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Eric Jones

"Hurt or be hurt... Well I plan on staying safe as long as possible"

0 · 598 views · located in New York City

a character in “Heartbreak Inc.”, as played by TheBouquineuse


Eric Jones



Heartbreaker Type
The Sly Master Mind


Being Right
Chewing Gum
Horror movies
His blue pickup truck



Hardcore drugs
His stepfather
His mother
Authority in general
The color grey
Being Alone
The Idea of Love
Being Teased
Hard Drugs
Grocery Shopping
Organized Religion
Being touched by almost anyone
Too much Attention
Reality TV
Bullies (He's a jerk, but he's not a bully)
Being Wrong



Eric is an outgoing, straight-shooting type of guy. He's generally enthusiastic about most things; when he's not drinking. He's a "doer" who tends to live in the world of action. He's blunt, straight-forward, and liked to take risks. He lives in the here-and-now, and places little importance on introspection or theory. He looks at the facts of a situation, quickly decides what should be done, executes the action, and moves on to the next thing. Maybe at times he makes his decisions a bit too quickly and tends to be impulsive. Eric also has an uncanny ability to perceive people's attitudes and motivations. He picks up on little cues which go completely unnoticed by most other people such as facial expressions and stance. He's typically a couple of steps ahead of the person he is interacting with. Normally, this would be a good thing. But Eric uses this ability to get what he wants out of a situation. Rules and laws are simply guidelines for behavior, rather than mandates. If he has decided that something needs to be done, then his "do it and get on with it" attitude takes precedence over the rules. However, he does know the difference between right and wrong, and he will stick to his principles no matter what, unless he's drunk. The Rules of the Establishment may hold little value, but his own integrity mandates that he will not do something which he feel to be wrong.

Eric has quite a strong flair for drama and style. This is probably what cause people to think he was gay back in middle school. He's fast-moving, fast-talking, and he loves the finer things in life. This includes fashion and theater, though he has repressed that part of him. It caused too much teasing and he couldn't handle for people to think that he was anything but manly. He's also very good at storytelling and improvising. Eric makes things up as he goes along, rather than following a plan. He loves to have fun, and is considered a very fun person to be around. He can sometimes be hurtful to others without being aware of it, as he generally does not know and does not care about the effect his words have on others. It's not that he doesn't care about people, it's that his decision-making process does not involve taking people's feelings into account. He makes decisions based off of what's best for him and him alone. After all, it's a kill or be killed world out there and Eric is going to do his best not to be hurt.

Eric's least developed area is his intuitive side. He is impatient with theory, and sees little use for it in his quest to "get things done". When Eric does have strong intuitions, they are always way off-base no matter how sure he is. As a result of this, Eric does not trust his instincts, and is suspicious of other people's intuition as well. He also is weak in school, especially when theory is more important then facts. He simply gets bored with classes when he doesn't find them useful. That's probably why he's dropped out. He's intelligent, but school was just a chore for him.

Due to the abuse that he's gone through in life, Eric doesn't really know how to hold his tongue. He would never hit anyone, but verbally he is an abusive ass. When he's not angry or drunk, he is very eloquent. But anger and alcohol make him trip up and say things out of sheer frustration. This has lost him many friends and perhaps the only person to ever care for him, but he simply doesn't know how else to handle his anger.


Eric was born in England to a Mrs. Marissa Jones and a Mr. Chris Delaney. No, his mother and father weren't married. His mother was though. Only not to his father. This led to her life falling apart. Her husband found out, her parents sided with him, and she never saw Chris again. After a messy divorce and an even messier fallout after the divorce, she found that it was too late to have an abortion. And after all of this, she was laid off of her job. In other words: Eric destroyed his mother's life before he was even born. And he will never live it down, no matter how much he tries. He has tried though. He's tried everything. When his mother got remarried, he tried his very best to like his "new dad," even when he lost his temper and hurt Eric. He even tried to like his stepdad when Marissa spent a day away on their 'second honeymoon'... on Eric's birthday. He stopped trying though when he came to school with a black eye and broken wrist, and his mother didn't care less. He is fairly sure that this was the turning point in his life; the point where he stopped caring what the fuck authority thought about him.

When he first met Emmalinna, she was his dream girl. They were young, attractive, looked great together, and were great together. She was sweet, cute, and the complete opposite of what he was. In his eyes, she was more than perfect. And he was happy. They met in school, like most couples. He was a junior and she was a sophomore; not much of an age difference. He was much poorer then she was, but he still scrapped up enough to buy her a gift every now and again. After two years, he was beginning to think that maybe he loved her.. He had his occasional outbursts (like when he was upset but didn't want to say anything, and she was her bubbly self), but a few months before the break, he loved her, and was even vocal about it a few times. But as his life spiralled out of control, so did his relationship. When his stepdad lost his job, Eric became even more temperamental. He would yell at Emmie for no reason at times and never provide her with an explanation. Then he started up drinking and he became violent. No, Eric never hit her. He would never go that far, but he did say some pretty awful things. He called her names, insulted her intelligence, and even made her faint a few times. Then he began cheating on her. She didn't know at first, but when he got lazy, it got obvious. Whn she caught him, Eric actually waved her off. He was drunk and she was annoying him. Now, he hasn't exactly broken up with her. He just stopped talking to her. So yea, they're probably broken up now.

Maybe he's gotten better since they split, or maybe he's gotten worse. He really doesn't know. He still drinks , though not as much. But Emma was the best thing to happen to his life, and now she's gone.

So begins...

Eric Jones's Story


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Character Portrait: Emmalina Santiago Character Portrait: Eric Jones
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♥♥Emmalina Santiago♥ ♥

After eight hours of sleepless sleep nd having her music on all night playing probably the most depessing songs she has ever heard in her life, Emmalina woke up and couldn't get her mind off of Eric. It's been almost three week since she caught him cheating and been three weeks since the last time they spoke to each other. It was strange, since for the past two years the only thing she wanted to do in the morning was wake up who she called her "British Baby" and wish him good morning over the phone. Now, she was afraid to. Fo the past months something happened the Eric would tellher about and he would just yell at her whenever she tried to find out. Emma being so....senitive didn't feel like beng yelled at by anyone espically the guy who used to be the love of her life and now she doesn't even know what he was. Sitting up in her bed, she looked around her master bedroom and exhaled. She felt something in her heart saying that she had to just call him and appoligize. It as her fault for following him to a party and comfronting him about it. Right? She didn't even know, all she knew is that he shooed her off like she was nothing to him. That wasn't what he was saying just a couple weeks before when he was saying he still loved her.

After questioning what to do, she looked in her nightstand and softly grabbed out her pink rosary and put it around her neck. Praying that he would yell at her over the phone and not in person where she would probably become overwhelmed and faint again. She pushed the number one on her speed dial and just put her baby pink phone to her ear before hearing his voicemail. "Hey, baby. It's me, I just wanted to see if you were ok. I know...that I um," Her English still wasn't the best That I am in the wrong and i'm sorry for following you, not trusting you." After a second, it started to sink in, this was his way of breaking up with her. She took off her rosary and hung it on a nail over her bed knowing that now she needed someone else to protect her if not her rock. At the beginning of their relationship they said they wouldn't hurt each other and even though Eric broke that promise a while ago she still put up with it because she was to in love with him. Now, it was really over and she could feel her voice craking a little which happened when she was on the verge of tears. "Um, I get it Eric. And I wish you nothing but a wonderful, happy life.....I love you. Bye." When she hung up, sh just let the tears go down her babydoll facing, looking at a picture of them on their last aniversery that stuck to her vanity mirror.

Spending maybe, five minutes over her....what you might call "break up". She looked up and saw her small puppy dog, Teacup right there on her overly large bed. "Do you think he hates me,Teacup?" Of course her dog didn't answer but just hopped off her bed and out to her family's game room. That's what I think too." She jumped out of her bed and walked into her closet just picking out her original style. A cute dress with navy flats with a white bow on the and a matching necklace in the shape of a bow to make peope seem like she was over it and over him, after them telling her that he didn't deserve her anyway even though she saw it vice versa. She uickly grabbed her phone and logged into facebook, she wanted to undo their relationship status before he did. She changed it from: In a relationship with Eric Jones to Single. And also had to change her profile picture from one of them kising to just one of her actting her regular bubbly self. Just like that she started to get likes by a few of her friends that she could trust.

After a second of looking herself in the mirror, she messed with her red hair trying to just get her mind off of-- She started thinking about something she heard about people who wanted to get revenge on someone who broke ther heart. Usually she hated being revengeful, evil, cruel, you name it and she hated to be it but, Eric didn't just break Emmie's heart....He shattered it and now she wanted him to know how it felt to be hurt.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Santiago Character Portrait: Eric Jones Character Portrait: Josjo Yoru Smith Character Portrait: Ashley Beaumont
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Ashley sat on the edge of her bed, not crying... just sitting. Ashley Beaumont didn't cry. Ashley Beaumont never ever cried. She was far above that Yes, her heart had just been shattered, and her pride bruised, but crying was out of the option. Her friends didn't even know yet. How could she possibly mourn before she had a gaggle of sympathetic teenage girls at her side? That was how things normally went. She would call up a friend (or five) and cry to them, asking them to come over. Then she would cry into her pillow as they told her that she didn't deserve that F on the exam, or how a month of detention was way too much for posting some girl's weight (give or take ten pounds... or so) all over the internet. What stopped her from calling then was unknown. Maybe it was that, this time, she was actually upset.

Ashley picked up her phone, holding the tiny thing in her hand as if it were some sort of life-line. She was upset, but the stabbing in her chest was now accompanied by something else called anger. She wanted to hurt him instead, make him sorry for leaving her. She had done EVERYTHING for him. She had loved him even, and how did he repay her? By leaving her over fucking text message. He had never been very romantic, but over text message? That was low. It didn't give her a chance to throw whatever she had in her hand at his face. It gave her no chance to slap him, or kick him in the groin. Hell, she couldn't even yell at him. She had no closure...So maybe it was a mistake. Her opinion changed quickly, as it often did. But seriously, maybe he had made a mistake. People sent overemotional texts all the time. Maybe he was just upset. Ashley stood up hurriedly... and then sat down again, covering her moth with her left hand as a small sob escaped it. No, it wasn't a mistake. Her brain had flipped again, this time to the right side. There was no use in deluding herself anymore. He didn't love her. He never had, had he? She should have known a long time ago. Ashley opened her phone again, gazing back at the text message, not quite feeling that it was over. She had just kissed him yesterday.

Hey, Ashley, it's me, Yoru. I think we should see other people. Honestly, it's me, not you. I hope we can still be friends or something like that.



Can we talk about it? Please... I'm sorry


After sending out that pathetic text, Ashley wiped her tears (When had she started crying?) away with swift, jerky movements and laid down. For a few minutes, she did nothing but stare at the pink ceiling. And despite the pain that she was in, she fell asleep that way.


Now, she wasn't quite sure how she got there, but two hours later, after a box of tissues, half a pint of mint ice cream, and with her phone tightly in hand, Ashley was standing a few blocks away from her family's apartment. This building was all too familiar, as she had walked past it many times on her way to Yoru's house. She had never gone inside, not for the AA meetings held their every week, not for the book clubs every Wednesday, and certainly not for the Heartbreakers Inc. office. She remembered having laughed at the concept of Heartbreakers Inc. Who would even go to something like that? Well... apparently her. Ashley stepped inside and made her way to the office, not quite sure what she would do, just sure that it would probably be stupid and out of character.

"Hey, baby. It's me, I just wanted to see if you were ok. I know...that I um, That I am in the wrong and I'm sorry for following you, not trusting you." Eric waited a few seconds and listened some more, trying his best to keep a calm composure "Um, I get it Eric. And I wish you nothing but a wonderful, happy life.....I love you. Bye."

"Listen, uhm, if you have a girlfriend... I'm just going to go." The red-head in the backseat of his truck sat up and pulled on her shirt, brushing her fingers through her hair and biting her lip nervously. She reminded him a lot of Emmie... except for her personality. And for a reason that he wasn't sure of, that broke his heart even more. He should have been happy. He had just slept with a beautiful woman, broken up with his clingy girlfriend, and spent a night away from his family. But he was anything but happy. First off, he missed his family. Rigt now, he deserved to have the shit beat ot of him. He deserved worse. He had just broken up with someone who was beyond perfect. And he had loved her.

Yet, instead of calling her back, he turned to the girl beside him and kissed her "She was no one, just some girl who liked to follow me around. A bit of a stalker really." He flashed her one of his famous smiles and placed a hand on her waist. "Don't worry about it beautiful, I like you. Don't let her ruin it." After he was done spewing out lies, he kissed her again. And like most kisses with girls that he had never learned the name of, one kiss turned into over an hour of messing around in the back seat of an old blue pickup truck. he entire time, he was thinking of Emma though. He was thinking of her hair and her eyes and her lips and just... her. He was thinking of the tears in her eyes the last time he had seen her.

"Leave," Eric said harshly to the girl nestled against him, "Just go. Now." He had pulled away mid kiss, all signs of affection gone. Only a second ago he had been snogging her, now he wanted nothing more for her to leave as quickly as possible.

For a 'stalker,' Emmie was certainly having an effect on Eric. Half an hour later, after his unnamed red-headed lover had left in a hurry, he was drinking. It started with one shot, to stop him from crying. One shot didn't work though; it never did. If anything, it just made him more upset. One shot turned into five; that stopped the tears. Five turned into twelve and over the span of three hours, twelve turned into more then he could count. That night... well at three in the morning, he found himself drunker then he had been in a while, with his cell phone in hand which was never a good combination. The first number that he dialed was his friend Emmett's, a complete mistake due to trembling hands. The second number was the right one. Of course, Emmie wasn't awake when he called, she was more sensible then that. But that didn't stop him from leaving messages, each one more slurred and angry then the last. In one he recalled calling her a "fucking Jesus-freak who didn't give a damn about anyone but herself,"... and that was one of his first calls.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Santiago Character Portrait: Eric Jones
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♥♥Emmalina Santiago♥♥

After a couple hours of wondering what Eric was doing, even though she had an idea. Yea, she knew he got over stuff fast mainly when he didn't really give a flip about it and she knew she was one of them. It was actually quite laugable when she thought about it, why woulda guy like that be in love with her of all people. She went on the rest of her day working out the kinks of her moving trip to Spain next year. Somethine she yet to tell Eric about just for the fact that she was too afraid that he would say something about how she wan't smart enough to get into a community college espically not a college half way across the globe. She got enough of the bull from her brother,Alex. For most of the day she tried to keep focus which wasn't easy for her as most knew if they knew her. There was to much fasinating stuff in the world just to focus on one of them. Yet, she could still focus on one guy unlike some people she knew. But, she knew one thing she wasn't been able to do in a while because she didn't want to seem like a spoiled rotten princess and that was shopping. She grabbed her purse out off of her coat hanger and grabbed her credit card....that may or may not be payed by her parents and started to walk out of her loft that her parents owned in her aparment buliding. What? She wanted to move out of the house...not out on her own.

That night after shopping her butt off at every expensive store she could find. Emmalina opened the door to her living room and dropped maybe around eleven to fourteen bags on her white plush couch. She looked at the time and saw it was midnight. After checking her phone for about the tenth time in a about three minutes she still didn't have a call from Eric. Now, that wasn't like him, no call, no hateful text, nothing. Maybe he really did move on and forgot all about her. She exhaled and just walked into her room to call her parents to see if they found out or not. She never told them about the verbal abuse she took whenever Eric was drunk or in a pissy mood. She wanted them to like him, a little so when and if the time came they would give him permission to marry her. She called her mother who just told her what she already knew. "Princessa, don't even worry about him. You deserve better than that American boy. You need to find yourself a nice Latino who will treat you right." Yea, that didn't happen. It made her feel even worse. After see what people were saying about the break up on her page she put her phone on vibrate and went to sleep promtly around one in the moring. That was too late for her.

Yet, around three in the morning she started to hear her phone. Who calls a girl at three in the morning. Anyone who knows her knows she doesn't stay out that late, what logical person does? She grabbed her phone from her nightstand and smiled seeing Eric's number and picture on her touch screen. She looked and saw she had a few different messages all for the same person. As she listened to them one by one she could feel her heart breaking into a million pieces. "You're just a fucking Jesus-freak who doesn't give a damn about anyone but yourself," Did he really think she didn't care about him? That she was so selfish that she only cared about herself? Really, he was the one saying that to her when really it was the other way around? She exhaled and called back leaving a voicemail. "If that's what you think then maybe we should have never been together in the frist place. You shouldn't have wasted your time on a girl who is so selfish then,Eric. And I shouldn't have wasted my time on someone so cruel." She never felt more angry and sad in her life. Say she isn't inteligent, fine but never say anything bad about how religous she was. That was crossing the line in her line. She knew he wasn't always this way. But, for the past few months he hasn't loved her as much as he used to... Hanging up she felt....different. She never stood up for herself like that before but now, she was sick of the abuse she took from him. Just because he never hit her doesn't mean he still didn't hurt her. She turned her phone off not wanting to hear it ring again if he called. Because she knew she would just start to cry even more than she already was.She was done trying to be the good guy, tomarrow she promised herself that she would go down to this place her brother gve her the name of to hurt Eric just as much as he hurt her. Only if she could remember the name.