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Hale Erickson


0 · 286 views · located in Early Europe

a character in “Her Majesty's Requiem”, as played by Merchant


Name:Hale Erickson
Gender: Male
Class (Job):Former Requiem Instructor: Currently A Resident at Cheshire's Insane Asylum
Special skills or abilities: Enhanced Memory (Adoptive Muscle Memory and Eidetic Memory)
AMM: His body can perfectly imitate anything physical act that he sees.
EM: Much like a photographic memory only he can recall anything that he has experienced through any of his senses with perfect clarity (includes instant recall)
Equipment (if any):Self and straight jacket
Appearance:He is 5'8" weighing 140 lbs. Hehas a lean but muscular build, but it has gotten leaner due to the feeding or lack of feeding from the Asylum. His eyes are green and hair is white and he has perfect teeth which fit into a mouth that seems to smile far too much and far to wide when he gets 'thrilled'

Personality: He was believed to be a level headed person. He was calculating and strict but now he seems to get lost in killing all before him. He is Psychotic and has no allegiance to anyone and has been labeled an armed supernatural and that any contact with him would cause instant death, which is more or less true.

Bio: Hale was a gifted child due to his ability to instantly learn anything and everything he came across. Requiem had sent him at the early age 10 to travel the world and learn about different countries self defense and fighting styles. He did so and for over four years he travelled. When he returned his body was a lethal weapon despite his size and age. He dispatched current trainers and explained to them how it was done. For two years he trained the soldiers of Requiem until one day he was called out on a mission himself. He slaughtered everyone. He had first started with disarming but as the battle escalated he ended up killing people. he realized how easy it was to end a life and soon ended all those around him including any ally that got too close. The battle ended with him standing on a pile of corpses and he was smiling. With careful efforts Requiem subdued him and placed him in a special asylum that houses supernatural criminals that were being interrogated for information.

So begins...

Hale Erickson's Story


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Hale looked down at the body on the floor. The guard had been exactly where he had been instructed to be, so it was not his fault. In truth even though Hale was certifiably insane, his mental faculties were perfectly fine. He had allowed his watchers to believe that he could move only a certain distance in a certain position. It was a hard to believe he could move that far while strapped up tight in a straight jacket but he had to make it seem like that was the best he could do.

Hale didn't waste anymore time as he slowly began to pop his joints out and wriggle against the specialized straight jacket. He bit back the pain as his joints continued to pop one after the other. he resetted them when he needed to using the floor and his own body. Within Five minutes the straight jacket was undone and he took off the mouth cover taking a deep breath of air.

"Okay, my little cadets," he muttered to himself. "It is time we have a crash course and see how well you have followed my instructions." With a large grin he kicked down the door and dispatched the three surprised guards in an instant. Not even checking to see if they had stopped breathing or not he dashed in a random direction knowing he would hit an exit sooner or later.


An emergency exit door opened slowly as a body slumped against it and fell to the floor. Hale stepped over it as if it was not even there. His straight jacket covered in blood splatters. He moved in a hurried walk as he slipped himself out of the jacket and dropped it on the ground. He continued his walk naked through the forest until he found the outer wall. He admired their caution noticing there were no trees nearby. He followed the wall until he found one that seemed more worn out with cracks. He kicked them a few times letting it break and crumble more. With effort he was able to make it over the wall and he landed on the other side back into a forest. He moved quickly and quietly only pausing to dispatch guards before breaking into the opposite direction to throw them off.

It had probably been an hour and forty five minutes before he saw the signs of the city. A small smile appeared on his face. He looked down at his lack of clothes wondering if it would matter, but realized he could simply make something up. The day was long and air was fresh. His feet ached from running bare footed but he didn't really mind the pain. He would share the pain with others and it would be much worse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Bloody Doll Character Portrait: Black Lace Character Portrait: Hale Erickson Character Portrait: Lloyd Greywalker Character Portrait: Father Heinrich von Holstein Character Portrait: Der Alptraum (Nightmare)
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The vampire paced back and forth around a small table in his personal quarters. On the table was a map layout of the entire base; Nightmare had indicated where the main battles were taking place. The Obsidian Snow soldiers would be able to hold their own against the police militia that was raiding. Every man and woman of Obsidian Snow was trained in armed and unarmed combat: it was a necessity, regardless of position. Scientists, spies, arcane specialists...everyone had to fight at one moment in their 'career'; however, Nightmare knew the battle was not swaying in Obsidian Snow's favour. Nightmare knew Lilith had to be right: it was a trap, but for who was the question that clouded Nightmare's mind. The only thing that could have sparked a sudden attack had to be Lilith's appearance. She had mentioned she was an experiment; no doubt a Requiem military project. Unfortunately for her previous masters, the weapon was about to be unleashed. Nightmare exited his chambers and began a quick pace through the shadows to keep an eye on his new ally.

Had Black Lace been her normal self, she could have provided reinforcements, intelligence, a warning, and limitless support. Nightmare knew her dissent would leave her absent from the ongoing struggle. Most of the Obsidian Snow forces considered Nightmare to be the de facto leader of Obsidian Snow, despite not wanting the position. Many agents started reporting to him for orders; Nightmare would usually just dismiss them and command them to go to Black Lace for orders. The vampire also received reports that many troops have started deserting the organization, forming their own crime syndicates. Nightmare sighed, it was as though a revolution was taking place within Obsidian Snow.

"My Lord," a voice whispered. Nightmare turned his head to see an Obsidian Snow agent cowering in the corner, blood drenched on his uniform. The vampire cautiously crept to the injured man. "Speak," he commanded.
"I was coming here to report something," he confessed, coughing as he spoke, "but I was attacked by a crazed man... he was no normal policeman." The man stopped to cough up some blood, indicating internal bleeding. "He had a priest with him, they took one of us away to be interrogated." Nightmare stood up, angered by the news and turned to deal with the issue: the Requiem was here.
"There's more, my Lord," the man interrupted, "I came to report that... Hale Erickson has escaped from Requiem captivity." Nightmare was shocked to hear that he had managed to escape one of the most heavily guarded Requiem-ran facilities. "I saw him while doing a reconnaissance run near the forest on the outskirts of the city." Nightmare put a hand on the man's shoulder.
"You've done your part, and a great service to this organization." Nightmare placed his hands on the man's cheeks and twisted, violently snapping the man's neck. "Now to exterminate a pest problem."


Heinrich was surprised by Lloyd's question, it caught him off guard, and for once, Heinrich felt useful. He smiled and quickly took out his large, pointed-edged cross and a vial of holy water.

"Well, Lloyd," Heinrich stated, smiling, "vampires happen to be my speciality." Heinrich took some time to splash a small amount of the holy water on his forehead to wash off the makeup, revealing the permanent cross on his forehead. "At the Vatican, they taught us how to defeat, and kill God's enemies. Humans are simple to kill, but a vampire, a werewolf, a demon... those requires fineness, and I spent years fine-tuning the art." Heinrich stopped to mutter a protection prayer for himself and Lloyd, before opening his eyes and looking around to assess the area.

"I take it we're going to see this vampire shortly?" Heinrich attempted to hide his heavy disdain for vampires; one vampire killed his family. It was the reason he became a part of the church and specifically why he worked to become a 'hunter' of sorts. Vengeance was a main motive, but Heinrich quickly turned away from the dark path; a part of him still desired the death and destruction of the vampire race.


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Character Portrait: Hale Erickson
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Hale Erickson stepped out of an alley wearing clothes that were too long for him. He folded the pant legs up several times until they not only stayed but allowed his feet to touch the ground. He had spotted several supernatural beings running around the town. Apparently something was going on and his pupils were completely useless. He looked back in the alley where four bodies lay there none of them moving. One demon, I vampire and two humans. It had been the vampire that was just his size. It was the blood that seemed to call the creature to the alley.

"Such simple creatures," muttered softly as he walked into the main straight looking well out of place but no one bothered looking at him for too long for it seemed to unnerve them.. He snatched a wallet from a pick pocket right after she had snatched from another person. He walked into a bakery and bought a fresh loaf of warm bread. he then crossed the street over to a café and sat down. He made his order and waited less than a 20 seconds when the waitress quickly brought some butter, cheese, and some tea. Hale felt more calm as he took his surroundings in. They probably wanted to get him out as soon as possible. He understood, but he took his time regardless.