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Katherine Arnault

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a character in “Gossip Girl: The City That Never Sleeps”, as played by BurningBridges



"'I,' she says, 'am always stuck. I am always stuck between giving people everything because I am dying to create meaningful relationships, and giving them nothing at all because then if they leave, at least I’ll be left whole.'"
— S.Z.

Katherine Emelie Arnault

Kat, Kitty


May 16th

Sexual Orientation:
Bisexual (Closeted)


The Heiress

Hex Code:

Good personality traits:
Exuberant, Passionate, Fun-Loving, Creative

Bad personality traits:
Shallow, Emotional, Dramatic, Impatient

There's a reason for why growing up and still today, Katherine tends to attract friends that remain close and true to her. She's lovable in the sense that she's outgoing, fun, and energetic. Normally, she has a lively vibe to her, gets excited over the little things, and is good at cheering people up or acting as a buffer between two people who normally wouldn't get along very well. She's easy to have fun around and possess a vibe that seems to lighten tense moods. She's definitely talkative, especially when it comes to things that she's passionate about, and though her tendency to be impulsive doesn't make her the most qualified advice-giver, she certainly tries to help her friends when they have problems. Maybe it's because she often comes off as naive or even innocent, but those who are close with her would definitely describe her as being sweet, typically well-intended, and a genuine and loyal friend.

A flaw that's definitely worth nothing, however, is how easily influenced Katherine can be. There are certain values and desires that she'll stand by until the end, and that's apparent in the sense that she becomes almost immature, in the respect of being unwilling to compromise on certain things. However, more frequently, it takes just a little bit of pushing from someone she trusts to have her completely on their side, no matter what the issue at hand is. This malleability at least somewhat stems from her being insecure about her own intelligence. Growing up, being "dumb" wasn't something she ever minded, mostly because she knew that it didn't really have any consequences. Her father's name was enough to eliminate the possibility of her being expelled from her private school, due to bad grades, and no one at home ever really pushed her to do better in school, so she just accepted the fact that she wasn't as bright as other students.

Drama and gossip are fun when she's not the target of it, and are things that Katherine definitely enjoys witnessing. However, when it comes back to bite her, Katherine proves to be much more self-conscious and sensitive than she acts. She over thinks most things and is the type of person who will lay in bed for hours thinking about things or call her friends at three in the morning sobbing. She's not only emotionally needy, but materialistically as well. She tends to be very shallow when it comes to judging people and determining their worth and the first standard would be money. Her high standards and the fact that she's extremely conscious about her appearance, especially the idea of actually getting naked in front of anyone, have led to her maintaining her status as a virgin. Because of this, talking about possible hookups is something that she rarely engages in, because she's embarrassed that she hasn't done much in terms of that, but at the same time, she isn't ready to face the root of the problem and acknowledge that she's not some hideous looking, overweight monster that she somehow needs to see in the mirror.

From a young age, Katherine found that she had a passion for the visual arts. As a child, she showed exemplary skills in drawing and painting, and she's continued that throughout her life. In her opinion, it's the only thing that she has ever actually been good at, and that's the only reason for why she has stuck with it. Really, though, she does have a passion for it, and it's often one of the few healthy outlets that she has for negative feelings in her life.

Yoga → It's one of the few things that she actually thinks she's good at, and is something that always calms her down. She tries to go to yoga class five times a week.
Shopping → If you can't find her, checking Bergdorfs, Barney's, or any of the stores on 5th Avenue is always a good start.
Tennis → Although she's not on the school team anymore, she still enjoys playing tennis leisurely.

Bad Habits:
Gossiping → What would Kat be without this bad habit? With how frequently she does it, it really might as well be considering a hobby. She doesn't think of herself as being a bad person, or someone who likes to cut people down, but she's fascinated with rumors and gossip, as long as it isn't about her.
Running late → She's always running late for things, no matter what it is. If you want her somewhere on time, your best bet is to ask her to be there thirty minutes before you really need her, because even then, she might not make it on time.
Emotional → Kat is extremely emotional and extremely sensitive. "Everyone is so mean to me" might as well be her catch phrase, at this point, because she has a tendency to pretend her reckless and irresponsible actions never existed, when she wants to place the blame on someone else, or escape responsibility.

Image Build:
5'10, 123 lbs

Hair Colour:

Eye Colour:

Distinguishing Marks:
Her ears are pierced 2x each.

Face Claim:
Kendall Jenner


[center]Childhood/Family Life:
Katherine lives with her father, Bernard Arnault and step-mother, Nicole Reeve-Arnault. Her mother, Laura Beck, is now married to Christopher Beck and they have a 2-year-old son, Greyson, together. Her relationships with her mother and step-father are strong, but the pair and their son live in Los Angeles, so she only sees them a few times a year. Although she often claims that she would be much better off living with them, the fact that she doesn't see them very often probably contributes to their positive relationship. Katherine's attitude and lifestyle make it hard for her to have a healthy relationships with the people in charge of her. Laura is a concert pianist and Christopher is a retired professional baseball player. Bernard has primary guardianship of Kat, so her relationship with him and his second wife of two years is more prominent and notably, is generally poor. He's a business tycoon and the 13th wealthiest person in the world, with a net worth well in the billion dollar range. Bernard is the chairman and CEO of LMVH, a French multinational luxury goods conglomerate, which incorporates various well known brands such as Marc Jacobs, Sephora, Hennessy, Dior, Donna Karen, Céline and Bulgari. Her father is of French nationality but moved to New York when he divorced her mother when she was three years old. He was forced to temporarily relocate to the states due to a custody order, but after it was worked out, he decided to purchase a permanent home in New York. Since then, he travels back to his company's Paris headquarters two or three times a month but does most of his business in Manhattan. Despite this, he never had enough time, or as Kat believed, desire, to invest his energy in her upbringing. Their relationship was always minimal, until she hit her teenage years and he was no longer able to ignore her bratty and rebellious attitude. From then on, it consisted of little more than yelling and screaming, and making empty threats to empty her bank account.

Bernard and Laura met in New York. She was a student at Juliard in New York City, and in what is definitely an awkward story to tell, his son was attending the school as well, and had befriended Laura. Despite their age difference, and the fact that Bernard had three children already (one who was actually friends with Laura), they fell in love and after she graduated, she moved to France where they continued dating, and eventually eloped. They had been married for a few weeks when they intentionally conceived a child. They wereready to start a family together and for the first few months, everything seemed wonderful. However, by the time Katherine was born, it was apparent that they had moved too quickly. Bernard's work life was consuming him, Laura missed her family and life in the states, and neither were prepared to put their lives on hold to care for the baby. Their divorce was finalized when Katherine was a year old and luckily, it was completely civil. They agreed that she would reside with Bernard on a regular basis, but Laura had visitation rights and it essentially worked as more of shared custody than anything.

In order to allow Laura regular contact with Katherine, Bernard purchased a penthouse in New York where she was raised once she turned three. Although it was her father's apartment, he wasn't the one there caring for the toddler day in and day out. Those duties were given to an assortment of nannies and caregivers who did everything from make her breakfast in the morning, to teaching her how to ride a bike. She never developed a close emotional relationship with her father and he tended to express his love through gifts. Katherine would wake up in the morning and instead of being greeted by her father, she would find a new Tiffany bracelet waiting for her. It sounds great, and Kat would never complain about the gifts, but she did want to know her father.

A few weeks after she turned fifteen, she found out via text that her father had impulsively married a woman, Nicole, who he had been dating for a few months during their trip to Italy. Katherine wanted no part in the woman, despite her attempts to reach out and become involved in her life. She was already comfortable with having no authoritative parents in her life and wasn't about to open up to some woman who she barely knew. After a few screaming matches with between the two, Nicole mostly gave up on trying to befriend Katherine the two avoid each other more than anything now.

The biggest struggle that Katherine has faced in her life is the eating disorder that she was diagnosed with at age thirteen. Looking back, she knows it's something that's been around since she was a child, but it started to become debilitating in her teen years. Her father was forced to acknowledge it when she fainted one day at school and was sent to a hospital to be examined. Since then, she has been forced to see a psychiatrist regularly. Things seemed to be okay for a few years, but last spring she took a turn for the worse and hit a dangerously low weight which her forced into the Timberline Knolls treatment facility in Illinois. At that point in her life, she probably would have ran away if she knew she was being sent there, so her father convinced her that they were going on a weekend trip to Chicago to force her to the center. It worked, but left Katherine with no time to give any of her friends an explanation for why she would be falling off the face of the earth for the two months of summer. She's back home now, and though the two months of treatment did her good in some ways, she is no way recovered, just on the path to it.

So begins...

Katherine Arnault's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cali Kwon Character Portrait: James Airth Character Portrait: Dinah Jane Irving Character Portrait: Xavier Clifton Character Portrait: Elise García Character Portrait: Alaina Clarke
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Date: Friday, August 18, 2017
Time: 1:45 PM

Leave it to New York to be one of the fewest places during the summer that you don't want to be at in August. Seriously, who the hell told the weather to just drop like that?

Hey, readers, Gossip Girl here and luckily for you, Manhattan's little darlings won't let some small drop in the weather ruin the rest of their summer fun and I'm pretty sure James Airth is going to be the leader of our little motley crew in the next four hours since he's throwing a yacht party. They're disembarking from the Hamptons, so you already know to be prepared for scantily clad minors running around with alcohol they probably stole from mommy and daddy's liquor cabinets. Then again, I'm pretty sure that a lot of it was purchased with mommy and daddy's credit cards, but who am I to judge? As you all already know, I will be one of the first to order one of those succulent apple martinis because love him or hate him, but Airth's bartenders usually make the best martinis. And what will our favorite little darlings be doing in the meantime?

Well, last I checked while Sydney and The New Girl's - and yes, I do know her name, it's just so much more fun to call her The New Girl for a bit longer - parents are still on their honeymoon until the school year starts, you actually haven't seen the two together yet. In fact, you haven't seen them anywhere near each other. I wonder if we should ask Airth about that since Alaina's been getting real chummy with her and he went bowling with those two the other day. And believe it or not, Katherine Arnault is back in town. I know, I know - she just dropped off of the face of the planet and without either of her besties, Alexis or Sydney, at that. Isn't she like, their little lapdog or something? Then again, sweetie's been caught in the worst divorce ever since neither of her girls are talking and isn't Alexis just coming back from vacay? Or are we still not ready to just call it what it probably was, which was rehab? Or damage control? I'm sure we can all find something we can agree upon when referring to our now crown-less diva. Nevertheless, while I myself am getting ready for this yacht party and the jacuzzi that you all know I'm gonna stay in, let's see what our little lovelies can get themselves in to in the meantime.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaina Clarke Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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K A T H E R I N E . A R N A U L T

Location: Group Therapy | Manhattan, NY
Dialogue Color: #CF009F
Outfit: Here

Katherine had countless things that she needed to be doing right now. Countless. The list that she had been making in her head for the past hour and a half had to encompass at least one hundred different things that suddenly seemed so important, that as each minute ticked away, she felt like she was closer to suffocating with the stress of it. She had her outfit picked out, and she wasn't going to do her hair and makeup until she got to her house in the Hamptons. Her overnight bag was packed, and her father was going to send a car to pick her up from therapy with her bag and outfit already in it, so that she could head straight to the heliport to fly out the her family's Hamptons house. She had enough time where she could allow herself to relax, but now that she was attending a group therapy session, she was able to suddenly convince herself that she had a million other places to be. Had she not had this, there was no chance that she would be doing any of that, though. In fact, she would probably still be in bed trying to avoid the monstrosity of a friendship conflict she was going to face tonight between Sydney and Alexis, or off shopping for clothes that didn't pertain to tonight's activities at all.

If feeling anxious to get out of this session wasn't stressful enough for the mere sake of time-constraints, then the fact that the girl who had just joined their group today was a girl that Kat went to school with definitely was. Katherine had only been to one session before this, as she had only gotten home from being in residential treatment less than two weeks ago. She was supposed to remain in treatment until literally the day before school started, but she had agreed to this plan where she would return home and in addition to seeing a psychiatrist, attend a weekly group therapy session as well. While she knew that it wouldn't help her, she was willing to pretend to be okay with the deal for a few weeks, just to avoid unnecessary drama with her father. She hadn't minded sitting through the therapy sessions and partaking in these silly games and activities, because she was so used to it, having done it daily all summer long, but the idea of someone she knew being there changed that entirely. She didn't know Alaina Clarke very well. She knew her mostly as being Jameson's cousin, and that was that. She seemed kind of weird, or at least on the more irrelevant side of who Katherine normally cared about, so she never bothered much with her though. Because she was related to Jameson, it would have been a lie to say that they didn't interact every once in a while, even if it was only in a group setting. Even though she didn't know her well though, Katherine was still mortified to see her here. Her eating disorder was something that she hid from everyone, aside from a very small group of friends who nearly forced it out of her, so having an acquaintance who knew her enough to know it was her, but not enough to care to protect her secret, left Katherine feeling overly stressed out. Still, she managed to sit through the session and play the stupid game of Jenga that their group director, Anna, had customized for her eating disorder recovery groups. She not only managed to play it, but she managed to play it with Alaina, who, only by Kat's amazing luck, had been selected as her partner.

"Shopping," Kat answered, not pausing for even a second after Alaina read off a block that asked her what made her most happy. That was an easy one. Kat preferred the ones that didn't relate to food or eating disorders, at least when Anna was nearing their group. When she was focused on others, Kat could offer a bullshit answer to move on, but if the woman overheard her "rejecting" recovery in any way, it would end up costing her a fifteen minute discussion on healthier alternatives and underlying feelings that provoked her to say that. And Katherine didn't have time for that. She pulled a block out from the stack, being careful not to let the others topple down. "Name one way your relationship with food is negatively impacting your life," she read, once she had flipped the block over to the side with words.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaina Clarke Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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Location: Group Therapy | Manhattan, NY
Dialogue Color: #91395f
Outfit: Here
Like most, Alaina was dreading the end of the summer. The long beach days with her family seemed to have bled into one long blur of memory. She'd spent a good chunk of her vacation out of state and with her family down south, returning back home after the romantic nature of summer days had left a bitter taste in her mouth. The only good thing that came out of it was being able to see her cousin, but it wasn't like Facetime didn't exist. Also like most, part of that dread came from school being back in session. Alaina didn't hate school for the same reasons a lot of people did, which was because of the homework and the direct contradiction it was to the lazy, carefree summer days that preceded it. She just severely disliked her school and the people that accompanied it. She knew she was getting a quality education--her father made sure to remind her of that if she ever came off as too ungrateful, half threatening to send her to one of the public schools in the neighboring boroughs--but it was hard to appreciate it when the people made it so easily dislikable. She was just ready to graduate, as she was ready to move on from the inescapable drama that seemed to surround her, even after she worked tirelessly to keep away from it. It was impossible to avoid entirely. And with the revival of Gossip Girl, since it was clear that she was still being punished for whatever she did in a past life, she knew this school year in particular would be one for the books. The girl sitting directly across from her reminded her of that. As if her parents taking nothing of their daughter's concerning eating habits over the past year and promptly freaking out wasn't enough, being sent to group therapy was icing on the cake. And then to walk in, sit down, and see Katherine Arnault in the same room? She couldn't even be alarmed. The best she could muster was a bored stare and a shake of her head. Alaina had every reason to be worried just as much as Kat was. Kat was actually a part of the group that Alaina had tried to enter years ago, the same group that she judged so much. They were nothing but asses with mouths, if you asked her, who coddled their insecurities by gossiping and bringing everyone else down. But Alaina couldn't be bothered to worry. Sure, she was annoyed, and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't at all concerned for the future, but it was out of her control. Even if she never came back, she'd already been outed. Plus, she didn't have a choice, courtesy of her parents.

"Hmm," she pondered with a thoughtful smirk. Of course she'd gotten paired with Kat too. She wasn't nearly as bothered with Kat's presence as she assumed Kat was with hers. Kat, and girls like her, were impossible for Alaina to avoid. And they were more or less all the same anyways. And given that she was related to Kat's friend's boyfriend--or whatever the hell they were now--it was even harder to not interact with them at all. But she would be damned if she acted miserable in front of the girl. Plus, Jenga was a pretty fun game, and she thought the questions were pretty nice. "Well, it's gotten me stuck here," she said, chuckling heartily. Anna was nearby, but Alaina didn't care too much about it. If she got chastised, she'd just feed some bullshit about this being her way of coming to terms with her 'problem' and that the road to recovery wasn't the same as everyone else's. She carefully slid a block out from its slot and flipped it. "What does recovery mean to you?"

"Um." Even though Katherine had answered that question one hundred times over the past few months, she still needed a second to think of something that wasn't embarrassingly cheesy, but also would satisfy the ear of the program director who wasn't too far away. "It means not being so obsessive and allowing myself to get healthy, I guess."

"Compliment your Jenga partner and accept a compliment from them."

Alaina smiled ear to ear as she leaned back in her seat, listening to Kat read the question of the block piece. This should be rich. Considering they weren't friends, to say the least, it was more than funny to have such a request. She didn't expect a genuine response, but it was hard not to be amused at the faux friendliness of this all. She was being inconsiderate, though she didn't recognize that. Because Alaina wasn't totally freaked out by Kat's presence, and Alaina felt like she had no reason to be intimidating, unlike Kat, she felt that Kat had no reason to be anything but calm. It was one of Alaina's more selfish qualities, her lack in ability to empathize with things or people she felt didn't need empathizing with. So her having fun with this, even if slightly at the expense of the girl in front of her, was something she didn't see as spiteful, even if it truly was at its core. She caught Anna's eye, but that didn't make her sit up straight and look sulky or sympathetic; she didn't care about being pulled aside after group, because she sure as hell wouldn't stay. Her little regard for authority, or even tact, was clearly displayed in her demeanor, and even moreso in her words."You don't have to think too hard on it; I don't expect you to actually mean it, especially outside of Groupthinkville," she said, knowing girls like Kat couldn't think without permission, before contorting her face into a slow realization. "Or would you have to actually think harder because of that? I'm not sure how the whole non-friend thing works." It probably seemed unwarranted, mostly because it was, but Alaina didn't see it as anything insulting. She'd seen what girls like Kat could do. This was just playful teasing, and if Kat had half the brain she barely had, she would be able to tell that there was nothing intentionally malicious in Alaina's words. But if not, then that was her own problem. "I admire your loyalty. I think it's kind of a metaphor for you actually. Your ability to listen, follow, and do is just really second best."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaina Clarke Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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K A T H E R I N E . A R N A U L T

Location: Group Therapy | Manhattan, NY
Dialogue Color: #CF009F
Outfit: Here

Location: Group Therapy | Manhattan, NY
Dialogue Color: #91395f
Outfit: Here

Who did this girl think she was? Kat had always known that Alaina was on the weirder side, but she hadn't pinned her as having this much gall. In fact, the snarky tone that came with many of Alaina's comments, even if it hadn't necessarily been intended, had Katherine severely caught off guard. She had witnessed Alaina's personality in small doses, maybe in some shared classes or in those group settings, but she hadn't dealt with her one-on-one in what had to have been years, and there was no way that she was this... this... ballsy when Katherine had dealt with her. The relaxed attitude had seemed like enough of a needling mood, especially because Katherine was specifically trying to avoid having to deal with the program director any more than necessary, since she was sure that it would end up costing her precious time as the clock ticked closer and closer to two o'clock. Yet there Alaina was, even just by her posture, making them stand out when compared to the other pairs of girls. It brought a scowl to her face even before Alaina offered her that backhanded compliment that had Katherine very tempted to let the girl in front of her know that she didn't know her. She could play that game too, though. "And I admire your bravery. It must have taken a lot of courage to walk into this room filled with girls who are actually skinny and have eating disorders when you look like you belong downstairs at Food Addicts Anonymous." Making fun of someone else's body, even when it was being done purely out of spite with absolutely no truth to back it up, was something that Katherine normally didn't do. She had few filters when it came to insults, but because weight and body image were things that hit close to home for her, she had the personal experience to know better than to think they were things to joke about. Then again, because of her own experience, she felt like someone insulting her based on her weight was the worst thing they could say, and because of her emotional tendencies, she was more than willing to hit Alaina with an insult based off of that and hope that she had the same emotional ties to the topic.

Kat did have a point. Unlike a lot of these other girls, Alaina wasn't dangerously skinning, nor was she struggling with anorexia. Technically, she was unclassified. She just had bad tendencies when it came to food, but she didn't do it for weight purposes. Her curves would only allow her to be but so skinny anyway. While her parents were able to accurately recognize the problem, Alaina was so used to her problematic relationship with food that she didn't see it as the issue her guardians did. She was misinformed, like many others, who believed that eating disorders were only for girls who looked like, well, Kat. It was why she had an air of arrogance about her because she really didn't think she needed to be there, just as much as she didn't feel the need to be incredibly skinny. Of course being a girl, and being a girl around a lot of other girls who looked nothing like her, she did wish she were smaller. But such were growing pains. Outside of that though? No. Maybe if this was ten years ago, She was appalled by Kat's rebuttle, but not because of the audacity of it, and instead because of the genuine nature behind the attempt. She bit back her giggles before falling into a thorough laughter. "Food Addicts Anonymous." She couldn't immediately work any words out then, so she just nodded. "Oh, thank you. Forgot I was supposed to accept it. But yes, it's very...humbling to be around girls where I'm literal goals," she said. "And this being a support group, and we're supposed to help each other out..." She distractedly uttered while trying to remove the next block. "That probably would have worked better fifteen years ago when Paris Hilton was still relevant. It's kind of a thing to not look as skinny as the heels you walk in. I guess Sydney forgot to tell y- Ooh! Three things on your bucket list. You know, like, stuff you want to do before you die. I can definitely see you wanting to do one of those trips to third world countries where you take cute pictures with little brown kids for Instagram before forgetting they exist."

The boisterous attitude that Alaina had was beginning to anger Katherine more and more, because with each bold bout of laughter, or unnaturally relaxed movement that the girl made, Kat could feel more eyes being directed towards them. They would all look away and resume their own game after a second or two, but she didn't need people paying them any mind even for that little of time. She didn't need any unnecessary attention directed on them when her whole goal of being in this group was to be as unnoticeable as possible to get through it as painlessly as she could. She could have moved on from the subject at hand, as Alaina had already pulled out another block that asked about bucket list goals, but Katherine wasn't going to let that go. Alaina was either lying to cover up being a failure at having an eating disorder by claiming that she didn't want to be stick thin, or she was bulimic. Kat was well aware that there were other types of eating disorders, since she herself was technically diagnosed with "eating disorder not otherwise specified with anorexic tendencies", but it was easier to lump disorders into being bulimic or anorexic. Tendencies included. From her experience, you were either one or the other, or a mix of both. The idea of forcing oneself to throw up seemed far too unnatural to Kat (as if near starvation wasn't), or else she would have tried it out of desperation at one point or another. "So you're bulimic," she said, smirking as if she knew something that Alaina didn't. "I could've guessed that. That's why I knew better than to compliment you on having self-control, because you must not have any," she said, smiling more genuinely herself now, but only because Alaina wasn't currently talking.

"And no, I'd rather not get malaria, but thanks anyway," she said a beat later, deciding that she wanted the last word in that conversation, so moving on now seemed like the appropriate way to do that. Rather than give three things from her bucket list like she was supposed to, she opted to just pull another block. Alaina wasn't taking the game seriously, she didn't care, and the quicker they finished, the quicker they could leave. Kat was tempted to purposely knock over the tower already, but no one else's had fallen yet, and she didn't want to be conspicuous about it. "Tell me a--"

Just as Kat was about to read off the next block, Anna sat down beside her and Katherine, and instinctively, Kat was glaring at Alaina because this was all her fault. "It seems like we're having a lot of fun over here! I might have to get you two to star in the improv skit I wanted to try out next week with the group," she said, and Kat couldn't tell whether she was being serious or just trying to gauge just how much tension was present. "So, who's up?"

"It's her turn to tell me about a time when she wasn't so judgmental towards herself," Katherine explained, stone-faced, but dropping the more obvious glare that she had been sending to Alaina.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaina Clarke Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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K A T H E R I N E . A R N A U L T

Location: Group Therapy | Manhattan, NY
Dialogue Color: #CF009F
Outfit: Here

Location: Group Therapy | Manhattan, NY
Dialogue Color: #91395f
Outfit: Here

"You're such a good reader, Kat," Alaina said gently. "You have a really nice reading voice, it's such a shame people don't listen to her more," she said, looking towards Anna with a polished innocence and nonchalance. "I would say over the summer. I was away from a lot of toxic people, like this heathen at my school. Her name's Sydney, but it's just like all of these girls are so ruthless, and it makes me feel like I have to look down on myself because they look down on everyone else. But Katherine has really helped me realize how lucky I am to not have those people in my life. I'm not bulimic by the way," Alaina said swiftly, seemingly out of left field. She didn't pretend to be cheery, even in Anna's presence, but she didn't look peeved either. "It's called being black and having curves, you'll probably realize that when you start spending thousands to look me," she finished dismissively as she continued and searched for her next block. "That skit sounds fun. Maybe you could tell us more about that after we're done? Favorite food I used to eat at least once a week."

Katherine didn't know what Sydney had ever done to Alaina (other than maybe reject her, but clearly for very good reasons), but clearly, Alaina was obsessed with her. That was what Katherine told herself, anyway, rather than considering that Alaina was only specifically targeting Sydney in an effort to get under her skin (which was definitely working). No, Kat was definitely going to spin this into Alaina being their Janice Ians - the girl who was still bitter over being rejected from their social group, and now had it out for the head of it. And Kat only used "head" because Alexis was a year and grade older than she, Sydney and Alaina. She wasn't referring to Alexis' apparent fall from grace, because the drama within her own social circle wasn't something she could bring herself to think about right now. Regardless of whatever Alaina's obsession with Sydney stemmed from, Kat told herself that she was going to call her blonde friend the moment she left this building to let her know about it. She minutely recognized that such a thought allowed her to fit seamlessly into this little lapdog image that Alaina was painting her as being, and that thought aggravated her further. Enough so, actually, that after being outed for calling Alaina bulimic, and then having to watch Alaina grab another block so effortlessly, as if none of this was bothering her as much as it was Kat, she found herself reaching out and smacking the Jenga tower, causing it to collapse. It was the picture perfect image of a spoiled brat having a temper tantrum - ruining the game only because she wasn't winning, or in this instance, getting to have the last word (or more specifically, the more powerful word/comeback). If they weren't going to play the game her way, then they were going to play at all. They were done. "Looks like we're done here," she said, scrambling to get to her feet, though she didn't actually lunge for the door. Even if she was brazen enough to ruin their game like that, Kat didn't possess the bold nature to just run out the door if there was a possibility that Anna was going to yell at her or call her father or something. She would wait for permission to go, even if she did so begrudgingly and without specifically stating that she was waiting for that. "And that works out perfectly since my car should be here any minute."

As if she wasn't the one acting out of line, Kat's mini tantrum surprised her. She instinctively jolted back, just from the suddenness of it, but she watched casually as the pieces fell to the floor. If she was actively trying to get under Kat's skin, she would have smiled knowingly, as if to suggest that she had won, but that wasn't the case. She hadn't been acting completely obliviously just then, she knew she was being a headass from the perspective of Kat, but she only did that because she didn't care, or at least that's what she had convinced herself of. There was an ounce of her that was bothered by the girl's presence, she was tired of all the slaps to the face, and this was her way of finally expressing that. It was more than just Kat being there, but Kat was easily an outlet. Not caring was her way of having control, and with something as foreign as this, she needed to at least feel the wheel, even if she wasn't steering it. "Classic, Kat," she muttered as she leaned towards the ground to pick up the pieces.

Despite all of this, Anna maintained a smile. It was so genuine she wondered if the woman was even witnessing the same interactions as she was. The woman picked the stray blocks that had flown into her lap, placing them politely on the tab, and patting them together in threes. "I understand this is very frustrating for the both of you. This game can be very tough, but it's important to realize how this relates to your life," she said as she began stacking the blocks again. "These are actually the building blocks of your life right now. When things get too hard, or too frustrating, we might unknowingly sabotage ourselves, or, knock the tower over. Kat, thank you for expressing your feelings. Now you can start fresh, with a clear mind." She smiled as she inched the half built tower towards the center of the table then. "You two definitely have a lot of energy, and there's only..." She looked at the watch on her wrist, made the first attempt at a frown. "Well, only five minutes left. I don't want to distract from your game, but afterwards, I'd like to talk about how we can channel that energy in more positive ways."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: James Airth Character Portrait: Alaina Clarke Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

K A T H E R I N E . A R N A U L T

Location: Group Therapy | Manhattan, NY
Dialogue Color: #CF009F
Outfit: Here

Location: Group Therapy | Manhattan, NY
Dialogue Color: #91395f
Outfit: Here

Five minutes wasn't long, but to Kat, being told that she had to stay for five more minutes, nonetheless stay and resume playing, and stay after to discuss what had just happened, felt like a death sentence. She was tempted to start crying just to see if playing the victim card would get her a "get out of jail free card", and the only thing that kept her from doing it was that she hadn't been in this group for long enough to feel comfortable being that ostentatious yet. Her main goal here was just to fit in and get through the time as painlessly as possible, but today had proved to her that not one thing in her life could go smoothly. She was already sure that she was never coming back to this group again, but even staying here for another ten minutes felt like complete and utter torture. Still, she couldn't bring herself to just leave, especially after being told to stay. The thought of having to sit back down made her feel too submissive and powerless, especially when she was sure that Alaina would have something irking to say, but Kat wasn't as strong and bold as she wanted to act like she was, so after shooting a glare at the back of Anna's head once she walked off, Katherine reluctantly sat back down. "I really can't believe that you told her that I said you were bulimic," she said, in a low hiss as she bitterly restacked the remaining blocks until the tower was complete again. "You're such a tattletale. That was literally so rude and unnecessary."

"A tattletale?" Alaina cooed in mock offense after deciding against the other slew of responses going through her mind. She balled her hand into a fist and held it to her mouth, miming talking into a recorder. "Note to self: body shaming jokes in an ED treatment center is less rude and unnecessary than being called out for said joke." She leaned her cheek against her hand, the outline of a smirk on her face. Though her actions would imply otherwise, she wasn't doing all of that to get Kat to completely freak out. It was definitely an experience, but not the goal, not that there really was one. What was more surprising than the girl's outburst, to Alaina, was the fact that it was because of her. She took it as a compliment, though. It was nice to see how much weight her words carried for a person who was socially weightless. Still, she didn't push it, at least not for the time being. Kat had officially derailed, and Alaina wasn't trying to deal with any of that. "My bad, though," she said as she patted the tower so that the blocks were as even as could be. "Didn't know you were that sensitive. Thought a certain organ was required for that emotion." She wasn't nearly as annoyed with starting over as Kat was, just because she actually did like the game and wasn't as bothered by Kat as the girl was of her. She slowly pulled a side piece out and read over the question. "You should try calming down. I'm not one of your faux friends, so you don't have to worry about me telling. Probably comes as a surprise to you, but that'd actually be pretty shitty."

Kat wanted to inform Alaina that she wasn't as offended to being called out as she was to being called out in front of the person who could make her life more difficult if she wanted to. Katherine's plan for this group therapy involved her coming for a few weeks, maybe six or seven sessions, to appease her father. After that, she would insist that it wasn't helping her, that she would continue to see her psychiatrist, and that she was sticking to healthy habits enough on her own where group therapy was a waste of time. Her father was insistent on her attending group therapy right now because it had been discussed as part of her discharge plan from residential treatment. He wanted to seem like the good and involved father who was making sure that his daughter got the help she needed, but in Kat's opinion, him forcing her to do this was also his way of reminding her that he was in charge. In a few weeks, though, she was sure that he would be over it, and that his passive attitude would return where he would stop objecting to her not going after one or two tear-ridden explanations for why it was doing more harm than good. All of that would probably work if Anna didn't get involved. As long as she kept getting good reports whenever her father or psychiatrist called to confirm her progress in the group, Kat would be fine. That was why during the first class, she had played along nice and quietly with all of the activities, participating enough to make it look like she cared, but not doing it in a completely genuine fashion. Alaina was going to be the reason that that would all get screwed up, and just as much as Alaina's immediate actions were infuriating her, the knowledge of that was doing just the same.

"You better not," Kat confirmed her eyes looking from Alaina down to the block she was holding. She wanted to just cut to the chase and tell her to read it so they could get on with the stupid game, but her mouth got the best of her. "I'm sure there's some confidentiality thing that I could sue you for if you told anyone, anyway," she asserted, because when in doubt, threaten to sue. "Because even though I know you don't have any friends that matter, you probably have enough time on your hands to be the stalker freak running that Gossip Girl blog, so don't even think about writing about this there," she continued, only then pointing at the block hidden in Alaina's hand. "But let's just get on with this so I can go home. Read."

"Whats the magic word?"

"Read it."

Alaina shrugged. "Well, your counting needs work, but that's to be expected. Name the fat soluble vitamins." Without waiting for an answer, she placed the block on the top of the tower. "Let's just skip that one. Don't wanna make things too hard. We can back track and you can answer the question about the bucket list. Three things." She considered bringing up the malaria comment, but figured if a private education could fail so miserably, then even one on one assistance couldn't do much. Just seconds afterwards, she felt her butt vibrate, and like a child in class, she pulled it out, pressed it against the edge of her thigh. She smirked at the text before shaking her head.

To: Jamie
that's so sweet. she thinks i have friends. but yeah i'll text her lmao

"I doubt you could name them either," Katherine commented. She wasn't going to deny that she had absolutely no idea what the answer to that question was, or what fat soluble vitamins were purpose wise. She knew more about human biology than one would expect because of her eating disorder and the research that came with that, but most of what she knew was related to how the body worked. How to keep herself from getting lethargic and fainting, how to keep her metabolism alive... that kind of stuff. Not definition or facts like that question that Kat deemed bizarre and random for a game like this. "And I don't have a bucket list but I'll make something up so that I'm not as difficult as you are. Getting my license, joining a sorority, and getting my own apartment." Since she didn't want to hear any judgement commentary on that, she was quick to select a block from the tower. "What's the best vacation you've ever had?" In what was a random turn, mostly because with the animosity Katherine was feeling, it probably seemed unusual for her to suddenly stray into more civil, or at least personal, territory. "Are you going to your cousin's party tonight?" she asked.

It was a smart move on Kat's part to pick a block quickly and read the question. Alaina had already started fixing her mouth into something smart to say to that before she was intercepted. She was surprised by the question that followed, about the party, but didn't let that show on her face as she smoothed her eyebrows. She definitely wasn't stressing about the party tonight like a lot of her peers were. She had gotten her nails done the previous day, but she hardly counted that since it had been a girl trip with her mother and little sister. Outside of getting a new dress, and finally finishing her protective style, which wasn't even for party purposes, she hadn't done much to prepare. "When we took a family trip to Spain for three weeks. My dad surprised us, so it was pretty hectic, but it was really fun. We spent a few days in Portugal, and my sister got me super drunk, and it pissed my mom off. Super fun," she said, a genuine, reminiscent smirk hanging on her lips. She was having issues with her mom right now, but she did love being around her family. It was a big reason why she didn't want to come back home. With her older sister off to college, and her brother out of the house as well, it was just her, her baby sister, and her parents. All the space was actually suffocating. "Yeah, that was actually him just then." He was the only person in that crowd she was genuinely friends with, but she did like to joke that if she had known who his friends would turn out to be, she would have disowned them as kids. Despite the change of tone in the conversation, she did find it a peculiar question, only because she figured it was obvious. "You really think my own cousin wouldn't invite me?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: James Airth Character Portrait: Dinah Jane Irving Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

_____T H EXN E WXG I R L_____

Outfit: Here
Location: Persson Southhampton Home
Dialogue Color ✦ #8A4E62
Thought Color ✧ #3A0012

Some people might feel weird living in a house with a person they barely - if at all - interacted with, but those people weren't Dinah. She and Sydney obviously weren't meant to even really be associates; the blonde had made that much pretty clear and Dinah didn't do begging. She wasn't dependent upon her social life, didn't need validation or acknowledgement from another individual if it was not genuine. If Sydney didn't want to be bothered with her when Dinah already knew enough (or at least told herself that she did) to not want to be bothered with her, Dinah figured that that must mean that the both of them were mature enough to co-exist without it being some over-dramatic teen drama beef like on the CW or something like that. It would stand to reason that Dinah probably could have just spent the rest of her summer back in California or at least not in the Hampton home with the same girl - and imagine having to tell yourself not to feel awkward in being in the vacation home of the man who's wife and daughter your father now calls family simply because the guy decided to let them use it only for his daughter's comfort - but Dinah wasn't about to deny herself the pleasure of being near water. She was a Cali girl at heart and she wasn't disturbing anyone. She stayed in one of the guest rooms, came out for food and sun exposure, and occasionally just went out to relax.

Relaxing was the exact thing she had been doing. Strangely enough - and yes, it was strange for her because despite the money her father made, her grandmother ran that house so there were actual rules to follow - the staff had been elated to provide Dinah with a strawberry mimosa she couldn't even consider turning down and a light salad with fresh berries and grilled chicken. So, she had been eating and texting friends back in California when a notification from James appeared. Chewing her current and close to mouthful, she set the fork down and retrieved her Samsung, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. Dinah wouldn't say that she wholeheartedly supported whatever it was that Sydney and James told themselves that they had. It was obviously strained and stained with just too much foolishness on his part, and a surprising bit of lax outrage and nonchalance on her side. It just didn't work and Dinah didn't think that things that didn't work needed to be continued. It was a waste of time both emotionally and mentally, and Dinah didn't have time for things that didn't enhance her in those aspects, and especially not spiritually. But to each and their own and Dinah's job wasn't to judge nor tell someone what to do. She wasn't really that person in the first place. However, James was her friend, even being able to go so far as to say becoming a pretty good one. So, Dinah was his friend as well and friends helped friends not to be idiots. Especially since she didn't know what he wanted out of that relationship anymore.

To: James
BruuuuuhhhImageU dont ask ur gurl bout da gurl she dont like. Dont do dat again.

To: James
i aint got shit else to do. omw

"Are you finished here, Miss Bonds?" One of the maids whose names Dinah had just been able to remember simply because of a celebrity she had once liked, Farah, inquired and Dinah didn't even bother correcting her. The concept of having maids, even at the Manhattan home, was still a novel concept to her. Her family was wealthy, sure. But servitude when you were just capable of doing things yourself just seemed unnecessary to her. She was still experiencing that culture shock and it took the summer for her to get over the fact that this was somebody's job, and that she had to respect the fact that they wanted to do this for the benefits and the pay, and not just because richer people were just lazy sons of bitches. "Uh, yeah, thanks, Farah," she responded and slid off of the bar stool, trotting out of the bright and spacious kitchen to head back to the upstairs bedroom she was currently inhabiting. On her way, she couldn't help but text Katherine, just to see where she was and to see if she was going to James' party since Dinah was slowly learning that Katherine was definitely Sydney's number one follower. A bummer, but one she was having to come to terms with.

To: Kitten
U coming 2 James' party?

Dinah had already picked out her bikini last night; Liza, Sydney's mom, had said that it looked exceptional against her complexion when they went shopping. Liza had decided that she "needed" new clothes for her honeymoon and Dinah had been running out of her favorite eye shadow palette, so that had hit up Fifth Avenue...and then didn't leave for about five hours. It had definitely been one of Dinah's longest excursions, but she had enjoyed spending time with her stepmother. Even if her stepsister hadn't looked too impressed upon being informed of said excursion. Nevetheless, Dinah changed quickly and jogged back down the stairs, lingering by the front door for a moment before Farah spotted her again. "Do you need transportation, Miss Bonds?" Dinah blinked; she would rather her own truck, but her Dad had warned her about Manhattan weather and originally, she wasn't supposed to be in the Hamptons, so they didn't send it over. Then she cleared her throat and shrugged sheepishly with a small smile. "Yeah, anyone can take me to Airth's place?" Farah nodded. "Of course, I'll get Greg on that right away." Dinah obviously still had some adjusting to do, she figured, as she watched the blonde scurry off to accomplish that task.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: James Airth Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK


Outfit: Here
Location: The Airth Residence
Dialogue Color: #209DC7

The past year had been the most stressful and tumultuous time of Sydney's life. As she laid on one of the Airth's lounge chairs, taking in sun poolside, she realized just how much changed over a year. A year ago, she was doing the same thing that she was doing right now- hanging out with James at his summer home before his yacht party, but it was so different. Their relationship still wasn't perfect, but she wasn't cheating on him yet at that point. Sydney was blissfully ignorant about Katherine's eating disorder, because while she had her suspicions, she just hadn't had the time or motivation to confront her about it then. She and Alexis were still best friends, and as much as Sydney would roll her eyes at that today, and grimace at how stupid she was to not realize what trash that girl was, she missed Lexi. She didn't miss the Lexi that people thought her to be now, and Sydney wouldn't consider that part of her image being completely destroyed was due to her own smear campaign that went on after the sex tape. After that leaked, Sydney realized that it was a perfect time for her to move up and assume a position she was originally planning on tastefully waiting until Lexi graduated to take.

It was probably one of the best examples of her tendency to be as cold as ice. Alexis didn't get a single comforting text from Sydney following the incident. It was like one day they were best friends, the next day the tape was released, and following that, Sydney only had negative things to say about her. The girl's number and all social media accounts were blocked, and that was the end of that. Contrary to how that would look, it wasn't just because their friendship was completely fake to begin with. Sydney had been friends with Lexi for years, and they had true good memories together. She was one of Sydney's most trusted friends, but somehow in Sydney's mind, she was able to spin the sex tape as being a betrayal to her. Alexis had acted impulsively enough that she didn't consider the social wrath that would fall upon anyone who associated with her after it. She put Sydney in a compromising place, and it was an act of selfishness that Sydney later rationalized as being a perfect reflection of who Alexis truly was. She was selfish, fake and unfit to represent the girls of Constance who actually possessed class - something that must have been a foreign concept to Alexis. Sydney told herself that she must have been brainwashed into liking Alexis, just following what everyone else thought of her, and that it was finally time to break free of that and act entirely on her own accord. She was a leader by nature, and she wasn't going to let some ex-friend who was ridden with scandal oppress that anymore. Sydney knew that that meant she would lose Alexis as a friend, but at that point, she didn't care. She already wanted people to stop associating with her now that Alexis had a scandal on her hand.

The thing about Sydney was that she was very good at acting unbothered and emotionless on the surface. Being able to control your emotions so fully was a weapon in itself, because even people who were superb at reading others failed when it came to her. It allowed her to remain in control even when all she wanted to do was burst out crying, claw someone's eyes out, or jump for joy and express how much someone meant to her. As long as no one knew that she had a heart, no one could break it. It seemed like a logical enough plan. There were people who knew a softer Sydney. Alexis had been one of them. Kat knew that side of her too, and even the boy who grabbed her ass so brazenly as she drifted in and out of a peaceful nap while sunbathing knew that Sydney. With how immature and typical boy-ish he could be by that act, Sydney sometimes wondered why she ever gave him the time of day, but then again, she knew a side of James that many people didn't get to see either. "You're so annoying," she groaned half-heartedly, and mostly only because the grab had startled her more than anything. She was laying face down to get the back side of her some color, and had taken off her bikini top to avoid any unnecessary tanning lines. Even though she knew James' parents weren't home, she didn't feel comfortable walking around topless or even sitting up partially, without grabbing her chest to give herself some sense of modesty. "Water with lemon, please," she requested, watching him walk to the house before returning to lay down. Since her sleep had been disturbed, she figured that now was as good of a time as any to answer the many texts she had gotten over the past few minutes. Most of them were met with uninterested and short responses, but a few, like ones requesting outfit advice from closer friends, received more attention. She was surprised when she saw that Katherine hadn't reached out to her today, especially since she expected the Arnault to be just a short drive away already, at her own summer house.

To: Katherine
Are you out here yet?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaina Clarke Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

K A T H E R I N E . A R N A U L T

Location: Group Therapy | Manhattan, NY
Dialogue Color: #CF009F
Outfit: Here

Location: Group Therapy | Manhattan, NY
Dialogue Color: #91395f
Outfit: Here

Outside of being Jameson's cousin, Katherine didn't know much about Alaina's life. To an extent, she didn't care, mostly because they weren't friends and their interactions today had reminded Kat why they weren't friends. At the same time, she always liked learning new information about people, even if she didn't show it. It was easy to excite Kat because even if she came off as being shallow and snobby and selective (all of which she was), once you met her criteria, she was very social and very friendly. The reference to getting drunk in Europe was relatable, and almost made her see Alaina in a more human light. Almost. "Obviously I know he invited you," she snapped back in a defensive manner, as if she needed to defend her intelligence. "That's why I asked if you were going. You really don't seem to be a rush, getting us stuck staying after, so it's not a stupid question. Don't try to act like it is."

Alaina furrowed her brows at Kat's reaction. She wasn't even trying to be bothersome and this girl was still whining? She shook her head to herself, not saying anything, although her face showed that there were definitely some choice thoughts going on through her mind. "Rushing is a waste of time and energy. The yacht isn't going anywhere and neither is the alcohol. In twelve hours, people will still be drinking. Are you that excited to impress people who pretend to like you?" Alaina's mannerisms had a tendency to make her come across as brass and rude, like now. She was too slick to fit the standard description of speaking without thinking, but she did tend to say what came to mind. Her question was definitely jab, and she was being condescending, but if formalities were a waste of time. And if Kat seemed to be as short on it as she was making it seem, she should appreciate Alaina getting right to the point. The girl didn't have any reason to take offense. She thought Kat was pretty dimwitted, but she gave the girl enough credit to at least know that her so called friends didn't really care about her, or that her pampered world (as if Alaina herself wasn't pampered in her own right) was completely crafted and fake.

"I'm not looking to impress anyone. I spent the past two months dealing with this," she said, motioning in a vague fashion around the room, "without access to a single drop of alcohol, so that's what I'm rushing to get to." She wasn't lying. Though Kat enjoyed parties for the social aspects of it, she wasn't a social climber and never had been. She had never actually been not popular, so that helped, but even in general, she wasn't the kind of person who went out of her way to impress people. She cared about what people thought of her, but when it came to that, all she focused on was her weight and body image. Putting on makeup and wearing nice clothes was something she merely did for her own enjoyment. If she was going to be critical of anything about herself (or insist to herself that someone else was going to be about her), it involved her weight. Otherwise, she didn't care what people thought of her. She knew that people thought that she was dumb, but it wasn't something she shed a tear over. She knew that people felt like she was a brainless follower of Sydney and Alexis, and though that bothered her a bit more, she also knew that it wasn't true. Katherine had a mind of her own, and her own thoughts. She just knew how her friends worked. Maybe she valued her friendships with them more than they did of her, so she was a lot more passive about things that involved them. She kept her mouth shut when it came to certain things just to avoid conflict. It didn't mean that she always succumbed to their desires, because every one of her friends knew the side of Kat that represented her upbringing in a very stark manner - where she would refuse to leave her house if her idea for plans was rejected, but when it came to conflict and drama in the group, she usually tried to be as quiet and neutral as possible.

Thanks to the parasite that was Gossip Girl, Alaina knew that Kat had vanished this summer. While she was away at her beach house down south, though, it didn't ring any alarms. She thought it was odd that such a big note would be taken, as if these people were completely confined to the city limits. It was quite the contrary, and so while Alaina had little regard for it to begin with, she rolled her eyes even more when she read it because she figured these copycat didn't take into consideration that maybe, like a lot of people in their financial circle, was out on vacation. Then again, Alexis being all the way over in France was still able to be discovered, but it just went to show how little Alaina really fed into all of this. She wasn't groomed to swiftly connect the dots in such a way, even though it wasn't any sort of puzzle given the repetition of her immediate environment, but she tried doing away with all of the chatter when she could. Ironically, though, that still didn't prevent her intrigue from the resurrection of the blog. While it would have seemed more suspect for Kat to be out on vacation without anyone knowing about it, Alaina was more surprised to find out that she'd been doing this, or at least something like it, for the past two months. It put reality into perspective and actually dampened her mood. She couldn't do this for two months. Surely not. "I'm not mad at ya," she said, giving Kat a devilish smirk that would assume more amiability between than actually existed. She hadn't stayed sober the entire summer, but she definitely recalled more nights than a lot of her peers probably did. As she looked through the tower, she glanced over towards the girl. "What about you? Favorite vacation?"

Katherine vacationed quite frequently, but because a lot of those were to different homes that her father owned, or to her mother's house in Los Angeles, they didn't feel like real vacations. She went on those often too, with friends and such, but since she hadn't been on a single one this summer, it felt like forever ago. "My dad owns an island in the Bahamas that I like going to sometimes," she offered, in a way that was casual and not an attempt at bragging. Because Alaina was James' cousin, Katherine assumed that she was just as wealthy as he was, so she had no reason to think it was anything but a casual, run of the mill response. Deciding that that counted as Alaina's question for her, whether it was official or not, Kat reached for the tower to pull another block. She enjoyed conversation with people she liked, but even then, she wasn't the type who overwhelmingly liked sharing information about herself. When it was someone she disliked, that was even more true, and this particular setting made her feel more insecure than she normally was, so she felt like Alaina was judging every word that came out of her mouth. "Name two things you've done this week to sabotage recovery."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: James Airth Character Portrait: Dinah Jane Irving Character Portrait: Alaina Clarke Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Valentino Arias
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0.00 INK

Location: Group Therapy | Manhattan, NY
Dialogue Color: #91395f
Outfit: Here
Alaina had checked out of the discussion, evident by her wondering eyes. Before she got the chance to think and answer the question that she already wasn't paying attention to, Anna's sing-songy voice rang through the room. Surprisingly, the woman was short with her departing speech, the shuffle of bodies and bags erupting shyly from the tables as people gathered themselves and their things. While Alaina didn't care about staying after since she wasn't in any real hurry, she wasn't pressed to stay either. She purposely ignored Anna's stare on the two of them, but glanced over when she saw another participant distract the director. She briefly caught sight of Anna's widened, gleefully surprised eyes as the girl began talking to her. Alaina looked back at Kat, perking her brows briefly, her smirk mischievous. With a final two-finger salute, she slipped through the door, phone in hand as it vibrated for what felt like the umpteenth time. The most recent one being from her mother, letting her know that they were outside. Her mother had a tendency of saying she was outside when she was really five minutes away, so it was a pleasant surprise to see the white car just outside the center. And had she had any doubts about if the car was her mom's or not, the small pair of frantically waving hands from the backseat would have eradicated them all. In a near direct contrast with her behavior inside, her lips spread into a wide, goofy smile as she waved back at her sister just as crazily. Alaina squishes her face against the back window, immediately making Izzy giggle, and just as quickly hearing about it from her mom.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that?"

Alaina leaned between the two front seats as she buckled in, ignoring her mom. "Hi, chicken," she said, Izzy clucking in her customary response. Before she was able to fully enjoy the moment when her sister, her mom went into what she liked to call Survivor Mode, where the woman would turn something fun into a list of chores. Alaina slipped one ear bud as she half listened, picking up some arbitrary reminders such as showering, and thanking her aunt for taking her. She was good for making parties seem like a task. Whenever she did this, she had a hard time fathoming all the stories her dad told her about how her mother was quite like Alaina at her age. She was fun and sociable. Glancing at the woman now, she couldn't help but think what happened? "I'm listening," she said when she felt her mother watching her. Reading through her texts, she saw Tino's and attempted to think of the last time they saw each other. It took an uncharacteristic length of time, which was really only about a few seconds, but that was enough to prove his point. She knew it had to have been before she left for the beach, which meant around the beginning of the summer. It was a frustrating fact, but she figured that tonight would be the perfect way to catch up for lost time, at least some of it. She was typically open with him about a lot, but she didn't mention her going to group therapy, and didn't plan on it. The lack of transparency felt weird coming from her finger tips, since he was one of the few people she could really vent to, but it would have been a bit of an abrupt shock to say 'hey! it's been forever. just got out of therapy for my eating disorder, ttyl!' And then knowing Tino and how he was much more lax with the party scene, at least compared to his old habits, get shitfaced would prove all the more difficult.

To: Tinooo
in the car with my nagging mother. & i plan on making up for lost time and getting dangerously drunk with you :))))

She added the exaggerated smiley in place of a question mark, because she was half serious, only because she knew what the answer was, but figured it was worth a shot. It was no secret Alaina prided herself on being her own person, and as such, she appreciated people like that as well. So she respected Tino's transformation, because she could see it objectively and why it was good for him, but she also enjoyed the fact that it was a separation from the status quo. Still, though, Alaina wasn't so caught up on being unlike everyone else that she confined herself. Like a lot of her peers, she enjoyed going to parties and getting drunk. She wasn't caught up in getting into every single party, since it wasn't that deep to her and it sounded more like a task or a business strategy than what it really should be, which was fun. As with many things, going to parties and getting drunk were a lot more fun when you were sharing the thrill and experience with your friends. And while Alaina wasn't one to stop and persuade people to be just like her (at least not so directly), when it came to this, she broke her own habit. It was hard to really enjoy yourself when the point was to let loose, and your friend was next to see you not doing the same. Being irresponsible around a responsible person kind of ruined the whole irresponsible aspect. She wasn't banking on him getting as drunk as she planned to, but with it being a minute since seeing each other, as well as it being the first party of the year, she at least hoped she could get him to being a little tipsier than he normal got.

To: Tinooo
don't freak out, i'm only kidding (sort of). you're taking at least one shot with me

Reading Dinah's text brought a confused grin to her cheeks. She shook her head, electing to text James first. She didn't know Dinah that well, especially since she only met the girl through her cousin and had yet to get to know her as well as Gossip Girl claimed. She planned on seeing her around school more, and she was excited about that aspect because another brown face in a predominately white space was always welcomed. That being said, Alaina didn't think anything of the girl's friendliness. Some people, in the beginning of relationships, were usually quite shy and cautious with their words, but for her personally, that was a waste of energy. Still, she couldn't help but wonder what had happened down there that would require her.

To: Jamie
lmao you need supervision. what did you do to do dinah?

She wasn't just trying to prove a point with Kat back there, she really was taking her time. She still needed to get a few things from her place, something that her mom chastised for since Alaina could have done all of that this morning, but chose not to. She of course had to be ready in enough to time to fly in with her aunt, but she was really doing the bare minimum. She didn't have any pre-party rituals or anything of the nature. It was probably also because it was her cousin's party that she was more relaxed about it since it inherently felt less formal. Alaina didn't like being on other people's time; she enjoyed her independence, but her parents were careful with how much to delegate. She would have been fine with training to the Hamptons, but her parents refused to do that, just as her aunt insisted she not take a car all the way out there. Not that her family would ever get a helicopter for her to go there, or anywhere for that matter, they still had their uppity ways about them, although Alaina couldn't see the protective nature of them not wanting to send their sixteen year old daughter two hours out by herself.

To: Dinah
what happened? lol. i'm coming in with my aunt, so i'm really on her schedule


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dinah Jane Irving Character Portrait: Alaina Clarke Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

K A T H E R I N E . A R N A U L T

Location: En Route to Southampton, NY
Dialogue Color: #CF009F
Outfit: Here

Somehow, luck was on her side because like Alaina, Katherine managed to slip out of the session without being caught by Anna. She didn't even glance in the woman's direction to see if she was going to attempt to stop her, because she didn't even want to risk it. Not only did she feel like she did not have the time to deal with any unnecessary lectures, but since Alaina was gone, being stopped now would only infuriate her all the more, since she would feel like she was the only one getting in trouble for something that she was convinced was 95% Alaina's fault. She would take responsibility for 5% of it, but only because she knew that declaring that Alaina had to be bulimic was inappropriate, even though she was still certain that it was true. That was the least of her worries now, though, she told herself as she slid into the back of the black SUV that was waiting for her outside. She had bigger things to worry about than a girl whose name would not be known to a single soul had her cousin not been relevant.

Said cousin was one of those "bigger things" that Kat had to worry about, actually. While Katherine had learned to act civil towards Jameson, only because Sydney demanded it, she disliked him. Strongly. Could anyone blame her? While James had not wronged Katherine personally, and in recent times, had actually made attempts to befriend her in ways that were nicer than she deserved, she still didn't like him. He had been the one to nearly destroy her friend group (before it destroyed itself) when he cheated on Sydney with Alexis. Sure, Alexis was to blame there too, but since Katherine still wanted to be friends with her, and for a moment, Sydney claimed that she forgave Alexis for it, Kat found it easiest to blame James. He was the one who should have known better, whether the logic was there to back it up or not. So, while she acted civil towards him, and could make conversation when it was absolutely necessary, it was no secret to those in their inner circle that Katherine preferred to not be around him. It was impossible to ignore him completely given how closely their social circles ran, but that didn't mean that she didn't try. She didn't understand why Sydney was still dating him, and she also didn't understand what was so alluring about him that Alexis had slept with him when she and Sydney were still on good terms, but she did know that he was trouble. Trouble and drama, and those were two things that Katherine had enough of from other sources.

To: Sydney
I should be there in 45!!! Image

To: Dinah
Ofc!!! You are?! ImageImage


Characters Present

Character Portrait: James Airth Character Portrait: Dinah Jane Irving Character Portrait: Alaina Clarke Character Portrait: Jaxon Heize Character Portrait: Tristan Elliot Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

_____T H EXN E WXG I R L_____

Outfit: Here
Location: Airth Southhampton Residence
Dialogue Color ✦ #8A4E62
Thought Color ✧ #3A0012

To: James
Rlly?? Dude did u leave or sumthing??

It wouldn't have occurred to Dinah that James was actually still in the house and just refusing to have her inside. She wasn't aware that he was that shitty just yet, just absentminded and careless. It would make sense to her brain that perhaps he wasn't there, which was why the guard said no one was allowed to be buzzed in, and not because James was actually inside with Sydney, and didn't want to have his girlfriend go off on him. He hadn't read her first message from what she could see, so Dinah had nothing else to go off of in this situation. It didn't, however, not make something drop in the pit of her stomach, an uneasiness that had her not responding to Alaina in the way that she would have prior to the current series of events.

To: Alaina
nvrmind. its nothing. ill c u tn

Dinah wasn't what one would call a particularly emotional person and something like this was not bound, in any way, to make her cry. But it was a stark reminder that this wasn't her home, her people, and these were not her friends. She already had known that, but severity of that knowledge had only slowly begun to permeate her consciousness. She wasn't an overly self-conscious person. Dinah didn't spend her life faltering in her steps nor being weighed down by what she called unnecessary insecurities. There wasn't going to be another person who looked exactly like her, so why be ashamed of her darker complexion and natural hair? Or even not being as skinny as some of her other friends have been? But all of those were superficial insecurities she learned to shove away. This was new. This was a sense of belonging and she hadn't fully gotten that since being in New York. New York had just been an interesting place to visit whenever her father brought her along or her grandmother decided she wanted to see snow in a different place than on the West Coast. New York had always been a stop on the map, but never a permanent location...until now. And it wasn't Dinah's location. And she hadn't been confronted with that fact so much as she had been in this one moment where someone she thought was a friend dissed her. She didn't know for a fact that James had just dissed her, but it felt like it.

But again, Dinah wasn't an overly emotional person. Even though she felt the random, sharp sting at the back of her eyes, she released a heavy breath and shrugged to Greg in a what-can-you-do-manner. Besides, the situation was a reminder that she need not "Guess I'm shit outta luck," she shrugged, not really expecting an answer. The older guy, more than likely in his early thirties, gave her an apologetic and patient look. He was nice and he hadn't even been in Dinah's presence for too long for her to know it, but she felt it in his kind blue gaze. "So, what do you want to do, Miss Irving?" Dinah quirked her lips in consideration, phone already having notified her of Kat's text while she was looking up shops nearby to entertain herself with. "Cold Stones?" Greg's answering grin made Dinah smile just as brightly.

To: Kitten
Yep. is there a dress code i need 2 kno about? da host is ghosting me

_____T H EXP L A Y E R_____

Outfit: Here
Location: Johnny's Pizzeria
Dialogue Color ✦ #E8A317
Thought Color ✧ #985300

As soon as he had sent his text out to Jaxon, Tristan was already summoning an Uber. He knew that the bus or train could have aided in his travels, but there was something about waiting for them - especially since he didn't feel like being disappointed by the online schedule at that particular moment - when he was already hungry that didn't sit right with him. Besides, as he had figured it would be, it wasn't time for surge pricing just yet, so he was willing to pay the four dollars and fifty five cents to get to Johnny's. Johnny's was worth it anyway and he probably would've went even if Jax hadn't agreed to be down for the cause. It just so happened that the blonde was and who was Tristan to not want some company while he chowed down on some mozzarella sticks?

To: Jax
C u soon

On the way, Tristan laughed to himself about James' current desire to be the good guy. It was honestly laughable. As a person already filed under the category of shitty guys that girls still wanted to get with despite knowing that they were shitty, James was higher up on the list than he obviously wanted to believe or acknowledge. The dude could still get some ass, that much was certain. Regardless of how much they wanted to be mad about being used and all that, the same girls who would whine to their crew one day were the same ones thirsting after the exact same kind of guys that hurt them before, knowing damn well the guys were drawn to formulating friendships with one another for a reason. Shittiness attracts/begets/whatever-word-you-wanna-use shittiness, that was how Tristan rationalized it. So, it was laughable that James could honestly tell himself that he was all for Sydney now after the shit they had been through. Tristan was a lot of things, but the one thing he had never been was the person who had cheated on someone. Granted, his only real relationship had been with Alexis, but it had never occurred to him to step out on someone. He might currently be one of the guys girls were convinced that they could step out on their significant others with, but he didn't do the cheating, mostly because he didn't delude himself into thinking that he was for relationships at the moment. Tristan honestly saw it all crashing and burning for James in the future when it came to Sydney. But he was going to take this "permission" to go after Dinah as what it was. Eventually, Tristan had arrived at Johnny's and got a table by the window, not even hesitating to go ahead and order himself both french fries and mozzarella sticks, and a Sprite.

To: James
Will do


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cali Kwon Character Portrait: James Airth Character Portrait: Dinah Jane Irving Character Portrait: Xavier Clifton Character Portrait: Alaina Clarke Character Portrait: Jaxon Heize
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0.00 INK


Date: Friday, August 18, 2017
Time: 6:50 PM

Okay, so lovelies, the reason that I absolutely love yacht parties isn't even the opulence of the ships. It's not the margaritas, though I will tell you that these apple margaritas are literally to die for!! What I love so much is that there's literally no place to run. On land, you always have the option of leaving. You're upset? Someone stepped on your Jimmy Choos? You found out that Ashley has totally been making out with Jake behind your back even though she swore that she didn't because she knew you were just waiting on making your move on him? You get to leave. You get to about face and run all the way home to mommy and daddy, and cry into your Egyptian cotton and wait for the next day to pretend like nothing had ever happened. Your reputation remains pristine. With yacht parties, as fun as they are, the drama is even more fun because you have nowhere to go. Oh, you can go on another part of the ship. You can even hope and pray that one of the state rooms are still available so you can blow off some steam. But at the end of the day, more than likely, they're not available and like or not, the person you don't like is going to be in the same vicinity as you. And I am forever living for the insurmountable possibilities that situations like these can bring!

Nevertheless, it's been about an hour or so since the good charmer Jim Jam - come on, you all were thinking it too - had us all set sail and I don't know guys...the party's great and all, but don't things feel a bit...tense? Maybe because the good sis Alexis Leon surprised everyone by showing up tonight and looking mighty fine. One might even say she makes for a better blonde than Queen S...of course, one would say that if they weren't deathly afraid of getting their eyes scratched out. Then again, I'm pretty sure the host isn't having too good of a day either. I mean, I know it's not a big deal cuz she's new and not really as important because she hasn't really done anything - and I'm in serious need of the entertainment if she's gonna do something - but new girl definitely swerved him. That's the word, right? I'm not exactly hip to all this young people linguo. But anyway, that definitely happened and it might not seem like much, but not many girls - or any, to be quite honest - swerve the good charmer. And I'm sorry, but if I see a girl put her finger up at him of all guys so that he can't say a word, and then proceed to walk away without giving him the time of day. And go out on the dance floor and dance with - out of everyone - the player?? I'm of the right mind to speculate that something juicy's probably gonna pop off. Maybe she got tired of playing the other woman?? I'm also not so sure, but I honestly could've sworn I saw Alaina and Katherine coming out of a building in Manhattan together earlier today. Is the old queen's return the only thing the new queen's gotta worry about? Cuz I spy with my little eye a possible new bestie for baby Arnault. But I could be wrong...we'll just have to see.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cali Kwon Character Portrait: Dinah Jane Irving Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

_____T H EXN E WXG I R L_____

Outfit: Here
Location: Yacht Party | Southampton, NY
Dialogue Color ✦ #8A4E62
Thought Color ✧ #3A0012

It was probably a good thing that Dinah had reached out to Katherine long before the party had begun and changed her prior attire because Dinah would have been sorely under-dressed. She had already had one problem. She didn't need another to sour her night and make it impossible for her to truly feel comfortable in this brand new living situation. She hadn't been able to meet up with the brunette just because the timing had never added up, but she honestly did appreciate the distraction, especially because it was fashion. Even through text, Kat lit up when it came to it, which made sense considering who her father was, but it was definitely encouraging and engaging. Dinah wound up going home and getting lost in all that she owned, half tempted to go to one of the nearby shops and buy something new at the last minute. However, she ended up settling on the jumper simply because she was in love with her bust line and how things were still tasteful but definitely sexy. And without even trying to text James, she went on ahead to the party, putting in the extra to smell like oatmeal cookies due to her body butter and body scrub as her own self-comfort.

What she definitely wound up not appreciating even more than all of that was the way Gossip Girl spun the situation. For one, the fact that there was a glorified stalker who's word wasn't taken with a grain of salt was baffling. How did this person get away with slandering kids of some of the richest people in the world, or at least, in the US? There was literally no one that they could hire who could hack this Pretty Little Liars version of Wendy Williams? Absolutely no one? Really? And then two, it wasn't as dramatic as Gossip Girl made it seem. Dinah didn't think that she dissed James and if it was awkward, it was awkward only in the sense that the one person she was friendliest with at the time was the one person she didn't really feel comfortable with. She definitely appreciated the compliment because Dinah had been worried it. It was definitely kind. But she wouldn't say that she dissed him. She just excused herself and said that she just wanted to do things her own way. She didn't have that social grooming where it was for the best that she sucked her shit up and grinned through things. She didn't have to do that. She'd either just tell someone she wouldn't be bothered with them or just plain not be bothered. At least she had been nice enough to word it in such a way that it wasn't an entire snuff to the guy and if James took it as such, then that was going to be his own problem because Dinah hadn't been worried. He wasn't someone she was comfortable with at the moment. Dinah wasn't going to throw an entire fit in public with tears and threats, but she didn't have to pretend that earlier in the day hadn't felt like a snub. Dinah had also just recognized that it would be in their best interest to leave the situation for another time - if they ever got to having a discussion about - and just enjoy the night. The fact that Gossip Girl even acted like Dinah had held her hand up in James' face like that only solidified a testy mood that was only solved with a red sangria.

To: Kitten
i dont like gg. dat bitch is a lie. r u here?? i havent seen u

Surprisingly enough, Dinah did do a bit of socializing and all without James' help. She had found a handful of people, mostly from the arts department at both St. Jude's and Constance. They seemed pretty cool and they had all laughed about the fact that despite the fact that everyone clearly was dressed to show out, their own clothing (Dinah's included) were from boutiques, not from the same designer stores that a lot of the other kids had gotten their things from. She had even danced with that one guy from earlier, though it was Gossip Girl who had given her his name because she surely hadn't gotten it. Yet and still, Dinah wandered back to the bar, a much brighter grin on her face after dancing. Dinah was just beginning to think about what her next drink was going to be when her gaze fell on the same girl she had spotted on the dance floor. The first things that had gotten her attention was how cool her hair was and the fact that Dinah could always appreciate another girl's legs. And if her gaze happened to linger a bit, even as she danced with the guy from earlier, Dinah just thought appreciation could be silent for the time being and it had been a welcome distraction - a reminder that she was supposed to be having a good time tonight and that she would. Tilting her head curiously, Dinah watched the girl from the corner of her eye until she made an alcoholic demand and with a smirk, filled with a random burst of interest, she stated loud enough for the girl to ear, "If that's the name of the game, then I'm in too." The bartender's attention snapped to her in interest, but Dinah's smirk was for the Asian girl beside her, a bit of a challenge in her gaze as she added, "I'll have whatever she's having."