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Ezra Devereux

The King

0 · 547 views · located in Manhattan, New York

a character in “Gossip Girl - The Next Generation”, as played by nezzyrps


TitleFull Name

The KingEzra Braxton Devereux
Brax, Prince, Jr. _____



Brax is, all around, a nice guy - and not in the way that everyone around him is 'nice.' He genuinely cares; about other people, regardless of financial status, about animals, about the environment, about politics... Basically, about everything except the things he was raised to value. That isn't to say he's perfect - most of the reason he doesn't care about money as much as his peers is because at this point, he takes it for granted. He takes a lot of things for granted.

Still, there's a reason they call him the guy that everyone either wants to be, or wants to be with. He's rich, handsome, and then what sets him apart from the crowd - he's kind. He's trustworthy. He has a sense of humor that doesn't involve humiliating others. When scorned or upset, he doesn't explode, and he doesn't start plotting his revenge. Instead, he stews, tries not to show that he was even affected at all, until he can get some time alone to calm down. Then, he thinks until he can either move on, or try to fix whatever upset him in the first place without hurting anyone else. He's a good listener, and he actually keeps secrets when he's told them. Of course, that includes his own... Everyone messes up sometimes.

Spoiler: show
He's bisexual. The only person who knows this other than himself is the guy he cheated on his girlfriend with over the summer.

He isn't in love with the Queen B; in fact, he never has been. He used to quite like her, but recently he's realized that he's only stayed with her because everyone expects them to. He does actually care about her, but as a friend, and he doesn't want to break her heart or soil her reputation by breaking it off. That's part (key word: part) of the reason he hasn't come out of the closet, or told her about what happened over the summer yet.

His 'sister' is actually his mother, and the people raising him, who he calls his parents, are actually his grandparents. He didn't know until a few years ago, and hasn't told anyone.

So begins...

Ezra Devereux's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ava Delacroix Character Portrait: Alex Murphy Character Portrait: Eleanor Madden Character Portrait: Melody Bennett Character Portrait: David Bennett Character Portrait: Anastasia Petrov
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Gossip Girl
Hey Upper East Siders,
Something tells me this will be a fun year for us.
Spotted: Aubree Koch at Grand Central. A sudden disappearance makes for a sudden reentry. What's our former Queen B been up to for the past year? And now that she's here will she be taking back her crown? Did her pals miss her or will she get the cold shoulder? Stick with me and you'll find out.

Gossip Girl

Aubree Koch

It was weird being back. After a year of being away everything looked the same but so different at the same time. Its like she was seeing it through new eyes, a new perspective. She didn't know whether that was a good thing or not but she hoped it was good.

She made her way of the train. She could hear her heels clicking with every step she took. It seemed to overpower all the other heels in the station. They echoed off the walls. It was starting to irritate her. Her mom was supposed to pick her up in five minutes and she couldn't remember where she was supposed to get the rest of her bags. You would think living here your whole life you would know these things but she never had to do it herself really.

After ten minutes she finally found them and hooked one on her arm and pulled the handle in order to roll the other. She hadn't gotten the chance to tell anyone why she left. She hadn't even been able to say goodbye to her best friend Ana. She hoped she would let her explain before tossing her aside but knowing Ana she probably wouldn't.

"Bree! Bree!"

She hadn't heard that name in a long time. She turned to see her very beautiful mother waving and smiling at her. Bree ran wards her as fast as her heels could take her and they hugged. It wasn't a fake hug it was real. She and her mom had bad times but Aubree really did miss her.

"Let's go home. You can tell me all about it."

Chloe Blackburn
The annual back to school party. It was something Chloe threw every year for the students of Constance Saint Jude Prep School. At least all the students relevant enough to invite. She over saw every detail, the food, the dΓ©cor, the guests, the booze. Whats a party without a little booze. She was pleased with how things turned out this year. No outsiders has the nerve to show their faces...yet.

She was wearing through the random dance floor that was created by a bunch of half drunk half horny teens to get herself a drink when her phone got an alert. Gossip girl. She stopped and read the post, seeing the picture of her former Queen B back after hearing nothing from her for nearly a year. She clicked her phone off and set off to find Ana, forgetting all about the cocktail she had concocted in her mind just minutes before.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ava Delacroix Character Portrait: Alex Murphy Character Portrait: Melody Bennett Character Portrait: Anastasia Petrov Character Portrait: Chloe Blackburn Character Portrait: Aubree Koch
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Minion No. 2
Location: CiCi's Party
Dialogue: #FF4D60
x Ava swirled her hips in the middle of the dance floor, smile wide like she was enjoying the party; but her attention was elsewhere. Every couple minutes, she snuck a peek at her phone, angled the screen so no one could see without trying especially hard, and typed with expert speed. Unlike most, she didn't have to wait for the notification of Gossip Girl's update - she was already looking at her phone.
x Aubree was back. What that meant for the rest of them, she wasn't sure, nor was she about to wait to find out. Her eyes scanned the party as she weaved her way through the crowd, careful to keep the smile placed firmly on her face. Once she spotted Ana and CiCi, she sent a few quick 'business' texts, and was just about to turn the corner when she saw Lex headed their way. Before she had time to ponder the possibilities of that interaction, a freshman ran past her, crying. From the look on CiCi's face, Ava was sure the fresh spill on the girl's blouse had been put there on purpose.
x With a sigh, she decided gossip updates could wait just a few more minutes, and followed the crying freshie into the kitchen - but not without checking to make sure no one saw. "Hey, now," Ava cooed, tilting her head at the girl, who blushed furiously at being seen in such a state. "Happens to the best of us. You look about my size-" that was a lie "-let's get that in the wash, and you can borrow one of my shirts. Sound good?" The moment she was given a nod, Ava snuck the girl over to the laundry room, plucked a blouse from the pile of folded clothes (the maids left them there whenever Ava accidentally left her dirty clothes behind during sleepovers), and asked one of CiCi's maids to clean up the rapidly staining one. "Don't tell Chloe, okay?" She winked at the girl as if she was joking, but they both knew she wasn't - or, at least, Ava assumed that was so. The maids certainly knew the deal by now.
x After slipping back into the main room, she had just enough time to falter at the conflicted look on Ana's face before she saw none other than Melody Bennett walk in. Moments later, in walked the star of the most recent Gossip Girl update herself: Bree. Ava's eyebrows would be hard pressed to raise any higher. She cleared her throat and shook her head, trying her best to mix the smile back onto her lips. She pulled out her phone, typing as she weaved through the crowd toward the bathrooms.
To: Melrose
I spy with my little eye an unexpected guest... ;p
Nice to see you, but what are you doing here?
x Instead of talking directly to Anastasia, she sidled up next to the official host of the party. "C, we have a problem. Bree is here." She realized that, given the timing, that might not sound like news, so a split second later, she added, "Here here."

The King
Location: CiCi's Party
Dialogue: #006AFF

x Ezra sighed and suppressed the urge to roll his eyes when he got the Gossip Girl notification. At least half the reason he even bothered to check it was simply to get rid of the notification. He'd been tempted to rid himself of the thing altogether, block it out, but such a social blunder simply wasn't worth the effort; especially considering what a big deal his friends made of it the last time he went so much as a few days without checking Gossip Girl.
x His tune soon changed, as soon as he saw what the update was about. He let out a low whistle and set down his (mostly untouched) drink, both hands going to his phone.
To: Ana β™‘
Where'd you go?
x He ran his hands through his hair a few times, and started edging around the crowded main room of the party in search of his girlfriend. While Bree's return didn't affect him much, he wasn't sure how Ana would respond.
x A stir seemed to move through the dance floor, drawing his eyes to the source of the commotion: Aubree's entrance. Ezra flat out laughed, at first; however, the realization that such a twist could easily ruin Ana's night sobered him quickly. He was about to text her again, when he spotted his 'Queen' near the hallway that lead to the bathrooms. He tried to smile as he walked over - taking strides at least 1.5x the length of his normal step - and slid his arm around Ana's shoulders. She looked paler than usual, and he could swear he felt her shaking against him. He barely acknowledged the others around them before leaning down to whisper in her ear, under the guise of a chaste kiss on the cheek. "You okay?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aubree Koch Character Portrait: Ezra Devereux
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Anastasia Petrov - Location: Blackburn Residence

Ana took a deep, shaky breath. She felt a slight buzzing from her phone, and pulled it out to check it out. She had just read the text from Ezra when suddenly she felt herself being enveloped in somebody's arms. She tensed for a moment before realizing who it was that was holding her. He whispered in her ear, and her arms erupted in goosebumps. The question was so simple, only two words, but it seemed to break her, in a way. Ezra knew her well, but to Ana's knowledge, he knew nothing about her addiction. She had worked unbelievably hard to keep it from him, but somehow tonight she was just not faring well to her own body. He had not even scratched the surface.
She let out a sob, tears beginning to dance down her cheeks, but quickly composed herself. She sniffled before answering.
"I'm okay, baby. I just.." she sighed and wiped her eyes again.
"I'm fine"
She looked up into his eyes, her heart quickening its beat. Ana had been seeing the signs lately of the couple growing apart. And honestly, it scared the shit out of her. Ezra was one of the few people in her life who she genuinely cared about, and the thought of him no longer being in her life made her genuinely want to sink into the ground and never come back.
Her phone buzzed again, and she looked down at it to see that DJ had responded. The had assumed that knowing he was on his way would be calming or relieving, but in all honesty she just felt more impatient about his arrival. She turned to her boyfriend and focused on his face. His gaze seemed to fill her with joy. She stood on the tip of her toes and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"For real, baby, I'll be okay. Don't worry about me."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ava Delacroix Character Portrait: Alex Murphy Character Portrait: Anastasia Petrov Character Portrait: Chloe Blackburn Character Portrait: Aubree Koch Character Portrait: Ezra Devereux
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Aubree Koch

They reached Chloe's place and for five minutes argued with her mother about going inside. Her mom never listened to Bree's size of things. So Bree got out of the car, being sure to slam the car door as hard as possible before making her way up the front stairs. Once she reached the door she turned to see her moms car driving away. Aubree sighed, this was a bad idea.

She turned back towards the door and opened it. As soon as she stepped inside and people saw her they began to shiffle out of her way. It was like she never left. Many of them said hello or just waved and she greeted them back. She was there for one reason, to make things up to her friends. She left them without a word but then again that wasn't her fault however she knew they wouldn't see it that way.

She walked further into the party and saw someone she wanted to avoid at all costs, Lex. He was the most manipulative person shed ever met, back then they were close she used him for many of her schemes and they worked well together. Now, maybe not so much. Before she could slide away to avoid him he caught her and he was with a girl. She looked like she was out of place or at least trying her hardest to fit in.

"Well well... Welcome home Queen, the ignorant masses await but before that... This is Mel, I'm sure you will find her as beautiful and useful as I do."

Mel raised her hand for Bree to shake it and Bree did with a smile, "You as well. If you'll excuse me I'm looking for someone," She said letting go of the girls hand and slide past her and Lex but stopped and turned back, "I would be careful who I befriend, Mel. Not everyone has your best interest at heart." Bree said clearly talking about Lex before finally walking away.

Chloe Blackburn
She was taken slightly off guard when Ana laughed at her. Not because she laughed but because she was expecting her to have a completely different reaction to the whole situation. "Worry wrinkles don't suit you, C. Of course I saw Gossip Girl, so what? Welcome back ex-queen bitch. What do you expect me to do, throw her a welcome home party? Honestly, you're ruining this party for me right now C. Let's go get a drink."

Chloe knew better than to respond to Ana's sarcasm. Clearly she didn't care that Ana was back or at least didn't care enough. Chloe on the other hand did. The two were close before she left, she learned from her. Bree had molded her into the person she was today but with Blackburn flair.

Just as she was starting to follow her highness, Ezra walked up to Ana and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gave her a kiss on the cheek. It sickened Chloe that they were together. She knew he didn't love her the same as he had before. She didn't know why he was still with her unless it was for social gain, not that it was a problem but at least she was honest about it.

As they made their way back to the party something caught Ci-Ci's eye. Everyone seemed to part for someone near the door. Who? Everyone she invited was already here. She shoved people out of the way to get close enough to see who but not too close. First it was Mel. "God, why do you hate me?" she whispered to herself as she watched Lex snake his arm around the girls shoulders. She cringed just watching it. She was so close to going over and kicking her and him out until she saw Her. "Shit!" she said louder than she meant to causeing the people around her to glance in her direction. Soon after Ava found her, "C, we have a problem. Bree is here." Ci-Ci glanced at her "I know. I need to get her out before Ana see's her," she paused a moment trying to think. "You take care of Ana, make sure she doesn't see Bree and I'll take care of the other one."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ava Delacroix Character Portrait: Alex Murphy Character Portrait: Eleanor Madden Character Portrait: Melody Bennett Character Portrait: David Bennett Character Portrait: Anastasia Petrov
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Gossip Girl
It's rude to show up uninvited, Bree. That's right, she's at Chloe's one and only back to school party. She may not be a queen anymore, but she can still get all eyes on her as she parts a crowd. Is she surveying her old territory, waiting to strike? Or did she really just stop by for a little fun?

The Devil and his current lady friend weren't afraid to say hello. Let's see if our favorite trio will do the same


Gossip Girl

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ava Delacroix Character Portrait: Alex Murphy Character Portrait: Melody Bennett Character Portrait: Anastasia Petrov Character Portrait: Chloe Blackburn Character Portrait: Ezra Devereux
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The King
Location: CiCi's Party
Dialogue: #006AFF
x Though he couldn't help but notice the hostility rolling off Chloe, Ezra couldn't find it in him to care right that moment. The sob that escaped Ana, as singular as it was, was enough to grab all of his attention. It was rare to see her display such a display of vulnerability, even to him. Instinctively, he shifted his stance so he was in front of her but still had one arm around her, shielding Ana from the view of others.
x "I'm okay, baby. I just.. I'm fine." He didn't believe her, not for one second. Though Ezra knew nothing of her addiction, he knew her well enough to know when something was seriously wrong - he simply misdiagnosed the problem. Assuming the problem was Bree's return, he lifted his other hand to brush her hair behind her ear, further blocking her view so that no one else could see her tear-stained cheeks and, hopefully, she couldn't see that Bree had joined the party.
x When she turned her attention to her phone, he released her shoulders to trail his fingertips up and down her arm while taking the opportunity to look around. He saw Chloe talking to Ava, and Bree walking away from Lex and Mel. He briefly wondered when those two became friends, but turned his gaze back to Ana before she looked up from her text message. The peck was over so quickly he couldn't really return it, but he moved his left arm around her waist and let his right hand sneak back into her hair afterward. "For real, baby, I'll be okay. Don't worry about me."
x "Impossible," he told her in a tone that meant he was joking, mostly. He might not be in love with Ana, but he still loved her, more than enough to care about keeping her safe and tear-free. He pulled her closer and kissed her slowly, brushing noses and leaning his forehead against hers when he pulled away. "Wanna step outside for a minute? Get some air?"
x Then another Gossip Girl notification came. Ezra suppressed the urge to growl at it. He started to step back to give Ana room to check the update, out of habit, but immediately realized that it was probably about Bree showing up to CiCi's party; so instead, he went out of his way to distract her from it. His hands slid down her arms and he took her hands in his, stepping backward without letting his face get more than two inches away from hers. He smiled and brushed his lips over hers a couple times before kissing her again. "C'mon, let's go."