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"Careful what it is you wish for. You might just get us."

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a character in “Heretics: Chronicles of Baekoth”, as played by Talisman


Power is power, the law of the land.
Tili tili bom...
Your blood's gone bad,
Count the bodies like sheep,



"See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil. But do not fool yourself into believing that evil does not exist. Do not live your life hiding your head, lest you be unable to see when we take it from you."

"Be careful now. A sweet face can hide the monster beneath."

∞ Description ∞

Gehenna appears to be, at least on the surface, just a regular young woman in her mid-twenties. Her lips can always be found pursed together, and she always seems to be staring down her nose at everyone she comes into contact with. A air of pride and haughtiness follows her with every step and she carries herself in a way that would befit royalty rather than just some girl. She's a rather average height for a woman of her apparent age, standing in somewhere at the far end of the five foot spectrum. Her build is also rather ordinary, slender without any extreme edges and just the right thickness in various areas to be an attractive sort.

Her hair is a deep brown color that tend to fall in perfectly straight locks down the sides of her face, with the locks that would fall into her eyes brushed off to the side. It's kept immaculately straight with no frizz or split-ends to be found anywhere. In fact, it's kept a little too perfect and this is where things begin to turn from an innocent young girl to some more sinister. Her eyes are not any of the usual colors or hues found in the ordinary person, but rather a startling iridescent white that seem to shift from angle to angle.

Her face is attractive, possessing a certain youthfulness about it. It's rounded with no jarring edges or imperfections except for a spattering of freckles. Her brows are angled and sharp at one end but begin to thicken as they arch. Her nose is rounded and rather button like with a red blush converging on the tip. Her lips are often pursed and possess a natural cherry red coloration. Whenever she smiles-- and she does smile, it's a curvy, evil smirking thing that feels more dangerous than pleasant. The subdued scent of sulfur remains alongside her wherever she ventures.

The minor details begin to add up and reveal the truth. She is not so innocent as she may first appear. It's simply a guise to hide her true self, taken from the memories of Balthazar at the time of her summoning. He has since revealed to her that the she inhabits was once named Rowan to him, before it became her human form. Her true self is something far more dark. Gehenna is a literal devil. When she discards her human form, she gains another foot and a half to her height, standing in somewhere in the lofty seven foot range, and her skin turns to ash. Her white eyes intensify as the sclera around the pupils darken to a gray. Her hair turns into a pitch black and a pair of horns sprout from either side of her head, looping in a downward spiral. Scars also present themselves on her body, but the most prominent feature is the pair of mottled black feathery wings that stretch from her back.

As mortals don't tend to handle this form very well, she can thankfully usually be found in her human guise.

∞ Appearance ∞
Hair: Deep brown locks that fall in immaculate straight lines on either side of her face and brushed to the side out of her face.
Eyes: An eerie, decidedly inhuman iridescent white
Build: Slender and lithe, with a certain thickness in the right places.
Skin Tone: Slightly pale, bereft of any and all sunburns that should associate with such a skin tone.
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 135 lbs
Voice: Once Upon a Dream...
Handed: Ambidextrous
Body Markings: Freckles dominate the body of her human form, from a liberal dusting on her cheeks all the way to her shoulders and down her chest.
Unique Body Features: She retains a remarkable ability to keep clean even in the wilderness, however a subdued scent of sulfur always seem to follow her.

∞ Name ∞

∞ Nickname ∞
Blackbird, Rook, Crow, and, of course, Birdy. Though, so far only Balthazar can get away with calling her any of these.

∞ Title ∞
Lady of Crows, the Sanguine Princess, and some other ones that are a touch too melodramatic for her.

∞ Race ∞

∞ Visual Age ∞

∞ Factual Age ∞

∞ Gender ∞

∞ Sexual Orientation ∞

∞ Class ∞
Mechanically, Mage. Literally, minor Blood Devil.

"We hear them scream 'burn the devil!' Wailing as they stand before us. They can try. It won't help them, but they can try."

Oh, she's a nasty bitch alright. The pretty little human is a facade, and it doesn't take much for one to realize that. Gehenna's a literal devil in sheep's clothing, whispering sweet temptations to those foolish and weak-willed enough to listen. She thinks of nothing else other than herself, and how best she can benefit. Her heart does not blood, for that would be a waste of her precious blood, and she does not feel except for the power that flows through her veins. She's dour and dismissive and her heart, if she has one, is as black as night.

She carries herself with a regal bearing, suitable to someone whose title include Sanguine Princess. Gehenna is haughty, proud, conceited, and entirely self important. She believes herself to be above the mortals of this realm, and it bleeds into each word she says and into each move she makes. She cares not for the thoughts of others, especially as they pertain to her. She understands the concepts of social norms, it's just that she doesn't give much of a damn about them. She frequently invades personal spaces, rarely hides the contempt and disgust on her face, and the only reason she keeps herself clothed in her human form is because of the tendency for the eyes of men to wander.

It sometimes makes her difficult to deal with, but on the days that she is in a better mood it is possible. In these moods, she can found to be a rather humorous individual, if dark. She likes to tease mortals, and employs frequent use of sarcasm. Notably, because of her inability to lie, her style of sarcasm is a bit different, found mostly in her eyes and facial expression, as well as her tendency to state the blindly obvious with a simple note of surprise. It does not also keep her from positing hypothetical situations, no matter how absurd. When she laughs, and she does laugh, it's not a light, pleasant thing, but a malicious and conceited chuckle.

Gehenna is also in possession of an uncommon ambition and drive. Her ambitions consist mainly of obtaining more power for herself and rising above her station in the Infernal realms, so instead of simply being the Lady of Crows, she can become the Queen of them. She enjoys the idea of a good challenge, but it must be considered worthy in her eyes, lest she consider it simply annoying. If she does consider the challenge worthy of her, then she throws herself at it in an effort to conquer it wholly and completely.

A devil is a dangerous creature who will use and discard anyone and anything that suits her purpose and whim, though there resides a twisted sort of honor with her. For one, she is unable to lie and makes no effort to conceal it. She can choose not to answer or answer in half-truths which can be just as dangerous, but no outright lies. She also shows some respect to the blood that she has drained from her enemies in that she never refers to herself in singular terms, instead acknowledging that the power she wields comes from the power of others by referring to herself in plural terms. And if her respect is earned, then she displays a different side, no longer the haughty, better-than-you devil, but a noble demon who will treat you fairly and with respect as that of an equal. The teasing may remain, but no longer is it edged with her ego.

Gehenna is a devil, a creature not of this realm. Her life extends into centuries and it has instilled a certain patience in her. She can wait as long as need be in order to obtain something that she desires, like a spider waiting in a web. She is not a flighty creature, despite the crow moniker, and her whims are usually straight forward. Power and blood, in equal measure. However, understand that sometimes the quickest way from point A to point B is not a straight line.

∞ Quirks ∞
  • Nosism || Gehenna has the noticeable habit of referring to herself in primarily plural terms. There's no me, my, or I's, but we, ours, and us. There's a point to this, and it's to show proper respect to the souls held within the blood that run through her veins. Her powers run primarily off of blood of others, and she shows an, admittedly, begrudging respect to them. It's no thanks, but an acknowledgment of their unwilling sacrifice.
  • Etiquette || What use does a devil have for the mortal notion of Etiquette? Gehenna does not care for the concept of personal space or privacy, and if something is on her mind then she'll state it for all to hear, plain as day. She will do as she pleases, whenever she pleases, and you won't stop her. This is not to say she does not understand this world's social norms, it's just that she couldn't give less of a damn. She actually finds the reactions she garners because of this humorous.
  • Conceit || A devil is a proud being, and this is clearly evident in Gehenna. She places herself on a pedestal far above he usual stock of mortals from this world, whom she views as more a source of blood and power than actual individuals. Her usual tone of voice is condescending and respect is a hard entity to wrest from her. The only one who has so far earned such a lofty prize is Balthazar.
  • Otherwordly || Though her primary silhouette is human, only watching Gehenna for a short time makes it clear that she's not of this world. As a devil, she does not need food nor water for nourishment, and will only partake for the taste alone. Instead, she imbibes blood, and it does not so much as nourish as add to the wellspring of power she commands. She also does not need to sleep, and it is not rare for one to wake up with her having watched them sleep through the night.

∞ Moral Alignment ∞
Lawful Evil

∞ Virtue/Creed ∞
"Ambition and the power to pursue it."

∞ Motivation ∞
What Gehenna desires above all else is power and to rise far above her station as a minor devil in the otherworld and possess a position of dominance there. Balthazar and his justice are just a means to an end to her. If they were to slay and drain a few mortal of their precious blood along the way, then that's just fine with her.

∞ Fears ∞
  • Death || Mortality is a hard concept for a devil to grasp and it worries Gehenna that all she strives and works toward will just up and vanish in a wisp of smoke. It is a fear that she keeps locked away and buried far beneath a veneer of pride and vanity. So far, that she does not allow herself to even humor the concept of her own mortality, even if it is possible.
  • Weakness || Another effect of her conceit, she does not allow herself to believe that she has any weaknesses, even if it's apparent that she possesses a few. To be brought face-to-face with her own fragility is terrifying and is seen as irrefutable proof that she is not as powerful as she believe she is. A truly powerful being would not have any weaknesses after all, but even if she is a devil she is only a minor one in the scheme of the universe.

∞ Goal ∞
Is to obtain the soul of a God too lofty a goal? Gehenna does not believe so, and though their reasons for it may differ, Bathazar and Gehenna's goal align in this regard. That is, to slay Aule. They do not share simple ambitions, but since when has a devil's ambition been anything but simple?


∞ Likes ∞
  • Blood || More intoxicating than alcohol, blood is what fuels her power and what sustains her. It's safe to say that Gehenna has sort of an addiction to it. While possible for her to abstain from it for a period of time, she tends to get grumpy and moody the longer she goes without, and after an extended period she actually begins to weaken from the lack of it. Given enough time without finding a source to replenish her power, she can essentially starve to death.
  • Power || Power in it's simplest form, Gehenna wishes to rise up from just a minor devil into something much more. Ambition drives her, and power is both the driving force and the goal she wants to obtain at the end. However, the mere sensation of powerful magics at her fingertips and to see the sheer force of her will (figuratively) move mountains is a drug of it's own. The feel of dominating lesser creatures with solely her will sends shivers up her spine, and it's enough for her to attempt to slay a God for the chance at more.
  • Animals || Not butterflies and bunnies mind you, but Gehenna as a certain attachment to the creatures that she is able to become. In particular she shows a certain predilection towards the darker sect of creatures such as wolves, snakes, cats, spiders, and of course, crows. While she cannot summon familiars as a witch or wizard can, she can neither draw power from these creatures. However, she demonstrates a certain respect and understanding toward them, and they seem to be at ease around her, while certain other animals tend to get spooked at her presence. Horses and domesticated dogs hate her, for example.

∞ Dislikes ∞
  • Salt || While not fatal, it still stings. Pouring a line of salt on the ground is at least enough to slow her down and look for a way around it, but it won't stop her for long. Where a lesser demon would be completely halted, Gehenna is only mildly inconvenienced and somewhat pissed that a mortal had the gall to try and stop her with a fucking condiment. However, with a vast enough quantity, it is possible to kill her with it. One would need to completely submerge her in it, so... Good luck with that.
  • Silver || Again, not immediately fatal but damn it hurts. She can take a stab or two from a silver weapon with no adverse affects aside from, you know, getting fucking stabbed. However, unlike the salt, enough stabs from a silver blade can and will kill her.
  • Iron || Same idea as silver, but to a lesser degree. She can actually wield an iron weapon for a short amount of time before it starts to burn, and a stab from one would be slower to heal than otherwise. However, like silver, enough stabs is enough to kill her as well, it'll just take a little more hacking than it would with a silver blade.
  • Holly || A plant. She hates this plant. The mere scent of holly on the wind is enough to trigger an allergic reaction, causing sneezing, coughing, and wheezing. Ingesting it is excruciating and enough to put her out of commission for awhile. Continuous exposure weakens her, but like salt, it requires an extended time to actually kill her.

∞ Strengths ∞
  • Demonic || Gehenna is not mortal, and certain strengths stem from that. For one, she's extremely hardy, able to take more punishment than an ordinary mortal and keep on moving. She is not invincible by any means, but she is hewn from a different fiber. Only iron and silver weapons will do any lasting damage to her. She also has a healing factor that allows her to recover from wounds in days in what would take a human weeks. She is also stronger than the average human, neither needs food, water, or sleep to function, and the climate doesn't seem to affect her.
  • Dark Magic || Blood magic in it's simplest form. She has the ability to draw the magic from the blood she consumes and use it to power her abilities. Of course, she needs a supply of blood for it to be effective, but as a Blood Devil, she has the ability to draw more power from the blood than the rudimentary blood magic of mortal witches. Of course, witches do not need blood to actually live-- so there's that. Otherwise, she is well versed in the practice of infernal magic, as to be expected of the devil.
  • Sociopathic || Empathy is a foolish mortal construct, one that she has no use for. Everyone and everything has its use and if they do not then they stand to be discarded or drained of their blood. Gehenna does not feel pity or sorry for those beneath her, and doesn't care what their thoughts about her are. The only thing she cares about is of what use you are to her.

∞ Weaknesses ∞
  • Pride || A proud devil, how novel. Gehenna is conceited and self-important, so much so that she has a tendency to underestimate individuals. It is possible to catch her by surprise by acting in a way she does not expect. Not only that, but there are certain things she will not lower herself in doing if she feels it beneath her. Her pride can be trying and a general pain in the ass for her allies, and an opportunity for her enemies.
  • Lying || Whether it is some by-product of being a devil or if it's just a pride thing, Gehenna is totally incapable of telling a lie. It is one of the questions that Gehenna declines to answer-- usually with a smirk on her face. That being said, it is obvious that she can choose to simply not answer a question. Also, she is not beholden to hypotheticals, able to posit any no matter how absurd, though it is up to you decide if she is serious or not. However, she will never outright lie, she'll leave that to Gods and Men.
  • Typical Demon Weaknesses || Silver, iron, holly, salt, holy water, all of the typical demon weakness, she has them. Every one of them is capable of weakening her and some killing her. There is also the little fact of exorcism which is thankfully a rare thing to find amongst the witches. Still, the right phrases in abyssal can banish her to a state of limbo for a certain period of time, after which she manifests back at Balthazar's side majorly pissed and parched.
  • Balthazar || While she respects the man and the power he is able to wield, there is no denying that they are bound by a Lifebond and therefore she sees him as a type of liability. Her life is directly intertwined with his, so if either of them were to perish, the other isn't too far behind. It makes her a little antsy to know that her life isn't completely in her hands, so she has taken to watching over him like a hawk when they are together.

∞ Is your character literate? In what languages? ∞
  • Infernal/Abyssal/Arcanum || Well... Gehenna is a devil. She is as practiced in the magical tongues as a mortal scholar would be in common. Not only that, but she is well-versed in both the spoken and written application of the languages. She appreciates Balthazar's grasp of her language, even if it does sound a bit stilted to her ears.
  • Common || A sort of one-way osmosis occurred when Balthazar summoned her and as a side effect of their contract she has inherited his grasp upon the common tongue, so she can read and write just as well as he can. However, do not expect her to be penning poetry any time soon. Her heart does not bleed, because for one that's a waste of precious blood.
  • Elvish || Gehenna doesn't even understand why they know this language, or what use Balthazar has for it. Again, it's the effect of the osmosis of languages, though decidedly less useful than the common tongue. She never has any use for it, and scoffs at the very idea of it. Why couldn't he have learned something more useful instead?

"Power is intoxicating and addictive. There is nothing more satisfying than feel of it; the defeat of an enemy and adding his essence and strength to ours. If you do not wish to suffer the same fate, then do not cross us."


Rating System
[Perfect] - [Excellent] - [Good] - [Above Average] - [Average] - [Below Average] - [Poor] - [Very Poor]

∞ Combativeness ∞
Hand-to-Hand Combat:
[Above Average] As a devil, Gehenna possesses a greater than average strength. That strength is perhaps the only reason she isn't terrible at hand-to-hand combat, as she retains her demonic strength even in her human form. That being said, she doesn't know how to practically apply it, and sees throwing a punch as beneath her. She can strangle someone with her bare hands if given to it, and throwing a person across the room is always an option, but simply throwing hands is out of the question.

Melee Combat:
[Poor] Seeing how most weapons are made in part of iron, and iron tends to burn her flesh after all, Gehenna forgoes the typical melee weapons of their realm. Of course the only thing stopping her from breaking a wooden pole over someone's back is her pride, and her pride is something difficult for her to overcome. Even if she was capable and willing, she has no training in the mortal forms, and would most likely lose in a contest of arms.

Ranged Combat:
[Poor] Why do mortals insist on using tools to do the killing for them. Gehenna has never even seen a bow in her centuries of living, much less fired one but it's safe to say that her aim would be rather poor-- if she ever stooped low enough to attempt it, of course. Even more so for other ranged weapons like slings, knives, or javelins.

Magic Combat:
[Excellent] For all she lacks in physical armament, Gehenna more than makes up for it with her control of the arcane arts, granted she has an adequate supply of blood stored inside her. She would be considered an accomplished sorceress were it not for the little fact that she isn't mortal. Her specialties lie within the knowledge of the infernal arts, blood magic and even some knowledge of various rituals.

Mounted Combat:
[Very Poor] She's not going to demean herself by allowing to be ferried about by some wretched animal, much less fighting atop of one. It's a two-way street however, and horses are one of the animals that don't much enjoy the presence of devils and tend to shy away from her when she approaches. She also has no idea how to even ride one.

∞ Racial Abilities ∞
[Good] The devil's in the details, as they say. Gehenna has an inherent knack for contract and negotiations and is able to draft up a deal favorable to both parties. Though not you wouldn't guess it, Gehenna is perfectly willing to wheel, deal, and compromise to see that a contract is favorable by both parties. However, one must be careful and read the fine print, for she is not afraid to strangle an individual with the conditions made in a foolish deal. It gives her a vile sense of satisfaction to destroy someone with their own deal. There's always that one human who will sell his soul for an iota of power-- those are her favorite types of contracts, if cliched. She thinks they're cute.

[Excellent] She is ruthlessly cunning and though she is unable to lie, those that know this fact can be deceived just as easily as if she was. Half-truths, noncommittal answers, and simple withheld information can destroy one just as easily as a well placed lie. Not only that, but due to her sociopathic nature, she does not view mortals as individuals but as pawn for her to use and discard at her pleasure. Balthazar is somewhat exempt in this, as per conditions of their contract.

[Good] Gehenna is an intelligent being, able to quickly pick up information and clever enough twist it to suit her purposes. One would have to be to survive as long as she has in the Infernal realms. She well versed in that realm and has quickly learned about this one as well. She is an accomplished sorceress of sorts and is able to discern the best possible way to utilize her abilities and skillset. It's a shame then that her pride often blinds her, and she tends to be rather one-track in her approach.


∞ Natural Talent ∞
Minor Devil:
[Perfect] A step above their demon cousins, a devil carries herself with pride, grace, and strength in equal measure. Though still low on the infernal hierarchy, a devil, even minor, is not something to be trifled with. Her status gifts her an immense wellspring of power granted that she has the blood to fuel it. She is tougher and stronger than your average human, and she carries enough ego to choke herself if it were a physical thing.

[Excellent] Ambition and the power to strive for it. Gehenna wants to ascend to a higher plane that what her station allows, and wishes to return to the Infernal realms no longer a minor Devil, but something much more. She is willing and ready to do anything at all possible to see her goals obtained. Her drive is a dangerous thing to stand in front of, but it also makes her steadfast ally of you are both useful to her and your goals align with hers. How much more ambitious can you get than wanting to possess the soul of a God?

[Good] As stated before, she is tougher than an ordinary mortal, and she is quite difficult to outright kill. She can shrug off most wounds that would incapacitate ordinary mortals, and she possesses a healing factor to heal from wounds quicker as well. It is not to say she is invincible, she has her weaknesses. Magic is able to damage her, silver stings, iron burns, holly chokes, and salt pisses her off.

∞ Class Skills ∞
Blood Magic:
[Good] What can be stated that hasn't already been said? Blood magic is an integral part of who she is as devil, that the lack of blood can actually weaken her. She needs to regularly feed in order to keep her pool of power up, and her magic also draws from the same pool. This of course leads to a rather infernal subset of magic.

Infernal Knowledge:
[Good] Obviously, she knows about infernal things. She can bestow words of power to mortal individuals, guide them in the correct process of rituals, and tutor them to make a good mage better. Her blood pact with Balthazar is one such example that falls under the broad curtain of her knowledge.

∞ Spells/Powers ∞

[Excellent] A core pillar of her skillset, Gehenna has the ability to shift into any creature found in the mortal plane. This includes humans, as her human form is just that. One of the forms she is able to take on, however, she is unable to shift the appearance of her forms, so she cannot shift into a different human. Her favorite forms, aside from the human one, are crows, wolves, and snakes, but in no way are they limited to that. Curiously, even in her shifted forms she carries a subdued scent of sulfur with her and always seem to possess a dark hue.

[Above Average] It's not something she deals a lot in, but she's able to cast glamour and dread hexes in equal measure. She can enchant mortals with weak enough wills and turn them to her purpose to be used as she desires. Though admittedly those with weak enough wills are usually the most useless, so it's more or less a hunting mechanism. The dread is the opposite, which she uses to project the image of herself as something truly monstrous into the minds of mortals. Fear is a strong tool for those intelligent enough to wield it.

Elemental Spells:
[Good] It has not escaped her attention that her predisposition to fire and lightning runs counter of Balthazar's own. However, like him she is also able to wield the other elements in a satisfactory nature.

Infernal Spells:
[Good] An undefined set of magical abilities that do not fit under the labels of one of the above. From being able to summon an illusory murder of crows to provide a distraction to wielding blood as a physical weapon, her repertoire is a varied lot. She is only limited by both her cruel imagination and the store of blood she has consumed.


Image∞ Head ∞
Largely bare, but the cloak she tends to wear has a hood and she has been known to pull it up from time to time.

∞ Neck ∞

∞ Chest ∞
A thin gray camisole serving only to keep her decent. Mortals have a tendency to stop paying attention otherwise.

∞ Back ∞
Nothing, she is not some beast of burden, she will not carry your things.

∞ Arm/Shoulder ∞
Perhaps the brightest article of clothing she possesses, a scarlet cloak. The edges are frayed, but they never seem to be in any danger of getting damged.

∞ Right Accessory ∞
An earring made out of a black feather.

∞ Left Accessory ∞

∞ Waist ∞
A thin cloth belt. Nothing to special

∞ Legs ∞
A long flowing skirt of a brown color. Again, it's nothing too fancy and mainly serves to keep the minds of mortals in the right place.

∞ Feet ∞
Barefooted, but her feet always seem soft in spite of this.

∞ Weapons ∞

Weapon Name: Bloodletter
Weapon Type: Dagger
Material: Bronze-- anything else tends to burn
Length: 12"
Weight: Less than a pound
Weapon Description/Info: Gehenna's Bloodletter is less of a weapon and more of a tool... Of sorts. It's named literally, and she primarily uses it to open up her victims to feed upon the blood without having to bite through the flesh and fat. It's neither a weapon that can be usually found at her side either, more likely to be stored away so that she doesn't lose it and doesn't have to keep track of it. It's made from bronze and leather instead of iron and silver so it won't burn her when wielded.

"Where is it that devils hail from? Perhaps it is best you do not ask us that, for sake of your own flimsy sanity."

∞ Group Affiliation ∞
Her only true loyalty lies with herself and with Balthazar, and even then he's only a means to an end. Whatever group he says that he is affiliated with, then she is as well. Truthfully, she couldn't care less about the witches Balthazar allies himself with.

∞ Marital Status ∞
Single for the foreseeable future.

∞ Relatives ∞
Perhaps. Perhaps not. She doesn't say.

∞ Origin/Social Rank ∞
Minor Devil of the Infernal Plane.

∞ Occupation ∞
The Witch King's partner, bodyguard, loyal second, and the devil on his shoulder tempting him with the power he could have.


∞ Bio/History ∞

Hailing from the Infernal Planes, perhaps the less that is said about her past is for the best. Her life span is counted in centuries, and many of those years were spent trying to ascend the Hierarchy, that is the social and power ranking of the demonic beings that reside in that realm. Life was not easy and she had to become predatory in order to not only survive, but advance in station. It took hundreds of years for her to merely obtain the rank of a minor Devil. She has taken many a damned soul and fed on their blood in order to scratch and claw her way up, and she will not allow any one diminish her accomplishments.

Having been born in the Infernal Planes, she know of some of the other creatures and beings that inhabit the Otherworld. Among these, the ones she disdains the most are the self-proclaimed Gods. Arrogant beings who didn't have to fight to obtain their powers like she did, and they waste that power on foolish whims and flights of fancy. At least Devils are honest in their intentions and goals. Power for powers sake, to further their goals and ambitions. A devil will stab you in the back, yes, but he will not lie about it later.

Aule is one of these Gods she despises so. His messiah proclaims him as a being of great mercy and kindness, styling himself as the original creator of the mortal realm, and a ruler returned. The thought would be funny to Gehenna, if his gall didn't piss her off so much. She views him as a coward, too weak to conquer his own realm so he had to settle for the mortal realm. However, the fact remains, he stands head and shoulders above the minor devil as a God and there is nothing Gehenna can about it do by herself.

Fortunately, she doesn't have to. Across realms a call for aid to reached her, the beckon? To slay the God Aule. Bathazar was the name the human gave her, a self styled Witch King. Though their reasoning differed, they wanted the same thing: To kill Aule. She offered him a blood pact, and he proved more shrewd than she gave human's credit for, ending the negotiations on equal terms rather than one ruling over the other. Her reward for aiding him? Aule's soul.

So she aids Balthazar in unifying the witch covens as a bodyguard and as his second. A small price to pay to obtain the soul of a God.


Gehenna’s Blood Pact Contract

Gehenna, the Lady of Crows and the Sanguine Princess, henceforth referred to as Gehenna, and Balthazar Gilthanas Weylin, of the country Dorelith of the Mortal Realm, henceforth referred to as Balthazar, set forth their contract as follows:

The Service:

Gehenna shall lend the full force of the powers of her person to the objectives defined and stated by Balthazar and detailed in this Contract, as follows:

    Imprimis, Gehenna will implement a Lifebond Spell with Balthazar, enabling them to share a lifespan until such time as the other terms of the contract have been satisfied or the agreement is terminated by free consent of both parties.

    Secundus, Gehenna will aid Balthazar in any and all ways he deems relevant, appropriate, and strategically sound in his goal of terminating from existence the being currently known as Aule.

    Tertius, Gehenna will, as a matter of course, obey such general restrictions on behavior and practice (e.g., the obtaining of sustenance) as Balthazar sees fit to put in place, as long as these restrictions do not provide danger to her life.

    Quartus, Gehenna will aid Balthazar’s study of the ancient languages and practices of the Otherworlds, when time and circumstances permit.

    Quintus, Gehenna will remain, if at all possible, in circumstances which would allow her to be effectively contacted/summoned by Balthazar, either magically or directly, as to maintain effective communications in their mutual goals. She will not lie to him, nor manipulate the truth in an attempt to mislead or redirect his attention.

The Reward:

In return, Balthazar shall upon the death of the being known as Aule, grant Gehenna leave to consume that being's soul, as well as the essence of the mortal vessel that contains it.


  • Balthazar will ensure that Gehenna has access to all material sustenance she requires, either by granting her leave to feed upon enemies, civilians, or, if he deems this impermissible, secure her some alternative source of food. He may specify that the amount she takes from any individual is to be non-lethal, but he may not restrict her intake in such a way as to inhibit her ordinary, healthy function.

  • When devising plans, orders, and requests for Gehenna, Balthazar will do so only to the extent that they are tactically sound to his knowledge, relevant, and in service of their common goal. He is not permitted to command her to do anything he knows or suspects will be unsound, foolish, or prohibitively harmful. He will treat Gehenna with the respect she is due, in recognition of their status as partners in contract.

  • If not before, the contract is to be terminated upon the death and consumption of the being known as Aule. After such events, Balthazar and Gehenna will exercise no contractual demands upon one another, unless a new contract is drawn up.

Credit to Kiku for the Contract.

So begins...

Gehenna's Story