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Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

Guardian Angels: Beset's of God


Guardian Angels watch over us. Some don't know they exist, some ignore them. Some know they are there. Then there are the select few who can communicate with them. Can they defeat the evil trying to take over, or will they run away from their destiny?

868 readers have visited Guardian Angels: Beset's of God since YuukiiLover created it.


For Thousands of years, Guardian Angels have watched over us, Protecting us, Comforting us, and Aiding us. Most don't realize they exist, others choose to ignore them, claiming they want a normal life. Some know they are there, but can't communicate with them. A select few called the Beset's, can interact with them, communicate with them, anything they wish to do, their Guardian is right by their side. As humans live in their comfortable, cozy lives, Guardians fight to protect them everyday from dark, evil forces. A dark, ancient evil, is beginning to arise into the world once again after being sealed away for over five thousand years. Lythan, the evil Demon, is seeking to destroy the guardians and take over their peaceful world. With humans lack of knowledge of this epidemic, they continue with their lives, while their Guardians panic, as there hasn't been any news of the coming of The Beset's. The Beset's are ancient warriors and protectors of god. Eight Unsuspecting people just living their lives everyday, are these ancient hero's. Will they step up and take the responsibilities of their ancestors, Or crack under pressure.

Beset (Wolf)- YuukiiLover
Guardian (Wolf)- Pichu_chan
Beset (Fox)- Asuki-chan
Guardian (Fox)-
Beset (Bear)-
Guardian (Bear)-
Beset (Deer)-
Guardian (Deer)-
Beset (Dragon)- FinalHope
Guardian (Dragon)- JayZeroSnake
Beset (Raven)-
Guardian (Raven)-
Beset (Mouse)-
Guardian (Mouse)- Adoda
Beset (Panther)- Whispering_Words
Guardian (Panther)- Avia

Wolf- Death and Rebirth, Dignity, Courage, Teacher, Instinct, Intelligent, Social and Family Values, Protect, Know the Shadows, Loyalty, Psychic, Cunning, Escape Artist, Invisible, Strength, Leader.
Fox- Cleaver, Cunning, Stealth, Courage, Invisible, Persistence, Gentle, Adaption, Wise, Sly, Protect, Intelligent.
Bear- Healer, Solitude, Change, Natural Strength, Primal Power.
Deer- Gentle, Healer, Keen Scent, Grace, Swift, Psychic, Innocence, Love, Kindness, Sensitivity, Pure, Noble Strength.
Dragon- Ancient Power, Intelligent, Ferocity, Protect, Possessive, Leader.
Raven- Healer, Initiation, Protection, Wise, Trickster, Teacher, Direction, Seeker.
Mouse- Shy, Quiet, Attention To Detail, Sneaky, Courage, Ability to Calm, Healer.
Panther- Energy, Understand Death, Reclaims Power, Ability to understand Dark, Death and Rebirth, Swift, Cunning, Strength, Beauty, Confident.

Now Just a note, humans can't see your Guardian Angels, but other Beset's can, Humans can see their humaniod form though. Another note, some of the Guardians Don't get along according to their Descriptions, for example the wolf and dragon may not get along because they have opposing traits, or even cause of the same. Besets can also see other human's guardians, and communicate with them, but can't persuade them to leave their human for you, they are bound to their human's soul. Guardians have an overwhelming need to protect their Beset from anything. Guardians can give their Beset's the power to turn into their animal.

Toggle Rules

I'm a very nice and relaxed person. I want everyone to respect each other first of all. No God modding. I will allow sexual content, but nothing too graphic. I would like everyone who is a Beset to follow the Beset's rules, which is just human rules and physics, so in other words don't make them magically do something that you as a human can't. For The Guardian's however they are an exception since they are spiritual protectors. They do have to follow animal rules and physics when they are in their normal form, except they have spiritual powers since they are guardians so they can protect their Beset. Guardian's also have a Humanoid form, which is basically like a half breed, for example lets take the dragon, he is tall with fire red hair and a black shadow box, he resembles Punk, He looks like a normal teenager, except that he has long horns sharp teeth long sharp claws and dragon eyes. Now that was an example, the dragon guardian does not need to look like this it was an example, you can choose you characters and choose how their humaniod form and animal form looks. Other than that everything goes. I hope you have fun :D

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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It was Dark on the streets of Russia. The air was cold and the wind sent chills down the spine. Valyssa walked slowly on the deserted streets. She looked at old abandoned buildings and shops. This district had been shut down years ago. She walked as she reminisced in old painful memories, as well as some of the best in her life. The one thing that hadn't changed was the beggars who took over the empty buildings. They all peeked out of the broken windows, staring at her as she slowly made her way. Surprisingly, none of them uttered a word. Valyssa stopped, she looked around to all the eyes on her. To her right, was a dimly lit light post. Memories of when she begged on these same streets, came flooding back to her mind. She bent down and placed two hundred Rubles next to the light. She could hear the silent gasps of awes coming from the buildings. Valyssa continued on her journey forward, no one moved still. When she was Fifty feet away from the money, she heard yelling and screaming as they all exited the buildings, scrambling to claim money as their own. She gave a crooked smile under her Scarf. 'I didn't get treated well when I begged, I got beat by the citizens and the older beggars,' she laughed to herself, 'Money is useless to me now. Survival of the Fittest gets it.' She purred happily to herself as she listened to the beggars rip each other apart for the money.


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Weld hopped from roof to roof of the Russian buildings, being invisible except to those that might be besets. At most the mortals might hear a thump on the roof. Today he had no luck in finding other besets or guardians that while disappointed him, he knew that they were still out there. He still had hope for if his beset, Valyssa, had at least found some clues. If not then usually he'd just brush it off, saying that it was a 'learning experience', but in this case time was running out. Even he couldn't help but feel pressured with Lythan continuing to be on the rise. The guardians should have at least found their besets, he just thought it'd be better if they were all in one place.

Jumping onto a roof top he watched his beset place the rubles down, shaking his head sadly at the beggars pushing each other, trying to all get a share. He supposed that it was only expected for them to swarm around the money like that, but still... He preferred the days of when everyone traded to get what they wanted. His eyes noticed a woman who was hesitant in grabbing for the money, but when the opportunity finally arose, her hand was smacked away. He jumped down, carefully slipping in a paw to hide a few coins under his paw that the other beggars didn't notice. After they all had left, the woman was still there on her knees, beginning to sob something in Russian. Weld uncovered the coins and the woman quickly noticed, thankfully before any other beggars could take it. She grabbed the money, saying something happily in Russian before running off. She was thanking god that she could feed her child.

With a small smile Weld ran off for Valyssa, slipping into an alleyway to change into his human form before finally getting to her side, "Did you find out anything about any of the besets or guardians?" He asked her.


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Weld had appeared next to Valyssa, she wasn't frightened at all by his sudden appearence, "No, nothing Yet Weld," she sighed, "I believe we need to extend our search outside of Russia." She cringed at the thought of leaving her home country, but quickly told herself it was for the sake of the world. Valyssa stopped and looked to the sky. Snow had begun to fall. Valyssa smiled to herself under her scarf, speaking with her heavy Russian accent, "Out of everything in this world, that could make me happy, I only find joy in two things. One is snow, and the other you," she wrapped her arms around Weld, nuzzling into his chest, "Even all of the money I have recieved, it does not hold my happiness." Valyssa looked up to Weld's eyes and smiled, "I know I do not say this often, but I am grateful to you. You have saved me and gave me a second chance to do the world some good. Thank you Weld," she placed her face back on his chest, "Yet I am weary. The fate of this world depends on my words of knowledge. Do you think I am, as you say, ready, to teach the Beset's?" She looked to Weld for comforting words.


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#, as written by Avia
A quick-moving shadow and soft thump were the only signs that the alley wasn’t unoccupied, and that was ignoring the fact that the massive panther standing nonchalantly in the midst of the narrow passage couldn’t be seen by ordinary humans. Perhaps that was for the better though; were he to become visible in this form he was, in all actuality, rather likely to cause a massive panic amongst the citizens of whatever city he happened to be in just for a little amusement. Yes, it was probably for the best that he couldn’t be seen in this form.
Tail swaying behind him, the Panther Guardian sauntered out of the alley, slipping into the flow of colorfully dressed humans going about their daily lives. Restraining a snort, he broke into a smooth lope, heading in the direction of the airport on the outskirts of Sirnagar. It was time he moved on; for all the years he had spent wandering about India he had seen neither hide nor hair of his Beset or any other Guardians.
He would slip onto a plane, perhaps one bound for Europe; he hadn’t been there yet- and branch out from whatever city he landed in. He’d gone through several countries already and still hadn’t come across his Beset, but perhaps he would have better luck elsewhere.
Eventually finding the airport and slipping in amongst the flow of travelers Hyperion headed for a terminal after glancing up at a board, skipping the stairs as he bounded down them, choosing a gate bound for some European country at random. At least the flight would be a good time to catch up on some sleep.
He woke when the plane landed, hanging about the door to slip out before the other- legitimate- passengers. He didn’t bother glancing at any signs as he trotted towards the doors, stepping outside to head off in the direction he saw buildings poking up above the skyline. A voice sounded above him, and a human in a hurry nearly stepped on him. With a curled lip, Hyperion neatly sidestepped and continued on. Hm, the language struck him as German; he could be wrong, but that was definitely his first inclination.


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Weld nodded, it was only natural for the child to come to that conclusion, as hard as it might be to go through with it. Despite having been abandoned here, she still considered Russia to be her home. Then again, he had taken her in and had taken care of her for so many years. When she nuzzled into his chest he simple wrapped an arm around her and used his other hand to pat her head. It always gave him a sort of happy feeling when humans got the inspiration to move on from the tough times and continue on, and though he preferred to be a guide in the background, he couldn't help but feel appreciated when the humans were thankful about whatever inspired them, his beset was certainly no exception to this. He smiled, his tail slowly wagging back and forth, "And thank you, my beset, for having the strength to persevere," He said, And I'm proud of you.

"I am sure that you can help to guide the besets to finding their own strength. Even if you feel weary, stay strong and loyal to our goal. Do not fear failure, instead learn from them," He said, pausing as he tried to think of something else that was motivational, soon realizing that what he just told her might have been told to her a few times already. ... Repetition was always a good teaching technique, wasn't it? It wasn't like he couldn't think of anything else to say...


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Valyssa playfully pushed herself away from Weld starting to walk as she giggled, "There you go again with your long sentances, and motivational speeches." She smiled at him from under her scarf. "Well I suppose its time we left this country and start searchi-" she stopped as she spotted something. A house. She looked at it closer, before her eyes grew wide with suprise. "T-this is... My old house." Valyssa looked at Weld, "Please, I have to go in here, maybe i'll find some answers to why my parents left me?" Her eyes began to tear up as she begged him for some time.


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"Ah, but the speeches help, don't they?" Weld said, sharing a playful smile. He instantly noticed that she seemed to be mesmerized by something and she soon told him that this was a place that had sentimental value to her; her old house, the one that she was living in before being abandoned. His smile faded. It seemed that she was still able to remember the house from such a young age when she was abandoned, "I won't stay in your way, but I'm not the one you should be asking," He pointed towards her heart, "The permission you should be asking for is from yourself," He said, sounding a bit cryptic, but what he meant was for her to ask herself if she was really ready for this. In truth, he was worried about her going towards that house, as for all he knew her own parents might even attack her. But, it was something that Valyssa needed to discover for herself, another obstacle for her to overcome.

"If you do decide to go in, I'll be close by," He reassured her.


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Valyssa wasn't ready for the truth, but she knew it was now or never. She cautiously walked to the gate, looking at the dark house with suprise. It was so big! Why did they abandon her if it looked like they had money to keep her? She walked through the gate, Weld close behind her. She felt like a small child again, as if she was walking into her nightmare. She grabbed Weld's hand for comfort. She walked up to the door, it was cracked and creepy as if it were haunted. She slowly pushed open the door, to see debris and junk scattered all over the floor, the walls looked shitty and the whole place just looked creepy. Valyssa walked slowly in the house, listening for noises that told her someone else was in the house, nothing but the sould of her heart and breathing came to her. She looked to the second story. "My room was up there, along with my parents. " she said as she climbed the stairs, her free hand trailing closer to where her gun was hidden.

As she made it up to the top, she looked to the door that was her old room. She made her way to it slowly, and pushed the door open slowly. She peeked into the darkness and listened for noises once again, nothing. She lived most of her life in the dark, so her eyes adjusted quickly. Her old room had been torn to shreds, her bed looked tattered and worn, pages were crumppled and thrown about the room. It had an ungodly smell to it, she quickly buried her face into her scarf. Out of all the rubble, she spotted something that looked familiar. It was a key. She picked it up and quickly remembered that she had used to keep a diary. Memories flodded to her as she remembered that her father gave her one cause he kept one. They wrote in it everyday together. "My father kept a safe in his room, Maybe theres clues in it?" She quickly headed for her parents old room. Again she quickly checked it out before going in. The room was the same as hers, ruined. It wasnt hard to find the safe. It was dented and scratched, it was obvious that people tried to get into it. It looked to be half opened. She pulled her gun and shot at the lock. The lock finally gave away and the door shot open. A few things were in it. She investigated quickly to find her diary in the same condition she left it, a stuffed wolf her mother gave her, a bag of cash, and her fathers journal. She quickly took them and put them in her bag. "Lets go... Its getting really creepy." Valyssa said quickly as she turned, only to draw her gun to someone in the doorway, they looked ready for a fight.


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Training in familiar woods, miles away from where he lived, Ruse pulled another of his needles from the leather pouch at his side to examine it. The long silver weapon was smooth and cold to the touch as well as thick for more damage though he's never be able to use them against another person yet. He often came here to improve his skills, never wanting to be caught off guard and feel helpless. He panted, backing up into a tree before sliding down it. As he ran the back of his hand across his forehead to wipe away some sweat, he felt a smooth liquid trailing across it. The red head pulled his hand away to inspect it, seeing a long cut from the knuckle of his index finger down to the side of his wrist. Great, he had smeared blood on his face. He used his shirt sleeve to wipe as much of it off as he could before licking the blood from the wound and quickly wrapping it with a piece of his shirt that he had torn off to prevent anymore of the crimson liquid to spill. It had gotten pretty dark so he was on even higher alert. You never know if someone is there, watching you, waiting to attack. He knew that better than anyone. He figured he better get home, it was late and he had been gone since five in the morning just to get there before noon. By the time he actually got home it would be around two in the morning. He would go to bed and most likely wake up to either hot or cold water being splashed on him a few hours later and would have to go to work regardless of being so tired. It didn't matter to him, being where he felt most comfortable was worth it. Once finally back into town, fatigue was already kicking his ass. His house was still a ways away and he really didn't feel like walking that far, maybe he could crash at a friend's house? No that would just piss his mom off more, he didn't like living with her but at the time being, he didn't really have a choice. It was usual for him to walk through the door and be greeted with something being flung at his head, only twice had that thing been a knife. Having lived with that crazy woman for so long, he now holds fast reflexes and sharp instincts. The sudden sound of footsteps behind him sent his hand instinctively to the pouch of needles at his side, thrusting a single one in the direction the sound had come from.
"What the Hell?" a woman's voice shouted. The needle had stuck into the sleeve of the girl's jacket and every attempt to remove it from the wall of the building she was now pinned to was a failure. Recognizing his coworker, he rushed over to pull the object pinning her out before swiftly returning it to it's place, hoping that she didn't see where he hid it.
"I'm so sorry Cara!" he exclaimed. "Are you okay?"
"What was that for?"
"You kinda surprised me... what are you doing out so late anyway?" he asked, looking worried when her eyes became lustful.
"I was looking for you..." she moaned, rubbing up against him. Ruse inwardly growled at the woman and checked his watch.
"At 2:46 in the morning?" he asked doubtfully but masked it with a smile. Taking a look at the jacket wrapped around her shoulders that wasn't her's, her messed up hair, her smeared lipstick, and the bite marks and hickeys on her neck, Ruse knew actually what she had been doing. She had just been with yet another man and already she was going after him... again. Ruse was a flirt no doubt but he hated her kind. Don't get him wrong, she was attractive but he hates all sluts and whores. They willingly hand their purity over to men they don't know and will most likely never see again without a second thought. Disgusting. All of them.
"I don't care what time of night it is, I'll slip away to see you anytime." she purred, wrapping her arms around his neck. Cara Audry, age twenty three, married, no children, main profession: Prostituting for fun. No. Ruse wasn't going to be apart of that, it was against everything he stood for. He smiled sweetly at her as he gently removed her hands from his shoulders and stepped away.
"You flatter me Cara but I really need to be getting home or my mother will get upset."
"Aww alright, we'll play another time cuttie." she cooed before tapping his nose and walking away. The red head shivered at the thought but turned the other direction, brushing off every spot of himself that she had touched. What a terrible woman she was. He was relieved when he could see him house. Though his little run in with Cara woke him up a little, he was still exhausted. He just wanted to be curled under his blankets, sound asleep.
"Hey!" a deep voice called out to him. He turned to his right to see another one of his coworkers, Antioco Baldovino. He was a built, dark skinned man who hated Ruse with a passion. "I've been waiting for you Blood Hound."


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Willow stood at the bus stop, the tip of her nose pink from the cold and her hands bundled in her scarf. She barely had a penny to her name and recently had outgrown her only pair of mittens. It was a normal afternoon in Galway, Ireland. Muggy skies and freezing temperatures. The houses around her were closed up, their inhabitants warmed by their fires. Exhaling, her breath visible in the cold, Willow willed the bus to appear. It just had to come around the corner - then she could get on and be warm. But it was ten minutes past its usual arrival time and there was no sign of the bus.

Lifting her bundled hands up, she covered the bottom half of her face, blocking it from the cold. To warm her body up she bounced on her heels, her messenger bag bumping against her hip with each jump.


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Weld walked close behind Valyssa as she walked towards the towering place, slowing going to her side as she grabbed for her hand. Though Weld would be there for her, ultimately Weld tried to not influence her decisions unless he definitely knew that it would place her in danger. For now, the house seemed to have no dangers her could sense despite... not exactly being in the best conditions. He couldn't help but wonder if her parents had abandoned the place or were just too poor to keep it in good shape. Even if they were too poor to take care of her, it was no excuse to leave a child in the streets like that. He could only hope that her parents had a better reason for abandoning her...

He nodded at what she told her as they climbed the stairs, contemplating turning into his wolf form, but then immediately decided against it. Anyone here might try to take advantage of such a young girl that seemed to be alone and despite the fact that his human form didn't look much older, at least he had powers to protect her with. Weld simply followed Valyssa, nodding at what she said but letting her lead because it was her experience, not his.

"If you say we should, then we will," Weld said, but then quickly turned around just as Valyssa did to see a person in the doorway, his stance intimidating and ready to attack. But despite this Weld put his arm in front of Valyssa, hoping to try and avoid violence, "What are you doing here?" Weld asked the man in Russian.

"Who said you owned the place?" The man said back in Russian, drawing his knife.

"We weren't claiming anything. Just let us go in peace," Weld said, again in Russian.

"And let some girl and some guy wearing cat ears take the loot?!" The man yelled in Russian, charging towards Weld and Valyssa with his knife in front of him.

Weld acted quickly, using his super speed to get behind the man, wrap his arm around his neck, and then made both of them fall back on the ground. He levitated the knife from the man's hand and flung it to a corner of the room as the man was swearing in Russian.

"Run!" He told Valyssa as he kept the man in place as he struggled.


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Valyssa hesitated, but quickly ran as she knew Weld would be okay. She missed her footing on the stairs and rolled down them. Half way down them, she heard a snap, but no pain came. As she hit the bottom, she grabbed her gun and ran out the door as fast as she could. Even though she was outside, she continued to run. She ducked behind in an alley to catch her breath. Once she sat down, she found that her left arm was broken. She looked at in in fear, then bit down on her scarf as the pain hit. She did nothing to it as she waited for Weld to come back.


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(Suki here! *bows* I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do this, I was experimenting on the chat thing and it moved it over here! Again, *bow deepens* I apologize!)

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Character Portrait: Neria
0 sightings Neria played by Adoda
"I'd much rather just help out from the shadows..."

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Valyssa Alyona
Character Portrait: Weld
Character Portrait: Hyperion
Character Portrait: Drake
Character Portrait: Willow
Character Portrait: Ruse Comrad


Character Portrait: Ruse Comrad
Ruse Comrad

"'Alone' is just a word. It holds no meaning, no truth, and no life."

Character Portrait: Willow

Quiet girl, forever watching every move made around her. Heartwarming personality but never afraid to rub someone the wrong way

Character Portrait: Hyperion

"And why should I care?"

Character Portrait: Weld

"It is better to have failed and learned, than to have won and still be in ignorance."

Character Portrait: Valyssa Alyona
Valyssa Alyona

I cannot change the fact that I was forgotten, nor that I did not get a childhood. I have to look at today, and all I can do For the world now, is teach the new Beset's their true hidden power, to save us all.


Character Portrait: Valyssa Alyona
Valyssa Alyona

I cannot change the fact that I was forgotten, nor that I did not get a childhood. I have to look at today, and all I can do For the world now, is teach the new Beset's their true hidden power, to save us all.

Character Portrait: Willow

Quiet girl, forever watching every move made around her. Heartwarming personality but never afraid to rub someone the wrong way

Character Portrait: Weld

"It is better to have failed and learned, than to have won and still be in ignorance."

Character Portrait: Ruse Comrad
Ruse Comrad

"'Alone' is just a word. It holds no meaning, no truth, and no life."

Character Portrait: Hyperion

"And why should I care?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Weld

"It is better to have failed and learned, than to have won and still be in ignorance."

Character Portrait: Ruse Comrad
Ruse Comrad

"'Alone' is just a word. It holds no meaning, no truth, and no life."

Character Portrait: Hyperion

"And why should I care?"

Character Portrait: Valyssa Alyona
Valyssa Alyona

I cannot change the fact that I was forgotten, nor that I did not get a childhood. I have to look at today, and all I can do For the world now, is teach the new Beset's their true hidden power, to save us all.

Character Portrait: Willow

Quiet girl, forever watching every move made around her. Heartwarming personality but never afraid to rub someone the wrong way

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Guardian Angels: Beset's of God: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

Re: Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

Whoo-who! Thankz you Yuukii-sama!

Re: Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

..... No... you can post if you want.

Re: Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

Yuukii-sama do I HAVE to wait to get a guardian to post again? What Ruse is doing right now has nothing to do with his guardian...

Re: Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

I didn't mean to do that! I was experimenting on the chat thing and it moved it all over to the story! *bows* I'm sorry!

Re: Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

Hey Yuukii, most likely my writing buddy, Kim, will be joining as my guardian. Can you keep it open until she makes an account and a character?

Re: Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

Sorry I havent been on in a while.... Ive had internet problems -.-'

Re: [OOC] Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

No one's posted in forever, what's up with that?

Re: [OOC] Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

No problem go for it ^^ I am still accepting.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

I know I'm kind of late, but could I still make a character for this roleplay?
I was thinking about making a character earlier, you see, but then I forgot all about it till now.
But I see that you haven't written that much yet, so I would probably be able to catch on pretty quickly anyways.
Besides, since it doesn't look like a lot has happened yet, I don't think it will seem too weird to bring in a character at this point.
I was thinking about making one for the Mouse Guardian, since you don't have that yet.
Is that okay?


(I'm sorry if any of this was unnessecary, but I needed to write enough word for it to approve since I have no idea where the chat is...)

Re: [OOC] Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

Can I reserve the Panther Beset? :D
I don't want it to be nabbed while I'm making a character :3

Re: [OOC] Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

Yeah go for it... the others dont necessarily have to be up with us.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

Yeah, I can totally start posting if need be.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

This is seriously over!

My question: Do we start roleplaying now? Even though there are still tons of slots open? xD I should have asked this days ago.
*Goes to forum corner to facepalm*

Re: [OOC] Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

Lol xD @FinalHope
I got that like fifty times too. Lol thats why it took so long for the roleplay to get up and started xD. I kept getting frustrated that it kept deleting my character info. And the roleplay rules and info. I did indure and succeed however -w- I found a nifty little website that resizes pics for you though. I cant remember the name for the life of me at the moment, but I found it by going to google and searching "resize picture" could help in the future ^w^

Re: [OOC] Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

Dear angels above.

I swear upon the character that I FINALLY submitted that this website HATES my icons for characters. I probably got the "The Image you selected is larger than 100X100. Please make it smaller." message five times before I have up and didn't choose one. Plus, each time, I would lose the whole character sheet I just made x.X.

Btw, I made it to where my character will be starting in Tokyo. So... is that fine? Or do I need to change the location? I choose there because Eric's guardian, Drake, has an eastern dragon form.

P.S. I shall now go crash in bed because it's so darn late ._.


A "third" form? I love surprises! :D

Re: [OOC] Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

:D Awesomesauce.

I hope you don't mind a surprise on the part of Drake: I think he'll get a 'third' form… :D A later upgrade.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Angels: Beset's of God


Finally broke away to get my character sheet up! I'm off to do that now. Also, I'll search around to see if I can get anyone else to join. We still need quite a few people.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

Lol of course you two. :D sorry I havent been on the OOC lately. But you two are down for the characters. Cant wait to see your characters.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Angels: Beset's of God

Hey Yuuki, gonna have to finish the sheet once FinalHope's is up. :O

@FinalHope: :D

Re: [OOC] Guardian Angels: Beset's of God


Huzzah! Another reason to be the Dragon Beset! :D