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Ailsa Finnegan

"It will have blood, they say; blood will have blood"

0 · 278 views · located in Grimm HQ

a character in “Grimm's Fairies”, as played by Sepokku


Ailsa Finnegan Lymphocyte


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filertext"Appreciation is a wonderful thing, it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well"
LOL━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ♬Cigarette Ahegao♬Devil Town

USERNAME: Sepokku | FC: Lady Maria

DIALOGUE #483d8b | THOUGHTS #9b0044

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Platinum Blonde



When well-fed, Ailsa appears almost human, except for the willowy, almost predatory look that most vampires have. Her blonde hair is fairly long, but usually tied back into a low ponytail to keep it out of her face. In the sun her eyes sparkle like sea-glass, ranging anywhere from a deep green to a much lighter hazel. Her usual attire is out of place in modern society, something her father had kept from ages long past; a long coat with matching leather gloves and trousers, her shirt ruffled in a Victorian style, with a white-feathered tricorn completes the ensemble. When pushed to her limits, or simply malnourished, Ailsa's eyes turn a bright red and her hair fades to white, her features also become a bit more hollow and pronounced as the beast within her begins to make itself known.

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XXXXXXXXxxxxXXXXX moral alignment: Neutral

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        "Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we're opened, we're red."

        Being a blood-sucking leech doesn't have to be the end of the world, for Aisla it is just the beginning. Even though she was born under less than fortunate circumstance, she finds herself eternally optimistic about the world and its people; which is precisely why she wants it to be protected. Aisla takes her work at Grimm entirely too seriously. She'll often spend entire days pestering her higher-ups for more work or to help her train. Grimm is like a family to her, and she is a very annoying younger sister with way too much free time.

        When something captures Aisla's attention, it does so with almost complete totality, leading most to see her as a bit obsessive. In truth her mind is fairly complex and she simply finds the minutiae of certain things endlessly fascinating. There is a popular bit of advice at Grimm HQ, and that is to not ask Aisla about horoscopes. The unfortunate soul who does bring them up quickly finds out that she literally can't shut up about Astrology and she always has something new to talk about in that regard. Whether that is a blessing or a curse is entirely up to who you ask. Though she can be a bit morbid when the mood strikes her, more often than not, young Aisla is a bubbly font of energy; the precocious kind of energy that can only come from youth. When she isn't making a nuisance of herself, she can be found locked in her study. practicing astrology, listening to music, or reading a book pertinent to her current obsession.

        Ailsa also has the odd habit of categorizing people into one of two groups, depending on what their heartbeat sounds like. If someone's heartbeat is enjoyable, she labels them "Tonal" and is far more apt to put up with their annoyances or orders. However if someone is atonal, Aisla is downright rude, so long as she can get away with it. Furthermore, not everyone's heartbeats harmonize well, and people that Aisla usually enjoys being around can become atonal if they're paired with the wrong beat. This has led to more than a few incidents in the past where Aisla has had to be forcibly recalled from the field, or outright refused to work altogether.

      LIKES . . . .
      ➤Blood More than just spilling it, everyone's heart beats a different symphony, and simply being around the right people can make music so beautiful it brings Aisla to tears.
      ➤Horoscopes It's a bit of an obsession, and Aisla can spend literal weeks going through natal charts and preparing readings for them.
      ➤Smoke Where there's smoke, there's fire, and Aisla loves the smell of something burning; though she'd never admit it reminds her of cold winter nights spent with her father.

      DISLIKES .
      ➤Dissonance There is a perfect order to everything, or at least Aisla seems to think so, and when things don't harmonize, they ruin everything, including her mood.
      ➤The Ocean We know next to nothing about what happens in the ocean, anything could lurk in that black abyss, even things more terrifying than vampires
      ➤Pork White meat is always a bit dry and tasteless, but pork seems to be especially so and Aisla can't stand it. No matter how it's prepared, the taste of pork can't be covered and ruins the entire dish.


      You can write in a more novel kind of style (only three) or do a list.
      You can write in a more novel kind of style (only three ) or do a list.
      You can write in a more novel kind of style (only three ) or do a list.

      WEAKNESS .
      You can write in a more novel kind of style (only three) or do a list.
      You can write in a more novel kind of style (only three ) or do a list.
      You can write in a more novel kind of style (only three ) or do a list.


      You can write in a more novel kind of style (only three) or do a list.
      You can write in a more novel kind of style (only three ) or do a list.
      You can write in a more novel kind of style (only three ) or do a list.

      Do not fear the thorns in your path, for they draw only corrupt blood

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                . ...... USE . . . . ..
                Born to a powerful Vampire Lord from a lineage that is now all but extinct, Aisla possesses a degree of control over all blood within a certain radius of herself. At first this was relegated to simple reflexes she had, such as hardening her blood when hit or stopping her wounds from bleeding. However, training with Grimm has pushed her abilities, and so far she hasn't found an upper limit to her capabilities.

                Causing wounds to never close is a favorite trick of Aisla's but the ability is incredibly versatile, and only limited by Aisla's own physical limitations. She's able to stop blood from properly transporting oxygen, leading to almost immediate suffocation, or to do the exact opposite allowing her to exert herself for a seemingly endless period of time as her blood perfectly dumps waste products. When wounded, she can shape her blood into knives, bullets, or even shields. Assuming she is able to maintain her ability long enough for blood to clot on its own, she can even sew wounds shut with stitches made of gore. On one isolated occasion, Aisla was even capable of creating an exact copy of herself, made up entirely of blood, though she has been unable to deliberately repeat that incident.

                As a Dhampir, Aisla needs to drink blood, however she also possesses the fortunate side effect of gaining the power of whoever's blood she drinks. The more blood she drinks, the longer the new power lasts. So far this has only proven temporary, but Aisla has also never completely drained someone of their life's blood, so whether or not she is capable of permanently appropriating a power is open to debate.

                SIDE EFFECTS .
                Controlling blood draws directly from Aisla's vampiric nature, and as such she becomes more bestial in direct correlation to how much she uses the ability. Excess use of her ability forces her Hunger to come out and requires almost immediate sating of her bloodlust. In the rare event she is unable to feed her Hunger, Aisla is prone to frenzy. When frenzied, Aisla becomes incredibly fierce and will attack the nearest warm-blooded object in an attempt to sate her thirst. Finally, blood is life energy to a vampire; after the initial shock of Frenzy wears off, if Aisla still hasn't fed, she will immediately begin to die as the human parts of her body begin to shut down.


                Astrological Magic

                . ...... USE . . . . ..
                There is much power in the Heavens, one needs only know the proper way to ask. Aisla learned much from her father's library, including how to properly petition the Heavens for their aid. These powers vary depending on the Celestial Body they are drawn from, but usually revolve around creating talismans, predicting events, or lessening the inherent curses associated with natal charts.

                Mars is heavily associated with blood and the shedding of it, therefore, Aisla rarely leaves Grimm HQ without a Picatrix talisman dedicated to Mars. Her last mission required creating a Hand of Glory to aid in the capture of a spirit, but she is more than willing to create more mundane talismans. Her favorite creations revolve around love, sex, fame, and friendship. If Aisla thinks she had found two people who make a good couple, she will create talisman after talisman in an attempt to push the two together, and help them achieve their "destiny."

                SIDE EFFECTS .
                Done correctly, there are very little risks associated with Astrological magics. However, magic is more of an art than a science and Aisla was never formerly tutored in the art, as her father passed away before he could teach her. On occasion Aisla makes mistakes, and her talismans end up doing the exact opposite of what they are intended to do. Usually this is a minor and can be fixed by destroying the talisman, but sometimes her mistakes draw direct ire from the Heavens and the resulting chaos is much more severe. The most notable example being the pest control talisman that ended up summoning an Jorogumo that almost ate Aisla's handler. Since the magic corresponds to certain heavenly bodies, talismans can only be made at certain times, and only function for a set amount of time after being created. The more powerful the effect of the talisman, the more often it needs to be remade.



                . ...... USE . . . . ..
                Sabers were originally designed for mounted combat, but their weight and curved edge lends itself well to swiftly drawing blood. Due to this, Aisla's weapon of choice is an old saber from her father's collection, often paired with a small dirk that can be attached to the hilt of the saber. She wields the sword lightly, looking to cause as much blood loss as possible with it, and not bothering to search for lethal blows. Her style can aptly be described as "Death by a Thousand Cuts."

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      "Blood is a cleansing and sanctifying thing, and the nation that regards it as the final horror has lost its manhood."

      Aisla was born to a powerful Vampire in the dark parts of the Ukraine. Her parents were madly in love, a human woman and a male Vampire; though their love was technically forbidden, they lived an idyllic life for the first decade of Aisla's life. She would spend hours on her Father's lap while he read to her from his large collection. Her mother was kindly and always made sure Aisla has something to keep her occupied. However her Father was a creature of blood, and his appetite was sizable. The nearby villages were terrorized by the creature of the night that swept them up like cattle. Eventually, Grimm was notified and a team was dispatched to deal with him. Unwilling to surrender, Aisla's father was slaughtered in front of her, along with her mother who refused to abandon the love of her life.

      Rather than leave her for dead, Aisla was taken back to Grimm HQ and enrolled as an agent there. After sometime, she managed to grasp that her father was a murderer and the young Aisla held no grudge towards Grimm for what they did. Rather, she found new purpose in becoming a Grimm agent; she wanted to be someone who could protect the world from people like her father. Even though he was a doting father by day, at night he became a monster; much like Aisla's dual nature. By working for Grimm, she hopes to learn to control her darker impulses, and perhaps to find penance for her parents.

So begins...

Ailsa Finnegan's Story