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Alexander Davidson

"Special Ops Unit 411 Alexander Davidson reporting for duty!"

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a character in “Halo: UNSC 5th of November”, as played by DemonDante



Name: Alexander Davidson
Age: 27
Race: Human
Birthplace: Onyx
Class: Spec Ops Commando CQB

Height: 6'
Weight: 180lbs
Build: Bulky and Athletic

Alex is used to barking around orders to the other marines and even the other Spartans. He is a nice guy outside of combat, calm, collected. However, inside of combat, he is a whole other person, bossy and loud. He does know his place though and will accept orders just as easily as he can give them. Alex's mentality is that the more you kill now, the less you have to kill later. Alex is usually the one who charges without a second thought, of course, after he tells everyone what to do. He can get annoying, although his orders do prove effective, and have a small chance of failure if everything proceeds according to plan.

Weapons and Attachments
-Primary: Shotgun + Extra shells in his chest and wrist
-Secondary: DMR
-Handgun: M6G Magnum
-Grenades: Fragmentation
-Combat Knife
-Medical Pack on his left thigh
-GUNGNIR Special attachment, increases accuracy

Close Combat Personnel and Field Medic

Brief History
He was the son of two marines who put him into the Spartan-III program. Alex was one of the first GUNGNIR operators in the Spartan-III program, so he was able to get a special prototype helmet. He was originally assigned to join Team Wolf Pack as A411 and their field medic, but instead was assigned to accompany the UNSC MTS 5th of November on its trips across the galaxy. He has has had about 14 years of service as a full fledged Spartan, but wasn't reassigned to the cruiser until 5 years ago. Ever since then, he has worked under Captain Spaar.

So begins...

Alexander Davidson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Davidson Character Portrait: Carl Naraki Character Portrait: John Haruma
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Alex took a single deep breath as the cryo tube hatch opened. He opened his eyes, only half-aware of where he was. When h realized where he was, he stretched his stiff limbs that still lay inside his armor and rubbed his helmet-less head. Most Spartans tend to live in their armor, rarely if even taking it off. He let out an exasperated yawn as he stepped out of the cryo tube to stretch his limbs some more. He made his way to get his helmet and weapons. That's when he realized that he was one of the first to actually wake up. He let out a small laugh as he stepped on into the armory to see the ODST, Carl, step out of the armory with John looking defeated. Alex let out another small laugh as he headed over next to John.

"Something happen pal? Seems to me he didn't seem too happy." Alex asked, putting on his specially modified GUNGNIR helmet. He though highly of the young Spartan. For someone so young, he had great potential, especially when it comes to marksmanship. Alex knew that he could rely on him if he needed to be covered. He then reached over and grabbed a M6G Magnum from a rack and began to load a couple clips with bullets as he awaited the response of his fellow Spartan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalton Conway Character Portrait: Alexander Davidson Character Portrait: Carl Naraki Character Portrait: John Haruma
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It had been many a day since Dalton had last taken breath, and the hissing of the tube as it began to warm him to life was much welcomed when he could finally hear it. His heart began to beat once more, and his breaths began to normalize as he was returning to a living condition instead of a huge, armored popsicle. Like most other Spartans, he kept his armor on nearly all the time. But he wasn't there just because it was a pain to get out of his armor, this was because unlike the standard SPI armor that most Mark-III's were given, Dalton had himself a set of Mjolnir armor. Quite fancy compared to other Spartan-III's, considering they weren't gifted with the luxury of energy shielding.

He stepped out of his 'bed' for the past few months after opening the tube's door. His shoulder pads rubbed together as he stretched his arms upwards, and got used to the feel of being alive. He hated the post-cryo feeling that always seemed present. It gave him a very light nasea, but worse, it gave him lightheadedness. Of course this was worsened by the fact that as soon as he got out of his prison, he was greeted by bickering.

"Nobody respects a woman!"

The voice was quite familiar with Dalton. It was the ODST, Carl's voice that he heard shouting such a sexist view on things. Among that voice, was none other than John's. He wasn't sure which he was less happy with, but he was sure that John had started this somehow. Whatever 'this' was. Dalton had no interest in finding out what the two children were up to. So that's why he waited until they had left before also taking his leave. The last thing he wanted at the moment was to be caught stuck listening to two children complain to each other.

Dalton never felt proper without his sidearm, and because they weren't given orders by the Captain of the ship nor the Captain of.... well, the second of the three Caps', then he was good to go. They could always just request him or anyone else if they needed it. So he decided that he would head to the armory to equip himself with his sidearm. No need for an actual rifle or anything. It wasn't like they were preparing for engagement, they were simply landing somewhere, and a pistol would do well in any case that he could think possible in that scenario. Of course, Conway was beginning to regret this decision, as he managed to unwilliingly follow the Spartan and the ODST. Now he HAD to listen to them. He almost shook his head.

Son of a bitch.

Or so he said in his head until he realized that they were leaving. Oh the joy. As John left the room, he left only Alex to occupy the room along with Dalton. Well, Dalton didn't dislike Alex, so all was good. A casual nod from Dalton was given before he too found his preferred sidearm and checked it for a magazine. Once loaded and ready, he flipped the safety on and sat down on a bench. Hopefully his stomach would feel better.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Capt. Andrew Spaar Character Portrait: Dalton Conway Character Portrait: Alexander Davidson Character Portrait: John Haruma
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Alex caught the tossed DMR that John threw at him. He quickly checked the clip, which already had bullets in it, before putting it on his back. He looked over at John as he left the Armory, sharpening his knife. As soon as he left, Dalton came in donning his trusty pistol upon his self. He gave Alex a casual nod as he loaded it. Alex smiled under his helmet as his HUD began to malfunction a little bit. That was strange because it never happened before. The camera that covered up his eyes began to static, then shut off. He couldn't see properly because the GUNGNIR used a camera that went in front of the eyes. Probably just not worked into yet after being shut off for so long, but it was still strange. Alex put his pistol to the side as he took his GUNGNIR helmet back off.

"The hell is wrong with this thing?" He asked to no one in particular, although Dalton was sitting a little bit away from him. Just after he asked that, his Captain came across the intercom updating them on how everything is going. Alex sighed as he got up, holding onto his helmet. He approached the Captain of the Spartans on the ship, Dalton, and handed him the helmet. "Sir, do you know what is wrong with my helmet?" He asked in a casual tone. He nearly forgot that Dalton outranked him by a lot, and to pay more respect to him, but it was too late now. Alex stood there and awaited his response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Character Portrait: Capt. Andrew Spaar Character Portrait: Dalton Conway Character Portrait: Alexander Davidson Character Portrait: Capt. Write
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The Spartan in blue only got a few minutes of relaxation before the Captain of the Ship's order blaired through the comms. At least the ship wasn't destroyed or otherwise disabled while they were having their beauty sleep. Conway stood himself up and stayed there for just a moment as his stomach began calming down. Damn did he hate this. Around that time, he was approached by Alex with technical issues with his helmet.

Dalton took the helmet and turned it around, glancing at the back of it. Ah, there it was. The back of the helmet. He raised his fist and hit the back lightly. "Davidson, I'm no techie. Find someone who is." Dalton ordered, though not in an annoyed or otherwise displeasant tone. Not yet at least. "After we report to the bridge." he then added as he began out the armory, taking his helmet off as he did so. Now he saw nothing with his HUD on, but rather simply, his own eyes. That was good every once in a while.

Shortly after, the third Captain arrived at the bridge with two others who had also arrived. Of course, out of them, he showed the most respect by not only raising his hand to his head in solute, but speaking calmly and professionally. "Sir." he said with his unyielding glance locked on his Captain.


"Yes sir." came Samuel's computerized voice in acknowledgement. Nearly instantly, the A.I found the Spartan-II's cryo tube and began the sequence to force it open. In Miranda's room came the hissing of the Cryotube as it began awakening her, finally. The A.I, after making sure the proper programs to intiate the release were running, looked to Spaar.

"Sir, the cryogenic stasis tube for Spartan AP3X, Miranda Write, is online and defrosting as requested."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Capt. Andrew Spaar Character Portrait: Dalton Conway Character Portrait: Alexander Davidson Character Portrait: John Haruma Character Portrait: Capt. Write
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The captain stood over the command station still looking over the massive planet they had discovered. He didn't like this. He didn't like it one bit. That's when the idea struck him. Still ignoring the Spartans behind him Andrew cycles through windows of the command post, until he found the one he wanted. The title of the blue hologram window stated Slipspace Drive Status.

Normally, when a SPD is used the drive holds the slipspace rupture open so a ship can slide through. While in use, it heats up rapidly. But when the destination is about to be reached, the drive starts to slowly collapse the rupture until the ship is free of it. This causes the drive to cool down. But the status of the SPD was far from normal. The drive was still red hot, meaning it was deactivated mid rupture. Meaning that something made the ship stop here. Because the drive was still red hot, it couldnt be used to reopen a rupture.

It was time for Andrew to face the crew. Before turning to face the Spartans, Andrew closed the windows of the station, then turned about to the crew. "Soldiers! Attennntion!" He shouted at the crew in front of him. Because of disuse, his voice cracked as he turned to the men. Even though he had been away from the crew for a little under a month, he still wanted to remind them he was in charge...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Capt. Andrew Spaar Character Portrait: Sgt. James Blair Character Portrait: Darius Logan Character Portrait: Dalton Conway Character Portrait: Alexander Davidson Character Portrait: Carl Naraki
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Andrew turned away from the Spartans and walked with his fellow captain. He thought for a moment before replying. "Negative. We aren't going anywhere near this planet. From what we know, the Covenant don't have the ability to build planets, and i can tell you for sure this planet wasn't made by God..." With a sigh the captain looked at Samuel, clearing his throat before asking:

"Sam, as soon as that Slip space drive is active, fire it up. We need to get out of hear as soo-" Andrew was cut off suddenly by the sound of cracking metal. The ship vibrated and shook hard for a long moment, like an earthquake. After a moment the shaking stopped, and Andrew turned to the Spartans to see if they were alright.

"Is everyone alright? Sam, what on gods earth wa-" Again, the captain was cut short by the high pitched blare of the emergency siren.

Across the ship sirens blared and hollered, alerting the crew. Over the intercom came an announcement: WARNING: Hull breach. Repeat, hull breach. Sectors A-3 through A-5, evacuate, evacuate, evacuate. Initializing lock down.