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"I need you, okay?"

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a character in “Hanging on By a Thread”, as played by Tom Ice



;;Rex suffers a severe case of dependent personality disorder, and needs to constantly be around people, or at least be talking to them through a cell phone or computer. He’s very into vlogging because of this; if more people care about him, he matters to more people. He tends to cling to anyone he meets and is overly trusting, as well as constantly begging for attention in any way he can get it.
;;His family;;
;;His house;;
;;Video games;;
;;The internet;;
;;Physical affection;;

;;People who won’t pay attention to him;;
;;Lexia’s problems;;
;;Going out;;
;;Milk products;;
;;Loud people;;

::Lexia’s Sickness::
;;He hates how she gets so much of the family’s attention. He does that with everyone’s problems, though.;;
;;From an early age, Rex has been grabbing onto people and holding tight because he has always felt like he’ll be abandoned at the drop of a hat. A middle sibling, he’s never felt particularly appreciated, and by this logic, he was never needed. It took his family until twelve to finally take him to a psychologist and then, eventually, diagnose him with dependent personality disorder, at which point, Rex started jumping from therapist to therapist so he wouldn’t get attached to one, but still had enough support to figure himself out. At one point or another it clicked that he was gay, simply through him flicking around the internet, which became a second home to him due to the temporarity of most internet friendships, and the way he could be constantly connected and kind of important. He began preferring the computer screen to the real world some time in his thirteenth year, but quickly remembered to balance family time so he got real attention.

So begins...

Rex's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lexia Character Portrait: Caspen Character Portrait: Rex Character Portrait: Justin
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As she woke, Lexia could feel the nausea from the medicine kicking in. She groaned as she turned on her side. She felt a hand rubbing her back, "Cas? That you?" Caspen turned over in the bed and brushed her hair back, "You feeling any better? Or worse?" Lex bit her lip and sat up in her bed, "I'm fine Cassy." With a shove from her brother, Lex nearly fell off the bed, "Cas!" "Don't call me Cassy, lex, I've told you like a million times, and I swear if you call-" He was caught off as Lex leaned over the bed and puked into the can next to her. He pulled her hair from her face and helped her stay up as she did. "Alright, you're gunna be okay ..." Cas grabbed a tissue and wiped her face as he pulled her back to the bed, "Want me to get someone?" He knew the answer before he asked, Lex shook her head, not wanting to take anyone's time. Cas shook his head and stood as he moved over to the bathroom they shared with Rex. He washed his hands and leaned on the counter top as he stared in the mirror. He heard movement in Rex's room, and moved to the door seel, "Hey buddy, you up?"

As he woke up, Justin pulled the cover further over his head, trying not to let the light in. He slept a little until he remembered to check the clock, he had about five minutes until he was supposed to skype with Rex about when they were going to meet up. They had known each other for what seemed like forever, yet they had never met face to face. Justin felt his stomach turn at the thought of meeting him, he was always scared of meeting people for the first time, and this was not exception. He quickly took his medicine and put on some of the clothes that the agency had given him, it was funny. As a model, he got to keep some of the clothes he modeled in. Quickly putting on a tiny bit of eyeliner, Justin checked himself in the mirror and then pulled his laptop open.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caspen Character Portrait: Rex
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tom Ice
Rex had been up since the morning before, unable to sleep that night due to incessant fear and paranoia. Instead he'd dragged his laptop into bed with him and IMed with some foreigners all night. At least he hadn't felt unnecessary. It was nice, to be constantly in touch with someone. He was also terribly excited for Justin's call. He was in bed, staring at his computer screen, tapping his fingers, as he thought about it.
He'd never actually had a face to face conversation with Justin, and knew his face only for the few modelling shots he'd sent along when Rex asked for them and his vlogs, and due to a busted webcam on Rex's side, they'd never been able to video call. Still. He knew Justin's voice backwards and forwards, having shared countless audio calls with a guy he was pretty sure he was developing a massive crush on.
He remembered the day ages ago when he'd seen a perfectly constructed vlog on the internet by a person he'd never heard of before. Rex figured being fellow vloggers gave them enough to talk about and he'd contacted him before Justin had really become famous. That was a year and a half or so ago now, and Rex was anxious to meet Justin, even if his family had urged him against going to meet anyone he'd met online. Still. He constantly talked about Justin and no one had directly forbid him from meeting him.
He jumped at Cas' voice. He set his laptop on the bed as he swung his legs over teh edge then stood, a little wobbily from lack of sleep. He rubbed at his eyes as he opened the door, looking at Caspen, yawning wide. "I'm up. Hi, Cas," he said, beaming as he reached up and hugged Caspen tight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peyton Character Portrait: Lexia Character Portrait: Caspen Character Portrait: Rex
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0.00 INK

"Hey sis... Where you been all night?"Peyton went over to her sisters bed and sat on the edge "how'd you know I was out all night" she then winked at Lexia "Yea I was out all night..." she was still not sure if she was ready to tell her sister or anyone about her secret, she didn't want to cause any other trouble to the family. "Yes I was with Jay...we went to a party...then we just sat and talked half the night" she felt her stomach churn. Ugh not now please not now. Morning sickness has been a problem for her lately thought it was happening through out the day. "umm excuse me for a moment" she ran into the bathroom her brothers where in and threw up in the toilet. She looked up at her brothers "sorry about that..." she then walked back out to her sister and sat back on the bed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peyton Character Portrait: Lexia Character Portrait: Caspen Character Portrait: Rex Character Portrait: Justin
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As he hugged the younger boy back, Caspen ruffled his hair "Hey, I was just checking on you, I know listening to her puke all night is not exactly the ideal situation, but I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay?" He bit his lip and looked around the room, at Rex's laptop on his bed, "Please tell me you weren't up all night on that thing..." Caspen had a way of telling how people were doing and even if he hadn't , the pure look on Rex's face would have told him that he hadn't slept. As the parents of the large family had sort of left off, Caspen had taken the responsibility to pick up some of the slack. As His other sister ran in and puked in the bathroom across from them, Caspen shook his head, "Is it spreading?" He hollered at Peyton, joking.

As Lexia watched Peyton walk back in from the jack-and-jill bathroom, she bit her lip, "Well... I know why I'm puking... what about you?" She made room for Peyton on the bed and looked up at her, "You sure you just talked? " Lexia had no idea why her sister was sick and she hoped that someone would find out, or she would, not that that was likely. "Caspen's gunna find out what ever it is, you know he's a snoop..." Cas was the first to figure out Lex was sick in the first place, and the first to know anytime she came out of remission.

As he was finally set up on the camera, Justin became very nervous, he had spent hours talking to Rex and late nights on the phone with him, but nothing would prepare him for when they met in real life. What if Rex didn't like Justin? He reached for the medicine his shrink had given him and took an extra one, just for today. The plan had been they would Skype and find out where to meet up, and then around lunch, go to eat at the place they chose. Hearing a sound coming from down the hall, Justin got up, "Hello?" It was his agent,"what do you want?" The man hurried to him, "You have a shoot, be ready in ten!" As the man hurried off, Justin grabbed his arm, "No, I can't today... I have plans." after a long argument, Justin made it back to his computer and fixed his hair one more time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caspen Character Portrait: Rex
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tom Ice
Rex beamed at Cas. Being taken care of made his whole mind buzz with happiness, fulfillment. He nodded. "I'm fine, though. Honestly. I'm waiting for Justin to call so I should go back. Okay?" Rex looked over at Peyton, something between concern and annoyance on his face. He knew he shouldn't be jealous of someone who had just had the extraordinarily unpleasant experience of vomiting, but he was horridly jealous of the attention she'd inevitably get. He slipped the few steps backward into his room and adjusted his new webcam, sitting on his bed and rummaging in his bedside table's drawer, finding his headset, plugging it in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peyton Character Portrait: Lexia Character Portrait: Caspen Character Portrait: Rex Character Portrait: Justin
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0.00 INK

She chuckled as her sister was being super secretive. She rolled to the edge of the bed as she felt the nausea hit her. She leaned over and puked into the bin they had there, it was half-way full. It needed to be emptied, but she didn't want to bother anyone with it at the moment, "Okay, just... stay healthy, okay?"

"Alright, have fun." He made his way back to Lex's bed and over to where she was leaning and puking. He squatted in front of her, "You okay for a few minutes while I empty this?" She nodded and took it to the bathroom, stopping and turning to Peyton, "So? You alright?" He flushed it down the toilet and brought the empty bin back to her. "Here you go."

As he adjusted everything, he checked the time, it was time for the video call. He clicked to call him and waited for him to answer, his hands sweating heavily as he twiddled his thumbs.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rex Character Portrait: Justin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tom Ice
Rex took a deep breath, stomach fluttering in delight, then accepted the call, completely ignoring his siblings. There was only a second of shyness after the camera started up, a moment of hesitation, and then Rex beamed a dazzling grin straight at Justin.
"Hey, Justin," he said, trying against all instinct to be casual, relaxed, as he was online. He was wound tight inside, but less out of anxiousness and more out of excitement. He trembled slightly, pulling his hat down around his ears. "How's it going?" Rex's smile didn't drop, but relaxed, his tiredness showing through again as he rubbed at one eye carelessly with the heel of his hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rex Character Portrait: Justin
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0.00 INK

As the computer screen showed Rex's face, Justin smiled slightly, waving. "Hey... It's nice to finally see and hear you at the same time, after all this time... Do you have any time or place in mind of where we can meet up?" He talked quickly as he was very nervous. The boy on his screen was very attractive, and it made him even nervous and shaky. Grabbing the soda that sat on his desk, he took a sip.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rex Character Portrait: Justin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tom Ice
Rex thought for a long moment. "We could do a picnic in the big park downtown. Or we could go to a cafe or something. What's midway in between our houses? You would know, right? You get out more." Rex gave a little shaky laugh, biting his lips as he let his eyes slide over Justin again, eyelids still heavy as he yawned, stretching upward for a moment. "I just need to change and get the siblings out of the bathroom so I can shower and then I'm good with any time. Okay?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rex Character Portrait: Justin
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As he watched Rex on the screen, Justin smiled, "Um, yeah... I think a picnic would be great... and in an hour and a half we can meet there..." He bit his lip and watched Rex, "I'm really excited to meet you, you know?" Once they were off, Justin grabbed a scarf and headed out for some food to bring and then stopped by starbucks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rex Character Portrait: Laurie
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0.00 INK

#, as written by KitKit
Giving one last sigh as she watched the front door close as the others left, Laurie turned to Rex's door and give a small tap before turning the knob and entering, "Rise and shine sleeping beauty" she called, smiling her big, wide smile. As she studied Rex's face she saw bags with a slight grey tint to them, "Or should I say staying-up-all-night beauty, Rex, did you get any sleep at all?" She moaned, the corners of her mouth turning down into a disapproving frown, like mothers do. "And look at your room!" She scowled, picking up clothes that seem to have been tossed on the floor and putting them in the washing basket. Laurie sighed, she couldn't stay mad for long, "Want some breakfast before you go to meet Justin?" she said, smiling again as she tucked a hair that had come astray behind her ear and re-tied her shower robe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lillie Character Portrait: Rex Character Portrait: Laurie
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Lillie stood at the window, watching the car until it disappeared from her view. She sighed at the window, before putting a smile back on and going back to find her mother. When she found her in Rex's room and walked in that room too. She looked at the both of them before starting to talk. "What movie are we going to watch? Oh, hi Rex!" She smiled at them both and went to sit on Rex's bed. She bounced on it, looking at the both of them. "Can Rex watch the movie with us?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lillie Character Portrait: Rex Character Portrait: Laurie
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0.00 INK

#, as written by KitKit
Laurie smiled as Lillie entered and bounced on Rex's bed beside her, "No, I think Rex is going to see a friend today.." she said, ruffling Rex's hair and giving him a smirk. "Well, we have plenty of movies to watch, I think your farther downloaded Netflix on the living room TV so you can watch whatever you want" Laurie smiled, coaxing Lillie out of Rex's room with her hand as she walked towards the door "Go downstairs and get the TV ready, I'll be down in a tick" she smiled, giving Lillie a litte encouraging tap on the back so she'd leave before she said anything further to Rex. Once Lillie had left Laurie poked her head around Rex's bedroom door and said, "Good luck champ" before closing the door and making her way to her bedroom to get some clothes on and do her make-up.

(sorry for taking a while to reply, as I've said, I had been on painkillers for a couple of days and I just didn't feel like coming on line, but I'm okay now. Just thought I'd let you guys know)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peyton Character Portrait: Lexia Character Portrait: Caspen Character Portrait: Lillie Character Portrait: Rex Character Portrait: Laurie
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Lillie looked into Rex's room one last time and smiled before almost bouncing out of the room. She made her way down the steps and turned on the TV. She turned on the Netflix and looked around at the movies for a couple of minutes, but she didn't find anything she wanted. "I can't find anything! I need help!" Lillie called, loud enough for anybody that was still here to hear. She really didn't like everybody being so serious now. When Lexia got back, she would play with all of them. Caspen, Peyton, Lexia, Rex, all of them. That would cheer them up.