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Pan Reed

"This is the first time I've be out in ages..... i don't like it...."

0 · 803 views · located in In the hidden woods

a character in “Halloween Academy”, as played by blankpage


Name: Pan Reed
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 5’9
Species: Demon
Talents: He possesses super human strength and regeneration. He can conjure a fireball but cannot control fire, so after he throws it he has no further control. He also is very resistant to fire.
Likes: Sleep, Ramen, Books and Computers.
Dislikes: Crowds, Rap music, Confrontation
Kills: He doesn't remember much of his childhood and he doesn't want to, he knows enough about it to know they aren't good memories.
Reason why do you want to attend: He wants to meet people like him and hopes he can find a way to pass off as human.
Physical Appearance: Pan has unkempt black hair and pale skin, his eyes are red. He also has a pair of horns on top of his head and a tail.


Pan is unsure how to deal with other people and as a result can come across as somewhat awkward and nervous. He shies away from confrontation but if you hit him he will snap, he is a demon after all. When fighting he is brutal, cruel and relentless.


Nothing a normal human student wouldn't have


Pan is only half demon, his mother was human, and she was part of a sinister cult that practiced dark magic. As soon as her son was born she immediately gave him to the order. Pan spent his early childhood in the care of the order, they didn’t see or treat him as human, he was a demon after all a monster they helped create. The cult was eventually brought down by human police for the crimes they committed. Pan escaped and struggled on the street for a few weeks before meeting Mary Reed.
Mary found Pan searching for food through the garbage behind her building and brought him into her apartment. He obviously wasn’t human, his tail was real and so were the horns, but she decided to let him stay anyway. Pan never left, after all where could a half-demon go? He was unofficially adopted and took on Reed for a last name.
Pan grew up fairly isolated, in the few causes he met people his own age he was met with fear and rejection. The small group of people he knew and accepted him included Mary, a close friend of hers who agreed to home school him and the confused old woman who lived across the hall. So he got used to being alone, he made friends online and stayed alone in his room.
He first heard about the Academy from a mysterious e-mail and now hopes that going there will at the very least give him a change of scenery and his foster mother a break from living with a demon.

So begins...

Pan Reed's Story

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Character Portrait: Pan Reed
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Pan cautiously picked his way through the forest, this school sure was a difficult place to find. He sighed, he was probably lost. At this point he was starting to doubt if the school even existed. He sighed again, he was definitely lost, he sat down on a log and pulled a sandwich out of his backpack. Maybe he would be better off trying to cut off his horns again instead of looking for this suspicious place.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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Elanore rubbed her forehead with the back of her hand, knowing that night'll fall upon her soon. She gave a sigh and halted in place. She turned around, looking at her surroundings, she had never been in such a dense forest for so long, "Why are schools so hard to find? Wait, I see something, that must be it!"
She started to walk towards the light, but she noticed someone on her left. It was a horned boy with blue hair, sitting on a log. She smiled and turned towards in and ran up behind him and cleared her throat, "Ahem, I am Elenore of the Carthwright family. What is your name? And tell me, are you lost?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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Pan hadn't seen the girl coming and fell off the log in surprise. "H-hi!" he stammered, still on the ground "I'm Pan, are you looking for that school too?” Pan finally got a look at the girl, was she human? She didn't have horns or a tail... wait if she was human shouldn't she be at least a little surprised to see a demon? Pan tried to stop the frantic thoughts running through his mind, he was staring intensely at the girl, what now?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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"Oh my! Here I'll help you up!"
Elenore reached out a hand towards the boy with horns. She stared at him for a while then helpe him up. She commented in a sweet tone, "Your hair and horns are nice!"
Pan seemed to blush a little, but still looked a bit nervous, "You must be a demon then huh? Don't worry, my uncle's a demon as well. So, I dont really think I should fear you, you seem like a nice person. I am also heading towards the school, I'm guessing it's that little light over there. Excuse me, I like the name Pan. Reminds me of greek mythology, an I absolutely love mythology. So, you want to be friends?"
She smiled cheerfully and waited for Pan to answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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"Yes! I'd love to be friends" Pan blurted out a little to enthusiastically as he took Elenore's hand and got to his feet. He squinted at the light in the distance. "I was starting to worry that wasn't really a school here after all...”. He examined Elenore again "So are you a demon too? You don't look like a monster." Elenore looked slightly uncomfortable and Pan glanced down, he was still holding her hand. He quickly let go and pulled back "aghhh! Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!!!!!!!”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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Elenore giggled and started to gain more confidence. She reached closer and took his hand again, "No need to be afraid to hold a lady's hand."
She started to walk while Pan followed suite, "Oh, I'm no demon, I'm a sorceress. I come from a wealthy family with a bloodline of demons and sorcerors, but I come from the sorceror side of the family."
The light got closer and closer as they walked on. Elenore looked back at him and asked, "So, what are your interests in this school. What class will you take?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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Pan began to feel more comfortable around Elenore, "well potions sounds pretty interesting and so do dark arts! Human anatomy sounds kinda boring though... so I might stay away from that if I can!" He could see the school now, it was massive, how did he miss it before? "So what about you Elenore? What classes are you going to take?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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Eleanor smiled at her new friend and gleefully said, "I plan to take potions too, but I really want to work on my spells, they have been a bit shabby lately. And this school is massive! It looks so grand, this'll definitely be the time of our lives huh?"
Pan nodded. Elenore noticed that the sun was about to set, "Oh my God, the suns about to set! C'mon pan, lets run!"
She grasped Pan's hand a little harder and started to run forward. Pan was a little bit behind her, but he managed to keep his grip on her hand. Once they got to the doors, they took a little break, "Well, that was fun huh, Pan?"
She noticed that she still had a grip on his hand, "Ahem, I shold probably let go of your hand now, heh heh..."
She let go and rested her hands on her knees, " You don't mind if you open the doors would you?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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Pan smiled and nodded "of course!" He threw open the doors and made his way into the building with Eleanor. Neither saw anyone at first. "Hello!!! Is anyone there?" Pan called out. He looked around; the place was even bigger than it had looked from the outside. "I'm never going find my way around here" he said out loud.

The setting changes from In the hidden woods to Halloween Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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Elenore took a few steps in and put her hands on her hips and scoffed, "Well, why would they treat students like this huh? Not being there to lead them to their dorms!"
She turned from left to right, trying to look for any sign of life. She went back to Pan and said, "Guess we have to find our own- WUUAAAAAYYYYY!"
She clung onto the demon as a rat scattered across the school floors, "I HATE RATS! Ooooo, I need to set some traps."
She stopped quickly as she realized she was so close to Pan, "Ahem, sorry."

The setting changes from Halloween Academy to In the hidden woods

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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"N-never mind!" stammered Pan blushing slightly. He scanned his surroundings again, surely there were other students. Unless that rat was a student! He tried to see where it went "Elenore, do you think that rat could be a shape shifter?!" He caught a glimpse of movement in the corner of his eye and grabbing Elenore's hand rushed off towards it shouting "wait can you show us around!?!"

The setting changes from In the hidden woods to Halloween Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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0.00 INK

The rat seemed to hear Pans plea and turned around to face them. It spoke in a deep voice, "What can I do for you, children."
Eleanor's kept close behind Pan as she started to freak out, "I-I-I-I-It talked!"
"Yes, I am merely one of the guards here, Ramuels, I keep watch for any intruders and I inform one of the faculty members."
"So, we're you human before?"
"Nope, pure bred rat."
"Oh... perfect. Well anyway, can you tell us where we can find our dorm rooms?"
"Sure can, on the directory, next to the stair case. Have fun at our academy you two."
Then the rat scurried off. Elenore grabbed Pan and said, "C'mon, lets go find out where are dorms are at."

The setting changes from Halloween Academy to In the hidden woods

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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Pan followed Eleanor through the school, it was starting to spook him a bit, but he couldn't let her know that. He tried to break the silence. "Soooo what's your reason for coming here?" he asked Eleanor " it sounds like your family has a lot to do with magic, couldn't they have taught you whatever you wanted to learn?""Not that I don't want you here" he added quickly "I'm really glad I got to meet you!"

The setting changes from In the hidden woods to Halloween Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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0.00 INK

Elenore giggled at Pan's embarrassment then she put on a caring smile, "Don't worry, I'm glad I met you too!"
She blushed a little at what she said, but she continued on, "Well, I did come here to practice, but another reason is that I heard another girl is coming to this school." All of a sudden the mood turned dark, "She embarrassed me in front of embarrassed while community. A community! I want to find her and make her shameful of what she's done to me. You'll pay Angpetu... YOU'LL PAY!!"
Elenore stopped talking and turned to Pan who was looking at her like she was crazy. Her face softened as she patted her clothes and spoke, "Sorry, I get like this a lot of times, but trust me I won't hurt you, ok?"
They then walked on until they stopped in front of the directory. Elenore studied the map and pointed to it, "Looks like you'll be on the boys side and me on the girls. But let's not go to our dorms yet. Wanna walk around for a while?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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"Sure, sounds good" agreed Pan. He hoped they didn't run into this "Angpetu" person, Elenore had sounded murderous when she mentioned her. He sighed, maybe they wouldn't meet her for a while at least, it was a massive place after all. He continued walking with Elenore, he wanted to say something but he wasn't really sure how to act.
After a minute he heard voices, he went slightly pale, there was a few of them, too many. He hoped Elenore hadn't heard them but she had and moved quickly towards the sounds. Pan gulped he wasn't great with people, this wouldn't end well.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ouka Frostfang Character Portrait: Angpetu Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Mars Flick Character Portrait: Jade Spixt Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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Angpetu put on a determined face and belled her fists, "Well I'll find that toy. Plus it was an animal, so I might keep it- WAIT! I hear footsteps..."
There actually were footsteps walking across the hallway on the right.
Elenore got closer to the walls and heard a familiar voice to the left, "I know that voice."
Pan got nervous as Elenore tensed up. Elenore cleared up and turned around the hallway and saw Angpetu. Her eyes widened as she yelled, "You!"
Angpetu yelled as well, "How did you know?!?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ouka Frostfang Character Portrait: Angpetu Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Mars Flick Character Portrait: Jade Spixt Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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Ouka felt the tension in the air. It made her fur stand on end."Angpetu, is everything alright? Who are they?" She asked. It was two more students from the looks of them. One appeared to have horns on his head. The other was, well, she couldn't tell. Ouka allowed her fangs to show abit. She felt tense, ready to spring into action. They were just her natural instincts though. The pack taught her that and it was a bit hard to control. Be careful. It isn't your business. Ouka took a moment to control herself.

The setting changes from Halloween Academy to In the hidden woods

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ouka Frostfang Character Portrait: Angpetu Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Mars Flick Character Portrait: Jade Spixt Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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Pan started to panic, he didn't know what to do. If a fight started he'd side with Elenore but he really didn't want to fight. What to do? His tail twitched nervously, Elenore and Angpetu locked gazes. Nobody else seemed to know what to do either, was it up to him? He had to do something, so he did the only thing that popped into his head. Pan jumped out between the two groups "soiguessyoutoknoweachotherandmaybeyouswerefight'nbeforebutlookitsanewstarthereandwecanallbefriendsandnobodyhastokilloreatanybodyandhinewpeopleididntseeyouguysbeforeletsbefriends!!!!!!!!!!!" And then he passed out for a second.

The setting changes from In the hidden woods to Halloween Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ouka Frostfang Character Portrait: Angpetu Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Mars Flick Character Portrait: Jade Spixt Character Portrait: Elenore Carthwright
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chicka
(Please do not play Mars(ie, have him talk, make him smile/walk/fight, etc.), in any way, shape, or form. People playing characters they didn't create is without a doubt my role-playing pet peeve. Please and thanks in advance!)

Mars smirked at the oncoming fight. Normally, it was not like him to watch a fight-- it was not that he preferred peace, no, it simply didn't interest him to watch a fight-- but seeing monsters fight would be interesting. If nothing else, he might even jump in for the sake of practice. It had been a long time since he'd fought, or even sparred with, another monster, and killing humans barely constituted a fight. He might try transforming himself some claws, long, sturdy extensions of the fingernails. He had always found the deer to be an easy form, likely from so long living with the creatures, so some antlers could be considered as well.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ouka Frostfang Character Portrait: Angpetu Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Mars Flick Character Portrait: Jade Spixt Character Portrait: Professor Darcy Brew
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Heavy footsteps were coming down the halls, what was it? It was a stomping sound, like a heavy creature walking down the halls. A shadow crept down the halls.
"What is all of this non sense?" The witch yelled. Looking at the boy with horns she rushed to him, and knelt down next to him then said with a soft voice "Are you okay?" She patted him of the face a couple of times, and his face would twitch a little. A sigh of relief came out, "He's fine. Does anyone care to explain what happened.."
She got up and poised with one hand on her hip and the other pointing at all of the students.
"And why are you all here so early? You were all suppose to arrive at the ceremony in the afternoon tomorrow."
"You all shall get detention! Unless you guess my age correctly!" She cackled.

The students thought what a weird witch, who was she a professor at the Academy?