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Vladimir Strenko

"At least the KGB paid more."

0 · 562 views · located in Social Welfare Agency

a character in “Gunslinger Girl: American Division”, as played by Sir Fluffington


Vladimir Strenko

❝Anyone can be bought for a price.❞

❝The Basics❞

| Full name: |
Vladimir Strenko

| Gender |

| Age |

❝Deeper Description❞

| Eye Color |

| Hair Color |
Dark Brown

| Height |
6' 2"

| Weight |

| Skin Tone |
Light Tan

| Distinct Markings |
Vladimir has a large scar on his chest and his right arm.

| Physical Description |
Vladimir is a well built man of about 6' 2". He keeps himself well groomed, while he isn't the most formal of people he believes that it is important to keep some sort of a professional demeanor. Vladimir has a well kept goatee that he trims daily in his spare time. Vladimir usually wears a loose fitting grey suit that hides the pistol he keeps underneath as well as his ankle tracker.


| Specialties |
✔ Interrogation
✔Intelligence Gathering
✔ Infiltration
✔ Assassination

| Weapons |
✔ PSS Silent Pistol
✔ FN P90
✔ Markov Pistol with 9mm hollow point rounds

| Likes |
♥ Opera and Classical Music
♥ Cheap Alcohol
♥ Cuban Cigars
♥ Intelligent Animals (Pigs especially)
♥ Burly Women
♥ Swimming in Freezing Cold Water
♥ Boxing
♥ Water boarding
♥ Gardening
♥ Spying on Random Targets

| Dislikes |
✖ Prisons
✖ Working with young children
✖ The KGB
✖ The American government
✖ Peanuts
✖ Insubordination
✖ Traitors
✖ Stupid animals
✖ Stupid Comedy
✖ Tourists

❝Welcome to my Life❞

| Personality |
Vladimir is an isolationist and a borderline psychopath. Vladimir doesn't tend to socialize with others unless he knows a good deal about them or he has known them for quite some time. On the exterior Vladimir is cold and uncaring, on the inside Vladimir is slightly less cold and uncaring and will speak his mind more so. Vladimir has problems establishing attachment to others but when he does he can prove to be a valuable ally. While he may not seem to be the type to have a sense of humor, he does, although it is a very black sense of humor.

| Theme Song |
Soviet March - James Hannigan

❝Who I Am❞

| History |
Vladimir was the son of a high ranking KGB officer. When he was old enough to be taken from his mother Vladimir was shipped off to the middle of Siberia to a training facility for future KGB agents. This elite academy trained children to be high ranking intelligence officers and sleeper agents. Early on Vladimir showed signs of high intelligence and sociopathic tendencies making him an ideal candidate for a intelligence officer and field operative. Vladimir graduated the academy at the top of his class in academia and field skills.

So began the career of one of the KGB's most infamous agents. During his service he has completed over two hundred missions over the world and is responsible for the deaths of many rival agents. Vladimir was the KGB's go to field operative until he was double crossed by one of his fellow agents and blacklisted by the KGB. Vladimir was working a mission in Central America when he was nearly killed by one of his comrades. Vladimir was able to escape with his life, wounded and permanently scarred. Vladimir later immigrated to america under a false alias. For four years Vladimir was able to live under the radar as a private investigator living in southern Arizona until he was detained by a FBI and CIA joint task force. It was then Vladimir was given a choice. He could work for the US government and train special operation agents or he would be sent to Guantanamo Bay where he would be left to rot. Naturally Vladimir would chose work over a hell hole. But what he didn't know is that he would be training child assassins, something that wasn't on his list of jobs that aren't demeaning. And that is how a KGB agent came to work for an American agency.

|Thoughts on Other Characters|

|Anything Else|
Vladimir spies on others in his spare time as a hobby. He currently has files on over 250 random strangers. Vladimir also has a perfect American accent.

So begins...

Vladimir Strenko's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiren Character Portrait: Vladimir Strenko
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Fields, freedom, cheap wine, and a burly woman by his side. Vladimir frolicked through this vision when he was suddenly interrupted by the irksome and deafening sound of the alarm. In the haze of the early morning Vladimir pulled out his trusty pistol from underneath his pillow and unloaded four hollow point rounds into his digital alarm clock. Vladimir sat up and shrugged off the sheets that beckoned him to stay. Vladimir dangled his feet off the edge of his bed and gingerly inserted them in the pink bunny slippers that he had gotten from that silly secret Santa party last year. Vladimir picked up the broken remains of the digital alarm clock and dropped it into the waste basket by his desk. With a few taps Vladimir signed into his computer and checked the time. 9:30, Shit, someone must have messed with his alarm clock. Vladimir quickly got dressed into his suit and tucked away his pistol in the depths of the jacket.

Vladimir did a quick mental check. Suit? Check. Watch? Check. Pistol? Check. Shoes? ... shit. Right where his shoes were supposed to be was a fallen cardboard file box, its informational entrails strewn out in a disorganized mess. Vladimir raised his arms in frustration, "I don't have time for this nonsense." Vladimir slipped his feet back into his slippers and stepped out into the SWA living quarters. Vladimir made a quick turn and banged slowly and deliberately against the door adjacent to his. "Yo China Face, it's time to get a move on! We got things to do and then after that we'll probably have other things to do." When there was no reply Vladimir banged on the door harder. "Hey, you in there? Cause those thing we most likely have to do are not going to wait for us."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiren Character Portrait: Vladimir Strenko
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#, as written by Ever
In a time when most were sleeping, that sacred period in which bliss and utter peace was bestowed onto each individual, was a time in which a particular girl’s attention was consumed by dread. No matter how many times she blindly lashed out to grab hold of slumber’s thread with vain, it always evaded her..and for good reason, one could suppose. After all, it must be taxing on the body to continuously replay those horrific events, to relive those damned memories when others were dreaming up experience, each night, the deaths of your targets and the death of your own purity, of your own holiness. And so, here lied Seiren, those cerulean orbs straining in that hushed lighting to make out various shapes and scenes in the ceiling’s paint, anything to make the time pass by until she was needed once more.

With a resigned sigh of annoyance, that imagination of which she desperately needed evading her...much like the taken-granted of sleep, she sent a quick flicker over at the clock. 9:15…. I guess that’s enough for today.. mused her stony inner voice, only a slight twinge of bitterness lacing those words. Exhaling once more, the doll-esque girl swung her legs over the side of her bed before gingerly slipping a foot down to make contact with the floor. Giving a slight cringe at the knives and needles pricking up the length of the appendage, Seiren wasted no time in making it’s suit follow. With a suppression of the yawn that was clawing it’s way up her throat, the cyborg groggily chased away such human reactions as she crossed the room to the cabinet designated as her own.

Mid-way through pulling on her usual outfit, a loud bang erupted the silence and rattled the hinges. Yo China Face, it's time to get a move on! We got things to do and then after that we'll probably have other things to do. Hey, you in there? Cause those thing we most likely have to do are not going to wait for us."

With a soft sigh, Seiren had just finished pulling her shadowed curtain into the two uneven pigtails, her signature, and was currently making a move to answer the door. Pulling it open, a blank expression in her gaze, the girl's voice come out as a soft whisper, no emotion adding color to the tone. "Alright. I'm ready."
