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Alexander Raines

"Well... This looks interesting. I volunteer to investigate!"

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a character in “Halo: Reclamation”, as played by Dr.Caramel22


Name: Alexander Raines

Picture: Image

* Physical Description: Obviously, he is the character on the left. It is the only picture I found that fit the simplistic nature of the character. Aside from that, he wears a black tank-top instead of the shirt shown, but the pants are the same. His hair-cut is very short, lined up. Strapped to his ear, is a lone crimson feather, sort of like a pirate captain's hat.

Age: 23
Sex: Male
* Rank: N/A
Birth Place: Earth
Birth Date: 12/04/2521
Current Residence: Genesis outskirts, in a small apartment shared with an ODST buddy.
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 140 lb.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Bright Hazel
* Complexion: Scar on his face in the half shape of a small cog (lower left side of his face)
Skin Tone: Light brown
Body Type: Light-Medium (Not entirely skinny, but not muscular enough to really be called "fit"
Blood Type: Type AB


Alex is by principle an introvert. If anyone wants to get to know him, they have to break through his outer shell first. While this makes him a pain to deal with in anything but a working relationship, his curious nature makes him at least entertaining to be around as he gets himself in trouble investigating anything odd around him. While he is not very sociable, he will not hesitate to protect those that he feels need protection. He will without hesitation help anyone that needs it, regardless how it affects him, with no thought to whether he will be recognized for his help or not.
Quirks: Whenever he is extremely nervous, the left corner of his mouth will twitch as if he is about to smile for a few moments, until he gets it under control. ALWAYS averts his eyes from those he does not have a personal relationship with, even when talking with people, he will simply look somewhere else. If he locks eyes with you, he trusts you. Wrings his hands when talking with military personnel. Prefers to free-run all over the place, as it gives him a sense of freedom, although it tends to irk the people around him, who wish he would just walk around like a normal person.
Likes: New tech, improvisation, hunting, ethical acts, figuring out how things work, improving designs, original ideas
Dislikes: Covenant, Outdated tech, unethical behavior, deserting those who need help
Special Talents:
Tinker: Alexander has an affinity for taking anything around him, and fashioning it into various things. This varies from simple tools like hammers, axes, screwdrivers, blowtorches and the like, to combat items, such as rifles firing bolts via pressure pumps, and armor made from car parts.
Hunter: In his spare time, Alexander likes to sneak out with his buddy's squad into the forests surrounding Genesis. He often strikes out on his own, hunting various wildlife. Usually the ones that are actually his size. Birds are his favorite prey. He enjoys the feeling of not only stalking prey, but being stalked himself.


Rail RifleImage
(spikes obtained from indigenous creatures', although anything cylinder like will work) made from an oxygen tank, wooden frame from a chair, bicycle pump, sawn off poles, and the skeleton of an old school revolver.
Also carries his multi-purpose tool, which has a small screw driver, knife, and very small blowtorch for minor repairs to his rifle.

Weapon(s) of Choice: Rail Rifle, anything he improvises himself
Weapon(s) of Last Resort: UNSC standard pistol if available
Weapon(s) avoided: any weapons bigger than a handgun, though he might be able to handle an SMG... Though he has never handled one.

Weapon Training: Days at the shooting range with his ODST buddy for the past year make him at least decent with his Rail Rifle, and okay with a UNSC Pistol.


Aside from the fact that Alexander was born on Earth to Marine parents, and that they were killed by Covenant when they were deployed, little is known about his past. Even he has little knowledge regarding his past when he showed up at Genesis. He showed up on Genesis as an orphan, reasons unknown as to why he was transferred here of all places. His scholastic record isn't exactly exceptional unless you noticed that he specifically asked for as many engineering related courses as he could take -some of which were unique to schools on Genesis-and excelled in all of them. One could infer one or both of his parents were part of the engineering corp, but no one really bothered to investigate. He didn't have many friends in school, and went through it relatively unknown, aside from a scuffle with a boy named Jonathen Michaels, who is now an ODST, during his Senior year.

Although he had few friends, he wasn't truly the introvert he is now, until he was 20 years old, when he was ambushed by a trio of muggers in one of the many alleys one night. He would have put up a decent fight himself, but passerbys noticed the scuffle and attempted to join in. The two passerbys were friends from high school, during the brief stage in his life he had actually opened up to people. They were gunned down by the muggers immediately, where upon they ran off. Alex mourned the loss of them not only because they were his friends, but because they didn't need to die in the first place. The way he saw it in his mind, if they hadn't have been his friends, they wouldn't have rushed to aid him, and wouldn't have died doing so. Of course, this was only compounded by the fact that this same occurence had happened three times in the past few months, always someone getting hurt trying to help him out. These deaths were the tipping point however. He cut himself off from all of his friends, moving all the way across the colony so as to not be near them, and started living the way he does now.

Due to his expertise in engineering, he has recieved many offers by the UNSC to become an engineer for them, those he has turned down every single one... He prefers to tinker with things in his apartment on the outskirts of Genesis. He lends his services to any that need help -often without them asking- usually the poorer people in the colony that can't afford expensive repairs from mechanics and the like. The UNSC keeps tabs on him if only so they can get a capable engineers on their hands, although this usually just amounts to letters being sent to his apartment repeatedly asking for his help in the engineering corps...

So begins...

Alexander Raines's Story


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Character Portrait: Alexander Raines
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Damnit... How do these ODSTs walk around in this armor all day? Alex slowly made his way through the brush, away from Genesis. He didn't know how far he had been walking, he just knew he wanted to put as much distance between him and the colony. The ODST armor he was wearing was clearly too big for him, but since the height fit him nicely, he had opted to wear in spite of the obvious lack of mass he had to fill out the armor. It was better than him running around unprotected with what was going on. He sat down on a nearby rock, a little winded from walking so far in the armor. He took off his helmet, taking a deep breath of the jungle air. He kept his breathing deep and slow, not only to recuperate, but to also avoid attracting the attention of nearby "critters" in the jungle. He slowly unslung his Rail Rifle, and pulled out his multi-tool, making sure all the screws were in good condition. As he began to zone into his work, his mind drifted to just how he got there in the first place.

Alex had left with his buddy and roommate -Jonathen Micheals- and his ODST squad roughly half an hour before the attack. Jon had convinced his squad to take Alex along on their patrol, as Alex had been aching to go hunting again. Alex had had one of the bigger avian beasts in his sights -an azure hawk-like beast that was roughly 5 feet tall- when the first explosions could be heard in the distance. Alex had freaked out just a bit when he felt the first shockwave hit him. His buddy had run up to him, and told him to stay put, when the drop pods had begun to fall from huge convenant craft. Three landed in the middle of Jon's squad. They contained three sword Elites. Jon had pinned Alex against a nearby tree, covering him as the rest of his squad engaged the Elites. The squad was wiped out, but they took two of the Elites with them. Jon had attempted to get Alex to one of the evac ships, but then he was ambushed by the sword Elite from behind. Alex in a moment of sheer instinct for survival, had fired three of his Rails into the Elite, two plunging into the Elite's chest, and one going straight into its skull. As Jon had laid on the ground dying, he had told Alex, "Alex, take my armor....If any more Convenant show up, it'll protect you well enough for you to hopefully escape...Get to these coordinates...(he had given a map to Alex, with a red circle around a point in the trees. On the map, a blue circle showed Alex and Jon's position)My buddies said... Said there was an old ONI base there they used to guard...There might be some soldiers there that can help you... If not....If not, you need to do something important...You need to destroy any data there. Any at all. I don't care how just do it... I know you aren't a soldier, but you need to do this. For the colony. If the Covenant get their hands on that data...Just do it Alex. And for once, dont be such a shy guy...If you want to survive, you'll have no choice..." Alex had taken Jon's armor as he had requested, and also held onto his dog tags as well. He then dug a shallow grave for his friend, and marked it with his rifle.

And so here was Alex. Trying to find said base among this huge jungle. He took another deep breath, and then put the helmet back on. He got up, slinging an assault rifle from one of his friends dead squadmates, for purely cosmetic purposes. He had no actual training with it, he just intended to use it as an intimidation tool against the rebels he had a feeling were in this jungle. He held it with unsteady hands, slowly making his way through the brush. Then he saw it. It looked beat up from the floor up, but he figured he should have expected that. He slowly made his way to the base. He saw that the door leading inside of the building had been blown open. Before he just walked in though, he decided to try something first. He felt around on the helmet for a switch...Then he found one, and flipped it, hoping he had set the helmet to broadcast his voice in front of him as if he weren't wearing the helmet. As he stood in the doorway, rifle held awkwardly at the ready, he spoke just audibly enough to be heard inside, "Uhm.... Hello? Anyone there?" What Alex didn't know, is that he was accidentally broadcasting his comm to any nearby UNSC helmets in the immediate vicinity. I sure hope I'm not the only one here...Not exactly trained in demolition warfare... He looked around warily, hoping none of the indigenous life decided to explore this place for potential meals.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SPARTAN-017: Linde Character Portrait: Alexander Raines Character Portrait: Bentley Masters
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SPARTAN-017: Linde

"How much is in here, and for what purpose?" Bentley asked.

It would seem that this place was meant to be a safe storage for information regarding the UNSC's activities and personnel files so that the rebels could analyze both in order to give their operations a higher chance of success, predict or infiltrate the UNSC's operations in this galactic sector, and possibly even try to recruit UNSC personnel which they know have a sketchy past or who are having a bad day in the UNSC's employ... Never does seem to be a shortage of those who aren't happy with their work, you know. Valkyrie responded to Bentley.

Linde came forward and retrieved Valkyrie's AI quite suddenly, putting Valkyrie back into her helmet as she walked away.

"Go ahead and finish gathering what you need Bentley, I'll be right back." She said.

She walked outside of the facility and had Valkyrie boost the signal so she could hear the transmission she was picking up more clearly.

"Uhm.... Hello? Anyone there?" She heard a voice say.

Without interference from the building structure to impede her, the signal came through loud and clear.

"This is SPARTAN-017 of the UNSC. Identify yourself." She said into her comm to whomever was making the transmission.


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Character Portrait: SPARTAN-017: Linde Character Portrait: Alexander Raines
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Alexander heard a female voice answer in his helmet. Shit I just broadcast to everyone didn't I? He shook his head, then cautiously keyed the button on the side of the helmet. That's how they did it right? "Good you aren't a rebel. Phew. Uhhmm. This is, uhh... He thought for a moment. Should you tell them you took the ODST armor and that you are a civillian? Isn't there some sort of law against it? He continued. "Sergeant Jon Micheals sir. I mean Maam. Is there, uh, anyone else with you? I have been wandering around for quite awhile... Hoping to see a friendly face. I'm outside what I think is an ONI base...Need me to do anything for you?" Alexander patted his Rail Rifle more so to make sure he hadn't lost it on the way here smiled when he realized it was still safely on his back. He wrung his hands nervously, knowing he was about to meet a SPARTAN. The same SPARTANs that could just as easily punch your face into your skull if you ticked them off...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SPARTAN-017: Linde Character Portrait: Alexander Raines Character Portrait: Bentley Masters
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SPARTAN-017: Linde

"Sergeant Jon Micheals sir. I mean Maam. Is there, uh, anyone else with you? I have been wandering around for quite awhile... Hoping to see a friendly face. I'm outside what I think is an ONI base...Need me to do anything for you?"

Linde was silent for a moment, with Valkyrie chiming in a thought and a joke while masking the comm from being heard on the other end.

"So... Sergeant Michaels..." Linde replied, slight sarcasm in her tone, "You're outside what you think is an ONI base? Do you see any markings which would distinguish it as such, or perhaps do you see any signs around you that would indicate it's being used by anything or anyone other than UNSC personnel?" She asked.

Thanks to Valkyrie, Linde was able to keep the signal strong as she walked back inside the base she was at where Bentley was still finishing up getting ready to leave, so Linde gathered what she could carry or drag back and took off to wait for Bentley outside at the entrance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SPARTAN-017: Linde Character Portrait: SPARTAN K-225 "Doc" Character Portrait: Alexander Raines Character Portrait: John Winter Character Portrait: Bentley Masters
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John Winter and SPARTAN-017: Linde

John took a head count at the end of the day after all was said and done. Two SPARTANs, a scientist, an ODST, and a guy who had taken his roommate's ODST armor and worn it for protection. His little charade hadn't worked out on Linde very well, as she was able to pick out his little white lie without ever laying eyes on him. She seemed to have a knack for the little details which most others tended to miss. It was quite attractive actually. The other SPARTAN seemed nice enough, but was a little less talkative than Linde was.

Speaking of... He thought to himself.

Linde was laying out in the sun with her helmet sitting next to her and her long flowing dark brown hair cascading down from the debris she was laying on. It was quite a sight, to see such a beautiful woman wearing SPARTAN armor. John never thought he'd see the day where he saw a SPARTAN's face. Her skin was not as pale as he thought it might be, given her time spent inside. She was quite the sight for sore eyes, actually, and she had ben approached by some of the male civilians more than once about spending time with them and talking about random things which John felt were completely unnecessary and not useful to their situation.

As it turned out when Linde got back with Bentley and the other guy, Alexander, the equipment found was nice for Bentley's research, but not much more. Linde had thought that she could use a few things she found to make a radio to call out, but it was no use. They were stuck here on the planet for another three weeks minimum, with almost no ammo to protect themselves with anymore. The only ammunition they had, really, were the SPARTANs themselves, as they were weapons in their own right in a way that most other guns could never be. Still, John found himself missing that feeling of a full ammo clip in his guns. There really wasn't anything quite like a fully loaded weapon to make an ODST feel protected and useful.

Linde, on the other hand, was laying quietly in the sun and enjoying the feeling of it on her face. It had been a while since she was able to just lay outside and relax like this, so she was enjoying every minute of it. The others seemed to still have a slight sense of unease, but thankfully their time spent at this base was rather uneventful. Even the local wildlife had left them alone for quite some time, which was somewhat strange, but Linde decided not to question a blessing. Instead, she just continued to lay out under the sun.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SPARTAN-017: Linde Character Portrait: SPARTAN K-225 "Doc" Character Portrait: Alexander Raines Character Portrait: John Winter Character Portrait: Bentley Masters
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Bentley felt a tinge of curiosity towards what had been in the computers before him, but decided it was too dangerous to let sitting and too boring to take himself. With that in mind he simply reset the computer, taking pains to make all the old data unrecoverable. With that he returned to his reactor, and after a period of waiting instead found Linde at the door waiting for him.

All-in-all the return back to the group was uneventful, and the next couple days were even more boring. Though a currently "missing" civilian had confirmed that natural horizontal evolution was currently outside his ability to design. Seems more research on the gametic level genetics was required for that. But he could artificially replicate it between hosts provided they both were infused with nanites, that was something he found out three years ago. Currently, he was happily working away at his reactor, which was in its cart. Fortunately his pet had found the all terrain model other wise the thing would have to be discarded. He had just finished implementing an improvised version of the Covenants magnetic arrays, and it was just enough to push the machine past equivalency. He'd have to make a real one later, it'd be more efficient and maybe even more powerful than his current set. He'd also need an expert on gamma radiation if he wanted to really use the energy of his machine.

"HAHA! I DID IT!!!" Bentley hopped up and skipped around his machine a bit, hands clapping the entire time. "Just exceeded equivalency, WE GOT POWER!!!" His current method of halting gamma radiation involved a layer of a helium bose-einstein condensate followed by lead. The condensate is cold enough to slow the radiation down to that of a bicycle and thus stopped by the lead, the excess energy is then converted back into maintaining the condensate. Earlier an extra power source, similar to the fusion reactors on the SPARTAN's suits had served to make sure this could occur, since the reactor could now contain itself, this meant more power was available for use.

After his quick celebration, Jeff the monk tapped his shoulder, causing him to calm down. "Oh yeah, power source is useless without something to be powered." The monkey kept chattering, apparently not pleased with being misunderstood. "Tommy I don't speak Capuchin, so this really isn't getting us anywhere." With that the monkey stormed off, perhaps to find a new playmate, but a quick ping from his nanites got his attention, it was a notice saying that the best he could do to stop the SPARTANS was force the armor to lock for thirty seconds. "Seems like I may be stuck playing by the rules this time." Which gave him a bad premonition, he willingly tapped into the UNSC communications just to have a private chat with the soldiers.

The machines converted his thoughts into words on the channels, Is it me, or is something up? After all, the Covenant took this place and haven't glassed it. Nor have they to my knowledge begun to construct a shipyard...are they searching for something? The message was in a text format, encryption code was red. He'd just sacrificed any chance of him being a civilian, but something was just wrong. Two Prowlers, the fact the Covenant hadn't glassed the planet- heck even two SPARTANS that arrived on scene in such a timely manner, one of which with exceedingly high rank. Chance might exist, but so many chances at once usually meant that there was something going on behind the scenes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SPARTAN-017: Linde Character Portrait: SPARTAN K-225 "Doc" Character Portrait: Alexander Raines Character Portrait: John Winter Character Portrait: Bentley Masters
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Doc was still hanging around in the bunker. He had helped a couple of civilians, fixing up a few scrapes and bruises, but now he was sitting on top of the concrete shell, scoping out the area where the others had left with an old Sniper rifle. He had seen them go in, and another ODST walk up, carrying some strange weapon, not legal on earth at least.
"Nurses, commence scan." His words where complied via a soft, feminine voice.
"Yes Doc!" The words Scanning popped up onto his HUD as a green line moved slowly upwards, tracing everything he could see. "Photo-identical scan complete, no registered structures sighted!"
"Run a thermal." This time a red line traced up, and plenty of silhouettes stood glowing for him to spy on. Many were small, probably rodents of some sort. Far, far to the west there were what could probably be the beasts they had encountered before, they weren't moving. Probably sleeping. He looked towards the path that lead to wherever Bentley's secret Laboratory was. He zoomed into the area, picking out Linde, the ODST, Bentley, and the happiest of the crew, the monkey. "Could we run a com line to Linde? We should probably start keeping more in touch" he remarked sarcastically. He had gotten pretty "close" with Linde during close-quarters training, an area were she passed him ever so slightly. He still remembered those days before he got assigned with Hepheastus team.
"Sending a line to her right now." He waited for the ping that accompanied the com line opening. It was a secure channel, protected by the Nurses and Valkyrie's vigilance.
The ping came, denoting that she could hear him. "How you doing red? Still keeping that quack safe?"