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Tracy Riverez

"Just leave me alone and let me read."

0 · 315 views · located in Heathglen

a character in “Heathglen Academy”, originally authored by Miss_Dreamer, as played by RolePlayGateway


Her full name is Tracy Carmilla Montoya Riverez. She prefers Tracy.

She turned 17 this year.

She was born a female and she will always be a female.

Although Tracy doesn't look like one. She is a nerd through and through.

Tracy is a classic nerd. She keeps her face in a book and out of the clouds. She rarely talks to anyone unless it is school related or they are family. She will choose sitting in her dark, quiet room over joining her own family for supper. Sometimes Tracy is a bit invisible. When she doesn't talk people just walk by her or don't even acknowledge her existence. It is something she is use and likes. No need to try and make small talk or even talk at all. She can move through school without any worry. When she isn't studying or reading a book, she is blasting music through her headphones or stereo. She loves listening to the music, singing to the words, and dancing to the beat. Tracy has no skill in dancing or singing, but she loves it.

Tracy has never been the center of bullying. Mostly due to the result of people ignoring her. But she does sometimes cowers under pressure and ends up doing something she shouldn't. The worse she has ever done was change a grade in the grade book. Unlike some people guilt eats away at her. She can't handle it and cracks when confronted. Tracy knows how to keep a secret when needed to and she won't give a hint that she knows about it. She is a great friend according to the few that she has. Although she is terrible at making new friends due to her awkwardness, she knows how to keep one.

She doesn't believe in love at first sight or happy ever afters like most girls. She sees things how they are and what they are. Sometimes she will try and figure out why, but that is only when curiosity gets the better or her. Tracy has never had a boyfriend and she never thinks about it. She is attracted to people, but she never thinks about dating the person or trying to become a girlfriend. She puts schoolwork first and she will happily stay a virgin until she has graduated and become successful.

Clothing Preference:
Her clothing choice consist of jeans and a shirt. She doesn't like dressing up and the only time she does, is for outings with her parents or school dances and things. Most of the time she is just casual. Tracy never had a reason to dress up and she isn't going to find one now.

Appearance Description:
Tracy is 5'8" and 110lbs. She has soft tan skin that she got from her parents. She is a cross between a Caucasian and a Hispanic. The blend of the two races give Tracy long silky brown hair and eyes are a dark blue/grey. They are more blue in the sunlight and more grey when it is dark out. Make up is never a necessity but there are times when she likes to put some on. She has an hourglass figure that she never worked for due to her high metabolism . She eats just as much as the next person, but she won't ever get any bigger than she is. Although she has this beautiful body that came from her mother, she doesn't like to show it off or even think about it.

Tracy was born to Maxwell Riverez and Maria Montoya. Despite the names her father is Hispanic and her mother is Caucasian. Both of her parents graduated with doctorate degrees and they expect Tracy to do the same. Her mother graduated from John Hopkins and is a ER nurse, while her father graduated from Yale and is now an expensive Lawyer. Her parents aren't home often due to the complexity of their jobs, but they never have to worry about their precious daughter. Her older brother Victor Riverez graduated from MIT and enlisted in the army. The first time her left she was 10 years old and the last time she saw him was day before her birthday.

Tracy grew up surrounded by geniuses and she plans on doing the same thing. She wants to graduate from John Hopkins and go to medical school and become a Pediatrician. She loves kids and she wants to be a doctor. When she was younger she used to pretend to be her mother and go around 'fixing' people. She would put band-aids on her father, hit her brother with the medical mallet, and she would give her mom fake shots. At one point she prescribed her brother to gummy bears when he deployed the first time.

Unfortunately, Tracy was the subject of bullying for about 3 years when she was in middle school. She was considered the nerd and people did would always pick on her. They would make fun of her, her family, her grades, mostly what she looked like. She wasn't as pretty. She would always wear baggy clothing and hide herself away. She would sit in the back and never talk to anyone at school. After the abuse she changed. Although not drifting for her actual style, she altered it so that she was no longer the subject of bullying.

Now in high school she is just ignored by people. It was better than the way it used to be. At times she misses being noticed, but she would always drift back to the thought of bullying and liked it this way. She was never good at making friends since she put school first so she doesn't mind being lonely. When she is at home she will Skype her brother and they will talk until he is needed again. He once stayed up with her throughout the night and she fell asleep on her laptop. When she woke up there was a note on the computer screen saying that he loved an missed her. That was all she needed.

Her Parents
Her Brother
Being Alone

Her Brother being deployed
Peer Pressure
Loud Noises
Dressing Up

Strengths (Classes):
Weaknesses (Classes):
World History
Ancient Mythology
None. Tracy doesn't want a relationship.

So begins...

Tracy Riverez's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette Character Portrait: Tracy Riverez
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Tracy stood in the bathroom staring at herself in the mirror. It was another year at Heathglen and she was thinking about all the things that could possible go wrong. Last year she was pushed around and put under a lot of pressure. She didn't want to go through that again. She hated the gossip and drama. Running her hand through her hair she left the bathroom with a towel wrapped around herself. Her mother was waiting for her so that she could be dropped off at school. Standing before her closet she picked out the usual outfit and then walked back into the bathroom.

She brushed out the knots in her hair and then tied it up into a ponytail. One last look in the mirror she put chapstick on her lips and then walked back out to her bedroom. She grabbed all her bags and walked down the stairs and got into the car. She checked her iPhone for emails from her brother. There were none. She put in her headphones and got into the front seat. It was a long car ride and she didn't want to be awake during it.

"Tracy wake up," Tracy heard. Her music had automatically turned off when she fell asleep and she could hear everything going one around her. Lifting her head off the window she looked around at the school that would be her home until the next break. Tracy turned and hugged her mother goodbye. "Bye mom," she said getting out the car with all her bags. Her mother pulled away and Tracy made her way to her room.

She claimed the bottom bunk and she started unpacking clothes. Only half of the room was hers so she made sure to make sure space was left for her roomie. When she was done she reapplied her chapstick and she checked her phone again. Nothing. She left the room and walked down to the cafeteria. She was starving and the cafe was still serving food.

She grabbed a bagel, coffee, and a banana. She sat at a table near a girl that seemed familiar. With a closer look she saw that it was Sara. She looked good, but Tracy kept that to herself. She didn't want to seem creepy. She bit into her bagel and sipped her coffee slowly wanting the day to go by faster.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joshlynn Markene Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette Character Portrait: Ryan Vance Character Portrait: Tracy Riverez
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Sara smiled lightly Tracy, before standing and flattening out her skirt, and walking outside. She could've sworn she saw Ryan, and she was craving a smoke like it was nobodies buisness. She slowly walked outside, smirking slightly to herself as she was able to walk comfortably in her heels like she had never been able to previously. She looked down at her outfit: Though she didn't really wear outfits such as this, she felt that she had earned the right to do so after working hard all summer.

She smiled to herself, finding Ryan. She approached him quickly, giving him a wry smile, and a small wave, "Hey there Ryan." she said, standing beside him, "How's life on the richer side?" she teased, winking slightly, "Mind if I bum a drag?" she asked lightly, until Joshlynn knocking it out of his hand and stepped on it, "What where the fuck you're going. Last I checked he didn't ask you to impede on his life choices, you damn rich bitch," Sara hissed, her smile falling quickly, as she glared behind her sun-glasses. She had never been able to stand the Rich Preps.