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Guy Clansbreath

"He had flown too high, and this was his punishment."(DA_SHADOW_PHOENIX 29)

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a character in “Gods of Elements: Sylph's kiss”, as played by DA_SHADOW_PHOENIX


Guy Clansbreath
"He had flown too high, and this was his punishment."(DA_SHADOW_PHOENIX 29)

Race: Human (Nordic)



Height: 6'7


Hair: brown, short, looks like it's cut with a knife (which it is)

Eyes: Blue

Cloths and armor: (for armor see pic at top)
ImageImage(his shield has a layer of wood/hide on the front and steel behind it to reinforce it.)

Sexual Orientation: Strait


Personality:Guy is a warrior, he is of the Nordic Clans, he is a pillager (a Viking), He loves honor, trust worthy people, he knows when he's getting ripped off. He follows the laws of chivalry, and always respects a woman, else proven that they cannot be trusted. He is a merchant among his people, They pillage for goods, for their land is unfruitful, so they steel goods and sell them, and take some. Guy's trader instinct tells him when someone is lying, and when they are being honest. he has experience being ripped off and it is never a nice thing, for him, or the dead man walking that has done it to him.


History:Guy was born the heir to his Clan, He was raised like a prince, but he didn't want to be the Clan chief, he wanted to be a Merchant, travelling the eland, pillaging, But people disliked his style of it, get rid of the people of a town, not by killing, but scaring, then going in and taking goods, so only few would die, lower than ten out of a hundred. The they would travel, and sell all the unusable goods, the valuables. Which meant travelling, which attracted Guy to this, He is now in Clear Wood, selling his goods.

So begins...

Guy Clansbreath's Story


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Character Portrait: Undine Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Hikari Character Portrait: Gust Character Portrait: Kelovius
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#, as written by Arik223
"All systems are go." There was a loud noise in the control room as it went dark and up again. It switched over to backup power as did most of the castle. Syrion grabbed the mic that would sound through ought the city. "Brace yourselves, the fight is almost over. Gods we are behind you. Stay clear of the Golem." Syrion put the mic down and pushed the button. It was amazing. The castle roared as the upper floors parted and slid down. The cannon emerged. It was a giant piece of machinery, very strong and filled with arcana and power. Syrion sounded the siren and his own guardian Golems moved away from the mountain. "Let em have it." The cannon glew with all colors. Its core was so bright it hurt looking at it. Then the shot was released, straight towards the Golems heart. The impact would be tremendous, if it doesn't kill him it will disable him enough for the Gods to kill him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Kuro Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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But to Thaqotul's surprise, no respond was given to all the new M'tun's threat. Kuro wasn't surprised by Guy nor did he even flinched at the sight of them. The fact that the wryms resisted his corruption did amuse the god of darkness slightly, but making use of the shadow realm was a mistake. Forgotten by Thaqotul or just simply not knowing, Kuro controls every element of shadows. He is the god of every darkness. He is the shadow himself. Without even thinking about it, he could see through the shadow illusion that the shaman wrym has created to replace him in the Blackpyre cave. Kuro was no mind reader, but he could see into his own realm, the shadow realm, and saw Thaqotul searching for something, causing the god of darkness to be suspicious.

[Go ahead. Attack the god of shadows. I dare you >:-3. I'm using the battle system and Kuro will have multiply by 5 bonus! Muahahhaha! Am I godmodding?! Yes? I don't care! Muahhaha! ... I think I've gone nuts]


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Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Kuro Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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[That wasn't the plan.]

Guy watched Kuro's lack of reaction, he seemed to be more interested in Thaqotal. Guy channeled his new powers of arcane and he focused on the black shadow snare violating his children. Guy felt stronger in Blackpyre, as if there were something powering him. Then he noticed several of the Wyrms letting energy flow into him so he could help them. Guy focused all of his energy on the tendrils and then they were his, they turned to a crimson red and then dropped to the floor and turned to dust.

Guy one again eyed Kuro. "Leave." Guy said calmly walking over to Kuro. He looked at god in the eye and saw no emotion. Guy knew if he was looked in the eyes it would be easy to see his rage and anger. Oddly Guy could now control his anger in this new form, he no longer let the anger control him, but he channeled it into a weapon. His mana.


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Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Kuro Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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"you don't seem to know your place" Kuro said directing his words to Guy without even looking at him. Even though Guy hasn't received the whole amount of powers from M'tun old body, somehow, he managed to turn the god of darkness's shadow chains into black dust. A moment later, the black dust rose again and became two creatures of darkness, red eyes, full black armor, and ready to kill, summoned from the depths of the shadow realm. Kuro's darkness that Guy voluntarily swallowed a few days ago suddenly intensified and wrapped itself around the viking's heart and veins, along his blood stream and muscles, inducing excruciating pain.
"you shall think again to be disrespectful to the one that could end you instantly"

[M'kay. To escape from that shadow bind, you will have to do a safe roll]


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Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Kuro Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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Guy laughed for a moment until the pain hit. guy knew what this felt like, he had felt the searing pain of red hot chain encasing him before, he had abeen captured in raids before and been tortured. He had a high pain tolerance. Guy then felt things ripping inside of him and he couldn't stand it. he felt to his knees for a moment and gasped, crimson blood dripping from his mouth.

Guy felt more energy as he felt the Wryms pour more energy into him, he could hear a chorus of many of them speaking to him in their draconic tongue. He could understand them telling him to go on. He heard a screech in the background as one of the Wryms volunteered to take his pain for him. Guy felt deeply sorrowful for this brave soul but he thanked him kindly.

Guy got up and he once again glowed red. "You have no servants here to help you." Guy said the Wryms chiming in. Guy drew his ax and as the dark creatures formed Guy readied himself shield up, ax ready to strike. [Wrym taking pain=safe roll, ready=physical buff] Guy waited for the monsters to charge him. He could definitely win with the assistance of his Wryms.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Undine Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Hikari Character Portrait: Gust
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#, as written by Arik223
When the massive light recedded the image came into focus. The golem was gone, only legs left standing. Syrion put his hands on the desks and let out a loud sigh. For a minute everyone was in shock, utterly speechless. That all ended when the notion of victory came to them. All the generals started cheering, the castle roared once more with happiness of victory. "This is not over. There is moral to be replenished." Syrion had a serious face on, he didn't know how to act. It was one of his biggest battles and he immerged victorious.. but at what price. Syrion made his way to the throne room past soldiers and guards laughing and hugging. The castle stayed lit because it would be very bad if it hadn't. Syrion walked to the balcony of the castle. The city was in chaos, but there was a hint of happiness. As those left alive came from their holes laughing and cheering. When the cannon turns on it puts away a reserve power supply, power that once sattled will be transmuted to hospitals and guard stations. It will begin recharging right away. Syrion grabbed the speaker and looked down at the people. It was his time to show them there is still something to be done. His voice would echo throughout the city, the castles PA was very loud. "People of Ostwyn. Today we have experienced what might be the worst attack in the history of our city. We have been submitted to hiding, submitted to take rash decision but all in the name of out safety. We have prevailed, but the cost was great. We are left with a mangled and broken city, a city that can only return to its former glory with our help. This battle would not have been won if it weren't for the extreme bravery of our soldiers and those who came to our aid. There I would like to send a praise and sincere thanks to Hikari, Undine, and the two others that aided them. It would've been a battle lost without their help. Our king is out now dealing with the threat that is the children of Venash, and let me assure you our king will not return until the debt has been paid and this has been to put to a stop. Now people of Ostwyn, I ask of you to aid your'e brothers without homes, to take in the injured, to give whatever aid you can to help rebuild this city. As of now we have barely enough power to host the hospitals, but by tomorrow the city will function as usual. I would now like to ask those who aided us in this battle to please meet me in the castle." It was a hell of mouthful but it was well deserved. Syrion noticed the people cheer, he noticed a bit of relief but there's lots of work to be done. The city of Ostwyn just might strain its economy.

Syrion made his way to the comm room for final instructions to the golem's. The summoners seemed exhausted. Syrion cast an order to the Guardians, they would first remove the remains of the Golem and then they would each go to a corner of the city and guard it until the power comes back on. The massive cannon still smoked as it drew itself back into the cannon and everything came back together like a puzzle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Kuro Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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The wrym has taken Guy’s pain away, but not the injury it applied. His heart was still clenched but he didn't feel it. The heart was crushed by the pressure, causing Guy’s blood to halt. But he already died once in Ostwyn. Kuro knows of the fact since he monitored Guy’s movement from the darkness was placed within the Viking. Whether he is able to cheat death once more is still yet to see. Meanwhile,seeing that the Blackpyre wryms are the source of Guy’s power, the shadow knight swung their hand sideways. In mid swing a large black sword, materialized from the shadows, appeared in their hand, striking at multiple wryms at once. The swing was mighty and filled with Ki energy. Silently, Kuro ordered the shadow knights to only use physical attacks since shadow elements are not effective enough to exterminate the wryms that are made of shadow elements themselves.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Kuro Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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Whilst Guy was busy battling Kuro's minions, Thaqotul launched himself at Kuro directly. He swung his tail like a club, and each time it hit Kuro it crackled with dark energy. He was using his full power now. This creature, in this world, was regarded as a god, but to Thaqotul he was simply an extremely powerful being. Thaqotul's secret had more or less been exposed when M'tun's 'communion chorus' cantrip hadn't worked on him, and besides, with the Echanii's return getting closer each day, he could ill afford to keep secrets. It was evident now, evident to Kuro, evident to M'tun, evident to his own people, that Thaqotul was not who he said he was, and as he battered at Kuro with a power that didn't even belong in this reality, never mind this world, it was clear that he was much more than a simple shaman. Thaqotul wielded power beyond both Kuro and M'tun, beyond any 'god' of this world, and his true master was more powerful than all of daughtris' gods put together, and then some. Thus, the true nature, though not the motives, of Thaqotul had been revealed. He was not a Blackpyre, he wasn't even from this reality, and he wielded powers beyond any of the gods.

As he thwacked at Kuro, he growled in a voice that was both ancient and alien "Kuro, stop this madness. Do you not remember the scriptures? M'tun and his people are the one shadow in this world that you cannot control, that are not governed by your whimsn There are forces at work here beyond even you and your kin, and I am not just speaking of the Echanii. You cannot prevail in this petty squabble, so LEAVE!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Kuro Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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shadereen wrote:
Thaqotul's attack:
Awesomeness: 9/20
Logic: 17/20
Description: 19/20
Dye roll: 40/40
= 85/100

Kuro's defend: 63 (*3 for being a powerful god. Whatever you say: he is still a lot stronger than Guy who hasn't found M'tun's real body and Thaqotul who is just a normal shaman X-D. You can't say he is stronger than everyone without approval from the godmodding GM X-DD i feel like such an irritating villain) = 204

Attack missed

Although it seemed like he wasn't, he was paying a part of his attention to Thaqotul who was hiding in the shadow realm. No words came out of the god of darkness's mouth nor did he felt any emotions when Thaqotul came out of the shadow realm and attacked him. No respond in form of words was given to Thaqotul's warning and demands for the Kuro to leave. The swinging tail simply passed through his body as if his body was made of out black smoke. But that action had made the god of darkness to change his mind. No chances will be given from here straight on. He was going to kill Thaqotul, the wryms, and Guy along with them. They are all going to die. In a blink of an eye, multiple figure, seven to be exact, with 3 pair of wings rose from the shadow casted by the lights around them. The figure was all Kuro shadow clones, having least power than him but destructive all the same. They all moved in a blur. Two headed for Thaqotul, one from the side and one from above, swinging their sharp wings that could cut through powerful barriers towards the shaman wrym. Two more headed towards Guy, also using the same attacks as they did on Thaqotul. While the other three was aiding the shadow knights in hunting each and every one of the Blackpyre wryms. Kuro himself flew back and made two Brunoma's Dwarven made handguns appeared on his hand. He proceeded to shoot both guns rapidly, One aimed at Guy, and one at Thaqotul. Light elemented bullets were released from the handguns. Especially made to turn a live and well creature made of shadow elements into a lifeless corpse filled with holes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Kuro Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Kuro Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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Guy could hear the Wrym that had taken his pain for him begin to weaken. "My lord, I die. But you are safe." The wrym echoed in Guys head before she fell. Guy felt a hot tear streak down his cheek. Guy watched as Kuro multiplied and sent out his minions.

"Whats wrong Kuro? Too afraid to fight your own battles?" Guy taunted trying to get his attention off of the Wryms. Guy then felt a tingling in his head. He heard a faint whisper. "Guy, listen!" Guy heard.

"Guy you must chant these words to unlock the Blackpyre. It will unleash Blackpyres power. You and the wyrms will be stronger while the Blackpyre is open, but if the blackpyre is destroyed... well don't let that happen. Chat: Hroth kranar jilu franj. chat it three times." The old M'tuns voice sounded in his head. This time it didn't sound demonic and terrible though. It sounded like a father.

Guy felt the voice leave him, as he looked up he didn't see anything different. Time had frozen while M'tun spoke to him. Guy put his ax away and slung his shield on his back. He focused on the chant. "Hroth kranar jilu franj, Hroth kranar jilu franj, Hroth kranar jilu franj!" Guy uttered quickly. The entire Blackpyre began to shake. The walls fell away and revealed what was really here. The walls were really made of some sort of glowing crimson energy. Pure destruction.

Guy then felt in the depths of the Blackpyre more Wryms awaking. He could feel the power coursing through their veins. They were much stronger now. They were blessed with true power, that to destroy. He saw about twenty of the thouisands of Wryms slither from their underground homes. They were encased in a black flames that roared for blood. Thats why this place was called Blackpyre.

The Wryms came to Guy's side ten to his left and to his right. Guy looked at them. They were nearly as big as Thaqotul. Guy felt their minds mend with his and they were one weapon.Guy ran forward charging the Kuro he thought was the true one, his Wyrms behind him. Guy put his hands together and gathered mana, he let the power build and he shot a huge fire ball at that Kuro hoping to incinerate him.


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Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Kuro Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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shadereen wrote:Guy's attack:
Awesomeness: 17/20
Description: 18/20
Logic: 10/20
Dice roll: 14/20
= 59/100

Kuro's dodge:
Dice roll: 46 (x3) = 138

Kuro's successfully dodge

Kuro's attack

It amused Kuro to see what was behind the walls. This must be the famous Blackpyre energy. The energy harvested from the mana released when a creature dies. Kelovius's founding. Or so he thought.

Just like the previous attack from Thaqotul, Guy's fireball passed through the god of darkness. Without waiting, Kuro, his shadow clones, and his shadow knights, started attacking. Three of the shadow clones teleported behind any Blackpyre wryms of their choice and span, swinging their wings like a blade in a wide arc sideways. Three more shadow clones also teleported. One appeared above Guy, swinging his six wings down like multiple katanas. The other two appeared on Guy's sides, swinging their six wings in a wide arc, quick but careful not to hit their ally next to their enemy. There was one shadow clone left. It also teleported, appearing above Thaqotul, swinging its wings down to the wrym shaman. The two shadow knights, swung their great sword sideways in a wide arc to every nearby Blackpyre wryms. Kuro himself spread his arms and wings, hovering back. Surprisingly, six spheres of light appeared around him. Although he was the god of darkness, just like other creatures of Daughtris, he could manipulate the element of light, just not as great as his dark elements. The element of light is just the element needed to exterminate the Blackpyre wyrms. He unleashed the sphere toward every enemies in the cave.


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Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Kuro Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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Guy was in fear for his wryms but they told him it would be alright. The fire around them then hardened into black armor. Black plates covered the wryms, they were covered from head to tail tip. The only open spot was their eye slits, yet even then most wyrms could see by sensing vibrations in the air and ground.

Guy called on the Blackpyre enrgy, and somehow as he tried to tap into it with his mind it attacked him and ripped at his memories as if it were alive. It was alive. Once guy saw it had the M'tun memory the Blackpyre stopped. Guy opened his eyes and there were shadow black flames encasing him too. guy could feel the power emanating from them. (Mana use buff)

Guy used this new enegy and engulfed the entire caveren in blazing hot flames. The wryms would be immune to fire, they were dragon kind. Thier hides would protect them as Guy conducted his blaze all around, focussing the hurricane inferno on Kuro. Guy saw the wryms begin trying to slither around the knights and kuro duplicates to squeeze them to death. Guy hoped their armor would hold.


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Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Kuro Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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Thaqotul ducked and weaved to the shadow clone's attacks. He brought his mace - like tail smashing against it's head. Other wyrms joined the fray and tried to squeeze the creature to death.

"No!" he shouted. "The creature does not breath air! Stop yourselves!" But by then it was too late. The shadow clone screamed and exploded into jagged shadow - shrapnel. Thaqotul ducked out of the way but the other wyrms were not so lucky. Five wyrms lay dead in a circle, the shadow shrapnel protruding from where their ruined hearts lay.

Thaqotul shook with anger. He made eye contact with a female Wyrm, who simply nodded at him. He knew what this meant. "But..." he protested.. The female Wyrm simply looked at him with pleading eyes. Thaqotul knew what he must do.

"M'tun." he said, telepathically so that Kuro could not hear. "We must leave here. We have no chance of prevailing. The other Blackypre will hold off Kuro and provide us with an opening, but we must hurry." his voice was grim, and if he had eyes, he would be crying.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Kuro Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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Guy felt hot tears mix with the blood on his face and streak down his cheeks washing away the crimson stains on his skin. Guy put away his weapon and felt around the blackpyre. He had a connection with it, he knew the blackpyre inside and out with the past memories of the earlier M'tuns. Guy probed a certain boulder with his mind and it then rolled away revealing a tunnel big enough for three or maybe even four Thaqotuls to slither through. Guy shot himself off the ground with small explosions from his feet and beat his wings behind him. He could hear the Wyrms crying out that he should save himself. That as long as Thaqotul lives there is hope for their race. That one day Guy shall return and rebuild Blackpyre as it once was.

Guy fled swiftly on his black wings. Thaqotul close behind. Guy saw more Wyrms fall as they held off Kuro's shadow demons. Guy forced himself not to look as he fled like a coward. That's what Guy now saw in himself. A coward in a warriors body, the god of destruction, chaos, and cowardice. Guy wanted to turn back but the Wyrms wouldn't allow it. The ushered him on until he found daylight. "When you reach daylight destroy the tunnel behind you." Guy yelled to Thaqotul behind him still in the tunnel.

Guy looked around. They were in the middle of nowhere. Guy didn't even know if Blackpyre was in Daughtris. It could be it's own dimension for all he knew, or an island that's not mapped like his own home. Guy sighed and thought of all the Wryms. He could remember all of their names now. They all flooded to him as the Past M'tuns memories flowed into him. Guy saw them all, even some of the largest ones when they were still feeding off their mothers kills. Guy cried freely. Thaqotul would understand his sorrow. And if not Guy didn't care.


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Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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Thaqotul hurried after Guy. He thwacked the tunnel with his tail until it collapsed, and continued on. They came to a stop, and Guy began to cry. Thaqotul gave him a sympathetic, fatherly look. "No." he said, reading Guy's thoughts. "You are not a coward. You did what was necessary. You were very brave in leaving the Blackpyre." he nuzzled him like a dog. "They may yet live, and even if they don't, there were some Blackpyre who were not present during the battle. Envoys, ambassadors, peacekeepers in distant cities. In particular, I noticed that Karuune the scholar wasn't present. He is among the youngest of the Blackpyre. The Blackpyre will find a way. They always do. Even without my guidance, I'm sure they'll thrive. For now, though, we need to keep moving, Kelovius is struggling to sway the gods to his cause. You should help him. I shall teleport you out of Blackpyre, with your permission, and then I must leave you.......i have to seek....answers."


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Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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Guy patted Thaqotul Like a lap dog as he nuzzled him. He was surprised to fin that the hide between his scales was actually very soft. Guy put his arm on Thaqotul like he was his pet, he was after all his creation, no M'tun's bodies were the same, but they all shared the same souls and memories. Guy loved Thaqotul and all the Wryms. They were his children. And now he had failed them like he had failed his people. Guy's mind went back and revealed to Thaqotul the Dracains destroying his island and slaughtering his people as he and a few other men from his tribe got away on a ship. Guy was forced to watch as his mother was raped and slaughtered. His sister taken as a slave, his brother killed in battle, and his father's head put on a steak.

"I promised myself it wouldn't happen again." Guy told Thaqotul. "I have failed your people as I failed my own. I am a coward. With these new powers though I'll clean myself from this agony. I swear Kuro will fall, and so will the Echanii. Patience however is required. I need to reach my full power." Guy said. He looked to Thaqotuls head and looked into his eyes that weren't there. Guy used M'tuns memories to restore the eyes and he stared into them, it was justa temporary illusion and only Guy could see it, but Thaqotul could see it through Guy's mind.

"My dear Taqotul, go on your search for knowledge, when you are done come to me. I need a companion I can trust. Who better than the one that has saved my life?" Guy said. He once again rubbed Thaqotul under his scales. Guy could tell this gentle beats' soft hide hadn't been given affection since the last M'tun roamed the earth, which was by Guy's memory about a century ago. Guy nodded to Thaqotul. "I'm ready, but try to put me on the ground. New with flying and all." Guy joked. "We won't want a little man-god with a broken leg or even skull now would we?" Guy joked.


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Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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Thaqotul would've loved to stay with Guy. He would've loved to just stay there and talk. But he couldn't. He had to do what he had to do. The prophecy demanded it. He noticed that Guy was looking into the memory of when the last M'tun showed him affection. As Thaqotul had expected, Guy had not seen all of the memory. He had not seen the part where, shortly after showing Thaqotul affection, the old M'tun would violate him. The memory did not show how the old M'tun would torture him with dark powers, turn him inside out for his own amusement. Thaqotul smiled. The old M'tun had a habit of covering up memories he did not want others to see.

Guy requested that he return after his quest, and Thaqotul replied that he would. He didn't mention to Guy that it was highly likely that he would never see him again. The quest was dangerous. He was about to teleport Guy away, until he stopped himself.

"I....can't do this anymore. I'm too old. I can't keep lying to you, Guy. I just can't." he sighed. "The truth is..........I'm not a Blackpyre. Not a proper one, at least. I'm not even from Daughtris. I've been lying to you this whole time, but I think that, after all the atrocities you've just seen, you should know the truth. I lied to you to.....keep you safe."


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Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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Guy looked at Thaqotul and examined him as if his eyes could uncover answers. He tried to go into his mind but Guy was blocked. Guy suspected that Thaqotul wasn't a Blackpyre when Guy felt the other Wryms presence but not Thaqotuls. Guy had no idea he wasn't from this world thought.

"What have you been hiding child?" Guy asked. Guy thought it odd that he called him child, but Guy did love him like his child. Even though he wasn't a Blackpyre he was still Guy's creation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Thaqotul
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Thaqotul sighed. "You know about guardian angels, right? I'm kind of like that. I serve a being of unfathomable power who exists between the veil of realities. He's......kind of like your father. He influenced your creation, as well as the old M'tun. You're kind of like.....a shard of my masters personality, he has one that exists on every planet in existence. He sent me down to this world to look after M'tun and his people. I was reborn as a dragon, and when I reached adulthood I regained my memories. I was the first dragon to become a Blackpyre, the first to follow M'tun, so I'm a Blackpyre in most senses of the word. I soon realized, though, the old M'tun was a failure. He did not keep balance, he shunned my master, and thus he quickly fell. I do not want you to make the same mistake, you hear me? You yourself have the power to change the destiny of the Blackpyre, to change what it means to be M'tun. The old M'tun was too arrogant and selfish, but you have the power to be loving and do what is necessary. Not matter what you do, though, I am your guardian angel, and I shall follow you to the death." and with that he kissed Guy, and they teleported.