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Gossip Girl

Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.

0 · 482 views · located in Manhattan, New York

a character in “Gossip Girl - The Next Generation”, as played by thehalfbreed443



Gossip Girl
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â€ĸGossip °False Stories
â€ĸScandals °Slow Days
â€ĸBlogging °Keeping Secrets
â€ĸSecrets °Being Used

Secrets About Her
No one knows much about
Gossip Girl except what she
allows to be known.
Her/His blog started over
four years ago and has
been constantly rising

Her true identity

So begins...

Gossip Girl's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ava Delacroix Character Portrait: Alex Murphy Character Portrait: Eleanor Madden Character Portrait: Melody Bennett Character Portrait: David Bennett Character Portrait: Anastasia Petrov
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Gossip Girl
Hey Upper East Siders,
Something tells me this will be a fun year for us.
Spotted: Aubree Koch at Grand Central. A sudden disappearance makes for a sudden reentry. What's our former Queen B been up to for the past year? And now that she's here will she be taking back her crown? Did her pals miss her or will she get the cold shoulder? Stick with me and you'll find out.

Gossip Girl

Aubree Koch

It was weird being back. After a year of being away everything looked the same but so different at the same time. Its like she was seeing it through new eyes, a new perspective. She didn't know whether that was a good thing or not but she hoped it was good.

She made her way of the train. She could hear her heels clicking with every step she took. It seemed to overpower all the other heels in the station. They echoed off the walls. It was starting to irritate her. Her mom was supposed to pick her up in five minutes and she couldn't remember where she was supposed to get the rest of her bags. You would think living here your whole life you would know these things but she never had to do it herself really.

After ten minutes she finally found them and hooked one on her arm and pulled the handle in order to roll the other. She hadn't gotten the chance to tell anyone why she left. She hadn't even been able to say goodbye to her best friend Ana. She hoped she would let her explain before tossing her aside but knowing Ana she probably wouldn't.

"Bree! Bree!"

She hadn't heard that name in a long time. She turned to see her very beautiful mother waving and smiling at her. Bree ran wards her as fast as her heels could take her and they hugged. It wasn't a fake hug it was real. She and her mom had bad times but Aubree really did miss her.

"Let's go home. You can tell me all about it."

Chloe Blackburn
The annual back to school party. It was something Chloe threw every year for the students of Constance Saint Jude Prep School. At least all the students relevant enough to invite. She over saw every detail, the food, the dÊcor, the guests, the booze. Whats a party without a little booze. She was pleased with how things turned out this year. No outsiders has the nerve to show their faces...yet.

She was wearing through the random dance floor that was created by a bunch of half drunk half horny teens to get herself a drink when her phone got an alert. Gossip girl. She stopped and read the post, seeing the picture of her former Queen B back after hearing nothing from her for nearly a year. She clicked her phone off and set off to find Ana, forgetting all about the cocktail she had concocted in her mind just minutes before.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: David Bennett Character Portrait: Chloe Blackburn Character Portrait: Aubree Koch Character Portrait: Gossip Girl
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Anastasia Petrov, Back to School Party
Ana stood at the bathroom sink, her head pounding. She had broken out into a cold sweat, shivering with withdrawal symptoms. She stuck her manicured hands under the silver faucet and filled them with cold water, splashing her face. How much longer could she go? She hadn't seen DJ in a few days, and he was her only hookup recently. Percocet, fentanyl, oxy, she needed something. She inhaled deeply, and exhaled in a small groan.
"It's okay... it's alright.. everything is under control. Just one more day at the mos-"
She didn't finish her sentence, choking back a sob. When had it gotten so bad?
A small buzz from her phone snapped her back to reality. She picked up her phone and was lead to the latest Gossip Girl update. Uh oh, who had been seen coming out of whose apartment this time?
Her heart dropped when she realized what was actually before her. A picture of her best friend... ex best friend. Aubs looked older. She held herself differently. She looked.. cleaner. What was she back for? Would she be attending Constance? What would Ana say to her when she finally saw her. When you wish for something so badly for so long, you lose sight of what the reality is. Now that she was back, did Ana really want to tell Aubree everything that she had been going through? And what would she tell Chloe and Ava?
She shook her head slightly, reminding herself of the task at hand. The annual back to school party was the best place for scouting out the new freshies and scoping how the social scene had changed over the summer. She took another deep breath, reapplied her mascara and lipgloss, smoothed her hair, and plastered her face with a smile before she exited the bathroom. She wasn't five feet from the bathroom door before she ran into Chloe.
"C! How is the party going? No serious crimes yet, right?"
She chuckled. It was an ongoing trend that someone did something illegal at that back to school parties. Without parental supervision, people seemed to go wild. Ana usually excluded her drug use from this equation, though she did have to admit that that would count if it were anyone else.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Murphy Character Portrait: Melody Bennett Character Portrait: David Bennett Character Portrait: Anastasia Petrov Character Portrait: Chloe Blackburn Character Portrait: Aubree Koch
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[ Nineteen: 19 || Senior: 12 ]
[ Dialogue Color: #B71A1A ]
[ The Devil ]

[ Location: Ci-Ci's Party ]

With a cigarette in hand Lex sat at the edge of the party in a small booth watching the rest of the party goers. He laughed to himself as he imagined the chaos and fun he would undoubtedly have this school year.

A message from Gossip Girl appeared on Lex's phone. He rolled his eyes as he looked down at the message, thinking of what useless news would be out today. It turned out that it wasn't useless, The Queen was back. Lex smiled to himself, thinking of his past relationship with Bree and looking forward to seeing her again.

The majority of those considered to belong in "high society" surrounded him and Lex couldn't help but feel that he could be having a lot more fun somewhere else. As soon as that thought entered his mind he received a text from Mel, one of his new "friends".

Reading the message gave Lex an interesting idea. He replied; Why wait til after? You could just come to the party. No one will throw you out if you're here with me. With an amused look on his face The Devil walked among the rest of those at the party, looking for something interesting to do as he waited for Mel's reply.

Spotting Ci-Ci and Ana he walked towards them, interested in what they were talking about.

[ Eighteen: 18|| Senior: 12 ]
[ Dialogue Color: #4F417A ]
[ The Innocent ]

[ Location: Bennett Home ]

Knowing that Ana may be feeling the effects of withdrawal DJ sent her a message saying, Are you feeling alright? If you need me just hit me up. While sending the message he didn't notice Mel walk into the kitchen. He placed his secondary phone in his pocket nonchalantly, trying to not draw attention to it while cooking.

DJ thought for a few moments, trying to think of where his parents would be. Replying, "More than likely they're still at the coffee shop, closing up. They sent me back home early to start working on dinner".

He then turned around to look at her. "You're welcome by the way. Wouldn't want to see my lil sis burning down the house", DJ said jokingly.

Home life hadn't been easy recently with DJ and Mel's family facing some financial difficulties. DJ had begun working part-time at the coffee shop to help out his parents while also providing some funds with what he earned with his side "business".

He didn't want Mel to worry about anything like that so he tried to support the family as well as he could but he knew Mel wasn't stupid. She had to know how bad the situation had gotten with their family but he couldn't help but want to shield her from that harsh fact.

Grabbing some spices from the cabinet he began to season the food on the stove top. "Hope you don't mind stir fry vegetables... Someone forgot to go shopping and we are severely lacking in protein... Unless you want some of my protein powder mixed in. Which I doubt."

DJ tried to keep things light between him and his sister Mel, trying to protect her and also to try and mask his biggest secret. His infatuation towards her, his sister.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleanor Madden Character Portrait: Melody Bennett Character Portrait: David Bennett Character Portrait: Gossip Girl
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0.00 INK

Location: Madden Home
Interacting With: Mel and DJ Bennett

"Elle, darling, maybe you'll find this one interesting." Jillian proceeded to read the latest post from Gossip Girl aloud to her daughter, who couldn't be less interested. After she was finished, all Elle could offer up was a half hearted "huh". She looked up from her book to see her mom giving her a disapproving glare. "If you don't keep up with this Gossip Girl, how will you know what's happening at your school? How will you know who to be friends with?"

Well Mom, I do go to this school and I heard plenty of stories already last year. And I don't want to be friends with any of these rich brats even though you keep trying to make me, Elle thought to herself, though she dare not sass her mother. "I don't think I need to keep up with her when you have it covered already Mom."

Jillian gave her another disapproving look. Elle gave her mother the best fake smile she could, which seemed to satisfy her. After a few more moments of awkward silence, the teen closed her book and stood up. "Oh, I forgot to tell you-- DJ and Mel wanted to get together tonight before school starts tomorrow. Could I go over to their house for a few hours?"

Her mother sighed before nodding. "As long as you're ready for your first day tomorrow. Make sure to tell your father you're leaving." Elle thanked her mom before going to her room.

Once safely inside she texted Mel and DJ: I hate to invite myself over, but could I hang out with you guys for the night? She didn't want to be stuck discussing Gossip Girl's latest posts with her mother all night, nor did she want her parents bearing down on her about her grades before the school year had even begun. Of course she couldn't mention the latter to her friends, but she never felt she had to explain her reasons for going over to their home unless they asked. As she waited for a response she put on her shoes and threw a sweatshirt into a bag to take with her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Murphy Character Portrait: Anastasia Petrov Character Portrait: Chloe Blackburn Character Portrait: Aubree Koch Character Portrait: Gossip Girl
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Chloe Blackburn
Ci-Ci threatened through the crowded like there was no one there. Everyone seemed to naturally move out of her way. One poor freshman girl made the mistake of not moving enough causing Chloe to bump shoulders with her. She glared back at the girl "Oops, you should really watch where your going." She said knocking the girls drink all over what looked like a new blouse. Chloe continued on her mission to find Ana in a slightly happier mood while the freshman ran away crying. This years fresh meat was a little more sensitive than last years, at least by Chloe's standards.

After ten minutes of looking Chloe was so close to quitting and just texting her but she finally ran into her near one of the bathrooms "C! How is the party going? No serious crimes yet, right?" She was taken aback by her good mood. Had she not seen the latest Gossip Girl or did she just not care? "Did you not see Gossip Girl? Aubree is back!"

Aubree Koch

The drive back to their place was quiet for the most part. After the initial joy of Bree being back things got slightly awkward. There was awkward small talk about the school and about the stuff she learned there. The school was a mix between rehab and highschool. It was for teens who has substance abuse and alcohol issues but they didn't allow you to fall behind in academics. They didnt allow you to use those issues as an excuse more did they let you blame yourself for the mistakes you made while on those drugs or under the influence. They taught them that with those substances they became a different person. It was hard for Bree to get the concept but she did eventually, at least enough to be told she could come back home.

"Your friend Chloe is throwing her party. Don't touch want to stop by? Just to show your face at least."

Aubree shook her head, "Mom, we haven't talked in almost a year. I doubt she wants me at her party."

Her mom waved her hand, dismissively "None sense! You two were close. Besides I know Anastasia will be there. You two were so close. It would be rude not to say hello." She said then leaned up and spoke to the driver, "To the Blackburns residence please."

"No, mom really..."
"Hush, I'm sure they will be thrilled to see you."

Aubree had no choice in anything she did. She sat back in her seat and crossed her arms.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ava Delacroix Character Portrait: Alex Murphy Character Portrait: Melody Bennett Character Portrait: Anastasia Petrov Character Portrait: Chloe Blackburn Character Portrait: Aubree Koch
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Minion No. 2
Location: CiCi's Party
Dialogue: #FF4D60
x Ava swirled her hips in the middle of the dance floor, smile wide like she was enjoying the party; but her attention was elsewhere. Every couple minutes, she snuck a peek at her phone, angled the screen so no one could see without trying especially hard, and typed with expert speed. Unlike most, she didn't have to wait for the notification of Gossip Girl's update - she was already looking at her phone.
x Aubree was back. What that meant for the rest of them, she wasn't sure, nor was she about to wait to find out. Her eyes scanned the party as she weaved her way through the crowd, careful to keep the smile placed firmly on her face. Once she spotted Ana and CiCi, she sent a few quick 'business' texts, and was just about to turn the corner when she saw Lex headed their way. Before she had time to ponder the possibilities of that interaction, a freshman ran past her, crying. From the look on CiCi's face, Ava was sure the fresh spill on the girl's blouse had been put there on purpose.
x With a sigh, she decided gossip updates could wait just a few more minutes, and followed the crying freshie into the kitchen - but not without checking to make sure no one saw. "Hey, now," Ava cooed, tilting her head at the girl, who blushed furiously at being seen in such a state. "Happens to the best of us. You look about my size-" that was a lie "-let's get that in the wash, and you can borrow one of my shirts. Sound good?" The moment she was given a nod, Ava snuck the girl over to the laundry room, plucked a blouse from the pile of folded clothes (the maids left them there whenever Ava accidentally left her dirty clothes behind during sleepovers), and asked one of CiCi's maids to clean up the rapidly staining one. "Don't tell Chloe, okay?" She winked at the girl as if she was joking, but they both knew she wasn't - or, at least, Ava assumed that was so. The maids certainly knew the deal by now.
x After slipping back into the main room, she had just enough time to falter at the conflicted look on Ana's face before she saw none other than Melody Bennett walk in. Moments later, in walked the star of the most recent Gossip Girl update herself: Bree. Ava's eyebrows would be hard pressed to raise any higher. She cleared her throat and shook her head, trying her best to mix the smile back onto her lips. She pulled out her phone, typing as she weaved through the crowd toward the bathrooms.
To: Melrose
I spy with my little eye an unexpected guest... ;p
Nice to see you, but what are you doing here?
x Instead of talking directly to Anastasia, she sidled up next to the official host of the party. "C, we have a problem. Bree is here." She realized that, given the timing, that might not sound like news, so a split second later, she added, "Here here."

The King
Location: CiCi's Party
Dialogue: #006AFF

x Ezra sighed and suppressed the urge to roll his eyes when he got the Gossip Girl notification. At least half the reason he even bothered to check it was simply to get rid of the notification. He'd been tempted to rid himself of the thing altogether, block it out, but such a social blunder simply wasn't worth the effort; especially considering what a big deal his friends made of it the last time he went so much as a few days without checking Gossip Girl.
x His tune soon changed, as soon as he saw what the update was about. He let out a low whistle and set down his (mostly untouched) drink, both hands going to his phone.
To: Ana ♡
Where'd you go?
x He ran his hands through his hair a few times, and started edging around the crowded main room of the party in search of his girlfriend. While Bree's return didn't affect him much, he wasn't sure how Ana would respond.
x A stir seemed to move through the dance floor, drawing his eyes to the source of the commotion: Aubree's entrance. Ezra flat out laughed, at first; however, the realization that such a twist could easily ruin Ana's night sobered him quickly. He was about to text her again, when he spotted his 'Queen' near the hallway that lead to the bathrooms. He tried to smile as he walked over - taking strides at least 1.5x the length of his normal step - and slid his arm around Ana's shoulders. She looked paler than usual, and he could swear he felt her shaking against him. He barely acknowledged the others around them before leaning down to whisper in her ear, under the guise of a chaste kiss on the cheek. "You okay?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ava Delacroix Character Portrait: Alex Murphy Character Portrait: Eleanor Madden Character Portrait: Melody Bennett Character Portrait: David Bennett Character Portrait: Anastasia Petrov
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Gossip Girl
It's rude to show up uninvited, Bree. That's right, she's at Chloe's one and only back to school party. She may not be a queen anymore, but she can still get all eyes on her as she parts a crowd. Is she surveying her old territory, waiting to strike? Or did she really just stop by for a little fun?

The Devil and his current lady friend weren't afraid to say hello. Let's see if our favorite trio will do the same


Gossip Girl

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Murphy Character Portrait: Eleanor Madden Character Portrait: Melody Bennett Character Portrait: Chloe Blackburn Character Portrait: Aubree Koch Character Portrait: Gossip Girl
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Dialogue: #CC90EE
The Wannabe
Location: Cici's Party
Aubree politely shook Mel's hand as she spoke,"You as well. If you'll excuse me I'm looking for someone," The old Queen then let go of Mel's hand and slid past herself and Lex before she stopped to speak to Mel one last time. "I would be careful who I befriend, Mel. Not everyone has your best interest at heart." Without another word, she just went her own way, leaving Mel and Lex alone again. At that moment, she noticed Chloe saw her at the party. The female decided to just ignore it until it came up, which it most likely would, knowing how Chloe was.

"What was all that about?" she questioned. Sure, she knew Lex wasn't exactly the nicest person around, but he never seemed to hurt Mel. At least not yet anyway.

Moments later the entire room filled with notification sounds, signaling that another Gossip Girl post had shown up. Mel pulled out her phone, seeing she had a text from Elle as well. She opened the Gossip Girl post first and read it. She smiled a bit when she noticed that she was finally part of one of the posts. Mel just took one of her first steps into this world and it was all thanks to Lex.

She then read the message from Elle, seeing that the message was sent a little over thirty minutes ago. Seeing that she was doing her whole, don't get into trouble lecture, just like a parent would do she just smirked and shook her head. That was typical of Elle.

To: Elle
Of course I'll be careful...Mom :P

Mel sent the message and slid her phone back into her pocket, focusing all of her attention back onto Lex. "I know there has to be alcohol at this party. I'm pretty sure I could use a dose of it," she stated, hoping that Lex would know where to find it.