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Green Hills 2: Green Hills University

UWO Campus


a part of Green Hills 2: Green Hills University, by DA_SHADOW_PHOENIX.


DA_SHADOW_PHOENIX holds sovereignty over UWO Campus, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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UWO Campus



UWO Campus is a part of Green Hills 2: Green Hills University.

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Juliet Raven [3] "I'm out of that quiet stage in my life."
Veronica "V" Desnoyers [2] Hi, I'm Veronica. Call me V ;)
Nessi Sky [1] The Valedictorian of the batch, usually standing in the background.
Jasper Stewart [0] Life goes on and it's time to grow up and get serious
Messford "The Messy Skater," Dramm [0] *Yawn* School... Again.
Zac Phoenix [0] A Freshman(20) ,he's a ginger and has a reputation as a scrapper and a womanizer, he is also obseesed with football.

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Zac had just finished moving into his dorm, He was waiting for Saidi, she was his highschool sweetheart, he still remembered their first date at the Bubble Lounge. 'I hope she gets here soon' He thought he really missed her he didn't get to see her for a month, Zac heard a jingling behind him he looked back to see his beloved dog Daisy standing behind him with her leash in her mouth "Hey there Daisy, we'll go for a walk soon." he said as he leaned down and scratched the large jack russel be hind the ear. Daisy had grown alot since Zac was in grade nine, she bacame taller much taller than most jack russels, Zac's vet said that she was a rare type of jack russel, a long legged jack. "Go inside." Zac said tenderly to Daisy, as he motioned towards the door, Daisy didn't turn "go inside and wait for Saidi, if you don't she won't come." Zac lied to her, Daisy quickly turned and pranced inside the small apartment of a dorm Zac now lived in. Zac pulled out his Black Berry and texted Saidi, the text said: Where are you?


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"Vanessa Sky, walk your damn dog!" Nessi turned to her dormmate Melissa, who's currently trying to wrassle Nessi's daschund Maltilda into a collar. Maltilda's being the spoiled brat she is and is not making any effort to help the poor freshman. Nessi sighed, pulling on a black blouse and high-waisted ripped shorts, blousing out her shirt. Once she had on a pearl necklace and her favorite navy Toms, Nessi helped Melissa get Maltilda into her hot pink collar and the hot pink leash clipped on. Nessi slipped her iPhone into her back pocket, taking her aviators and a final look in the mirror before putting her key in the safety of her front pocket. Into the sunlight of the dorm square, she recognized Zac, the football-obsessed boy from her highschool class. She sent him a friendly wave, not expecting him to acknowledge her.


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Zac noticed some girl from highschool, he didn't know her all that well but was acquainted with her Oh yeah Nessie, ha! the monster thought Zac remembering what his friends called her because of her odd name. Zac waved back still awaiting Saidi's text. I hope she gets here soon Zac thought about Saidi and felt warm inside, he planned on asking Saidi to marry him after university, the only people he told of his plan were his dad and his recovering, addict friend Mess, who was his room mate. Zac looked behind him and saw Mess unpacking some bags when he noticed Daisy beside him, Mess leaned over and scratched her under the jaw, that was her favorite place to be scratched, she began to snort, that's what Zac calls her happy snots because she always makes snorts when she is happy or excited, unlike other dogs just wagging her tail wasn't enough. only my dog he thought and let out a silent laugh.


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Character Portrait: Juliet Raven
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Juliet starts to walk the campus of her new home for the next four years. "Wow,It's so....big." She saids as she carries a couple boxes and rolls her suitcase. "I can't wait to see Miharu,Chad,Veronica and....Jasper. Gosh where are they?" She asks herself as she looks around and sees a few other kids that went to her high school. Before she keeps walking she checks her phone like the thousands time. She rolls her eye not seeing a text from anyone of her closest friends. She walks closer and closer to the mysterious faces and sees a girl she can't remeber the name of, Right it's um....Nessi! That's it! She thinks to herself not wanting to yell it out loud. She also saw two boys she remember but she's not sure if they remember her that well but she waves anyway.


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Zac was still laughing when he noticed one of V's friends it was Juliet, she waved to him and Mess they waved back, Is our entire highschool here? he thought as he looked around at all the familiar faces. Zac check his phone, still no text, Zac assumed that Saidi was busy or her phone was dead or off, she usually texted him back within about ten minutes. Daisy was still snorting she was looking out the front window probably waiting for Saidi, Daisy loved Saidi almost as much as Zac loved her. Zac was really happy his parents let him take Daisy with him, she was like a daughter to him. "I wounder where she is?" Zac said to himself as he thought of Saidi.


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The wave, once a polite gesture, turned into a nervous rub to her neck. Matilda made a strange yapping noise, trying to sniff the fire hydrant. Nessi noticed another person from her school, Juliet. They were sort of friends, so far the only girl from her school. Knowing Zac was here, Saidi was soon to arrive. She waved at Juliet, walking over and taking Matti into her arms. "Hey Juliet, long time no see." Nessi started politely, trying not to be too much of a creep. She knew some people called her Monster, because they didn't know Nessi was short for Vanessa. She stood there awkwardly, letting Matilda down to wander the small area. "So, what are you studying?"


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Character Portrait: Juliet Raven
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"Hey Nessi, I'm studing Jornalism and Socal working. What about you?" She saids smiling. "Aww cute dog, you got there. What their name?" She saids looking at the dog. Her hair falls in front of her face and she moves it back. "So,What you do over the summer? I heard you were on Boardway." She saids excited because she just loves New york. She feels her phone vibrate. "One minute. Sorry." She looks at her phone to see that the battery is low. She rolls her eyes They are torturing me!She thinks to herself. She walks back to Nessi. "Sorry bout that. I thought I got a call but of course it's just my battery's low." She said as she puts her phone back in her pocket.


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Mess skated up to Zac. He didn't care where he was skating, inside or outside. "So, Zac, I see that we're in the same dorm..." Mess said, "And how's it goin'?"

Mess turned around and saw something that interested him. It was a hummingbird. He liked hummingbirds. "Before you answer the question, I'll be right back," Mess said as he skated towards the bird.

When he reached it, the bird flew away. Mess went back to Zac. Awaiting a reply.


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"I can't complain it's pretty good to see you here." Zac said "and Daisy looks happy." Said Zac as he took his phone out of his pocket it was vibrating it was a text from Saidi it said : Sorry my rents were lecturing me, I'll be there soon." read the text Zac laughed he knew how Saidi's parents were, they were stoners and had epiphineys all the time and often just stared blabbing about some random subject, but when they weren't high the were pretty descent people. "so what are you here for?" Zac asked Mess.


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"Game designing. It's just like, games are, like, duude, the best," Mess said, "How do you like the skateboard. I've painted a dif. colour pink. What you here for? Wait, let me answer for you. 'I will be a footbal obsessive, who likes to hit on girls.' If they actually made a scholarship on that or whatever, thata's be awesome!!"

Mess scratched Daisy again. "Man, the good thing about not being high is that you don't see stuff," he started, "But whatever. Things in the past. Oh and if you see me with a bag of weed or whatever, just punch my face. So, after university, will I be your bestman. If Saidi says yes?"


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"Probably." Said Zac smirking "And no I'm here to be a doctor for kids." Zac said as he got up and let himself fall on his couch, he loved that my couch thought Zac smiling "And yeah I'll be sure to punch you in the face anytime bud." Zac snickered "Oh I forgot to mention Daisy hates the smell of weed, if you bring any home she's trained to bite your ankle until the weed is gone, just saying." Zac said laughing as mess began to wrestle with Daisy rolling around on the ground as she swiped at him her paws, and pounced at him. This is going to be a good four years thought Zac as Daisy ponced on Mess's chest.


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"I'm studying for Theatre, and minoring in writing. I plan to write my own movies and musicals for Broadway." Nessi exclaimed proudly, scuffing her Toms against the pavement. She grinned at Matilda, picking her up with a dissatisfied grumble. Matilda perked up at the sight of Juliet, which made Nessi giggle. "Her name's Matilda, for my favorite movie." Juliet asked about Broadway, which perked me up. "Broadway was amazing! All these fantastic actors to work with. The first month, I watched so many plays, I have a bounty of scripts filled with notes. Then I had many supporting roles, and my last two plays I was the lead character. I played the Wicked Witch in Wicked and Mary Poppins." Nessi answered with a swell of pride, picking at her pearl necklace. It was a gift from the recruiter that got her a full ride after seeing the Senior play, the Princess Bride. "How was your summer, Juliet?"


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Character Portrait: Veronica "V" Desnoyers
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Ronnie was one of the only girls who didn't have a room mate. She was unpacking her boxes when she openned the next box it was JayJay's. It was the things Jaquelines parents gave to her. Jaqueline was in the coma for a whole year and died of a heart attack in her sleep. Veronica had a tear rolling down her face and pushed that box into the back part of her closet. She then took out her phone and texted Juliet "Hey where are you? I'm on the top floor and my place is amazing! Come over room 411" She smiled I wonder is Jason is here


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Mess got up after moving Daisy off his chest. "Next year I'm goin' for a lone dorm," he said as he took out his phone.

"Well. It's good to know it's a probably for being your bestman. I'm going to check if there's a skateboard park," Mess said, "If not, well, whatever. I'll just skate in the school."

He walked out of the dorm while playing finger guillotine. He destroys at the game. It's like he knows when to let go. He started playing Light Bike 2. He was going in any direction. Then he realized he was outside. So he sat on a bench, shut his phone off, and fell asleep. He always falls asleep, anywhere, anytime.


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Character Portrait: Juliet Raven
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"That amazing! Well, my summer was ok, I finshed writing this book now I need someone publish it. But for most of the summer I was traveling to Paris,London,all over europe really except Germany." She saids as she smiles. She hears her phone ring the song "Umbrella" so she knows it's V. "Oh i'll see you around Nessi,bye." She saids as she goes to the dormroom. She starts to text Veronica "Nice, I'll be right there. See You then. :)" she puts her phone away as she runs to room 411. She knocks on the door and saids "V,It's Juliet open the door." She smiles after she saids it.


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Veronica walks to the door and looks through the hole and opens it quickly. "Come in" she smiles. She hears her microwave beeping and rushes to the little kitchenette. In the microwave there's a bad of popcorn. "Want some?" She pours the popcorn into two bowls and they sit at her little table. "I just love this room, it has the perfect view of campus" she walks to the window and moves the lime green curtains. " Hey have you heard from Jason yet? Is he here?" I haven't stopped thinking about him since last fall She thought.


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Character Portrait: Nessi Sky
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"Bye Juliet! And hey, if you need help with that publishing thing, just come to me. I know a guy." Nessi yelled after, continuing on the walk. She didn't have many friends at Green Hills, and only her roommate was a friend that decided to come here as well. I need more friends Nessi thought to herself as she turned towards her dorm room and let Matilda inside. She then walked smack-dab into a bench, where a guy from her school was sleeping. She continued walking, totally embarrassed. She looked to her phone, the cause of her embarrassment.Â