master. Getting out of the battle zones with the bodies heading to where their master was. They picked Eclipse up and created a basket for the six children that they had taken.

It was a matter of hours before he arrived but Eclipse left one of the twins to guard the children on the beach his army would march out of. It angered him that he had lost a country and two lieutenants. But if his day got any worse by the time he got to Gens building there was a broadcast about the ship and that he had a new brother to contend with. As he entered he saw that his sister had not arrived to take part in the plan but in the new the dragon hadn’t been seen since it fought with two flying beings. He strutted in and saw the golems, Eclipse asked “Gen did I hear the name Golem Master, has he been spotted this is bad, the history books state that one of the dragons lieutenants are a golem master. The plans been ruined we also have a few more thorns in our sides.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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0.00 INK

Gen watched the golems rise with eyes widened. The way that the center golem raised its hand to the other golems before they stopped informed Gen that it was the lead golem in charge. Gen switched his gaze towards Gerard for a moment

"It seemed to have answered your questions" Gen state the obvious to Gerard and switched his gaze back to the golems with brows furrowed.

"What is this Golem Master's real name and why did he sent you to me as a gift?" Gen questioned the golems


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas Character Portrait: Eclipse
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The center golem paused, sitting still for a moment before it nodded in confirmation. "That is correct, master Gen." The golem shifted a tad bit. This was not part of the plan. Internally, a sort of panic button had gone off from the golem's sentience. There was a great deal with the construction and inner workings of the automatons that even the golems themselves did not know about. However, it had been cancelled out by an outside source before any more negative attention could be brought upon the living metal and stone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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0.00 INK

"Exellent!" said Gerard. "How much for the lead golem and then for the two as a set? Gerard asked Gen as he opened his palm and a display appeared before him he pointed his other hand in the direction of teh golems and scanning began. The information was set towards the floating visual display and Gerard calculated what it was worth so he could work from there.

Gerard was not really big on Golems himself. He had those kinds of specialists working for him but still, these Golems were finer than any work that he himself had. He might have to locate this Golem Master and hire him. Gerard's face remained expressionless as the price came up. He closed the display and waited for Gen's price.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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0.00 INK

"Ah oh yes the price then..." Gen muttered

Gen scratched his chin. One of his brow rose, while he thought of a price. He didn't really need the money but selling the golems would be better than just disposing of them.

"I'm not good with golems prices. I've never dealt with them before" Gen explained to Gerard before turning to the master golem "How much do all three of you golems cost?" Gen questioned


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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The golems were unable to act. They were not being controlled and they had to abide by the orders of their master at the time. So in this case and point of being bartered off, they had no choice. Shifting and shuffling, they awaited their fate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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Gen frowned "It seems that the golems does not have the answer. I don't think they know their worth" Gen said to Gerard and smiled "Well, let me just give them to you as a gift for taking your time to visit my establishment".

Gen turned to the golems "From now on, Gerard shall be your master. Is that understood?" Gen questioned the golems