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"I don't regret what I've done." {Still Adding Pictures}

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a character in “Graceless”, originally authored by YouKnow:P, as played by RolePlayGateway




.:Full Name:.

She introduces herself as Calla. It is a more common name and a shortened form of her actual one.

Her vessel is a female.

The vessel she resides in looks to be in her early twenties, around twenty-two [22] or twenty-three [23], perhaps. Callista herself isn’t an extremely old angel like her brothers and sisters; she’s only 3,879 years old, which is young by angel standards.

Angel Two

.:Appearance in Description:.
Callista’s vessel stands at 5’5” with a lithe build. Her hands and feet are petite, waist slim and her hips wide. She looks to be in shape and of good health, hazel eyes bright with life. Her hair is honey gold in color and falls to the middle of her back in soft waves. Never one to keep up when it comes to “style,” Calla usually lets said hair do whatever it may, being an expert at said “messy look.” However, she manages to pull it off, may it be her angelic air or her vessel’s natural beauty. Her facial features are soft and innocent, eyes wide and lips full (her lower lip being a little fuller than her top, to her disliking). Said lips cover a set of pearly, white teeth, straight thanks to braces her vessel must have had at a young age. Her skin tone is lightly tanned, high cheekbones seeming to always have a gentle rosy color to them. She has no tattoos or piercings.

As an angel, Callista was never accustomed to human emotion. She has always been a fairly curious angel. She likes learning things and always gets agitated when she does not know the answer to something. She tends to poke her nose in things she shouldn’t, but doesn’t get in too much trouble, unlike some of her brothers. When it came to “work,” she was always very serious. That is, when it came to guarding and watching over whatever charge she had at the time. She’s always been one to follow rules and get things done. Recently, things changed in that aspect. To say Calla has a “kind heart” would, possibly, not be the best words to use. She cares as much as an angel can, but angels tend to lack emotion all together. Now, on the other hand, she is fairly caring, seeing as her grace being taken has left her with an actual soul. Before, however, she was numb to the human emotion, for the most part. Calla now has human emotions, urges and weaknesses, and it is taking a toll on her trying to get used to and control them. Human puns and jokes tend to leave her confused and baffled, not picking up on them like she should. She also is hopeless when flirting comes into play. She gets offended fairly easy and her feelings hurt almost just as fast. It is safe to say Calla is afraid and confused with the human world she is now forced to live in, not used to her human body. She wants her grace back.


+ Nature +
+ Animals +
+ Simplicity +
+ Her Charge +
+ Music +
+ Learning +
+ Her Grace +
+ Starry Skies +
+ Snow +
+ Laughter +

- Being Scolded
- Death
- Being Human
- Thunder Storms
- Loud Noises
- Pollution
- Animal Abusers
- Demons
- Hatred

X Her Charge not helping her. X
X Never getting her grace back and being a human forever. X

She dreams of getting her grace back and being an angel once again. Though it isn’t much of a dream, she’s excited about finally getting to interact with her charge instead of just watch over him. She hopes he accepts her.

.:What did they do to get their grace removed?:.
Calla’s charge, Hunter, had a brain tumor he did not know about. She detected it and although she wasn’t what you call “emotionally attached” to her charge, she felt the need to save him anyway. So, she took the tumor away, removed it. This was a big mistake on her part. It is a big rule not to interfere with things like the life and death of your charge. You are supposed to watch them, whisper little helpful things here and there, but never, ever rescue them from death, especially of “natural cause.” And, Callista did. So, her grace was stripped from her promptly after. Now, she is, well, a mortal.

Callista has lived quite a long time, although not as long as most of her brothers and sisters. She has watched mundane all across the globe and loves to travel. She has been assigned many charges, like most angels, and has watched them grow and change and eventually die. It’s a natural thing- how things work. Being a celestial being, human emotion is something Calla never grasped. She watched charge after charge die before her very eyes and never once bat an eye. She would simply move on to the next human assigned to her and start things over. It would be a lie to say she didn’t get used to her humans. She watched them grow from a child, after all, and she was rather fond of some of them here and there. However, she could not feel emotion and when their death came she was simply unmoved.

Callista has been Hunter Grey’s guardian angel since he was five. She’s watched him grow up into the fine, young man he is today. She’s been there with him through, well, everything, although he does not know it. Since he was young Calla knew there was something different about Hunter, she just didn’t know what. She watched him during his brother’s passing, and then when he was faced with the same type tumor… The angel just refused to let it happen. She wasn’t sure why, but she couldn’t let this human waste away to nothing. She could not watch him burn out. He had more to live for, despite his simple, mundane life, and she had to watch it pan out. So, Callista, an angel who always followed the rules, went against her father. She saved Hunter Grey. She took the tumor from him before it was even detected, before it could affect his small life, and for that she paid the consequences.

You can’t keep things from God. It’s kind of impossible, to say the least. When the Big Man found out, she was punished accordingly. Her grace was stripped from her and she fell to earth, forced to live out a life in the vessel she had at the time. She now has a soul. Emotion humans. She ages. Has the urges of a human. The weaknesses. Everything. She just has a lot to learn and pick up on. New to seeing the earth with human eyes, Calla turns to the only mortal she knows for help: Her charge. But will he be able to help her? Or will she have to figure out everything on her own?

So begins...

Calla's Story


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Now you may be thinking, what's a handsome guy like Hunter doing playing videogame's on a crisp September Friday night, shouldn't he be at the bar with his buddies checking out girls and drinking beer and watching the game? But instead he's just sitting on his brown worn out leather couch, with a large meat lover's pizza and cool beer on one side, plans and outline's for some new furniture designs on his other side and an xbox controller in hand as he plays GTA 5. All by his lonesome. Well the answer is simple, he just felt like staying home. He was tired after a long week of constantly working his ass off to afford this amazing apartment and he decided to bask in his hard worked earning. A content sigh escaped his lips as he paused his game and stood up, stretching his swore muscles before grabbing the two bottles of empty beer in one hand and the pizza box in the other. Walking over to his brick and wood kitchen, throwing the bottles into the recycling and the half eaten pizza into the fridge.

Glancing over at the clock on the oven he noted that it was only 10:24pm and looking out the large windows he saw that the sun had set a while go but huffed when he couldn't see the starry sky. But that's what you get for living in the city. With another sigh Hunter decided to take a shower and wash of the day's worth of greasy and oil with body had collected from the numerous amount of car repairs today. His bare feet were cold on the light wooded floor as he walked into his bedroom and into the on suite bathroom and flicked on the light, the room instantly flooded with light relieving the brick bathroom. Hunter quickly unclothed himself and threw the clothes into the hamper before starting up the shower and walking in, his muscles relaxing as the hot torrent of water splashed down. Grabbing his Axe body wash Hunter started scrubbing away the grime on his skin. He spent 20 minutes in there better he decided to get out.

Hunter grabbed a fluffy brown towel and dried his short hair before wrapping the towel around his waist and walked over to the sink, brushing his teeth quickly before walking back into his room. He quickly put on his pj's, which only consisted of worn out red plaid pajama pants, before he walked back into the living room and plopped down on the couch and continued his game.


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Outside the apartment of Hunter Grey a small blonde had a path wore. She walked back and forth in front of the door, contemplating whether or not to knock. In her left hand she held a newspaper ad clutched for dear life, hands trembling lightly. Dusk had long slipped over Seattle and Callista had yet to knock on her charge's door. She had everything planned, well, most of everything, but some of the little details weren't worked out. What if he didn't believe her? What if he laughed at her and turned her away? She didn't know if she could handle her own human doing that. Come on, Calla, before he goes to sleep. she urged herself, wincing as a cab loudly drove by, nudging her out of her debating state.

Slowly, the blonde crept up to the door. There was a knot in the pit of her stomach that she wasn't accustomed to, making her feel as if she was going to vomit. Lifting her right hand she knocked swiftly on the door and took two steps back, holding her breath. She must have been a real awkward site. What she wore was a simple pair of faded jeans, dirty now, and a plain, one size too big, white tee shirt. They weren't her clothes. When she fell the couple evenings before her clothes were ripped and unwearable. So, she had to take an unsuspecting mortals clothes from a laundry mat. Not the most respectable thing, and she was in need of a shower, but none-the-less, there she should. Her hair was in a messy disarray, and when the door pulled opened Calla's eyes only widened, the former angel lifting her free hand and brushing a stray strand of hair from her face. She exhaled the breath she had been holding, staring at Hunter as if he was an alien species.

She opened her mouth to speak, then shut it, then opened it once again, looking as if she was an awkward fish. Kicking herself mentally, Callista lifted the newspaper ad up, forcing a strained smile. "You're looking for a roommate?" She blurted, biting the inside of her cheek once she spoke. It was hard to act like she didn't know him. She had known him all his life.. Seeing him with human eyes was yet strange and different. Calla took another step back without thinking. "You are Hunter, right? The guy who wrote this ad?" She added, trying to play dumb like she didn't know. However, it was harder than she thought not blurting the truth already. The blonde was back to holding her breath. Please don't turn me away, Hunter Grey. she thought desperately.


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Character Portrait: Hunter Grey Character Portrait: Calla
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When Hunter opened the door he didn't except to see a girl there. He observed her as she timidly spoke. She wants to be his roommate? But she has no bags and by the looks of it she's been homeless for a while as he could obviously see the dirt and grime on her. Poor thing needed a shower. "Umm ya I'm Hunter Grey, umm please come in" Hunter stumbled as he gestured for her to come in. He knew this day would come, that someone would answer to his ad, he just wished he'd practice what he was going to say beforehand. Now she probably thinks he's an idiot. He watched as she walked by him and into his home, a nervous look clear on her face even with her blonde hair covering part of her face. He closed the entrance door once she was in. "I'll be right back" Hunter said as he took note he was shirtless and only in pajama pants. No need to make her feel uncomfortable. With that thought he quickly ran to his room and put on a white t-shirt before rushing back into the main room where the girl stood almost awkwardly. Hunter gave her a puzzled look, silently questioning why she looked so nervous but he just let her be.

"So may I ask what your name is? Seeing as you are going to be living with me, I'll show you around also" Hunter grinned. He knows normally people don't just let someone stay without asking questions but from just observing her Hunter could see that she needed help, even if she wouldn't voice it, he knew and him being who he was he couldn't turn down someone who needs help. "If you just want to follow me" Hunter said as he started walking towards the door beside his own and opened the door to reveal a plain bedroom. "This will be your room, I know it ain't much but its got a decent closet space and just let me know when you want to redecorate it" Hunter then stepped out of her bedroom and pointed down the hallway towards the main bathroom.

"That's the main bathroom and there is also a half bathroom upstairs" Hunter pointed out. Then he walked over into the main area again, the girl following behind. "That's the kitchen, the living room, dining room, my gorgeous entertainment system and then the top floor of the loft is my work shop and the bedroom beside yours is mine and...ya! that's all there really is to know, umm nothing is off limits so ya make yourself at home" Hunter rambled, grinning down at the shorter girl.


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Calla tilted her head slightly to the left as Hunter "umm'd," arching an eyebrow curiously at the way he seemed to trip over his words. He must had not expected to ever really get this so-called "roommate." When he invited her in she stood in her place briefly- she didn't expect to get this far. However, she took a deep breath and slowly walked into the apartment as he gestured for her to do so, the nervousness she felt clearly etched onto her face. Her hazel eyes stayed on her charge (though, could she still call him that given her now human status?). It seemed Callista just couldn't stop watching him. Human eyes were so different from an angels'. She saw things in a weird way. In her angel state, she barely took note to human flesh. She had seen many bare men, even women, throughout her existence; nudity and such were no big deal to her. Whereas, in this very human body and mindset, that seemed to be one of the things Calla pinpointed first off. His missing top piece, that is.

When Hunter excused himself and took off towards another room, Calla found herself studying him as he went. His back, his arms, even the way he walked, curiosity burning in her gaze. Humans really were strange. Once left alone an awkward air settled around the blonde. She looked down at her own hands, wiggling her fingers, then placed a hand on her wrist, feeling her pulse under the delicate skin there. A pulse was new, too. Her eyes traveled around the room, a room she had seen before countless times, chewing her bottom lip. Remember to play dumb, Calla. she told herself when Hunter returned, meeting his questioning gaze briefly before looking away.

"So may I ask what your name is? Seeing as you are going to be living with me, I'll show you around also."

The question caught the former angel off guard, yet it was one she had anticipated before knocking on his door. Name, of course, a name! She assumed it was best not to give her actual name, seeing as it was not one many, if any, humans had. So, she blurted quickly her nickname.

"My name is Calla." She then managed a small half-smile, nodding when Hunter mentioned following him. Callista had to admit it was odd that the human did not truly question her before letting her into his home so easy. She expected the questions to file in sooner or later. Thinking about it, Calla should have known it would have been this simple to get in the door- she knew Hunter, after all, and the guy had a good heart despite everything. It was one big reason she saved him. Stopping at one door, Calla peered inside excitedly when he opened it, hazel orbs flickering all around the space. Her room? The thought of having something human that was her own made a grin tug at her lips. "It's perfect," the girl quipped when Hunter said it "wasn't much."

At the mention of a bathroom Calla's brows then furrowed. That was the room humans used to cleanse their bodies of dirt and such, right? Her eyes traveled down to the clothes she wore, absentmindedly chewing at her lower lip again. That might be the first room she'd need to become acquainted with. The blonde followed after him as he showed her the kitchen and everything else, making sure to nod politely and go "Mhmm" appropriately when needed, although she already knew where these certain things were. Callista smiled back at Hunter when he grinned at her, taking a deep breath.

"Thank you for this. It means a lot." She said truthfully, twisting the hem of her shirt in her hands nervously. I'll never be able to tell him who I really am. she thought sadly, eyes shifting back down the hall towards the room called the "bathroom."
Looking back at Hunter, Calla managed another smile. "Are you sure it won't be any trouble me staying here for a little bit? I promise to find my own place soon." the former angel added, although the ad he placed in the paper said he was looking for a roommate to stay long term. By saying "find my own place," Callista truly meant "find and get my grace back," though he did not know that. She knew eventually, sometime soon, she'd have to tell him the truth. The problem was she felt he wouldn't believe her. That he would deem her crazy and kick her out. And, to be honest, she needed her charge at the moment, even if he didn't know her true "identity," so to speak.

It was strange conversing with him instead of just watching him. The feel of not being "invisible" anymore was quite nerve wrecking. Calla jarred her brain, trying to think of anything else to say. "Oh, and feel free to ask me anything you'd like. You deserve whatever answers to the questions you ask." Once she said it, she kind of regretted doing so. She had no lies planned out for the things Hunter might ask. Yet, she felt it was the right, human-like thing to say. Calla took a small step back without thinking, her hands behind her back as she tugged at her own fingers. It seemed to be one, out of the many, nervous habits she was picking up on.


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"Calla, that's a pretty name, you got a cute last name to go with it?" Hunter asked as he finished the tour around the house. He had saw the way her eyes took in the area, though if he wasn't mistaken he thought he saw a hint of recollection, like she already knew this place like the back of her hand. Had her previous home been similar? Hunter just mentally shook it off his tired mind not really wanting to focus.

"Thank you for this. It means a lot."

Hunter nodded and flashed Calla a smile "Its no problem really it will be nice to have company around, it starts getting lonely living by yourself" he said as his bright smile slightly dimmed. He had been living alone for over two years and no matter the length of time he still felt the loneliness hit him full force. He hated being alone. That's the reason he wanted a roommate, not cause he needed the extra money, he just needed some to be around.

"Are you sure it won't be any trouble me staying here for a little bit? I promise to find my own place soon."

Hunter almost frowned at her statement. "No there is no rush, I was looking for a long term roommate so please don't feel as though you have to leave any time soon" Hunter said kindly. Calla was quiet for a while, Hunter guessed by the look on her face she was thinking over things. He saw a flash of guilt flicker across her feature's but it disappeared in seconds. Then other emotions like uncertainty, sadness and....longing. Though it wasn't a lustful longing, no it was more like she just needed him in general, like she needed his help. Hunter was confused by what he saw and he couldn't help but grin at the fact that Calla didn't know how to hide her emotions at all, her body language and facial expressions gave her away like an open book. Thinking maybe he should tell her but then he thought better of it, knowing that if he was truly going to get to know her, he needed to be able to know what she was feeling. Hunter watched in amusement as Calla seemed to finally come back to reality.

"Oh, and feel free to ask me anything you'd like. You deserve whatever answers to the questions you ask."

Hunter smiled down at Calla "Well how about we wait for that tomorrow that ask questions, its...holy shit its already 11:30, that's why I'm so tired, but ya umm you can go have a shower if you like and since it looks like you got no clothes with you I'll lend you some of mine for tonight" Hunter said and then went to his bedroom. Walking over to his dresser he pulled out a pair of black boxer's and a grey t-shirt. Since he was so much bigger then her none of his sweat pants or pajama pants would fit her but hopefully the shirt would go down far enough. He walked back out and handed her the clothes "I hope those will do for tonight, but I'm gonna head to bed now so I'll see you in the morning" Hunter smiled before waking over to the front door and locking it then with one last wave walked to his room and closed the door behind him. Removing his shirt he turned off the lights and got into bed.


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At the question about a last name, Calla paused. She mentally started freaking out. A last name? Of course, mortals had surnames! Think... Think... the former angel thought swiftly, gaze flickering all around the apartment. "My last name.." she began, allowing her gaze to settle back on Hunter. "It's Bennett. My last name is Bennett." she finally said, pulling the surname from her memory. She remembered a man at a local store screaming that name earlier in the day.

"It's no problem really it will be nice to have company around, it starts getting lonely living by yourself." Callista nodded as her charge spoke, replying to her thanks. She weighed the words as he talked. Of course he got lonely. She supposed, from observing, most mortals did after a while of being by themselves. For a long time Calla wondered why this human did not just pair off like the rest of them. What did they call that? She couldn't remember, but it was like they just randomly picked another person who seemed to be visually appealing, possibly mentally stimulating, to them and they just... Stayed together. It always struck the former angel as odd. Angels, on the other hand, usually did things alone- they weren't exactly "dependent" creatures. Calla then mentioned finding her "own place" soon.

"No there is no rush, I was looking for a long term roommate so please don't feel as though you have to leave any time soon." The blonde tilted her head slightly to the left as Hunter spoke, raising an eyebrow. The almost downward turn of his lips caught her off guard. Had she made him upset? Guilt settled in her hazel eyes, then concern. Maybe this was all one bad idea? Callista chewed her bottom lips as she thought.

"Well, I will gladly keep you company, Hunter Grey." Calla finally chirped once her resolution was made, mimicking his grin. It was a bad angel habit, calling mortals by their full names; she hoped he just wouldn't notice. That's when she told him if he had any questions to, pretty much, go for it and ask. Relief settled in the pit of her stomach and she breathed a light sigh at his words.

"Well how about we wait for that tomorrow that ask questions, its...holy shit its already 11:30, that's why I'm so tired, but ya umm you can go have a shower if you like and since it looks like you got no clothes with you I'll lend you some of mine for tonight." Calla nodded happily, figuring it would be best if she had the night to think up things to say to all the possible questions Hunter might ask. A shower.. That's what they were called and that is what the blonde definitely needed. Her skin and hair felt weird, and she knew she must have seemed repulsive. She watched her charge disappear back into the room he previously went into. His bedroom, as he had called it. Not long after he emerged from the room, holding a small bundle of clothing.

Taking said clothing gratefully, Callista only smiled a bit awkwardly as Hunter spoke. "They'll do fine." she promised, nodding at the rest of his words. "Okay, enjoy your bed." she went on, mentally face palming herself. Such a weird statement she did not think through before saying it. Waving back at her charge, Calla slowly made her way down the hall to the bathroom. Once she walked inside, closing the door behind herself, she eyed the shower wearily. That's what she was supposed to get into? Her brows furrowed, wondering why the whole thing was simply surrounded by glass. Most "showers" she'd seen had curtains. Did Hunter like to see himself in the mirror showering? Callista blinked a few times at the thought, settling the clean clothing down on the counter before tugging off the white shoes she had on. Then, peeling off the dirty clothing she had taken, she sat them on the counter beside the clean, walking over to the shower. Opening the slim, glass door, she peaked inside, taking a deep breath. How strange.

The handles for the hot and cold water took Calla a long time to work. When she had first turned them on, she only had the cold on and had jumped back with a soft yelp when the freezing water touched her bare skin. However, it didn't take her long to fix the problem. Having the warm water rush over her skin settled her nerves. For a few minutes she just stood there with her eyes closed, letting her mind rest.
Closer to thirty minutes later, longer than it took most, Callista was stumbling from the shower, eyes wide as she looked around for a towel. Digging around underneath the sink she found one, wrapping it around herself swiftly.

Once she got the clothes Hunter lent her on, Calla looked in the bathroom mirror with a look of horror. The boxers hung low on her hips, but luckily, the grey tee shirt came down to a little lower than mid-thigh, covering everything that was needed. Turning around, the blonde kept examining herself, still not used to the whole "human" thing yet. It was going to take a lot of getting used to.

The next morning Calla awoke with hazy thoughts, having not opened her eyes yet. Where was she again? The soft, downy cover was embracing her softly, and she was spread out in one of the most awkward positions on the large bed. It was weird waking up comfortable instead of on a hard surface. Oh, I'm at Hunter's house. she thought lazily, then her eyes flashed open when recognition struck. She sat up quickly, the swift movement causing her head to swim. She was in her charge's house. She made it. Her plan was coming together! A grin tugged at the right corner of her mouth. Hearing sound coming from the living room or kitchen area, Calla swung her legs off the side of the bed, standing up. She smoothed down the large shirt, yawning as she lifted her arms above her head, groaning afterwards. Sleep was another odd human thing, but it was nice.

As Calla crept out of her room, she ran her hands back through her messy hair in a lame attempt to tame the wild mane- at least it was clean. "Hunter?" she called lightly, tiptoeing down the hall, as if she was afraid of making a sound.


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Hunter had woken up fairly early to go for a jog. The crisp morning air helped clear his sleep groggy senses and fully woke him up as he started to work up a sweat as he quickened his pace. He had a good hour jog before he decided to head back home but he made sure to stop by the bakery and purchase a cherry pie before heading home. The scent of freshly baked pie and his sweat mingled into an unusual cocktail medley as he entered his home and shut the down behind him. A moment later he heard a soft feminine voice call out his name and Calla came into view. A faint blush crept up Hunter's face as he took in her appear. Hey! he is a guy after all and like any guy he couldn't help the, usually docile hormone's, from making themselves known. Calla was a very pretty girl and with wild bed ridden hair and only his t-shirt on get the picture.

"Morning I uh....just went for a jog....I have pie for breakfast" Hunter stumbled over his words as he tried to fight down his blush. 'You should of known this would happen moron and she's far to innocent to know what gutter your mind is flailing around in'. Hunter mentally cursed himself and flashed Calla a smile before heading towards the kitchen.

"I hope you like cherry pie cause I don't have anything in the fridge for breakfast....I guess we will have to go shopping today, from the looks of it you need clothes anyway" Hunter said as he took two mismatched plates from the cupboard and started to dish a piece of the delicious smelling pastry.

"Here you are ma femme " Hunter joked while placing Calla the large piece of pie. He then sat down on one of the bar stools and started eating his pie, which vanished in two seconds as Hunter gobbled it down and stood from the stool and put his plate in the sink.

"I shall go shower then we can head out, you can wear the pants you wore yesterday and I'll just give you another shirt until we get you some clothes" with that said Hunter went into his room, grabbed a clean aqua blue t-shirt and came back out to hand it to Calla before returning to his room to shower.

Once Hunter was clean and dressed he grabbed his wallet and keys before leaving his room.

"Calla you ready to leave?" Hunter called out as he waited by the front door.

ma femme - Means 'My Lady' in French.
And sorry this is shorter then I wanted it to be but I'm just sooo freaking tired!