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Kelsey Davies

"Music can change the world because it can change people." ~Bono

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a character in “Gold Morality”, as played by StereoHearts


Name: Kelsey “Kelso” Davies
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Female
Sexual preference: Straight, but more than willing to experiment. Life is too short
Face claim: Jennifer Lawrence
• Reading
• Practicing and perfecting her guitar styles
• Traveling
• Her family and friends
• Music
• Gold Mortality
• Being labeled
• Rude people
• Bullying
• Cats
• Her temper

• Eye color: A pair of dull gray eyes will pierce your soul whenever Kelso stares at you. She is known for given her ‘ice queen’ stare, which she acknowledges that she has.
• Hair color: Kelso is known for dyeing her hair several different colors. She remembers the one crazy year were she dyed it a shocking grayish blue color. Luckily now, she has settling for a light chocolate brown. Her locks are very wavy and often seem like a constructed tangled mess, but it suits her wild nature.
• Weight/Height: Kelsey averages out a simple 5’6, but that excludes her booties that she loves so much. About her weight… no one will ever find out.
• Every day wear: Kelso is known for her crazy fashion sense. On a daily basis, you can expect her to wear a simple baggy sweater or a truly beautiful top, straight legged black jeans and high heeled boots or booties. Whenever she is with the band, she style does not change. She is known as the sharp guitarist. Most of her outfits are neutral colors though, showing that she does not like too much color. Once in a blow moon, she’ll rock a floral dress, but not too often.

Personality: In high school everyone prides themselves in being different and complex. Kelsey is not that type of person. She is confident in herself and not afraid of people disliking her for any known reason. She has more important things to focus on. That being said, Kelsey is known for her killer confidence that seems to seep from her pores. Even with her confidence, Kelso has modest upbringing and is very respect and well-mannered. She will listen when spoken to and will speak when the situation calls for it. One would not say that she has an outgoing personality, but only because she does not go out of her way to speak to every single person in the room. In short, Kelsey is just a simple average girl who loves music and loves being around good company.
Unfortunately, there are flaws to Kelsey’s ‘simple girl’ personality. While in high school many people mistook her confidence for conceit. This has ultimately caused Kelsey a lot of grief. She gained several enemies and a bad reputation. Due to these facts, Kelso developed a temper, which could strike at any moment. Kelsey is also known for keeping secrets from everyone. Why should she always have to be open about her business? Whenever someone questions her, she can become standoffish and defensive as well.

Kelsey does not like for others to see the negative sides to her, so she tries her best bottle it up. However, as she becomes closer to others, her guard drops and her undesirable nature slowly creeps out. Still, she is a good friend and wants nothing, but to protect herself and her friends.

Background Information: Born a winter baby, Kelso grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth. Being the youngest, she has an older brother in college, and the only girl, Kelsey was raised to be a ‘proper lady’. That means no loud music, ballet classes, and all that jazz. However, the Davies was not expecting that to change once Kelsey started middle school. The young girl learned about the guitar from another student in her class. Kelso became fascinated with the instrument, and soon asked her parents to allow her to play. They brought Kelso her first guitar and she has been making music ever since.

When she reached high school, Kelsey met another music lover, Julia. After meeting her the first day, Kelsey knew that they would be friends forever. Their friendship grew stronger overtime and soon they even included more individuals and formed their sacred music group, Gold Mortality. Now, they are prepared to make a name for themselves in the music world.

So begins...

Kelsey Davies's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelsey Davies Character Portrait: Julia Driscoll Character Portrait: Francis Malory
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‘We just write and play and write and play and write and...’

A black Mercedes drove down a suburban street at the speed limit. The car seemed to be heading to a particular destination. If someone were to peek inside, they would see two eager adults chatting away, and a young girl relaxing in the back. That young girl just so happens to be the guitarist for the newly signed indie band Golden Morality. Kelsey is her name, but close friends and family gave her the nickname Kelso. She did not know where that name originated from, but what great rock legend didn't have a strange nickname?

‘He pointed to his heart, and mind, and ears. And he said here, here, and here…’

The group Meg and Dia soothing lyrics entered her ears, reminding Kelsey of what she was about to accomplish. Closing her gray eyes, the young girl started to get lost in her thoughts. It felt like yesterday when she discovered that they had been signed. There was a warm sensation that filled her body, which caused a certain numbing effect. That feeling would last for days, and she did not want it to go away.

“Kelso….Kels…Kelsey” a bass filled voice called out to the girl. Kelsey jerked her head towards the voice direction. Her father’s blue eyes stared at her through the rear view mirror.

“Are you going to be alright honey? I mean, you will be on tour for a long time. You know you can always call us and we’ll bring you home.” Those words were very reassuring. Her parents were open to the idea of letting her go on tour, but nonetheless, they were afraid to send their little girl away.

“No Dad…Mom…I’ll be fine. You do not have to worry at all. Julia will be there, and so will all the guys. We got this.” This was the first time Kelsey talked that entire morning. She was too nervous and excited to utter a word. This tour would not only show the world Golden Moralities music, but it was a test for herself. Kelsey glanced over at her guitar, Alexander, the instrument that will make her dreams come true.

“We’re here!” Ms. Davies called out. The car came to a stop, just before the giant tour bus. Kelsey stared at the massive
automobile, before jumping out of the car. This was her chance and she was going to take it. She reached in the back and grabbed Alexander, before she grabbed the rest of her junk. She found it very difficult to limit herself to specific items, but it had to be done. Still, if someone were to look at her large black suitcase, they would have thought she was moving. ’It’s better to be overly prepared, than not to have certain items at all’ Kelso thought with a bright smile. Before she parted ways with her family, Kelsey kissed them each on the cheek. She reassured them that she would be okay, and that she had her cellphone, just in chance something helped.

“I love you” were the last words she spoke to her family, before they drove off. Kelso turned on her heel to find someone standing at the Driscoll’s door. Almost instantly, she recognized that keyboard bag in the person’s hand.

“Hey Francis” Kelsey called out the older man. She walked up towards him with suitcase and guitar in hand. With a optimistic smile on her face Kelso glanced at the tour bus once again before asking

“Are you ready for this?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicholas Gellar Character Portrait: Summer Driscoll Character Portrait: Kelsey Davies Character Portrait: Julia Driscoll Character Portrait: Francis Malory
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Nicholas grabs his pre-packed 'Nike' duffle-bag and heads down to the kitchen where he spotted his mother frowning into her newspaper.
"What's up mum?" He asks, taking a seat on the chair identical to his mothers.
She bats his question away, "nothing, nothing dear - Don't you need to leave?" She asks, looking intently at the clock, "You better not be late for another thing. Especially this important!"
Nick laughs, poking his mum's wrist "Yeah, yeah I was just trying to say goodbye to my only mother." He says, emphasising the 'only' part as to make his mother feel mock guilt.

His smile brightens as his mother giggles, liking it when she's happy.
"Well, like you said, I best be off." He finally said, standing up and kissing his mum on the cheek.
Just as he was about to leave he hears his mother's soft voice call to him through the rooms "Goodbye love."

Racing down the roads that connect the Gellar's to the Dricoll's Nicholas clings onto his bass, making sure his knees don't hit into the delicate instrument as he sprinted.
Arriving at their street, he takes a couple deep breaths before carrying on, suppressing his excitement - for the moment - and keeping his head up, taking swift strides as he spots the maple door he knows all too well.

Spotting two figures standing at the door Nick grins, running over as soon as he recognises them.
"Francis," He gasps, still out of breath from his intense running, "Kels, what's up?"
He looks at the door and waits for it to open, while still talking to his friends.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicholas Gellar Character Portrait: Kelsey Davies Character Portrait: Julia Driscoll Character Portrait: Francis Malory
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"Kinda have to be." He replied, before turning toward the familiar voice. Glancing down at the suitcase, Francis raised an eyebrow, remarking sarcastically. "You sure you don't need another suitcase?" Before waiting for a reply, he started up his camcorder again before pointing it toward Kelsey. The band was used this, as they often guest starred in his many videos. Sometimes they were annoyed by the camera waving, but they knew it was all in good fun. Besides, it was hard to stay angry at Francis, especially while feeling the rush of excitement they all shared.

"So Kelso, big day's here. How are you feeling?"

As she replied, Francis noticed an approaching figure in the corner of the camcorder screen, a quickly approaching figure actually. A corner of his lip rose involuntarily, amused as he was by Nick's obvious excitement. When the bassist arrived and Kelsey had finished, he directed his lens toward him.

"Don't worry, we won't leave without you. Well I won't at least, don't know about this one." His eyes briefly glanced toward Kelsey, lips curved to a half-smile. "So how fast is your heart pounding now that you're here?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicholas Gellar Character Portrait: Summer Driscoll Character Portrait: Kelsey Davies Character Portrait: Julia Driscoll Character Portrait: Francis Malory
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Julia's ears perked up as she heard the doorbell ring, after squealing once more she realises she needs to relax, otherwise she could freak everyone out and so balls her fists, trying to calm down.
Walking slowly to the door she glances out the peephole and a small smile plays its way onto her lips.
"Sorry, no-ones home." She half shouts, half sings to the people the opposite side of the door.

Laughing at her own joke she flings open the door, grinning her friends names one by one.
"Kelsey!" She yells, her happiness getting the best of her as she flings over arms around her bestfriend.
Realising her friend she latches onto another, male this time.
"Francis! Blogging as ever huh?" She giggles, finally releasing her friend and sticking her tongue out to the camera.
Glancing to her next friend (victim) she assumes the position, ready to perform their handshake.

Julia grabs onto his left wrist with her right hand, while Nick grabs onto her left wrist with his right hand.
She then shakes their connected wrists and bursts into laughter.
"Okay, possibly the worst handshake ever?" She says into his neck, as she envelopes him in a huge hug.

Realising her final friend she looks at the all as a group, "I am," She takes a deep breath "So damn excited."
Grinning Julia then adds, "I bet you couldn't guess that."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicholas Gellar Character Portrait: Kelsey Davies Character Portrait: Julia Driscoll Character Portrait: Francis Malory
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Kelsey smirked at the keyboardist. While others would have thought she was high-maintenance for bringing such a large suitcase, her group of friends would not. Sometimes they do pick at her, but it’s all in good fun.

“Please. I would probably try to bring three; one for clothes, another for books, and entertainment, and then another one for snacks.” While she was replying, Kelso stood face to face with a small gadget. Francis was known for his camcorder and his ‘vlog’ episodes. How else would they have found this amazing keyboardist? Kelsey herself has been in a few of them. They are too hilarious not to watch. With a smile, Kelso looked directly into the camcorder.

“Super excited…kind of nervous, but I am ready to hit the road” she replied eagerly. What she said was beyond an understatement. Kelsey could not put how excited she was into words. One the outside she may seem calm and cool, but on the inside she was exploding! An excited chuckled escaped her lips, before she noticed another person making their way towards the pair. It was none other than, Nicholas the bands teddy bear. If they ever needed a quick laugh, Nick was the guy.

"Don't worry, we won't leave without you. Well I won't at least, don't know about this one” she heard Francis say. Kelsey looked up at Francis just as he glanced at her and smirked. Oh, he knows her too well.

“I wouldn’t have left you, but you would have to chase after the bus for a while.” Kelsey grinned, knowing she wouldn't do such a thing. They had all become a family after all. Just as she finished speaking, Kelsey was greeting by a familiar voice.

"Sorry, no-ones home.”It only took Kelso a split second to know who it belonged to. That girl would eventually open the door, and fling her arms around the young girl.

“Juls! How are you lovely?” she said with a grin. Kelsey let the girl go, so that she could attack the other two members. She watched Julia and Nick greet one another in an ‘interesting’ way, but that did not matter. Those two were just openly showing their excitement. Kelso thought about the question Francis asked earlier. She did not have time to reply, or she did not even know if it was for her. Still, she felt the need to answer it.

“It’s going way too fast. Is this what a heart attack feels like?” Kelso questioned Francis. The group was almost here, but everyone could feel the energy surging from each individual.

“We are all excited. We are going to rock this” Kelso nearly screamed. The girl pointed at the tour bus.

"This is our dream. And once Mitch gets here, we will be gone. This is too crazy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicholas Gellar Character Portrait: Kelsey Davies Character Portrait: Mitchell Pratchett Character Portrait: Julia Driscoll Character Portrait: Francis Malory
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"You know what the best part about being poor is?" Mitch asked through labored breaths, aiming his question at no one.

"No, Mitch, what?" He said back to himself.

"All the exercise."

Mitch had been dragging his drum set for over an hour through the streets of the city and now through the quaint lanes of suburbia that was Jules' neighborhood. He had forgotten just how far she lives away from him. He probably should ha e taken up Trucker, his "foster" dad(Even though he hasn't actually adopted him) on his offer of a ride.

"But then I would miss out on all the fun of lugging a patch drum set over 25 miles." He huffed out.

Mitch had dressed himself in black jeans, his black work boots, and a black wife beater. He also had a brown leather jacket that was currently slung over the drum set.

The drum set itself was already perfectly set up on a big wooden platform. It had been haphazardly painted black and had little wheels on each point of the platform. It looked like he had built it himself......which he had.

He viewed through his aviators that he had finally reached his destination. It seemed "The Gang" were all guffawing at one another and all seemed rather excited.

It looked they hadn't noticed him yet. He game e a sly smile and dropped the wagon like handle he had been using to pull the platform. He made his way to the back of it and began pushing it with all of his force. He then jumped on top of it and began to play one of his drum solos as he slid along the sidewalk.

He played for maybe 10 seconds before the platform crashed into the group of trashcans sitting in front of her house. The drum set, his jacket and his army style duffelbag did not flinch.

He however went flying off the platform, barreled through the trashcans, then rolled along the ground. After rollingaybe 15 feet. He managed to get his feet under himself, pop up, and scream at the top of his lungs "ROCK AND ROLL!!!"

He had a couple scrapes along his arms and a bruise starting to form on his right bicep, but his smile was big and bright.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicholas Gellar Character Portrait: Kelsey Davies Character Portrait: Mitchell Pratchett Character Portrait: Julia Driscoll Character Portrait: Francis Malory
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A cheerful voice soon interjected and the visitors were greeted by Julia. Waiting his turn, Francis moved the camera aside to allow for a hug before catching the playful expression on her face. Camera steady, he recorded the older Driscoll's reaction, finding her energy contagious. "Please, who are you talking to." He replied, knowing full well that the others understood how empathetic he was.

Suddenly, Kelsey answered the question Francis had intended for Nick, not that it really mattered. He merely wanted to preserve this memory with his band mates and share it with others who could live vicariously through them. "This is our dream." Kelsey remarked, barely able to contain her excitement. Francis could not help but feel a bit left out, for this was not exactly his dream. Sure he loved playing the keyboard, composing music, but the young man had too many interests and was much too indecisive. Even if this was a dream of his, he may not know until they step on stage at their first stop of the tour, or he just might not know until years later. Honestly, it was a bit disheartening.

Distracted, Francis didn't notice Mitch until the crash jump started his attention. Turning, he chuckled under his breath as the drummer screamed at the top of his lungs. However, once Mrs. Driscoll joined them, he was quick to reply to her question. "Who else."

When she returned, Francis remained where he was and allowed the other members of the band to surround him as they got into position. Smiling brightly, he draped his arms around the two members beside him for the photo. Once they dispersed, Francis headed toward the tour bus, lugging his keyboard and slate grey duffel bag toward the door. When allowed entrance, he carefully maneuvered up the steps to avoid bumping his instrument. Taking in their settings, Francis made a b-line toward the beds, quickly testing each with a firm push of a hand before claiming one of the lower cots by dropping his things on the covers. Satisfied, the young man moved toward the main area and sat down on the couch, staying out of the way of the others. While he waited for the others to become available, Francis took a few panning shots of the bus before pulling out his phone with his right hand and draping the left along the top of the couch, his body relaxed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicholas Gellar Character Portrait: Kelsey Davies Character Portrait: Mitchell Pratchett Character Portrait: Julia Driscoll Character Portrait: Francis Malory
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The crashing sound seemed to distract Kelsey from her excitement, yet she did not seem to least bit surprised when she discovered who created the mess. Her gray orbs glanced over to find Mitchell standing on Julia’s front lawn. He had run into her trashcans, but judging by his shouts…he was fine. Kelsey crossed her arms are smiled at Mitch. No one would have guessed that they were extremely close. They are complete opposites, but opposites do attract. This guy completes their crazy bunch of misfits and Kelsey wouldn’t have it any other way. As she stared at Mitch, Kelsey glanced back to see Mrs. Driscoll standing at the door way.

"Well, let me get my camera. I want a picture before all of you leave." Her second mother quickly disappeared into the house, and then reemerged with a camera in hand. "All right, everyone all together" Mrs. Driscoll demanded. Kelsey swiftly moved into position. She stood closer to the end, allowing her guitar to poke through. When everyone was together she smiled brightly, anticipating their final group picture before they hit the road.

'Click, Click, Click'

The bright smile on the young girls face faded, and she reached to grab her things. Everyone was here, and now it was time to go. Kelso readjusted her guitar on her back, and used her left hand to pull her suitcase. When she reached the tour bus, she stepped up and pecked inside. The set up was...not she was used to, however she did not have a choice. They were just signed after all. The inside of the automobile had a simple and at a grungy feel to it. Leaving her suitcase outside, Kelso climbed up into the bus and took her surroundings. While she was doing so, she quietly entered the bunking area. Not wanting to sleep under anyone, Kelsey picked an upper bunk. Maybe she could sleep across from Julia and they could have late night girl talk. The thought brought a smile to Kelsey’s face. Moving farther back, Kelsey placed her guitar down neatly, before walking back to the front. She stared at her large suitcase, and cursed herself for bringing it. Hopefully, they would have enough room to store it…somewhere.

With that in mind, Kelso lifted her suitcase on board. If anything, she could take out everything that she needed, and put the case under the bus…or something. Kelso quickly dragged the suitcase to the bunks, and lifted it on hers. She grunted softly, but was glad that she achieved her goal.

“Time to help the others” she muttered to herself. From the look of things, Mitch would need the most help, and a pair of extra hands would not hurt. Kelso exited the bus a third time, and called out to the group.

“Do you guys need help with anything?” While she stood outside, Kelsey realized that she had not acknowledged their tour bus driver at all. 'Way to make a good impression Kelsey' she thought with a disheartened groan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicholas Gellar Character Portrait: Summer Driscoll Character Portrait: Kelsey Davies Character Portrait: Mitchell Pratchett Character Portrait: Julia Driscoll Character Portrait: Francis Malory
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Julia grinned once more, posing with her friends for the group photo.
"How about this for our first album cover?" She jokes, taking the old polaroid camera from her mum and shaking the picture.
Glancing down at all of their happy faces, frozen in time.

She looks to her parents, still full of excitement and hugging and kissing them one by one, thinking all the time 'I wish Summer were here, she would have loved to see the inside of the bus and say bye to everyone.'

Her joy then ebbs into fear as she watches everyone pack their things, is this really happening? She would often think.
Shaking her head she grabs her bags, shoving them onto the bag compartment of their bus and then turning to see whether anyone else needed help.
Julia then watches Francis get on the bus and decides to follow him, gasping she notes the 'vintage' interior of the massive coach.

Sitting next to her friend on a slightly broken, red couch, Julia looks at his camera and then back at him.
"Its great you brought that, not only for your subscribers but it's memories I know we'll want to remember." Julia nods as she glances around their new home.
"Oh! Where are we going to sleep?" She whispers to herself, getting up and looking in all the pint-sized rooms.
The first she looks in is the grimy bathroom, giggling a little as she mumbles to herself "Oh no! I hope the boys learn to put the toilet seat down."

The next room is what she decided to claim as the girl's, it wasn't the most amazing room, but she liked the 'rustic' feel it held.
A large, extremely old guitar shaped rug adorned the dirty floor, forming the only nice thing to look at in the whole room, with a rusting metal bunkbed on one side, a very small desk (very small) with a matching chair, that looked like it would break apart if you sat on it.
A little record player was situated on the desk, a pile of old vinyl resting next to it and Julia walks over picking one up and studying it.
She nods, playing the record and hoping someone realises what it is.

"This is going to be great." She says, yet again to herself, tapping her foot intime with the music.


Watching Mitch's performance, Nick lets out a soft chuckle.
"Hey Mitch," He smiles, patting his friend on the back "ever the entrance."
He then looks at the drumset, "You want some help getting that on, it's obviously not just a one man job."

Running inside the coach Nick sets his precious bass down on the sofa, next to Francis "Can you look after that?" He asks before running out of the vehicle once more.
But not before greeting their driver, "Hello, I'm Nick," He greets before adding, "Sorry, got to go." And darting off.

Once outside again, Nicholas sees Kelsey asking Mitchell if he wants any help with the drumset.
"Oh Kelsey, you wouldn't want you to brake a nail," He teases, and the notices her massive suitcase, "Actually, if you managed to get that massive thing on the coach - Maybe we do need your help!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whitley Jones Character Portrait: Nicholas Gellar Character Portrait: Kelsey Davies Character Portrait: Mitchell Pratchett Character Portrait: Julia Driscoll Character Portrait: Francis Malory
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"You know you love me Mrs. Driscoll." Mitchell said in a teasing manner as he walked up to his best friends in the entire world. For the picture he stood behind them and stuck his head between Julia and Francis and stuck his arms around them as well. After the click flash of the Polaroid camera, Nick addressed him. "Would you expect anything else from me, man?" He said as he began to make his way over to his drumkit. When Nick had offered to help, he looked over at him. "Yeah man, thanks. Wouldn't mind putting aside some pride to have a non-broken back." he said.

Nick ran inside to stow away his greatest treasure, while Mitch began fold down his kit for storage. As he began to get things ready, Nick came back out with Kelso as the both offered to help. He cocked his head over to Nick. "Your just jealous because Kelso can kick your ass." Mitch then looked to Kelso. He then spoke in his best Schwarzenegger accent. "Come ovah here Olympia, I need your muscly arms, yah!" Mitch then hoisted the bass drum unto his shoulders.

Right when he was about to move onto the bus. A man that could have passed for Trucker's brother came out, from presumably the driver's seat, and told them that their was no room on the bus for the kit, and it would have to go onto the roof. Oh, also that his name was Whitley. Mitch walked over with the bass drum on his shoulder and shook the man's hand. "Mitch, good to meet you man. I think you and Mona will provide me with a nice slice of home while on the road." He said to the driver as if it was an inside joke.

They then began to quickly and efficiently get the drumkit situated onto Mona.....which is literally the perfect name for a bus. Whitley then asked where they were going first. Mitch looked over at him. "I'm pretty sure our first gig is in Tampa? Anyway, everyone is an incredibly talented musician.....and then there's the drummer, me." he said with a bit of self-mocking laughter. He never really counted himself as a musician as all he does is bash plastic cylinders with wooden sticks.

After they were finished, Mitch decided to make his way onto the bus with his sling and jacket to see what it was like. Whe he stepped inside and saw the interior he was perfect. It reminded him of home He closed his eyes and bowed his head in prayer. "Thank you, oh great Mooned Keith, for bringing unto us, literally the least trashy and overly hyped tour bus that was within your power. Our journey is a long one and it is comforting to know you are watching over us...Amen." He then walked forward a few steps, turned around and fell back ward right onto the floor in front of Jules and Francis. He then put his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling.

He had heard Jules comment about the toilet seat. "I plan on retaining my right as a "Chauvinist Pig" and do whatever I want in the bathroom as long as it stays in the bathroom." he said rather seriously to her....then began smiling to let her know it was a joke.

He decided to just lay there and wait for them to get going or something!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whitley Jones Character Portrait: Nicholas Gellar Character Portrait: Kelsey Davies Character Portrait: Mitchell Pratchett Character Portrait: Julia Driscoll Character Portrait: Francis Malory
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'Tampa? Okay, kinda a home gig then?' But the drummer had already bound on board Mona, another bundle of excitement, albeit a broader, taller, stronger bundle. What had he said about a slice of home? Whitley shook his shaggy grey head. He wasn't sure he'd ever had a band this young on the road before.

'Nick, get in here, man, I'll give you all the tour,' Whitley called up, and mounted the steps that opened onto the driver's seat.

'Alright, umm, dudes,' he called forward to where the rest of the band had gathered in the cramped shared area Whitley called the lounge. 'Uhhh, I ain't a schoolteacher type, so how bout I make this real quick while we're waiting for the tour manager. I got an itinerary here somewhere but we'd better hang on I guess.'

Nick came up the steps behind him, the rest of the band traipsed up the centre aisle. The low ceiling brushed Mitch's head. 'Right, I'm Whitley, and this is my seat,' he said, slapping the leather upholstery. 'That's my only rule, man. No-one sits in my seat. Alright? Alright. That's my guitar,' Whitley went on, pointing to the ceiling, where a battered acoustic hung by its strap from two hooks. A veritable forest of pine air fresheners hung from a dial on the dashboard. 'And that's my sound system,' he said, pointing at the dial, a CD player and a collection of buttons. 'Turns the speakers on and off all over the bus. We'll have us some good times with that. Y'all like Foghat?'

Whitley shrugged at the perplexed faces. 'Alright. Where most of you are standing, that's the kitchen.' The young musicians looked about their cramped surroundings. Kelsey, Julia, Mitch and Francis barely fit into the room, which was essentially a corridor. On the right as Whitley and Nick looked from the cab, and inset in a wall of cupboards, there were two electric hobs, a small microwave and a tiny sink, all grouped around a 4ft by 3ft window. The countertops were clean, but worn; in a couple of places cracks had been covered with duct tape. 'Go on, poke around.'

They hesitated; perhaps they felt like they would be intruding. Never mindd, Whitley thought. They'd soon feel at home. Kelsey was first to get involved, pulling open the cupboard to the right of the inset. Inside was a fridge. 'Don't have much call for keeping stuff on the road,' said Whitley. 'Just pick up milk when we stop places. Wanna tip for on the road? You know them tiny cartons of long-life milk? Rob as many as you can from diners and truckstops. Takes twenty of them to wet your Cheerios, and they taste like hell, but they're good forever.' Whitley lent past Julia and opened a cupboard on his left. Inside was a refuse sack full to the brim of of the tiny cartons. 'Got hundreds of them in there, help yourself!'

Whitley shuffled forward, pushing everyone back into the lounge. A rickety fold-up table was currently down on the left side of the room; a similar table was folded against the wall on the right. On either side of each table, facing the direction of travel and against the direction of travel, were low benches covered in worn red velvet. A seam was burst on one, and dark yellow foam protruded. The carpet was faded orange, and though it had obviously been recently cleaned, not a square foot of it wasn't stained. There were a number of cigarette burns on the left hand side of the carpet, though not on the right. Whitley saw sharp-eyed Francis had noted this. 'Smoking on the left, non-smokers on the right, see?'

Beyond the 'lounge', through a heavy felt curtain, was the sleeping area. On both sides of the narrow corridor were two bunks, each with another felt curtain across it. Beyond these, on the right, were two more bunks and, on the left, a dressing table and large wall-mounted mirror surrounded by lightbulbs. 'See?' Whitley grinned. 'I thought of everything, man. You girls got your own damn powder room!' Whitley assumed the surprise on Julia and Kelsey's faces was due to gratitude, not shock at the spartan conditions. 'Yeah, I know it's, like, harder for girls on the road. There's... well, there's not a lot of privacy in here. There just weren't girls and boys in bands together back in the day. I drove Tammy Wynette's crew once, but Tammy had her own bus. Man, her boys were dirty dogs...'

'Anyway, down there's storage. I see most of you already stowed your gear, I'll go tie it down later, just in case. And past that is the toilet on the left and the shower. It don't run hot most of the time, but it'll get you clean.'

'So,' Whitley proclaimed, turning proudly to the band. 'Whaddya think of my lady?'