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Erling Skjeggestad

0 · 728 views · located in Camp

a character in “Hell's summer camp”, originally authored by gargus.mcalpin, as played by RolePlayGateway


Innocence - Avril Lavigne
Lego House - Ed Sheeran
Live Forever in a Day - Ten Falls Forth
(sitting on left)
(on left)
(second on left)
Name: Erling Skjeggestad
Age: 17
Social role: Exchange student
Fears: frozen fjords, getting caught, confinement
Likes: sailing, writing stories about sailing with a close friend
Dislikes: authority figures who are bullys
Random things packed for camp: a "letter" from someone
History: Not much is known about Erling except that he is an exchange student from Norway.
Other facts about character:

So begins...

Erling Skjeggestad's Story


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Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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#, as written by Leda
She looked at him, tilting her head slightly in abit of confusion "Hm? What do you mean?"


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Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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"The guy that I told you about earlier today," he said. "who was leader of dorm C at the juvenile detention school. He used to help me write stories, and at one point we wrote that we sailed off to America. We never got to finish the story though."
Erling paused a moment, a look of deep contemplation on his face.
"So you can say I'm here because of that memory. Sounds pretty silly huh?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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#, as written by Leda
She shook her head "No. no of course not. Infact is sounds pretty nice....having a memory that you held in your heart, that you'd love to be wrapped up in." She smiled up at him and said "I'd love to help you write a story that gives you a memory as good as that one..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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Erling looked ahead, nodding slowly.
"I'd appreciate that. Or we can finish the story ourselves.. It's not like I'd ever meet him again. Although he joked that we might see each other again at sea. If he ever saw me somewhere, he'd think I was a ghost. Want me to read it to you up to where we wrote?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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#, as written by Leda
She nodded excitedly and grinned "Heck yea! i'd love to hear it!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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Erling took out a band of folded pieces of papers from his jacket and unfolded them. The papers appeared to have once been part of a traveler's journal, were heavily wrinkled and appeared to have been dried after accidently being soaked with water.
"The whole thing's a bit long so I'll just read some of the good parts," Erling said as he put on his reading glasses. "and it's written in Norwegian so, sorry if it sounds a bit funny in English."
He briefly looked at Shawnee, looking somewhat abashed, then began reading them.
"We had sailed for weeks, until we finally saw the whale again. Up close it was huge. Twenty-five meters long at least, and covered in scars, from all the battles it had fought..."
"Our cook wasn't much to brag about. You should have seen how skinny I had become. I couldn't eat fish any more..."
"Our captain has a high opinion of himself, but he's actually a fool. The crew members are afraid of him. Until we had enough, and decided we didn't want to take orders from him..."
"I've gotten to know someone. He's done everything right for six years, and now he's going ashore. We took the boat and sailed off to America, where we were fed mackerel and herring..."
Erling stopped reading there. His eyes remained on the papers for a good while with his lips parted, as if disappointed that the story ended there.
"So... yeah. What do you think?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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#, as written by Leda
She had been watching him as he read, an amused grin had settled on her face "I think it's good. Very well written, though it leaves unanswered questions, like did anything happen on your way? Do you run into the scarred whale again? Did you meet anyone or do anything significant in America? It needs a spectacular ending."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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"Yeah, that's where it was left off. I got separated from that guy and I've never heard from him since. Those are just some of the paragraphs in it but I can read the full thing to you if you want. Most of this stuff was written while we we're in the latrine after asking permission, or while we were locked up in solitary confinement for beating up one of the housefathers. We didn't get too much free time because we were almost always being used for cheap labor."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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#, as written by Leda
She shook her head, her smile shrinking, but still clearly there "Nah, i don't think i'd have enough time to appreciate it...How bout instead we talk about our lives, it's like telling a story, but it's all true. How bout you, anything significant you can tell me from your life?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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Erling looked at Shawnee, looking like he didn't know what to say.
"The last time someone asked me that," he said slowly. "I wasn't even allowed to talk about it."
"I spent about half a year at a school for juvenile boys on a small Norwegian island called Bastøy. I got in there for.. murder. Don't ask how it happened. It wasn't intentional. And I suppose you can say the guy had it coming. Anyways, we spent most of our time working in a wheat field, shoveling manure, and chopping down trees. Reading and math were the only subjects taught there. Church on Sundays. The only way we could get out was with the governor's signature."
Erling paused to see if Shawnee wanted to say something.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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#, as written by Leda
She simply nodded respectfully and said "your life seems a television show, continue if you wish..." She looked back at him, hoping maybe he would be comfortable with sharing more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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"We we're referred to by our numbers. I was called C19. Our dorm leader, the guy I told you about, who's name was Olav Fossen, was C1. I called him the governor's galley boy. The governor was an old man who lived with his wife on the island and would tell us we'd never get off this island unless he found the responsible, resourceful, and cooperative boy in each of us. He told me there was no past nor future on Bastøy. The world outside could be drowning and it would have nothing to do with us, he said. Initially, I told him I didn't belong there, got into a couple fights with some other boys, tried to find a rowboat off the island until I realized I'd have to play along with their rules if I didn't want to get beat up or be forced to move heavy rocks around for no reason. And... I'll tell you more tomorrow."
"What about you? What's your story?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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#, as written by Leda
She looked down abit, thinking. "Hm...Well, i've always done good in school. I used to live with my mum and dad in a little house. I had a brother who moved out to live with his girlfriend 4 years ago. My dad left us when i was thirteen, and i since my mum couldn't pay bills alone, we moved to a small apartment. My aunt lives with us on and off since we have the room, And after my dad left i refused to talk to him or my mum as a bit of rebellion. I got my first tattoo, which is the one that matched my mum's when i was about 16. My dad hated tattoos so much, always told me not to get one. But i did." She looked at him to see if he was still listening, but continued even if he wasn't.
"My mum's side of the family is russian, so we started talking in russian around the house, It was just something we did so no one could understand us. She speaks russian on the phone with people when she doesn't want to talk to them, to. She has a pretty thick accent, but i always liked it, even as a kid. I don't have one, but some people say it's faintly there, but i've never heard it. I wish it was like my mums though...her voice is nice, I always thought thats why dad loved her...her voice is so beautiful..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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"Men like all kinds of things nowadays. When Olav was leaving after six long years at the island, I told him he can do whatever he wants now that he's free. I told him he can get a wife now and he looked at me with a funny look on his face and didn't know what to say. And the governor was married to a lady who looked 20 years younger than him. They lived together on the island. She seemed a bit like the strict librarian type and the governor must have been into that. She used to look all scared when I was around. I've never thought about it too seriously though."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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#, as written by Leda
She nodded "I're tall and muscular, it's abit scary. But i'm guessing alot of guys you worked with were like that. I never knew what my dad liked though. One minute it was my mom, the next it was his girlfriend Sierra..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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"Men without passion for anything other than women cheat. They keep going from one woman to the next because they're looking for something, or someone who can make them feel complete. No woman can make a man feel that way. At least not completely. But I'm sure your mum can find another man? One who can make her happy. But how would you feel about that though? If she met a new guy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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#, as written by Leda
She shrugged "I don't know how i would feel. To be honest she never talked about finding a new husband. She never has time, she's such a busy women, and she believes that you only fall in love once. She hasn't fallen in love again..."
She looked down as she thought though, "I think i'd be upset if she did find someone...i love my dad despite the fact he was an ass...he loved me more than anything, or i thought he did...i don't think anyone can replace my dad..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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Erling listened quietly, contemplating on her words and smiled to himself.
"Yeah, and since you're a girl I suppose you wouldn't need a father-figure as much as guys your age."
Erling took out a pack of cigarettes from his one of pockets, took one to his lips and lit it.
He exhaled a puff of smoke and looked at Shawnee.
"Its funny how people tend to just drift apart isn't it? But, sometimes its better that way. I havn't seen C1 in almost a year and it feels like it's been decades. He thinks I'm dead. And I'm glad that I'll always be an idea to him. A form of inspiration. He's a different person now. I'm sure of it."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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#, as written by Leda
she shrugged and frowned slightly "who says i don't need a father figure, hm? I was 13, i never got to go places with my dad, i never learned to hit a baseball, i'm afraid of drowning cause my dad never taught me to swim. My mom had to get a job and so she never taught me any of it, and my dad gave up on us even before he left! who the hell says i don't need a dad!?" She yelled, feeling her ears get warm. She noticed the anger in her face and looked away quickly, her hands curling into fists.

"Just because i'm a girl doesn't mean i don't need a father..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erling Skjeggestad Character Portrait: Shawnee Adams
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Erling listened calmly, looking slightly surprised.
"You turned out perfectly fine anyway though, right? You pretty much grew up without a dad. That makes two of us. In fact my mother was the island Bastøy, and my father the governor. My mother was cold, unsympathetic, cruel even. She wouldn't allow us to venture anywhere away from her and gave us nothing but work in the wheat fields and the woods. And the governor was the kind of guy who was living in the wrong era. Where knights upheld chivalry in public and the women were forced to be pious and chaste. You and I have something in common."
"I can't teach you baseball, because we Norwegians don't play it. But I can teach you how to swim at least?" he suggested, glancing at the lake some distance away.